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A.D.  1461—1467. 



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Preface    --.-----▼ 

Cohrigenba  -  -  •  -  -  "  -      vii 

Calendar  --------I 

Index       --.--•--    673 

«     86914.         Wt.  1080.  "  ^ 


The  present  volume  forms  part  of  a  series  of  Calendars 
of  the  Patent  Rolls  from  the  reign  of  Edward  I.  to  that 
of  Henry  VII.  the  object  and  character  of  which  are  ex- 
plained in  the  Preface  to  the  first  volume  for  the  reign 
of  Edward  III.  (a.d.  1327—1330.)  The  text  has  been 
prepared,  under  my  immediate  supervision,  by  Mr.  R.  C. 
Fowler,  with  the  assistance  of  Mr.  R.  F.  Isaacson,  both  of 
the  Public  Record  OflBce.  Mr.  Fowler  has  also  compiled 
the  Index. 

July  1897. 


Pkge  10,  line     1,/or  Northljen  read  Northljen. 

18,  „  torchmaker  (branderatoris)  read  broiderer  (braaderatoris). 

1,  „  Ketesgate  read  Eefteagate. 

36,  „  Fru8  read  YrWs. 

45,  ,9  Northlien  read  Xorthlieu. 

35,  dele  in  the  dioceM  of  Canterbury,  and  at  the  end  of  the  entry  read 
The  letters  are  directed  to  Thomas,  archbishop  of  Canterbury. 

42,  for  pass  read  straits. 

83,  dele  comma  after  Hnyssh. 

30,  after  moiety  read  of. 

22, /or  Llangeven  read  LlangeTen. 

18,  „  surrices  read  surviTes. 


































1  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  I. 


March  21. 

April  8. 

April  8. 

Membrane  27. 

Protection,  for  two  3'ears,  for  Edmund  Grey  of  Euthyn,  knight,  going 
beyond  seas^  and  his  men  and  possessions. 

Appointment,  fduring  pleasure,  of  William  Notyngham  as  the  king's 
attorney  general  in  all  the  king's  courts  of  record  in  England,  receiving  the 
accustomed  fees.  By  K. 

Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  Thomas  Groxton  of  the  offices  of  coroner  and 
attorney  of  the  crown  in  the  court  of  King's  Bench,  receiving  the  accustomed 

June  22. 
'  Westminster. 

July  6. 

July  11. 


Nov.  18. 


Nov.  17. 


Nov.  20. 

Nov.  21. 

Nov.  28. 

u    86914. 

Membrane  26* 

Pardons  of  outlawry  to  the  following  : — 
John  BuUesdon,  late  of  Neweton  Sayntlo,  co.  Somerset,  esquire,  for 
not  appearing  before  John  Prysot  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  the 
Bench  in  the  late  reign,  to  answer  John  Austell,  esquire,  touching  a 
debt  of  20/.,  he  having  surrendered  to  the  Flete  prison,  as  appears 
by  certificate  of  Robert  Danby,  chief  justice.  Middlesex. 

Boger  Webbe,  late  citizen  and  barber-surgeon  of  London,  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  John  Clerk,  citizen  and  grocer  of  London, 
touching  a  debt  of  9/.  13^.  4d.  Middlesex. 

Walter  Heende  of  Barton  on  Humbre,  co.  Lincoln,  merchant,  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  John  Smyth  of  Elkyngton  and  V/illiam  Smyth 
of  Welton  touching  a  debt  of  98/.  13*.  4d.  Lincoln. 

John  Debbenham,  late  of  Eye,  co.  Suffolk,  *  draper,'  for  not  appearing 
to  answer  John  Senycle  alias  Senekyll,  citizen^and  *  haberdas^her  * 
of  London,  touching  a  debt  of  11/.  I5s,  London, 

William  Bayes  of  Great  Cateworth,  co.  Huntingdon,  *  husbondman,' 
for  not  appearing  to  answer  John  Styward  touching  a  debt  of 
lOOs.  and  Eobert  Norton,  chaplain,  touching  a  trespass. 

London  &  Lincoln. 

Thomas  Champemoun  of  Havont,  co.  Southampton,  merchant,  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  Simon  Patrik,  burgess  and  merchant  of 
Southampton,  touching  a  debt  of  9/.  Southampton. 

John  Dene,  late  of  Great  Barynton,  co.  Gloucester,  *  husbondman,'  for 
not  appearing  to  answer  Richard  Ryche  of  London,  *  mercer,'  and 
Robert  Basset  of  London,  '  Salter,'  touching  a  debt  of  40*.     Londcn. 

John  Crosby,  late  vicar  of  Wrothara,  co.  Kent,  alias  of  Ezton,  co. 
Southampton,  clerk,  for  not  appearing  to  answer  John  Pemberton, 
clerk,  and  Richard  Sanke  of  Sele  touching  a  debt  of  9/.     Middlesex. 

Wt.  1080.  ^ 



Nov.  17. 

Nov.  4. 

Nov.  27. 

Nov.  26. 

Nov.  26. 


July  11. 

Nov.  16. 


Nov.  24. 

.  Nov.  24. 


Nov.  28. 


Jan.  26. 


Jan.  26. 


.Tulj  11. 

Membrane  26 — cont. 

John  Sjser  of  Swafham  Priour,  co.  Cambridge^ '  husbondman/  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  touching  a  plea  that  he  render  goods  to  Thomas 
HUdersham.  Suffolk. 

Membrane  25. 

John  Don jngton  of  the  parish  of  Stonle,  oo.  Warwick,  ^  husbondman,^ 
for  not  appearing  to  answer  John  Campyon  touching  a  delit  of  40«. 


John  Peyto,  late  of  Chesterton,  co.  Warwick,  esqoire,  for  not  appearing 
to  answer  Bobert  Colby,  citizen  and  clothier  of  London,  touching  a 
debt  of  10/.  London* 

Bichard  Towold,  late  of  Pavenham,  co.  Bedford,  *yoman,'  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  Bichard  lUyngworth  touching  a  debt  of  40 
marks.  Middlesex. 

Thomas  Broun,  late  of  Pavenham, '  husbondman,*  for  the  same. 


Christopher  Spenser  of  Langtoft,  co.  York,  esqaire,  for  not  appearing 
to  answer  William  Say,  dean  of  St.  Paul's,  Londou,  touching  a  debt 
of  8/.,  and  touching  a  plea  that  he  render  lOOs,  to  Bichard  Peroy,. 
esquire,  and  Katharine  his  wife,  late  the  wife  of  William  Fayrfax, 
esquire,  who  died  intestate,  and  administratrix  of  his  goods. 

Berks  &  London.. 

Thomas  Bland  of  Derby,  *  chapman,'  for  not  appearing  to  answer  John 
Wheler, '  gurdeler,'  touching  a  debt  of  40«.  Middlesex. 

Mbmbrane  24. 

John  at  Yate  of  Canford,  co.  Dorset,  *  husbondman,'  for  not  appearing  to- 
answer  John,  prior  of  Bradenestok,  touching  a  debt  of  20/.       Wilts. 

Thomas  Schucburgh,  late  of  Stony  Stratford,  co.  Buckingham,  esquire,, 
for  not  appearing  to  answer  Thomas  Clarell  and  Thomas  £dy  touching 
a  debt  of  20/.  Buckingham. 

Martin  Scap,  late  of  the  parish  of  Burghmerssh,  co.  Kent,  ^  yoman,* 
for  not  appearing  to  answer  touching  a  plea  that  he  render  50/.  to 
Thomas,  bishop  of  London,  administrator  of  the  goods  of  John, 
cardinal  bishop  of  St.  Buffina,  archbishop  of  Canterbury  and  legate 

'   of  the  apostolic  see,  who  died  intestate.  Middlesex* 

William  Pertryche  of  Bi*etford,  co.  Warwick,  '  husbondman,'  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  William  Seyntegeorge,  knight,  and  Thomas 
Boughton  touching  a  debt  of  10  marks.  Cambridge^ 

John  Gk>wesell  of  Haburgh,  co.  Lincoln,  '  husbondman,'  for  not  appear- 
ing to  answer  WiUiam  Skipwith  touching  a  debt  of  20/.    Middlesex. 

Thomas  Groundeswily  of  Charleton,  co.  Dorset,  ^  husbondman,'  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  John  Barbour,  touching  a  trespass.    Southampton . 

Henry  Swynshed  of  Chorleton,  co.  Stafford,  'yoman,'  Isabel  his  wife 
and  Geoffrey  Swynshed  of  Chorleton,  'husbondman,'  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  Thomas  Shelton  touching  a  trespass.     Bedford. 

The  same,  for  the  same. 

Membrane  23. 

Stephen  Hoggys  of  Frethynden,  co.  Kent, '  gentilman,' administrator 
of  the  goods  of  John  Hoggys,  wbo  died  intestate,  for  not  appearing 
to  answer  John  Palmer  touching  a  debt  of  40s.  Surrey. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  L 



Oct.  16. 


Oct.  16. 


Oct.  17. 



Jan.  23. 



Nov.  18. 


Jan.  28. 

Jan.  29. 


Jan.  2. 


Jan.  28. 


Membrane  23 — cont, 

Richard  Scarburgh  of  London^  clerk,  alias  scholar,  son  of  John  Scar- 
burgh,  late  citieen  and  skinner  of  London,  for  not  appearing  to  answer 
John  Stonjs,  citizen  and  skinner  of  London,  touching  a  debt  of  20/. 


Henry  Poole,  citizen  and  goldsmith,  of  London,  for  not  appearing  to 
answer  John  Broun  of  London,  ^gentiljnan,'  touching  a  debt  of  200/. 


Oliver  Skjnner  of  Oxford,  ^  husbondman,'  alias  Oliver  Urrj  of  Oxford, 
skinner,  for  not  appearing  to  answer  Ancbrew  Jamys  and  Thomas 
Beleter,  citizen  and  mercer  of  London,  touching  debts  of  lOOf.  and 
12/.  I5s.  4d,  respectively.  Southampton  &  London. 

John  Whitwell  of  Egilton,  oo.  Butlan/d,  '  husbondman,'  for  not  appear- 
ing to  answer  John  Clement,  clerk,  and  Thomas  Southsex, '  woiman,' 
touching  a  debt  of  15  marks.  Leicester. 

Geffrey  Forster  of  Bypon,  co.  York,  alias  late  of  Lincoln,  'littester,' 
for  not  appearing  to  answer  William  Stanes,  citizen  and  '  littester ' 
of  York,  touching  a  debt  of  12/.  13^.  4d.  York. 

William  Londe  of  Boreton,  co.  Devon,  groom,  for  not  appearing  when 
sued  with  Joan  late  the  wife  of  Thomas  Londe  of  Boreton, '  wedowe^' 

'  and  Thomas  Guynterell  of  Plympton  Comitis,  co.  Devon,  ^  wever,'  to 
answer  William  Halswell  touching  a  trespass.  Devon. 

WQliam  Bucton,  late  of  Usflete,  co.  York,  knight,  for  not  appearing 
to  answer  Christopher  Warter,  late  alderman  and  citizen  and  skinner 
of  London,  touching  a  debt  of  21/.  9s.  lOd, 

Boger  Weld  of  Iseldon,  co.  Middlesex,  '  courser,'  for  not  appearing  to 
answer  John  Lathum,  clerk,  touching  a  debt  of  6/.  13^.  4c/.      York. 

John  Bede  of  Stepyll  Bomstede,  co.  Essex,  ^husbondman/  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  Edmund,  abbot  of  Westminster,  touching  a  debt 
of  40/.  Essex. 

Edward  Pope  of  Whittokesmede,  co.  Somerset, '  husbondman,'  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  the  abbot  and  convent  of  St.  Mary's,  Cirencester, 
touching  a  debt  of  100/.  Gloucester. 

William  Pedefere  of  Bilton,  co.  Warwick, '  frankeleyn,'  for  not  appear- 
ing to  answer  Thomas  Worsley,  rector  of  Bylton,  touching  a  debt  of 
26  marks,  6«.  Sd.  Warwick. 


Oct.  20. 


Oct.  — . 


Oct.  29. 


Mbmbranb  22. 

John  Sudbury,  rector  of  Spryngfeld,  co.  Essex,  for  not  anpearing  to 
answer  Thomas,  bishop  of  London,  touching  a  debt  of  20/. 


John  Newman,  of  Great  Holand,  co.  Essex,  clerk,  for  not  appearing  to 
answer  William  Haliday  touching  a  debt  of  10/.  Essex. 

Stephen  Hoggys,  late  of  Frythenden,  co.  Kent,  '  gentilman,'  for  net 
appearing  to  answer  William  Crosman,  citizen  and  mercer  of 
London,  touching  a  debt  of  40».  London. 

John  Glosse  of  Dulverton,  co.  Somerset,  'boper,'  for  not  appearing  to 
answer  Bichard  Lokyngton,  touching  a  debt  of  40f .  Devon. 

A  2 



Oct.  16. 


Nov.  5. 

Nov.  6. 

Nov.  5. 

Nov.  7. 

Oct.  16. 


Nov.  19. 

Nov.  5. 

Nov.  6. 


Oct.  16. 


Nov.  3. 

Nov.  11. 

Membrane  22 — cani. 

John  Fayn  of  HoneworUi,  oo.  Norfolk,  *  barker,'  for  not  appeariD^^  to 
answer  Nicholas  Neweman,  citizen  of  Norwich, '  draper,'  tonching  a 
debt  of  40*.  City  of  Norwich. 

William  EUjngbam  of  St.  Statmola  without  the  east  gate  of  Exeter,  co. 

Devon, '  chapman,'  for  not  appearing  to  answer  John  Lok,  citizen  and 

mercer  of  London,  Thomas  Bryan  and  Richard  Levermore  the  elder, 

'  gentilman,'  touching  a  debt  of  30/.  6«.  8d.  London. 

Thomas  Sarell,  late  of  York,  chaplfdn,  for  not  appearing  to  answer 
Bobert  Ejrkeham,  clerk,  and  Bobert  Thurkelby  touching  a  debt  of 

William  Bourne,  late  of  Neweton  Sajntlo,  oo.  Somerset,  esquire,  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  John  Austell,  esquire,  touching  a  debt  of  20/. 


Bichard  West  of  Thirnesto,  co.  Lincoln,  *  fjssher,'  for  not  appearing  to 
answer  Bichard  Asbj  touching  a  debt  of  40s,  Lincoln. 

John  Haccheford,  late  of  Canyngton,  co.  Somerset, '  gentilman,'  for  not 
I4>pearing  to  render  40^.  to  Thomas  Holand  and  Elizabeth  his  wife, 
executrix  of  the  will  of  Edward  Colyford.  Devon. 

Bobert  Prjnce,  late  of  Feny  Sutton,  co.  WOts, '  husbondman,*  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  John  Gunture,  esquire,  touching  a  debt  of  100^. 


Bichard  Tuplyon  of  Somercotes  St.  Peter,  co.  Lincoln,  *  yoman,'  for  not 
appearing  when  sued  with  William  Skortereth,  *  maryner,'  and  Boger 
Tate,  *  husbondman,'  both  of  Saltflethaven  in  the  parish  of  Skydbroke, 
CO.  Lincoln,  to  answer  John  Croftes  touching  a  trespass.    Middlesex. 

The  said  William  Skortereth,  for  the  same.  Middlesex. 

John  Derydo,  late  of  Spekyngton,  co.  Somerset,  *  husbondman,'  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  Thomas  Calwodeley  touching  a  debt  of  40/. 


Bobert  James,  late  of  Belchamp  St.  Paul's,  co.  Essex, '  husbondman,'  for 
not  appearing  to  answer  William  Daweson  of  London,  *  yoman,'  touch- 
ing a  debt  of  40^.,  and  to  answer  a  plea  that  he  render  20  marks  to 
John  Sturgeon  the  elder,  citizen  and  mercer  of  London,  and  Thomas 
Frowyk,  son  and  heir  of  Henry  Frowyk  the  elder,  executors  of  the 
will  of  Nicholas  Sturgeon,  chaplain.  London. 

John  Ketyll,  late  of  Poule  Belchamp,  co.  Essex, '  husbandman,'  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  William  Daweson  of  London,  *  yoman,'  touching 
a  debt  of  40*.  London. 

John  Blower  of  Tylney,  co.  Norfolk,  *  gentilman/  for  not  appearing 
when  sued  with  Bobeit  Dyxe  of  Tylney, '  husbondman,'  John  of  Towne 
of  South  Lenne,  co.  Norfolk,  baker,  and  William  Catte  of  South 
Lenne,  'somonour,'  executors  of  the  will  of  Hugh  Fenge,  late  of 
Walpole,  'taylour,'  to  render  405.  to  Thomas  Parmenter.        Suffolk. 

William  Saltmarssh,  late  of  Wakefeld,  co.  York,  *  barker,'  for  not  appear- 
ing when  sued  with  Thomas  Gybson, '  barker,'  and  Katharine  Salt- 
marssh, '  wydowe,'  both  of  Wakefeld,  to  answer  William  Gargrave, 
esquire,  touching  a  trespass.  York. 

John  Prentys  of  Thaxstede,  co.  Essex,  *  shether,'  for  not  appearing  when 
sued  with  Thomas  Grousse  and  John  Grousse  the  younger,  both  of 
Fynchyngfeld,  co.  Essex,  *  husbondmen,*  and  Edmund  Shether  and 
William  Pecker,  clerk,  both  of  Thaxstede,  to  answer  John  Phelipp 
touching  a  trespass.  Essex. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  L 


Nov.  12. 

Nov.  3. 

Nov.  1 4. 

Nov.  13. 

Nov.  17. 

Membrane  22 — cont. 

John  MarchaU,  late  of  Hamerton,  co.  Huntinf;don,  clerk,  for  not  appear- 
ing when  sued  with  John  Rjchere,  late  of  Hamerton, '  husbondeman/ 
to  answer  William,  abbot  of  St.  John's,  Colchester,  touching  a  debt  of 
20/.  Essex. 

Thomas'  Gybson  of  Wakefeld,  co.  York, '  barker,'  for  not  appearing  to 
answer  William  Gargrave,  esquire,  as  above.  York. 

John  Benetston,  late  of  Westshene  in  the  parish  of  Kjngeston  on 
Thames,  co.  Surrey,  *  kerver,'  for  not  appearing  to  answer  Hugh 
Fraunceys  touching  a  trespass.  Surrey. 

Thomas  Prat  of  Weston  Underwode,  co.  Bucks,  *  husbondman,'  for  not 
appearing  when  sued  with  Agnes  his  wife,  William  Achirche  of 
Weston, '  husbondman,'  and  Katharine  his  wife  to  answer  William 
Roughed  touching  a  trespass.  Bucks. 

Richard  Ivys  of  Westwynche,  co.  Norfolk,  *  husbondman,'  for  not  appear- 
ing to  answer  John  NicholaB  the  younger  touching  a  debt  of  llOs. 


June  28. 


Feb.  6. 

Feb.  9. 

Feb.  6. 

Jan.  28. 


Jan.  24. 

Feb.  10. 

Feb.  12. 

Jan.  24. 


Mbmbranb  21. 

William  Byrd,  late  of  London,  *  chapman,'  for  not  appearing  to  answer 
John  Wheler,  late  citizen  and  girdler  of  London,  touching  a  debt  of 
40s,  Middlesex. 

Thomas  Barker,  late  of  Halesworth,  co.  Suffolk, '  husbondman,'  for  not 
appearing  before  Richard  Neuton  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  the 
Bench  in  the  late  reign,  to  answer  touching  a  plea  that  he  render  40«. 
to  John  Cobbe,  chaplain,  Robert  Borell,  Nicholas  Stampard  and 
William  Elmy,  executors  of  the  will  of  Thomas  Clement,  late  of 
Halesworth.  Suffolk. 

Richard  Austyn  alias  Kelyng  of  Waldegrave,co.  Northampton, '  gentil- 
man,'  for  not  appearing  before  John  Prysot  and  his  fellows  to  answer 
William  Gedney  of  Northampton  touching  a  debt  of  4/. 


Thomas  Broun  of  Maydeston,  co.  Kent,  *  skynner,'  for  not  appearing  to 
answer  Richard  Kyng  touching  a  debt  of  40s,  Kent. 

For  God  because  he  is  poor. 

Walter  Kyngton,  late  of  Woxbrygge,  co.  Middlesex, '  yoman,'  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  John  Boton  of  London, '  gentilman,'  Richard 
Claver,  citizen  and  mercer  of  London,  and  Robert  Muchgode, 
'gentilman,'  late  of  Denham,  touching  debts  of  100;.,  40/.  and  20/. 
respectively.  London. 

Richard  Baxster,  late  of  Ersham,  co.  Norfolk,  *  yoman,'  for  not  appear- 
ing to  answer  Robert  Wade  and  William  Seton,  gentlemen,  touching 
a  debt  of  20/.  Norwich. 

William  Frankeleyn  of  Culworth,  co.  Northampton,  *  husbondman,'  for 
not  appearing  to  answer  Richard  Wright  touching  a  debt  of  6  marks. 


Richard  Taillour,  late  of  Newenton,  co.  Surrey, '  capper,'  for  not  appear- 
ing to  answer  John  Lodelowe  of  Hempstede  Ferrers  and  Richard 
Baldewyn  of  Wantynge  touching  a  debt  of  40s.  Surrey. 

Henry  Stone  of  Northampton,  merchant,  for  not  appearing  to  answer 
Thomas  Wates,  citizen  and  clothier  of  London,  touching  a  debt  of 
60s.  Northampton. 




Nov.  6. 

Nov.  24. 

Nov.  18. 

Membrane  21— con/. 

Patrick  Hejeaunt,  late  of  Rejgate,  co.  Sarrej,  '  huaboDdman/  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  William  Traas  of  London,  *  meroer/  touching 
a  debt  of  63s,  London. 

Nicholas  Bogelej  of  Fresaheford,  co.  Somerset,  '  husbondman,'  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  the  abbot  of  St.  Mary's,  Cirencestre,  tonching 
a  debt  of  100/.  Gloucester. 

Thomas  Langford,  citizen  and  *  curriour '  of  London,  for  not  appearing  to 
answer  John  Dunstaple,  goldsmith  and  citizen  of  London,  touching 
a  debt  of  18/.  London. 


April  9. 

April  20. 

April  20. 

A  pril  27. 

April  19. 

April  29. 

April  28. 

Confirmation  without  anj  fine  or  fee  to  Anne  duchess  of  Buckingham, 
late  the  wife  of  Humphrey  duke  of  Buckingham,  of  letters  patent  dated 
4  February,  89  Henry  YI.,  being  a  grant  to  her  for  life  in  dower,  in  amplifi- 
cation of  a  grant  by  letters  patent  dated  19  September,  of  the  manor  and 
lordship  of  Kynges  Hatfeld,  free  chace  and  hunting  in  the  hay  of  Hatfeld, 
the  manor  and  lordship  of  Fobbyng,  the  hundreds  of  Ongre  and  Harlowe 
with  courts  and  perquisites,  co.  Essex,  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Desenyng, 
the  manor  of  Haverhull  with  the  hamlet  of  Hersham,  cos.  Suffolk  and 
Essex,  the  manors  of  Wawens  Wotton  and  Tissho,  co.  Warwick,  the  castle, 
manor  and  lordship  of  Okeham,  co.  Rutland,  the  manor  and  hundred  of 
Rothewell  with  the  fee  farm  of  the  town  and  the  borough  there,  the  manor 
of  Slapthom  alias  Glapthom,  co.  Northampton,  the  manor  and  lordship  of 
Okham,  co.  Surrey,  the  manor  of  Pakynton,  co.  Stafford,  the  manor  and 
lordship  of  Agmondesham  and  the  manor  of  Little  Birkehill,  co.  Bucks, 
with  their  appurtenances  and  knight's  fees,  advowsons  and  other  franchises, 
parcel  of  the  possessions  of  the  late  duke  in  England,  Wales,  the  marches 
of  Wales  and  Calais.  By  p.s. 

Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Witham  of  the  office  of  chancellor  of  the 
Exchequer,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Appointment  for  life  of  Henry  Sotehill  as  attorney  general  in  all  courts 
of  i*ecord  in  England,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees,  with  power  of  appoint- 
ing deputies.  By  pji. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelled^  11  July,  11  Edward  IV. 

Grant  to  John  Russell  of  the  prebend  which  William  Say  had  in  the 
king's  free  chapel  of  St.  Stephen  within  his  palace  of  Westminster,  void  by 
the  resignation  of  the  latter.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  dean. 

Grant  for  life  to  John  Lynde  of  the  custody  of  the  gaol  of  Norwich 
Castle,  with  the  accustomed  tees.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  Cecilia,  late  the  wife  of  Thomas  Kiryell,  knight,  and  executrix 
of  his  wiU,  durino;  the  minority  of  Gile9  the  son  and  heir  of  William 
Daubeny  late  of  Southpederton,  co.  Somei^et,  esquire,  deceased,  of  all 
the  possessions  of  the  latter,  with  the  custody  and  marriage  of  the  heir, 
saving  to  Alice  late  the  wife  of  the  said  William  her  reasonable  dower.  If 
the  heir  die  during  minority  she  shall  have  the  same  during  the  minority 
of  the  next  heir,  and  so  on.  By  p«s. 

Appointment,  until  1  November,  of  Thomas  Stoughton,  fishmonger,  of 
London,  to  provide  stockfish,  salmon,  herrings,  and  other  salt  fish  for  the 
household.  By  bill  of  treasurer  of  the  household. 

The  like  of  Richard  Sutton,  fishmonger,  of  London,  to  provide  sea  fish. 

By  bill  of  treasurer  of  the  household. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  I. 

1461 .  Mem^ane  20— con/. 

Maj  1.  Grant,  during  pleasorey  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Clemens  of  the 

^owca*tl«-on-  office  of  steward  of  the  duchy  of  Cornwall  in  the  county  of  Cornwall, 

receiving  the  fees  as  in  the  time  of  Edwanl,  prince  of  Wales,  duke   of 

Cornwall  and  earl  of  Chester,  eldest  son  of  Edward  III.  By  p.s. 


May  1. 


May  8. 

Mny  8. 

May  11. 

May  14. 


Au<r.  30. 

Oct.  24. 


July  23. 

Mbmbranb  19. 

Grant,  at  the  supplication  of  the  king's  sister  Anne,  duchess  of  Exeter, 
to  Thomas,  archbishop  of  Canterbury,  George,  bishop  of  Exeter,  Richard, 
bishop  of  Salisbury,  John  Nevill  of  Montegu,  knight,  John  Audeley  of 
Audeley,  William  Hast^nges,  knight,  and  William  Stanley,  esquire,  the 
lordships  of  Hope  and  Hopesdale,  co.  Flint,  in  North  Wales,  Manorbery,  co. 
Pembroke,  in  South  Wales,  North wich  and  Overmersshe,  co.  Chester, 
Newton  and  Haydok,  co.  Lancaster,  and  Dalbere,  Dalberelees  and  Wyrkes- 
worth,  CO.  Derby,  the  lordships  and  manors  of  Thorpwaterfeld,  Achircbe, 
Alwynkell,  Chestone  and  Calcote,  co.  Northampton,  the  manors  of  Stevynton, 
CO.  Bedford,  Gagdesden,  co.  Herts,  Ardjmgton,  Lydford,  Blakedon,  Hasil- 
beare,  and  the  hundreds  of  Stone  and  Cattesasshe,  co.  Somerset,  the  manor 
of  Bereforth  Seint  Martyn,  co.  Wilts,  and  the  lordships  and  manors  of 
Dertyngton,FleteDamerell,Holberton,  Bovytracy,  Wynkeleghtracy,  Thorn- 
ton, Barnestaple,  Toryngtou,  Suthamylton,  Comemartyn,  Fremyngton, 
Holdesworthy  and  Langacre,  co.  Devon,  and  Coldeharburgh  and  Colde- 
harburgh  Lane,  London,  with  knight's  fees,  advowsons,  views  of  frank 
pledge,  etc.  to  hold  for  her  use  for  her  life.  By  K. 

Appointment,  during  good  behaviour,  of  Brian  Roudyff  as  third  baron  of 
the  Exchequer,  receiving  the  usual  fees  at  the  receipt  of  the  Exchequer  and 
from  the  citizens  of  York  for  the  farm  of  their  town  and  the  weavers  of 
York  for  their  guild,  and  also  his  official  vesture  with  lining  and  fur  at  the 
king's  great  wardrobe,  as  in  the  time  of  Edward  III.  By  K. 

Grant  for  life  to  William  Herbert,  knight,  of  the  offices  of  chief  justice 
and  chamberlain  of  South  Wales,  steward  of  the  commotes  in  the  counties 
of  Caermarthen  and  Cardigan,  and  chief  forester  in  those  counties,  with 
the  accustomed  fees.  By  K. 

Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  Robert  Danby  as  chief  justice  of  the 
Bench,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees.  By  K. 

Grant  for  life  to  Richard  Harcourt,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  parker  of 
the  king's  park  of  Cornbury,  co.  Oxford,  with  the  accustomed  fees.     By  K. 

Grant  for  life  from  Michaelmas  last  to  Isabel,  late  the  wife  of  Robert 
Hoom,  esquire,  in  aid  of  the  sustenance  of  herself  and  her  three  daughters, 
of  40  marks  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  manor  of  Middelton  with  the 
hundreds  of  Middelton  and  Merden,  co.  Kent.  By  p.s. 

General  pardon  to  John  Tup  of  Exeter,  co.  Devon,  *  corveser,'  of  all 
offences  committed  by  him  before  1  October.  By  K. 

Letters  of  naturalisation  for  William  Spencer,  native  of  Cologne,  Idonia 
his  wife  and  the  heirs  of  their  bodies.  By  K« 

Me^ibrane  18. 

March  12.        Commission  to  the  king's  kinsman  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  to  receive 

WestmiMter.  deserters  from  the  party  of  Henry  VI.  and  to  cause  proclamations  to  be 

made  to  that  effect,  and  to  seize  the  possessions  of  all  recusants. 

[^Foederd],  By  K.  by  word  of  month  (pretenui). 

March  10.        Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  kinsman   George,  bishop  of  Exeter,  of 
1  Wettminrter.  herbage  and  pannage  within  the  kirgs  park  of  Bekley,  co.  Oxford. 


1461.  Membrane  18 — cont. 

March  12.        Appointment  of  Thomas  Hore  and  John  James  to  provide  carriage 
WestmlDtter.  certain  wheat  arrested  by  them  by  authority  of  letters  patent  of  the  late  k 
and  to  deliver  the  same  to  the  steward  cf  the  household. 

March  12.        Grant  to  the  king's  servitor  John  Pennant,  chaplain  of  the  chapel  of  1 
Westminster,  household,  of  the  king's  free  chapel  within  his  manor  of  Pensehurst, 
Kent.  By 

March  13.        Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Mauncell  of  the   office 
Westminater.  receiver  of  the  lordships  of  Vises,  Marleburgh  and  Cosham  and  other   p* 
sessions  of  the  king  in  the  counties  of  WUts,  Southampton  and    Dors 
lately  held  by  Edward  Ellesmere,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By 

March  13.        The  like  to  Gilbert  Debenham  the  younger  of  the  office  of  clerk  of  i 
Westminster,  market  of  the  household,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p 

March  13.        The  like  to  John  Stokys,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  parker  or  the   cnsto 

Westminster,  of  the  park  of  Bekkeley,  co.  Oxford,  which  he  had  of  the  grant  of  the  kinj 

father  Richard,  duke  of  York,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  ' 

April  20.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Ive,  of  the  office  of  one  of  t 
Durham.      clerks  of  the  crown  in  Chancery,  receiving  10/.  yearly  from  the  issues 
the  hanaper  and  a  livery  vesture  of  furred  cloth  as   other  clerks  of  t! 
crown  had  at  the  hands  of  the  keeper  of  the  great  wardrobe.  By  p 

May  2.  The  like  to  John  de  Audeley  of  the  offices  of  steward  of  the  king's  po 

Durham.       sessions  and  keeper  of  his  forests,  chases,  parks  and  warrens  in  the  couni 

of  Dorset,  and  of  the  custody  of  the  castle  and  park  of  Wardere,  co.  Wilt 

receiving  40/.  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  lordship  or  manor  of  Cranbur 

Dorset.  By  p, 

May  1.  The  like  with  the  advice  of  the  council  to  John  Wenlok,  knight,  of  t] 

Newcastle  on-  office  of  chief  butler  of  England  which  he  already  holds,  in  the  same  mann< 

Tyne.        ^  Ralph  Boteler,  knight,  lord  of  Sudeley,  held  it.  By  p. 

April  17.  Grant  for  life  to  George  Darell,  esquire,  of  the  lieutenancy  of  the  fore 

Blythe.        of  Milkesham  and  Pevesham  and  the  power  of  appointing  a  ranger  and  oth< 

foresters,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  first  < 

Richard  II.  By  p.i 

July  7.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Tauke  of  the  office  of  bailiff  < 

Westminster.  Buriey  in  the  New  Forest,  co.  Southampton,  with  fees  as  above. 


July  8.  General  pardon  to  John  Gierke  alias  Codeman,  late  of  Waymouth,  o 

Westminster.  Dorset,  *  marchaunt,'  of  all  offences  committed  by  him  before  4  July. 


July  5.  Grant  for  life  to  Adam  Oudedale,  one  of  the  yeompn  of  the  crown,  of  th 

Westminster,  office  of  porter  of  Wyndesore  Castle,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edwari 

III.  and  the  first  of  Richard  II.  at  tlie  hands  of  the  constable  of  the  castle. 

By  p,g 

June  24.  The  like  to  Otewel  Worsley,  esquire,  of  the  offices  of  steward,  constabl 

Westminster,  and  receiver  of  the  castle  nnd  lordship  of  Chirke  and  Chyrkelond,  with  fee 

as  above  from  the  issues  of  the  same.  By  p.s 

July  10.  Appointment  for  life  of  Thomas  Herbert,  ctquire,  as  one  of  the  esquires 

Westminster,  of  the  body,   receiving  50   oiarks  yearly  from  2  April  last  from  the  fe< 

farm  of  the  town  of  Gloucester.  By  p.& 

July  8.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Actcn  of  the  office  of  rider  {equitatoris)  of  the  forest 

■  of  Kynvar,  co.  Stafford,  with  herbage  and  pannage  and  fees  as  in  the  last 

year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Richard  II.  By  p.8. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  L  9 

j4gj^  Mbmbranb  17. 

Mareh  11.       Presentation  of  Olirer  Dynham  to  the  parish  church  of  Chesthont,  in  the 
WestaiinBter.  diocese  of  London.  By  p.8. 

March  9.         Grant  for  life  to  William  Lee,  dtizea  and  ^jojnour' of  London,   of  the 

Westminster,  office  of  porter  in  the  Tower  of  London,  receiving  \2d,  wages  daily  from  the 

farm  and  issues  of  the  counties  of  London  and  Middlesex.  By  K, 

March  11.        The  like  to  John  Don,  esquire,  usher  of  the  chamher,  of  the  office  of 

Weetminster.  serjeant  of  the  armoury  in  the  Tower  of  London,  receiving  the  accustomed 

fees.  By  K. 

March  8.         Appointment  of  William  Bippley  and  William    Harpcote  to    provide 
Westminster,  victuals  and  habilimeiits  of  war  and  carriage  for  the  Eame  for  the  king's  use 
in  marching  against  the  rebels. 

June  17.         The  like  of  Thomas  Comyssh  and  William  Bird  to  provide  cooks  and 

Westminster,   labourers  in  the  offices  of  tiie  kitchen,  scullery  and  saucery  for  the  feast 

of  the  king's  coronation.  By  bill  of  treasurer  of  the  household. 

The  like  of  John   Leyton   to    provide    carriage  of    swans,   peacoGhs,. 
pheasants  and  other  things  for  the  office  of  the  poultry  for  the  coronation. 

The  like  of  John  Treber  to  provide — TJi^niihed. 

March  18.        Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  the  king's  kinsman  Henry,  viscount  Bourgh- 

Westminster.    chier,  of  the  office  of  treasurer  of  the  Exchequer  in  the  same  manner  a» 

Walter  Hungreford,  knight,  late  treasurer.  By  K. 

March  24.        Presentation    of  John   Lumley  to    the    parish    church    of   Hamsted 
Westminster.  Marchail,  in  the  diocese  of  Salisbury. 

May  8.  Mandate  to  the  escheator  in  the  county  of  Worcester  for  the  restitution 

York.        of  the  temporalities  of  the  abbey  of  Evesham  to  Bichard  Penbroke,  monk 

of  the  house,  elected  abbot  in  the  place  of  John  Wykewou,  deceased,  in 

accordance  with  the  licence  by  indult  of  the  apostolic  see.  By  p.s.. 

The  like  to  the  following  : — 

The  chancellor  in  the  county  palatine  of  Lancaster. 

The  escheators  in  the  counties  of  Gloucester,  Warwick,  Northampton^ 
Hereford  and  Stafford. 

Richard  Lee,  mayor  and  escheator  of  London. 
Writ  de  intendendo  in  pursuance  to  the  tenants. 

May  8.  Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  the  king's  servant  Geoffrey  Kidwelly^ 

York.        of  the  offices  of  receiver  of  the  honour  of  Walyngford  and  receiver  of 

Berkhnmstede  and  the  custody  of  the  king's  wood  of  Nettilbed  and  hi9> 

warren  or  park  of  Watlyngton,  with  the  accustomed  fees,  rendering  his- 

account  for  the  said  offices  to  the  auditors  of  the  duchy  of  Cornwall. 

By  p.8» 

May  8.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  William  Hastynges,  knight,  of  the 

York.        office  of  receiver  general  of  the  duchy  of  Cornwall  with  portage  and  the 

accustomed  fees.  By  K, 

July  16.  Grant,  at  the  supplication  of  the  king's  sister  Anne,  duchesci  of  Exeter, 
Wcftminster.  to  Thomas,  archbishop  of  Canterbury,  George,  bishop  of  Exeter,  Bichard, 
bishop  of  Salisbury,  John  Nevyll  of  Mountagu,  knight,  John  Audeley  of 
Audeley,  William  Hastynges  of  Hastynges,  knight,  and  William  Stanley, 
kniglit,  of  the  town  of  Norwich,  co.  Chester,  the  land  and  lordship  of  Hope 
and  Hopedale  m  Wales,  a  yearly  rent  of  7/.  6#.  8<f.  from  the  issues  of  the 
lands  of  Overmerssh,  co.  Chester,  the  lordships  and  manors  of  Neweton  and 
Heydok,  co  Lancaster,  and  Dalbere,  Dalbereleys  and  Wrixworth,  co.  Derby, 
the  castle,  lordships  and  manors  of  Thorpwatervyle,  Achyrche,  Aldewynche, 
Ghelveston  and  Caldeoote,  co.  Northampton,  the  manors  of  Bidlyngton,  oo. 
Rutland,  Stevyngton,  co.  Bedford,  Ardyngton,  co.  Berks,  ana  Great 
Gaddesden,  co.  Herts,  the  lordships  and  macors  of  Mayiierbeare  and 
Pennaly,  co.  Pembroke,  the  manors  of  Ludford,  co.  Somesset,  and  Bovy 


1461.  Membrane  17— con/. 

Tracj,  Northlyen,  Holdesworthj,  Langacrey  Barnestaple,  OomanAr^, 
Fremjngtony  South  Molton,  Dartjngton  and  Blakeboroebotjy  the  hundreds  of 
Fremjngtoa  and  South  Molton  and  the  manors  of  Toryngton,  co.  Devon, 
the  manore  of  Hasilbeare  and  Blakedon  and  the  hundreds  of  Stone  ai^d 
Cattessasshe,  co.  Somerset,  the  manors  of  Takhere,  co.  Comwally  and  Flete 
Damarle,  Holberton,  Thometon  and  Wyncley  Tracy,  co.  Devon,  and  the 
lodging  called  *  Coidherburgh '  and  Coldherburgh  Lane  in  London,  with 
knights'  fees,  advowsons,  views  of  frank  pledge,  etc.,  to  hold  for  her  use  for 
her  life.  ByK. 

Membrane  16. 

March  11.        Grant  to  John  Fray,  knight,  of  200/.  from  the  first  issues  of  the  fee  farm 

Westminster,   of  the  counties  of  London  and  Middlesex,  in  repayment  of  100/.  lent  by 

him  to  the  king  and  100/.  lent  to  the  king's  brother  £dmund,  earl  of 

Butland,  deceased.  By  E. 

March  10.        Grant  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Holy  Trinity,  London,  of  800  marks 

Westnunster.   from  the  first  issues  of  the  customs  of  wools,  hides  and  woolf  ells  in  the  port 

of  London  and  200  marks  from  the  iirst  issues  of  the  petty  custom  there,  in 

repayment  of  500  marks  lent  by  them  to  the  king.  By  K. 

April  11.        Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  William  Weldon  and  Peter  Bowman  as 

Westminster,  auditors  of  the  accounts  of  the  king's  chamberlain  and  other  ministers  in 

South  Wales,  in  the  same  manner  as  Richard  Bedford  and  John  Brown, 

late  auditors.  By  bill  of  treasurer. 

July  6.  Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  WoUore,  monk,  of  the  priory  of  Holy  Trinity, 

Westminster.   Lenton,  and  appointment  of  him  as  prior.  By  K. 

July  13.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Asteley,  knight,  of  40/.  yearly  from  Michaelmas 

Westminster,  last  from  the  farm  or  issues  of  the  city  of  Winchester.  By  p.s. 

April  14.        The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  Bichard  Apryce  of  the  office  of  porter  of 

York.        the  Tower  of  London,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  HI.  and  the 

first  of  Richard  II.  By  p.s. 

July  20.  Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  Thomas  Bye,  citizen  and  '  glasyer '  of 
Westminster.  London,  of  the  office  of  the  glaziery  of  the  king's  works,  with  8c/.  wages 
daily  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Surrey  and  Sussex,  a  *  shade '  called 
'  Glasiers  Logge '  on  the  west  within  the  palace  of  Westminster,  60  feet 
long  by  20  broad,  and  a  coat  of  the  king's  livery  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the 
hands  of  the  keeper  of  the  king's  great  wardrobe.  By  p.s . 

July  18.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  John  Mody  of  the  office  of  one  of  the 

Westminster,   four  messengers  of  the  Exchequer,  receiving  A\d,  wages  daily  at  the  I'eceipt 

of  the  Exchequer  and  a  robe  of  livery  as  a  yeoman  of  the  chamber  yearly 

at  Christmas  at  the  great  wardrobe.  By  p.s. 

July  21.         The  like  to  John  Howard,  king's  knight,  of  the  office  of  the  constableship 

Westminster,  and  custody  of  Norwich  castle  from  Easter  last,  with  fees  as  in  the   times 

of  Edward  III.  and  Richard  II.  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Norfolk 

and  Suffolk.  By  K. 

July  16.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Walter  Bright  of  the  office  of  one  of   the 

Westminster,  king's  Serjeants  at  arms,  with  wages  of  V2d.  daily  from  the  issues  of  the 

counties  of  London  and  Middlesex,  dating  from  4  March  last,  and  a  livery 

of  the  suit  of  the  esquires  of  the  household  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  great 

wardrobe.  By  K.  by  word  of  mouth. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Pakt  I.  11 

1461.  Meubranb  16. 

Mi^  28.  CommisBion  to  John  Ljlboame  to  collect  all  moneys  from  rents  etc  in 

WwtaansUr.  the  king's  manors  of  Marleburgh,  Cosham  and  Devise,  co.  Wilts,  Gyllyng- 
ham,  CO.  Dorset,  and  Odjham,  co.  Southampton,  and  their  appurtenances 
up  to  1  March  last,  and  bring  the  same  to  the  receipt  of  the  Exchequer. 

By  bill  of  treasurer. 

June  7.  Appointment  of  William  Baibrook  as  deputy  of  John  Wenlok,  knight, 

WMtmiiuter.  king's  chief  hatler  of  England,  in  the  port  of  London  and  the  adjacent 

ports^  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  bill  of  the  chief  butler. 

June  10.        General  pardon  to  John  Mamey,  knight,  and  Joan  his  wife  of  all  offences 
Westmiikflter.  committed  by  them  before  1  May  last. 

April  17.        Grant  for  life  to  John  Scot,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  tronage  and  pesage  in 
York.        the  port  of  London,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  K. 

April  14.        The  like  to  the  king's  servant  John  Fogge,  esquire,  of  the  county  of 

York.        Kent,  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  writs  and  rolls  of  the  Common  Bench, 

with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelledy  because  on  1 1  «/tt/y,  12  Edward 

IV.y  the  king  granted  the  same  to  him  and  John  his  son. 

March  6.        The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Clemens  of  the  office  of  parker  ot 

Westminster,   the  king's  park  of  Leskert,  parcel  of  the  duchy  of  Cornwall,  receiving  the 

accustomed  fees  at  the  hands  of  the  receiver  general  of  the  duchy.      By  K. 

June  14.        Greneral  pardon  to  Dominic  Desereius,  physician,  alias  Dominic  Deserus, 
Ifettiniiister.  Lombard.  By  p.s. 

June  19.  Appointment  of  Thomas  Stratton,  esquire,  clerk  of  the  works  at  the 
Westminster,  palace  of  Westminster,  the  Tower  of  London,  tlie  manors  of  Eltham, 
Claryndon,  Shene,  Chilteme  Langley,  Odyham,  the  lodges  within  his  parks 
of  Claryngdon,  Eltham,  Chiltcrne  Langley  and  Odyham,  the  mews  for 
falcons  by  Claringcroucbe,  and  other  castles  and  possessions  of  the  king 
in  England,  with  power  to  take  labourers,  instruments  and  materials, 
in  the  same  manner  as  John  Ai*dem  or  John  Straunge  or  any  other  holder 
of  the  office.  By  K. 

May  20.        Grant  for  life  to  Barnabas  Bemewall  of  the  office  of  second  justice  of 

Westminster,   the  King's  Bench  in  Ireland,  with  fees  of  40  marks  yearly  and  wages  of 

20cf.  daily  from  the  king's  manor  of  Cromlyn  in  Ireland  and  the  customs 

and  coquets  of  wools,  hides,  wool^fells  and  1^  and  other  merchandise  in  the 

ports  of  Dublin  and  Drogheda.  By  p.s. 

June  22.        Confirmation  for  life  to  Master  William  Say,  king's  clerk,  doctor  of 

Westminster,  theology,  dean  of  the  king's  chapel,  of  his  custody  of  the  house  or  hospital 

of  St.  Antony  in  the  city  of  London.  By  K. 

June  30.        Grant  for  life  to  John  'V^''ybam  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  lordship, 

Westminster,    foreet  and  chase  of  Suthfryte,  co.  Kent,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of 

Edward  III.  and  the  ilrst  of  Richard  II.  By  p.s. 

July  3.  Ratification  of  the  estate  which  Hugh  Cardemaker,  king's  chaplain,  has 

Westminster,  as  prior  of  the  hospital  of  St.  John  Baptist,  Bnigenorthe.  By  p.e, 

Membrane  14. 

June  2.  Licence  for  the  sub-prior  and  canons  of  Newstead  in  Sliirwodc  to  elect  a 

Westminster,   prior  in  the  place  of  William  Mysterton,  resigned. 

Jane  15.         Grant  to  Edmund  Brownyng,  chaplain,  of  the  eleventh  prebend  in  the 
Westminster,  king's  college  of  Newerk,  Leycestre,  lately  held  by  Master  Robert  Matfen. 

By  p.s. 
Mandate  in  pursuance  to  J.  bishop  of  Lincoln. 

June  17.         Signification  to  W.  archbishop  of  York,  legate  of  the  apostolic  see,  of 
Westminster,   the  royal  assent  to  the  election  of  John  Durham,  canon  of  Newstead  within 
Shirwode  forest,  as  prior  of  that  house. 


3^461.  Membrane  14 — cont. 

April  14.        Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  John  Fogge,  esquire,  in  the  count 

York.        Kent,  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  castle  of  Rouchestiv,  co.  Kent,  witl 

rents  and  appurtenances.  B  j 

Vacated  by  eurrender   and  cancelled^  because  on   29  November^ 

Edward  /F.,  the  king  granted  the  savie  to  Thomas  Sayntleger^  esquin 

the  body, 

Jane  20.        Appointment,  until  20  December,  of  Richard  Hatfeld,  esquire,  serje 
Westmioster.   avener  of  the  household,  to  provide  haj,  oats,  beans,  pea  j,  straw,  litter  i 
other  necessaries  for  his  oflSce. 

June  25.        Grant  to  William  Mulso,  esquire,  and  John  Clerk  and  John  Ebmc 
Westmioster.    <  jomen,'  of  pontage  for  six  years  for  the  repair  of  the  bridge  across 
Thames  at  Stanys  and  the  causeway  from  thence  to  Egham,  rendering  tl 
account  yearly  before  the  chancellor. 

June  25.         General  pardon  to  Peter  Dido  alias  Dedo,  merchant  of  Venice. 

June  22.         Grant  to  Laurence,  bishop  of  Durham,  of  the  custody,  during  minority, 

Westminster.  Henry  Ogard,  son  and  heir  of  Andrew  Ogard,  knight,  and  his  possessio 

with  his  marriage,  rendering  a  sum  to  be  agreed  upon  before  Christi 

with  the  treasurer.  By  ] 

June  2u.  General  pardon  to  Henry  Stafford,  knight,  son  of  the  king*s  kinsn 

Westminster.  Humphrey,  late  duke  of  Buckingham,  of  all  offences  committed  by  h 

before  19  June  last.  By  ] 

The  like  to  John  Stafford,  esquire,  son  of  the  said  duke.  By  i 

•  July  4.  Presentation  of  Henr^  Stevenesson,  vicar  of  Therston,  in  the  diocese 

Westminster.  Norwich,  to  a  moiety  of  the  church  of  Gatfeld,  in  the  same  diocese,  on 
exchange  of  benefices  with  Thomas  Chapeleyn. 

July  1.  Appointment,  during  good  behaviour,  of  Robert  Hanbury  as  auditor 

Westminster,  all  lands  in  England  late  of  James,  earl  of  Wilts,  receiving  such  wages 

he  had  in  the  lifetime  of  the  earl.  By  bill  of  the  treasur 

March  26.        Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  Brian  Talbot  as  controller  of  the  gn 

Westminster,  and  petty  custom,  the  subsidy  of  wools,  hides  and  wool-foUs,  and  the  subsi 

of  the  Ss.  in  the  tun  and  the  12^.  in  the  pound  in  the  port  of  Boston  a 

adjacent  ports,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees,  provided  that  he  execute  t 

office  in  person,  with  the  custody  of  one  part  of  the  coket  seaL 

By  bill  of  the  treasur 

The  like  of  the  following  in  the  ports  named  and  adjacent  ports: — 
May  27.  Thomas  Weltden  in  Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

Westminster.  By  bill  of  the  treasur 

'  March  7.  Thomas  Blount  in  Kyngeston-on-Hull. 

Westminster.  By  bill  of  the  treasun 

April  9.  Thomas  Gille  the  younger  in  Exeter  and  Dertemouth. 

Westminster.  By  bill  of  the  treasur 

March  26.  Thomas  Sharp  in  Southampton. 


April  8.  Adam  Odam  in  Lynne. 


April  9.  John  Bernewell  in  Sandwich. 


April  25.  Richard  Alberton  in  Bristol. 


July  26.  Leonard  Thomburgh  in  Boston. 


July  80.  Vincent  Pitelesden  in  Southampton. 


1  EDWAED  IV.- Part  I. 



Jan.  18. 

Membrane  14 — conL 
Bichard  Kjrkeby  in  Ipswich. 


April  12.         Appointment  as  above  of  William  Baron  as  controller  of  the  great 

'WestmiDBter.    custom  and  the  subsidy  of  wools,  hides  and  wool-fells  in  the  port  of  London 

and  adjacent  ports.  By  bill  of  treasurer. 

Membrane  13. 

Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  John  Fogge  of  the  county  of  Kent, 
esquire,  of  the  office  of  weigher  of  wools  and  other  merchandise  at  the  port 
of  St.  Botolph,  commonly  called  Boston,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees. 

By  p.s, 

QtbhX  to  Thomas  Fraunceys,  chaplain,  of  a  prebend  within  the  king's 
Westminster.  coUege  of  St.  Mary,  Leycestre,  which  John  Everdon,  deceased,  lately  bad. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  dean  snd  chapter. 

May  9.  Gleneral  pardon  to  John  Aune  of  Northaston,  co.  Oxford,  esquire. 


May  11. 

May  25. 

Mbj  11. 

May  10. 

May  13. 

May  13. 

May  20. 


June  16. 


June  17. 

Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servants  William  Hastynges,  knight,  and 
Balph  Hastynges,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  constable  of  the  king's  castle  of 
Rokyngham,  co.  Northampton,  and  the  supervision  of  vert  and  venison  in 
the  forest  there,  the  offices  of  steward  of  the  king's  lordships  and  manors  of 
Bokyngham,  Brlgstoke  and  Clyff  and  others  within  the  said  forest,  master 
forester  and  keeper  of  the  forest,  parker  of  the  king's  park  of  Brlgstoke,  co. 
Northampton,  with  the  supervision  of  herbage  and  pannage  of  the  park  and 
the  foreign  woods  in  the  county  called  '  Brigstokebaylly,'  and  constable  of 
the  king's  castle  of  Northampton,  and  the  custody  of  his  park  of  Multon  and 
rabbit  warren  called  *  Norhampton  Wareyn  *  in  the  same  county,  receiving 
the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  county  and  the  manor  or  lordship 
of  Bokyngham.  By  K. 

Vacated  by  surrender  by  William  Casteltonyattamey  of  the  saidSalphy 
on  1  Marehy  1  Richard  IlL^  in  Chancers/,  and  cancelled. 

Grant  to  William  Harbart,  knight,  during  the  minority  of  Henry  son  of 
Humphrey,  late  earl  of  Stafford,  son  and  heir  of  Humphrey,  late  duke  of 
Buckingham,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir  during  minority,  of  the  custody  of 
the  casde,  town  and  lordships  of  Newport,  Coboy,  Wenlloit  and  Meredeth 
in  South  Wales,  rendering  100/.  yearly  to  the  king.  By  p.s. 

Grant  for  life  to  William  Bourgchier  of  Fitzwaren,  knight,  of  the  offices  of 
master  forester  of  the  forests  of  Exmore,  co."  Devon,  and  Racche,  co. 
Somerset,  receiving  the  usual  fees  in  the  same  manner  as  Thomas 
Courtenay,  late  earl  of  Devon.  By  K. 

Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  Bichard  Harecourt,  esquire,  as  sheriff  of 
Oxford  and  Berks.  By  K. 

The  like  of  Edmund  Bede,  esquire,  as  sheriff  of  Bedford  and  Buckingham. 


Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  William  Baldry,  Bichard  Felowe, 
Thomas  Tong  and  John  Cobbe  to  provide  wheat,  malt,  oxen,  muttons, 
fish,  salt,  and  other  things  for  the  victualling  of  the  king's  ships,  and  carriage 
for  the  same.  By  K. 

Presentation  of  William  Langham  to  the  parish  church  of  North  Lufen- 
ham,  CO.  Rutland,  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  void  by  the  death  of  Robert 
Matfen,  late  rector.  By  K. 

Appointment  of  John  Punchon  to  provide  carpenters  and  labourers  for 
the  repair  of  divers  offices  at  Westminster  for  the  king's  coronation,  and 
timber  for  three- legged  tables  and  other  necessaries. 

By  bill  of  treasurer  of  the  household. 


1461.  Memhrane  13 — ami. 

April  11.         Appointment,  until  12  October,  of  Thomas  Edmonde  to  provide  ndt  fiBh, 
Westminster,  btock  fish,  herrings  and  other  victuals  and  salt  {sal  groaum  et  sal  aUmmy 
for  the  furnishing  (stuffura)  of  the  king's  household. 

Jul  J  5.  Appointment  of  John  Stokea  and  John  Aldey  to  provide  all  kinds  of 

WeitBiinBter.  victuals  for  an  expedition  bj  sea  against  the  king's  enemies. 

The  like  of  the  following  : — 
Henry  Au^er. 
Edmund  Yns  and  Thomas  Meliour. 


July  4.  Appointment  of  Robert  Stowell,  yeoman  in   the  office  of  the  king'?- 

Westminster,  butler,  to  provide  wiues  in  divers  places  within  the  realm  for  the 
household,  because  John  Wenlok,  knight,  chief  butler,  is  fully  occupied. 

By  bill  of  the  chi^  butler* 

The  like  of  the  following  :— 
Stephen  Neuton. 

July  4.  Inspeximtu    and    confirmation  of    letters  patent  of  the  king's  father 

Westminster.  Richard,  late  duke  of  York,  true  heir  to  the  kingdom,  dated  at  London, 
4  November,  tS9  Henry  VI.,  being  a  grant  for  life  to  his  servant  John 
Serlo  of  the  office  of  parker  of  his  park  of  Berdefeld,  co.  Essex,  for- 
merly granted  for  life  to  his  servapt  John  Flegge,  esquire,  by  letters 
patent,  surrendered,  receiving  the  usual  fees  from  his  manor  of  Berdefeld. 

By  p.s.  and  for  6«.  8J.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

May  13.  Grant  to  John  Markham,  chief  justice  of  the  King's  Bench,  for  the 
Westminster,  better  maintenance  of  his  estate,  of  180  marks  yearly  at  the  hands  of  the 
keeper  of  the  hanaper  and  the  customs  ofiicers  in  the  ports  of  London,. 
Bristol  and  Kyngeston-on-HuU,  in  accordance  with  an  Act  of  Parliament 
at  Westminster,  18  Henry  YI.,  and  also  lOGf.  11^^.  and  the  sixth  part  of 
\d,  yearly  at  Christmas  for  a  furred  robe  and  66^.  6</.  yearly  at  Whitsuntide 
for  a  lined  robe. 

April  8.  Orant  to  William  Yelverton,  one  of  the  justices  of  the  King's  Bench,  of 

Westminster.   ]  10  marks  yearly  and  the  same  sums  for  his  robes  as  above. 

The  like  to  the  following : — 
Nicholas  Ayssheton. 
Robert  Danvers. 
John  Nedeham. 
Richard  Byngham. 
Walter  Moyle. 

June  18.  Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  the  king's  servitor  Philip  Herveys  of 

Westminster,  the  office  of  master  of  the  king's  ordnance,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  vear  of 

Edward  IIL  and  the  first  of  Richard  II.  by  p.s. 

July  9.  Grant  for  life  to  R;dph   Hastynges;  esquire,  of  the  office  of  the  custody 

Westminster,  of  the  king's  lions  within  the  Tower  of  London,  with  fees  as  above. 

By  p.s. 

May  20.         llie  like  to  the  king's  servant  William  Kaynell  of  the  custody  of  the 
Westminster,  parks  of  Cossam,  co.  Wilts,  with  fees  as  above.  By  p.s. 

May  11.  The  like  to  Edward  Gower  of  the  office  of  clerk  of  the  works  within 

Westminster,  the  king's  manor  and  park  of  Claryngdon,  co.  Wilts,  with  fees  as  above. 


May  13.         The  like,  from  Michaelmas  last,  to  the  king's  servant  William  Sayer  of 

York.        the  office  of  parker  of  the  king's  park  of  Rostormell,  co.  Cornwall,  with 

herbage  and  pannage,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  at  the  hands  of  the 

receiver-general  of  the  duchy.  By  p.s. 

1  EDWARD  IV— Part  L  15 

1461.  Membrane  12 — cant, 

Joly  1.  The  like  to  the  king's  kinsman  William,  earl  of  Amndel,  of  the  custody 

Westminster,  of  the  king's  forest  and  park  of  Claryngdon  alias  Pannoett  and  his  forests 

of  Groyelejy  Milchet  and  Bakholt,  with  branches  &c,  for  the  enclosure 

thereof,  hays,   coppices,    wiudfalls,  dead     wood    and   'hrowsyng,'  with 

fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Bichard  II. 

By  p^s. 

April  12.        The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  John  Wode  of  the  office  of  keeper 

Westminater.  of  the  swans  on  the  Thames  between  Graveshende  and  Cicestre,  with  fees  as 

above.  By  p.s  • 

Membrane  11. 

Jane  23.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Herbert  the  elder  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,  constable  of  the  king's  castle  of  Gloucester  with  a  meadow  near  it  called 

*'  Kyngesmedewe,'  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

July  5.  Licence  for  the  king's  kinswoman  Alesia,  countess  of  Salisbury,  to  enter 

Westminster,  into  all  the  castles,  lordships,  manors  and  other  possessions  of  Thomas 

Mountague,  late  earl  of  Salisbury,  her  father,  whose  heir  she  is,  and  aU  the 

possessions  which  she  held  for  life  with  Richard,  late  earl  of  Salisbury, 

her  husband,  and  to  hold  the  same  in  fee  simple.  By  K. 

July  6.  Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Gybbys  of  the  office  of  the  king's  torchmaker 

Westminster,   (branderatoris)  and  link  armourer  (lenei  armurarii)^  with  fees  as  in  the  last 

year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Bichard  II.  By  K. 

July  1.  Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  Thomas  Crozton   of  the  offices  of 

Westminster,   coroner  and  attorney  of  the  king  in  the  King's  Bench,  receiving  the  usual 

fees  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.e* 

July  4.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  William  Pault  of  the  office  of  serjeant 

Westminster,  tailor  in  the  great  wardrobe,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Eklward  III. 
and  the  first  of  Bichard  II.  and  a  livery  at  the  hands  of  the  keeper  of 
the  wardrobe.  By  p.s» 

July  8.  Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  the  king's  servant  John  Stratford  of  the  office 

Westminster,  of  the  king's  painter,  with  fees  and  livery  as  above.  By  p.s. 

July  4.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent  (in  French)  of  the  king's 

Westminster,  father,  Bichard,  duke  of  York,  dated  at  Usk  Castle,  26  March,  12  Henry  '^., 
being  a  grant  for  life  to  his  servitor  Thomas  Stotfold,  yeoman  of  hia 
chamber,  of  the  offices  of  parker  of  his  little  park  of  Bradefeld,  co.  Essex^ 
and  keeper  of  his  warren  there,  receiving  the  usual  fees  from  the  issues  of 
the  lordship  of  Bardefeld.  By  p.s.  and  for  6$.  8d.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

June  12.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  John  Scot,  esquire,  of  the  50  marka 

Westminster,  yearly  which  the  abbot,  prior  and  convent  of  St.  Augustine's,  Canterbury,  are 

bound  to  pay  to  the  king  in  consideration  of  the  release  to  them  by 

Bichard  II.  of  greater  sums  during  the  voidances  of  the  abbey.  By  p.s. 

June  5.  Ghrant  for  life  to  Thomas,  archbishop  of  Canterbury,  of  the  custody  of 

Westminster,   the  lordship,  manor  and  park  of  Langle  by  Maydeston,  co.  Kent,  rendering 

5  marks  yearly.  By  K. 

July  8.  Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  Master  Henry  Sharpp,  doctor  of  laws,. 

Westminster,   of  the  office  of  notary  or  prothonotary  of  Chancery,  with  fees  as  in  the  last 

,  Year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Bichard  II.  from  the  issues  of  the 

hanaper.  By  p.t» 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

July  7.  Grant  for  life  to  William  Colyngboume  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  park 

Westminster,  of  Ludgursale,  co.  Wilts,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and 

the  first  of  Bichard  II.  By  p.8. 


1461.  Membrane  11— con/. 

Julj  9.  The  like  to  Richard  W7II7,  yeoman  of  the  king's  bed,  of  the  office  of 

Weitminster.  keeper  of  the  palace  called  *  Princeispalice '  within  Westminster,  with  fees 

as  above  at  the  hands  of  the  receiver  of  the  dnchj  of  ComwaU.        Bj  p.8. 

July  9.  The  like  to  the  same  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  private  palace  of 

Westminster.   Westminster  from  the  first  day  of  the  reign,  with  fees  as  above  from  the 

farm  of  the  city  of  Winchester.  Bj  p.s. 

July  30.  The  like  to  Robert  Prere  of  a  yearly  pension  of  lOOs.  in  the  church  of 

Westminster.  West  Kyngton,  co.  Wilts,  at  the  hands  of  the  rector  or  the  sheriff,  in  the 

same  manner  as  Richard  Blythe,  deceased.  By  E. 

Mbmbranb  10. 

April  11.         The  like  to  John  Clyffbrd  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  wood  called 

York.         <  Chesteynwode,'  co.  Kent,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and 

the  first  of  Richard  II.  By  p.s. 

July  9.  The  like  to  Nicholas  Wydnare  of  the  office  of  making  the  king's  bows 

Westminster,   within  the  Tower  of  London,  with  wages  as  above  from  the  issues  of  the 

counties  of  Surrey  and  Sussex.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  Alvcred  Comeburgh,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  6J.  a 
day  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  London  and  Middlesex,  in  the  same 
manner  as  Nicholas  Walton,  late  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown.     By  p.s. 

July  5.  The  like  to  Adam  Gudedale,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown«  of  the 

Westminster,   office  and  custody  of  the  king's  great  garden  at  Windsor,  with  fees  as  in  the 

last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Richard  II.  at  the  hands  of  the 

constable  of  Windsor  Castle.  By  p.s. 

April  12.         The  like  to  Alvred  Cornebnrgh,  yeoman  of  the  crown,  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,   water-bailiff  of  Plymmouth,  Sutton  Priour,  Sutton  Raff,  Sutton  Wautert 

and  Estonhous,  co.  Devon,  pertaining  to  the  duchy  of  Cornwall,  with  fees 

as  above  at  the  hands  of  the  receiver  general  of  the  duchy.  By  p.s. 

June  20.         The  like   to  Thomas  Warner  of  two  acres  of  land  in   Surrey  called 
Westminster.   <  Weybrygge  Hawe,'  at  a  rent  of  Ss,  4d,  per  acre.  By  p.s. 

June  24.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Otewel  Worsley,  esquire,  of  20/.  yearly 

"Westminster,   from  the  last  moneys  of  the  issues  of  the  king's  castle  and  lordship  of  Chyrke 

and  Chyrkelondes.  By  p.s. 

May  20.  The  like  to  Thomas  Ponsebury  of  the  office  of  forester  of  Lethewode,  co. 

Westminster.   Salop,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Richard  II. 

By  p.s. 

June  26.         The  like  to  Edward  Worsley  of  the  office  of  master  porter  of  the  king's 
Westminster,   castle  of  Carlill,  with  fees  as  above.  By  p.s. 

June  29.  The  like  to  Thomas  Grayson  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  king's  park  of 

Westminster.   Keyrbullok  in  the  duchy  of  Cornwall,  with  fees  as  above.  By  p.s. 

April  18.         The  like  to  William  Sturmy  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  park  of  Hamx^- 
Westminster.   stede  Marchall,  with  fees  as  above.  By  x>-s. 

May  6.  The  like  to  William  Clerk  of  Wenlok  of  the  office  of  the  constableship  oi 

Mddleham.    the  king's  castle  of  Bruggenorth,  co.  Salop,  with  fees  as  above  from  tb< 

farm  of  the  town  of  Brugges.  By  p.s 

July  9.  Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  James  Hatweell  of  the  office  of  purvejo 

Westminster,  of  the  king's  manors  of  Grenewych  and  Elthara,  with  fees  as  in  tlie  ye&ri 

named  above.  T3y  p-^ 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  I.  1? 

1461.  Membrane  10— cant 

June  22.         Grant  for  life  to  Thomae  Osbeme,  from  4  March  last,  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,  one  of  the  king's  serjeants-at-arms  with  I2d.  wages  daily  from  the  farm 

and  issues  of  the  counties  of  London  and  Middlesex,  a  coat  of  the  king's 

livery  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  great  wardrobe,  and  other  fees  appertaining 

to  the  office.  By  p.B. 

April  17.        Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  George  Darell,  esquire,  of  the  custody  of  the 
Blythe.       king's  great  wardrobe,  with  the  accustomed  tees.  By  p.8. 

July  8.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Tialph  Cliderowe  of  Calais  of  the  office 

Westminster,  of  ranger  of  the  king's  forest  of  Whichewode,  co.  Oxford,  with  wages  of  4c?, 
daily  at  the  hands  of  the  sheriff.  By  p.p. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

July  1.  Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  Richard  Grey,  lord  of  Powesse,  of  the 

Westminster,  office  of  steward  of  Kiry,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  111.  and 

the  first  of  Bichard  II.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  some  of  the  office  of  steward  of  Eedewyn,  with  fees  as 
above.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  same  of  the  office  of  steward  of  Mongymry,  with  fees  as 
above.  By  p.s. 

July  10.  Ratification  for  life  of  the  estate  of  M^uster  Robert  Stillyngton,  king's 
Westminster,  clerk,  as  dean  of  the  king's  free  chapel  of  St.  Martin  le  Grand,  London, 
archdeacon  of  Colchester  in  the  cathedral  of  London  and  of  Tauntone  in  the 
cathedral  of*  Wells,  prebendary  of  Wetewang  in  the  cathedral  of  York, 
Marther  in  the  cathedral  of  St.  Davids  and  the  prebend  which  John  Lucas 
lately  had  in  the  king's  free  chapel  of  St.  Stephen  within  his  palace  of 
Westminster,  and  parson  of  the  church  of  Aysshebury,  in  the  diocese  of 
Salisbury.  By  p.s, 

July  12.         Presentation  of  John  Pieseley  to  the  parish  church  of  Spryngthorp,  in 
Westminster,  the  diocese  of  Lincoln. 

July  16.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Edward  Skelton,  from  4  March  last, 

Westminster,  of  the  office  of  one  of  the  king's  Serjeants  at  arms,  with  \2d,  wages  daily 
from  the  farm  of  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk  and  a  livery  of  the 
suit  of  esquires  of  the  household  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  great  wardrobe. 

By  K.  by  word  of  mouth. 

Mbmbrans  9. 

May  1.  The  like  to  John  Pesemersshe  the  elder  of  the  office  of  porter  of  the 

Westminster,  king's  castle  called  <  New  Castle ^n  Tyne,'  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of 

Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Richard  II.  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of 

Northumberland,  for  the  office  and  for  the  relief  and  sustenance  of  prisoners 

in  the  castle.  By  p.s. 

July  9.  Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  Robert  Cosyu  of  the  city  of  London  of 

Westminster,  the  office  of  controller  of  the  scrutiny  of  all  merchandise  within  the  port  of 

London  and  ports  and  places  adjacent  coming  from  or  going  to  foreign 

parts,  wifh  fees  as  in  the  years  named  above.  By  p.s. 

July  6.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Plumbe  of  the  office  of  bailiff  of  the  king's  town 

Westminster,  of  Thaxstede,  co.  Essex,  with  fees  as  above.  By  p.s. 

June  22.  The  like  to  John  Bourgchier,  lord  of  Berners,  knic^ht,  from  4  March 

Westminster,  last,  of  the  office  of  constable  of  the  king's  castle  of  Wyndesore  and  the 

custody  of  all  forests,  parks,  warrens  and  other   places  pertaining   to  the 

same,  with  fees  as  above  from  the  revenues  of  the  castle.  By  p.s. 

July  17  Appointment  for  life  of  John  Pylkiugtou,  esquire,  as  one  of  the  esquires 

'Westminster,  of  the  body,  receiving  50  marks  yearly  Kom  2  April  last  from  the  farm  and 

issues  of  the  counties  of  London  and  Middlesex.  By  p.8« 

U    86914.  ft 


1461.  Membrane  9 — cont, 

July  9.  Grant  for  life  to  Richard  Willy,  yeoman  of  the  king's  bed,  from 

WeBtminster.  first  day  of  the  rei^^n,  of  the  oflBce  and  custody  of  the  kind's  wardi 
within  the  palace  of  Westminster,  with  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  ! 
and  Richard  II.  from  the  farm  of  the  city  of  Winchester. 

By  p.s.     Two  fees  were  paid  because  he  has  two  offices  in  one  pat 

July  7.  The   like  to  John  Rypon,  esquire,  of  the   office  of  one   of  the   kii 

Westminster.  Serjeants  at  arms,  with  \2d.  wages  daily  from  4  March  last  from  the  isi 
of  the  county  of  Kent,  a  coat  of  the  king's  livery  yearly  at  the  great  wi 
robe  of  the  same  suit  and  cloth  as  other  Serjeants  at  arms,  and  other  prt 
of  his  office.  By 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelled^  because  en  17  July^  0  Edward  i 
the  king  granted  the  office  to  him  by  other  letters  patent. 

June  20.         The  like  to  John  Hord  of  Shrewsbury  of  the  offices  of  the  chief  bailiv 
Westmmster.  and  feodary  of  the  king's  honour  of  Wallyngford,  with  fees  as  in  the  tii 
of  Edward  III.  and  Richard  II.  from  the  farm  of  the  king's  town 
Shrewsbury.  By 

July  12.  Exemption  for  life  of  Thomas,  bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells,  on  accoun 

Westminster,  debility  and  old  age,  from  attendance  in  person  in  Council  and  Parliam< 
provided  that  he  send  proctors.  By 

July  8.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Mountgomery,  knight 

Westminster,  the  office  called  *  lynge  armurer'  within  the  Tower  of  London,  with  fee 
in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Richard  II. 

By  p.s.  [11 

July  10.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  William  Sayer  oi  40/,  yearly  from  Eai 

Westminster,  last  from  the  fee  farjn   of  Queenhlthe  {Ripe  Regine)  within  the  cit; 

London.  By " 

July  8.  Appointment  for  life  of  Thomas  Montgomery,  knight,  as  steward  of  1 

Westminster,  king's  manor,  castle  or  lordship  of  Haddele,  co.  Essex,  and  grant  to  him 
life  of  the  office  of  the  stewardship  of  the  same,  with  fees  as  above.    By 

May  20.         Grant  during  good  behaviour,  to  the  king's  servant  John  Sandes,  of 
Westminster,   office  of  clerk  of  the  king's  mint  and  exchange  within  the  Tower  of  Lond 
with  fees  as  above  at  the  hands  of  the  keeper  of  the  mint  and  exchange. 


April  1 5.        The  like  to  Robert  Hiett  of  the  office  of  porter  of  the  king's  castle  of 
York.        Bryawell  in  the  forest  of  Deane,  with  fees  as  in  the  years  named  above. 

The  like  to  the  same  of  the  office  of  receiver  of  the  king's  forest  of  Dec 
with  fees  as  above.  By 

MsMBtUSM  8. 

April  12.        Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  sei'vitor  John  Woode,  esquire,  of  the  office 
Westminster,  keeper  of  the  king's  council  chamber  at  Westminster,  with  fees  as  abov< 
the  great  wardrobe*  By 

July  8.  The  like  to  John  Smyth,  for  his  good  sorvice  to  the  king's  father,  of 

Westminster,  office  of  receiver  of  the  king*s  honours  and  lordships  of  Clare  and  Raih 

and  his  other  possessions  in  the  counties  of  Norfolk,  Sufiblk,  Essex,  K€ 

Surrey,  Sussex,  Cambridge,  Huntingdon  and  Herts,  the  duchy  of  York,  i 

the  earldom  of  March,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By 

May  18.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  William  Sayer  of  the  office  of  constable 

York.        the  king's  castle  of  Rostormell,  co.  Cornwall,  receiving  the  accustomed  i 

at  the  hands  of  the  receiver  general  of  the  duchy  of  Oornwall.  By  i 

April  12.         The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  John  Woode,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  us! 

Westminster,  of  the  receipt  of  the  Excheciuer,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  I 

and  the  first  of  Richard  II.  By  i 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  I.  19 

1461.  Membrane  8 — cant. 

April  12.        The  like  to  Alured  Corneburgh,  yeoman  of  the  crown,  of  the  custody  of 

Westminster,   the  king's  castle  of  Launceston,  co.  Cornwall,  and  the  office  of  fcodary  or 

escheator  of  the  duchy  of  Cornwall  in  the  county,  receiving  fees  as  above 

from  the  issues  of  the  duchy.  By  p.s. 

May  2.  The  like  to  the  king's  kinsman  John  Nevill  of  Mountagu,  knight,  from 

Westmiuster.  Easter  last,  of  the  king's  mines  in  Devon  and  Cornwall  in  which  gold  and 
silver  can  be  found  or  worked  for,  at  a  rent  of  1 10/.  yearly,  as  the  king's 
father  used  to  pay,  with  power  to  demise  the  same  for  10,  16  or  20  years, 
provided  that  atter  his  death  the  holders  pay  a  tithe  of  the  pure  silver  or 
lead  to  the  king  or  his  faimer.  By  K. 

July  12.  Appointment  of  William   Bourgchier,  knight,  to  the  custody,  during 

Westminster,  minority,  of  Alexander  Luttrell,  son  and  heir  of  James  LutereU,  knight, 

deceased,  tenant  by  knight  service  of  Henry  VI.  cfe  facto  et  non  de  jure 

king   of  England,   with  his  marriage ;  and  so  from  heir  to  heir  during 

minority.  By  p.s. 

July  14.  Appointment,  from  Michaelmas  last,  of  Bichard  Darlond  as  receiver  of 

Westminster,  all  manors  and  lands  in  Kent  late  of  Henry  lord  Ghray  of  Codnor,  so  long  as 
they  are  in  the  king's  hands,  rendering  his  account  yearly. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

July  14.  The  like  of  John  Smyth  as  receiver  and  surveyor  of  all  manors  and  lands 

Westminster,  late  of  James,  earl  of  Wilts,  in  Suflfolk  and  Essex,  from  the  time  of  his  death. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

July  12.  Pardon  to  Robert  Bertyn,  citizen  and  clothier  of  London,  *  draper,'  of  his 

Weetminster.  outlawry  for  not  appearing  before  John  Prysot  and  his  fellows,  justices  of 
tlie  Bench  in  the  late  reign,  to  satisfy  William  Crowde,  citizen  and  ^  peautrer ' 
of  London,  and  William  Staynf ord,  '  gentilman,'  of  a  debt  of  40/.  which  they 
recovered  against  him  and  7  marks  Ss.  Sd  damages  for  the  detention  of  the 
same ;  he  having  surrendered  to  the  Flete  prison  and  paid  the  damages 
into  court,  as  Robert  Danby,  knight,  chief  justice  has  certified.    Middlesex. 

July  10.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Brycheold,  plumber,  of  the  office  of  serjeant  of  the 

Westminster,  plumbery  within  the  Tower  of  London,  the  palace  of  Westminster,  the 
manors  of  Eltham  and  Shene  and  elsewhere  iu  England,  with  I2d.  wages 
daily  from  4  March  last  from  certain  farms  in  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  a  livery 
of  the  suit  of  the  Serjeants  of  the  works  or  40«.  yearly  ai  Christmas  at  the 
great  wardrobe,  and  all  houses  pertaining  to  his  office.  By  p.s. 

July  7«  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  John  Pylkynton,  esquire,  of  the  office 

Westminster,  of  parker  of  the  king's  park  of  Berkhamstede,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year 

of  Edward  IIL  and  the  first  of  Richard  II.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  same  of  the  office  of  the  constableship  of  the  king's  castle 

of  Berkhamstede,  with  fees  as  above.  By  p.s« 

July  18.         The  like  to  Roger  Dynham,  esquire,  of  the  offices  of  steward  of  all  castles 

Westminster,  and  other  possessions  peilaining  to  the  duchy  of  Cornwall  in  the  county  of 

Devon  and  warden  of  the  stannaries  in  the  same  county.  By  p.S4 

Mbmbranb  7. 

Nov.  19.        Grant  to  Richard  Heymau,  canon  of  Salisbury  Cathedral  and  prebendary 
Westminster,  of  Aulton  Pancras  in  the  same,  of  a  canonry  in  the  king's  free  chapel  or 
St.  Mary  and  St  Stephen  within  his  palace  of  Westminster  and  the  prebend 
which  William  Walesby  lately  had  in  the  same,  on  an  exchange  of  benefices 
with  John  Waynflete. 

June  4.         Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  Robert  Tromy  as  controller  of  the 

Westminster,   scrutiny  in  the  port  of  Sandwich  and  ports  and  places  adjacent,  receiving 

the  accustomed  fees.  By  bill  of  treasurer; 


1461.  Membratte  7 — cotU. 

The  like  of  the  following  in  the  ports  named  and  ports  and  places 
adjacent : — 

June  4.  Richard  Symson  in  the  port  of  London, 


July  17.         John  Hadelesej  in  the  port  of  Kyngeston  on  Hull. 

July  20.         John  Bareshy  in  the  ports  of  Esceter  and  Dortemooth. 

Sept.  5.         Robert  Cosyn  in  the  port  of  the  city  of  London. 

Nov.  IB.         Robert  Bedale  in  the  port  of  Southampton. 

Dec.  21.         William  Smyth  in  the  port  of  Southampton.  "  i  V 


May  30.         The  like  of  Henry  Acclum  as  surveyor  of  the  scrutiny  in  the  port  of 
Westminster.  Elyngeston  on  Hull  and  ports  and  places  adjacent.  By  bill  of  treasurer. 

The  like  of  the  following  in  the  ports  named  and  ports  and  places 

July  15.         Henry  Halywell  in  the  port  of  the  city  of  London. 

April  25.        John  Peke  in  the  port  of  Bristol  By  hill  of  treasurer. 


Oct.  19.         John  Frysshe  in  the  ports  of  Southampton  and  Pole. 
Westminster.  By  bill  of  treasurer. 

April  12.         The  like  of  Walter  Writtell  as  king's  surveyor  in  the  port  of  Bristol  and 
Westminster,  ports  and  places  adjacent.  By  bill  of  treasurer. 

April  12.         The  like  of  William  Bernert  us  gauger  in  the  same. 
Westminster.  By  bill  of  treasurer. 

July  14.         The  like  of  Edmund  Parker  in  the  port  of  Lynne  and  ports  and  places 
Westminster,  adjacent.  By  bill  of  treasurer. 

March  26.        Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  Walter  Harnes  of  the  office  of  tronage  and 

Westminster,  pesage  in  the  port  of  Kyngeston  on  Hull  and  ports  and  places  adjacent, 

receiving  the  accustomed  fees.  By  bill  of  treasurer. 

July  26.         The  like  to  John  Fogg,  knight,  in  the  port  of  Boston  and  ports  and  places 
Westminster,  adjacent. 


Feb.  10.         The  like  to  William  Purpill  in  the  port  of  Sandwich  and  ports  and  places 
Westminster,  adjacent.  By  bill  of  treasurer. 



July  13.         RatMcation  for  life  of  the  estate  which  Robert  Kirkeham,  king's  clerk, 

Westminster,  has  as  dean  of  the  king's  free  chapel  of  St.  Stephen  within  his  palace  of 

Westminster,  prebendary  of  Broundeswode  in  the  church   of  St.  Paul, 

London,  and  of  St.  Katharine  in  the  church  of  St.  John,  Beverley,  and 

parson  of  the  church  of  All  Saints,  Hastynges,  co.  Sussex.  ny  K. 

July  9.  Grant  for  life,  from  the  first  day  of  the  reign,  to  Elizabeth,  lady  Say, 

Westminster,  late  the  wife  of  John  Mongomerey,  knight,  of  the  manor  or  lordship  of 

Chesthunt,  co.  Herts,  which  she  has  held  for  some  time,  with  advowsons 

and  knights'  fees,  and  release  to  her  of  any  issues  due  to  liie  king.     By  p.8. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  L  21 

J461.  Membrane  6 — cont. 

July  8.  Orant  for  life  to  Humphrey  Audeley,  king's  esquire^  of  the  constableship 

Westminster,  of  the  king's  castle  of  Suthampton,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward 

in.  and  the  first  of  Bicliard  II.  By  p.s. 

July  7.  Appointment  for  life  of  Ealph  Hastynges,  esquire,  as  one  of  the  esquires 

Westminster,  of  the  body,  receiving  50  marks  yearly  froiu  2  April  last  from  the  issues 

of  the  county  of  Northampton.  By  p.s. 

July  12.         Granty  during  good  behaviour,  to  William  Bateman  of  Haverford  West 

Westminster,  in  Wales  of  the  office  of  butler  (boiellar')  of  the  port  of  Milf ord,  with  fees 

as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Richard  II.  By  p.8. 

The  like  to  the  same  of  the  office  of  approver  of  the  king's  revenues, 
profits  and  mills  of  Haverford  West,  with  fees  as  above.  By  p.s. 

July  15.         The  like  to  Bichard  Crowcestre  of  the  office  of  bailiff  of  the  king's  castle 
Westminster,  and  lordship  of  Bamburgh,  co.  Northumberland,  with  fees  as  above. 

By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  same  of  the  office  of  porter  of  the  castle,  with  fees  as  above. 

By  p.s. 

July  10.         Grant  for  life  to  James  Manthorp,  esquire,  from  4  March  last,  for  his 

Westminster,  good  service  to  the  king's  father,  of  the  office  of  one  of  the  king's  Serjeants 

at  arms,  receiving  12^.  wages  daily  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of 

Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  and  a  robe  yearly  at  Christmas  of  the  suit  of  Serjeants 

at  arms  at  the  hands  of  the  keepef'  of  the  great  wardrobe.  By  p.s. 

June  20.         appointment  for  b'fe  of  B|obert  Dovedale,  knight,  as  chief  justice  of  the 

Westminster.    Common  Bench  in  Ireland,  receiving  fees  of  261.  ISs.  4:d,  and  regards  of  20 

marks  yearly,  viz.  20/.  from  the  farm  of  Dublin  and  10/.  from  the  customs 

and  cokets  within    the  ports  of  Dublin  and  Droghda,  with    all  other 

accustomed  profits.  By  p.s. 

July  18.  Grant  for  life  to  Richard  Kesteyne,  king's  esquire,  of  the  offiee  of  one  of 

Westminster,  the  king's  Serjeants  at  arms,  receiving  I2d,  wages  daily  from  4  March  last 
from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  London  and  Middlesex  and  a  coat  of  the 
king's  livery  at  Christmas  yearly  at  tlie  great  wardrobe  of  the  same  suit 
and  cloth  as  other  Serjeants  at  arms,  with  all  other  fees  pertaining  to  the 
office.  By  p.s. 

July  10.         G^ant  to  the  king's  kinsman  John,  earl  of  Worcester,  and  his  heirs  and 
Westminster,  assigns,  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  king's  forests  of  Wabrigge  and  Sapley, 
CO.  Huntingdon,  with  underwood,  herbage  and  pannage,  reasonable  susten- 
ance for  the  king's  deer  excepted.  By  K. 

April  22.         Grant  for  life  to  Nicholas  Gaynesford,  one  of  the  ushers  of  the  king's 

Westminster,  chamber,  of  the  office  of  porter  of  the  king's  castle  of  Odyham,  with  fees  as 

in  the  times  of  Edward  IIL  and  Bichard  II.  from  the  issues  of  the  manor  or 

lordship  of  Odyam.  By  K. 

July  18.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  William  Welles,  knight,  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,  chancellor  and  keeper  of  the  Great  Seal  of  Ireland,  with  the  accustomed 

fees  from  the  form  of  Droghda  and  the  issues  of  the  king's  lands  and  courts 

in  Ireland.  By  p.s. 

July  8.  Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  the  king's  servant  Bobert  Norreys, 

Westminster.   *  gentilman,'  of  the  office  of  chancellor  of  the  green  wax  of  the  Exchequer  of 

Ireland,  receiving  the  accustomed  fee  at  the  hands  of  the  collectors  of 

customs  and  cokets  in  the  ports  of  Dublin  and  Drogheda,  with  all  other 

profits  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Bichard  II. 

By  p.8. 

July  14.         Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Walterot  of  the  office  of  one  of  the  king's 

Westminster.  Serjeants  at  arms,  receiving  I2d.  wages  daily  from  the  farm  of  the  city  of 

Winchester  with  a  livery  yearly  of  the  suit  of  the  king's  esquires  at  the 

^eat  wardrobe.  By  K. 


1461.  Mbmbrane  5. 

July  12.        Inspexifmu  and  confirmation  to  John  Flaseden  of  letters  patent 
Westminster.  French)  of  the  king's  father  Richard,  duke  of  York,  earl  of  March   \ 
Ulster,  lord  of  Wyggemore  and  Clare,  lieutenant-general  and  governo: 
France  and  Normandy,  dated  at  Argenten,  30  June,  35  Henry  VI.,  be 
a  grant  to  him,  his  servitor,  of  the  offices  of  *  laundier  '  and  '  palissc^r 
his  park  of  Connesburgh,  eo.  York,  with  the  accustomed  wages  from 
issues  of  the  lordship  of  Connesburgh 

By  p.s.  and  for  \  mark  paid  in  the  hana[ 

July  9.  Confirmation  for  life  to  Margaret,  duchess  of  Somerset,  of  166/.  1 3^.  ' 

Westminster,  yearly  held  by  her  in  dower  of  the  endowment  of  John,  late  duke 
Somerset,  her  husband,  and  of  the  assignment  of  Henry  VI.  out  of 
annuity  of  500/.  from  the  petty  custom  in  the  port  of  London,  and  also 
16G/.  13*.  4c/.  yearly  heM  as  above,  out  of  an  annuity  of  5(X)/.  at  the  n^ce 
of  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s.  and  for  40*.  paid  in  the  hnnap 

July  17.        Grant  for  life  to  John  Wroth,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  master  of  \ 

Westminster,  king's  dogs  called  *hereres,*  receiving  \2d.  wages  daily  from  Easter  1 

from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Bedford  and  Bucks  and  also  other  wag 

viz.  4rf.  daily  for  a  yeoman  'barners,*  ^\d.  daily  for  his  horse,  2d.  daily  : 

each  of  two  yeomen  *  bamers '  and  two  yeomen  *  veauterers,'  \\d.  daily  i 

each  of  two  grooms  of  the  latter  office,  and  ^.  for  the  puture  of  ea 

of  36  running  dogs  (canum  ctirrentium)  and  9  greyhounds  (Jeporariorm 

from  the  issues  of  the  subsidy  and  ulnage  of  cloth  and  a  moiety  of  t 

forfeitures  of  the  same  in  the  counties  of  Somerset  and  Dorset^  with  : 

other  profits  pertaining  to  the  office,  in   the  some  manner  as  Richa 

Strykeland,  esquire,  h«S.  By  p 

July  18.         The  like  to  Richard  Duke  of  the  office  of  porter  of  the  king's  castle 
Westminster.  Exeter,  co.  Devon,  with  wages  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  tl 
first  of  Richard  II.  By  p 

July  15.  Grant  to  Richard  Illyngworth  and  his  heirs  and  assigns  of  a  capit 

Westminster,  messuage  and  3  bovates  ^of  land  in  Kirkeby  Wodhous,  20  acres  of  wo( 
called  *  Colynfall,'  100  acres  of  pasture  called  *  Palespark,'  *  Powedefek 
*Merkwair  and  *  Sraethefeld,'  a  messuage  and  2  bovates  of  land  in  Aide 
worth,  10  acres  of  meadow  there  called  '  Dyot  Medowe'and  a  free  rei 
of  3*.  yearly  from  a  toft  in  Kirkeby  Wodhous,  co.  Nottingham,  in  tl 
king's  hands  by  reason  of  a  feoffment  which  John  Broxstowe  late  < 
Broxstowe,  co.  !N'otts,  gentleman,  made  to  Robert  Cutwolf,  prior  of  S 
Mary,  Newstead  in  Shirwode,  and  John  Elmham,  prior  of  Holy  Trinit; 
Lenton,  without  licence,  extended  at  36*.  Ad.  yearly ;  200  acres  of  waste  < 
the  king's  soil  within  his  forest  of  Shirwode  adjoining  the  tenemtMits  < 
the  said  Richard  called  *  Hardwyk,'  *  Hardwykcloses '  and  *  Akebrigf^e '  o 
the  east,  extended  at  3«.  4rf.  yearly ;  and  a  water-mill  called  '  Sutton  Milne 
with  a  stank  within  the  said  forest  between  Maun sf eld  and  Hardwyk ;  b 
fealty  and  the  service  of  3*.  4r/.  yearly,  with  licence  to  enclose  the  sai 
waste.  By  p.i 

March  8.  Mandate  to  the  dean  of  the  king's  free  chapel  of  Hastynges  to  indue 
Westminster.  ^Master  Richard  Bole,  bachelor  of  either  law,  into  the  prebend  of  Wesl 
huiTok,  void  by  resignation  of  Master  Thomas  Grannt,  to  which  Thomas 
bishop  of  London,  has  admitted  him  at  the  presentation  of  Thomas,  arch 
bishop  of  Canterbury,  Nicholas  Wymbysshe,  John  Fray  and  John  Andrew 
patrons,  and  to  assign  to  him  a  stall  in  the  choir. 

July  20.  Pardon  to  Edmund,  the  abbot,  and  the  convent  of  St.  Peter's,  Westmin 

Weitminster.   ster,  in  honour  of  Edward  the  Confessor,  whose  body  lies  in  the  abbej 

of  all  escapes  of  prisoners  from  their  custody  and  ail  suits  arising  therefrom 

By  p.s 

April  22.         Grant  for  life  to  Nicholas  Gaynesford,  one  of  the  ushers  of  the  king*! 
Westminster,  chamber,  of  the  office  of  constable  of  the  king's  castle  of  Odyham,  wit! 

»  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  L  23 

1461.  Membrane  6 — cont, 

fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Richard  II.  from  the  issues  of  the 
manor  or  lordship  of  Odyham.  By  K. 

July  17.         The  like  to  Robert  Brent,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  king's  chamber,  of 

Westmingter.  the  office  of  reeve  of  the  king's  town  of  Middelton,  co.  Kent,   receiving 

the  accustomed  wages  from  the  issues  of  the  hundreds  of  Middelton  and 

Merden,  co.  Kent.  By  K. 

July  12.  The  like  to  John  Wykes,  usher  of  the  king's  chamber,  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,  steward  of  the  king's  castle  and  lordship  of  Rysyng,  co.  Norfolk, 
with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  iirst  of  Richard  II. 

By  p.s. 

July  20.  The  like  to  John  Byconell,  from  4  March  last,  of  the  office  of  steward 

Westminster,  of  the  king's  manors  of  Stoke  under  Hamdon,  Cori  Malct,  Stratton  super 
le  Vosse,  Faryngdon  Gurney,  Welton  alias  VVelwetoii,  Inglescombe, 
Melton  Faucomberge,  Midsomernorton,  Wy  decomb,  Laverton,  S  hep  ton 
Malet  and  Westharptree,  co.  Somerset,  and  Rymo  with  members,  co. 
Dorset,  late  of  Matthew  Gurney,  knight,  receiving  5/.  yearly  at  the  hands 
of  the  receiver  of  the  manors,  as  did  Thomas  Yonge.  By  p.s. 

July  18.  The  like  to  Stephen  Clampard  of  the  office  of  master  smith  within  the 

Westminster.  Tower  of  London,  receiving  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and 
Richard  II.  at  the  Exchequer,  with  a  mansion,  two  gardens  and  a  house 
called  *  PoweJerhous  '  in  the  Tower,  a  mansion  on  the  wharf  of  the  Tower, 
a  parcel  of  land  within  the  king's  palace  of  Westminster  and  all  other 
things  pertaining  to  the  office^  and  a  robe  yearly  at  the  great  wardrobe. 

By  p.s, 

Mbmbranb  4. 

Jolj  18.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  William  Wysden  of  the  office  of  bailiff  of 

Westminster.  Haveryng  at  the  Bowre,  co.  Essex,  with  wages  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward 

III.  and  the  first  of  Richard  II.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  Thomas  Dukmanton,  esquire,  of  the  office 

of  weigher  or  of  the  pesage  of  money  in  the  Exchequer,  with   fees  as 

above  at  the  receipt  of  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  Thomas  Gille  the  younger  of  the  office  of  the  water-bailiwick 

of  Dertmouth  and  places  and  creeks  adjacent,  with  fees  as  in  the  years 

named  above.  By  K. 

July  20.  The  like  to  John  Wykes,  king's  esquire,  from  Easter  last,  of  the  offices 

Westminster,  of  controller  of  the  coinage  of  tin  an<l  controller  of  the  king's  mines  of 
gold  and  silver  and  other  mines  in  which  gold  or  silver  may  be  found  in 
Cornwall  and  Devon,  receiving  fees  for  the  first  office  as  in  the  time  of 
Edward  III.  at  the  hands  of  the  receiver  general  of  the  duchy  of  Cornwall 
and  4/.  yearly  for  the  second  office  from  the  issuea  of  the  mines ;  and  also 
of  16/.  yearly  from  the  farm  of  the  borough  of  Leskert,  co.  Cornwall. 


July  15.         The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  Thomas  Ilennale  of  the  office  of  keeper 

Westminster,  of  the  king's  wardrobe  within  his  castle  of  Hadle,  co.  Essex,  receiving  the 

accustomed  fees  at  the  hands  of  the  farmers  of  the  king's  manor  of  Estwode, 

By  p.s. 

June  6.         The  like  to  John  Water  of  the  office  of  chief  serjeant  of  the  county  of 
Westminster.   Uriel  in  Ireland,  with  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Richard  II. 

By  p.8. 

June  15.        Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  Thomas  Mongomery,  esquire,  of  the 

Westminster,    office  of  warden  of  the  exchange  and  mint  within  the  Tower  of  London, 

with  fees  as  above  from  the  issues  of  the  same  from  Easter  last.        By  p.s. 


1461.  Membrane  4 — cont, 

Julj  16.  Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Belgrave,  king's  esquire,  of  the  office  of  oi 
Westminster,  of  the  king's  Serjeants  at  arms,  receiving  I2d.  wages  daily  from  4  Mar< 
last  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  with  a  coat 
the  king's  livery  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  great  wardrohe,  of  the  same  su 
and  cloth  as  other  Serjeants  at  arms,  with  all  other  profits  pertaining  to  h 
office.  By  K.  by  word  of  moutl 

July  15.  General  pardon  to  William  Gascoigne  the  elder,  knight.  By  p. 


July  20.         Grant  for  life  to  Edward  Hargille,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  f roi 

Westminster.   6  March  last,  of  the  offices  of  parker  of  the  king's  park  of  Fremantel 

CO.  Southampton,  and  ranger  of  his  forest  of  Wulmere  and  Alisholf,  wit. 

fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Richard  II.  from  tb 

issues  of  the  county.  By  p.i 

July  18.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Robert  Asshewell  of  the  office  of  one  c 

Westminster,   the  four  messengers  of  the  Exchequer,  receiving  4\d,  wages  daily  at  th 

receipt  of  the  Exchequer  and  a  robe  of  the  livery  of  a  yeoman  of  thi 

chamber  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  great  wardrobe.  By  p.s 

July  23.  The  like  to  Richard  Illyugwortb,  from  Easter  last,  of  40/.  yearly  fron 

Westminster,   the  farm  of  the  town  of  Notyngham  at  the  hands  of  the  sheriffs  or  bailiffs. 

By  p.s 

July  23.         The  like  to  Geoffrey  Garnet  of  the  office  of  customer  and  collector  of  the 

Westminster,  moneys  from  the  weighing  of  wool  in  Calais,  with  fees  from  the  same  as  ir 

the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  firat  of  Richard  II.  By  p.s. 

July  23.  Grant,  during  pleasure,  from  Michaelmas  last,  to  the  king's  kinswoman 

Westminster.  Anne,  duchess  of  Buckingham,  of  the  custody  of  the  manor  of  Brustwyk, 

commonly  called  the  lordship  of  Holdemesse,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons, 

views  of  frank  pledge,  etc.  By  K, 


July  18.  Grant  for  life  to  William  Essex  of  the  office  of  remembrancer  in  the 

Westminster.  Exchequer,  with  fees,  clothing  and  other  profits  as  in  the  last  year  of 

Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Richard  II.  By  p.s. 

July  4.  The  like  to  the  king's  servitors  John  Luthington  and  John  More  of  the 

Westminster,   office  of  keeper  of  the  king's  park  of  Branthinghey  in   the  parish  of 
Chesthunte,  with  fees  as  above. 

May  12.  The  like  to  the  king's  tenant  Roger  Salesbury,  esquire,  of  the  office  of 

York.        chief  forester   of   the   king's  forests   and   parks  within   his  lordship  of 
Dynbyegh,  with  fees  as  above. 

June  20.         The  like  to  John  Skyrwith,  citizen  and  *  letherseller '  of  London,  that  he 
Westminster,   bethe  king's  *  points  maker  *  {factor  ligulanwi),  with  fees  as  above. 

[Byp.8.  110.] 

April  15.         Grrant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  Robert  Hiett  of  the  office  of  porter  of 
York.        the  king's  castle  of  St.  Bryawell  in  the  forest  of  Deane,  with  fees  as  above. 

By  p.s. 

May  1.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  William  Staveley  of  the  custody  of  the 

Westminster,   king's  park  of  Chiltern  Langley,  co.  Herts,  and  the  houses  of  the  mansion  of 

his  manor  of  Chiltern  Langley,  and  the  office  of  under-parker  of  his  park  of' 

Langley  called  *  Chiltern  Langley,'  with  fees  as  above  from  the  issues  of 

the  manor.  By  K. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below, 

June  23.         Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  Nicholas  Burton  of  Sandwich  of  the 
Westminster,  office  of  bailiff  of  Dover,  with  fees  as  in  the  years  named  above.        By  p.s. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  I.  25 

1461  •  Membrane  3 — cont. 

May  4.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  kinsman  George,  bishop  of  Exeter,  from 

Westminster.  Easter  last,  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  manor  or  lordship  of  Chiltem 
Langley,  co.  Hertford,  with  mills,  rents,  vert  and  other  profits,  excepting 
250  rabbits  yearly  for  the  king's  household,  at  a  yperly  rent  of  50  marks  2Qd, 
as  formerly  and  6«.  M.  besides ;  with  acquittance  of  repairs  and  allowance 
for  any  annuity  granted  out  of  the  manor.  By  K. 

May  6.  The  like  to  the  same,  from  4  March  last,  of  the  custody  of  the  king's 

Westminster,  manors  of  Wodestoke,  Hanburgh,  Wotton  and  Stonefeld  with  members 
and  hamlets  and  the  hundred  of  Wotton,  co.  Oxford,  with  their  appur- 
tenances, in  the  same  manner  as  John,  late  earl  of  Shrewsbury,  and  Ralph 
de  Sudeley,  knight,  held  the  same,  rendering  127/.  16«.  6 J.  yearly  and 
supporting  all  burdens  except  lOQs.  yearly  to  be  paid  to  the  steward  of 
the  court  of  the  manor  and  hundred  and  certain  other  fees  and  the  repair 
of  the  houses  and  mills  of  the  manors  and  the  enclosure  of  the  park  of 
Wodestoke.  By  K. 

May  17.  The  like  to  John,  lord  Stourton,  of  the  farm  of  the  king's  castle,  lord- 

Westminster,  ship  and  town  of  More,  at  the  usual  rent,  and  the  office  of  the  custody  of 
the  king's  park  of  More,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and 
the  first  of  Kichard  II.  By  p.s. 

June  15.         The  like  to  Humphrey  Stafford,  knight,  of  the  office  of  the  stewardship 
Westminster,  of  the  duchy  of  Cornwall,  with  fees  as  above.  By  p.s. 

June  21.         Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  from  4  March  last,  to  Walter  Blount, 

Westminster,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  treasurer  of  the  town  and  marches  of  Calais,  with 

fees  as  above   and  allowances  for  his  passages  and  stay   there  and    the 

repairs  there,  in  the  same  manner  as  Richard  Vernon,  knight,  or  any  other 

treasurer.  By  p.s. 

May  3.  Appointment  for  life  of  William  Eustace  as  one  of  the  king's  Serjeants 

Westminster,  at  arms,  with  i2d.  wages  daily  at  the  hands  of  the  sherifis  of  London. 

By  p.s. 

June  13.        Grant  for  life  to  William  Feynes,  knight,  lord  of  Say,  of  the  office  of 
Westminster,  the  constableship  of  the  king's  castle  of  Porchestre,  co.  Southampton,  with 
fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Richard  II. 

By  p.s, 

July  1.  The  like  to  Thomas  Combe  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  launds  within 

Westminster,  his  park  of  Claryngdon,  co.  Wilts,  otherwise  called  *  le  launderehip,'  with 
fees  as  above. 

April  1.  The  like  to  Halnath  Maulevrer,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  virgebalivui  or 

Durham.  the  verger  who  carries  the  rod  before  the  king  at  the  feast  of  St.  George 
within  Windsor  Castle,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the 
king's  lordship  or  manor  of  Colde  Kenbyngton,  co.  Middlesex,  and  all 
profits  pertaining  to  the  office.  By  K. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelled^  because  on  20  July,  1 1  Edward 
IV.,  the  king  granted  the  same  to  William  Evington, 

July  24.  Irhe  like  to  William  Skipwith,  king's  knight,  of  the  office  of  the  steward- 

Westminster,  ship  of  the  king's  lordship  of  Borewelle,  co.  Lincoln,  with  the  accustomed 
fees.  By  p.s. 

July  20.         Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  Walter  Rufford,  to  provide  horses  of 
Westminster,  any  price  for  the  king  and  the  household.  By  K. 

Membrane  2. 

July  31.         General  pardon  to  Gervase  Clyfton  late  of  Brauborn,  co.  Kent,  knight, 
Westminster,  alias  late  of  London,  of  all  offences  committed  by  him  before  20  July. 



X461,  Membrane  2— con/,  ^ 

Julj  30.         Orant  for  life  to  Thomas  Bank  of  the  office  of  one  of  the  king's  Serjeants 

Westminster,   at  arms,  receiving  12<f.  wages  daily  from  the  issues  of  the  city  of  London 

and  county  of  Middlesex,  a  coat  of  the  king's  livery  yearly  at  Christnuut 

at  the  greaPwardrobe  of  the  same  suit  and  doth  as  other  seijeants  at 

arms,  and  all  other  fees  pertaining  to  his  office.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  sheriffs. 

July  28.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Oker,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king's  father,  of 

Westminster,   the  office  of  master  carpenter  of  the  king's  castle  of  Kermerthmen  in  South 

Wales  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

July  31.  Appointnient  for  life  of  William  Hastynges,  knight,  of  Hastynges,  king's 
Westminster,  chamberlain,  as  chamberlain  of  Noi*th  Wales,  and  grant  to  him  of  that 
office,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  at  his  own  hands  and  rendering  his 
account  therefor  before  the  king's  auditors  there,  and  rendering  his  account 
for  the  issues  of  his  office  before  the  barons  of  the  Exchequer  at  West- 
minster. By  p.s. 

July  25.  Grant  for  life  to  Hugh  Shirley,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  ot 

Westminster.  Qd,  daily  from  4  March  last  from  the  farm  of  the  city  or  town  of  Hereford, 
for  his  fee.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  mayor,  bailiffs,  and  others,  of  Hereford. 

July  27.  Grant  for  life  to  Robert  Brews  of  the  office  of  constable  of  the  king's 

Westminster,  castle  of  Winchester,  with  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Richard 
II.  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Southampton.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  hy  surrender  by  him  and  cancelled, 

July  24.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Henry  Creswell,  for  his  good  service  to 

Westminster,   the  king's  father  Richard^   duke  of  York,  of  the  office  and  custody  of 

Brynnescolys,  Strangsty  and  Holmefryth,  co.  York,  receiving  \2d,  wages 

daily  from  the  issues  of  the  king's  lordship  of  Wakefyld.  By  IL 

Aug.  1.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Nicholas  Barnewall,  knight,  of  the  office 

Westminster,   of  chief  justice  of  the  King's  Bench  in  Ireland,  with  the  fees  pertaining  to 

his  office  from  the  farm  of  the  city  of  Dublin.  By  p.s. 

July  30.         Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  Vincent  Pitelesden  as  deputy  of  John 

Westminster.   Wenlok,  lord  of  Wenlok,  knight,  king's  chief  butler  of  England,  in  the 

port  of  Southampton  and  ports  and  places  adjacent,  receiving  the  accustomed 

fees.  By  till  of  the  chief  butler. 

July  28.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Richard  Felde  of  a  tenement  called 

Westminster.   <  le  logge '  within  the  king's  palace  of  Westminster,  between  the  round 

house  and  the  king's  hall,  with  a  '  shadde '  and  tenement  annexed  between 

the  round  house  on  the  west  and  the  door  of  the  palace,  rendering  13*.  4rf. 

yearly.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  3.  Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  Henry  Thwaytes  as  general  receiver  of 

Westminster,  all  castles,  lordships,  etc.,  late  of  Henry  Percy,  earl  of  Northumberland, 
deceased,  within  the  realm,  now  in  the  king's  hands,  rendering  his  account 
as  may  be  agreed  upon  between  him  and  the  king  or  the  treasurer. 

By  bill  of  treasurer. 

Like  appointment  of  Thomas  Blounf  as  general  receiver  of  all  castles, 
lordships,  etc.,  late  of  Edmund,  earl  of  Richemond,  deceased,  within  the 
realm,  and  as  steward  and  receiver  of  all  lordships,  manors,  etc.,  late  of 
Thomas  Roos  of  Hamelak,  and  Richard  Tunstall,  knights,  in  the  city  of 
Lincoln  and  the  parts  of  Lyndesey  and  Holand,  co.  Lincoln. 

By  bill  of  treasurer. 

Aug.  4.  Appointment  for  life  of  Peter  Trevers,  esquire,  as  clerk  and  keeper  of  the 

Westminster,  rolls  of  Chancery  in  Ireland,  receiving  a  fee  of  20/.  yearly  from  the  king's 
manor  or  lordship  of  Eskyr,  co,  Dublin  with  all  other  accustomed  profits. 

By  p.s. 

1  EDWABD  IV.— Part  I.  27 

14gl^  Membrane  2 — eont.  ^ 

Aug.  10.         Presentation  of  David  Lloyt,  chaplain,  to  the  parish  church  of  St^Brigida 

Westminster,  of  Dysserth,  in  the  diocese  of  St.  Asaph.     The  letters  are  directed  to  Th.y 

archbishop  of  Canterhuryy  primate  of  Ilngland  and  legate  of  the  apostolic 


Membrane  1. 

July  27.         Grant  for  life  to  Roger  Pye,  late  yeoman  of  the  chamber  of  the  king's 

Westminster,   father  Bichard,  duke  of  York,  of  the  office  of  ranger  of  the  king's  forest  of 

Cank,  receiving  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Bichard  II.  from 

the  issues  of  the  county  of  Stafford.  By  K. 

July  29.  Grant  to  the  warden  and  fellows  of  the  college  of  St.  Mary  of  Wynton 
Westminster.  (New  College),  Oxford,  commonly  called  *  Saint  Marie  College  of  Wyn- 
chestre  in  Oxenford,'  of  100/.  from  the  first  moneys  arising  from  the  second 
moiety  of  the  tenth  lately  granted  by  the  clergy  of  the  province  of  Canter- 
bury in  the  archdeaconry  of  Salisbury  and  Wilts,  and  lUO  marks  from  the 
like  in  the  archdeaconry  of  Oxford  ;  in  fxill  repayment  of  250  mai*ks  lent 
by  them  to  the  king.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  collectors  of  the  above-named  moiety  in  the 
archdeaconry  of  Oxford. 

The  like  to  the  collectors  in  the  archdeaconry  of  Salisbury  and  Wilts. 

July  23.         Appointment  for  life  of  John  Biche  of  Barchamstede  as  king^s  bailiff  of 
Westminster,  the  lordship,  honour  and  liberty  of  Berkhamstede  in  the  counties  of  Hert- 
ford, Buckingham  and  Northampton,  with  the  accustomed  fees.         By  p.8. 

July  15.         Grant  for  life  to  Bees  Vaghan  of  the  office  of  the  provostship  of  Baydirgey 
Westminster,   in  Wales,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

July  6.  The  like  to  Bichard  Nonynton  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  *  le  hay wode  * 

Westminster,   in  the  county  of  Hereford,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

July- 25.  Grant  in  frank  almoin,  from  the  first  day  of  the  reign,  to  Henry  Sampson, 

Westminster,  clerk,  now  provost,  and  the  scholars  of  the  college  called  *  Orvelle  *  within 
the  university  of  Oxford,  of  the  foundation  of  Edward  II.,  ol  the  manors 
and  lordships  of  Wadle  alias  Wadeley  and  Wykingesham,  co.  Berks,  alias 
the  manor  of  Worda,  with  all  services,  fairs,  warrens,  views  of  frank  pledge 
and  other  appurtenances,  in  aid  of  their  sustenance.  By  p.s. 

July  28.         Grant  for  life  to  Henry  Trenchard,  esquire,  of  the  constableship  of  the  ' 

Westminster,   king's  castle  of  Caresbrok  in  the  Isle  of  Wight  and  the  office  of  riding 

forester  in  the  New  Forest,  co.  Southampton,  receiving  the  fees  pertaining 

to  the  offices  at  the  hands  of  the  receiver  of  the  island  and  the  sheriff  of  the 

county  respectively.  By  K. 

July  29.         Grant,  during  minority,  to  Thomas  Parre,  king's  knight,  of  the  custody  of 

Westminster,  the  lands   of  the  heir  of  John  Hothom,  esquire,  son  and  heir   of  John 

Hothom,  knight,  with  the  marriage  of  the  heir.  By  p.8- 

July  27.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Cook,  citizen  and  alderman  of 
Westminster.   London,  of  the  office  of  parker  and  keeper  of  the  king's  park  of  Haveryng 
'  at  Boure,  co.  Essex,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  revenues  of  the  lord- 
ship and  manor  of  Haveryng  at  Boure.  By  K. 

July  29.         Pardon  to  Thomas  Havecok  of  Hastyng  of  all  felonies  committed  by  him. 
Westminster.  By  p.s. 

July  28.  Appointment,  during  good  behaviour,  of  John  Howard,  knight,  as  one  of 

Westminster,   the  king's  carvers,  receiving  40/.  yearly,  viz.  20/.  from  the  farm  of  the 

town  of   Ipswich,  co.  Suffolk,  and  20/.  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of 

Norfolk  and  Suffi>lk.  By  p.s. 

July  30.  Grant  to  the  warden  and  scholars  of  the  college  called  *  Saint  Marie 

Westminster.   College  of  Wynchestre  by  Winchester*  of  100/.  from   the  first  moneys 


'      1461,  Membrane  l-^ont. 

arising  from  the  second  moietj  of  the  tenth  lately  ginnted  bj  the  clergy  of 
the  province  of  Canterbury  in  the  archdeaconry  of  Winchester,  and 
100  marks  from  the  like  in  the  archdeaconry  of  Surrey;  in  full  repay* 
ment  of  260  marks  lent  by  them  to  the  king.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  ho  the  collectors  of  the  above-named  moiety  in  the 
archdeaconry  of  Surrey. 

The  like  to  the  collectors  in  the  archdeaconry  of  Winchester. 

Membrane  27d, 

March  28.  Commission  to  William  Bourgchier  of  Pitzwaren  and  Philip  Gourtenay, 
WestminBter.  knights,  Philip  Beaumont  and  Henry  Bodrugan,  esquires,  Thomas  Clemens 
and  the  sheriff  of  Cornwall  to  arrest  and  imprison  John  Arundell  the  elder, 
John  Trevilian  and  Thomas  Bodulgan,  esquires,  and  others  in  insurrection 
in  the  said  county  and  elsewhere,  and  to  cause  a  proclamation  to  be  made 
against  insurrection  in  the  said  county. 

April  1.  Commission  to  John  Wenlok,  knight,  to  summon  the  gentry  and  others  of 

Westminster,   the  counties  of   Northampton,    Bedford,    Buckingham,    Cambridge  and 

Huntingdon  to  assist  him  to  besiege  the  castle  of  Thorpwaterfeld.       By  K. 

March  31.        Commission  to  William  Lee,  <  joynour,'  to  find  carriage  and  labourers 
WestminBter.   called  *  carters '  with  horses  and  oxen  for  three  cannons  or  great  bumbards 
which  the  king  has  ordered  to  be  sent  for  the  siege  of  the  castle  of  Thorp- 
waterfeld. By  K, 

April  2.  Commission  to  John  Swillyngton,  Edmund  Thome  and  Richard  Pereson 

Westminster,  to  enquire  into  the  complaint  of  the  brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  John 
Baptist,  Brakley,  co.  Northampton,  that  Bobert  Marchall  and  others 
unknown  entered  the  hospital  on  20  March  and  carried  off  divers  utensils 
and  beasts  belonging  to  it,  alleging  that  they  were  the  property  of  Henry 
Grene,  clerk,  late  master  of  the  hospital,  a  servant  of  the  household  of 
Henry  VI.,  and  disposed  of  them  in  divers  places  and  threatened  the 
brethren,  ministers  and  servants ;  and  to  arrest  and  imprison  the  offenders. 

April  7.  Commission  to  Thomas  Qylle  the  younger  and  Thomas  Gule  to  arrest 

Westminster,  and  imprison  Bobert  Gambon,  gentleman  of  the  county  of  Devon,  and 
Edmund  Bosum,  alias  Boson  and  others  in  insurrection  in  the  county. 

April  9.  Commission  to  John  Stokes,  esquire,  John  Cooke,  Thomas  Fowler,  John 

Westminster.  Lowe,  John  Cornewaill,  Richard  Hows  and  John  Russhe  to  arrest  and  im- 
prison certain  persons  who  wander  about  in  the  counties  of  Oxford,  Berks 
and  Bucks,  killing,  spoiling  and  oppressing  the  king's  subjects,  and  to  seize 
their  goods. 

March  10.        Commission  by  the  advice  of  the  council  to  Robert  Elmham,  John  Pyn- 
We&tniinster.  chemore,  Robert  Grice,  Richard  Bunne,  John  Sayve,  Olivej*  Holme  and 
Christopher  Norwych  to  buy  and  provide  wheat,  rye,  barley,  beans,  peas, 
and  other  kinds  of  grain  for  the  king's  store. 

April  10.         Commission  to  John  Newebury,  esquire,  to  arrest  and  imprison  William 

Westminster.  Grymesby  and  Bartholomew  Halley,  esquires,  Peter  Ualley,  John  Penycok, 

John  Skipwith,  Thomas  Rutland,  Thomas  Colbrace  and  Oliver  Munde, 

rebels  and  adherents  of  Henry  VI.,  and  other  suspected  persons,  and  to 

seize  their  goods. 

Commission  to  Walter  Conye,  mayor  of  Bishop's  Lenn,  John  Howard, 
esquire,  Thomas  Wynkfeld,  esquire,  Gilbert  Debenhaor  Thomas  Kelowe 
and  Thomas  Crosse  to  seize  and  bring  before  the  king  in  Chancery  Thomas 
Tudenham,  knight,  and  Robert  Halyday,  '  yoman,'  rebels  and  adherents  of 
Henry  YI.,  and  to  seize  their  goods  and  take  them  to  London. 

April  8.  Commission   to  Henry   Pomeray,  Walter  Ralegh,  Thomas  Gylle  the 

Westminster,  younger,  Seindere  Pomeray  and  John  Balegh  to  arrest  Edward  Pever^U  of 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  I.  29 

1461.  Membrane  2Td^^cont. 

Chidley,  ^yoraan,'  and  Peter  OUesbroun,  <  pedler,'  and  bring  them  before  the 
king  in  Chancery. 

May  9.  Commission  to  Geoffrey  Pygot,  knight,  Chrigtopher  Wandesford,  Thomas 

York.        Copley  and  William  Walleworth  to  ari-est  Thomas  Hope  of  the  parish  of 

Ripon,  *  yoman/  and  bring  him  before  the  king  in  Chancery.  By  K. 

Membrane  26J. 

Commissions  of  the  peace  in^various  counties  pursuant  to  the  statutes  of 
Winchester,  Northampton  and  Westminster  and  the  statutes  and  ordinances 
there  and  at  Cambridge.     {For  the  names  of  the  justices  see  Appendix)* 

Membrane  26d. 
Commissions  of  the  peace  in  various  counties.    (See  Appendix.) 

Membrane  24d. 

Commissions  of  the  peace  in  Tarious  counties,  pursuant  to  the  statutes 
and  ordinances  of  Winchester,  Northampton^  Westminster  and  Cambridge. 
{See  Appendix.) 

Membrane  23d. 
Commissions  of  the  peace  in  various  counties.    {See  Appendix.) 

Membrane  22d. 
Commissions  of  the  peace  in  various  counties*    {See  Appendix) 

Membrane  2ld. 
Commissions  of  the  peace  in  various  counties.     {See  Appendix.) 

Membrane  20d. 

April  27.  Commission  to  Thomas  Combe,  esquire,  and  the  sheriff  of  Surrey  and 
Durham.  Sussex  to  take  into  the  king's  hands  all  the  possessions  late  of  Henry,  duke 
of  Somerset,  Henry,  late  earl  of  Northumberland,  James,  late  earl  of  Wilts, 
Thomas  Roos  of  Ros,  knight,  John  Nevill  of  Nevill,  knight,  and  John 
Clyflbrd  within  those  counties  and  to  certify  thereto  in  Chancery  on  the 
morrow  of  Midsummer, 

May  5.  Commission  to  John  Maleverer,  William  Wakefeld  and  Richard  Poleyn 

Middlefaam.  to  arrest  William  Hebden  of  Burghbrigge,  Gk>dfrey  Plompton,  John 
Normanbye,  Thomas  Keld,  John  Nicoll,  Thomas  Tode  the  younger  and 
Henry  Throlthrop  and  bring  them  before  the  king  in  Chancery. 

May  2.  Commission  to  Robert  Ogle,  knight,  to  take  into  the  king's  hands  his 

Newcastle-     castle  of  Harebotell  and  lordship  of  Reddesdale  and  also  the  castle  of  Forde 

on-Tyne.      imd  other  possessions  late  of  John  Heron  of  Forde,  knight,  deceased,  and  to 

seize  Roger,  son  and  heir  of  John,  and  keep  the  same ;  and  to  crush  any  of 

the  county  of  Northumberland  who  may  resist. 

May  11.         Commission  to  John  Bourghchier  of  Bemes  and  Robert  Harecourt, 
York.        knights,  Walter  Blount,  William  Mitton,  William  Harecourte  and  John 
Harecourte  to  arrest  and  imprison  rebels  in  the  counties  of  Derby  and 

30  caIendar  of  patent  rolls. 

1461.  Mefnhrane  20d — cont. 

May  11.  Commission  to  William  Hastynges,  knight,  Thomas  Burgh,  esquire, 
York.  »  Thomas  Palmer,  Thomas  Blount  and  Richard  Neell  to  take  into  the  king's 
hands  all  the  possessions  in  England  and  Wales  and  the  marches  of  the 
same  late  of  William,  viscount  Beaumont,  of  the  inheritance  of  John,  late 
viscount,  his  father,  and  [Elizaheth]  his  mother,  daughter  and  heiress  of 
William  Philip,  late  Lord  Bardolf,  and  otherwise,  and  also  the  castle  and 
lordship  of  Bever  with  appurtenances  in  the  counties  of  Lincoln,  Leicester 
and  Notts,  and  the  lordship  and  manor  of  Stoke  Daubenej  with  appur- 
tenances, CO.  Northampton,  late  of  Thomas  Koos,  knight,  commonly  called 
lord  of  Roos,  they  being  rebels  and  adherents  of  the  king's  enemies  of 
Scotland  and  France ;  with  power  to  demise  the  same  at  farm  and  appoint 
stewards,  receivers,  bailiffs  and  other  officers.  By  K. 

May  22.         Commission  to  Roger  Radclyff  and   Robert  Morley,  esquires,  Thomas 

Westminster.  Brampton   the  younger,  William  Radclyff,  James  Radclyff  and  Richard 

George,  serjeant  at  arms,  .to  arrest  John  Radclyff  and  Thomas  Radclyff  sons 

of  Q-eoffrey  Radclyff,  knight,  John  Castell  and  Geoffrey  Trym  and  bring 

them  before  the  king  in  Chancery. 

May  8.  Commission  to  John  Haryngcon,  esquire,  John  Kyrton,  Thomas  Banke 

York.  and  William  Boleyn  to  arrest  Thomas  Claymond,  esquire,  Robert  Heryng, 
^  sowter,'  and  John  Hedale.  carpenter,  and  bring  them  before  the  king  in 

May  13.  Commission  to  the  king's  kinsman  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  William 

York.  Nevile  of  Faucomberge,  knight,  John  Nevile  of  Montagu,  knight,  Ralph 
Graystok,  knight,  Thomas  Lomley,  knight,  James  Stranguays,  knight,  John 
Conyers,  knight,  George  Lomley,  Richard  Stranguays,  James  Stranguays, 
William  Burgh,  John  Wandesford,  Thomas  Mountfort,  William  Conyers 
•  and  Ralph  Ayssheton  to  arrest  and  imprison  rebeU  in  the  North  Riding  of 
the  county  of  York.  By  IL 


May  9.  Commission  to  William  Herbert,  knight,  Thomas  Herbert,  esquire  of  the 

York.  body,  John  Herbert  and  Hugh  Hunteley  to  take  into  the  king's  hands  the 
county  and  lordship  of  Pembroke  with  all  members  and  other  possessions 
in  England  and  Wales  and  the  marches  of  Wales  late  of  Jaspar,  earl 
of  Pembroke,  the  castle  of  Dunster,  co.  Somerset,  and  other  possessions  late 
of  James  Luterell,  knight,  and  the  castles  and  lordships  of  Gudricch  and 
Urchenfeld  in  the  county  of  Hereford  and  the  marches  of  Wales  adjacent 
and  the  county  of  Gloucester  and  all  advowsons  late  of  John,  earl  of 
Shrewsbury,  rebels.  The  said  William  has  also  power  to  appoint  stewards 
and  other  officers.  By  K. 

Commission  to  Thomas  Herbert,  esquire  of  the  body,  Thomas  Herbert 
the  younger,  esquire,  John  Herbert  and  Hugh  Huntley,  to  take  into  the 
king's  hands  all  the  possessions  late  of  William  Mille,  knight,  deceased, 
rebel,  within  the  counties  of  Gloucester  and  Hereford,  and  elsewhere 
within  the  realm  of  England  or  the  marches  of  Wales,  and  of  Roger 
Barowe,  rebel,  within  the  county  of  Hereford,  with  power  to  appoint 
stewards  and  other  officers.  By  K. 

May  10.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  William  Stokton,  mayor  of  York, 

York.  Robert  Danby,  John  Wenlok,  knight,  James  Strangways,  knight,  William 
Hastynges,  knight,  Robert  Constable  of  Fleynburgh,  knight,  John  Thryske, 
Guy  Fayrefax,  Thomas  Neleson,  and  John  Thwaytes,  touching  treasons, 
insurrections  and  other  offences  committed  within  the  city  and  suburbs  by 
John  Morton,  clerk.  By  K. 

Commissions  of  array  in  various  couutieb.  [Far  the  names  of  the 
commissio)i€rsy  see  Appendix^]  By  K. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  I.  31 

1461.  Mbmbrans  ISd. 

Commissions  of  array  in  various  counties.     (See  Appendix.) 

May  8.  Commission   to   John  Melton,  Jobii  Constable,  William  Saintqujntyn, 

*  York.  and  Eobert  Constable  of  Flajmburgb,  knights,  and  Robert  Hylyard  and 
John  Hartfeld,  esquires,  to  arrest  and  imprison  rebels  in  the  East  Riding 
of  the  county  of  York.  By  K. 

The  like  to  John  Copyndale,  John  Middelton,  John  Roddesham,  Thomas 
Tone,  Thomas  Etton  and  Brian  Holme,  bailiff  of  the  liberty  of  St.  John 
of  Beverley,  within  the  said  town  and  liberty. 

March  10.  Commission  with  the  advice  of  the  council  to  Robert  Elymham,  John 

WestminBter.  Pynchemore,  Robert  Grice,  Robert  Brightlede,  John  Sayve,  Oliver  Holme, 
and  Christopher  Norwiche,  to  provide  wheat,  rye,  barley,  beans,  peas,  and 
other  kinds  of  grain  for  the  king's  store. 

March  22*       Commission  to  the  king's  kinsman,  William,  earl  of  Arundel,  Roger 
Westminster.  Leukenore,  knight,  Thomas  Uvedale,  Thomas  Taweke,  John  Wode,  William 
Husee,  and  the  sheriff  of  Sussex,  to  arrest  and  imprison  certain  rebels, 
servants  of  Thomas  de  Roos.  By  K. 

Commission  to  Alexander  ClyfTord,  esquire,  John  Norton,  Thomas 
Remys,  John  Richyugwode,  Richard  Hogekyn,  and  the  constables  of  the 
hundred  of  Middelton,  co.  Kent,  to  arrest  and  imprison  certain  vagabonds 
in  the  said  county  and  hundred.  By  K, 

March  23.        Commission  to  William  Campernon,  esquire,  Walter  Raynell  and  Robert 

Westminster.  Raynell  to  arrest  and  imprison  William  Stenekke,  Thomas  Roger,  Thomas 

Stenelake,  Thomas  Prous,  Richard  Champernon  alias  Rawe,  John  Wigom 

alias  Wykeham,   John   Warberton   the   elder  and   John    Warberton   the 

younger,  *  merchaunt.'  Bj  K. 

March  27.        Commission  to  Geoffrey  Gate  and  William  Glover  to  fortify  the  castle 
Westminster,   of  Corff,  co.  Dorset,  and  hold  it  against  the  rebels. 

March  25.        Commission  to  Thomas  Saymer,  knight,  Thomas  Rodney  and  Robert 
Westminster.  Stowell  to   arrest  Alexander   Houdye,   knight,   and   deliver  him  to   the 
constable  of  the  Tower  of  London  or  his  lieutenant  to  answer  for  certain 
offences  committed  against  the  king's  person. 

April  6.  Commission  to  Thomas   Gillo    the  younger,   esquire,   to    arrest  John 

Westminster.  Flexmer  and  bring  him  before  the  king  in  Chancery. 

MsMBRAlfn  17rf. 

March  8.         Commission  to  Thomas  Inse,  Matthew  Hay  and  the  sheriff  of  Kssex  to 
Westminster,  array  all  ablebodied  men  in  the  said  county  for  defence  against  Henry  VL 
and  his  adherents  and  the  king's  enemies  of  France  and  Scotland,  and  to 
arrest  and  imprison  rebels.  By  K. 

The  like  to  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  in  the  counties  of  Northampton, 
Warwick,  Leicester,  Stafford,  Worcester,  Gloucester,  Salop,  Nottingham, 
Derby  and  York.  By  K. 

July  4.  Commission   to  William  Blount,  Nicholas  Fitz  Herbert,  John  jCurson, 

Westminster.  John  Pole,  Nicholas  Kneveton  and  Ralph  Saucheverell,  esquires,  Henry 
Bertrem  and  the  sheriff  of  Derby  to  arrest  Roger  Vernon  late  of 
Wyrkes worth,*  gentilman,'  Thomas  Cadmanlate  of  Haddon,  *yoman,'  Richard 
Cadman  late  of  the  same,  '  yoman,'  Ralph  Dounes  late  of  the  same, '  yoman,' 
John  Akerland  late  of  the  same,  •  yoman,'  John  Ston  late  of  Elton,  *  laborer,' 
Roger  Ston  late  of  the  same,  •  laborer,'  John  Kynder  late  of  Wynster, 
'laborer,'  Richard  Adamson  of  Wynster,  Maborer,'  Thomas  Cantrell  of 
Byrchour,  ^  laborer,'  William  Cantrell  of  the  same, '  husbondman,'  Richard 
Hay  ward  of  the  same,  Maborer,'  Charles  Spynner  of  Bonsalt,  Maborer,' 
Jobn  Boper  of  the  same,  Maborer/  Nicholas  Bromhall  of  Allerwasle^ 


1461.  Membrane  17  d^cont, 

'  laborer/  Robert  Grente  of  the  Bame,  ^  laborer/  William  Parker  of  Belper, 
*  laborer/  Henrj  Hilton  of  Wyrkesworth,  *  joman/  Thomas  Storer  of  the 
same,  yeoman,  Richard  Smyth  of  the  same,  'yoman/  William  Smyth  of 
the  same,  '  yoman/  William  Stone  of  the  same,  '  yoman,' William  Sturdy 
late  of  the  same, '  laborer,'  William  Hochekynson  late  of  the  same, '  yoman,' 
John  Smyth  late  of  the  same,  '  yoman,'  Edmund  Elton  of  Aysshebum, 
'  yoman,'  William  Turnour  of  the  same,  '  yoman,'  Hugh  Parker  of  the 
same, '  yoman,'  Thomas  Parker  of  the  same,  ^  yoman,'  Richard  Hethcote  of 
the  same, '  servant,'  Nicholas  Bradley  of  the  same,  ^  yoman,'  John  Bayly-  of 
the  same,  ^  yoman,'  Ralph  Warde  of  Lokhawe,  '  yoman,'  John  Cotton  of 
Clyfton,  ^  husbondman,'  John  Wodehous  of  Derby, '  baker,'  and  John  Orme 
of  Derby,  *  yoman,'  and  bring  them  before  the  king  in  Chancery. 

March  10.        Commission  to  John  Leuthorp,  Thomas  Langley,  Henry  Barlee,  Ralph 

Westminster.  Qrey,  Thomas  Barley,  John  Barlee,  Richard   Barlee  and  Richard  George, 

one  of  the  king's  Serjeants  at  arms,  to  arrest  Thomas  Dryson  of  Hennam, 

John  Burgeys,  William  Bayford,  John  Coke,  John  Somerset  and  John 

Longe,  and  bring  them  before  the  king  in  Chancery.  By  K. 

March  11.       Commission  to  Thomas  Cobham,  knight,  Nicholas  Gay  nesford,  sheriff  of 

Westminster.  Surrey,  Thomas  Kager,  Henry  Carpenter,  John   Goodman   and   Robert 

Grerveys  to  arrest  and   imprison  Nicholas  Carewe,  late  escheator  in  the 

-   counties  of  Surrey  and  Sussex,  Bartholomew  Alyngton,  Richard  Kyng, 

Thomas  Dean,  Thomas  Bullok,   Richard  Luxford,  John  Beche,  Richard 

Adene,  Thomas  Compton,  John  Groffham  and  John  Poke. 

March  14.       Commission  to  Walter  Conye,  mayor  of  Bishop's  Lynn,  Thomas  KoUowe 

Westminster,   and  Thomas  Crosse  to  arrest  John  Halyday  the  elder,  Robert  Houghton, 

John  Marlyn,  *bruer,'  William  Prentyce  of  Castelacre,  Peter  Blake  and 

Hem*y  Danyell, '  yoman,'  and  their  favourers  and  bring  them  before  the  king 

in  Chancery.  By  K. 

March  20.        Commission  to  the  bailiffs  of  Kyngeston  on  Thamis  to  arrest  and  im- 
Westminster,   prison  all  evildoers  and  vc^abonds  in  the  town. 

March  22.        Commission  to  George  Danyell,  Walter  Duredent,  William  Norton,  John 
WestBiiaster.  Bamewell  and  John  Dogmanton  to  arrest  and  imprison  all  vagabonds  in 
the  counties  of  Middlesex,  Buckingham  and  Hertford. 


March  10.        Order  to  Humphrey  Stafford,  esquire,  sheriff  of  the  counties  of  Somerset 
Westminster,  and  Dorset,  and  to  the  escheator  in  those  counties,  to  take  into  the  king's 
hands  all  the  possessions  of  Henry,  duke  of  Exeter,  Henry,  duke  of  Somerset, 
Thomas,  earl  of  Devon,  James,  earl  of  Wilts,  Henry,  earl  of  Northumber- 
land, James  Loterell,  knight,  and  Alexander  Hody,  knight,  in  those  counties. 


March  18.        Commission  to  Henry  Frowyk,  Robert  Newthgate  and  Robert  Aubrey, 

Westminster,  esquires,  Walter  Kynton,  George  Ay nes worth,  constable  of  the  hundred  of 

Eldron,  William  Turney  and   John  Adam,  constable  of  the  hundred  of 

Speldron,  co.  Middlesex,  to  arrest  and   imprison  vagabonds  within  tlio  said 

hundreds.  By  K. 

May  27.       Commission  to  Gilbert  Brocas  and  William  Wt;kys  to  arrest  John  Blake, 
Westminster.  *  laborer,'  and  biing  him  before  the  king  in  Chancery. 

May  27.  Commission  to  Roger    Tocotes,    kni^^ht,  John  Whittokysmede,   John 

Westminster.  Reynold  and  the  sheriff  of  Wilts  to  enquire  into  divers  wastes,  dilapida- 
tions and  other  trespasses  committed  within  the  king's  castle,  manor,  park 
and  lordship  of  Devise,  town  of  Roude  and  forestn  of  Melkesham,  Pevesham 
and  Chippenham  in  the  said  county. 

1  EDWAHD  IV.— Part  I.  33 

1461,  Membrane  I6d — cont. 

June  9.         Commission  to  Edmund  Arnold  and  Bichard  Cove,  clerks,  to  collect  the 
WeBtminster.  rents  and  profits  of  the  poss^ons  of  the  college  of  St  Mary  and  St. 
Nicholas,  Cambridge,  and  to  acoooni  for  them  at  the  Exchequer  after 
allowance  for  necessary  expenses. 

Mbmbranb  ISd, 

June  12.        Commission  to  Nicholas  Wedower, '  bowjer,'  to  provide  bows,  wood  for 
Westminster,  bows  called  '  bowjstafes,'  and  other  things  pertaining  to  his  mystery  for 
the  king's  equipment  (stuffura)  in  bows,  and  carriage  for  the  same  and 
bowyers  and  labourers. 

June  10.         Commission  to  William  Norwyche,  mayor  of  Norwich,  William  Roke* 
Westminster,  wode  and  Thomas  Elys  to  arrest  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Thomas,  lord  Boos,  and 
Nicholas  Scotte  and  Robert  Walton,  his  servants,  and  bring  them  before  the 
king  in  council. 

June  12.         Commission  to  John  atte  Will  and  William  Marsshall  to  arrest  John 
Westminster.  Goldesue,  Thomas  Erlee  and  William  More,  and  bring  them  before  the 
king  in  Chancery. 

June  18.         Commission  to  the  sheriff  of  Gloucaster  to  arrest  and  bring  before  the 
Westminster,  king  in  council  William  Gefifray,  John  Cardmaker,  William  Curteys  and 
John  Bawelyn  and  their  accomplices,  who  have  created  a  disturbance  in 
that  county. 

June  17.  Commission  to  John,  abbot  of  Tavestok,  Philip  Courteney,  knight,  Karl 
Westminster.  Denham,  Philip  Courteney,  Humphrey  Courteney,  Nicholas  Kirkeham, 
Henry  Pomeray,  William  Duke,  mayor  of  Exeter,  William  Forster,  mayor 
of  Dertemouth,  and  Thonu&s  Pralle,  mayor  of  Toteneys,  to  arrest  and  bring 
before  the  king  in  council  William  the  Bastard  of  Exeter  and  Baldwin  Fulfurd, 
knight,  and  their  favourers,  who  have  been  stirring  ap  the  people  of  Devon 
and  Cornwall  and  the  adjacent  parts  to  side  with  Henry  VI.  and  the  king's 
adversaries  of  France. 

June  24.  Commission  to  John,  abbot  of  St.  John's,  Colchester,  the  abbots  of  Walden 
Westminster,  and  Waltham  Holy  Cross,  Nicholas,  prior  of  Wodebrigge,  Masters  Thomas 
Chicheley,  archdeacon  of  Canterbury,  William  Wolsflete,  dean  of  Stoke, 
John  Salet  and  William  Gosselyn,  Thomas  Waldegrave,  knight,  Gilbert 
Debenham  the  elder,  John  Clopton,  Thomas  Brewes,  Bichard  Suthwell, 
Bichard  Felawe,  William  Baldry,  John  Dorward  the  elder,  John  Grene, 
John  Tey,  Nicholas  Sharp,  William  Grene,  William  Forde,  John  Say, 
Bobert  Knolles,  Balph  Grey  and  Thomas  Brokes  to  urge  the  king's  subjects 
of  the  counties  of  Suffolk,  Essex  and  Hertford  to  raise  a  fleet  for  the  king 
against  his  enemies  of  France  and  Scotland,  after  the  example  of  the  men 
of  York  and  Scarburgh  and  other  places  in  the  north,  who  have  provided 
it  for  half  a  year  at  their  own  expense,  to  find  six  ships  fully  equipped  with 
men  at  arms  and  archers  to  the  number  of  700,  and  to  take  the  ships'  victuals 
and  stores. 

July^  1.  Conmiission  to  Bobert  Basely,  mayor  of  Wynchelsee,  Babilon  Graunford, 

Westminster.  Bichard  George,  one  of  the  king's  Serjeants  at  arms,  and  John  Copuldyk, 
bailiff  of  Wynchelseee,  to  enquire  by  oath  of  good  men  of  Kent  and  Sussex 
into  the  complaint  of  John  Hevy  and  Denis  Leyn,  merchants  of  Ireland, 
that  when  they  were  sailing  in  a  ship  towards  England  Thomas  Mather, 
master  of  a  balinger  called  Trugcy  and  other  pirates  seized  the  ship  and 
divers  goods  near  Wynchelsee,  although  they  had  been  customed  and 
coketted  in  Ireland,  and  disposed  of  them  at  their  will  ;  and  to  arrest  the 
offenders  and  order  restitution  if  need  be. 
II    86914.  n 




May  28. 


May  IL 


June  6. 

June  16. 


Membrane  14dl 

CommiBaion  to  John  de  Audeley,  William  Bonr^chier  of  Fitz  Waren, 
kni^t,  and  John  Stonrton  of  Stourton,  knight,  to  urge  the  king's  tnbjects 
of  Sie  counties  of  Southampton,  Wilts,  Somerset,  ^rset,  Cornwall  and 
Devon  to  resist  the  king's  enemies  of  Franoe  who  have  entered  the  island  of 
Guemesey  and  besieged  his  castle  of  Comet  there.   *  B7  C. 

Commission  to  Edmund  Arnold  and  Bichard  Cove,  clerks^  to  collect  the 
rents  and  profits  of  the  possessions  of  the  college  of  St.  Marj  and  St.  Nicholas, 
Cambridge,  and  to  account  for  them  at  the  Exchequer  after  allowance  for 
necessary  expenses. 

Commission  to  Humphrey  Bourghchier,  Thomas  Kjrme  and  the  sheriff  of 
Lincoln  to  arrest  Joan  the  wife  of  Bichard  Wellys  of  Wylloughbj,  knight, 
Bobert  Welljs  his  son,  and  John  Standrop  and  bring  them  before  the  king 
in  Chancery.  By  K. 

Commission  to  Thomas  Parr  and  Edward  Bethum,  knights,  and  Walter 
Striklond,  John  Hodieston,  Nicholas  Laybum,  James  Lajbum  and  William 
HarTugton,  esqubes,  to  arrest  Gkunaliel  Penyngton,  Christopher  Broughton 
and  James  Irryell  and  bring  them  before  the  Imig  in  council.  By  C. 

Commission  to  William  Hastynges,  knight,  Balph  Hastjnges,  esquire, 
Thomas  Palmer,  Thomas  Floure  and  WillSim  Banastre  to  arrest  Thomas 
Thlude  and  bring  him  before  the  king  in  Chancery  to  find  security  that  he 
will  not  harm  the  person  or  house  of  Bobert  Aleyn,  chaplain,  by  fire  or 

Commission  to  William  de  Hastynges,  knight,  Balph  Ebutynges,  esquire, 
Thomas  Palmer,  Bichard  HastjnoLges  and  Thomas  Floure  to  arrest  Edmund 
Wareyn,  *  gentilman/  and  bring  him  before  the  king  in  council. 

May  14. 


May  11. 


May  12. 

May  10. 


May  14. 


Membrane  13J. 

Commission  to  Thomas  Clemens,  Thomas  Trefry,  Walter  Code,  Nicholas 
Southcotes,  Serjeant  at  arn»,  and  the  sheriff  of  Cornwall,  to  cause  restitu- 
tion to  be  made  to  Bichard  Temyo  and  divers  merchants  and  others  of 
London  and  the  said  county  of  tin  and  other  goods  of  which  they  complain 
that  they  have  been  despoiled,  and  to  arrest  and  imprison  the  onenders. 


Commission  to  William  Herbert,  knight,  Thomas  Herbert,  «squire  of  the 
body,  and  John  Doune  to  take  into  the  king's  hands  and  demise  at  farm  the 
castles  and  lordships  of  Lagham  and  Wslwaynes,  late  of  James,  earl  of 
Wilts,  in  South  Wales,  with  power  of  i^pointing  stewards  and  other 
officers.  By  K. 

Commission  to  John  Bourghchier  of  Berners  and  Bobert  Harecourt, 
knights,  Walter  Blount,  William  Mitton,  William  Harecourt,  John 
Harecourt  and  John  Seinbarbe  to  take  into  the  king's  hands  the  castle 
of  Egleshale  and  the  town  and  castle  of  Stafford  and  all  goods  which 
Henry  YL,  Margaret  his  consort  or  Edward  his  son  had  within  the  said 
castle  and  town  or  elsewhere  in  the  county,  and  to  arrest  all  who  resist. 

Commission  to  William  de  Faucomberge,  knight,  John  de  Audeley, 
Humphrey  Stafford,  knight,  Walter  Balegh  and  Bobert  Ingleton  to  take 
into  die  king's  hands  all  the  possessions  of  Thomas  Courtenay,  knight,  late 
earl  of  Devon,  within  the  realm.  By  K. 

Commission  to  William  Hastynges,  knight,  Thomas  Burgh,  esquire  of  the 
body,  Thomas  Blount,  John  Topclyff  and  John  Whichcotes  to  take  into  the 
king's  hands  the  lordships  and  manors  of  Kyme  Croft  and  Goltchawe  with 
their  members,  co.  Lincoln,  and  all  lands  late  of  William  Tailboys,  knight,  a 
rebel  and  adherent  of  the  king's  enemies  of  France  and  Scotland,  in  the  said 
county,  with  power  to  demise  the  same  at  farm,  and  power  to  the  said 
Thomas  Burgh  to  appoint  stewards  and  other  officers.  By  K. 

1  EDWAED  IV.— Part  I.  35 

1461.  Membrane  ISd—cont. 

Commiasion  to  Williaui  HastyngeB,  knigbt,  Walter  Blount,  esquire,  and 
the  sheriffs  of  Nottingham,  Derby  and  Stafford  to  take  into  the  king's  hand 
all  possessions  of  rebels  and  all  farms  and  rents  arising  from  the  same  up 
till  the  Annunciation  last.  By  K. 

May  23.  Commission  to  William  Duke,  mayor  of  Exeter,  to  arrest  and  imprison 

Wefltmiiister.  seditious  vagabonds  in  the  said  city  and  suburbs.  By  K. 

May  14.  Commission  to  Robert  Ingleton,  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Northampton 

Lincoln.  and  Rutland,  to  take  into  the  king's  hands  all  the  possessions  late  of  Henry, 
duke  of  Exeter,  Thomas  de  Roos,  knight,  John  lord  Beaumont,  John  de 
Lovell,  knight,  Thomas  Grey  of  Bugemont,  knight,  Richard  Wydevyll, 
kni|^t,  Alice  late  the  wife  of  John  de  Lovell,  knight,  William  Catesby, 
knight,  William  Vaux,  knight,  Thomas  Tresham,  knight,  Richard  Harodon, 
knigh^  Thomas  Trussell,  knight,  Thomas  G-rene  the  younger,  knight, 
Richard  Lovell,  esquire,  Henry  Roos,  esquire,  Robert  Tanfeld,  esquire, 
Thomas  Langton,  esquire,  John  Umfray,  John  Atclyff  and  John  Welles 
in  the  said  counties. 

May  29.         Commission  to  Thomas   Sakevyle  and  William  Bedston,  esquires,  to 
Wertminster.  arrest  John  Suthwyk,  esquire,  and  bring  him  before  the  king  in  council. 

April  13.        Commission  to  John  Blanford,  mayor  of  Shaftesbury,  and  John  Newe- 
Westminster,  burgh  and  Thomas  Hardgill,  esquires,  to  arrest  and  imprison  Juliana 
Whitynough  of  Shaftesbury  and  other  seditious  vagabonds  in  the  county  of 

Maieh  10.  Commission  to  the  mayor  and  jurats  of  Sandwich  and  Richard  George, 
Westminster,  one  of  the  king's  Serjeants  at  arms,  to  enquire  into  the  complaint  of  George, 
bishop  of  Exeter  and  chancellor,  that  whereas  he  had  pledged  certain  jewels 
with  Richard  Rawlyn,  citizen  and  grocer  of  London,  for  a  sum  of  money  to 
be  spent  on  the  king's  service,  and  the  said  Richard  put  them  in  a  barrel 
on  board  a  vessel  of  Hastynges,  of  which  Edward  Qylle  was  master,  to  take 
to  Calais  for  delivery  to  certain  persons  there,  certain  pirates  boarded  the 
vessel  while  it  was  lying  in  the  port  of  Sandwich  waiting  for  a  fair  passage 
and  carried  off  the  jewels;  and  to  order  restitution  and  to  arrest  the 

Membrane  \ld. 

June  16.        Commission  de  toaUiis  et  fossatis   to  William  Notyngham,  Robert  de 

Weetminster.   Heworth,  Thomas  Heyton  and  Walter  WretiU  and  William  Pert,  esquires, 

along  the  coast  of  the  sea  and  marsh  from  the  mill  called  ^  Tempylmylle ' 

to  the  chapel  of  St.  Katharine  situate  upon  Bowebrigge  and  from  thence  to 

Homeden,  Hokley,  ToUesbury  and  Wyggebergh  in  the  county  of  Essex. 

Nov.  2.  The  like  to  John  Qrene,  Thomas  Colt,  Walter  Wyrtyll,  William  Pert 

Westminster,   and  Richard  Pygot  in  the  same  place. 


Feb.  10.  The  like  to  Richard  Welby,   Richard  Pynchebek,  John  Pynchebek, 

Westminster.  Leonard  Thomeburgh  and  Richard  Fendyk  from  Skegnes  and  l^odyngton 
Pygot  to  Tydde  Gote  in  the  parts  of  Holand,  co.  Lincoln. 

Feb.  12.  The  like  to  John  Grene,  William  Notyngham,  Walter  Writell,  William 

Westminster.  Alyngton,  John  Sulyard,  Robert  Berdsey,  Thomas  Walton,  Hugh  Hure- 
look  and  Thomas  Hayton  in  the  above-named  places  in  the  county  of 


Nov.  17.         The    like   to  Guy  Fairfax,  John  Vavasour,   Robert  Shefeld,   Edward 
Westminster.   Saltmarshe,  Geoffrey  Blakey,  John   Haldynby,   John   Barker,  and  John 
Yeland    in  the  parts  of  Mersshland  between   the  rivers  Owese,  Doon, 
Ayer  and  Went,  and  the  county  of  Lincoln. 



1461.  MSMBRANB  9d. 

Julj  8.  Commission  to  the  e«cheator  of  Surrey  and  Sussex  to  take  into  the  king's 

Westmiiwter.   hands  all  the  possessions  late  of  JsBpar,  earl  of  Pemhroke,  William,  viscount 

Beaumont,  Thomas    Tresham,   Giles  Sejntclowe,  John    Fenjeok,  John 

Treyilian,  Nicholas  Bjgby  and  Master  David  Cook,  on  account  of  their 

rebellion  against  the  king. 

Membranb  8d. 

July  8.         Commission  to  Walter  Devereux  of  Ferrers,  knight,  William  Herbert 

Westminster,  of  Herbert,  knight,  and  James  Baskervile,  to  array  M  ablebodied  men  in 

the  counties  of  Hereford,  Gloucester,  and  Salop,  for  defence  against  the 

king's  enemies  of  France  and  Scotland,  and  the  adherents  of  Heniy  YI. 

and  Margaret  his  wife. 

Mbmbranb  Id. 

July  27.        Commission  to  William  Laken,  Nicholas  Sybill,  John  Bowe,  and  Bobert 
Westminster.  Martyn,  to  deliver  the  gaol  of  Maydeston  of  Gilbert  Herbert,  prisoner  there. 

July  13.        Commission  to  John  Desney,  Henry  Hawncert,  John   Barkworth,  and 
Westminster.   John  Hatleff  to  arrest  John  Sotell,  Henry  Sotell,  Bichard  Thurlewall, 
Bichard  Burgh,  Balph  Bayte,  and  John  Clynton,  clerk,  and  bring  them 
before  the  king  in  council. 

July  12.  Commission  to  Philip  Harveys,  master  of  the  king's  ordnance  {prdina" 
Westminster,  cionum)^  to  take  carpenters  called  *  whelers'  and  '  cartwryghts '  and  others, 
stonecutters,  smiths,  plumbers  and  other  workmen  for  the  same,  bombards, 
*  culbrynes,' '  fowelers,' '  serpentynes'  and  other  cannons  and  powders,' sulphur, 
saltpetre,  stones,  iron,  lead  and  other  equipment  for  them,  cross  bows  and 
string  (tractum)  for  them,  bows,  arrows,  *  bowestrynges,*  *  langedebeves,' 
^  glayves,'  and  clubs  {malleas)y  and  carriage  for  the  above  and  horses  called 
'  hakneys.' 

Mbmbranb  M. 

July  4.  Commission  to  William  Tiiommes  and  William  Fetherston  to  take  ships, 

Westminster,  masters  and  mariners,  for  the  king's  fleet. 

The  like  to  the  following : — 
Bichard  Barry. 
Thomas  Williams. 
Janicot  Gascoign. . 
John  Porter. 
Bichard  Strange. 
John  Hartilpole. 

Mbmbranb  5d, 

July  15.  Commission  to  Henry  Bodrugan,  Thomas  Trefry,  William  Trevenour, 
Westminster.  William  Hourde,  William  Penfoun  and  the  sheriff  of  Cornwall  to  enquire 
into  the  complaint  of  John  Dabzac  and  Bertram  de  la  Grave  of  Gascony 
that,  when  they  were  sailmg  to  England  in  a  ship  called  la  Margarete  of 
Brittany  laden  with  wines  and  other  goods  belonging  to  themselves  and 
other  merchants  for  the  delivery  of  certain  prisoners  under  letters  of  safe- 
conduct  of  Henry  VI.,  granted  at  the  instance  of  John  Stourton  of  Stourton, 
knight,  certain  pirates  in  a  carvel  of  Hugh  Courtenay,  knight,  seized  the 
ship  and  took  it  to  Fowey,  and  disposed  of  it  and  the  wines  and  merchandise 
and  letters  and  imprisoned  them ;  and  to  release  them  from  prison  and 
arrest  and  imprison  the  offendei-s  and  order  restitution  to  be  made,  if 
need  be. 

1  BDWABD  IV.—Part  I.  87 

14^1,  Mbmbranb  4d. 

July  23.         Commission  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton,  Thomas  Wake,  esquire,  and 
Westminater.   Ingilram  Knjvet  to  arrest  William  Qrjndell  and  Richard  Leder  and  bring 
them  before  the  king  in  council. 

Julj  24.  Commission   to  William   Bourghchier  of  Fitz   Warjn,  knight,  Philip 

Westminster.  Beaumont,  Richard  Deushill,  Richard  Chichestre,  John  Gjfford,  Thomas 
Dowerjssh,  John  —  and  the  major  of  Bernestaple  to  urge  the  king^s 
subjects  of  the  north  parts  of  the  county  of  Devon  to  supply  ships  well 
equipped  with  men,  victuals  and  habiliments  of  war  for  halt  a  year  at  their 
own  expense  for  defence  against  the  king's  enemies  of  France  and  else- 
where, after  the  example  of  other  subjects  of  the  king  in  various  parts: 
and  to  appoint  persons  to  collect  money  and  other  supplies  thus  granted  and 
to  take  ships  and  men  and  equipment  as  above. 

The  like  to  the  abbot  of  Torre,  Henry  Fomeray,  Philip  Copleston,  Otho 
Gilbert,  Nicholas  Kirkham  and  the  mayors  of  Dertemouth  and  Tottenesse 
in  the  south  parts  of  Devon. 

The  like  to  6.  bishop  of  Exeter,  Philip  Courtenay,  knight,  William 
Duke,  mayor  of  Exeter,  John  Chuddelegh,  William  Denys,  John  Whityng, 
Robert  Wylsford  and  John  More  in  the  east  parts  of  Devon. 

The  like  to  the  abbots  of  Tavystok  and  Bukfast,  the  prior  of  Plymton, 
Roger  Champemoun,  Philip  Courteney,  James  Derneford,  Thomas  Buttoky- 
shide,  Andrew  Hylresdon,  Walter  Raynell,  John  Gybbys  and  Walter 
Ralegh  in  the  west  parts  of  Devon. 

July  23.         The  like  to  R.  bishop  of  Salisbury,  John  Stourton  of  Stonrton,  knight, 
Westminster.  John  Audeley  of  Audeley,  John  Seymour,  knight,  John  Boynton,  knight, 
Roger  Tocotes,  knight,  Thomas  Beauchamp,  Reginald  Stourton,  John 
Whittokesmede  and  Thomas  Rogger  in  the  county  of  Wilts. 

The  like  to  W.  bishop  of  Winchester,  the  king's  kinsman  William,  earl 
of  Arundel,  John  Audeley  of  Audeley,  John  Stourton  of  Stourton,  knight, 
Henry  Brune,  knight,  Maurice  Berkele,  Thomas  Welle,  Richard  Dalyn- 
grygge  and  Michael  Skyllyng  in  the  county  of  Southampton. 

Mbmbranb  3d. 

July  7.  Appointment  of  John,  abbot  of  Llaneguyfall,  David  Kyfllyn,  doctor  of 

Westminster,  laws,  Roger  Pyllysden,  John  Hanmer,  John  Trevor,  John  Pyllesden  and 

Robert  ap  How^  as  the  king's  attorneys  to  receive  altornaments  and 

attendances  from  all  tenants  of  his  lordship  of  Chyrke  and  Chyrkelande  in 

the  marches  of  Wales. 

June  18.  Commission  to  William  Hasty nges,  knight,  Thomas  Wake,  Ralph 
Westminster.  Hastynges,  Robert  Ingleton  and  John  Langton,  esquires,  William  Hyde, 
^gentilman,' Waltei*  Freyne, '  gentilman,'  and  John  Gefron,  ^gentilman,'to 
arrest  and  imprison  Robert  Tanfeld  the  younger,  John  Newale,  Richard 
Bowman,  Richard  Gierke  alitu  Taylour  of  Crannesley,  Richard  Austeyn  of 
Walgrave  and  John  Baron  of  Crannesley  and  other  seditious  vagabonds  in 
the  county  of  Noithampton. 

.   July  17.         Commission  to  John    Stourton  of   Stourton,    Humphrey  Stafford  of 
V^estminster.   Southwyk  and  William  Stourton,  knights,  and  G^rge  Midelton,  esquire,  to 

arrest  Robert  Tanfeld  the  younger  and  bring  him  befora  the  king  in 


July  23.         Commission  to  the    sheriff  of    Berks,  Richard  Restwold  and  John 
Westminster.  Sanyngbourne    to    arrest    Thomas    Curteyse,  Matthew    Taylour,    John 
Fra  .  .  .  urte  and  Thomas  Barnard  and  bring  them  before  the  king  in 

May  30.  Writ  of  aid,  directed  to  all  sheriffs,  mayors  and  others  of  the  king's 

Westminster.   ca.stle  of    Caresbroke,  lordship  and   island   of    Wight,   and  counties    of 

Southampton,  Sussex  and  Surrey,  for  Geoffrey  Gate,  whom  the  king  has 


1461  •  Membrane  M — cant. 

appointed  lieutenant^  keeper  and  governor  of  the  said  castle,  lordship  and 

Maj  28.  Commission  to  John  Cheselburgh,  abbot  of   Quarre,  Geoffrey  Qate, 

Westminster,  lieutenant,  keeper  and  governor  of  the  king's  castle  of  Caresbroke  and  lord- 
ship and  island  of  Wi^t,  John  Haket,  Henry  Trenchard,  Richard  Lake 
and  Thomas  Haynowe  to  assemble  the  king^s  subjects  of  the  said  island  and 
the  counties  of  Southampton,  Surrey  and  Sussex  for  defence  of  the  castle 
and  island  against  the  king's  enemies  of  France  and  others,  should  they 
attempt  an  invasion. 

May  30.  Commission  to  the  said  GeofErey  Gate  to  defend  the  said  castle  of  Cares- 

Wesuninster.  broke  and  lordship  and  island  of  Wight,  to  summon  the  inhabitants  of  the 
island  and  others  for  watches  and  other  accustomed  services  for  defence 
when  necessary,  and  to  seize  and  imprison  rebels ;  and  appointment  of  him 
as  receiver  of  the  castle,  lordship  and  island,  to  coUect  all  rents  and  profits 
and  account  for  them  at  the  Exchequer  after  allowance  for  fees  to  himself 
and  his  soldiers. 

Membrane  2d. 

Aug.  1.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  Bourghchier  of  Bemers,  knight, 

Westminster.  John  Audeley  of  Audeley,  Nicholas  Ayssheton,  Walter  Moile,  John  Lysle, 
knight,  John  Seymour,  kjiight,  Maurice  Berkeley,  esquire,  Michael  Skillyng 
and  Thomas  Uvedale,  esquire,  pursuant  to  the  statute  in  Parliament  at 
Westminster,  1  Richard  IL,  on  complaint  by  William,  bishop  of  Winchester, 
that  the  bondmen  of  his  manor  of  Estmene,  co.  Southampron,  have  thrown 
off  their  allegiance.  For  ^  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Aug.  9.  Commission  to  Richard  Symond,  Nicholas  Warner,  John  Braunche,  John 

Westminster.   Payntour,  William  Bartelot  and  John  Ghidlegh  to  provide  mariners,  cables 

(ffabulas)y  cordage  and  other  gear  for  a  ship  called  la  Grace  Dieu  at 

the  expense  of  the  king's  kinsman  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  to  whom  the 

king  has  committed  the  custody  of  the  sea. 

Aug.  9.  Commission  to  John  Otter,    Daniel  Sheldon,  Walter   Memme,  John 

Westminster.  Luddyngton,  John  Braunche  and  William  Brereton  to  provide  wheat,  beans, 

peas,  meat,  fish,  wine,  ale  (eeleam  et  servisiam)  and  other  victuals,  cables, 

cordieige,  bows,  arrows,  lances,  cannons,  powder,  iron  and  timber  and  smith's, 

carpenters  and  other  workmen  for  the  said  ship  as  above. 

Membrane  Id. 

Aug  12.         Commission  to  the  king's  brother  George,  duke  of    Clarence,  John 

Westminster.  Audeley  of  Audeley,  Walter  Devereux  of  Ferrers,  knight,  William  Herbert 

of  Herbert,  knight,  Thomas  Herbert^  esquire  of  the  body,  Williadl  Herbert, 

esquire,  John  Doune,  esquire,  John  Welford,  John  Kene  and  Hugh  Huntley 

to  enquire  into  all  treasons,  insurrections  and  rebellions  in  South  Wales. 





Aug.  10. 

July  28. 

Ang.  8. 

Aug.  9. 

Aug.  12. 

Aug.  13. 

Aug.  12. 

Aug.  8. 

Aug.  8. 

Membrane  26. 

Grant  for  life  to  John  Burgh,  derk,  of  the  custody  of  the  hospital  of  St. 
John  the  Baptist,  Occleye>  oo.  Bedford,  and  60  acres  of  arable  land,  3  acres 
of  psusture  and  3  acres  of  meadow  pertaining  to  it,  lately  granted  to  Bichard 
White,  clerk,  by  letters  patent  of  Henry  "Vl.  surrendered.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  king's  servant,  Thomas  Ballesden,  of  a  plot  or  tenement 
in  the  parish  of  St.  Nicholas,  Calais,  to  hold  in  the  same  manner  as  John 
Floctons  or  Robert  Brenchesley  held  the  same  by  letters  patent  of  Henry  VI. 

By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  king's  servant,  John  Skelton,  esquire,  of  the  o£  of 
spignmel  of  Chancery,  from  4  March  last,  with  the  accustomed  fees  at  the 
hands  of  the  keeper  of  the  hanaper,  and  a  livery  of  the  suit  of  the  esquires 
of  the  household  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  great  wardrobe.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  same  of  the  office  of  the  constableship  of  the  king's 
castle  or  lordship  of  Hadleigh  or  Hadley,  co.  Essex,  receiving  fees  as  in 
the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Richard  II.  from  the  issues  of  the  same,  and 
of  the  custody  of  the  said  castle,  manor  or  lordship  from  Michaelmas  next, 
rendering  14/.  yearly  to  the  king,  as  did  Henry,  duke  of  Exeter,  to  Henry 
VI.,  and  40».  more  besides.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  king's  servant,  Reginald  Yonge,  of  the  office  of  purveyor 
of  the  king's  works  at  the  manor  of  Childern  Langley  and  the  lodge  within 
the  park  there  with  the  palings,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of 
the  counties  of  London  and  Middlesex  in  the  same  manner  as  Thomas 
Se^eham,  deceased,  had.  By  K. 

General  pardon  to  Hugh  Pakenham,  esquire,  late  of  the  soke  of  Win- 
chester ali<is  late  of  Hertley  WaspaiU,  co.  Southampton.  By  p.s. 

Release  to  William  Eure,  knight,  of  Wotton  in  the  bishopric  of  Durham, 
of  2,000/.  which  on  13  May  he  acknowledged  before  Robert  Danby,  chief 
justice  of  the  Bench,  at  York,  that  he  was  bound  to  pay  to  the  king  before 
Whitsuntide.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  Robert  Eure,  late  of  Wotton.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  Henry  Eure,  late  of  Wotton.  By  p.8. 

The  like  to  William  Eure,  clerk,  late  of  Wotton.  By  p.8. 

Appointment,  during  good  behaviour,  of  Thomas  Blount  as  general 
receiver  of  aU  castles,  manors,  lands,  &c«  late  of  Edmund,  earl  of  Richemond, 
deceased,  in  England,  and  steward  and  receiver  of  all  lordships,  manors, 
lands,  Ac.  late  of  Thomas  Roos  of  Hamelak  and  Richard  Tunstall,  knights, 
in  the  city  of  Lincoln  and  the  parts  of  Lyndesey  and  Holand,  co.  Lincoln, 
receiving  fees  to  be  agreed  upon  with  the  treasurer  of  England.         By  K, 

Ghrant  for  life  to  Robert  Constable,  knight^  of  the  offices  of  steward  of  the 
lordships  and  manors  of  Catton,  Foklington,  Lekynfeld,  Na£Ferton,  Hun- 
manby,  Semar,  Spofford,  Heley,  Tadcastre  and  Awbom  with  all  members, 
sokes  and  appurtenances  late  of  Henry,  earl  of  Northumberland,  deceased, 
in  the  county  of  York,  and  of  Howsom,  Turnumhall,  Garton,  Seton, 
Storwhatt,  Melbum,  Ravensthorp,  Boltbj  and  Thirlby  with  all  members 
and  appurtenances  late  of  Thomas,  late  lord  Roos,  who  still  survives,  in  the 
said  county ;  and  40/.  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  same,  with  power  of 
appointing  the  accustomed  officers  and  ministers  at  the  accustomed  fees. 



1461.  Membrane  26— can/. 

Julj  28.         The  like  to  Thomas  Clemens  of  the  offices  of  constable  of  the  king's 

Westminster,  castle  of  Tyntagelle,  co.  Corn^eally  and  controller  of  the  works  of  the  king's 

castles  and  manors  in  the  duchy  of  Cornwall,  from  Michaelmas  last,  with 

fees  as  in  the  time  of  Edward  III.  at  the  hands  of  the  reeve  of  the  king's 

manor  of  Tjmtagelle.  Bj  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  ree?e  of  the  manor. 

Mbmbranb  25. 

Aug.  6.  Appointment  for  life  of  Oermjn  Ljnche  of  London,  goldsmith,  as  warden 

WestDiinster.  and  master  worker  of  the  king's  moneys  and  coins  within  the  castles  of 
Develyn  and  Trym  in  Ii^land  and  graver  of  the  '  pounsons '  of  the  same, 
pursuant  to  a  statute  in  Parliament  at  Drougheda  before  the  king's  father 
Richard,  duke  of  York,  then  lieutenant  of  Ireland,  on  Friday  after  St. 
Blase,  38  Henry  YL,  and  to  make  the  same  within  the  town  of  Ghdwey; 
viz.  a  piece  of  silver  of  the  value  of  \d^  120  of  which  shall  go  to  the  pound 
troy,  of  which  one  shall  go  to  the  king  and  ^v^  to  himself  and  114  to  the 
merchants,  and  silver  pieces  of  the  value  of  2d,  and  \d,  in  like  manner,  and 
pieces  of  brass,  8  of  which  shall  be  of  the  value  of  \d.  He  also  has  power 
to  make  pieces  of  brass  or  copper,  4  of  which  shall  be  of  the  value  of  !</., 
^  to  be  enprented  with  a  figure  of  a  bysshop  hede  and  a  scripture  of  this 
'  word  Pcttrik  aboute  the  same  hede  on  the  one  side  and  with  a  crosse  with 
*  this  woord  SalvcUor  therboute  on  the  other  side.'  The  coins  may  vary 
from  the  standard  by  6  pennyweights  in  every  pound  troy,  which  variance 
shall  be  called  '  remedy '  for  him,  but  he  shall  reforge  defective  coins.  He 
shall  receive  10  marks  yearly  from  the  profits  of  the  said  moneys,  and  shall 
make  a  privy  sign  on  every  piece  of  silver,  and  shall  have  power  to  make 
necessary  instruments  where  he  will  and  to  take  labourers.  All  merchants 
shall  have  free  entry  and  issue  into  and  out  of  any  of  the  said  castles  or 
town.  And  he  shall  have  freedoms,  liberties  and  usages  as  the  master  of 
the  mint  in  the  Tower  of  London  has.    English,  By  K. 

Sept.  9.         Appointment,  during  good  behaviour,  of  John  Broke  as  one  of  the  auditors 

Bristol.       of  the  duchy  of  Comwi^l,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  at  the  hands  of  the 

receiver  general  of  the  duchy.  By  pj«. 

Sept.  9.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Don,  one  of  the  ushers  of  the  kiner's  chamber, 

Malmesbury.  of  the  offices  of  captain  and  constable  of  the  king's  castle  of  Aburstwith, 
constable  of  his  castle  of  Kermerdyn,  walstote  of  the  commotes  of  Widigata 
and  Elvet,  co.  Kermerdyn,  and  sheriff  of  the  counties  of  Kermerdyn  and 
Cardigan  in  South  Wales,  receiving  the  usual  fees  at  the  hands  of  the 
king's  chamberlain  of  South  Wales,  with  all  profits  of  pasture  of  Aburst- 
with and  the  custom  called  '  Frysemayse,'  in  the  same  manner  as  John 
Griff,'  knight,  or  Edmund  Beauford,  late  duke  of  Somerset,  late  severally 
captain  and  constable  of  the  castle  of  Aturstwith,  or  the  said  duke  or 
other  holders  of  the  other  offices  had.  By  K. 

Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  Bichard  Fowler  as  general  receiver 
of  all  lordships,  manors,  lands  and  rents,  late  of  John,  earl  of  Shrewsbury, 
in  the  counties  of  Derby,  Salop,  Stafford,  Chester,  Gloucester,  Buckingham, 
and  Wilts,  and  elsewhere  in  England,  receiving  a  fee  to  be  agreed  upon 
with  the  treasurer  of  England.  By  bill  of  treasurer. 

July  1.  Pardon  to  Richard  Fenys,  knight,  lord  Dacre,  and  Joan  his  wife,  of  all 
Westminster,  trespasses  committed  by  them  in  entering  on  any  castles,  lordships,  manors, 
lands,  rents,  knight's  fees,  advowsons,  etc.  late  of  Thomas  Dacre,  knight, 
lord  Dacre,  grandfather  of  the  said  Joan,  who  is  his  heir,  in  the  counties 
of  Cumberland,  Westmoreland,  Northumberland,  and  Lincoln,  before 
30  June.  By  p.8. 

July  26.         Presentation  of  Thomas  Sparowe,  chaplain,  to  the  parish    church  of 
Westminster.  St  Laurence,  Rysyng  Castell,  in  the  diocese  of  Norwich,  void  by  resignation 
cf  Robert  Frcrebr,  chaplain. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  H. 


24i61.  Membrane  25 — cant, 

Oct.  13.  Grant,  daring  tbe  minority  of  the  heir,  to  the  king's  servant  Fulk  Spren- 

Westmiiuter.  cheaux,  esquire,  of  the  offices  of  steward  of  the  loidahip  of  Oorsham,  the 
forest  of  Cle,  and  the  chase  of  the  park  of  Ernystre,  with  the  constableship 
of  the  said  castle  and  receiver  of  all  lands,  lordships  and  manors  within 
the  said  castle  and  lordships  late  of  John  Talbot,  earl  of  Sheresbary,  with 
the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.8. 

Sept.  6. 

Sept  5. 

Sept.  24. 

Sept..  10. 

Aug.  8. 

Sept.  8. 

Oct.  2. 

Oct  9. 


Grant  in  frank  almoin  to  Christopher,  the  abbot,  and  the  convent  of 
St.  Mary's,  Trym,  in  the  diocese  of  Meath,  of  the  king's  two  water-mills  of 
Trym,  with  weirs,  fisheries,  conduits,  and  other  appurtenances,  and 
wood  in  the  king's  park  of  Trym  for  the  repair  of  the  same,  with  the 
usual  customs  and  services  of  the  tenants  of  the  king's  manor  of  Trym, 
to  find  a  wax  light  burning  continually  iu  their  church  before  the  image 
of  the  Virgin  and  Ave  others  at  the  times  of  mass  and  antiphon  after 
vespers  for  the  honour  of  God  and  the  good  estate  of  the  king  and 
Cicely  his  mother  and  his  heirs,  and  the  souls  of  his  progenitors  and  himself. 

By  p.8.  for  ^  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper* 

Ratification  of  the  estate  which  Henry  Sever  has  in  the  chancellorship 
of  St  Paul's,  London,  and  the  deanery  of  Brigenorth,  co.  Salop.         By  K. 

Appointment  for  life  of  Thomas  Burgh,  esquire,  as  one  of  the  esquires 
of  the  body,  receiving  50  marks  yearly  from  2  April  last  from  the  issues 
of  the  lordship  of  Kirton  in  Lyndesey,  co.  Lincoln,  at  the  hands  of  the 
sheri£F.  By  p.s. 

Inspeximtu  and  confirmation  to  John,  now  abbot,  and  the  canons  of  St. 
Augustine,  Grimesbi,  of  a  charter  of  Henry  11.  dated  at  Westminster 
{Monasticon)^  being  a  grant  to  the  abbot  and  convent,  in  furtherance  of  a 
grant  of  Henry  L,  of  the  site  of  the  abbey  of  Welhou,  the  churches  of  St. 
James  in  Grimesby,  Cle,  Teteney,  Hotoft,  Biebi  and  Catebi,  and  lands  and 
liberties  in  New  Grimesby  of  Wast,  Leisebi,  Grimesbi,  Teteney  and 
Humbrestan.  For  20f.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Greneral  pardon  to  Richard  Bidelesgate,  late  of  Tyverton,  co.  Devon, 
^  gentilman.'  By  K. 

Grant  of  letters  of  denization  to  Moses  Counteryng,  merchant  and 
burgess  of  Bristol.  By  K.  for  40;.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Revocation  of  protection,  with  clause  volumus^  for  one  year,  granted  13 
August  by  letters  patent  to  John  de  Concistorio,  merchant  of  Spain, 
*  Spaynard,'  staying  on  the  king's  service  in  the  company  of  Walter  Blount, 
king's  knight,  treasurer  of  Calais,  for  the  safe-custody,  defence  and  victual- 
ling of  the  town  and  marches,  as  it  appears  by  certificate  of  the  sheriff  that 
he  stays  in  the  city  and  suburbs  of  London  on  his  own  business. 

Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  Robert  Radclyf  of  the  office  of  admiral  of 
Norfolk  and  Suffolk  and  the  coasts  of  the  same,  with  the  accustomed  fees. 

By  p.s. 

Membrane  23. 

Aug.  4.  Grant  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Yonge,  late  of  Bristol,  of  116/.  I3s.  Ad. 

Westminster,  from  the  first  moneys  of  the  first  moiety  of  the  tenth  granted  by  the  clergy 

of  the  province  of  Canterbury  in  the  diocese  of  Bath   and  Wells,  in 

repayment  of  the  same  sum  lent  by  him  to  the  king.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  collectors  of  the  said  moiety. 


1461.  Membrane  23— con^. 

July  20.         Gbant,  daring  good  behavioar,  to  the  king's  servant  William  Tamonr  of 

Westmtiuter.  the  office  of  ganger  of  the  town  of  Sandwich,  with  fees  as  in  the  times  of 

Edward  III.  and  Richard  II.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  4.  Appointment  for  life  of  Master  Henry  Trevylyan,  king's  derk,  as  master 

Westminster,  or  warden  of  the  house,  or  hospital,  of  St.  Katharine  by  the  Tower  of 

London.  By  pji. 

Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Richard  Browne  of  the  custody  of 

the  king's  meadow  and  woods  called  ^  Wycombe  Medewe '  and  '  Wycombe 

WoddeSy'  CO.  Buckingham,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

July  25.         The  like  to  Edward  Kyngdon,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  6d. 

Westminster,  daily  for  his  fee  from  4  March  last  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  town  of 

Bridport.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  mayor,  bailiffs  and  other  officers  of  the  said 


Aug.  6.  Grant  for  life  to  William  Apprice  of  the  office  of  parker  of  the  king's 

Westminster,  park  of  Alton,  co.  Stafford,  wi&  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and 

Richard  II.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  3.  Grant  to  Eleanor  late  the  wife  of  Henry,  earl  of  Northumberland,  of  the 
Westminster,  manors  of  Topclyff,  co.  York,  Bukden  and  Strebotell  with  appurtenances 
in  Langstorough,  and  the  manors  of  Poklyngton  and  Semar  to  the  value 
of  200/.  yearly  from  the  death  of  the  said  earl,  until  provision  shall  be 
made  to  her  to  the  same  amount  from  his  lands,  which  have  not  yet  been 
extended.  By  p.6. 

Aug.  6.  Grant  for  life  to  John,  duke  of  Suffolk,  and  Elizabeth  his  wife  of  the 

Westminster,  offices  of  constable  of  Walyngfonl  with  the  stewardship  of  the  honours  of 
Walyngford  and  St.  Waldric  and  the  four  and  a  half  hundreds  of  Chilteme, 
receiving  40/.  yearly  for  themselves  and  40/.  yearly  for  their  lieutenant  at 
the  hands  of  the  receiver  of  Walyngford,  in  the  same  manner  as  William, 
late  duke  of  Suffolk,  father  of  the  said  John,  did.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  2.         The  like  to  William  Herbert,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  constable  of  the 
Westmmster.    king's  castle  of  Cardigan,  co.  Cardigan,  in  South  Wales,  receiving  the  same 
wages  as  Giles  Thornton,  esquire,  late  constable,  had  from  the  issues  of  the 
county  of  Cardigan  at  the  hands  of  the  king's  chamberlain  of  Eermerdyn. 

By  p.8. 

July  25.  Exemption  for  life  of  Greoffirey  Boleyne,  alderman  of  London,  for  his  good 
Westminster,  service  to  the  king's  father,  from  being  put  on  assizes,  juries,  inquisitions, 
attaints  or  recognisances  and  from  being  made  trier  of  them,  taxer,  collector 
or  assessor  of  customs,  taxes,  tallages,  fifteenths,  tenths  or  other  subsidies, 
knight,  mayor,  sheriff,  escheator,  commissioner,  constable,  bailiff  or  other 
officer  or  minister  of  the  king  against  his  will.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  8.         Grant  for  life  to  John   Merston,  knight,  of   a  tenement   called   *  le 
Windsor,      ledenporche'    in    London    in  the  parish  of  St.   Martin  Orgar    and  in 
'  Crokedlane,'  which  he  had  previously  agreed  with  the  treasurer  of  England 
to  lease  for  20  years,  without  rendering  anything.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  the  said  John  of  20  marks  yearly  from  the  manor  of  Wappeston, 
CO.  Surrey,  until  he  or  his  wife  or  executors  shall  be  satisfied  of  107/.  due 
to  him  from  the  earl  of  Pembroke.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  9.  Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  the  king's  servant  Bichard  Croft  the  younger 

Westminster,  of  the  office  of  receiver  of  all  manors,  lands  and  other  possessions  late  of 

John,  earl  of  Shrewsburv,  in  the  counties  of  Gloucester  and  Hereford, 

receiving  the  accustomed  fees  and  also  10  marks  yearly  from  the  issues  of 

tlie  same.  By  p.s. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  II. 


July  25. 

Sept.  4. 

Sept.  7. 

July  26. 

Sept.  4. 

1461,  Membrane  22. 

Sept.  6.         Grant  for  life' to  the  king's  servant  Bichard  Patyne,  fw  his  good  service 

Bristol.       to  the  king's  father,  of  the  office  of  porter  and  gaoler  of  the  king's  castle  of 

GKlf ord,  CO.  Surrey,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  Thomas  Treffry,  esquire,  of  10  marks  yearly  at  the  exchequer 

of  Lostwithiell,  co.  Cornwall.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  William  Horde,  esquire.  By  p.s. 

Grant  for  life  to  John  Yonge,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  6d, 
daily  for  his  fee  from  4  March  last  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  town  of 
Colchester.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  men  or  bailifis  of  the  said  town. 

Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  John  Moile,  for  his  good  service  to 
the  king's  father,  of  an  annuity  of  10  marks  at  the  hands  of  the  receiver  of 
the  ezdiequer  of  Dynbigh.  By  p%8. 

The  like  to  Robert  Park,  one  of  the  king's  yeomen  purveyors  of  ale,  of 
tlie  office  of  ganger  of  the  ports  of  Bristol,  with  the  accustomed  fees. 

By  p.s. 

The  like  to  Boger  Kelshall«  one  of  (lie  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  6^.  daily 
for  his  fee  from  4  March  last  from  the  fee  faim  of  the  city  or  town  of 
Norwich.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  mayor,  guardians,  citizens,  keepers,  sheriffs^ 
officers,  bailiffs  or  others  of  the  said  city  or  town. 

Grant  for  life  to  William  Porter,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  the 
office  of  balistar  within  the  Tower  of  London,  receiving  the  accustomed 
fees  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Warwick  and  Leicester. 

By  p.8.  [378]. 

The  like  to  the  kin^s  servitor  James  Hatvele  of  the  office  of  purveyor 
for  the  works  of  the  king's  manor  of  Eltham,  co.  Kent,  from  Easter  last, 
with  the  same  fees  as  Robert  Ketylwell  had  from  the  issues  of  the  manor ; 
and  appointment  of  him  as  above  as  purveyor  and  clerk  of  the  works  of  the 
king's  manor  of  Grenewiche,  co.  Kent,  receiving  the  same  fees  as  the  said 
Robert  Ketilwell  did  in  the  year  38  Henry  VI.  from  the  issues  of  the 
manor.  By  p.s. 

General  pardon  to  Richard  Assheton,  abbot  of  Peterborough,  co. 
Nortihampton.  By  p.s. 

Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  William  Herbert  of  Herbert,  knight,  of  the 
office  of  steward  of  the  castle  and  lordship  of  Breknok  and  all  other 
possessions  late  of  Humphrey,  duke  of  Buckingham,  in  South  Wales,  in 
the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Henry,  son  and  heir  of 
Humphrey,  son  and  heir  of  the  said  duke,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees 
from  the  issues  of  the  same.  By  K 

Grant  for  life  to  the  paid  William  of  the  offices  of  steward  and  receiver 
of  the  king's  castle,  manor  and  lordships  of  Cleford,  Glasebury  and 
Wjrnf  urton  in  the  marches  of  Wales,  with  the  accustomed  fees.         By  p.s. 

Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  Thomas  ap  Roeser  Vaughan,  esquire,  of  the 
office  of  receiver  of  the  lordships  of  Breghnok,  Hay  and  Huntyngdon  in 
Wales,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  death  of  Humphrey,  duke  of 
Buckingham,  and  the  minority  of  Henry,  his  kinsman  and  heir,  receiving 
the  accustomed  fees.  By  K. 

Ghrant  for  life  to  James  Pemberton,  groom  of  the  king's  chamber,  of  the 
offices  of  keeper  of  the  king's  park  and  garden  of  his  manor  of  Eltham,  co. 
Kent,  from  the  first  day  of  the  reign,  with  all  fees,  profits  and  revenues  of 
the  manor.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  21. 

Aug.  8.         Appointment  of  Ralph  Wolseley  and  John  Crafton  as  receivers  of  all 
We«tmintter.  moneys  from  all  manors  and  lands  of  which  John,  lord  of  Lovell,  knight. 

Sept.  7. 

Aug.  12. 

Sept.  8. 


X461.  Memhrane2\ — amt. 

was  seised,  or  anjooe  else  for  his  use,  in  the  connties  of  Cambridge,  Salop, 
and  Essex,  so  long  as  thej  remain  in  the  king*s  hands,  receiving  such  fees 
as  shall  seem  reasonable  to  the  treasorer  of  England. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Aug.  8.  Grant  for  life  to  Bobert  Ogle,  knight,  of  the  o£Sces  of  steward  and 

Westminster,  constable  of  the  lordships  and  castles  of  Aunewyk,  Werkworth,  Purdowe, 

Bathebury,   Neuboume  and  Newbourne  Heven,  co.  Northumberland,  and 

all  other  manors  and  lands  late  of  Henry,  earl  of  Northumberland,  in  the 

same  county,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  same.     By  K. 

Aug.  9.  Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  William  Staverton  of  the  office  of  the 

Westminster,  custody  of  Crambourn  alias  the  balliage  of  Batelbailly  within  the  king's 

forest  of  Wyndesore,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

July  25.         Grant  for  life  to  John  Martyn,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  6c^. 
Westminster,  daily  for  his  fee  from  4  March  last  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  town  of 
Guldeford.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  tenants  or  officers  of  the  said  town. 

Aug.  9.  Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  the  same  John  Martyn  as  clerk  of  the 

Westminster,  works  of  the  castle  and  walls  of  the  king's  town  of  Calais  and  the  waters 

there,  receiving  the  same  fees  as  William  Morton  and  William  Knyght,  late 

holders  of  the  office,  from  the  issues  of  the  town  and  marches.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  5.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  John  Penfoun  of  the  office  of  weigher 

Westmmster.  (tronataris)  of  tin  and  lead  in  the  counties  of  Devon  and  Cornwall,  with  the 

accustomed  fees  at  the  hands  of  the  receiver  general    of  the  duchy  of 

Cornwall.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  8.  The  like  to  Robert  Hadley  of  the  city  of  Coventry  of  all  lands  and 

More.         possessions  within  the  city  lately  belonging  to  John  Noif oik,  rebel,  by  grant 

of  Henry  VI.,  to  the  value  of  6  marks  yearly.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  9.  Grant  to  William  Canynges  of  Bristol  of  133/.  6s,  8d.  from  the  moneys 

Westminster,  arising  from  the  second  moiety  of  a  tenth  lately  granted  by  the  clergy  of 

the  province  of  Canterbury  in  the  diocese  of  Bath  and  Wells  and  200/. 

from  the  like  in  the  archdeaconry  of  Salisbury  and  Wills,  in  repayment  of 

500  marks  lent  by  him  to  the  king.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  11.  Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  Robert  Ingleton  and  Thomas  Lardyner 
Westminster,  as  receivers  of  all  moneys  arising  from  all  manors  and  lands  late  of  William 
Bonevyle  of  Chuton,  knight,  deceased,  and  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of 
the  minority  of  Cicely  his  kinswoman  and  heiress  in  the  counties  of  Devon, 
Cornwall,  Somerset  and  Dorset,  receiving  the  same  fees  ns  they  had  in  the 
lifetime  of  William.  By  K. 

Vacated  hy  surrender  hy  mandate  of  the  chancellor. 

Aug.  6.  Grant  for  life  to  William  Barley  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  gaol  of  the 

Westminster,  king's  castle  of  York,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  said  William  of  the  office  of  porter  of  the  same.     By  p.s. 

Aug.  10.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Richard  Crofte  the  younger,  esquire,  of  the 
Westminster,  whole  office  of  the  parkership  of  the  king's  park  of  Wodestocke,  co.  Oxford, 
with  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  from  the  issues  of  the  manor. 

By  pji. 

The  like  to  the  said  Richard  of  the  office  of  controller  of  the  manor  of 


The  like  to  him  of  the  office  of  porter  of  the  park.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Richard  Croft  the  elder^  esquire,  of  20 

marks  sterling  yearly  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  city  of  Worcester.        By  K, 

Aug.  8.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent  of  the  king's  father  Richard, 

Westminster,  duke  of  York,  dated  at  Beaudeley  Manor,  15  October,  25  Henry  VI.,  con- 
firming a  grant  by  William  Ainewyk,  bishop  of  Lincoln,  John,  viscount 
Heaumont,  Ralph,  lord  Cromwell,  knight,  Ralph  Boteller,  knight,  lord  of 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  II.  45 

1461.  Membrane  21 — cotU. 

Sudelej,  Walter,  lord  Hnngerford,  knight,  John  Fastolf,  knight,  Nicholas 
Dixon,  clerk,  and  Robert  Darcj,  OBquIre,  dated  1  October,  25  Henry  YI., 
to  John  Fleggo,  esquire,  and  Agatha  his  wife,  Thomas,  lord  Scales,  William 
Bourchier,  knight,  William  Oldehalle,  knight,  Edmund  Mulso,  knight,  John 
Barre,  knight,  and  Benedict  Burgh,  clerk,  of  the  manors  of  Noruunbrigge 
and  Latch elejhalle  alia*  Latcheleyheje,  oo.  Essex,  for  the  lives  of  John 
and  Agatha.  Bj  p.s.  and  for  3Cf.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membrane  20. 

Aug.  12.         Grant  in  fee  simple  to  Joan,  wife  of  John  Penycok,  of  all  lands  and 
WestisiiiBter.  tenements  of  which  she  and  her  husband  were  seised  in  her  right.      By  p.s. 

Aug.  12.         Grant  to  Walter  Devereux  of  Ferrers  and  William  Herbert  of  Herbert, 

Westminster,  knights,  of  authority  to  receive  submissive  rebels  in  Wales  into  the  king's 

peace,  any  lords  and  John  Skydmore,  Thomas  Oornewayle,  and  Thomas 

FitzHarry  excepted.  By  K. 

Aug.  15.        Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Ive,  one  of  the  clerks  of  the  crown  of  Chancery, 
Westminster,  of  10/.  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  hundred  of  Rocheford,  oo.  Essex. 

By  p.s. 
Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  receivers  of  the  hundred. 

May  7.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  kinsman  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  of  the 

Middleham.  office  of  constable  of  the  king's  castle  of  Dover  and  all  rents  and  services 
called  *•  castelwarde,'  and  herbage  and  advowsons  pertaining  to  the  same, 
and  the  wardenship  of  the  Cinque  Forts  and  all  forfeitures, '  shares,'  wreck  of 
sea  and  other  profits ;  and  also  300/.  yearly  for  the  sustenance  of  himself 
and  priests,  servants,  watchmen  and  other  officers  there,  in  the  same  manner 
as  Humphrey,  late  duke  of  Gloucester,  viz.  146/.  from  the  wards  pertaining 
to  the  castle  and  154/.  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  town  of  Southampton. 

By  other  letters  patent. 

May  7.  The  like  to  the  said  earl  of  the  offices  of  steward  of  the  manor  or  lordship 

Middleham.    of  Fekenham,  co.  Worcester,  and  master  forester  and  rider  of  the  king's 

forest  of  Fekenham  with  the  custody  of  the  king's  park  of  Fekenham  and 

the  stank  tliere,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  other  letters  patent. 

May  7.  The  like  to  the  said  earl  of  the  office  of  master  of  the  king's  mews  and 

Middleham.  falcons  and  a  messuage  called  '  le  Mewehous '  at  Charryng  by  Westminster, 
00.  Middlesex,  with  all  houses  and  other  profits  pertaining  to  the  same,  in 
the  same  manner  as  John,  duke  of  Bedford,  deceased ;  and  appointment  of 
him  to  take  the  king's  right  prises  of  falcons,  goshawks,  sakers,  sakrets, 
lanners,  lannerets  and  ger-&lcons  sold  within  the  realm,  paying  the 
accustomed  price,  viz.  20«.  for  a  falcon,  10«.  for  a  tercelet  gentle,  13^.  ic/.  for 
a  goshawk,  and  6s,  Sd.  for  each  tercel  of  goshawk,  saker,  lanner  oi'  lanneret. 

By  other  letters  patent. 

May  7.  Appointment  for  life  of  the  said  earl  as  great  chamberlain  of  England, 

Middleham.    with  the  accastomed  fees.  By  other  letters  patent. 

Aug.  12.         Grant  to  the  king's  kinsman,  John,  duke  of  Norfolk,  and  the  heirs  male 
Westminster,  of  his  body  of  40  marks  yearly  from  the  issues  cf  the  counties  of  Norfolk 
and  Southampton,  in  lieu  of  a  like  grant  at  the  Exchequer  to  his  grand- 
father Thomas,  earl  of  Notyngham  and  marshal  of  England,  by  letters 
patent  dated  29  September,  21  Richard  IL,  creating  him  duke  of  Norfolk. 

By  p.s. 
Vacated  because  on  the  Charter  Roll  far  this  year, 

Aug.  12.         Grant  to  Richard  Suthwell,  esquire,  servant  of  John,  duke  of  Norfolk,  of 
Westmmster.  20  marks  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  subsidy  and  ulnage  of  doth  in  the 
county  of  Suffolk,  until  he  shall  be  provided  for  life  with  an  office  with  fees 
to  that  value.  By  p.s 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  collectors  of  the  subsidy  and  ulnage. 


1461.  Mmirane  20~-c<mt. 

Aug.  1.         Grant  to  James  Thekenease,  chaplain,  of  a  chantry  within  the  caeile  of 
WestmiiistBr.  Chester,  void  bj  the  death  of  John  Thometon,  chapbin.  By  K. 

Mmmbrawm  19. 

July  29.         Intpeximus  and  confirmation  in  mortmain  to  the  master  or  warden  and 
Westminster.  schobuB  of  the  college  of  Valence  Marie,  commonly  called  Pembrokehally 
in  Cambridge,  of  the  f ollowinic : — 

1.  Letters  patent  dated  16  February,  18  Henry  VI.,  being  a  grant  to 

them  (1)  of  the  alien  priory  of  Lynton  with  the  adyowson  of  the 
vicarage  there  at  the  expiration  of  ten  years  from  Easter  last,  for 
which  time  the  king  granted  the  custody  of  it  on  19  July  to  Henry 
Fylyngley  and  William  Cotton  at  a  rent  of  33/.  6«.  8J.  yearly,  subject 
to  a  payment  of  20/.  yearly  for  life  to  the^king's  uncle  Humphrey,  duke 
of  Gloucester,  in  accordance  with  letters  patent  dated  14  July  ;  and 
(2)  of  a  yearly  pension  of  6/.  13#.  4d.  in  frank  almoin,  which  the 
abbot  of  Sawtre  used  to  render  to  the  alien  abbot  of  Bon  Bepos 
{de  Bona  Requie)  for  the  church  of  Folboume,  on  the  death  of  the  said 
duke,  to  whom  the  same  was  granted  for  life  by  the  same  letters  patent. 

2.  Letters  patent  dated  4  May,  18  Henry  VI.,  being  a  grant  to  them  in 

frank  almoin,  in  lieu  of  U:e  said  pension,  of  a  yearly  pension  of 
28/.  13#.  4c/.,  which  the  abbot  of  Ilewley  used  to  render  to  the  alien 
abbot  of  Pynne  for  the  church  of  Saham  or  tenements  in  Saham  near 
Ely,  on  the  death  of  the  said  duke,  to  whom  the  same  was  granted 
for  life  by  the  same  letters  patent.         For  209.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

July  20.  Grant,  during  the  minority  of  the  heir,  to  the  king's  servant  Bichard 

Westminster.    Artor  of  the  custody  of  all  lands  late  of  Bobert  Ken  in  the  county  of 

Somerset,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief,  with  the  marriage  of  John  his  son  and 

heir,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir  should  he  die  during  minority ;  rendering 

46/.  17x.  yearly  of  which  26/.  are  granted  to  him  as  ^  regard.' 

Oct,  2  5.         Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  ihe  king's  servant  Bichard  Lannargh,  harbinger 

Westminster,  (vianus)^  for  his  good  service  to  the  king^s  father,  of  the  office  of  bailiff 

errant  in  the  county  of  Cornwall,  which  he  lately  held  of  the  grant  of  the 

king's  father,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  K.  by  word  of  mouth. 

Mbmbrane  18. 

July  8.  Appointment  for  life  of  Thomas  Montgomery,  knight,  as  steward  of  the 

Westminster,  king's  manor  or  lordship  of  Haveryng  at  Bower,  co.  Essex,  with  fees  as  in 
the  last  year  of  Edward  IH.  and  the  first  of  Bichard  11. 

July  11.         The  like  of  the  king's  kinsman  John,  duke  of  Norfolk,  as  chief  justice  in 

Westminster,  eyre  and  steward  and  chief  keeper  of  the  forests  on  this  side  Trent  and 

master  of  the  king's  hunt  there,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  E. 

July  17.  Inspeximw  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent  of  the  king's  father 

Westnunster.  Bichard,  duke  of  York,  dated  at  London^  14  November,  39  Henry  VI., 

being  a  grant  for  life  to  his  servant  Bichard  Fitz  WiUiam,  esquire,  for  his 

good  service  to  himself  and  his  son  Edward,  earl  of  March,  of  a  yearly  rent 

of  20  marks  from  the  issues  of  his  lordships  in  the  county  of  York. 

For  26«.  8c/.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

June  14.         6K*aDt  for  life  to  Master  John  Walter,  clerk,  of  the  custody  of  the  king's 

Westminster,  hospital  of  St.   Leonard,  Leycestre,  void  by  the  death  of  Master  Bobert 

Matf  ene.  By  K. 

Aug.  1.  The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  Bichard  Gylmyn  that  he  be  one  of  the 

Westniniier.  king's  Serjeants  at  arms,  receiving  12c^.  daily  ^m  the  issues  (^  the  city  of 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  H.  47 

1461.  Membrane  l^-^cowt. 

London  and  the  county  of  Middlesex  and  a  livery  yearly  at  Christmas  of 
the  suit  of  other  Serjeants  at  arms  at  the  great  wardxt)be.  By  p.8. 

Ang.  14.        The  like  lo  the  king's  servitor  William  Hendelee,  for  his  good  service  to 

WestminBter.  the  king's  father,  of  the  office  of  chief  serjeanty  within  the  liberty  of  Methe 

in  Ireland,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  23.        Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  John  Herlewyn,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  keeper 

Westminster,  of  the  king's  forest  of  Whitelwode,  co.  Northampton,  with  the  accustomed 

fees.  By  p.s. 

June  30.  Grant  for  life  to  Ralph  Hastynges,  esquire  of  the  body,  of  the  office  of 
WestnuDster.  the  custody  of  the  king's  lions,  lionesses  and  leopards  within  the  Tower  of 
London,  from  Easter  last,  and  two  plots  in  the  Tower  for  the  animals  and 
their  keeper,  receiving  \2iL  daily  for  wages  and  6d.  daily  for  the  sustenance 
of  the  animals  from  the  issues  of  the  city  of  London.  The  chancellor  shall 
from  tune  to  time  enquire  into  their  number.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  5.  The  like  to  Thomas  Gray,  esquire,  of  a  yearly  rent  of  40/.  from  the 

Westminster,  issues  of  the  town  of  Cambridge.  By  K. 

July  26.         The  like  to  William  Lye,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  6<f.  daily 

Westminster,  for  his  fee  from  4  March  last  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  city  or  town  of 

Norwich.  By  K 

Aug.  18.        G^rant  to  the  king's  servitor  and  chaplain  Master  John  Tapton  of  the 

Horsenden.    deanery  of  the  cathedral  of  St.  Asaph,  in  the  same  manner  as  the  last 

incumbent  held  it.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  7.         Appointment,  daring  pleasure,  of  Henry  Leyc'  as  receiver  and  surveyor 
Mrindsor.      of  all  manors,  lordships  and  lands  late  of  James,  earl  of  Wilts,  in  the  coun- 
ties of  Worcester,  Warwick,  Salop,  Hereford,  Gloucester,  Stafford,  Leicester, 
Buckingham  and  Oxford,  with  such  fees  as  he  had  from  the  said  earl. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer  of  England. 

Ang.  1.  Mandate  to  all  bailiflb  and    others  to    permit  John    Bede,    bom  at 

Westminster.  Dunglasse  in  Scotland  and  resident  at  Boston  in  England,  who  has  taken  oath 
of  fealty,  to  inhabit  the  realm  peaceably  and  enjoy  his  goods. 

Nov.  14.         Grant  for  life  to  William  Middilton,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  constable  of 

Westminster,   the  king's  castle  of  Bichemond,  with  tJie  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of 

the  lor&hip  of  Bichemond.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  15.         Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  Thomas  Bay  en  of  the  Chancery  of  the 

Westminster,   office  of  under-clerk  of  Parliament,  in  the  same  manner  as  John  de  Scarde- 

burgh,  under-clerk  of  Parliament  of  Richard  II.,  receiving  100«.  yearly  from 

Eastor  last  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Surrey  and  Sussex.        By  p.s. 

Mmmbranm  17. 

May  11.  Licence  for  Greorge,  bishop  of  Exeter,  and  Richard  Nevyll,  earl  of 
York.  Wanvick,  to  found  a  college,  to  be  called  die  college  of  St.  William,  York, 
for  the  chantry  priests  of  ^e  cathedral  of  York,  one  of  whom  is  to  be 
provost  of  the  same ;  and  for  the  dean  and  chapter  of  the  cathedral  to  grant 
knds  and  tenements  in  the  city  to  the  provost  and  fellows  of  the  college,  and 
for  the  acquisition  in  mortmain  by  the  latter  of  lands  to  the  value  of  100/. 
yearly;  with  other  ordinances  and  privil^es.  [Partly  printed  in 
MonasticonJ]  By  K. 

Nov.  2.  Ghrant  for  life  to  Ralph  Batson,  yeoman  of  the  crown,  of  6d,  daily  for  his 

Westminster,  fee  from  4  March  last  from  the  issues  of  the  subsidy  and  ulnage  of  cloth 
and  a  moiety  of  the  forfeiture  of  the  same  in  the  county  of  Gloucester. 



1461.  Membrane  17 — cant. 

Nov.  10.        Inspeximut  and  confirmation  to  the  pri<xr  and  convent  of  Neustede  in 
WMtminiter.   Shirewode  of  the  following  :— 

1.  Jjettera  patent  dated  5  Febrnarj,  25  Edward  III.,  being  a  grant  to 

the  snb^prior  and  convent  of  the  custodj  of  the  priorj  daring  void- 
ance,  saving  to  the  crown  knights'  fees  and  advowsons. 

2.  Letters  patent  dated  1  Jnlj,  16  Richard  U.,  being  agrant  to  them 

of  a  tan  of  wine  yearly  in  the  port  of  Kjmgeston-on-Hnll. 

For  2&.  8J.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Jnly  20.         Grant  for  life  to  Edward  Hargille,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  the 
Wflitmiiurter.  offices  of  parker  of  the  king's  park  of  Flemantell  and  ranger  of  the  forest 
of  Wulmere  and  Alisholt,  co.  Soathampton^  from  6  March  last,  with  fees  as 
in  the  times  of  Edward  IIL  and  Bichard  II.  fr6m  the  issues  of  the  county. 

By  p.s. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  canteUedj  so  far  as  the  rangership  is  con* 
cemedy  because  the  office  was  granted  to  him  otherwise  by  letters  patent^ 
14  Mayy  6  Edward  IF. 

Membrane  16. 

July  25.         Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Bobert,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  6J. 

WestmiiiBter.  daily  for  his  fee  from  4  March  last  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  town  of 

Northampton.  By  K. 

Sept.  8.  The  like  to  Adam  Goddall,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  6J.  daily 

Westminster,  for  his  fee  from  6  March  last  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Stafford. 

By  p.8. 

Oct  18.         The  like  to  John  Langford,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  the  office 

Westminster,  of  ranger  of  the  king's  forest  of  Waltham,  from  4  March  last,  receiving  the 

accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  £ssex  and  Hertford,  in  the 

same  manner  as  Thomas  Croydon  in  the  time  of  Edward  III.  By  K. 

Aug.  13.  The  like  to  John  Fogge,  knight,  that  he  shall  hold  without  rent  a  mes- 
[Woodstock,  suage  or  plot  called  '  Quene  Janes  warderobe '  by  Aldrichegate,  London, 
lately  held  at  farm  by  Henry  Percy,  knight,  earl  of  Northumberland  and 
lord  of  Ponyngesy  the  custody  of  which  with  12  tenements  annexed  and  2 
tenements  adjacent  on  the  south  was  granted  to  him  by  the  name  of  John 
Fogge,  esquire,  on  29  May  by  letters  patent,  suiTendered,  to  hold  for  10 
years  from  Christmas  last  by  the  extent  or  at  a  rent  to  be  agreed  upon 
with  the  treasurer  of  England.  By  p.s. 

Oct  20.  Appointment  of  Bichard  Foweler  and  William  Flette  to  collect  all  arrears 

Westminster,  and  rents  from  farmers  and  tenants  of  the  lordship  or  manor  of  Stoke,  co. 
Buckingham,  now  in  the  king's  hands,  and  deliver  them  to  the  king's 
mother  Cicely,  duchess  of  York,  for  her  own  use. 

Oct.  20.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  John  Hemyngburgh,  from  4  March 

We«tmimiter.  last,  of  the  custody  of  Morehay,  Westhay  and  Totnowe  and  the  rangership 

of  Clebailly  within  the  forest  of  Bokyngham,  co.  Northampton,  which  he 

had  of  the  grant  of  the  king's  father,  with  all  ^  brusing,'  pannage,  ^  wyndefall- 

yngwode '  and  other  fees  and  profits.  By  p.8. 

Oct.  17.  The  like  to  Bobert  Spaldyng  of  the  office  of  one  of  the  king's serjeants-at- 

Westminster.  arms  in  the  place  of  Alexander  Shefeld,  receiving  12 J.  wages  daily  from  the 

farm  of  the  city  of  London  and  Middlesex  with  a  livery  yearly  of  the  suit  of 

other  serjeants-at-arms  at  the  great  wardrobe.  By  K. 

Oct  29.         General  pardon  to  Boger  Thometon  of  Shaftesbury,  co.  Dorset^ '  yoman.' 

Nov.  3.  Ratification  of  the  estate  which  John  Bate,  king's  clerk,  has  as  dean  of  the 

Westminster,   collegiate  church   of  Tamworth  and  prebendary  of  Wilmecote,   in  the 

diocese  of  Coventiy  and  Lichfield.  By  K. 

1  EDWAUD  IV^Pakt  IL  49 

1461*  Membrane  16— otm/. 

Nov.  2.  Grant  for  life  to  Richard  Oraforth,  yeoman  of  the  crown,  of  Qd.  daily  for 

Westmioster.  his    fee  from  4  March  last  from  the  issueft  of  the  sulisidy  and  ulnage 
of  cloth  with  a  moiety  of  the  forfeitures  in  the  county  of  Gloucester. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  farmers  of  the  subsidy  and  ulnage. 

Not.  2.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Arthur  Grayson  of  the  office  of  one 

Westminster,  of  the  king's  Serjeants  at  arms,  receiving  I2d,  daily  from  4  March  last  at 

the  hands  of  the  treasurer  and  chamberlains  of  the  Exchequer  and  a  livery 

yearly  at  Christmas  of  the  suit  of  other  Serjeants  at  arms  at  the  great 


By  p.s. 

Nov.  2.  The  like  to  Robert  Forsteyn,  citizen  and  stationer  of  London,  of  the 

Westminster,  office  of  king's  stationer,  with  the  accustomed  fees  and  a  robe  of  the  king's 
livery  yearly  at  the  great  wardrobe. 

Nov.  7.  The  like  to  the  king's  servants  John  Langelev  and  William  Mulso  of  the 

Westminster,   office  of  gentleman  falconer  and  under^keeper  of  the  king's  mews  and  falcons 

from  4  March  last,  with  wages  of  I2d.  dady  at  the  hands  of  the  treasurer  of 

the  household,  and  all  other  fees,  vestures  and  commodities.  By  K. 


Oct.  14.  Ifupeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  infirm  of  the  hospital  of  Herebaudon 

Westminster,  of  letters  patent  dated  12  October,  31  Edward  II£.,  being  an  exemplifica- 
tion of  letters  patent  dated  18  February,  23  Henry  III.,  granting  to  them 
20  marks  yearly  from  the  farm  of  the  city  of  Canterbury  in  lieu  of  the  same 
sum  at  the  Exchequer.  For  ^  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Oct.  16.         Grant  for  life  to  Robert  Swan  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  park  of 

Westminster.  Cawlech,  co.  Northumberland,  witl)  the  accustomed  wages  from  the  profits 

of  the  lordship  of  Awnwik  in  the  same  county.  By  K. 

Aug.  30.        The  like  to  John  Gyldeford,  esquire,  of  40  marks  yearly  from  the  issues 

Woodstock,    of  the  king's  manor  or  lordship  of  Middelton  and  the  hundreds  of  Middelton 

and  Merden,  co.  Kent.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  18.         General  pardon  to  Peter  de  Gaylard  of  the  island  of  Guernesey,  derk. 
Westminster.  By  ps. 

Aug.  10.        Grant  for  life  to  John  Bypon,  one  of  the  king's  yeomen  harbingers,  of 

Westminster,  the  office  of  parker  or  keeper  of  the  king's  park  of  Wytteley,  co.  Surrey, 

with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Oct  19.         The  like  to  William  Porter,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown«  of  6d.  daily 

Westminster,  for  his  fee  from  4  March  last  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  city  of  London  and 

the  county  of  Middlesex.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  21.         The  like  to  Bichard  Jackson  of  the  office  of  porter  of  the  king's  castle  of 
Westminster.   Berkhampstede,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

July  22.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Saintlegere  of  the  offices  of  con- 
Westminster,  troller,  changer  and  assayer  of  the  mint  and  coinage  of  gold  and  sUver  within 
the  Tower  of  London,  receiving  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and 
Bichard  II.  from  the  farm  and  issues  of  the  counties  of  London  and 
Middlesex.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  24.  Pardon  to  Robert  Hjmkersell  late  of  Maunsfeld  in  Shirwod,  co.  Notting- 
Westminster.  ham, '  wright,'  of  his  outlavmr  in  the  county  of  Lincoln  for  not  appearing 
before  John  Pry  sot  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  the  Bench  in  the  late  reign, 
to  answer  Robert  Forster,  clerk,  for  leaving  his  service  at  Oagham  before 
the  term  agreed  upon,  he  having  surrendered  to  the  Flete  prison,  as  appears 
by  certificate  of  Robert  Danbv,  knight,  chief  justice. 

%    8S!I14.  D 


1461.  Membrane  l5—cani» 

Not.  3.         Mandate  to  all  bailiflb  and  others  to  permit  John  DawySi  clerk,  a  native 
Westminster,  of  Craell  in  Scotland,  dwelling  at  Stowebydon  in  England,  who  has  taken 
an  oath  of  fealty,  to  live  within  the  realm  and  enjoy  his  goods. 

Nov.  7.         Presentation  of  William  Moreton,  doctor  of  theology,  to  the    parish 
WertmioBter.  chnrch  of  Skrayugham,  in  the  diooese  of  York,  void  by  resignation  of  John 
Bede,  clerk. 

Nov.  6.         Grant  for  life  to  William  Trussell,  yeoman  of  the  crown,  of  6d.  daily  from 
Westmiiuter.  4  March  last  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  town  of  Obucester.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  porsnanoe  to  the  men,  bailiffs,  farmers  or  other  occupiers  of 
the  said  fee  farm. 

Nov.  6.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Sidborough,  veoman  of  the  crown,  of  6d.  daily 

Wentminster.  for  his  fee  from  4  Msrch  last  from  the  fee  &rm  of  the  town  of  Gloucester. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  as  above. 

Sept.  5.         Mandate  to  all  bailifis  and  others  to  permit  John  de  Medina,  a  native 

Westmingter.  of  Spain,  dwelling  in  London,  who  has  taken  an  oath  of  fealty,  to  live 

within  itie  realm  and  enjoy  his  goods.  By  K. 

Nov.  17.        Presentation  of  Hugh  Baglan,  chaplain,  to  the  parish  church  of  Eayrhugh 
Westminster,  aluis  Caeru,  in  the  diOCese  3  St.  Davids.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  4.  Grant  for  life  to  Jlichard  Willy  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  king's  park 

BnstoL       of  Langley  Mareys,  co.  Buckingham,  with  the  accustomed  fees  at  the  hands 

of  the  bailiffs  or  farmers  of  the  king's  lordship  of  Langley  Mareys  and  all 

other  accustomed  profits.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  14. 

July  30.         Appointment  for  life  of  William  Hyll  as  purveyor  of    stone-cutters, 
Westminster,   plumbers,  and  other  workn^n  and  all  Idnds  pf  stuff  for  the  king's  works 
within  his  palace  at  Westminster  and  the  Tower  of  London,  receiving  the 
accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk. 


Aug.  4.  Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  the  king's  servant  Bobert  Cousin  of 

Westminster,  the  office  of  clerk  in  the  great  wardrobe,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees 

and  vestures  at  the  hands  of  the  keeper  of  the  great  wardrobe.  By  p.s. 

July  25.         Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Fulthorp,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown, 

Westminster,  of  6d,  daily  for  his  fee  from  4  March  last  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  town 

of  Northampton.  By  E. 

Mbj  1,  The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  William  Staveley  of  the  custody  of  his 

Westminster,  park  of  Chiltern  Langley,  co.  Hertford,  and  the  houses  of  his  manor  of 

Chiitern  Langley  and  the  office  of  under-parker  of  his  park  of  Langley  called 

Chiltern  Langley,  receiving  fees  as  in  the    times  of    Edward  III.  and 

Richard  IL  from  the  issues  of  the  manor.  By  K. 

Oct.  14.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Edmund  Graveley  of  the  office  of  chief 
Westminster,  carpenter  of  the  king's  works  within  his  palace  of  Westminster  and  the 
Tower  of  London  and  elsewhere  in  England,  receiving  wages  of  4d.  daily 
from  4  March  last  from  the  farm  and  issues  of  the  counties  of  London  and 
Middlesex,  and  a  robe  of  the  suit  of  the  king's  esquires  yearly  at  the  great 
wardrobe.  By  p.s. 

Oct  23.         The  like  to  William  Danyell,  alias  Ussher,  of  an  annuity  of  20  marks 
Westminster,  from  the  issues  or  fee  farm  of  the  town  of  Ollerton,  co.  Hereford.      By  p.s. 

Oct.  20.         Pardon  to  Thomas  Lambard,  one  of  the  constables  of  the  town  of  Walden, 

Westminster,  co.  Essex,  for  the  escape  of  Peter  Bate  of  Stokeclare,  co.  Suffolk,  *  taillour,' 

arrested  at  Walden  for  felony.  By  p.s. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  IL  61 

1461.  Membrane  14 — coni. 

Oct.  20.         Grant  for  life  to  John  Moresby  of  the  office  of  the  laandership  of  the 
Westminster,  king's  park  of  Plamton,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  20.        The  like  to  James  Ghrene,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king's  father  and 

Westminster,  the  king  for  30  years  and  more,  of  an  annuity  of  20  marks  yearly  from 

1  April  last  from  the  issues   of   the  king^s  lordships  in    the  county  of 

Hereford  pertaining  to  the  earldom  of  March.  By  p,s. 

Oct.  22.         The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  William  Aleyn  of    the  office  of    the 

Westminster,  bailiwick  of  Fynchamstede  within  the  king's  forest  of  Wyndesore,  from 

4  March  last,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  at  the  hands  of  the  sheriff  of 

Oxford  and  Berks,  with  the  custody  of  the  king's  manor  of  Esthamstede 

within  the  said  forest,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  13.         notification  of  the  estate  which  Walter  Hunt,  doctor  of  theology,  of  the 
Westminster,  order  of  the  Carmelites,  has  as  rector  or  portioner  of  the  parish  church 
of  Llannynnys,  pertaining  to  the  collation  of  the  bishop  of  Bangor. 

Nov.  4.  The  like  of  the  estate  which  the  king's  servitor  Thomas  Normanton,  of 

Westminster,  the  king's  chapel,  has  in  the  hospital  of  St.  Leonard,  Derby. 

Nov.  12.         Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  Robert  Alyn  of  the  office  of  ganger  in  the 

Westminster,  port  of  Southampton  and  ports  and  places  adjacent,  receiving  the  accustomed 

fees.  By  bill  of  treasurer. 

Nov.  16.         Grrant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  John  Nightingale  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,  keeper  of  the  king's  park  of  Clyf  within  his  forest  of  Rokyngham,  from 

the  first  day  of  the  reign,  with  the  accustomed  fees  and  *  wyndfalwode,' 

*  driewode,' '  derefalwode,'  and  ^  copioehegges '  in  the  park.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  6.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Henry  Langshawe  of  the  office  of  the 

Westminster,  parkership  of  the  king's  park  of  Blakedon,  co.  Dorset,  in  the  same  manner 

as  he  held  the  same  by  letters  patent  of  the  king's  father,  and  release  to 

him  of  a  yearly  rent  of  20s,  for  a  fttrm  of  rabbits  in  the  park.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  8.  The  like  to  William,  lord  of  Barry,  of  a  yearly  rent  of  20  marks  from  the 

Westminster,  king's  custom  and  coket  of  the  dty  of  Cork  or  the  towns  of  Kynsale, 

Yoghill  and  Dengyn.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  9.  Whereas  Baldwin  Mountford,  knight,  lately  enfeoffed  the  king,  then  earl 

Westminster,  of  March,  and  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  and  others  of  the  manors  of 
ColshuU  and  Hmyndon,  co.  Warwick,  to  re-enfeoff  him  or  Simon  his  son  of 
the  same,  and  the  said  Simon  entered  into  and  was  seised  of  the  manors 
before  4  March  last,  the  king  now  releases  all  claim  to  them,  saving  only  the 
accustomed  rights  of  the  crown.  By  p.s. 

Mbubranb  18. 

Aug.  7.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  Bobert  Leghe,  esquire,  of  letters  patent 

Westminster,  of  the  king's  father  Richard,  duke  of  York,  dated  at  Waltham,  4  December, 
33  Henry  VI.,  appointing  him  for  life  as  constable  or  keeper  of  his  castle 
of  Dinbiegh  in  North  Wales,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees. 

For  lOs,  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

At^.  3.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Edmond,  '  yomanpouderbeter '  of  the  king's  spicery, 

Westminster,  of  the  office  of  porter  of  the  town  of  Camarvan  in  North  Wales,  with  the 

accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Camarvan,  Merionnyth 

and  Anglesey  at  the  hands  of  the  king's  chamberlain  there.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  4.  The  like  to  John  Malpas,  esquire,  and  Joan  his  wife  of  an  annuity  of 

Westminster.  20  marks  from  the  issues  of  the  kin^s  manor  of  Cranebourn,  co.  Wilts. 

By  p.8. 

July  25.         The  like  to'  William  Lie,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  6d.  daily  for 
Westminster,  his  fee  from  4  March  lost  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  city  or  town  of  Norwich. 


D  2 


1461.  Membrane  13— eon/. 

Oct.  15.         General  pardon  to  Henry  CrofSHe,  clerk,  for  all  offences  committee!  by  him 
Westminater.  before  the  last  day  of  September.  By  p.s. 

Oct  15.         Grant  for  life  to  William  Brokewod,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of 

Westminster.  Qd.  daily  for  his  fee  from  4  March  last  from  the  fee  farm  of  Kyogesbarton 

by  Qlonoester  at  the  hands  of  the  abbot  of  St.  Peter*s,  Gloucester.     By  p.8. 

Oct.  14.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  John  Davy  of  the  custody  of  the  manor  of 

Westminster.  Kennyngton  with  a  rabbit  warren  and  garden  adjacent,  with  the  accus- 
tomed fees.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  16.         General  pardon  to  Simon  Milbume  alias  Melburne  of  Laverstoke,  co. 
Westnunster.   Wilts,  *  gentilman,'  for  all  offences  committed  by  him  before  1  July  last. 

By  p.8. 

Oct.  21.         The  like  to  Andrew  Buntynge,  late  of  Redenale,  oo.  Norfolk,  for  all 
Westminster,  offences  committed  by  him  before  20  October.  By  p.8. 

Oct.  12.  Licence,  for  10«.  paid  in  the  hanaper,  for  Thomas  Brewys,  esquire, 
Westminster.  Richard  Broom,  esquire,  Richard  Lucas,  Thomas  Crowe,  Thomas  Boken- 
ham,  chaplain,  Robert  Teryngton,  William  Barett^  Robert  Cake,  John  Adgor 
and  John  Dunche  to  grant  a  messuage,  30  acres  of  land,  5  acres  of  meadow 
and  5  acres  of  wood  in  Mendelsham,  held  in  chief  with  the  exception  of  one 
acre  of  land,  to  William  Brewys,  esquire,  Gilbert  Debenham  the  younger, 
esquire,  John  Germyn,  esquire,  WiJliam  Harleston,  esquire,  John  Cheke, 
Edward  Dale,  John  Cake,  John  Barett,  Thomas  Teryngton,  John  Bokenham, 
Thomas  Morwhill  and  Robert  Clerk  in  fee  simple. 

Oct.  22.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Stephen  Shadwell  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,   being  one  of  the  king's  Serjeants  at  arms,  receiving  wages  of  I2d,  daily  from 

the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk  and  a  livery  of  the  suit  of 

other  Serjeants  at  arms  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  great  wardrobe.     By  p.s. 

Nov.  7.  Licence  for  John  Langstrother,  preceptor  of  Balsale,  and  Cincius  de 

Westminster.   Ursinis,  alien  preceptor  of  the  priory  of  the  city  (Rome),  to  carry  out  the 

commands  of  James  de  Aflylly,  muster  of  the  Hospital  of  St.  John  of  Jemsa> 

lem,  and  the  convent  of  Rhodes,  to  visit  the  houses  of  the  order  in  England 

and  Ireland.     IFcederaJ]  By  p.s. 

Mbmbranb  12. 

Aug.  30.  Appointment  of  John  Latheil  to  survey  a  messuage  or  plot  called  '  Queue 
Woodstock.  Janeswarderobe '  by  Aldrichgate,  London,  lately  granted  to  John  Fogge, 
knight,  for  life,  and  12  tenements  annexed,  and  to  collect  all  rents  from 
Christmas  last,  and  to  repair  the  above  and  account  for  the  same  at  the 
Exchequer ;  and  grant  to  him  for  life  of  the  occupation  of  the  supervision 
of  the  same,  receiving  2d,  daily  from  the  issues.  By  p.s. 

April  26. ,       Grant  for  life  to  Robert  Kyrkeham,  king's  clerk,  of  the  office  or  custody 
Durham,     of  the  hanaper  in  Chancery,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  8.  Grant  to  William  Broun,  clerk,  of  an  annuity  of  8/.  from  the  abbot  and 

Bristol.       convent  of  Bruerne,  until  he  shall  be  provided  with  a  benefice  of  the  value 

of  20/.  yearly.  By  K. 

Oct  16.         Grant  during  good  behaviour,  to  John  Skeltou,  esquire,  for  his  good 

Westminster,  service  to  the  king  and  his  brothers,  the  duke  of  Clarence  and  Richard,  of 

the  office  of  surveyor  of  the  scrutiny  in  the  port  of  London  and  places, 

ports  and  creeks  adjacent,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  20.         General  pardon  to  John  Alexaunder  alias  Bocher  late  of  Gaislee,  co. 
Westminster.  Suffolk,  for  all  offences  committed  by  him  before  16  October.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  25.  Grant  for  life  to  Henry  Crane,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king  and  his 

^Westminster,  father,  of  the  office  of  making  and  keeping  the  king's  arrows  within  the 

Tower  cf  London,  with  wages  of  6J.  daily  and  all  accustomed  profits  from 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  II.  53 

14i61.  Membrane  12-~co»^. 

the  fee  fann  of  the  hundreds  of  Eetesgate,  Holford  and  Greston  with  fairs 
and  markets  in  Wynchecombe  at  the  hands  of  the  abbot  and  convent  of 
Wynehecombe,  with  a  livery  yearly  of  the  suit  of  a  yeoman  of  the  king's 
chamber  at  the  hands  of  the  keeper  of  the  great  wardrobe.  By  K. 

May  13.         The  like  to  Edward  Gower  of  the  office  of  clerk  of  the  works  within  the 
York.         king's  manor  and  park  of  Claryngdon,  co.  Wilts,  with  the  accustomed  fees. 


Oct.  16.         The  like  to  Robert  Blakeman,  late  servant  of  the  king's  kinsman  Thomas 

Westminster.  Neville,  knight,  deceased,  of  the  office  of  one  of  the  king's  keepers  of  ^  le 

Overwiurd '  within  his  forest  of  Inglewode,  with  fees  as  in  the  time  of  Edward 

in.  By  p.s. 

IQ'ov.  5.  The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  William  Aleyne  of  the  office  of  bailiff  of 
Westminster.  Fynchamstede  within  the  king'A  forest  of  Wyndesore  alicu  forester  of  the 
forest  of  Wyndesore,  from  4  March  last,  receiving  the  same  fees  as  Walter 
Wymbussh  or  any  other  had  at  the  hands  of  the  sheriff  of  Oxford  and  Berks, 
with  the  custody  of  the  king's  manor  of  Esthamstede  with  the  accustomed 
profits.  By  p^. 

July  5.  Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  the  king's  servant  William  Rous  of  the 

Westminster;  office  of  one  of  the  clerks  of  the  crown  in  Chancery,  with  a  fee  of  20/.  yearly 

from  the  issues  of  the  hanaper,  and  a  livery  of  fur  and  cloth  as  any  of  the 

other  clerks  yearly  towards  Whitsuntide  and  Christmas  at  the  handis  of  the 

keeper  of  the  great  wardrobe.  By  K. 

Nov.  11.  Pardon  to  William  Bly  the  late  of  Stratford  atte  Bowe,  co.  Middlesex^ 
Westminster.  <  servant,'  of  his  outlawry  in  the  said  county  for  not  appearing  before  the 
late  king,  when  sued  with  John  Jenyn,  *  servant,'  and  William  Lynston, 
'  taylour,'  both  late  of  Stratford,  to  answer  Emma,  late  the  wife  of  Thomas 
Broun,  for  the  death  of  her  husband,  he  having  surrendered  to  the  Marshal- 
sea  prison,  as  appears  by  certificate  of  John  Markham,  chief  justice. 

Nov.  10.         General  pardon  to  Edmund  Anderton  of  Tuxford  in  the  Clay,  co. 
vVostminster.   Nottingham.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  IG.         Mandate  to  all  bailifis  and  others  to  permit  Robert  Lauther  alias  Luter, 
Wcittminster.  a  native  of  Edynburgh  In  Scotland,  dwelling  at  Newemarket,  co.  Cambridge, 
who  has  taken  an  oath  of  fealty,  to  inhabit  the  realm  peaceably  and  enjoy 
his  goods. 

July  17.         Jrupeximus  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent  of   the  king's    father 
Westminster.  Richard,  duke  of  York,  dated  at  Waltham,   1  May,  32  Henry  VI..  being 
a  grant  for  life  to  his  servant  William  Skypwith,  knight,  of  an  annuity  of 
20/.  from  the  issues  of  his  manor  and  lordship  of  Hattefeld,  co.  York. 

For  20«.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Oct.  8.  Grant  for  life  to  William  Pecche,  knight,  one  of  the  king's  carvers,  of 

Westminster.  40/.  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Kent.  By  p.s. 

Mbmbrane  11. 

July  5.  Grank  in  frank  almoin  to  the  prioress  and  convent  of  St.  Mary  de  Pre 

Westminster,  hy  St.  Albans,  co.  Hertford,  of  the  alien  priory  and  manor  of  Wenge,  co. 
Bucicingham,  late  pertaining  to  the  abbey  of  St.  Nicholas  by  Angers  in 
Normandy,  and  the  parish  church  of  Wenge  pertaining  to  the  priory,  with 
all  hundreds,  manors,  lands,  knights'  fees  and  other  possessions  and  the 
advowson  of  the  vicarage  of  Wenge,  quit  of  all  tithes,  subsidies  and  tallages, 
that  they  may  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  their  church  for  the  good 
estate  of  the  king  and  for  his  soul  after  death  and  those  of  his  progenitors. 


May  11.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  William  Norbourgh  of  the  crstody  of 

Westminster,  his  manor  of  Shene,  with  the  accnmstomed  fees.  By  p.s. 


1461.  Membrane  1) — cont. 

July  24.  Confirmation  and  grant  in  frank  almoin  to  Thomas  Ohaundeler,  the 
WestmiDBter.  warden,  and  the  fellows  of  the  college  of  St.  Marj  of  Wjmton,  in  Oxford, 
commonly  called  ^  Saint  Marye  College  of  Winchestre  in  Oxenford '  (New 
College),  of  the  manors  of  Newynton  Longvyle  with  all  other  manors,  lands, 
rents,  fees,  advowsons  and  other  possessions  formerly  pertaining  to  the 
priory  of  St.  Faith,  Longvyle,  which  they  have  hel<l  for  some  time,  and 
release  to  them  of  all  profits  pertaining  to  the  king  from  the  same,  rendering 
to  the  king  a  red  rose  at  Midsummer. 

By  p.s.  [279]  and  for  100$.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Nov.  13.         Grant  for  life  to  William  Harold,  *  gentllman,*  of  all  messuages,  lands  and 

Westminster,  tenements  in  Anleyston  iUias  Ballianely,  co.  Dublin,  in  Ireland,  and  all 

messoagep,  lands,  tenements,  rents,  and  services  with  appurtenances  in 

Hamondeston  and  Symoneston  in  the  said  county,  attaining  to  the  value  of 

10/.  yearly.  By  p.8. 

Nov.  6.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Walter  Harayrig  of  the  office  of  ranger  of 

Westmiaster.  the  king's  chase  of  Cramburne,  co.  Dorset,  in  the  same  manner  as  he 
held  it  by  letters  patent  of  the  king*s  father.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  15.        General  pardon  to  Robert  G^liug  of  Richemond^  co.  York,  'yoman.' 
Westminster.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  following  : — 
John  Stannall  of  Richemond,  'cardmaker,*  in  the  county  of  York, 

*  yonum.' 
Thomas  Cowton  of  Richemond,  co.  York,  *  yoman.' 

Nov.  2.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  John  Wenlok  of  Wenlok,  knight,  of 

Westminster,  the  office  of  the  stewardship  of  the  king's  castle  and  lordship  of  Berkamstede, 

with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  18.        The  like  to  John  Burley  of  the  office  of  warrener  of  Cockam  and  Bray, 
Westminster,  co.  Berks,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  15.        Grant  in  fee  simple  to  John  Stapelhill  of  all  manors,  messuages,  lands^ 

Westminster,  tenements,   rents,  advowsons,  etc.   in    Donsford,     Fulford,  Melhewyssh, 

Crokkerne  Well  and  Fennymyle,  co.  Devon,  late  of  Baldwin   Fulford, 

knight,  rebel,  convicted  of  high  treason.  By  p.s. 


July  26.  Grant  to  John,  lord  Stourton,  Richard  Chok,  serjeant-at-law,  John  Sharp, 
Westminster.  William  Codir,  William  Howell  and  Richard  Kayton  of  2000/.  at  the  hands 
of  the  receivers  of  the  issues  of  the  possessions  late  of  James  Ormond,  earl 
of  Wilts,  viz.  600/.  at  each  succeeding  Michaelmas,  to  be  by  them  distributed 
to  the  king's  subjects  of  London,  Bristol,  Salisbury,  Ludlowe  and  other 
places  of  the  realm,  in  lieu  of  the  same  sum  appointed  to  be  paid  to  the 
latter  by  the  Genoese  for  certain  injuries,  which  was  delivered  to  the  said 
earl,  late  treasurer  of  England,  and  not  distributed  by  him.  By  p.8. 

March  12.        Appointment,  during  good  behaviour,  of  the  king's  servant  Richard 

Westminster.  Foweler  as  solicitor  of  the  king,  receiving  10/.  yearly  at  the  hands  of  the 

receiver-general  of  the  duchy  of  Cornwall.  By  K. 

Oct.  12.  Grant  for  life  to  Christopher  Sent  Laurence,  knight,  lord  of  Howeth  in 

Westminster.  Ireland,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king's  father,  of  the  constableship  of 

the  king's  castle  of  Dublin,  with  the  accustomed  fees  at  the  hands  of  the 

treasurer  of  Ireland.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  17.  Grant  to  the  mayor  and  society  of  merchants  of  the  staple  of  Calais  of 

Wostininster.  Ss.  Sd»  from  the  subsidy  of  each  sack  of  wool  and  6s,  Sd,  from  the  subsidy 

of  each  240  wool-fcils  to  bo  shipped  by  them  in  any  ports  of  England  until 

they  shall  be  fully  satisfied  of  1000/.  lent  by  thorn  to  the  king.  By  p.s. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  II.  65 

.  1461.  Membrane  10— con^ 

Oct.  14.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  John  Davy  of  the  custody  of  the  king's 
Weirtiiiiiister.  mmor  of  Kennyngton,  co.  Surrey,  with  a  rabbit  warren  and  garden  adjacent, 
with  the  aocustomed  fees  from  ihe  issues  of  the  manor.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  because  on  another  roll, 

Oct.  17.        The  like  to  Robert  Spaldyng  of  the  office  of  one  of  the  king's  Serjeants  at 

Weetminster.   arms,  in  the  place  of  Alexander  Shefeld,  with  wages  of  I2d.  daily  from  the 

fee  farm  and  issues  of  the  dty  and  counties  of  London  and  Middlesex  and 

a  livery  of  the  suit  of  other  Serjeants  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  great 

wardrobe.  By  K. 

Dec.  14.  Licence  for  the  men  of  the  mystery  of  tailors  of  the  city  of  Salisbury  to 
Westminster,  become  one  body  and  community  and  to  form  a  fraternity  or  guild  of  them- 
selves and  others,  men  and  women,  in  the  chapel  of  St.  John  the  Baptist 
within  the  parish  church  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr,  to  be  called  the  guild 
of  St.  John  the  Baptist,  to  choose  two  wardens  for  their  governance,  and  to 
have  power  to  acquire  possessions  and  to  sue  and  be  sued  and  punish  their 
members ;  and  to  found  a  perpetual  chantry  of  one  chaplain  to  celebrate 
divine  service  daily  at  the  altar  of  St.  John  in  the  said  church  for  the  good 
estate  of  the  king  and  themselves  and  for  their  souls  after  death  and  those  of 
the  king's  father  and  progenitors,  and  to  acquire  lands  and  other  possessions 
in  mortmain  to  the  value  of  20/.  yearly  for  his  sustenance.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  22.  Pardon  to  William  Gosse,  heir  and  tenant  of  the  lands  late  of  Richard 
Westminster.  GK>sse,  late  one  of  the  collectors  of  the  customs  and  subsidies  of  wools,  hides 
and  wool-fells  and  the  petty  custom  and  the  subsidy  of  tonnage  and 
poundage  in  the  port  of  Briggewater  and  ports  and  places  adjacent,  deceased, 
and  to  Marjory,  late  the  wife  of  the  latter,  executrix  of  his  will  and  adminis- 
tratrix of  his  goods,  of  all  trespasses,  offences,  debts,  arrears  and  forfeitures. 

By  p.s. 

Nov.  26.         Presentation  of  Owin  Licit,  rector  of  Hodnette,  in  the  diocese  of  Coventry 

Westminster,   and  Lichfield,  to   the  church  of  Towyn   Meronnygh,  in  the  diocese  of 

Bangor,  on  an  exchange  of  benefices  with  John  Brugge,  rector  of  the 

church.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  9. 

Oct.  5.  Grant  for  life  to  Richard  Chokke  of  a  yearly  rent  of  20/.  from  the  issues 

Westminster,  of  the  king's  lordship  or  manor  of  Cianborne,  co.  Dorset,  and  a  tun  of 
Ghiscon  wine  yearly  at  Christmas  from  the  king's  prises  in  the  port  of  Bristol. 
Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  receivers  of  the  manor. 

Nov.  9.  Mandate  to  all  bailiffs  and  others  to  permit  Robert  de  Lynton,  bachelor  of 

Westminster,  either  law,  a  native  of  Scotland,  dwelling  within  the  realm,  to  inhabit  the 

realm  of  England  and  enjoy  his  goods.  By  EI. 

Nov.  7.  Grant  for  life  to  Ralph  Machon,  king's  esquire,  of  the  ofiice  of  collector  oi 

Westminster,   tolls  at  the  bridge  called  *  Newnhambrigge,'  with  fees  to  the  value  of  20 

marks  yearly  from  the  issues  of    his  office,  as  he  had  in  the  time  of 

Henry  VI.  By  p^ 

Nov.  13.        The  like  to  John  Shute,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,   porter  of  the  king's  castle  of  Hadlegh  alicu  Hadley,  co.  Essex,  receiving  the 

accustomed  fees,  viz.  3<f.  daily,  from  4  March  last,  from  the  fee  farm  of  the 

town  of  Colcestre.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  19.        Grant  to  Nicholas  Lathell  of  the  Exchequer  of  20/.  yearly  from  4  March 

Westminster,  last  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Bedford  and  Buckingham,  until  he 

shall  have  another  office  or  gift  to  that  value.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  20.        Appointment  of  Francis  de  Copinis,  bishop  of  Ternl  (Interamnen*)^  as 
Westminnter.  proctor  und  envoy  of  the  king  at  the  court  of  Rome.    [Fcedera,'} 


146  L  Membrane  9-^c&nt. 

Nov.  17.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  John  Acton,  esqnire,  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,  ranger  of  ChaspeU,  Iverley  and  Asshewode   within  the  king's  forest  of 

Kjmvare  with  the  offices  of  steward  of  the  forest  and  bailiff  of  Ghaspell  and 

lyerlej,  with  stanks,  *  wayyes/  ^  strajes,'  herbage,  pannage  and  wood  called 

^  wjndfaisy'  rendering  I3s.  4(L  yearly  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.8. 

Nov.  20.         The  like  to  Louis  John  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  park  of  Fulbrokc, 
Wcstminfter.  co.  Warwick,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.a. 

Not.  22.         The  like  to  Richard  Coldale  of  the  custody  of  the  passage  of  the  water 
Westminster,  of  Sulwath  in  the  marches  of  Scotland,  with  the  accustomed  fees.      By  p.s. 

Nov.  17.         The  like  to  Henry  Trencheard,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  the  forestership  of 

Westminster,  the  king's  forest  in  the  Isle  of  Wight  and  the  custody  of  his  park  there, 

receiving  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Bichard  II.  from  the 

issues  of  the  island  and  the  king's  lordship  there,  with  all  other  profits 

pertaining  to  the  same.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  25.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Christopher  Foumes  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,  ranger  of  the  king's  forest  of  Kyngi^bere  by  Winchester  alicu  Westbere  and 

the  custody  of  his  woods  called  'Papinholt'  and  'Shrowenore'  within  the 

forest,  with   the  accustomed    fees    from  the    issues  of    the  county    of 


Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

Nov.  27.        Appointment,  during  good  behaviour,  of  Henry  Elham  and  Hugh  Huls 

Westminster,  as  auditors  of  all  accounts  of  chamberlains,  sheriffs,  escheators,  ringilds, 

rhaglaws  {raglatorum\  farmers  and  other  ministers  in  the  counties  of 

Chester  and  Flint  in  the  parts  of  North  Wales,  receiving  fees  as  in  the 

times  of  Edward  III.  and  Richard  IL  By  bill  of  treasurer. 

Membrane  8. 

Nov.  20.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  mayor,  bailiffs  and  burgesses  of 
Westminster.  Quenesburgh  in  the  Isle  of  Shepeye,  co.  Kent,  of  a  charter  dated  20  March, 
1  Bichard  II.  [Charter  Roily  1  Richard  II, ^  No.  13],  inspecting  and 
confirming  a  charter  dated  10  May,  42  Edward  III.  [Charter  RoU^ 
42  Edward  IIL^  No,  8],  creating  the  town  a  free  borough  and  granting  to 
them  a  market  and  two  fairs  and  divers  other  liberties  and  privileges. 

For  20t.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Nov.  20.         Mandate  to  all  bailiffs  and  others  to  permit  John  Grenelawe,  ^  taylour,'  a 

Westminster,  native  of  Aburden  in  Scotland,  dwelling  at  Canterbury,  who  has  taken  an 

oath  of  fealty,  to  inhabit  the  realm  of  England  peaceably  and  enjoy  his 

goods.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  26.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  William  Sturmy  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,  keeper  of  the  king's  park  of  Hampstede  Marshall,  co.  Berks,  from  6  April 

last,  with  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Richard  II.  from  the 

issues  of  the  king's  manor  or  lordship  of  Hampstede  Marshall.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  said  WOliam  of  the  office  of  bdliff  of  the  said  manor. 

By  p.s. 

Nov.  29*         General  pardon  to  William  Staynour  of  Coventre,  ^  yoman.'  By  p.s. 


Nov.  25.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  Roland  Symondys  of  the  office  of 
Westminster,  parker  of  the  king's  park  of  Fekenham  and  keeper  of  Barowhill  with  a 
plot  and  stank  appertaining,  with  the  accustomed  fees  irom  the  revenues  of 
the  said  lordship.  By  p.s 

Nov.  29.         Grant  in  frank  almoin  to  Elizabeth,  the  abbess,  and  the  convent  of  St. 

Westminster.  Saviour  and  SS.  Mary  and  Bridget,  Syon,  of  the  order  of  St.  Augustine,  of 

the  priory  of  St.  Michael's  Mount  in  Cornwall  belonging  to  the  duchy  of 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Paet  II.  57 

1461.  Membrane  8— c«wi^. 

Cornwall,  the  manor  of  Tjleshidoy  formerly  parcel  of  the  abbey  of  Caen,  the 
manor  and  rectory  of  Felstede,  co.  Essex,  formerly  parcel  of  the  same,  all 
lands  late  of  the  abbey  of  St,  Nicholas,  Angers,  in  Spaldyng,  co.  Lincoln, 
and  all  fruits  of  the  church  of  Cosham,  co.  Wilts,  with  all  hundreds,  leets, 
courts,  wapentakes,  views  of  frank  pledge,  manors,  lands,  churches,  knights' 
feesj  advowsoDs  and  other  appurtenances,  to  pray  for  the  good  estate  of  the 
king  and  Cicely  his  mother  and  for  their  souls  afler  death  and  those  of 
Richard,  late  duke  of  York,  his  father,  and  his  progenitors,  and  to  do  other 
works  of  piety.  By  p.8. 

Membrane  7. 

Nov.  24.         Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Wath  of  the  office  of  aldei*man  of  Westgato 
Westminstor.  within  the  city  of  Canterbury,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

June  1.  Grant  to  the  king's  servitor  Roger  Eyeton  of  the  office  of  constable  of 

Westminiter.  the  king's  castle  of  Shrewsbury  and  the  custody  of  the  gaol  there  with  the 

accustomed  fees  i'rom  the  fee  farm  of  the  town  of  Shrewsbury,  and  of  a 

meadow  called  '  Shirrieff  Modowe  by  Hencote,'  late  in  the  tenure  of  Thomas 

Herford,  rendering  I2d.  yearly  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  27.         Mandate  to  all  bailiffs  and  others  to  permit  John  of  Guthrie,  a  native  of 

Westminster.   St.  Andrews  in  Scotland,  dwelling  within  the  parish  of  St.  Botolph  without 

Algate,  London,  who  has  taken  an  oath  of  fealty,  to  inhabit  the  realm 

peaceably  and  enjoy  his  goods.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  28.  Pardon  to  Henry  Chichele,  late  of  London,  esquire,  of  his  outlawry  in 
Westminster,  the  county  of  Surrey  for  not  appearing  before  John  Prysot  and  his  fellows, 
justices  of  the  Bench  in  the  late  reign,  to  satisfy  William  Clement^  citizen 
and  clothier  of  London,  son  of  John  Clement,  late  citizen  and  tailor  of 
London,  and  executor  of  his  will,  touching  a  debt  of  11/.  which  the  said 
John  recovered  against  him  and  7  marks  damages,  he  having  surrendered 
to  the  Flete  prison  and  the  said  William  having  acknowledged  hmiself  satisfied 
on  27  November,  as  appears  by  certificate  of  Robert  Danby,  chief 

Nov.  22.  Grant  for  life  to  William  Bradshawe,  esquire,  of  100^.  and  20  marks 
Westminster,  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  king's  part  of  the  lordship  of  Cotynham, 
CO.  York,  in  lieu  of  grants  to  him  by  the  king's  father  of  the  said  sums 
from  his  lordship  of  Wakefeld  and  from  the  issues  of  his  lordships  in 
the  counties  of  Somerset  and  Dorset  by  letters  patent  dated  at  LucUowe, 
39  (fie)  January,  30  Henry  VI.,  and  at  London,  20  November  39  Henry 
VI.,  respectively.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  18.  Confirmation  and  grant  for  life  to  John  Walton,  chaplain,  of  the  chantry 
— •  within  the  king's  manor  of  Clypston  with  the  chapel  of  St.  Edwin  within 
his  forest  of  Shirwode,  which  were  granted  to  him  by  letters  patent  dated 
19  December,  35  Henry  VL,  and  of  100#.  yearly  from  4  March  last  from 
the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Nottingham  and  Derby,  in  the  same  manner  as 
like  allowances  on  the  Great  Roll  of  29  Edward  III.  by  Walter  de  Monte 
GK>meri,  sherifi^,  to  Robert  Rotonr,  chaplain,  and  on  the  Great  Roll  of 
6  Richard  11.  by  John  de  Leek,  sherifi^,  to  John  Davy  of  Chillewell,  chap, 
lain  ;  that  he  may  pray  for  the  good  estate  of  the  king  and  for  his  soul  and 
those  of  his  progenitors.  By  p.8. 

Nov.  25.        Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Say  of  the  ofiice  of  coroner  of  the  marshalsea  of 

Westmioster.  the  king's  household  with  the  accustomed  fees,  lately  granted  for  life  to 

John  Feryby,  yeoman  of  the  crown,  by  letters  patent  dated  22  April, 

surrendered.  By  p.8. 

Nov.  20.         Confirmation  to  the  dean  and  chapter  of  Holy  Trinity,  Waterford, 

Westminster.  Ireland,  of  a  grant  to  them  by  letters  patent  dated  17  February,  20  Henry 

VL,  of  16/.  13*.  M.  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  fee  farm  of  the  city  of 


|^4gX.  Membrane  7— com* 

Waterford  for  80  yean  firom  Christtnas  then  last  past ;  and  oontinnation  of 
the  grant  for  40  years  farther  from  the  expiratkm  of  that  term.  By  K. 

Nov.  28.         Grant  in  fee  simple  to  the  king's  kinsman  John,  earl  of  Worcester,  of  the 

Westminster,  office  of  keeper  of  the  king's  forests  of  Wabrigge  and  Saplej,  co.  Huntingdon, 

with  underwood,  herbage  and  pannage,  reasonable  sustenance  for  the  king's 

deer  excepted,  and  all  fees  and  profits.  By  p.8. 


Not.  16.  Itupeximus  and  confirmation  to  Thomas  Grene,  knight,  present  tenant  of 
Westminster,  the  undermentioned  tenements  and  keeper  of  the  forest,  of  letters  patent 
dated  16  June,  6  Richard  IL,  inspecting  and  confirming  to  Master  John 
Goderych,  then  tenant  and  keeper,  a  charter  of  Henry  [XL],  as  follows  : — 
ff.  dei  gratia  rex  Anglic  daminus  Hihemie  dux  Normannie  et  Aquii" 
anie  comet  Andegavie  justidariis  viceeomiiibut  foresiariis  et  omnibus 
haUivis  etfidelibut  suis  saluiem.  Sciatis  not  dediue  et  hoc  present i 
carta  nostra  cot^rmasse  Bronemanno  foreHario  nostro  pro  fideli  ser- 
vido  suo  illud  tenementum  in  dominico  nostro  quod  vocatur  Pokell 
cum  omnibus  pertinentiis  suis  quod  est  inter  dominicum  boscum  nostrum 
de  Wackefeld  et  feodum  Leticie  de  Ferrariis  de  Passeham^  cum  dotni- 
bus  cum  hominibus  et  eorum  sequelig  et  cum  omnibus  catallis  suis  quod 
habeant  libermn  ingressum  et  exitum  in  dominicis  boscis  nostris  et 
in  foresta  nostra  de  Wytlowod  cum  omnimodis  bestiis  suis  et  quod 
habeant  percursum  per  totam  forestam  twstram  cum  porcis  suts  el 
sint  quieti  de  pannagio  et  de  expeditatione  canum  et  de  tolneto  in 
omnibus  f oris  et  undents  sine  districtione  et  occasione  et  dictus  Brune^ 
mannus  capiat  pannagium  de  hominibus  suis  quando  agistatores 
nostri  ceperint  pannagium  nostrum  libere  et  quiete,  Preterea  dedi^ 
mus  dido  Bruemanno  illam  culturam  terre  de  dominico  nostro  que 
vocatur  la  Leye  cum  suis  pertinentiis  et  visum  liberi  plegii  de  homini- 
bus suis  cum  catallis  cujuscumque  fugitivi  sui  et  iatronis  convicti 
ubicutnque  fuerint  inventi  et  si  quis  de  hominibus  suis  occiderit  tUium 
dictus  Brunemannus  habeat  catalla  ipsius  et  illius  qui  convictus  fuerit 
pro  vemUione  nostra  libere  et  quiete.  Preterea  dedimus  dicto  Brune- 
manno  bussellum  et  galonem  secundam  assisam  regni  nostri  et  placitum 
de  hutesio  et  sanguine  fuso  super  dictum  tenementum  et  de  pane  et 
cervisia  et  omnia  hujusmodi  amerciamenta  in  curia  sua  cum  omnibus 
transgressionibus  et  libertatibus  predictis  libere  et  quiete.  Dedimus 
etiam  dicto  Brunemanno  et  heredibus  stiis  custodiam  foreste  nostre  de 
Wyilewod  injeodo  et  ea  que  pertifient  adfirmam  suam  nobis  faciendam 
in  dominicis  boscis  nostris  sine  vasto  reddendo  nobis  anntia/tm  triginta 
et  tres  solidos  et  quatuor  denarios  et  sepedictus  Brunetnannus  et  here- 
des  sui  sint  quiete  de  comitatu  et  hundredis  de  assisis  et  summonitione 
de  sectis  et  occasionibus  in  perpetuum.  Preterea  volumus  quod  unus 
homo  de  predictis  hominibus  quem  eligerit  veniat  coram  justiariis 
nostris  itinerantibus  cum  inpartibus  illis  venerint  ostensurus  ea  queper^ 
tinent  ad  coronam  nostram.  Et  concedimus  quod  dictus  Brunemannus 
reddat  nobis  Jirmam  per  annum  pro  predicto  tenemento  scilicet  duos 
solidos  adfestum  sancti  Michaelis  pro  otnnibus  que  nobis  pertinent 
salva  venatione  nostra  et  morte  hominis  et  viridi  et  latrone  convicto, 
Prohibemus  etiam  quod  nullus  vicecomes  forestarius  vel  alius  ballivus 
ingressum  habeat  in  dicto  tenemento  neque  in  libertate  ista  nisi 
fuerit  pro  viridi  vel  pro  venatione  nostra  seti  detentione  firme  nostre 
et  tunc  fiat  per  summonitionem  scaccarii  nostri  et  non  aliter,  Et  nos 
et  heredes  nostri  predictum  tenetfientum  cum  omnibus  libertatibus  pre- 
die f is  dido  Brunemanno  et  heredibus  suis  cotttra  omnes  hof nines 
warantizabimus.  Et  suscepimus  in  protedionem  et  defensionem  nos- 
tram    homines  terras  d  possessiones  quas  didus   Brunemannus   et 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  IL  59 

]^4Q]^^  Membrane  6— con^. 

heredes  sui  passini  adipUd  in  Anglia,  In  cuius  ret  iettitnonium 
hanc  cartam  nostram  eidem  fieri  fecimus.  teste  me  ipso  apud 
Selveston  4*> 

For  5  marks  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Nov.  20.        Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  Richard  Fitz  William,  present  tenant,  of 
WestminBter.  a  charter  dated  18  Augost,  53  Henry  III.  [Charter  Roll,  53  Henry  III., 
m»  8.]y  being  a  grant  to  John  Comyn  and  Alice  his  wife  of  free  warren 
in  their  demesne  lands  of  Ulseby,  co.  Lincoln. 

For  ^  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Oct.  28.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  Henry  Waltham  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,  feodary  of  the  liberties  and  franchises  of  the  king's  hononr  of  Richemond 

in  the  counties  of  Lincoln  and  Nottingham,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from 

4  March  last.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  23.  Grant  to  Francis  de  Copinis,  bishop  of  Terni,  sometime  legate  of  the 

Westminster,  apostolic  see  in  England,  of  an  annuity  of  100/.  from  certain  customs  and 
subsidies  in  the  ports  of  London  and  Southampton,  or  at  the  Exchequer, 
payable  to  himself  or  to  George,  bishop  of  Exeter  and  chancellor,  Richard, 
earl  of  Warwick,  William  HEutynges,  knight,  lord  of  Hastynges,  king's 
chamberlain,  and  John  Fogge,  knight,  treasurer  of  the  household,  his  proc- 
tors, or  to  other  attorneys  of  his,  until  he  shall  be  provided  with  sufficient 
benefices ;  and  of  an  allowance  from  the  king's  cellar  for  ten  persons ;  and 
grant  to  him  and  Bartholomew  and  Thomaslnus,  his  nephews,  of  a  ^diite 
rose  on  their  arms.    [Foedera.]  By  p.s. 

Nov.  29.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Kaynesham  of 
Westminster,  a  charter  dated  at  Welcomestowe,  28  February,  1  Edward  II.,  being  a  grant 
to  them  of  a  market  weekly  on  Thursdays  and  a  fiEiir  yearly  at  the  Assump- 
tion at  their  manor  of  Kaynesham,  co.  Somerset  Witnesses :  A.,  bishop 
of  Durham,  Humphrey  de  Bohun,  earl  of  Hereford  and  Essex,  John  de 
Britannia,  Hugh  le  Despenser,  Guy  Ferre  the  younger,  John  de  Merk, 
Philip  de  Vemay  and  others.  For  10#.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Nov.  24.         Grant  to  Geffrey  Midelton,  esquire,  of  the  custody  and  marriage  of 
Westminster.   Anne,  one  of   the    daughters  and    heirs    of  John  Haryngton,  knight, 
deceased,  a  minor  and  in  the  king's  custody,  rendering  100  marks  for  the 
same.  By  p.8. 

Nov.  26.         Grant  for  life  to  John  Davy,  citizen  and  ^  sherman '  of  London,  of  the  office 

Westminster,   of  shearer  {tonsoris)  of  aU  woollen  cloths  provided  for  the  great  wardrobe, 

with  the  accustomed  fees  and  livery  at  the  hands  of  the  keeper  of  the  great 

wardrobe.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  6. 

Oct.  19.  Grant  for  life  to  William  Swerenden,  one  of  the  dorks  of  Chancery,  of 

Westminster,  the  office  of  one  of  the  clerks  of  the  crown  of  Chancery,  now  held  by  Robert 
Rous,  on  his  vacation  of  the  same  by  death  or  surrender,  with  fees  as  in  the 
time  of  Edward  III.  from  the  issues  of  the  hanaper  and  a  livery  yearly  at 
the  great  wardrobe.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelied,  because  the  Mng  granted  the  same 
to  the  said  William  and  John  Bagot  by  letters  patent j  22  June, 
4  Edward  IV. 

Nov.  19.        The  like  to  Thomas  Fylkyngton,  *  gentilman,'  of  the  office  of  constable  of 
Westminster,  the  king's  Castle  of  Wykelowe  in  Ireland  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the 
issues  of  the  lordship  or  manor  of  Newcastle  by  Lyons  in  Ireland  and  the 
fee  farm  of  Cbapelizod  {Capelle  Isolde) f  Lexskep  and  Salmon  Leap. 

By  p..s. 


|4gj^  Membrane  5 — cont. 

Nov.  13.         The  like  to  John  Shuie,  one  of  the  jeomen  of  the  crown,  of  the  offioe  of 

Westminster,  pnrker  or  keeper  of  the  king's  park  of  Ebdl^h  alias  Hadlej,  receiving  the 

accustomed  fees,  viz.,  Sd,  dailj,  from  4  March  last,  from  the  fee  fsurm  of  tho 

town  of  Oolcestre.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  20.         Batification  of  the  estate  of  John  NeelL  as  parson  of  the  parish  church 
Westminster,  of  St.  Mary,  Calais,  in  the  parts  of  Artois,  in  tho  diocese  of  Terooanne. 

Not.  23.         Revocation  of  protection,  with  clause  vo/timiu,   for  one  year,  lately 

Westminster,  granted  by  letters  patent  to  James  Duodo,  merchant  of  Venice,  going  on 

the  king's  service  in  the  company  of  Walter  Blcunte,  knight,  treasurer  of 

Calais,  on  the  safe-custody  and  victualling  of  the  town,  because  he  delays  in 

the  suburbs  of  London,  as  appears  by  certificate  of  the  sheriffs. 

NoV:  28.         Batification  of  the  estate  which  William  Dudeley  has  as   dean  of  the 
Westminster,  king's  free  chapel  or  collegiate  church  of  Wolvemhampton.  By  K. 

Nov.  27.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  master  and  brethren  of  the  hospital 
Westminster,  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr  of  Aeon  of  letters  patent  dated  3  «fuly, 
18  Edward  II.,  inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter  of  Geoftrey  son  of 
Peter,  sometime  earl  of  Essex  [Mancuticonjf  being  a  grant  to  them  of  the 
custody  of  the  hospital  of  St.  John  the  Evangelist  of  lepers  in  Berchampsted, 
in  addition  to  the  custody  of  the  hospital  of  St.  John  the  Baptist  in  the  same 
town,  previously  granted  to  them.  For  1  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Nov.  20.         Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  the  king's  servant  John  Baron  of  the 

Westminster,  office  of  bailiff  of  the  king's  lordship  of  Fordyngton,  co.  Dorset,  with  the 

accustomed  fees.  By  p.8. 

The  like  to  the  said  John  of  the  office  of  gaoler  of  the  king's  gaol  of 

Dorcheslre,  co.  Dorset.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  30.        Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  the  Carmelites  at 

Westminster.  Calais,  of  20  marks  yearly  in  aid  of  their  sustenance,  at  the  hands  of  the 

treasurer  of  the  town.  By  p.s. 

July  1.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  Robert  Bold,  esquire,  of  letters  patent 

Westminster,  of  the  king's  father  Richard,  duke  of  York,  dated  at  Chester,  13  September 
1460,  being  a  grant  to  him  for  life  of  tlie  office  of  constable  of  his  castle  of 
Dynbrigh  in  North  Wales,  with  the  accustomed  fees. 

For  lOs,  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Dec.  2.  Grant  for  life  to  Eichard  Barowe  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  le  Nether - 

Westminster,  warde  within  the  king's  forest  of  Ingilwode,  with  the  accustomed  fees. 

By  ps. 

Nov.  24.        The  like  to  Ralph  Manser,  for  his  good  fei*vice  to  the  king's  uncle  the 
Westminster,  earl  of  Salisbury,  of  the  office  of  one  of  the  king's  foresters  of  his  forest 
of  Inglewode,  co.  Cumberland,  with  the  accustomed  fees,  as  he  had  it 
before.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  John  Alcok  of  the  office  of  forester  within  the  king's  forest 
of  Inglewode,  with  the  accustomed  fees,  in  the  same  manner  as  Thomas 
Garthe  had  it  of  the  grant  of  Henry  A^. 

Dec.  3.  Grant,  during  the    minority  of  the  heir,   to  Margaret   late   the    wife 

Westminster,  of  James  Pykeryng,  esquire,  son  and  heir  of  James  Pykeryng,  knight, 
deceased,  for  the  relief  of  herself  and  her  seven  children,  of  the  custody 
of  a  messuage  and  4  acres  of  land  in  Ellerton,  co.  York,  in  the  king's 
hands  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  James  Pykeryng,  kinsman  and  heir  of 
the  said  knight,  with  the  marriage  of  the  heir. 

Nov.  30.        Ratificalion  of  the  estate  which  John  Burton,  chaplain,  has  as  parson  of 
Westminster,  the  parish  church  of  Thornton  in  Lonesdale,  co,  York. 

Dec.  1.  Presentation  of  William   Ludford,  chaplain,   to  the  parish  church  of 

Westminster.  Burford  called  *  le  Netherpersonage '  of  Burford,  in  the  diocese  of  Hereford, 
void  by  the  death  of  William  Brower. 

1  EDWARD  IV^Pabt  II.  61 

1461.  Membrane  4. 

Nov.  25.        Tntpeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  abbot  and  conyent  of  Bukfast,  co. 
Westminster.  Devon,  of  the  following : — 

1.  A  charter  of  Henry  II.     [ManaiticonJ] 

2.  A  charter  dated  22  January,  4  Edward  III.   [Charter  Rollj  4  Ed- 

ward III. y  No,  11],  inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter  dated  at 
St.  Edmunds,  18  Kovember,  1  Richard  I.,  being  a  confirmation  to 
them  of  possessions  and  a  grant  of  divers  liberties. 

3.  Letters  patent  dated   12  July,  30  Edward  HI.,  being  a  grant  in 

mortmain  to  them  of  the  manor  of  Killebury,  co.  Devon,  which  the 
king  had  of  the  feoffment  of  William  Mugge,  king's  derk,  worth 
bOs,  4d.  yearly,  as  appears  by  an  extract  made  by  Richard  Hudy, 
escheator  in  the  county.  For  30^.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Nov.  21.  Inspexifttus  and  confirmation  to  the  dean  and  canons  of  Wolvernehampton 
Weitminster.  of  letters  patent  dated  30  March,  2  Richard  II.,  inspecting  and  confirming 
letters  patent  dated  12  December,  48  Edward  III.,  being  an  exemplification, 
at  the  request  of  Richard  Fostell,  then  dean,  of  a  charter  dated  7  May, 
2  Edward  III.  [ilfona^/icofi]  inspecting  and  confirming  to  John  de  Mel- 
bourn,  then  dean,  charters  of  Edward  the  Confessor,  William  I.,  Henry  II., 
and  Henry,  duke  of  Normandy  and  Aquitaine  and  count  of  Anjou. 

For  208,  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Nov.  18.         General  pardon  to  William  Pyke  alias  Peeke  of  Plympton  Earle,  co. 
Westminster.   Devon,  *  marchant.' 

Dec.  2.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  kinsman  John,  earl  of  Worcester,  of  the  office 

Westminster,   of  constable  of  the  Tower  of  London,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  30.         Grant  for  life  to  John  Aust3m  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  keys  of  the 

Westminster,   new  work  in  the  upper  bailivnck  of  the  king's  castle  of  Wyndesore,  co. 

Berks,  with  '  lodecroft  *  below  the  castle,  from  7  May  last,  receiving  4d,  daily 

with  all  due  profits  at  the  hands  of  the  constable  of  the  castle.  By  p.8. 

Dec.  2.  The  like  to  John  Russell  of  the  office  of  the  custody  of  the  king's 

Westminster,  artillery  within  his  castle  of  Caresbroke,  Isle  of  Wight,  from  4  March  last, 

receiving  wages  of  3d.  daily  from  the  issues  of  the  castle  or  lordship  of 

Caresbroke.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  7.  The  like  to  William  Staveley,  for  his  good  service  for  fifteen  years  at 

Westminster.  Calais  and  at  sea,  and  because  he  was  wounded  and  probably  maimed  for 
life  in  the  company  of  the  king's  kinsman  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  resist- 
ing the  Spaniuds  and  their  caracks,  of  the  money  levied  from  aliens  in  the 
said  town.  By  p.8. 

Membrane  3. 

Nov.  17.         The  like  to  William  Louther,  son  of  Hugh  Louther,  of  the  office  of 
Westminster,   forester  of  the  upper  ward  of  the  king's  forest  of  Ingelwode,  with  the  accus- 
tomed wages  at  the  hands  of  the  keeper  of  the  king's  forests  beyond  Trent 
or  his  lieutenant  in  the  said  forest.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  26.         The  like  to  Margaret,  duchess  of  Somerset,  of  166/.  13«.  id.  yearly  from 

Westminster.  Michaelmas,  39  Henry  YL,  from  the  king's  petty  custom  in  the  port  of 

London  and  the  same  at  the  receipt  of  the  Exchequer,  in  lieu  of  a  grant 

and  confirmation  to  her  of  the  same  sums  in  dower  by  letters  patent  dated 

9  July,  surrendered.  By  K. 

Nov.  24.         iMpeximui  and  confirmation  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Wonboume,  of 
Westminster,   the  Cistercian  order,  of  the  following  : — 

!•  A  charter  of  Stephen  as  follows  :— 

S,   rex    Anglorum  archiepiscoptSy  eputcopts^  abbattbus,  eamitibuSj 
JuHiciariiSyVtcecamiiilnUjbaronibus  et  omnibus  ministris  etjidelibus 


1461,  Membrane  B^-cont. 

suis  JFVancM  et  Anglis  salutem.  Sdatis  me  eanceaisie  et  am- 
Jirmasse  in  perpeiuam  elemosinam  ecclesie  ganete  Marie  de 
Woubomia  et  monaehis  ibidem  deo  servientibus  pro  salute  mea  et 
Matildis  regine  uxoris  mee  et  puerorum  meorum  quod  imi  et 
succes9ores  sui  in  perpetuum  habeant  libert€Uem  et  visum  franci- 
plegii  apud  Wouborn  per  amnes  terras  quas  Hugo  de  Bolebeth 
eii  dedit  et  in  omnibus  terris  et  tenementis  qucu  habent  ex  dona 
Henrid  de  Clynton  et  Hugoms  Malet  apud  Swaneboum  et  Soli' 
buriam.  Quare  volo  et  firmitet  predpio  quod  eadem  ecclesia  et 
monachi  habeant  et  teneant  wejatam  libertatem  et  omnes  alias 
donationes  et  liber tates  que  etsdemfacUe  et  datm  sunt  sicut  carte 
fundatorum  et  donatorum  testantur  quietas  de  shiris  hundredis 
scutagiis  tallagiis  vigiliis  et  ommbus  aliis  rebus  terrenis  et 
demandis  sicut  puram  et  perpetuam  elemosinam  nostram  in  per- 
petuum. Testibus  Comite  Gaufrido  et  Roberto  de  Veer  et  Turg* 
de  Abrenc*  et  WUlelmo  de  Yplresi  et  Fulcone  de  OiUi  et 
Manifenino  Brinton  apud  Warengeford  in  obsidiane, 

2.  A  charter  of  Heiiry  IL  dated  at  Boaen,  confirming  divers  grants,  to 

them.    [^Monasticon,} 

3.  A  charter  dated  Eaemarvany  12  April,  12  Edward  I.,  being  a  grant 

to  them  of  a  market  weekly  on  Fridays  and  a  fair  yearly  at  the 
Exaltation  of  the  Cross  at  their  chapel  of  Old  Wubum,  co.  JBedford. 
Witnesses: — K.  (R. ?),  bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells  and  chancellor, 
Bichard  de  Bargo,  earl  of  Ulster,  William  de  Leybum,  William 
Latimer,  Hngh  de  TurberviU,  Gunceliii  de  Badelesmerej  John  de 
Monte  Alto,  Bogo  de  Enoville,  Eustace  de  Haoche,  Walter  de 
Everesle  and  others. 

4.  Letters  patent  dated  10  August,  21  Bichard  II.,  being  a  grant  to 

them  of  the  advowson  of  the  church  of  Whitchirche,  oo.  Buckingham. 

For  1  mark  paid  ii^  the  hanaper. 

Nov.  27.         General  pardon  to  John  Hatteclif  of  Burton,  co.  Northampton,^  gentilman.' 
WestmioBter.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  25.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  kinsman  John,  earl  of  Worcester,  of  the  office 
WeBtminster.  of  justice  in  or  of  North  Wales,  with  the  accustomed  fees. 


Nov.  15.         The  like  to  John  Hudelston,  knight,  of  the  office  of  porter  of  the  king's 
Wegtminrter.  castell  of  Newcastell,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  1.  Batification  of  the  estate  which  Walter  Petwyn  has  in  the  prebend  called 

Weptminster.  « Walton  *  in  the  collegiate  church  of  Brygenorth,  co.  Salop.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  28.         Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  John  Henbur,  alderman  of  Dinbigh,  for  his 

Westminster,  good  service  to  the  king's  father,  of  the  offices  of  the  rhaglawship  and 

'  wodewardships  *  of  the  king's  lordship  and  land  of  Dynbigh,  with  all  fees 

pertaining  to  the  same.  By  p.s. 

Dec  5.  General  ^rdon  to  Boger  Tong  of  all  offisnces  committed  by  him  before 

Westminster.   14  October  last.  By  K. 

Dec.  3.  General  pardon  to  William   Bowdeler  late  of  Wolscaston,  co.  Salop, 

Westminster.  <  yoman,'  alias  Bowedeler  late  of  Whytyngeslowe,  co.  Salop.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  2. 

Nov.  28.         Confirmation  to  the  warden  and  coUege  of  St.  Mary  Otery,  co.  Devon, 

Westminster,  founded  for   42   persons,   of  licences    by   letters    patent    dated   7   July, 

25  Edward  IIL,  and  10  August,  15  Henry  YI.,  for  the  acquisition  and 

appropriation  in  mortmain  by  them  of  the  church  of  Ippelpen,  co.  Devon, 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  n.  63 

X461.  Membrane  2-^coni* 

from  the  alien  abbot  and  convent  of  Foug^res  (de  Fulgeriii)  in  Brittany ; 
and  grant  in  mortmain  to  them  of  all  lands  late  of  Nicholas  Wodegrave  in 
Chellesworth  alias  Chellesworthy,  co.  Devon,  in  the  king's  hands  by  the 
exile  of  the  Jews,  all  lands  in  le  Ford  in  the  parish  of  Ippelpen  which  the 
abbot  of  Fougdres  alienated  to  Henry  att  Forde  and  Juliana  his  wife  without 
licence,  and  a  messuage  and  an  acre  of  arable  land  within  the  manor  of 
Ippelpen  which  he  alienated  to  Henry.  Seuell  without  licence,  all  of  which 
he  held  from  Richard  II.  as  of  the  foundation  of  the  church  of  Ippelpen. 


Sept.  6.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  Thomas  Garnet,  esqture,  of  an 

Westminster,  annuity  of  20/.  from  4  March  last  firom  the  farm  of  the  subsidy  and  ulnage 

of  cloth  within  the  town  and  liberty  of  Bristol  and  from  a  moiety  of  the 

forfeiture.  By  p.8. 

Aug.  9.  The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  Thomas  Brodbrigge  of  the  office  of 

Windsor,      controller  of  the  king's  works  within  his  castle  of  Wyndesore  and  other 

manors  and  lordships  appertaining,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  from  the 

issues  of  the  castle  or  lordship  at  the  hands  of  the  constable  or  his  lieutenant. 

By  p.s. 

Dec.  3.  Grant  to  the  burgesses  and  good  men  of  Beverley  of  pavage  for  fourteen 

Westminster,  years,  to  be  expended  under  the  supervision  of  John  Holme,  one  of  the  barons 
of  the  Exchequer,  Alexander  Crake,  William  Mayne  and  John  Wilton. 

Dec.  1.  Grant  for  life  to  Philip  Herveys,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  master  of  the 

Westminster,  king's  ordnance  from  18  June  last,  receiving  wages  of  2s,  daily  for  himself, 

6^.  daily  for  his  clerk  and  6d,  daily  for  a  yeoman  from  the  king's  proffers 

and  all  other  debts  at  the  receipt  of  the  Exchequer.  By  p.8. 

Nov.  24.        The  like  to  Robert  Lumley,  page  {pagettus)  of  the  king's  chamber,  of 

Westminster,  the  office  and  custody  of  the  wood  of  Beynclyf,  co.  York,  receiving  the 

accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  4.  Grant  to  the  king's  servitor  John  Moyll  of  Dynbigh,  a  native  of  Wales, 

Westminster,  of  letters  of  denization.  By  p.s.  and  for  6ff.  8df.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Dec.  4.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Swancote  of  Bristol  of  all  lands  called  ^Bamys 

Westminster,  landes '  in  the  parish  of  Clebery  within  the  king's  manor  and  lordship  of 

Cleobery,  co.  Sidop.  By  pji. 

Dec.  4.  The  like  to  Nicholas  Femberton,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king's  father 

Westminster,  and  the  king,  of  the  office  of  the  bailiwick  of  the  lung's  part  of  Cotyngham, 

CO.  York,  receiving  2d.  daily  with  all  other  accustomed  profits.  By  pjs. 

Dec  7.  The  like  to  Balph  Pudsay,  knight,  of  20/.  yearly  from  the  customs  and 

Westminster,  subsidies  of  wools,  hides  and  wool-fells  and  the  petty  custom  in  the  port 

of  Eyngeston  on  HulL  By  K. 


Dec.  8.  Ghrant,  during  pleasure,  to  the  mayor  and  barons  of  Sandwich  of  100/. 

Westminster,  yearly  from  the  customs  and  subsidies  of  all  merchandise  in  the  port  there, 
to  be  expended  with  20/.  provided  by  themselves  on  the  vralls  and  fortifica- 
tions of  the  town  and  the  entrance  to  the  port  by  the  supervision  of  John 
Fogge,  knight,  John  Scotte,  knight,  and  John  Oxenden  or  their  deputies. 

By  p.8. 
Dec.  3.  Appointment  of  the  king's  kinsman  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  to  execute 

Westminster,  the  office  of  steward  of  England  at  the  trial  of  Henry  VI.  and  other  rebels, 
who  murdered  the  king's  father  Richard,  duke  of  York,  M  Wakefield, 

Dec.  7.  General  pardon  to  John  Assh  alias  Wakerley,  esquire.  By  p.8. 



1461.  Memhrane  1 — cont. 

Dec.  8.  Grant  for  life  to  William  Spenser  of  a  pension  of  10/.  jearlj  from  the 

Westminster,  parish  church  of  Botherham,  co.  York,  at  the  hands  of  the  abbot  and 

convent  of  Bonghforth.  By  p.8. 

Dec.  11.         The  like  to  Edward  Kjogdon,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  the 

Westminster,  office  of  the  bailiwick  of  Surrey  aliiis  *  Bagshotes  bailly  *  in  the  king's 

forest  of  Wyndesore,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the 

counties  of  Oxford  and  Berks.  By  p.s. 

Dec  8.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Ealph  Banastre  of  the  office  of  keeper  of 

Westminster,  the  king's  park  of  la  Vise,  co.  Wilts,  from  6  March  last,  with  fees  as  in  the 

times  of  Edward  III.  or  Bicliard  II.  at  the  hands  ot  the  farmers  or  other 

occupiers  of  the  same  lordship.  By  p.8. 

Dec.  8.  The  like  to  the  said  Balph  of  the  same,  with  fees  as  above  from  the 

Westminster,  issues  of  the  king's  lordship  of  la  Vise.  By  p.8. 

Dec.  9.  Grant  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Malmesbury  of  100/.  from  the  first 

Westminster,   moneys  from  the  first  moiety  of  the  tenth  granted  by  the  clergy  of  the 

province  of  Canterbury  in  the  diocese  of  Salisbury  and  the  archdeaconry 

of  Wilts,  in  repayment  of  the  same  sum  lent  by  them  to  the  king.      By  p.8. 

Dec.  7.  Grant  for  life  to  Alvred  Cornburgh,  yeoman  of  the  crown,  of  the  offices 

Westminster,   of  constable  of  the  king's  castle  of  Launceston,  co.  Cornwall,  and  feodary 

or  escheator  of  the  duchy  of  Cornwall  in  the  counties  of  Cornwall  and 

Devon,  from   12   April  last,   receiving  fees  as  in  the  years  18  and  19 

Edward  III.  from  the  issues  of  the  duchy.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  5.  Grant  to  Gresilda,  late  the  wife  of  John  Hende  the  elder,  esquire,  and  her 

Westminster,  heirs  and  assigns  of  the  lordship  or  manor  of  Panfeld,  alias  the  priory  of 
Pannfeld  with  all  lands,  tenements,  woods,  rents,  services,  and  appurten- 
ances in  Essex  and  the  city  of  London,  at  the  service  of  a  red  rose  at 
Midsummer.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  4.  Mandate  to  all  bailiffs  and  others  to  permit  Jolm  Stedeman,  a  native   of 

Westminster.  Witsun  in  Scotland,  who  has  taken  an  oath  of  fealty,  to  inhabit  the  realm  of 

England  and  enjoy  his  goods  peaceably.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  12*         The  like  for  Adam  Belle,  *  brewer,'  a  native  of  Benale  in  the  parish  of 
Westminster.  St.  Cuthbert  in  Scotland,  dwelling  at  Canterbury,  in  England.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  12.         Grant  for  life  to  John  Norwode,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  constable  of 

Westminster,  the  king's  castle  of  Quenesburgh,   co.  Kent,  and  a  mill  adjacent,  from 

4  March  last,  receiving  fees  as  in  the  time  of  Eichard  II.  or  Edward  III. 

from  the  issues  of  the  lordship  or  hundred  of  Middelton  in  ihe  same  county, 

with  all  other  accustomed  profits.  By  p.8. 

Vacated  because  elsewhere  in  this  year. 

Membrane  2ld. 

Aug.  8.  Commission  to   William  Seintgeorge  and  Thomas  Bnrgoyne  to  arrest 

Windsor.      John  Folde  and  Thomas  Aydrop,  yeomen,  and  bring  them  before  the  king 
in  conncil. 

Aug.  1 .  Commission  to  John  Dynham,  esquire,  and  Walter  Baleygh  to  enter  into 

Westminster,  the  manors  of  Boroneshele,  Morton,  Potteford  and  Parkham,  cos.  Devon  and 
Cornwall,  and  other  lands  in  the  Fame  counties  late  of  Baldwin  Fulforth, 
knight,  and  Elisabeth  his  wife,  and  to  receive  the  issues  of  the  same  firom 
3  April  last  to  4  November  next  and  deliver  them  to  the  said  Elizabeth  for 
the  sustenance  of  herself  and  her  children,  and  to  remove  intruders. 

By  p.s. 

Membrane  20d, 

Aug.  14.         Commission  to  John  Duram,  John   Breknok,   William   Foweler   and 
Westminster.  Edmund  Brudnell  to  deliver  tlie  gaol  of  Ayllesbury  of  John  Parker  alias 
Dyne  and  Paul  Pai'ker  alieu  Dyne. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  H.  66 

1461.  MSMBRANB   18df. 

July  21.         Commission  to  Walter  Wratteslej,  esquire,  Henry  Wrattesley,  esquire, 
Westminster,  and  Ralph  Wolseley  to  arrest  Edmund  Basset  and  bring  him  before  the 
king   in  council   to  answer  for  certain   offences  against  the  statute  in 
Parliament  at  Gloucester,  2  Richard  II. 

Sept.  22.         Commission  to  the  justices  of  the  peace  in  the  county  of  Buckingham, 
Westminster,  the  sheriff  of  the  county  and  the  m»yor  of  Ohepyng  Wycombe  to  arrest 
William  Spereroan,  *  sumnour,'  and  Roger  Bent,  *  corveser,*  and  bring  them 
before  the  king  in  Chancery. 

'Aug.  17-         Commission  to  Roger  Walkeden,  John  Fox,  Thomas  Wydder  and  the 

Westminster,  constable  of   Barnet  to   arrest  John   Blakeney  and   Isabel  his  wife  ond 

Thomas  Parker   of  Barnet, '  taylour,'  and  bring  them  before  the  king  in 

council.  By  C. 

Mbmbranb  \7d. 

Sept.  5.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  the  king's  kinsmen  John,  duke  of 

Bristol.  Suffolk,  and  Henry,  earl  of  Essex,  and  John  Audeley  of  Audeley,  Richard 
Fenys  of  Dacre,  William  Hastynges  of  Hastynges,  John  Sturton  of  Sturton, 
William  Herbert  of  Herbert,  John  Markham,  Robert  Danby,  William 
Yelverton,  Peter  Ardern,  knights,  Richard  Byngham,  Nicholas  Ayssheton, 
Robert  Danvers,  Walter  Moyle,  John  Nedeham,  Richard  Chok,  William 
Canynges,  mayor  of  Bristol,  Thomas  Yonge  and  the  sheriffs  in  the  counties 
of  Gloucester,  Hereford,  Somerset,  Worcester  and  Stafford  and  the  town  of 
Bristol.  By  K. 

Mbmbranb  I6d. 

Nov.  10.         Commission   to  Nicholas    Carrewe,   esquire,   to    take  and   keep  safely 
Westminster.  Nicholas  Carrewe  son  and  heir  of  Thomas  Carrewe,  esquire,  deceased,  tenant 
in  chief,  whose  custody  and  marriage  belong  to  the  king. 

Mbmbranb  I4td. 

Aug.  12.         Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  the  king's  brother  George,  duke  of 

Westminster.  Clarence,  John  Audeley  of  Audeley,  Walter  Devereux  of  Ferres,  knight, 

Walter  Herbert  of  Herbert,  knight,  Thomas  Herbert,  esquire  of  the  body, 

William  Herbert,  esquire,  John  Don,  esquire,  John   Welford,  John  Kene 

and  Hugh  Huntley  in  South  Wales.  By  K. 

Sept.  22.         Commission  to  the  justices  of  the  peace  in  the  county  of  Buckingham, 
Westminster,   the  sheriff*  of  the  county  and  the   mayor  of  Chepyng  Wycombe  to  arrest 
William  Spereman, '  sumnour,'  and  Roger  Bent,  '  corveser/  and  bring  them 
before  the  king  in  Chancery. 

Oct,  29.  Commission  to  the  mayor  and  bailiffs  of  Sandwich  and  Robert  Spaldyng, 

Westminster,  seijeant  at  arms,  to  enquire  into  the  complaint  of  Martin  de  Sarres  of 
Gascony,  merchant,  that  when  he  had  taken  a  ship  of  100  tons  called  le 
Seyni  John  of  Seynt  John  de  Luce  of  Guyne  laden  with  wines,  belonging  to 
himself  and  Michael  de  SaiTate,  to  London  under  safe  conduct  of  Henry 
VI.,  and  had  discharged  the  wines  and  freighted  it  again  with  cloths  and 
other  merchandise  to  return  under  the  same  safe-conduct  certain  pirates  in 
divers  vessels  of  the  realm  seized  it  on  its  return  at  a  place  called  ^  le 
Downes,'  spoiled  it  of  the  merchandise  and  carried  it  to  Sandwich ,  and  to 
seize  the  ship  and  merchandise. 

u     86914.  £ 

66  '       CA.LENDAR  OF  PATENT  ROLLS. 

1461.  Membranb  12€?. 

Nov.  4.  Commission  to  the   mayor  and  sheriffs  of  the  citj  of  York  to  an*est  and 

Westminster,  imprison  seditious  vagabonds  within  the  city  and  lib^j  of  York. 

Nov.  13.  Commission  to  the  king's  brothers  George,  duke  of  Clarenoe,  and 
Westminster.  Richard,  duke  of  Gloucester,  his  kinsmen  Richard,  eurl  of  Warwick,  Ralph, 
earl  of  Westmoreland,  and  William,  earl  of  Kent,  and  John  Nevill  of 
Mountague,  Ralph  de  Graistok,  John  Scrope  of  Bolton,  William  Hastjnges 
of  Hastynges,  Thomas  Lumley  and  John  Hudleston,  knights,  Thomas 
Lamplewe,  Richard  Salkeld^  John  Denton,  John  Skelton,  Roland  Vaux  and 
Morisbj  to  array  all  the  king's  subjects  of  the  county  of  Cumber- 
land for  defence  against  his  enemies  of  Scotland  and  Henry  VL  and 
Margaret  his  wife  and  their  adherents. 

The  like  to  the  sai<l  dukes  and  earls,  John  Nevill  of  Mountague,  Ralph 
Graystok,  John  Scrope  of  Bolton,  William  Hastynge  of  Hastynge,  Thomas 
Loniley  and  Robert  Ogle,  knights,  George  Lomley,  Bertram  Herbotell, 
Gerard  Wydryngton,  Robert  Maners  and  William  Ogle  in  the  county  of 
Northu  m  berliuid. 

The  like  to  the  said  dukes  and  earls,  John  Nevill  of  Mountague,  Ralph  de 
Graystok,  John  Scrop  of  Bolton,  William  Hastynges  of  Hastynges,  Thomas 
Lomley,  James  Strangways,  John  Conyers,  Robert  Constable,  John  Melton, 
John  Constable  and  John  Say  veil,  knights,  Richard  Strangways,  James 
Strangways,  William  Burgh,  Ralph  Assheton,  Edmund  Hastynges,  Robert 
Hilliard  and  John  Hatfeld  in  the  county  of  York. 

The  like  to  the  said  dukes  and  earls,  John  Nevill  of  Mountague,  Ralph 
de  Graystok,  John  Scrope  of  Bolton,  William  Hastynge  of  Hastynge, 
Thomas  Lomley,  Robert  Ogle,  Thomas  Parre  and  Richard  Musgrave, 
knights,  Thomas  Middelton,  William  Parre,  John  Parre  and  Richard 
Musgrave,  esquire,  in  the  county  of  Westmoreland. 

Mbmbranb  \ld. 

Oct.  28.         Commission  to  William  Fawconer  and  Robert  Nixon  to  arrest  Edward 
Weatminntcr.   Catayn  and  bring  him  before  the  king  in  council. 

Fragment  of  a  commission  directed  to  Ghiliard  DureforJ  of  Duras,  knight, 

Walter  Blount,  knight,  Otho  Worsley  and  William  Pyrton. 

Mbmbranb  lOd. 

Aug.  17.  Commission  to  the  king's  kinsmen  John,  duke  of  Norfcdk,  John,  duke  of 
Westminster.  Suffolk,  and  John  de  Warenne,  knight,  and  John  Bourghchier  of  Bamers, 
Miles  Stapulton,  William  Chamberleyn,  and  William  Yelverton,  knights, 
Henry  None,  Richard  Sotheweil,  Gilbert  Debynham,  John  Tymperley,  John 
Fyncham  and  the  sheriff*  to  enquire  into  all  robberies,  murders  and  other 
crimes  in  the  county  of  Norfolk  and  arrest  and  imprison  the  offenders. 

Oct.  12.  Commission  to  the  king's  kinsman,  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  Edmund 

Westminster.  Browegi-eyne,  mayor  of  Coventry,  Henry  Boteler,  John  Grewel^  Thomas 

Huggeford,  Richard  Hotofte  and  John  Beaufitz,  to  enquire  into  certoin 

treasons,  insurrections,  felonies,  trespasses  and  other  offences  within  the 

said  city  and  liberty. 

Oct.  18.        CommJPBion  to  the    king's  kinsman  John  earl  of   Worcester,  William 

Wefltminjiter.    Seyntgeorge,  knight,  John  Cheyne,  William  Hasylden,  Richard,  Haytfeld, 

and  Walter  Taylard  to  inquire  into  divers  alleged  extortions  and  oppressions 

practised  by  Simon  White,  bailitt'of  Litlyngton,  co.  Cambridge,  and  Richard 

Beeston,  bailiff  of  Stouedon,  co.  Hertford,  under  colour  of  their  offices. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  II.  6^ 

1461.  Membrane  \0d — cont. 

Oct.  20.  Commission  to  the  king's  kinsmen  John,  duke  of  Norfolk,  John,  duke  of 

Westminfiter.  Suffolk,  and  Jolin  de  Warenne,  knight,  and  Miles  Stapulton,  knight, 
William  Chamberleyn,  knight,  Henry  None,  Gilbert  Debynham,  John 
Tymperley,  Richard  Soihewell,  John  Fyncheam,  George  Wyseman,  John 
Twyer,  William  Rokwode  and  the  sheiiff  of  Norfolk  to  take  the  castle  of 
Bokenham,  co.  Noi-folk,  into  the  king's  hands  and  remove  John  Knyvet 
and  William  Knyver,  esquires,  from  the  custody  thereof  and  arrest  and 
imprison  any  who  resist.  The  said  castle  and  the  manors  of  Old  Bokenham, 
New  Bokenham,  Tybenham,  Bokenham  Lathye  and  two  parts  of  the 
tnanor  of  Gryshagh  in  Wymondham  were  taken  into  the  hands  of  the  late 
king  by  virtue,  of  an  inquisition  made  at  Bedyngham  on  Thursday  before 
All  Saints,  99  Henry  YI.,  before  Richard  Suthwell,  late  eseheator  In  the 
county,  but  the  said  John  and  William  Knyvet  entered  into  the  same  on 
17  November  and  have  held  them  since.  The  king  accordingly  by  letters 
patent  ordered  the  said  William,  Gilbert,  John,  Richard,  John,  George, 
John  and  William  and  William  Harleston,  esquire,  eseheator  of  Norfolk, 
to  ti^e  the  same  into  his  hands  and  remove  the  said  John  and  William  and 
their  adherents;  and  the  said  Gilbert^  John  Twyer  and  Richard  have 
certified  in  Ohaneery  that  on  Tuesday  before  St.  Matthew  last  thev  entered 
the  outer  ward  (cugtodiam)  of  the  castle  to  the  foot  of  a  brieve  called 

*  a  draght  brigge '  across  the  water  and  found  it  raised  so  that  they  could 
not  enter,  and  Alice,  wife  of  the  said  John  Knyvet,  appeared  in  a  little 
tower  over  the  inner  foot  of  the  bridge,  keeping  the  castle  with  slings, 

*  paveises,*  faggots,  timber  and  other  armaments  of  war  and  assisted  by 
William  Toby  of  Old  Bokenham,  *  gentilman,'  and  others  to  the  number  of 
fifty  persons^  armed  with  swords,  *  glayves,'  bows  and  an'ows,  and  addressed 
them  as  follows  ^-*-'  Maister  Twyer,  ye  be  a  justice  of  th0  pees  and  J  require 
yoa  to  kepe  the  ^peas  for  I  well  nott  leve  the  possession  of  this  castell  to 
dye  therfore,  and  if  ye  begyn  to  breke  the  peas  or  make  any  waiTe  to  gete 
the  place  of  me  I  shall  d^ende  me,  for  lever  I  had  in  suche  wyse  to  dye 
thim  to  be  slayne  when  my  husbond  cometh  home,  for  he  charget  me  to 
kepe  it,'  so  that  they  were  unable  to  take  the  castle  into  the  king's  hands. 

Oct.  26.  Commission  to  William  Huggeford,  Henry  Ratford  and  Robert  Grevell 
Westminster.  tO'Seiee  Humphrey  Beaufo,  a  minor,  son  and  heir  of  Richard  Beaufo, 
esquire,  deceased,  tenant  in  chief  of  Herny  YI.  of  an  acre  of  land  in 
Hilcrombe  by  the  service  of  the  twentieth  part  of  a  knight's  fee,  as  appears 
by  inquisition  before  John  Rugge,  eseheator  in  the  county  of  Woixsester, 
and  bring  him  before  the  king  in  Chancery. 

Nov.  14.  •  Commission  to  John  Audeley  of  Audeley,  John  Stourton  of  Stonrton, 
Westminster,  knight,  John  Done,  mayor  of  Suthampton,  Maurice  Berkeley,  Thomas 
Uvedale,  John  Ingoldesby,  Walter  Fetyplace,  Robert  Belhous  and  John 
Walker  to  arrest  and  imprison  John  Bryncheley  and  others,  late  servants  of 
Henry,  duke  of  Exeter,  Henry,  duke  of  Somerset,  and  James,  earl  of 
Wilts,  whom  he  has  coUected  to  stir  up  sedition  in  the  county  of 
Southampton  and  the  said  town. 

Membrane  Sd, 

Nov.  24.         Conunission  to  the  mayor  and  aherifis  of  Norwich,  and  Thomas  Elys, 

Westminster.  John  Gylberd,  and  Godfrey  Joe,  aldermen,  to  collect  divers  sums  of  money 

assessed  and  granted  by  the  city  for  the  expenses  of  certain  armed  men 

going  in  the  name  of  the  city  to  resist  the  rebels  in  the  north  when  the 

king  was  there. 

G  2 


1461.  Membrane  7d, 

Dec.  1.  Commission  of    oyer  and  terminer  to  William  Sejnt  George,  knight, 

Westminster.  John  Chejne,  Thomas  Burgoyn,  Thomas  Lokton,  John  Aiisty,  and 
William  Alyngtoo,  pursuant  to  the  statute  in  Parliament  at  Westminster, 
1  Richard  II.,  on  complaint  by  the  prior  and  convent  of  Bernewell  that 
the  tenants  in  bondage  of  their  manor  of  Chesterton,  co.  Cambridge,  have 
thrown  off  their  allegiance.  For  ^  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 


Feb.  3.  The  like  to  W.  bishop  of  Ely,  John,  earl  of  Worcester,  William  Seint- 

Westminster,  george,  knight,  Thomas  Gray,  John  Cheyne,  Thomas  Burgoyne,  William 
Haselden,  John  Ansty,  Thomas  Lokton,  and  William  Alyngton,  on  com- 
plaint as  above.  For  ^  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membrane  od, 

Nov.  26.  Commission  to  Walter  Boyce,  Philip  Cokland,  John  Fenton  and  the 

Westminster,   bailiffs  of  the  '  bailly  '  of  Lincoln  to  arrest  John  Uartlot  alicu  Hardlot  of 
Lincoln, '  coke,'  and  bring  him  beiore  the  king  in  Chancery. 

Membrane  Id. 

Nov.  24.  Commission  to  the  bailiffs  of  Colchester  to  arrest  Hugh  Camden  alias 

Westminster.   Candy  and  bring  him  before  the  king  in  Chancery. 

Dec.  12.  Commission  to  John  Colshull,  Thomas  Clemens,  Walter  Code  and  the 
Westminster,  sheriff  of  Cornwall  to  enquire  into  the  complaint  of  Richard  Burton  and 
William  Jico  tliat  when  in  December,  30  Henry  VI.,  they  and  others 
loaded  a  barge  called  la  Kateryn  of  Bayonne,  of  which  William  de  Suharra 
WAS  master,  with  wine,  iron,  saffi*on  and  other  merchandise  and  took  it  to 
England  under  a  safe-conduct  dated  8  October,  30  Henry  VI.,  and  anchored 
near  St.  Ives  in  Cornwall,  Peter  Trevuwith,  John  Harry  Barowe,  William 
Jack  Hick,  John  Petite,  John  a  Neer,  Hugh  Harry  Barowe  Ghrauud,  John 
Jack,  William  Tr^'skawe,  Peter  Jack  Harry,  Henry  Pevyn,  John  Calmae, 
Jocosus  Amy  11,  John  Andrewe,  Geofirey  Harry  Barowe  and  other  pirates 
seized  and  disposed  of  the  barge  and  merchandise ;  and  to  order  restitution 
and  to  arrest  and  imprison  the  offenders. 


1   EDWARD  rV.— Pabt  m. 

MSilBRANB  27. 


Aug.  10.         Greneral  pardon  to  John  Grove  late  of  Westminster,  co.  Middlesex, 
Westminster.    <  yeoman.'  By  K. 

July  20.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  John  Kendale,  esquire,  of  the  office 
WestminBter.  of  controller  of  the  king's  works  within  his  palace  of  Westminster  and 

Tower  of  London  and  elsewhere  within  the  realm,  with  the  accustomed 
fees.  By  K.  by  word  of  mouth. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below, 

Aug.  10.         Grant  and  confirmation  to  William  Brewster,  king's  chaplain,  of  the 
Westminster,  canonry  and  prebend  which  he  holds  in  the  king's  free  chapel  of  St.  Greorge 

within  Wyndesore  Castle,  void  by  resignation  of  John  Pye.  By  K. 

Aug.  13.         General  pardon  to  John  Broun  of  Berkhamstede,  co.  Hertford,  ^  gentil- 
Westminster.   man '  alias  esquire,  of  all  offences  committed  by  him  before  8  August. 

By  p.s. 

Aug.  12.         Appointment  for  life  of  Thomas  Sandeland  as  king*B  cannoneer  (canona- 
Westminster,   torem)  in  North  Wales  and  the  counties  of  Chester  and  Flint,  receiving  the 
accustomed  fees  at  the  hands  of  the  king's  chamberlain  of  North  Wales. 

By  p.s. 

Aug.  12.         The  like  of  the  said  Thomas  as  master  plumber  in  the  king's  castles 

Westminster,  of  Caern[arvon],  Beaumaris,  Cone  way  and    Hardelagh  in  North  Wales, 

receiving  fees  as  above.  By  p.8. 

Aug.  13.         Grant  for  life  to  Peter  Purcell  of  an  annuity  of  10/.  from  the  lordship  of 

Westminster.  Waghterard  in  Ireland,  late  of  James,  earl  of  Ormond,  and  afterwards 

of  James,  earl  of  Wilts.  By  K. 

Aug.  15.         The  like  to  John   Browne  of  the  office   of  rider  (eguitantis)  in  the 
Westminster,  king's  forest  of  Morff,  co.  Salop,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  because  before, 

Aug.  8.  Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  Thomas  Stratton  of  the  offices  of  clerk 

Windsor,      and  surveyor  of  the  king's  works  within  the  realm,  with  all  wages,  fees, 

liveries,  houses,  '  storehouses,'  lodges,  gardens,  &c.  in  the  same  manner  as 

William  Cly  ve  or  any  other  holder  of  the  same.  By  K. 

Aug.  15.  Appointment,  during  pleasurie,  of  the  mayor,  aldermen  and  commonalty 
Westminster,  of  the  city  of  London  to  the  offices  or  occupations  of  the  packing  of  all 
woollen  cloths,  wool-fells,  skins  of  calves  and  goats,  vessels  of  pewter  and 
other  merchandise  within  the  city  and  its  liberty,  franchises  and  suburbs 
with  the  '  kippyng '  and  '  ponderyng '  of  the  same,  the  supervision  of  the 
measurement  and  weighing  of  the  same  and  the  opening  of  all  customable 
merchandise  at  the  port,  the  office  or  occupation  of  the  carriage  of  wools, 
wool-fells^  tin  and  other  merchandise  between  the  Thames  and  houses 
of  aliens,  the  office  or  occupation  of  the  garbling  of  spices  and  other 
merchandise  at  the  city,  the  office  of  ganger  there,  and  the  office  or  occupation 
of  *  wyredrawers,'  with  the  accustomed  fees. 
Vacated  because  before. 

Aug.  12.         Grant  for  life  to  John  Herbert  of  the  office  of  king's  attorney  in  all  the 

Westminster,  king's  courts  in  England  and  Wales  and  the  counties  of  Kermerdyn  and 

Cardigan  in  South  Wales,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  at  the  hands  of  the 

king's  chamberlain  of  Kermerdyn  from  the  issues  of  those  counties.     By  K. 


J  461.  Membrane  27 — conJt, 

Aug.  13.         The  like  to  John  Pilkyngton,  esquire  of  the  body,  of  a  hospice  and  four 

'WestmiiiBter.  shops  adjacent  in  the  suburbs  of  London  in  the  parish  of  St.  Botolph  in  the 

ward  of  Aldrvcfagate,'  which  Gilbert  Parre,  esquire,  lately  had  of  the  grant 

of  Henry  VL "  By  p.s. 

Aug.  1 .  The  like  to  James  Thekenesse  that  he  be  king's  chaplain  within  the 

Westminster,  king's   castle   of  Chester   to  celebrate  divine  service   for  the  king  and 

his  progenitors^  receiting  100*.  yearly  for  his  salary  and  6#.  8cf.  for  wine 

and  light  at  mass.  By  p.s. 


July  27.  Licenoe  for  Henry  Oourtenay,  esquire,  brother  and>  heir  of  Thomas 
Westminster.  Courti»nay,  late  earl  of  Devon ,  and  uon  and  heir  of  Thomas  Courtenay,  late 
earl  of  Devon,  to  enter  freely,  without  proving  his  age  or  other  formality, 
into  18/.  6s.  Sd.  yearly  from  the  profits  of  the  county  of  Devon,  the  manor 
and  borough  of  Tyverton  and  the  hundred  there  with  the  advowsons 
of  three  portions  with  cures  in  the  church  there,  the  manor  of  Toppesham, 
the  hundired  of  Harigge,  a  free  fishery  in  the  river  Exe,  8/.  yearly  rent  from 
demesne  lands  in  Holboughtou,  the  manor  of  Chalvelegh  and  the  borough 
there  with  the  advowson  of  the  church,  the  borough  of  Keneford,  the  manor 
of  Musbery  with  the  advowson  of  the  church,  a  uir5ssuage  and  a  carucate 
of  land  in  Broklond  Trille  and  Smalecombe,  a  moiety  of  the  markets  in 
Cruldiche  with  the  profits  of  the  same,  the  hundred  of  Bodelegh,  a  messuage 
called  *  Peti  Bretayne  '  with  a  garden  adjacent  within  the  city  of  Exeter,  a 
messuage  and  8  acres  of  land  in  Newton  Cherlowe,  co.  Devon,  three  knights' 
fees  in  Escoker,  Northcoker  and  Hardyngton,  the  manor  of  Crukern  and 
the  hundred  there  and  the  advowson  of  the  church  and  three  portions  in  the 
same,  the  advowson  of  the  chantry  of  St.  Mary  in  the  same  church  and  the 
cemetery,  the  advowson  of  the  church  of  Hemyngton  and  the  manor  of 
Misterton,  co.  Somerset,  the  manor  of  Hulle  by  Iwemeraynster,  the  manor 
pf  Ebrighton  with  the  advowson  of  tho.  church,  the  advowson  of  the  priory 
of  Lodresse  and  a  knight's  fee  in  Childokford  alias  Childaklord,  co.  Dorset, 
the  manor  of  Sutton  Courtenay  with  the  advowson  of  the  church,  co.  Berks, 
the  manor  of  Wodesdon  with  the  advowson  of  three  portions  of  the  church, 
the  manor  of  Hillesdon,  co.  Buckingham,  the  manor  of  Brommore  with  the 
advowson  of  the  priory  of  Brommore,  and  the  manors  of  Old  Lemyngton 
and  New  Lemyogton,  co.  Southampton,  and  ail  views  of  frank-pledge, 
4^ourts  .le^t,  liberties)  franchises,  privileges,  offices,  markets,  fairs,  warrens 
and  wreck  of  sea  in  all  manors  and  lands  held  by  the  said  earls,  and  to  enjoy 
aU  profito  of  the  same.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  26.  Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  the  mayor,  commonalty  and  citizens  of 
Winchcombe.  London  of  the  offices  or  occupations  of  the  packing  of  all  woollen  cloths, 
wool-fells,  skins  of.  calvea  and  goats,  vessels  <rf  pewter  and  other 
merchandise,  the  supervision  of  the  measuring  and  weighing  of  the  same, 
and  the  supervision  of  tlie  opcoing  of  all  customable  merchandise  putting  in 
to  the  port  of  safety,  within  the  liberty,  franchise  and  suburbs  of  the  city, 
the  office  of  the  packing  of  all  woollen  cloths  and  wool-fells  of  lambs,  goats 
and  calves,  with  the  *  kippyng '  and  *  ponderyng '  of  the  same,  and  of  vessels 
of  eleotrum  and  other  merchaiidise,  the  carriage  of  wools,  wool-fells,  tin  and 
other  merchandise  between  tha  Thames  and  houses  of  aliens,  the  office  or 
occupation  oi  the  garbling  of  spices  and  other  merchandise  in  the  city,  the 
office  of  gauger  there  and  the  office  or  occupation  of  *  wynedrawera,'  with  the 
accustomed  fees  and  profits.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  7.  Grant  for   life   to  John   Broun   of  the   offices    of  steward   and   rider 

Bristol.        (eguitatoru)  of  the  king's  forest  of  Morff,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees 

at  the  hands  of  the  king's  bailiffs  of  Brignorth  from  the  issues  of  the  mills 

there.  By  p.s. 


1  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  IU.  71 

1461.  Membrane  26 — cont, 

Sept.  14.         Licence  for  John,  abbot  of  St.  Mary's,  Fouutejns,  eo.  York,  to  go  where 
Oxford.,      he  will  within  the  realm,  notwithstanding  that  on  14  August  he  acknow- 
ledged in  Chancery  that  he  was  bound  to  the  king  in  2,000/.  to  be  paid  at 
Michaelmas.  By  p.s. 

June  1.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  Robert  Chattok  of  the  city  of  London 

Westminster,  of  the  office  of  ganger  of  wines,  oils  and  honey  within  the  port  of  Kyngeston 
on  Hull  and  creeks  and  places  belonging  to  it,  with  the  accustomed  fees. 

By  p.s. 

May  7.  Grant  to  the  king's  kinsman  Richai'd,  carl  of  Warwick,  ^f  the  custody  of 

Middleham.    all  lordships,  manors  and  lands  with  knights'  fees  and  advowsons  held  by 

the  king's  uncle  George  Neville,  knight,  lord  Latymer,  within  the  county 

of  York  or  elsewhere,  during  the  idiotcy  of  the  latter,  even  though  no 

inquisition  has  been  taken.  By  other  letters  patent. 

Membrane  25. 

Aug.  19.  Grant  \o  the  king's  servant  Hugh  Shirley  of  10/.  yearly  rent  from  the 

Westminster,   king's  pasture  called  *  Wegenhale '  in   his   lordship   of   Kyngeslane,   co. 

Hereford,  pertaining  to  his  earldom  of  March,  until  he  shall  be  provided 

with  an  office  to  the  same  value.  By  K. 

Aug.  22.  General  pardon  to  Peter  Belie  son   of  John   Belie  of  the  island  of 

Oxford.       Gamesey,  '  sherman,'  for  all  offences  committed  by  him  before  14  August. 

By  p.8. 

Aug.  24.         Grant,  during  pleasure,  from  Easter  last,  to  the  guardian  and  convent 

Oxford.       of  Friars  Minors  of  Oxford  of  50  marks  yearly  at  the   receipt  of    the 

Exchequer,  as  was  granted  to  them    by  Edward  I.  and  other  kings  of 

England.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  12.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  kinsman  John,  duke  of  Norfolk,  from  Easter 
Westminster,  last,  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  castle  of  Scardeburgh  and  all  issues  per- 
taining to  the  same  to  the  valne  of  20/.  yearly  with  a  robe  yearly  at 
Christmas  at  the  great  wardrobe,  and  25  marks  yearly  from  the  issues  of 
the  town  of  Scardeburgh  and  26  marks  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  county 
of  York.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  12.         The  like  to  John  Tymperley,  esquhe,  servant  of  John,  duke  of  Norfolk, 

Westminster,   of  a  yearly  rent  of  20/.  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and 

Suffolk,  until  he  shall  be  provided  with  an  office  tu  the  same  value.   By  p.s. 

Aug.  9.  Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  John  Spevy,  soldier  of  Calais,  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,   purveyor  of  timber  for  the  king's  works  in  Calais  and  carriage  for  the 
same,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  at  the  hands  of  the  treasurer  of  Calais. 

By  p.s. 

Aug.  29.         Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  Thomas  Walker,  clerk,  of  the  office  of 

Silbury.       chirographer  and  keeper  of  the  king's  writs  and  records  of  the  Common 

(Serlebiiry.)    Bench  of  Ireland,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.8. 

Grant  for  life  to  Petronilla  Mountferand,  late  the  wife  of  Bertram,  lord 
Mountferand,  on  account  of  her  poverty,  of  an  annuity  of  20/.  at  the 
Exchequer  until  she  shall  be  otherwise  provided  for.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  31.         General  pardon  to  Thomas  Plotte,  late  of  Gravesende,  co.  Kent,  *  maryner,* 
Combury.    of  all  oifences  committed  by  him  before  18  August.  By  p.s^ 

July  22.  Grant  to  John  de  Kyrton  of  the  office  of  the  bailiwick  of  Boston,  co. 

WestmiDster.    Lincoln,  during  the  minority  of  Henry,  son  and  heir  of  Edmund,  late  carl 

of  Bichmond,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 


1461*  Membrane  25 — cont, 

Sept.  4.  Appointment  of  John  Smert  as  the  king's  principal  herald  and  Chirter 

Bristol.       King  of  Arms ;  and  grant  to  him  for  life  from  Easter  lastt  of  40/.  yearly 
irom  the  farm  and  issues  of  the  counties  of  London  and  Middlesex. 

By  p. 8. 

July  25.  Grant  for  life  to  Edward  Hardgill,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  tbe  crown,  of  6i/. 

Westminster,   daily  for  his  fee,  from  4  March  last,  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  town  or  city 

of  Norwich.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  mayor,  keepers,  citizens,  bailiffs,  or  sheriffs 

of  Norwich. 

Grant  for  life  to  John  Langford,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  6</. 
daily  for  his  fee,  from  4  March  last,  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  city  or  town 
of  Worcester.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  mayor,  sheriffs,  &c.  of  Worcester. 

Sept.  3.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Dndman,  late  keeper  of  the  king's  parks  of  Cosham, 

Bristol.        CO.  Wilts,  on  account  of  his  age  and  poverty,  of  3c?.  daily  at  the  hands  of  the 

farmers  of  the  king's  lordship  and  manor  of  Cosham.  By  K. 

Sept.  7«  The  like  to  Patrick  Cogle,  clerk,  of  the  ofi&ce  of  clerk  of  the  crow  n  of 

Bristol.        Ireland,  receiving  fees  of  10  marks  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of 

Dublin,  with  all  other  accustomed  profits.  By  p.s. 

1462.  Membrane  24. 

Feb.  20.  Confirmation  for  life  to  Frances  Mull,  late  the  wife  of  William  Mull, 

Westminster,  knight,  of  the  manors  of  Avenbury  and  Alaynesmore  and  divers  lands  and 
tenements  in  Tregeit,  co.  Hereford,  with  all  lands,  rents,  ser%'ices,  advowsons, 
knights'  fees  and  other  appurtenances.  Thomas  Mull,  father  of  the  said 
William  was  seised  of  the  above  and  granted  them  to  William  and  Frances 
and  the  heirs  of  the  body  of  William  with  remainder  to  the  heirs  of  the  body 
of  Juliana  de  Rous,  rendering  to  him  for  his  life  10/.  yearly  for  the  manor  of 
Alaynesmore ;  and  they  acscordingly  were  seised  of  the  same,  and  Frances 
held  them  after  the  death  of  William,  until  by  reason  of  an  Act  of  Parlia- 
ment  at  Westminster,  4  November,  they  were  taken  into  the  king's  hands. 
The  king  by  letters  patent  dated  7  December  granted  licence  to  Frances  to 
enter  into  the  same,  but  on  account  of  an  ambiguity  the  present  letters  were 
™^'6*  By  K.  and  for  \  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Feb.  23.  Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Gille  the  younger  of  the  office  of  the  water- 

Westminster.  baiHwick  in  the  port  of  Dertmouth  and  places  and  creeks  adjacent,  with 
profits  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Richard  II. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below.  By  K. 

Feb.  26.  Exemption  for  life  of  Ralph  Botiller,  knight,  lord  of  Sudeley,  on  account 

Westminster,  of  his  debility  and  age,  from  personal  attendance  in  council  or  Parliament, 
and  from  being  made  collector,  assessor  or  taxer  of  tenths,  fifteenths  or 
other  subsidies,  commissioner,  justice  of  the  peace,  constable,  bailiff  or  other 
minister  of  the  king,  or  trier,  arrayer  or  leader  of  men-at-arms,  ai-chers,  or 
hobelers.     And  he  shall  not  be  compelled  to  leave  his  dwelling  for  war. 

1461.  "'  ^ 

Dec.  23.  Grant  in  fee  simple  to  Thomas  Walgrave,  knight,  of  the  manors  of 

Westmmster,  Merkis  in  Raydon  Hall,  Morefes  in   Waldingfeld,  Overhall  in  Bures  and 
Silvestres  Hall  in  Bures,    co.    Suffolk,   and  Foxherd  Hall,   Weston  and 
•  Listen,  CO,  Essex,  lately  belonging  to  James  Ormond,  earl  of  Wilts. 

By  p.s. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  III.  73 

.  1462.  Membrane  24 — cant. 

Feb.  23.  Belease  to  the  provost  and  college  of  St.  Mary's,  Eton  by  Windsor,  co. 

Westminster.   Buckingham,  of  all  fines,  amercements,  issues,  forfeitures,  reliefs,  scutage.9 

and  other  debtH  due  from  them  to  the  king  before  1  October  last,  and  all 

actions  for  the  same.  By  K. 

Feb.  25.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  Roger  Grandorge, '  gentilman,'  of  SO/. 

Westmiaster.  yearly  out  of  an  annuity  of  38/.  from  the  priory  of  Monkenferlowe,  co. 

Wilts,  granted  by  Henry  VI.  to  the  college  of  Eton  at  the  hands  of  the 

prior.  By  K. 

Feb.  23.  Grant  in  frank  almoin,  from  4  March  last,  to  William  Westbury,  the 

Westminster,  provost,  and  the  college  of  St.  Mary's,  Eton  by  Windsor,  co.  Buckingham, 
that  they  may  pray  for  the  good  estate  of  the  king  and  Cicely  his  mother 
and  for  their  souls  after  death  and  the  souls  of  the  king's  father  Richard, 
late  duke  of  York,  and  his  progenitors,  of  the  hospital  of  St.  l^eter  by 
Windsor,  the  manors  of  Bledlowe,  co.  Buckingham,  and  Cottesford,  co. 
Oxford,  formerly  parcel  of  the  alien  priory  of  Okebourn,  the  alien  priory 
of  Stratfeldsay  with  all  its  possessions  in  the  counties  of  Southampton  and 
Berks,  the  portion  of  the  alien  prioress  of  Claruissel  {de  Claro  Rivalo) 
in  the  church  of  Mapilderham  alias  Mapildram,  co.  Oxford,  the  alien 
priories  of  Cogges  and  Mynstrelovell  in  the  same  county  with  their 
possessions,  the  manors  or  alien  priories  of  Cretyng  and  Everdon,  cos. 
Suffolk  and  Northampton  with  their  appurtenances,  the  alien  priories  of 
Dockyng  and  Sporle,  co.  Norfolk,  with  their  appurtenances,  a  yearly  impost 
(appartum)  of  13s.  4d,  which  the  prior  and  convent  of  Thetford  used  to 
render  to  the  house  of  Cluny,  a  pension  of  2  marks  yearly  which  the  prior 
and  monks  of  Horsham  St.  Faith,  co.  Norfolk,  used  to  render  to  the  abbot 
of  Conches,  a  yearly  pension  of  40f .  from  the  church  of  Alveley,  co.  Essex, 
the  priory  of  Leomynstre,  co.  Sussex,  with  its  appurtenances,  the  manor  of 
Estwrotham,  co.  Norfolk,  with  its  appurtenances,  parcel  of  the  alien  priory 
of  Okebourn,  the  fruits  of  the  church  of  Elyngham,  co.  Southampton,  the 
manors  or  priories  of  Clatford  and  Hullavyngton,  co.  Wilts,  with  their 
appurtenances,  the  manor  or  lordship  of  Hjnnepedyll  alias  Peydelhynton, 
CO.  Dorset,  lately  belonging  to  the  alien  priory  of  Mortayn,  the  fruits  of  the 
church  of  Sturmynstre  Marchall  and  certain  lands  in  the  couniy  of  Dorset 
late  of  the  alien  house  of  St.  Giles  of  Pont  Omer  (de  ponie  Adomare\  the 
alien  priory  of  Stoke  Courcey,  co.  Somerset,  with  its  appurtenances  and 
100;.  yearly  which  the  abbot  of  Redyng  used  to  render  for  lands  in 
Esthenrith.'  By  K. 

Feb.  20.  Grant  for  life,  from  4  March  last,  to  Laurence   bishop  of  Durham, 

Westminster,  and  William,  earl  of  Kent,  of  the  king*s  manor,  castle    or  lordship   of 
WresuU,  co.  York. 

Feb.  20.  Grant  to  Robert  Knolles,  king's  clerk,  of  the  deanery  of  the  royal  chapel 

Westminster,   of  St.  Burian,  CO.  Cornwall. 


Nov.  26.         General  pardon  to  Hugh  Doune  of  Utkynton,  co.  Chester,  *  gentilman,' 
Westminster,  alias  Hugh  Daune,  esquire.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  24.         Grant  in  frank  almoin,  from  3  March  last,  to  the  master  and  scholars  of 

Westminster,   the  college  or  house  of  St.  Michael  within  the  university  of  Cambridge  of 

the  alien  priory  of  Wengale,  co.  Lincoln,  with  its  appurtenances.      By  p.s. 


Feb.  1.  Presentation  of  Master  John  Barker  to  the  parish  church  of  Witherne, 

Westminster,  in   the   diocese   of  Lincoln,    void  by  resignation    of  Thomas   Downham, 

chaplain.  By  K. 


1462.  Membrane  23. 

Jan.  20.  ■  Innpeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  mayor  and  burgesses  of  Pole  of 
WefltioiDBter.  letters  patent  dated  8  July,  H  Henry  VI.,  being  a  licence  to  them  to  fortify 
the  town  and  port  of  Pole,  and  granting  that  the  port  of  Melcombe  shall  no 
longer  be  a  port  after  St.  Hilary  but  a  creek,  and  that  the  mayor  of  Pole 
shall  have  power  of  receiving  cognisances  of  the  staple  and  other  privileges 
as  does  the  mayor  of  Southampton.  For  208,  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Feb.  7.  Qrant,  during  pleasure,  to  the  king's  kinsman  John,  earl  of  Worcester, 

Westminster,  of  the  office  of  constable  of  England,  with  the  accustomed  fees. 

By  K.  by  word  of  mouth. 

Feb.  6.  Grant  for  life  to  Bichard  Mu8gi*ave  the  younger,  esquire,  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,  constable  of  the  king's  castle  of  Burham,  co.  Westmoreland,  and  surveyor  of 

the  castle  and  lordship,  with  all  the  accustomed  proiits*  By  p.s. 

Jan.  20.  Grenerai  pardon  to  Thomas  Hay  ward,  clerk.  By  p.s. 


Feb.  22.  Gi'ant  in  frank  almoin,  from  4  March  last,   to  Kobert  Wodelark  the 

Westminster.  proTOst,  and  the  scholars  of  the  college  of  SS.  Mary  and  Nicholas,  Cambridge, 
[King's],  that  they  may  pray  for  the  good  estate  of  the  king  and  Cicely  his 
mother  and  for  the  soul  of  the  king  after  death  and  those  of  his  father  Bichard, 
late  duke  of  York,  and  his  progenitors, of  the  manor  of  Ruyslepe,  co.Middlesex, 
parcel  of  the  alien  priory  of  Okebourn,  with  a  plot  called  'Northwod  '  and  all 
lands  and  other  appurtenances,  the  manor  of  Willoughton  late  of  the  abbot 
and  convent  of  St.  Nicholas,  Angers,  the  alien  priory  of  AUerton  Maleverer, 
CO.  York,  a  farm  and  rent  of  100^.  from  a  yearly  impost  which  the  prior  of 
Wenlok,  co.  Salop,  used  to  pay  to  the  alien  house  of  la  Charity  of  Cluny, 
the  manors  or  lordships  of  Monkeston  and  Combe,  parcel  of  the  said  priory 
of  Okeburn,  a  yearly  farm  of  40«.  which  the  prior  of  Hilda,  co.  Nottingham, 
pays  to^the  king  from  au  impost  to  the  chief  house  of  the  priory  beyond  seas, 
the  priory  of  Prihaulx  or  manor  of  Stourepriaulx  with  its  appurtenances, 
formerly  pertaining  to  the  abbess  and  convent  of  Saint  Legier  in  Priaulx  in 
Normandy,  with  the  advowson  of  the  same,  the  manor  of  Brighteston 
Deverell,  co.  Wilts,  late  parcel  of  the  alien  priory  of  Okebourn,  tlie  manor 
or  priory  of  Horstede,  co.  Norfolk,  the  priory  of  Wotton  and  the  manor  of 
Molkeley,  co.  Warwick,  with  their  appurtenances,  the  manor  of  Westwortham, 
CO.  Norfolk,  the  priory  of  St.  James  by  Exeter,  co.  Devon,  with  its  appur- 
tenances, the  manor  of  Withiam  aliiis  Withyamme  caUed  '  Monk  en 
Courte,'  the  manor  of  Lesyngham,  co.  Norfolk,  parcel  of  the  priory  of  Ocke- 
bourn,  the  priory  of  Brysette,  co.  Suffolk,  with  all  its  possessions,  and  the 
priory  of  Tofftes,  co.  Norfolk.  By  K. 

Feb.  23.  Grant  to  Thomas  Pylkyngton,  *  gentilman,'  son  of  Robert  Pylkyngton, 

Westminster,  esquire,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  of  the  manor  of  Keppok,  co.  Uriel, 
in  Ireland,  and  all  other  lands  and  i)osses8ions  in  Ardee,  Dundalke,  Barne- 
myth,  Talazhalyn  and  Talazdownhill  in  the  same  county,  late  of  John 
Hadsore  and  forfeited  to  the  crown  through  his  rebellion,  with  knights' 
fees,  courts  leet,  warrens  and  all  other  profits.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  20.  Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Witham,  from  Michaelmas  Uist,  for  his  good 

Westminster,  service  to  the  king  and  his  father  Richard,  late  duke  of  York,  oij20i.  yearly 

from  the  fee  farm  of  the  town  of  Scardeburgh  and  the  manor  of  Walgrave 

and  from  (JO  acres  of  land  and  the  issues  of  the  town.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  6.  Grant  for  life  to   Richard  Musgrave  the  yonnger,  esquire,  of  all  lands 

W  estminster.  called  '  le  demaynlande  *  pertaining  to  the  castle  of  Burgham  and  three 
messuages  at  Wodeside  and  three  messusges  called  ^  Morehouses '  with  all 
lands  pertaining  to  them  and  all  the  king's  grain  called  *  Ringage  comne ' 
pertaining  to  the  castle  to  be  received  at  Clifton,  all  of  which  do  not  exceed 
the  value  of  10/.  yearly  and  came  to  the  king's  hands  by  virtue  of  an  Act  of 
PHplinnient  at  Westminster,  4  November.  By  p.s. 

1  EDWABD  IV.^Part  IH.  75 

1462.  -  u  .       Me$nbrane  23 — cont. 

Feb.  4.  The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  Henrj  'F^ine  of  the  office  of  one  of  the 

Westminster,  foresters  of   the  king^e  said  forest    (sic)^  receiving  the  accustomed  fees 

from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Somerset  and  Dorset  in  the  same  manner 

as  Gilbert  Marty n  in  the  time  of  Edward  III.  By  K. 

Feb.  20.  Grant  to  the  king's  servant  John  Burgh,  gentleman,  and  the  heirs  male 

Westminster,  of  his  l)ody  of  all  the  lands  and  possessions  in  the  county  of  Lincoln  of 
which  John  Maidenwell,  late  of  Kirketon  in  Lindesey,  co.  Lincoln,  gentle- 
man, was  seised,  and  which  were  forfeited  to  the  crown  through  his  rebellion 
and  do  not  exceed  the  yearly  value  of  10/.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  22. 

Jan.  10.  Grant  for  life  to  Henry  Filingley,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  king's  cellar, 

Westminster,  of  all  the  lands  and  possessions  which  Laurence  HiUe  had  in  the  counties 

of  Buckingham  and  Berks  and  elsewhere  within  the  realm,  not  exceeding 

the  value  of  12/.  yearly,  forfeited  to  the  crown.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  1.  Grant  to  Joan  Dynham,  widow,  late  the  wife  of  John  Dynham,  knight, 

Westminster,  of  the  custody  of  all  manors,  lands  and  other  possessions  with  advowsons 
late  of  Thomas  Carrewe,  esquire,  from  the  time  of  his  death  during  the 
minority  of  Nicholas  his  son  and  heir,  with  the  marriage  of  the  latter, 
and  so  from  heir  to  heir  if  he  die  during  minority,  without  rendering 
any  account ;  in  furtherance  of  a  like  grant  to  her  by  letters  patent  dated 
6  October,  surrendered,  which  are  invalid  because  the  king  had  then  no  title 
to  the  said  lands,  nor  had  any  inquisitions  been  taken  for  a  month  before. 

By  p.s. 

Feb.  10.  Grant   for  life  to  Robert  Wenyngfon  of  Dertmouth  of  10/.  yearly  from 

WeHtminster.  Michaelmas  last  from  the  customs  and  subsidies  in  the  ports   of  Exeter 

and  Dertmouth.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  10.  Grant  to  the  mayor  and  burgesses  of  Dertmouth  of  30/.  yearly  from  the 

Westminster,  customs  and  subsidies  ia  the  ports  of  Exeter  and  Dertmouth  for  20  years 
from  Michaelmas  last,  in  aid  of  their  expenses  in  the  defence  of  the  borough 
in  chains,  boats  called  '  cobbellys,'  anchors,  great  cords  called  '  cables,'  and 
*  pulleis,'  wages  of  watchmen,  and  cannons  and  powder  and  other  habiliments 
of  war.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  3.  Grant  for   life  to  the  king's  servitor  William  Brandon,   esquire,   and 

Westminster.  Elizabeth  his  wife  of  the  manors  of  Shire  and  Vachery^  co.  Surrey,  of  the 

yearly  value  of  36/.,  in  the  king's  hands  by  forfeiture  of  James,  late  earl  of 

Wilts.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  23.  Presentation  of  Richard  Jhonson,  king's  clerk,  to  the  vicarage  of  Pevesey, 

Westminster,  in  the  diocese  of  Salisbury. 

Feb.  12.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Kendale,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king's  father 

Westminster,  and  the  king,  of  the  office  of  controller  of  the  king's  works  within  the  realm 
from  20  July  last,  receiving  wages  of  I2d.  daily  for  himself  and  6d.  dailj 
for  his  clerk  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  with  a 
robe  of  the  suit  of  the  king's  esquires  yearly  at  the  great  wardrobe  and  all 
other  profits,  houses,  gardens,  etc.  pertaining  to  the  office.  By  K. 

Feb.  10.  Grant  to  John  Blakhed  and  the  heirs  of  his  body  of  all  lands  late  of 

\Ve8tminster.   John  Bbtiller  in  Fermbtitgh,  Co.  Somerset,  reaching  •  the  value  of  100*. 

yearly.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  4.  Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  John  Denysshe,  Richard  Bele,  Eobert  Oldum 

WesnniDster.  and  William  Barnabe  of  the  scrutiny  and  supervision  of  all  *  berebrewers  ' 

within  the  realm,  because  the  latter  have  not  hitherto  been  supervised  by 

the  officers  of  the  assize  of  bread  and  ale  as  is  the  custom  in  other  lands 

where  the  mystery  is  practised.     They  are  to  see  that  the  malt  is  good  and 


1462.  Membrane  22'~'Cont. 

made  from  good  barlej  and  oats  or  barley  and  wheat  and  free  from  worms 
called  *  wyfles '  and  that '  lez  hoppez '  are  also  good,  and  that  the  *  here '  is 
sufficient! J  cooked  and  not  sweet  and  does  not  leave  the  brewhouse  until 
eight  days  after  brewing.  They  EhaU  forfeit  all  malt,  hops  and  beer  that 
they  find  defective  to  the  lords  of  the  land.  When  a  quarter  of  malt  is  sold 
for  38.  Ad.  barrels  of  beer  called  '  double  coyte,*  containing  36  gallons,  are  to  be 
sold  for  2s.  Sd,y  and  when  the  quarter  is  sold  for  As.  the  barrels  are  to  be  sold 
for  3^.  4c/.,  and  an  increase  of  I2d,  in  the  price  of  the  quarter  shall  give  an 
increase  of  \  the  gallon.  Barrels  of  beer  called  '  sengle  coyte,'  con- 
taining 36  gallons,  are  always  to  be  sold  for  2s.  They  are  to  receive  a  fee 
of  ^.  on  each  barrel,  and  shall  have  power  of  arrest.  By  pa. 

Membrane  21. 

March  1.  Ratification  to  Anna  late  the  wife  of  Aubrey  de  Vi^er,  who  died  without 
WeBtmiDster.  issue  by  her,  of  her  estate  in  the  manors  of  Wygeston,  co.  Leicester, 
Calverton  with  certain  lands  and  the  market  of  Stonystratford,  co.  Buck- 
ingham, Whitchirche,  co.  Buckingham,  Badilsmere,  co.  Kent,  Buryes- 
gyffard,  Vaux  by  Uedyngham  and  Downham,  co.  Essex,  and  Kensyngton 
and  Knotty ngesbernys,  co.  Middlesex,  which  she  and  her  husband  held  to 
themselves  and  the  heirs  of  their  bodies. 

By  K.  and  for  ^  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Feb.  20.  Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Vaghan  of  the  king's  part  of  the  manor  and 

Westminster,  lordship  of  Penkelly  in  Wales  with  all  messuages,  tofts,  lands,  rents,  courts, 

liberties  and  profits  pertaining  to  it,  to  the  value  ot  20/.  yearly.  By  p.5. 

Jan.  20.  The  like  to  Traharn  ap  Jevan  ap  Meryk  and  John  ap  Jenkyn,  esquires,  of 

Westminster,  the  manor  of  Nemyngton  Regis,  co,  Devon,  with  advowsons,  wards, 
maniages,  escheats,  views  of  frank-pledge,  courts  leet  and  other  appur- 
tenances, late  of  Thomas  Comewaill,  esquire,  and  iu  the  king's  hands 
through  his  rebellion,  to  the  value  of  30/.  yearly.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  22.  Grant  in  frank  almoin  to  Thomas. Wylmote,  vicar  of  Asshettesford,  co. 

Westminster.  Kent,  of  the  manor  and  town  of  Dounton  Weylate,  co.  Essex,  with  the 
advowson  of  the  church  there,  the  manor  of  Preston  and  Hoo,  co.  Sussex, 
lately  pertaining  to  the  priory  of  Okeburn,  and  a  yearly  pension  of  100*. 
which  the  prior  of  Lewes  pays  to  the  king  from  a  certain  impost  lately  due  to 
the  abbey  of  Cluny,  quit  of  farms,  rents,  tenths,  fifteenths  and  all  demands, 
to  find  two  chaplains  and  two  secular  clerks  to  celebrate  divine  service  in 
the  church  for  the  pood  estate  of  the  king,  his  kinsman  George,  bishop  of 
Exeter,  John  Fogge,  knight,  and  Alice  his  wife  and  I'homas  Colt  while 
alive,  and  for  their  souls  after  death,  and  those  of  the  king's  father  Richard, 
duke  of  York,  his  brother  Edmund,  earl  of  Rutland,  his  uncle  Richard,  earl 
of  Salisbury,  Thomas  Kyryell,  knight,  Robert  Hoorne,  esquire,  and  others 
of  the  county  of  Kent  kiUed  in  battle  at  Northampton,  St.  Albans  and 
Shirboum,  notwithstanding  grants  of  the  same  by  Henry  IV.  Henry  V. 
or  Henry  VI.  By  K. 

Jan.  14.         Grant,  for  seven  years,  to  John  Bedale  of  a  tenement  in  the  town  of 
Westminster.   Clyff  within  the  parish  of  Hemyngbourgh  in  the  hberty  and  franchise  of 
Houden,  co.  York,  lately  demised  to  him  by  Thomas,  lord  Roos,  a  rebel. 

By  p.8. 

Feb.  4.  Grant  to  William  Cheyne  of  100*.  yearly  from  Michaelmas  last  from  the 

Westminster,   issues  of  the  county  of  Devon,  antil  he  shall  have  an  office  for  life  of  that 

value.  By  p.s . 

Feb.  28.  Grant  for  lif'>  to  John  Higham,  esquire,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king 

We>tmin8ter.  and   his  father,  o(  the  office  of  chief  i  emembraucer  of  the  exchequer  of 

Ireland,  receiving  a  fee  of   10/.  yearly  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  city  of 

Dublin^  with  all  other  accustomed  profits.  By  p.s. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  III.  77 

1462.  Membrane  21 — cont. 

Feb.  20.  Grant  to  the  king's  servant  Richard  Herbert,  esquire,  and  the  heirs  male 

Westminster,  of  his  body  of  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Mockas  and  the  manor  of  Grove, 
CO.  Hereford,  and  all  lands  and  possessions  late  of  John  Skydmore,  knight, 
in  the  counties  of  Hereford,  Gloucester  and  Salop  and  Wales  and  the 
marches  of  Wales,  and  also  the  manor  of  Mounton,  the  manor  and  lordship 
of  Fen  and  a  moiety  of  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Eton  by  Rosse,  co. 
Hereford,  and  all  other  lands  and  possessions  late  of  Thomas  Fitzharry  of 
Hereford,  esquire,  in  the  said  counties  and  marches  in  Wales,  in  the  king's 
hands  by  reason  of  their  forfeitures  and  an  act  of  Parliament  at  West- 
minster, 4  November,  with  all  franchises,  libertie<i,  courts,  views  of  frank 
pledge,  hundreds,  fairs,  markets,  stews,  warrens,  knights'  fees,  advowsons, 
wreck  of  sea  and  other  emoluments,  to  the  value  of  100/.  yearly,  and  with 
all  profits  from  4  March  last.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  25.  Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Seyntleger,  for  his  service  in  battle,  of  the 
WestmiDster.  manor  of  Wedon  Beke,  co.  Northampton,  and  all  lands  and  possessions  late 
of  William  Waynesford  in  Aylesbury  and  Bereton,  co.  Buckingham,  and 
also  the  manors  of  Colvyles,  Scraythes,  Leverers,  Gatwardes,  Moyiies, 
Carleton,  and  Wyllyngham,  co.  Cambridge,  and  all  other  lands  and  pos- 
sessions there  late  of  Thomas  Fyndern,  knight,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason 
of  an  act  of  forfeiture  in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  with 
courts  leet,  views  of  frank  pledge,  parks,  warrens,  stews,  fairs,  markets  and 
other  profits,  to  the  value  of  100  marks  yearly,  and  with  all  profits  from  4 
March  last.  By  E. 

Jan.  20.  Grant  to  the  king's  servitor  William  Herbert,  esquire,  and  the  heirs 

Westminster,  male  of  his  body  of  the  castle  and  manor  of  Kylpek,  co.  Hereford,  with 
knights*  fees  and  advowsons  and  also  all  messuages,  lands,  rents  and 
services  called  ^  Eyngis  capuU '  in  that  county,  parcel  of  the  castle  and 
manor,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of  the  earl  of  Wilts, 
to  the  value  of  50/.  yearly.  By  p.s. 

March  3.         Grant  for  life  to  David  Malpas,  yeoman  of  the  crown,  of  M,  daily  for 

Westminster,  his  fee  from  12  August   last  from  the  fee  farm  and  the  old   and   new 

increment  of  the  town  of  Shrewsbury,  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  men,  bailiffs,  farmers,  receivers  and  other 

occupiers  of  the  town.   • 

1451.  Mbmbranb  20. 

Nov.  30.         Presentation  of  Richard  Hill  to  the  parish  church  of  Fordyngbrigge,  in 
Westminster,  the  diocese  of  Winchester,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  minority  of 
Henry  Stafford,  kinsman  and  heir  of  Humphrey,  duke  of  Buckingham. 

By  p.s. 

Aug.  6.  Grant  for  life  to  William  Noreys,  knight,  of  the  office  of  steward  of  the 

Westminster,  lordships   and   manors   of  Cokeham   and  Bray,  co.   Berks,   receiving  the 
accustomed  fees  at  the  hands  of  the  farmers  or  occupiers  of  the  same. 

By  p.s. 

Dec.  8.  Grant  to  Thomas  Haxby  of  the  chapel  or  chantry  of  Holy  Cross  within 

Westminster,   the  king's  castle  of  Old  Sarum,  co.  Wilts. 

Dec.  11.  Grant  for  life  to  John  C/lyfford,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the 

Westminster,   king's  wood  called  *  Ohesteynwode,'  co.  Kent,  with  fees  aa  in  the  times  of 

Edward  III.  and  Richard  II.  from    11  April  last  from  the  issues  of  the 

king's  manor  of  Middelton,  co.  Kent.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  18.  Appointment  for  life  of  the  king's  kinsman  Henry,  earl  of  Essex,  as 

Westminster   master  of  the  king's  hunt  (deductus)  in  all  his  forests,  chases  and  parks 

this  side  Trent,  with  the  accustomed  foes.  By  p.s. 


1461.  Membrane  20 — cont, 

April  8.  Grant  for  life  to  Henry  Ferrers, . king's  esquire,  of  the  office  of  the 

York.         stewardship  of  Chaylesmore,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees.  ^j  p.8. 

April  8.         Th«  like  to  the  said  Henry  of  the  custody  or  office  of  keeper  of  the 
York.         king's  park  of  Chaylesmore,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  8.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  William  Colyngbourne  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,  keeper  of  the  king's  park  of  Ludgursale,  co.  Wilts,  from  6  March  last, 

with  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Richard  II.  from  the  issues 

of  the  king's  manor  or  lordship  of  Ludgursale.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  14.  Grant  to  William  Parre,  esquire,  of  the  custody  of  all  lordships,  manors, 

Westminster,  lands  and  other  possessions  late  of  John  Hothom,  knight,  deceased,  and 
John  Hothom,  esquire,  his  son,  deceased^  during  the  minority  of  John, 
son  and  heir  of  the  latter,  with  .the  marriage  of  the  heir,  and  the  like 
during  the  minority  of  the  next  heir  should  he  die  a  minor  and  unmarried, 
and  so  from  heir  to '  heir,  without  rendering  any  iiccount  but  finding  a 
competent  sustenance  for  the  heir  and  bearing  all  charges  oh  the  estate. 

'  By  p.s. 

Dec.  9.  Grant  for  life  to  Alvred  Oomeburgh,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown, 

Westminster,   and  Thomas  Grayson  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  park  of  Eerribullok 

and  his  foreign  woods  of  Heregerd,  Northwode  and  Grendescombe  with 
the  warrens  pertaining  to  his  manors  of  Eerribullok,  Calstoke  and 
Billyngton  within  the  duchy  of  Cornwall,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from 
the  issues  of  the  duchy  and  all  other  profits ;  in  lieu  of  a  grant  for  life  to 
the  said  Thomas  of  the  custody  of  the  said  park  by  letters  patent  dated 
20  June,  surrendered.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  10.         The  like  to  John  Banham,  on  account  of  his  age  and  blindness,  of 

Westminster.    lOOf .  4id.  yearly  from  Easter  last  from  the  issues  of  the  subsidy  and  ulnage 

of  cloths  in  the  counties  of  Northampton  and  Rutland  and  a  moiety  of  the 

forfeiture  of  the  same.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  12.         Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  fieurmers  of  the  subsidy. 


»  • 

Dec.  9.  Grant  to  William  de  Hastyngis,  knight,  and  Hoger  Ree,  esquire,  of  the 

Westminster,   collation    to    the  n^xt    vacant  canonry  and  prebend  in   the  king's  free 

chapel  of  St.  Stephen  within  his  palace  at  Westminster.  By  p^. 

Nov.  5.  Grant  to  William  Venoure,  William  Canynges  and  John  Bluet  of  the 

Westminster,  custody  of  three  crofts  in  the  town  of  Knoll  containing  4  acres  of  land 
and  2  acres  of  pasture,  of  which  Bobert  Guy  en,  deceased,  was  seised  in 
his  demesne  as  of  fee' and  which  came  into  the  hands  of  Edward  HI. 
through  a  debt  and  thence  into  the  bands  of  Henry  IV.,  Heniy  V., 
Heniy  VI.  ^nd  the  king,  from  4  .March  last  so  long  as  they  remain  in  the 
king's  hands,  rendering  to  the  king  5^,  yearly,  as  was  paid  to  Hen^  VI.^ 
and  supporting  all  charges.  By  p.s. 

Mbmbbanb  ip« 

Nov.  16.         Inspexitnus  and  confirmation  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Bemewell  of 
Westminster,    [letters  patent  dated]  20  December,  1  [Richard  II.],  inspecting  and  con- 
firming the  following : — 

1.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  18  July,  13  Henry  III.  [Charter 

JRolly  13  Henry  IIL,  m»  4.],  bei^ig  a  grant  to  them  of  a  fair  yearly 
at  Bemewell  at  the  day  of  St.  Etheldred. 

2.  A  charter  dated  at  Norwich,  3  January,  18  Edward  III.  [^Charter 

Roily  18  Edward  IILy  No,  4.],  inspecting  and  confirming  a  chartei* 
dated  at  Westminster,  3  December,  2  Edward  II.  [  Charter  Rollj 
2  Edward  IL^  No,  36.],  inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter  dated  at 
Westminster,  12  June,  13  Edward  I.  [Charter  Roll,  13  Edward  I., 

1  EDWARD  rv.— Pabt  III.  79 

1461.  Membrane  19 — cont. 

No.  82.],  inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter  dated  13  May, 
13  Henry  III.,  confirming  to  them  the  town  of  Gestreton,  granted 
to  them  by  king  John.  For  60s.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Nov.  19.  Grant  for  life  to  Simon  Walson,  for  his  good   service  to  the   king's 

Westminster,  kinsman  the  earl  of  Warwick,  of  the  office  of  the  parkership  of  the  king's 

park  of  Maldiche,  co.  Wilts,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  24.  Grant    to   Thomas   Montgomery,   king's  knight,    one    of    the    king's 

Westminster,  carvers,   by   mainprise    of   John    Clopton    and    Thomas    Grene,    of    the 

custody  of  the  king's  n^inor  of  Greye»  in  Caundynsh,  co.  Suffolk,  with 
courts  leet,  knights'  fees,  mills,  escheats,  woods  and  other  appurtenances, 
for  12  years  from  Michaelmas  last,  rendering  to  the  king  23/.  6«.  Sd. 
yearly  and  supporting  all  charges.  By  p.8. 

Nov.  18.         Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  William  Brigges  as  controller  of  the 

Weitminster.  great  and  petty  custom  and  the  subsidy  of  wools  and  wool-fells  and  the  3«. 

in  the  tun  and  the  I2d.  in  the  pound  in  the  port  of  Pole  and  ports  and 

places  adjacent,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees,  provided  that  he  execute 

the  office  in  person.     One  part  of  the  coket  seal  is  to  remain  in  his  custody. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Nov.  24.         Licence  for  John  Dorham,  the  prior,  and    the  convent  of    St.  Mary, 

Westminster.  Newstead  in  Shirrewode,  to  enclose  48  aeres  by  the  forest  perch  of  their 

wood  and  soil,  granted  to  them  by  Henry  II.  as  parcel  of  their  foundation, 

adjoining  the  priory  on  the  north,  east  and  south,  with  a  ditch  and  low 

hedge  according  to  the  assize  of  the  forest,  and  hold  the  same  in  severalty, 

,  and  to  cut  down  and  dispose  of  the  wood  growing  thereon.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  30.        Grant  for  life  to  John  Austyn  of  the  office  of  yeoman  of  the  beds  and 
WeBtminster.  armament  within  the  king's  castle  of  Wyndesore,  co.  Berks,  from  7  May 
last,  receiving  6d.  daily,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the 

Dec.  5.  Grant  to  William  Bowes,  knight,  of  100/.  from  the  issues  of  the  lordship 

WestmiDAter.  of  Alnewyk,  in  consideration  of  his  having  at  the  king's  command  taken 

the  government  and  custody  of  the  castle,  with  100  persons  in  his  company, 

from  13  September  to  30  November,  at  his  own  expense.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  12.  Grant  in  mortmain  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  St  Peter's,  Abbotesbury, 

Westminster,  co.  Dorset,  of  the  hundred  of  Uggescombe,  with  view  of  frank-pledge  and 

all  issues,  fines,  and  amercements  appertaining,  rendering  the  true  yearly 

value  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  18. 

Nov.  28.         Grant  for  life  to  Master  James  Frus,  king's  physician,  of  an  annuity  of 

Westminster.  40/.  from  4  March  last,  viz.  20/.  from  the  issues  of  the  king's  lordship  of 

Wigmor,  and  20/.  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  king's  town  of  Ludlowe.    By  p.s. 

Oct.  15.         The  like  to  Mooter  Gervasc  le  Vulre,  one  of  the  king's  notaries  and 

Westminster,  secretaries  in  his  chancery  of  France,  for  his  public  service  of  40  years  and 

more  in  France  and  England,  of  50  marks  yearly  from  4  March  last  from 

the  great  and  petty  customs  in  the  port  of  Suthampton.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  1.  The  like  to  William  Beaufitz,  John  Scotte,  knight,  and  Henry  Unton, 

Westminster,  of  the  office  of  chirography  in  the  Common  Bench,  with  the  accustomed  fees. 

By  p.s. 

Dec.  2.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  men  of  Heya  of  a  charter  dated 

Westminster.  6  June,  7  John  [Rotuli   Cartarum,  p.  153],   being  a  grant  to  them  of 

divers  liberties.  By  20*.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Nov.  30.         Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Clampard  of  the  office  of  chief  smith  of  the 
Westminster,  town  of  Calais  and  the  marches  there,  and  surveyor  of  the  smith's  art  there, 
receiving  the  accustomed  fees  with  the  mansion  without  the  walls  called 
'  Feryhous^*  and  all  profits  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Bichard  II. 

By  p,s. 


Id-Gl.  Membrane  18 — cont. 

Nov.  27.        Ratification  of  the  estate  which  Master  Peter  Taster,  king's  clerk,  has 
Westminster,   as  dean  of  St.  Severin,  Bordeaux,  parson  or  rector  of  the  parish  church  of 
St.  Mary,   Chartham,  in   the  diocese  of   Canterbury,  and  prebendary  of 
Lei^bton  Bosard  in  the  cathedral  of  Lincoln.  By  p.s. 

The  like  of  the  estate  which  Richard  Langport  has  as  parson  or  rector 
of  the  parish  church  of  Brad  well,  in  the  diocese  of  London,  and  prebendary 
of  the  prebend  which  Master  John  Gele  had  while  he  lived  in  the  collegiate 
church  of  St.  Mary  Otrye,  in  the  diocese  of  Exeter.  By  p.e. 

Dec.  1.  Presentation  of  Master  William  Ive  to  the  parish  church  of  Temmysford, 

Westminster,  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln. 

Dec.  7.  Grant  to  George,  bishop  of  Exeter,  and  Henry  Webber,  dean  of  Exeter, 

Westminster,  of  820/.  from  the  first  moneys  after  Michaelmas  next  from  the  issues  of  the 
duchy  of  Cornwall  and  the  coinage  of  tin  in  the  counties  of  Cornwall  and 
Devon,  140/.  from  the  second  moiety  of  a  tenth  granted  by  the  prelates 
and  clergy  of  the  province  of  Canterbury  in  the  archdeaconries  of  Exeter, 
Totton[ey8]  and  Bamastapol,  and  40/.  from  the  same  in  the  archdeaconry 
of  Cornwall,  in  repayment  of  I, OCX)/,  lent  by  them  to  the  king.  If  this 
grant  be  insufficient  the  chancellor  shall  issue  further  letters  patent.     By  K. 

Dec.  9.  Grant  for  life  to  John   Hemyngburgh,  esquire,   the  king's  chief  cook 

Westminster,  (archicoco pro  ore  nostra),  of  the  manors  or  lordships  of  Hel  wcle  and  St  atton, 
COS.  Lincoln  and  Rutland,  from  4  March  last  with  *  haybote,'  ^  housbote,'  and 
'  brennyngwode,'  provided  that  he  sufficiently  repair  and  support  the  manors. 
The  said  manors  had  been  granted  to  him  for  life  by  Humphrey,  late  duke  of 
Gloucester,  by  letters  patent.  By,p.s. 

Dec.  11.         The  like  to  William  Whelpeley  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  castle  and 
Westminster,  gaol  of  Cambridge,  with  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Richard  11. 

By  p.8. 

Dec.  11.         The  like  to  Robert  Hadley,  of  the  city  of  Coventry,  of  all  lands  and 

Westminster,  possessions  within  the  city  which  John  Norfolke  lately  had  of  the  grant  of 

Henry  VI.,  extended  at  6  marks  yearly.  '  By  p.s. 

Dec.  2.  The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  Richard  Craford,  of  the  office  of  water- 

Westminster,  bailiff  of  the  town  of  Bristol,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p,8. 

Membrane  17. 

Nov.  16.  Grant  in  frank  almoin  to  William  Berkeswell,  the  dean,  and  the  chapter 
Westminster,  of  the  collegiate  church  of  St.  Mary  and  All  Saints,  Warrewyk,  of  a  parcel 
of  land  and  meadow  called  *Northbroke'  in  Fulbroke,  co.  Warwick 
enclosed  with  hedges  and  ditches  in  the  north  of  the  park  of  Fulbroke  but 
not  imparked,  lying  between  the  highway  from  Warrewyk  to  Stratford-on- 
Aven  on  the  south  and  the  stream  separating  it  from  the  common  field  of 
Norton  on  the  north,  and  betweim  an  enclosure  pertaining  to  Snyterfeld 
called  *  le  Morwehay '  on  the  west  and  the  common  field  of  Shirburne  on 
the  east ;  in  recompense  for  a  yearly  rent  of  8«.  l|rf.  and  a  yearly  portion  of 
a  tithe  of  24*.  from  the  king's  lordship  of  Fulbroke,  of  which  Thomas 
Yongo,  formerly  dean,  and  the  chapter  were  seised  until  John,  late  duke  of 
Bedford,  imparked  the  said  lordship,  and  for  40  years'  arrears  of  the  same, 
amounting  to  64/.  Ss,  lOrf.,  and  in  consideration  of  their  having  undertaken 
to  keep  an  obit  yearly  on  30  December  in  their  church  for  the  souls  of  the 
king's  father  Richard,  duke  of  York,  and  Richard  Neville,  late  earl  of 
Salisbury.  By  p.8. 

Nov.  25.  Inspeximiis  and  confirmation  to  Hugh  John,  knight,  of  the  following 

Westminster,  letters  patent  of  the  king's  kinsman  John,  late  duke  of  Norfolk,  earl  of 
Nottingham,  marshal  of  England,  lord  of  Moubray,  Segrave  and  Govver, 

EDWAED  IV.~Pabt  III.  81 

l.'lGl.  Mefnbrane  17 — cent. 

whose  possessions  are  now  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  minority  of 
John,  his  son  and  heir : — 

1.  Grant  for  life  to  the  said  Hugh  John,  his  servant,  of  the  offices  of 

constable  of  his  castle  of  Oystermouth  in  South  Wales,  reeve  of  the 
lordship  and  manor  of  Oystermouth,  and  siirveyor  and  approver  of 
all  things  within  his  lordship  of  Gower,  with  the  accustomed  fees ;  a 
yearly  rent  of  10  marks  from  the  castle  audlordship  of  Oystermouth,  of 
which  the  duke  hands  him  4d.  in  silver  personally  in  part  payment, 
with  power  of  distraint  for  arrears ;  and  of  40  acres  of  his  demesne 
land  lying  between  the  town  and  church  of  Oystermouth  and  between 
the  castle  and  mountain  there  and  extending  to  the  sea  on  the  south, 
for  the  livery  of  seisin  of  which  Res  ap  William  ap  Jevan  ap  Cradok 
and  Evan  ap  William  ap  Evan  ap  Cradok  are  appointed  attorneys. 
Framlingham  Castle,  26  February,  29  Henry  VI. 

2.  Grant  for  life  to  the  said  Hugh  John  and  Mary  his  wife  of  a  yearly  rent 

of  20  marks  from  his  castles,  lordships  and  fees  of  Oystermouth  within 
his  lordship  of  Gower  in  Wales,  with  delivery  ot'4d,  in  silver  and 
power  of  distraint  as  above.  Fr.)mlingham  Castle,  1  April,  29 
Henry  YI.  By  p.s.  and  for  6s.  Sd,  paid  in  the  hanaper, 

Dec.  12.  Grant  for  life  to  Richard  Wydevill,  lord  of  Ryvers,  of  the  office  of  chief 
Westminster,  rider  of  the  king's  forest  o£  Saucy,  co.  Northampton,  with  all  trees  and 
profits,  viz.  dry  trees,  dead  trees,  trees  blown  down,  old  hedges  or  coppioe- 
hedges,  boughs  fallen  without  date,  chattels,  waifs,  strays,  pannage  of  swine, 
*  dcrefall  wode,'  '  draenes '  brushwood  and  brambles,  perquisites  of  courts, 
swainmote  and  other  issues  within  the  forest,  from  the  time  when  he  had 
the  same  by  letters  patent  of  Henry  VI.  By  K, 

Dec  3.  General  pardon  to  William  Vernon  of  Netherhaddon,  co.  Derby,  knight, 

Westmizister.  alieu  late  of  Harlaston,  co.  Stafford,  of  all  offences  committed  by  him  before 

4  November.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  18.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Fraunceys  and  John  Curson,  esquires,  of  the 

Westminster,  offices  of  parker  of  the  king's  park  of  Postern,  co.  Derby,  and  receiver  of 
the  herbage  and  other  profits  of  the  same,  and  of  26  acres  of  land  and  4 
acres  of  meadow  in  Duffeld,  Wyndeley  and  Haselwode  called  ^Rowland' 
and  Id.  daily,  which  the  parkers  have  always  had  for  the  custody,  and  of 
the  accustomed  fees  at  the  bands  of  the  receivers  of  the  honour  of  Tutbury. 

By  ps. 

Mbmbranb  16. 

Dec.  5.  Ifispeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Clifford  in 

Westminiter.  Wales  of  letters  patent  of  the  king's  father  Richard,  duke  of  York,  earl  of 
March  and  Ulster,  lord  of  Wiggemore  and  Clare,  lieutenant-general  and 
governor  of  France  and  the  duchy  of  Normandy,  dated  at  Radenore  Castle, 
24  October,  19  Henry  VI.  granting  protection  to  them  and  their  men  and 
jiossessions.  For  ^  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Dec.  8.  Grant  to  the  bishop  of  Norwich  and  his  successors  of  the  power  t(» 

Westminster,  appoint  justices  within  his  town  or  borough  of  Bishop's  Lynn  without  leave 

for  the  king's  justices  to  enter  therein,  and  to  levy  fines  and  amercements 

without  interference  from  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer,  and 

to  have  goods  and  chattels  of  felons  there.  By  K. 

Dec.  16.         Grant  for  life  to  Thurston  Hatfeld  of  the  office  of  the  scrjeanty  of 
We«tmin«ter.  Gnysnes  in  Picardy,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the 
lordship  of  Gnysnes.  By  p.s. 

u   86914.  r 


1461.  Membrane  16— ;ccm/. 

Dec.  16.         Mandate  to  all  baili&  and  others  to  permit  John  Stagge,  chaplain,  ft 
Westminster,  native  of  Abnrdeen  in  Scotland,  dwelling  at  Norwich  in  England,  who  has 
taken  an  oath  of  fealty,  to  inhabit  the  real^i  peaceably  and  enjoy  his  goods. 

By  p.s. 
The  like  for  David  Myghyll^  a  Uf^tiYQ  Qf  Abtird^eQ  in  3ootland^  dvirelling 
at  Canterbury  in  !E!ngland, 

Mbmbranb  16, 

Dec.  2.  Grant  in  frank  almoin  to  the  prior,  canons  and  convent  of  St.  Mary's, 

Westminster.  Bridlyngton,  of  the  church  of  Scardeborgh  and  the  advowson  of  the 
vicarage  and  ail  issues  of  the  same,  without  rendering  anything  to  the  king, 
Henry  IV.  granted  to  them  110  marks  yearly  from  the  said  church  by 
letters  patent;  Henry  V.  by  letters  patent  dated  5  April,  9  Henry  V., 
granted  to  them  the  said  charch,  rendering  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  the 
surplus  over  the  said  1 10  marks ;  and  Henry  VI.  granted  and  confirmed  to 
them  the  said  church  and  advowson  as  in  the  present  grant,  by  lettei's  patent 
dated  26  February,  20  Henry  VI.  By  p.a. 

Dec.  4,  Pardon  to  the  king's  kinswoman  Alice,  countess  of  Salisbury,  late  the 

Westminster,  ^jf^  ^f  Richard  Neville,  earl  of  Salisbury,  keeper  of  the  west  marches  of 

Scotland  and  the  forests  beyond  Trent,  and  daughter  and  heiress  of  Thomas 

^   Montagu,  late  earl  of  Salisbury,  of  all  debts,  accounts  and  arrears  due  to 

the  crown   and  all  actions  against  her  as  executrix  of  the  will  of  her 

husband.  By  K. 

Nov.  25.         Inspcximus  and  confirmation  to  Henry  Cook  of  letters  patent  of  the 

Westminster,  king's  father  Richard,  duke  of  York,  dated  at  Beaudeley  Manor,  1  October, 

25  Henry  VI.,  being  a  grant  for  life  to  the  said  Henry,  yeoman  of  his 

kitchen,  of  an  annuity  of  100^.  from  the  issues  of  his  castle  or  lordship  of 

Usk  in  Wales.  By  p.s.  and  for  \  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Dec.  19.  Pardon  to  the  citizens  of  Carlisle,  on  the  frontiers  of  the  west  marches 

Westminster,  of  Scotland,  ou  account  of  their  siege  by  Margaret,  lately  called  queen  of 
England,  Edward,  lately  called  prince  of  Wales,  Henry,  duke  of  Exeter,  and 
others,  of  40/.  yearly  out  of  the  80/.  from  the  fee  farm  from  a  mill  pertain- 
ing to  the  city,  which  has  been  burned,  and  the  king's  fishery  in  the  river 
Edene ;  and  grant  to  them  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  fishery  of  Carlisle 
alias  the  sheriff's  net  {reikis  vicecomitis)  alias  the  fishery  of  Frithnet  in 
tlie  river  Eden,  co.  Cumberland.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  18.  Exemption  for  life  of  John  Fourmour,  servant  of  the  prior  of  the  Hos- 

Westminster.  pital  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem  in  England,  gentleman,  of  the  county  of 
Middlesex,  from  being  put  on  assizes,  juries,  attaints,  i^cognisances  or 
inquisitions  and  from  being  made  trier  of  the  same,  mayor,  sherSp,  escheator, 
coroner,  justice,  collector,  assessor,  taxer,  surveyor,  constable  or  controller 
of  tenths,  fifteenths  or  other  subsidy,  arrayer  or  trier  of  men  at  arms, 
hobelers  or  archers  or  other  minister  of  the  king,  against  his  will.     By  p.s. 


Jan.  21.  Grant  for  life  to  Master  William   Hattecliff,  doctor  of  medicine  and 

Wcj-tminster.  physician  to  the  king,  of  40/.  yearly  from  the  first  day  of  the  reign  at  the 

receipt  of  the  Exchequer  from  the  king's  treasure.  By  p.B, 


Deo.  23.         Appointment  for  life  of  Robert  Kirkeham,  king's  clerk,  as  keeper  of  the 
Wcpi  minster,  rolls,  books  and  records  of  Chancery,  with  the  custody  of  the  House  of 
Converts  for  his  habitation  and  all  accustomed  fees.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  Thomas  Kirkeby,  king's  clerk,  late  keeper. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  HI.  83 

1461.  Membrane  14. 

Dec.  12.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Nicholas  Pemberton,  esquire,  for  his 

Westminster,  good  service  to  the   king's   father  in   France,   Normandy,   Ireland  and 

England,  of  the  office  of  the  bailiwick  of  the  king's  part  of  iJie  lordship  of 

Cotyngham,  co.  York,  receiving  2d.  daily  at  his  own  hands.  By  p.s, 

Oct.  27.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Matthew  Loynge  of  an  annuity  of  lOOt. 
Westminster,  from  the  fee  farm  in  Lyndesey,  co,  Lincoln.  By  p.Sf 

Dec.  14.         The  like  to  Nicholas  Maleber  of  the  custody  of  Milborne  and  Balast  Hill 

Westminiter.  by  Neucastell,  co.  Northumberland,  with  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III, 

and  Bichard  II.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  11.         Genei-al  pardon  toOto  (alias  Otys)  Cornewayll,  ^gentilman,'  and  grant  to 

Westminster,  him  and  the  heirs  of  his  body  of  the  manor  of  Brymfeld,  co.  Hertford,  and 

all  other  lands  pertaining  to  him  by  right  of  Katharine  his  wife.        By  p.s, 

Dec.  12.  Grant  for  life  to  Richard  Wydevill,  lord  of  Byvers,  of  the  oflloe  of  the 

Westminster,  stewardship  of  the  king's  forest  of  Saucy,  co.   Northampton,   with  tjie 

accustomed  issues.  By  K. 

Oct.  17.         The  like  to  Bernard  de  Castaings,  a  native  of  Dax  (Aguen)  in  the  duchy  of 

Westminster.  Aquitaine,  for  his  good  service  to  the  crown  of  England  in  the  wars  in  the 

duchy,  of  the  office  of  bailiff  in  the  parish  of  Pouillou  in  the  8tewai*dship  of 

Landis  in  the  duchy,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  10.         Presentation  of  Bartholomew  Colet,  parson  of  the  parish  church  of  Great 
Westminster.  Halyngbury,  in  the  diocese  of  London,  to  the  parish'  church  of  Hotefeld,  in 
the  diocese  of  Canterbury,  on  an  exchange  of  benefices  with  Thomas 

Dec.  17.  Grant  for  life  to  Henry  Mayre,  from  Michaelmas  last,  for  his  good 
Westminster,  service  to  the  king's  father  Bichard,  duke  of  York,  and  the  king,  of  the 
5  marks  yearly  which  the  abbess  and  convent  of  Berkyng  render  to  the 
king  fcr  the  release  of  the  enclosure  or  palisade  {palacii)  of  467  perches 
of  the  king's  park  of  Haveryn^,  co.  Essex,  which  they  and  their  predecessors 
used  to  make.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  11.  Appointment,  duiing  good  behaviour,  from  Michaelmas  last. of  the  kings 

Westminster,  servant  Nicholas  Loure  as  keeper  of  the  king's  ports  in  the  county  of 
Cornwall  and  the  prise  of  wines  there  and  in  the  water  of  Sutton  and 
Plymmouth,  co.  Devon,  and  as  king's  havener  in  those  counties,  receiving 
the  same  fees  as  Thomas  son  of  Henry,  late  keeper,  received  in  the  year 
20  Edward  III.  from  the  issues  of  the  office  with  other  profits,  to  be  duly 
accounted  for  before  the  auditors  of  the  duchy  of  Cornwall.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  6.  Grant  to  James  Manthorp,  esquire,  and  his  executors  and  assigns,  for  his 

Westminster,  good  service  to  the  king  and  the  king's  father  in  England  and  Ireland,  of 

20/.  yearly  for  10  years  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and 

Suffolk.  By  p.B. 

Dec.  14.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Dorward  the  elder  of  the  county  of  Essex,  esquire, 
Westminster,  and  John  Dorward  his  son,  for  their  good  service  to  the  king's  father  and 
the  king,  of  the  office  of  steward  of  the  king's  honour  of  Beylegh,  co.  Essex, 
which  Uie  said  John  the  elder  and  Edmund  Mulso,  knight,  now  deceased, 
held  for  life  of  the  grant  of  the  king's  father,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees 
from  the  issues  of  the  honour.  By  p.s« 

The  like  to  the  same  of  the  office  of  bailiff  of  the  hundred  of  Rocheford, 
CO.  Essex.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  8.  Licence  for  John  Knyvet,  esquire,  son  of  Elizabeth,  sister  of  John 

Westminster.  Clifton,  knight,  whose  heir  he  is,  to  enter  into  the  castle  of  Bokenham  and 
the  manors  of  Old  Bokenham,  New  Bokenham,  Bokenham  Lathes  and 
Tybenham  and  two  parts  of  the  manor  of  Gryshaugh  in  Wymondham,  co. 
Norfolk,  held  in  chief,  and  hold  the  same  in  fee  simple ;  and  pardon  to  him 
and  Alice  his  wife  and  William  Knyvet  of  aU  debts,  accountii,  issues  and 
profits  of  lands  due  to  the  king.  By  K« 

v  2 


1461*  Membrane  14 — eont. 

Dec.  19.         General  pardon  to  Robert  Willyn  of  Melburn,  co.  Derby,  *  gentilman/  of 
Westminster,  all  offences  committed  by  him  before  20  November.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  John  Wyllyn,  prior  of  Ryppyndon,  co.  Derby.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  14,         Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Lumley  and  George  Lumley  of  the  office  of 
Westminster,  the  coustableship  of  the  king's  gastle  of  Swrtnrgh,  with  the  accustomed 
fee?.  By  l>-8. 

Membrane  IS. 

Nov.  27.  Inspejnmus  and  confirmation  to  the  stannary  men  of  the  county  of 

Westminfter.  Devon  of  letters  patent  dated  12  November,  17  Edward  III.,  being  an 
exemplification  of  a  charter  dated  at  Stanhope,  6  August,  1  Edward  III. 
[Charter  Boll,  1  Edward  III.  No.  26],  inspecting  and.  confirming  a 
charter  dated  at  York,  14  August,  4  Edward  II.  [Charter  Roll,  4  JSdward 
JI,  No.  55],  inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  10 
April,  33  Edward  I.  [Charter  Roll,  33  Edward  /.,  No,  40],  being  a  grant 
to  them  of  divers  liberties  and  the  privileges. 

For  1  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Nov.  24,         Grant  for  life  to  George  Medelton,  from  4  March  last,  of  the  office  of 
Westminster,  keeper  of  the  king's  manor  of  Claryngdon,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from 
the  issues  of  the  county  of  Wilts,  in  lieu  of  a  like  grant  to  him  of  the 
office  of  porter  of  the  manor  by  letters  patent  dated  15  July,  surrendered. 

By  K. 

Nov.  28.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Richard  Crofft  the  younger  of  the  office  of 
Westminster,   the  supei*vision  of  the  king's  manor  of  Wodestoke,  co.  Oxford,  with  the 
accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  manor. 

The  like  to  the  said  Richard  of  the  office  of  the  custody  of  the  king's 
garden  in  the  said  manor^  with  fees  tis  above.  By  K. 

Nov.  24.         General  pardon  to   Robert  Bolde  late  of  Farneworth,  co.  Lancaster, 
Westminster.    <  gentilman,'  alias  late  of  Ines,  co.  Lancaster,  esquire,  of  all  offences  com- 
mitted by  him  before  20  November.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  24.         Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  John  Farman  of  ihe  office  of  searcher 

Oxford.       of  all  fish-nets  called  *  welys '  and  engines  in  the  river  Thames  and  creeks 

and  places  connected  with  it  between  Cirencester  and  Stanes,  with  the 

accustomed  fees.  By  p.s, 

Dec.  18.  Grant  in  mortmain  to  the  chapter  of  St.  Mary's,  Suthwell,  of  the  alien 

Westminster,  priory  of  Ravendale,  co.  Lincoln,  not  exceeding  the  value  of  41/.  yearly,  with 
advowsons  and  other  emoluments  and  appurtenances,  for  the  sustenance  of 
the  ministers  of  their  church ;  and  also  of  a  messuage  and  60  acres  of  land  in 
North  Carleton,  co.  Nottingham,  which  William  Gunthorp,  clerk,  James 
Staunton,  clerk,  and  Walter  Ulsby  granted  to  them,  and  a  messuage,  120 
acres  of  land  and  7  acres  of  meadow  in  Batheley,  Northmuskam  and  Holme 
CO.  Nottingham,  which  Thomas  Haxy,  late  canon  of  their  church,  granted 
to  them.     [Monasticon,']  By  p.s. 

Dec.  21.  Grant  for  life  to  John,  lord  of  Wenlok,  and  Roland  Fitz  Eustace,  knights, 
Westminster,  of  the  office  of  treasurer  of  Ireland,  with  the  accustomed  fees,  and  also  of 
the  custody  of  the  king's  manors  of  Newcastle  of  Lyones  and  Tassagard, 
CO.  Dublin,  receiving  60/.  of  silver  yearly  at  their  own  hands  in  part 
payment  of  the  said  fees  so  long  as  they  remain  in  office,  and  accounting 
at  the  exchequer  of  Ireland  for  the  surplusage  of  the  manors*  By  p.s. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  III.  85 

1461.  Membrane  12. 

r>ec.  7.  Licence  for  Frances  MuUe,  late   the  wife  of  Willmm  MuUe,  knight,  to 

"West minster,  enter  into  and  hold  for  life  the  manors  of  Avenbury  and  Aleynesmore  and 

divers  lands  and  tenements  in  Tregett,  co.  Hereford,  of  which  Thomas 
Mull,  father  of  the  said  William,  was  seised  in  his  demesne  as  of  fee,  and 
which  he  granted  to  William  and  Frances  and  the  heirs  of  the  body  of 
William  with  remainder  to  the  heirs  of  the  body  of  Juliana  de  Bous, 
rendering  to  him  for  his  life  10/.  yearly  for  the  manor  of  Aleysmore, 
and  which  after  the  death  of  William  were  taken  into  the  king's  hands. 

By  p.8. 

Oct.  22.         Grant  to  the  mayor  and  commonalty  of  Bristol  that  the  town,  suburbs 
Westminster,  and  county  of  Brbtol  shall  be  exempt  for  ever  from  the  jurisdiction  of  the 

king's  admirals,  and  shall  not  be  compelled  to  answer  pleas  in  the  Court  of 
Admiralty.  The  king  will  issue  commissions  or  letters  patent  under  the 
Oreat  Seal  to  the  mayor  and  recorder  and  others  to  hetir  and  determine 
trespasses  pertaining  to  the  office  of  admiralty.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  5.         Mandate  to  the  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Warwick  and  Leicester  for 
Westminster,  the  restitution  of  the  temporalities  of  St.  Mary's,  Coventry,  to  Thomas 

Deram,  late  sub-prior,  whose  election  as  prior  John,  bishop  of  Coventry 
and  Lichfield,  has  confirmed. 

The  like  to  the  escheators  in  the  following  counties  :*- 

Gloucester  and  the  marches  of  Wales. 
The  like  to  Edmund  Brograve,  mayoi^  and  escheator  in  the  city   of 

Nov.  5.  Writ  de  inttndendo  in  pursuance  to  (he  tenants. 


Dec.  13.  Grant  for  life  to  Nicholas  Wydower  alias  Wyduer, '  bowyer,'  of  the  office 
Westminster,  of  making  the  king's  bows  witliin  the  Tower  of  London,  from  4  March  last, 
with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Surrey  and 
Sussex,  and  of  a  livery  of  the  suit  of  the  yeomen  of  the  king's  chamber 
yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  great  wardrobe,  with  a  mansion  within  the  Tower 
between  the  tower  called  ^  Wakefeld '  and  the  tower  called '  Westsmythfeld ' ; 
in  lieu  of  another  grant  to  him  of  the  same  office  by  letters  patent,  surren- 
dered. By  p.s. 

Dec.  20.         The  like  to  Bichard  Litster  of  the  office  of  forester  of  the  park  of 

Westminster.  Bcrbelond,  parcel  of  the  manor  of  Topcliff,  co.  York,  with  the  accustomed 

fees  at  the  hands  of  the  farmers  of  the  manor.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  22.  Grant  in  fee  simple  to  John  Courteney,  esquire,  of  the  manors  of 
Westminster.  Exmynstre,  Kenforth  alias  Kenford,  and  Kenne  and  the  hundred  of 
Exmynstre,  co.  Devon,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  warrens,  regards  and 
other  appurtenances,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of 
Tnomas  Courteney,  knight,  late  earl  of  Devon,  to  hold  the  same  by  fealty  and 
the  rent  of  \d*  yearly  at  Michaelmas.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  18.        Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  John  Grevile,  esquire,  as  sheriff  of  the 
Westminster,  counties  of  Warwick  and  Leicester.  By  K. 

Vacated  because  elsewhere  on  the  Fine  Roll, 

Dec.  24.         Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Colte,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king  and  the 
Westminster,  king's  father  Bichard,  late  duke  of  York,  in  England  and  Ireland,  of  the 
office  of  keeper  of  the  hanaper  of  Chanceryi  with  the  accustomed  fees. 



14i61.  MSMBRANS   11. 

Dec.  21.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Brian  Talbot  of  all  lands^  tenements, 

Westminster,  rents  and  services  with  appurtenances  late  of  William  Tailboys,  knight,  in 

Neuton  in  the  Welowes,  co,  York,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  his 

rebellion.  Bj  p.s. 

Dec.  22.  The  like  to  John  Parre,  king's  esqnire,  of  the  offices  of  chief  forester  of 
Westminster,  Whynfeld,  co.  Westmoreland,  and  chief  steward  of  all  castles,  lands  and 
other  possessions  late  of  Thomas  de  Clyfford,  knight,  deceased,  in  that 
connty  and  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  and  rebellion  of 
John  de  Clyfford,  knight,  his  son  and  heir,  receirii^g  the  same  fees  as 
Christopher  Moresby,  knight,  late  chief  forester,  and  Hugh  Salkeld,  esquire, 
late  steward.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  Thomas  Baty  of  the  office  of  forester  or  keeper  of  the  king's 
outer  park  of  Whynfell,  co.  Westmoreland,  and  his  foreign  woods  there 
called  *  les  Owtewodes,'  receiving  QQs.  8rf.  yearly  from  15  May  last  from 
the  issues  of  the  same.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  21.         The  like  to  Robert  Ingleton  of  the  reversion  of  the  office  of  chancellor  of 

Westminster,   the  Exchequer,  with   the  accustomed  fees,  immediately  after  the  decease, 

resignation  or  dismissal  of  Thomas  Witham,  to  whom  the  same  has  been 

granted  for  life.  By  K. 

Dec.  23.         General  pardon,  in  consideration  of  the  approach  of  Christmas,  to  William 
Westminster.   Beaumont  alias  William,  late  viscount  Beaumont  and  lord  Bardolf .     By  K. 

Dec.  24.         Grant  for  life  to  William  Tracy,  chaplain,  of  the  custody  of  the  hospital 
Westminster,  of  St.  Bartholomew,  Playden  by  Rye,  co.  Sussex.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  23.         The  like  to  Robert  Constable,  knight,  of  the  king's  manors'  of  Howsom 

Westminster,  and  Hessyll,  co.  York,  with  knights'  fees,  passages  and  appurtenances,  in  the 

king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November, 

to  hold  the  same  by  fealty  and  the  rent  of  Idf.  yearly  at  Easter.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  22.         The  like  to  Thomas  Dale  of   the  office    of    reeve  of  the  manor   of 

Westminster.  Ravensthorp,  co.  York,  with   the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the 

manor.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  said  Thomas  of  the  office  of  forester  of  the  woods  of  the 

said  manor.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  23.         The  like  to  Edmund  Hastynges,  esqnire,  of  the  manor  and  town  of 

Westminster.   GriUyng   in  Rydale,   co.   York,  forfeited  to  the  king  by  the  rebellion  of 

Humphrey  Nevill.  By  p.8. 

Dec.  18.         The  like  to  Walter  Teny  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  king's  castle  of 

Westminster.  Plympton  Earle,  co.  Devon,  which  with  the  manor  of  Plympton  came  into 

the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of  Thomas,  late  earl  of  Devon^ 

son  and  heir  of  Thomas,  late  earl  of  Devon,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from 

the  issues  of  the  manor.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  24.         The  like  to  Greorge  Middelton,  William  Gosse  and  William   Seward, 

Westminster*  esquires,  of  the  manor  of  Hunspill  Marise,  co.  Somerset,  of  the  yearly  value  of 

36/.  3^.,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of  James,  late  earl  of 

Wilts,  and  an  act  of  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  to  hold  the 

same  by  fealty  and  a  rent  of  \d.  yearly  at  Michaelmas.  •  By  p.s, 

Dec.  18.  The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  Alexander  Cely  of  the  office  of  clerk  of  the 

Westminster,   admiralty  of  the  king's  river  of  Sevarne  from  the  sign  called  *  le  Mai'ke '  of 

Silly  to  Worcester  bridge,  receiving  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III. 

and  Richard  II.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  said  Alexander  of  the  office  of  conservator  and  searcher 

of  the  said  river,  with  fees  as  above.  By  pj. 

Dec.  20.  General  pardon  to  Gervase  Clyfton,  knight,  late  of  Braborn,  co.  Kent, 

Westminster,   alias  of  Clyfton,  co.  Nottingham,  alias,  of  London,  alias  late  treasurer  of 

Calais  and  the  marches  there,  alicu  late  sheriff  of  Kent,  of  all  extortions  and 

other  offences*  By  p.s. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  Hi.  87 

1461.  MSMBRANS  10. 

Dec.  27.         Ratification  of  the  estate  which  John  Lovell,  kntght,  has  in  the  manor  of 
Westminiter.   Swavesey  and   Fulbum   and  the  advowson  of  the  priory  of   Swavesey, 

CO.  Oambridge,  the  manors  of  Great  Hohind,  co.  Essex,  Snodesbury, 
Wykebumell  and  Russelhall,  cos.  Worcester  and  Stafford,  and  Peccheford, 
CO.  Salop,  and  the  manor  of  Broughton  and  lands  in  Weston,  Redgrave  and 
Aylesbury,  co.  Buckingham,  of  which  he  is  seised  in  his  demesne  as  of  fee 
tail,  as  appears  by  fines  levied  in  the  courts  of  the  king's  progenitors. 

By  p.s.  and  for  40s.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Dec  29.  Grant  to  Elizabeth  late  the  wife  of  John  Ratclyff  of  Attylburgh,  co.  Nor- 

Westmiiurter.   folk,  esquire,  deceased,  tenant  in  chiefs  of  the  custody  of  all  his  lands  during 

the  minority  of  John  his  son  and  heir,  with  the  marriage  of  the  latter,  and  of 
the  like  during  the  minority  of  the  next  heir  should  he  die  during  minority, 
and  so  from  heir  to  heir.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  23.         Grant  for  life  to  John  de  Audeley  of  the  offices  of  steward  of  all  the 
Westminster,   king's  lordships,  manors  and  lands  in  the  county  of  Dorset  and  master  and 

keeper  of  all  his  forests,  chases,  parks  and  warrens  in  the  county  and  his  deer 
in  them,  and  the  custody  of  his  castle  and  park  of  Wardere,  co.  Wilts,  re- 
ceiving 40/.  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  king's  lordship  or  manor  of 
Cranburn,  co.  Dorset,  viz.  20/.  for  the -stewardship  and  20/.  for  the  office  and 
custody.  By  K. 

Dec.  23.         The  like  to  John  Hodelston,  knight,  of  the  offices  of  lieutenant  of  the 
Westminster,   king's  honour  and  lordship  of   Cokermouth   and  constable  of  the  castle  of 

Cokermouth  and  bailiff  of  Copelande,  co.  Cumberland,  receiving  20/.  yearly 
for  wages  as  lieutenant  and  10/.  as  constable  from  the  issues  of  the  honour 
and  lordship,  with  all  other  accustomed  profits.  By  p.B. 

The  like  to  Thomas  Lamplough,  knight,  of  the  office  of  master  forester  of 
Westdalehed  and  Asshdale,  co.  Cumberland,  and  steward  there,  receiving 
10  marks  wages  yearly  from  the  issues  of  honour  and  lordship  of  Coker-* 
mouth,  with  all  other  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  23.         Grant,  for  50  years,  to  the  burgesses  of  Lyme,  co.  Dorset,  on  account  of 
WestmiDster.   the  devastation  of  the  town  by  the  sea,  that  they  may  hold  the  town  with  all 

liberties  and  franchises  belonging  to  it,  at  fee  farm,  rendering  to  the  king 
6  marks  yearly,  and  that  they  shall  pay  ISs.  4</.  to  each  fifteenth  or  tenth 
for  the  town  and  their  goods ;  and  pardon  to  them  of  all  debts,  arrears  and 
actions.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  9.  Grant  to  the  king's  kinsman  John,  earl  of  Worcester,  John  Audeleye, 

WMtminster.  lord  of  Audeleye,  and  Alexander  Pruet,  clerk,  of  the  manor  of  Estbourne 

with  the  hamlet  of  Hechyngton,  co.  Sussex,  the  manor  of  Hothf  old,  co.  Kent^ 
and  the  advowson  of  the  church  there,  the  manors  of  Howesom,  Seton^ 
Storthwaite  cum  Melburne,  Ravenesthorp  cum  Boltby  and  Garton,  co.  York^ 
an  annuity  of  20/.  from  the  priory  of  Wartre  and  lands  in  Wartre,  co.  York, 
the  manors  of  TJffyngton,  Wragby  and  Esteryngton,  co.  Lincoln,  and  Orston^ 
Warshop  and  Ekeryng,  co.  N^ottingham,  the  ndvowsons  of  the  churches  of 
Warshop  and  Ekeryng,  moieties  of  the  manors  of  Holt  and  Clcy,  co.  Norfolk, 
with  the  advowsons  of  the  churches  there,  and  the  manor  of  Adderley  cum 
Sponeley,  co.  Salop,  with  the  advowson  of  the  church  there,  with  all  arrttirs, 
lately  belonging  to  Thomas  Boos,  knight,  lord  Boos,  to  hold  during  the  life 
of  Philippa,  wife  of  the  latter  and  sister  of  the  said  earl,  for  her  use  and 
profit  and  the  sustenance  of  herself  and  her  children  and  servants. 

By  p.s. 

t)ec  8.  Licence  for  the  acquisition  in  mortmain,  after  itiquisition,  by  the  prior 

Westminster,   and  convent  of  St.  Mary's,  Carlisle,  of  lands  and  possessions  to  the  value  of 

20/.  yearly,  on  account  of  the  devastation  of  their  possessions  in  Carlisle  by 

the  rebels ;  and  grant  to  them  of  two  tuns  of  red  wine  yearly  in  the  port  of 

Kyngeston  on  Hull.  B>'  (>.8| 


14j61.  Membrane  10 — cont, 

Dec.  12.  Grant  in  mortmain  to  tlio  abbess  und  convent  of  the  fdsters  Minoredses 

Westmiiuter.  without  Algatc,  London,  on  account  of  their  poverty,  of  the  manor  called  the 

priory  of  Appildrecombe  with  all  its  members,  issues  and  appartenances,  for 

the  augmentation  of  divine  service  within  the  abbey.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  9. 

Dec.  15.         Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Vaghan,  king's  esquire,  for  his  good  service  to 

Westminster,   the  king  and  his  father,  and  Eleanor  his  wife,  bite  the  wife  of  Thomas 

Broun,  knight,  who  was  attainted  of  treason  in  the  time  of  Henry  Y I.,  and 

whose  possessions  were  forfeited  to  the  king,  of  the  manors  of  Kyngesnoth, 

Milton,  Halton,  Morehail,  Aythorn, '  Oolkyns  Manour,'  Dayncourt,  Caldam, 

Alkam,  Moryse,  Herstall,  Ballarst,  Mastyrse,  Westbere,  GKxlwell,  Wymlyssh 

Wold,  Barston,  Brykhill,  co.  Kent,  a  messuage  in  the  parish  of  Osprynge, 

a  messuage  called  '  Pawnasshe,'  a  messuage  called  ^  Hartanger,'  a  windmill 

in  Barston,  a  tenement  called  ^  Dayncourt,'  a  piece  of  marsh  in  the  parish 

of  Deyll,  a  messuage  called  '  Dyngleyse,'  3  messuages  in  Canterbury,  3 

messuages  in  the  parish  of  Harbaidowne  and  6  acres  of  wood  in  the  same, 

u  messuage  in  Osprynge,  a  messuage  in  Mallyng,  3  messuages  in  Lidde, 

a  windmill  in  the  parish  of  Whit8ta|>le,  a  piece  of  land  called  *  Archercourte ' 

in  the  parish  of  Bewesfeld,  a  messuage  in  Gravesende,  a  piece  of  land  in  the 

parish  of  Maydeston,  a  messuage  in  the  parish  of  Goddemersham,  a  piece 

.  of  land  called  '  Gentels '  in  the  parish  of  Aldyngton,  and  a  messuage  called 

^  Cokryng '  in  the  parish  of  Tenyngton,  co.  Kent,  the  office  of  alderman  of 

Westgate  in  Canterbury,  the  manor,  lordship  or  castle  of  Westbechesworth, 

and  5  messuages  in  Dorkyng,  co.  Surrey,  3  messuages  in  the  county  of 

Southampton,  a  tenement  in  the  county  of  Surrey  called  ^  Mymmys,'  and  a 

piece  of  land  in  the  same  county  called  *'  Flnsshlond,'  a  parcel  of  land  in 

Estbechesworth,  a  meadow  called  '  Bladynfreden '  in  the  county  of  Surrey, 

and  a  parcel  of  land  called  *  Benham,'  a  piece  of  land  called  *  Whityng,' 

and  a  messuage  called  *  le  place '   in  the  same  county,  the  manors  of 

Chankton,  Shapwyk,  Egle,  Compton,  Westmerden,  Estborn,  Foxhunt,  and 

Walstede,  co.  Sussex,  a  meadow  called  '  Litelworth,'  a  messuage  called 

^  Morforttys,'  6  messuages  in  Bye,  co.  Sussex,  12  messuages  and  100  acres 

of  land  in  Wynchelse,  the  manor   of  Boroughunt,  co.   Southampton,  a 

messuage  with  a  wharf  and  appurtenances  near  Byllyngesgate  in  the  city 

of  London,  6  messuap:e8  in  Lymestrete  in  the  city  of  London,  6  messuages 

with  a  wharf  in  the  Vintry,  London,  5  tenements  in  Knyghtriderstrete  in 

the  parish  of  St.  Benet,  London,  and  all  lands  and  possessions  late  of  the  said 

Thomas  Broun,  and  belonging  to  the  king  by  reason  of  his  attaint,  except 

the  manors  or  lordships  of  Swannescombe  and  Erehithe,  co.  Kent,  and  all 

other  lands  late  of  the  king's  father  Richard,  duke  of  fork,  except  also  the 

manors  of  Tonsford  and  Dane,  co.  Kent,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons  and 

other  appurtenances,  without  impeachment  of  waste,  with  remainder  to 

William,  archbishop  of  York,  George,  bishop  of  Exeter,  Richard,  carl  of 

Wanvick,  John,  earl  of  Worcester,  Henry,  earl  of  Essex,  Humphrey,  lord 

Cromwell,  John,  lord  Stourton,  William,  lord  Hastynges,  and  John,  lord 

Weulok,  for  division  at  their  discretion  between  William,  George,  Thomas, 

Antony,  Robert,  Leonard  and  Edward,  sons  of  the  said  Thomas  Broun, 

according  to  his  last  will ;  and  also  of  all  his  goods  and  debts ;  and  grant 

to  William  Venour,  William  Beuet,  Thomas  Forster  and  all  other  persons 

who  have  been  enfeoffed  of  any  of  the  above  premises  to  the  use  of  the  said 

Thomas  Broun  of  a  licence  to  grant  the  same  to  the  said  Thomas  Yaghan 

and  Eleanor  as  above.  By  K. 

Dec.  16-         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  John  Wenlok,  knight,  lord  Wenlok, 
-^estmixttter.  of  the  office  of  steward  of  the  king's  lordships  and  manors  of  Langeley 

1  EDWARD  IV.— I'ART  III.  89 

1461.  Mefnbrane  9— con/. 

Mareys,  Wyrardesbuiy  and  Bledlowe,  co.  Buckingham,  from  Michaelmas 
last,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  at  the  hands  of  the  bailiffs.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  22.         Grant  to  John  Denham,  esquire,  Thomas  Dymmok,  knight,  and  Walter 

Westminster.  Ralegh,  esquire,  from  4  March  last  for  the  life  of  Elizabeth,  wife  of  William 

Tallboys,  and  for  her  use,  of  the  third  part  of  all  manors  and  lands  of  which 

the  said  William  was  seised  within  the  realm  or  any  other  person  for  his 

use.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  22.         Grant  for  life  to  John  Peresson,  king's  clerk,  of  10/.  yearly  for   his 
Westminster,  lodging  and  sustenance  at  the  hands  of  the  customers  in  the  port  of  South- 
ampton to  celebrate  divine  service  in  the  king's  tower  in  the  town  for  the 
good  estate  of  the  king  and  the  souls  of  his  progenitors,  in  accordance  with 
the  original  grant  of  the  same  by  Richard  IE.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  24.         Grant  to  Agnes,  sometime  the  wife  of  Richard  Frevile,  of  the  ward  and 

Westminster,  custody  during  minority  of  the  land  and  heir  of  Thomas  Sterne  in  the 

county  of  Cambridge  with  the  marriage  of  the  heir,  and  so  from  heir  to 

heir  during  minority.  By  p.8. 

Dec.  6.  Grant  for  life  to  Henry  Gray  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  king's 

Westminster,  armoury  within  the  Tower  pf  London,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  as  in 

the  times  of  Edward  III.  an4  Richard  II.  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of 

the  city  of  Norwich.  By  p.s. 

MAUBRAHfn  8. 

Nov.  28.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Richard  Crofft  the  youngei*  of  the  custody 

Westminster,  of  the  meadows  of  the  king's  manor  of  Wodestok,  co.  Oxford,  with  the 

accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  manor.  By  K. 

Dec.  12.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Longe,  one  of  the  soldiers  of  the 

Westminster,  town  of  Calais,  of  the  office  of  bailiff  of  the  town  of  Rye,  with  the  accustomed 

fees.  By  K. 

Dec.  3.  Appointment  of  the  king's  kinsman  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  .to  execute 

Westminster,  the  office  of  steward  of  England  in  the  process  of  an  Act  of  Parliament 

against  Henry  VI.  and  others  who  murdered  the  king's  father  Ricliard, 

late  duke  of  York,  at  Wakefeld.  By  K.  by  word  of  mouth. 

Inspeantnus  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent  of  the  king's  father  Richard, 
duke  of  York,  true  heir  to  the  kingdom,  dated  at  London,  5  November,  39 
Henry  VI,,  being  an  appointment  for  life  of  his  servant  Thomas  Stringer 
as  porter  of  the  gate  of  the  outer  ward  of  his  castle  of  Denbiegh  and 
surveyor  of  his  works  there,  with  all  accustomed  profits. 

For  ^  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Dec.  14.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Masters  John  Druell,  doctor  of 
Westminster,  either  law,  Roger  Radclyf,  John  Aleck,  Richard  Wetton  and  Henry  Sharp, 
doctors  of  laws,  ou  appeal  by  Richard  Botyll  of  Berkyng,  co.  Essex,  against 
a  sentence  of  Master  John  Aleyn,  doctor  of  laws,  lieutenant  and  commis- 
sary-general of  the  king's  kinsman  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  admiral  of 
England,  Ireland  and  Aquitaine,  in  a  sea  case  before  him  between  William 
Graunt,  citizen  and  brewster  (pandwcatorem)  of  London,  and  the  said 
Richard,  by  which  the  latter  was  onlered  to  restore  a  skiff  called  John 
Colyns  bote,  of  the  value  of  10/.,  which  he  and  Robert  Hath,  Thomas 
Peysoke  and  John  Holman  of  Berkyng  had  stolen  from  the  former  on  the 
high  seas. 


X461*  Membrane  S^^conL 

Nov.  25.        6rant  for  life  to  Geoffrey  More,  servant  of  the  king^s  privy  spicery,  of 
WeBtminster,  the  office  of  ranger  in  the  New  Forest,  co.  Southampton,  with  fees  as  in 
the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Bichard  II.  from  the  issues  of  the  county. 

By  p.s. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelled^  because  on  4  August^  20  Edward 
IV.y  the  king  granted  the  office  by  letters  patent  to  Henry  Rake^  one  of  the 
yeomen  of  the  erown» 

Dec.  16.         The  like  to  William  Brigham,  esquire,  of  an  annuity  of  10  marks  from 
Westminster,  the  farm,  petty  custom  and  toll  at  the  town  of  St.  Pierre  and  *  le  Turaepyk 
de  Marque  *  in  the  marches  of  Calais.  By  p.s.  [693.] 

Vacated  because  elsewhere  on  the  French  Roll, 

Dec.  15.         The  like  to  William  Pecche,  knight,  of  the  power  of  levying  the  customs 

Westminster,  or  toll  called  'Sandegelt'  belonging  to  the  king  from  carts  laden  with 

merchandise  going  through  the  king's  lordships  of  Marke  and  Oye  in  the 

marches  of  Calais,  without  rendering  any  account.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  20.  The  like  to  Louis  John  of  the  custodies  of  the  king's  manor  and  park  of 
Westminster.  Pulbroke,  co.  Warwick,  and  the  yearly  agistment  of  the  park  and  the  yearly 
profits  of  a  several  meadow  called  '  Clote  mede '  there,  a  several  fishery  there 
in  the  river  Aven,  140  acres  of  unenclosed  pasture  lying  by  the  way  leading 
from  Fulbroke  to  Bishop's  Hampton,  and  a  small  close  called  *  Inlond,'  in 
the  king's  hands  by  the  forfeiture  of  Henry  VI.,  with  the  accustomed  fees  in 
the  same  manner  as  William  Parker,  late  parker  of  the  park,  excepting  a 
close  called  *  Northbroke.*  By  p.s. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelled^  because  the  king  granted  the  same 
to  John  Isham  by  other  letters- patent, 

Dec  17.         Appointment  of  John  Bourghchier  of  Barners,  knight,  constable  of  the 

Westminster,  king's  castle  of  Wyndesore,  or  his  lieutenant  to  take  stone-cutters,  carpenters, 

tilers  and  other  workmen  for  the  repair  of  the  castle  and  the  manor  within 

Wyndesore  park  and  the  manors  and  lodges  of  Suthenley,  G^ayldeford,  Foil 

.    John  and  Esthampstede  in  Wyndesore  forest,  and  carriage  for  timber,  lead, 

tiles,  stones  and  other  necessaries. 


Jan.  23.         Presentation  of  Gruffith  Oorwith,  chaplain^  to  the  parish  church  of 
Westminster*  Pencarrec,  in  the  diocese  of  St.  Davids. 

146L  MBUAMlfB  7.^ 

Dec  15.  Pardon  io  William  fireerton  of  Breerton,  co.  Ch^fiitei*,  knight^  and  George 
Wostminstei^t  Darell  of  Litelcote,  co;  Wilts,  John  Stucley  of  Stiidey,  co.  Huntingdon,  and 
Boger  Eyton  of  Shrewsbury,  co.  Salop,  esquires,  of  100/.  each  and  to  John 
Browe  of  Staunford,  esquire^  alia^  of  Wodehed,  ^  gentilman,'  of  200/.,  in 
\vhich  they  had  bound  themselves  in  Chancery  on  lO  October,  39  Henry 
YI.,  for  the  appearance  of  the  latter  in  Chanc^y  within  one  month  of 
Easter,  iknd  that  no  harm  should  be  done  to  anyone  by  him  or  his  procur- 
ance,  and  which  600/.  was  forfeited  because  he  did  not  appear.  By  K. 

Dec.  21.         Pardon  to  John  Fogge,  knight,  alias  of  the  cotmty  of  Kent,  esquire,  of 

Westminster!  all  actidns  against  him  for  a  recognisance  of  1,000/.  made  by  him  to  Thomai^ 

Broune,  late  of  London,  knight,  by  the  name  of  Thomas  Broune^  esquire, 

on  3  March,  16  Henry  YI.,  to  be  paid  at  Easter  following,  and  all  actions 

and  debts  due  to  the  king  by  reason  of  the  forfeitttre  of  the  said  Thomas. 

Nov.  5.         Licence  for  the  sub-prior  and  convent  of  St.  Mary's,  Coventry,  to  elect  k 
Westminster,  prior  in  the  place  of  John  Shotteswell,  deceased.  By  p^. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  III.  91 

1462.  Membrane  7~^cotU, 

Jan.  1.  Appointment,  during  good  behaviour,  of  John  Harper  as  auditor  of  the 

Weatminster.  accounts  of  all  bailifiEs,  reeves,  farmers,  feodaries,  receivers  and  all  other 

ministers  and  officers  of  the  king's  lordships  and  castles  of  Brekenok, 
Eantriesselly,  Talgard,  Hayc  and  Huntjngdon  and  the  five  hundreds  in  the 
county  of  Hereford,  late  of  Humphrey,  duke  of  Buckingham,  deceased,  and 
in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Henry  his  kinsman  and 
heir,  his  lordships  and  castles  of  Gower,  Eylbey,  Bromfeld,  Yale,  co.  Salop, 
late  of  John,  duke  of  Norfolk,  deceased,  and  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason 
of  the  minority  of  John  his  son  and  heir,  and  of  the  lordships,  manors  and 
lands  late  of  John,  earl  of  Shrewsbury,  deceased,  in  the  counties  of  Salop, 
Hereford  and  Gloucester,  now  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the 
minority  of  John  his  son  and  heir,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  with  all 
other  profits.  By  p.s. 

The  like  of  the  said  John  as  auditor  of  the  accounts  of  all  bailiffs  and 
other  officers  of  all  the  king's  castles,  towns,  lordships,  manors  and  lands  in 
South  and  North  Wales  and  the  counties  of  Chester  and  Flint,  and  auditor 
of  the  castle  of  St.  Briavel  and  the  lordship  of  the  forest  of  Dene,  co. 
Gloucester,  with  fees  and  profits  as  above.  By  p.s* 

Jan.  22.  Grant  to  the  king's  servitor  Nicholas  Gaynesford^  esquire,  one  of  the 
Westminster,  ushers  of  the  king's  chamber,  and  the  heirs  of  his  body  of  the  manor  or 
lordship  of  Shalford  Clifford,  co.  Surrey,  with  the  park,  warren,  advowsons 
and  other  appurtenances,  to  the  value  of  20/.  yearly,  lately  belonging  to 
John,  late  lord  Clyfford,  a  rebel,  and  also  of  all  lands  in  the  Isle  of 
Axfiolme  with  the  demesne  plot  of  Nether  Burneham,  co.  Lincoln,  and  all 
other  lands  in  that  county  lately  belonging  to  John  Penicok,  a  rebel,  to  the 
value  of  12/.  yearly.  By  p.8. 

Feb.  1.  Grant. to  Walter  Scull,  knight,  and  his  heirs  male  of  all  lands,  rents 

Westminster,   and  services  in  Wyche,  Doverdale  and  their  suburbs,  Wychebolde,  Croulci 

Mylton  and  Hertylburie,  co.  Worcester,  to  fhe  value  of  20  marks  yearly,  in 

the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of  John  Lenche,  esquire,  by 

authority  of  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November.  By  p.8. 

Jan,  30.  Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  the  king's  servant  John  Milewateri 
Westminster,  esquire,  as  receiver  genenil  of  all  the  king's  castles,  lordships,  manors  and 
lands  within  the  forest  of  Dean,  all  castles,  lordships,  manors  and 
lands  in  the  counties  of  Gloucester,  Hereford,  Worcester  and  Salop  and 
Wales  and  the  marches  of  Wales  late  of  John,  duke  of  Norfolk,  tenant  in 
chief,  and  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  John  his  son 
and  heir,  late  of  Humphrey,  duke  of  Buckingham,  tenant  in  chief,  and  in 
the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  Henry  his  heir,  late  of  John, 
earl  of  Shrewsbury,  tenant  in  chief,  and  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of 
the  minority  of  John  his  son  and  heir,  or  late  of  Henry,  duke  of  Somerset, 
and  JameS)  earl  of  Wilts,  and  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  their 
forfeitures  and  by  authority  of  an  Act  of  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4 
November,  and  the  king's  castle  and  lordship  of  Haverford  West  in  South 
Wales,  receiving  10/.  yearly  for  his  fee,  wages  and  expenses  from  the  issues 
of  his  receipt.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  1.  General  pardon  to  Walter  Skull,  knight,  By  p.s, 


1461.  MsMnMifn  6. 

Nov.  28.         Pardon  to  John  Salygode  kite  of  Watford,  co.  Hertford, '  servant,*  of  his 

Westminster,  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Huntingdon  for  not  appearing  before  the  justices 

of  the  Bench  in  the  fate,  reign  to  answer  Robert  Ferrour  for  leaving  his 

service,  he  having  surrendered  to  the  Flet«  prison,  as  appears  by  certificate 

of  Bobert  Danby,  knight,  chief  justice. 


1462.  Mefkbratie  6— ccm^. 

Jan.  12.  Foundation  of  a  fraternity  or  guild  of  the  men  of  Uie  mystery  of  clothiers 
Westminster,  of  the  town  of  Shrewsbury  to  find  a  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily 
in  the  collegiate  parish  church  of  St.  Mary,  Shrewsbury,  for  the  good  estate 
of  the  king  and  the  brethren  and  sisters  of  the  guild  and  for  their  souls  after 
death  and  the  souls  of  the  king's  father  Richard,  his  brother  Edmund,  earl 
of  Rutland,  and  his  other  progenitors  and  successors,  and  also  certain  poor 
persons  of 'either  sex  to  pray  for  the  same,  to  be  called  the  guild  of  the 
Holy  Trinity  of  the  men  of  the  mystery  of  clothiers  of  the  town  of  Shrews- 
bury and  to  form  one  corporate  body  ;  and  appointment  of  Johu  Knyght  as 
master  and^Degory  Watur  and  Richard  Watur  as  wardens  or  guardians  of 
the  guild  for  the  ensuing  year.  The  members  shall  have  power  to  receive 
brethren  and  sisters,  to  choose  the  chaplain  and  poor  pei'sons  and  also  the 
master  and  guardians  for  their  governance  and  to  remove  them  if  necessary  at 
the  discretion  of  the  majority,  and  to  hold  possessions  and  sue  and  be  sued. 
Grant  to  them  also  of  all  the  lands,  rents  and  services  which  the  king  now 
has  with  Margaret  Dakkes  and  Roger  Webbe  in  Shrewsbury  and  in 
Foriecta  Monachorum,  Caludham  and  Castell  Foriecta  in  the  suburbs  and 
elsewhere  within  the  liberty  of  the  town  of  the  grant  of  Nicholas  Gerard, 
late  of  Shrewsbury,  esquire,  and  all  the  land?,  rents  and  services  in  Shrews- 
bury which  the  king  had  of  the  grant  of  Hugh  Dyer  alias  Berewik ;  and 
licence  for  them* to  acquire  lands,  tenements  and  rents,  not  held  in  chief,  to 
the  value  of  40/.  yearly.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  26.  Grant  to  Alice  Lynne  of  London,  widow,  and  her  heirs  and  assigns  that 
Westminster,  the  tronage  of  wools  in  the  port  of  London  shall  always  be*  at  a  house  now 
belonging  to  her  called  '  le  Weynghous '  situated  on  le  Newe  Woli  Wharf 
in  the  parish  of  St.  Mary  Berkyng,  London,  for  the  easement  of  which  and 
for  a  cellar  she  shall  receive  4/.  yearly  from  the  custoni  of  wools,  hides  and 
wool-fells  in  the  port.  By  p.s.  [741.] 

1461,  Mbubranb  5. 

I>ec«  22.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Clay,  king's  knight,  Joan  his  wife,  and  John  his 
Westminster.  8on  of  the  reversion  of  the  manor  of  Chesthunt,  co.  Hertford,  and  the 
advowson  of  the  church  there  with  knights'  fees,  lands,  rents,  liberties, 
waifs,  strays,  courts  leet,  wards,  marriages,  escheat's  and  other  appurtenances 
on  the  death  of  Elizabeth  Say,  widow,  who  holds  the  same  for  life  of  the 
king's  grant.  By  p.s. 

Grant  in  fee  simple  to  the  said  John  Clay,  for  his  good  service  to  the 
king  and  the  king's  father,  of  all  lands  and  possessions  of  which  Thomas 
Ormond,  esquire,  was  seised  in  the  counties  of  Essex  and  Cambridge,  in  the 
king's  hands  by  reason  of  his  forfeiture,  to  the  valuo  of  200  marks  yearly. 

By  pA 

June  14.         Grant  for  life  to  Nicholas  Suthcote,  one  of  the  king's  Serjeants  at  arms, 

Westminster,    of  wages  of  I2d.  daily  from  4  March  last  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of 

Somerset  and  Dorset,  and  a  liveiy  of  the  suit  of  esquires  of  the  household 

yearly  at  the  great  wardrobe.  By  K.  by  word  of  mouth. 


Jan.  12.         The  like  to  Thomas  Jolyf,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king's  father  and 

Westminster,  others  of  his  kinsmen  and  friends,  of  the  office  of  bailiff  of  the  liberty  and 

franchises  of  the  king's  honour  of  Richemond  in  the  counties  of  Norfolk 

and  Suffolk,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  K. 


July  23.         The  like  to  Richard  Langport,  clerk,  of  the  office  of  clerk  of  the  king's 

Westminster,  eoimcil,  receiving  40  marks  yearly  from  4  March  last  from  the  issues  of  Uie 

king's  manor  or  lordship  of  Bradwell,  co.  Essex,  and  a  summer  and  winter 

livery  at  the  great  wardrobe.  By  p.s« 

I  BDWAED  IV^— Part  III.  »^ 

1462*  Metnhrane  5 — cont. 

Jail.  29.  Grant  to  Nicholas  Gi^nesford,  king*s  esquire,   usher  of    the  king's 

WevtviiiBter.  chamber,  of  the  custody  of  all  lands  late  of  John  Michelgrove,  deceased, 
tenant  in  chief  of  B'enrj  VI.  by  knight-service,  during  the  minority  of 
Elizabeth  hii  daughter  and  hoiresa,  with  the  marriage  of  the  latter. 

fBy  p.s. 

Feb.  I.  Grant  to  Thomas  Burgh,  one  of  the  esquires  of  the  b<^y,  and  John 

Westmiiwter.  Ingelfeld,  esquire,  and  their  assigns  from  Michaelmas  last  during  the  life  of 
Imavia,  late  the  wife  of  Thomas  Skalys,  knight,  of  the  manor  and  lordship 
of  Shiplake,  co.  Oxford,  and  all  lands  and  possessions  in  that  county  late  of 
the  said  ImaTia  and  now  in  the  king's  hands,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons, 
courts  leet,  ^dews  of  frank-pledge,  parks,  warrens  and  other  profits,  rendering 
20/.  yearly  at  the  Esccbcqner  and  supporting  all  houses,  .buildings  and 
enclosures.  By  p4i. 


Dec.  1,  Qrapt  for  life  to  Thomas  Stotfold  and  William  Purpill  of  the  office  of 

'Westmioftctr.  keeper  of  the  small  park  and  warren  of  Bardefeld,  co.  Essex,  receiving  the 

accustomed  fees  with  all  other  profits,  in  lieu  of  a  grant  of  the  some  to  the 

said  Thomas  by  letters  patent  of  the  king's  father  Richard,  duke  of  York, 

confirmed  by  letters  patent  of  the  king,  surt*endered.  By  p.s. 


Feb.  1.  Grant  in  frank  almoin  to  John,  the  abbot,  and  the  convent  of  St.  Mary's, 

Westmiaeter.  Teukesbury,  co.  Gloucester,  in  the  diocese  of  Worcester,  at  the  request  of 
the  king's  kinsman  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  great  chamberlain  of  Engknd, 
and  Anne  his  consort,  patroness  of  the  said  monastery,  of  the  advowson  of 
the  alien  priory  of  Goldclyff  in  the  marches  of  Wales,  in  the  diocese  of 
Llondafi*,  with  all  manors,  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  lands,  rents,  services, 
mills,  woods,  meadows,  villeins,  wards,  marriages,  courts,  views  of  frank 
pledge,  liberties  and  other  emoluments  and  appurtenances  in  England  and 
Wales,  belonging  to  the  king  as  true  heir  of  Edward  III.  and  Richard  II., 
to  celebrate  divine  service  within  the  monastery  for  the  good  estate  of  the 
king  and  the  said  earl  and  his  wife,  and  for  their  souls  after  death,  and  the 
souU  of  the  king's  father  Richard,  duke  of  York,  his  brother  Edmund,  earl 
of  Rutland,  his  uncle  Richard,  earl  of  Salisbury,  and  Isabel,  late  countess  of 
Warwick,  wife  of  Richard,  late  earl  of  Warwick.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  23.  Grant,  during  pleasui-e,  to  the  king's  sister  Margaret  of  40/.  yearly  at 

Westmiiuter.  the  Exchequer  from  Michaelmas  last.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  5.  Mandate  to  all  bailiffs  and  others  to  permit  Thomas  Michelson,  clerk,  a 

Westmiiuter.  native  of    Scotland,  dwelling  at  Mikelfeld  in  the  diocese  of  Norwich  in 

England,  who  has  taken  an  oath  of  fealty,  to  inhabit  the  realm  peaceably 

and  enjoy  his  goods.  By  p.8. 

1461^  Membrane  4. 

Oct.  15.         Grant  to  Roger  Coverdale,  clerk  in  the  office  of  the  privy  seal,  of  the 

We«tntiofter.  free  chupel  of  Egnlleswall  within  the  loi*dship  of  Egulleswall,  in  the  diocese 

of  Hereford.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  5.  Grant   to  Richard  Chok,  one  of  the  justices  of  the  Bench,  for  the 

Bristol.  better  maintenance  of  his  estate,  of  110  marks  yearly  at  the  hands 
of  the  keeper  of  the  hanaper  or  the  customers  in  the  ports  of  London, 
Bristol,  and  Kyngeston  on  Hall,  according  to  the  form  of  an  Act  of 
Parliament  at  Westminster,  18  Henry  YI.,  and  of  106f.  \l\d.  and  the 
sixth  part  of  \d.  yearly  at  Christmas  for  a  furred  robe,  and  6d#.  6d.  yearly 
at  Whitsuntide  for  a  lined  robe. 


J4gJ^  Membrane  ^-^^^ont, 

Oct.  30.  General  pardon  to  John  Jehan  for  all  offences  committed  by  him  before 

Westminster.   20  July  last.  By  p.s. 

June  20*         Appointment,  during  good  behaviour,  of  Peter  Arderne,  knight^  as  chief 
Westminster,  baron  of  the  Exchequer,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.8* 

Nov.  9.  Inspeximtis  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent  of  Humphrey,  duke  of 

Westminster.   Gloucester,  son,  brother  and  uncle  of  kings,  earl  of  Pembroke  and  great 

chamberlain  of  England,  dated   at  his  manor  of  Plaisance,  7  January, 

23  Henry  VI.,  being  a  grant  for  life  to  his  servitor  Henry  Habyndon  of 

a  rent  of  8/.  yearly  from  the  issues  of  Hadley  Ree  and  Legh  Ree,  co.  Essex. 

By  p.s.,  and  for  \  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Nov.  14.        General  pardon  to  Richard  Assebv,  burgess  of  Grymmesby,  co.    Lincoln, 

Westminster,  and  grant  to  him  of  all  the  goods  and  lands  that  were  his  after  the  first  day 

of  the  reign.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  24.        Ratification  to  John  Crecy  of  his  possession  of  the  deanery  of  the  king's 

Westminster,  free  chapel  of  St.  Mary,  Shrewsbury,  and  his  prebend  in  the  king's  free 

chapel  of  St.  Stephen  within  his  palace  of  Westminster.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  13.         Inspeximus  and  confirmation   of  letters   patent   of   the   king's    father 

Westminster.   Richard,  duke  of  York,  dated  at,  2  October,  1460,  being  a  grant 

for  life  to  George  Hilton,  for  his  go<5d  service  to  him  and  his  son  Edward, 

earl  of  March,  according  to  a  certain  indenture,  of  a  yearly  rent  of  100«. 

from  the  issues  of  his  lordship  of  Wakefield. 

For  \  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Dec.  1.  Pardon,  for  221.  paid  in  the  hanaper,  to  David  ap  Javan,  rector  of  ihe 

Westminster,  church  of  Acton  Bornell,  and  William  Tagge,  rector  of  the  church  of 
Norton  in  Halis,  for  their  trespass  in  acquiring  in  fee  from  William  Burley, 
alias  Boerley,  of  Bromcrofte,  and  Margaret  his  wife  the  manor  of  Aerley, 
CO.  Stafford,  held  in  chief,  and  entering  thereon  without  licence  of  the 
late  king. 

Exemplification,  at  the  i^equest  of  the  tenants  of  the  manor  of  Houstone 

Westminster,  and  the  town  of  Sewelle,  of  a  certificate  in  Chancery  by  the  treasurer  and 
chamberlains  of  an  entry  in  Domesday  Book  under  the  title  of  the  king's 
land  in  the  county  of  Bedford,  beginning  M,  Houstone  and  ending  dicere 
audier\     [Dotnesdai/  Book^foL  209. 6.] 

Dec.  6.  General  pardon  to  the  king's  kinsman  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  and 

Westminster.  Anne  his  wife  of  all  offences  committed  by  them.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  22.         Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  Vincent  Pitelesden  as  receiver  from 
Westminster.   Michaelmas  last  of  all  lordships,  manors  and  lands  late  of  Thomas,  earl  of 
Devon,   in   the  counties   of  Devon,    Cornwall,   Somerset,   Dorset,  BerkS| 
Buckingham  and  Southampton,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees. 

By  bill  of  treasurer. 


Jan.  21.  Release  to  John  Lok,  Geoflrey  Boleyn,  Thomas  Bryan,  *gentilman,' 
Westminster.  Thomas  Burgoyn,  John  Alburgh,  Henry  Newman  and  Master  William 
Dallyng,  clerk,  who  are  seised  in  their  demesne  as  of  fee  in  the  manor  of 
Albotteslee  formerly  called  *  Scottesmaner,'  co.  Huntingdon,  formerly  of 
John,  late  viscount  Beaumonte,  and  other  his  co-feofiees  for  his  use,  of  all 
the  king's  rights  in  the  said  manor  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  or  attaint  of 
William  Beaumonte,  knight,  son  of  the  said  viscount,  by  an  act  of  Parlia- 
ment at  Westminster,  1  Kdward  IV.  By  K. 

\^Q\.  Membrane  3. 

July  22.  Grant  to  Philippa,  late  the  wife  of  Valentine  Chich,  esquire^  tenant 

Westminster,  in   chief  of  Henry   VT.,  of  the   custody   of  all    his   lordships,  manors, 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  III.  ^S 

1461  f  Membrane  3 — cont, 

lands  and  other  possessions  during  the  minority  of  Maigaret,  his  daughter 
and  heiress,  with  the  custody  and  marriage  of  the  latter,  and  of  the  like 
during  the  minority  oF  the  next  heir  should  she  die  a  minor  or  if  the  child 
with  which  she  herself  is  pregnant  should  be  male,  and  so  from  heir  to 
heir,  finding  a  competent  sustenance  for  the  heir  and  supporting  all 
charges.  By  p.s. 

May  5.  Grant  to  the  king's  kinsman  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  of  all  the  offices, 

Hiddlebam.  b;rms  and  custodies  which  his  father  Richard,  earl  of  Salisbury,  deceased, 
had  or  which  he  had  conjointly  with  his  father  or  with  Thomas  Nevill  and 
John  Nevill,  knights,  his  brothers,  or  any  of  them  by  letters  of  Henry  YI., 
to  hold  the  said  offices  for  life  and  the  farms  and  custodies  for  a  term  of 
twenty  years.  By  K. 

July  10.         Grant  for  life  to  John  Copeldike,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  bailiff  of  the 
Weatmiiigter.  town  of  Wynchelsee,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p,s. 

July  16.         The  like  to  Thomas  Walton,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  one  of  the  king's 

Westminster.  Serjeants  at  arms,  with  wages  of  12rf.  daily  from  4  March  last  from  the 

issues  of  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk  and  a  coat  of  the  king's  livery 

yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  great  wardrobe  of  the  same  suit  and  cloth  as 

other  Serjeants  at  arms,  with  all  other  accustomed  fees. 

By  K.  by  word  of  mouth. 

July  13.         Appointment  of  Richard  Darlond  as  receiver  of  the  manor  or  lordship  of 
Westminster.  Milton  and  all  lands  late  of  James,  earl  of  Wilts,  in  the  counties  of  Kent 
and  Surrey,  with  the  accustomed  fees,  from  Michaelmas  last  so  long  as  they 
remain  in  the  king's  hands,  making  his  account  yearly  at  the  Exchequer. 

By  bill  of  treasurer^ 

July  16.  Grant  to  Richard,  bishop  of  Salisbury,  for  twenty  years  from  Easter  last^ 

Westminster*  of  the  castle,  manor,  park,  borough  and  lordship  of  Devise,  the  town  of 
Roude  and  the  forests  of  Melkesham,  Fevesham  and  Chippenham,  co.  Wilts, 
rendering  46/.  13«.  4cf.  yearly  at  the  Exchequer.  The  king  granted  the 
custody  of  the  same  to  him  by  letters  patent  dated  8  April,  containing  a 
clause  providing  for  the  transfer  of  the  custody  to  anybody  who  should 
offer  a  higher  price,  which  is  now  cancelled ;  and  the  rent  was  fixed  on  12 
April  by  agieement  with  Henry,  earl  of  Essex,  viscount  Bourgchier, 
treasurer  of  England.  By  p.s.  and  for  \  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

July  3.  Grant  in  frank  almoin  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Ivychurch  by  the 

Westmiuster.  king^s  park  of  Claringdon,  co.  Wilts,  in  return  for  their  release  of  a  plot  of 
land  called  *•  Feleschcrof  tis '  and  pasture  for  40  oxen  and  cows  and  20  swine 
with  their  issues  within  the  park,  granted  to  them  by  the  king's  progenitors, 
and  all  their  rights  in  the  park,  of  the  church  or  prebend  of  Uphavyn,  co. 
Wilts,  called  an  alien  priory,  with  the  chapel  of  Charleton  annexed,  with 
fruits,  tithes,  jurisdictions,  lands,  woods,  rents,  services,  advowsons, 
franchises,  liberties,  views  of  frank  pledge,  courts  and  other  appurtenances, 
provided  that  they  pay  tithes  granted  by  the  clergy  of  the  province  of 
Canterbury  and  moneys  due  to  the  church  of  Salisbury.  By  p.s. 

April  18.        Appointment,   during  pleasure,  of  Thomas  Barton  as  controller  of  the 
Westminster,  king's  petty  custom  in  the  port  of  London  and  ports  and  places  adjacent, 
receiving  the  accustomed  fees,  provided  that  he  execute  the  office  in  person, 
with  the  custody  of  one  part  of  the  coket  seal. 

By  bill  of  treasurer. 

Oct.  2.  The  like  of  William  Hatclyff  in  the  same.  By  bUl  of  treasurer. 


Nov.  6.  The  like  of  John  Pilkyngton  as  controller  of  the  subsidy  of  3*.  in  the  tun 

,  Westminster^  and  \2d.  in  the  pound  in  the  same*  By  bill  of  treasurer. 


X461.  ^  Membrane  2. 

July  24.         Appointment  for  life  of  the  king's  servant  John  Bolyngton  as  marshal 

Weitminiter.  of  the  Chief  Bench,  the  Exchequer  and  the  Common  Bench  of  Ireland 

and  the    king's  justices  and  commissioners  there  and  controller  of  the 

customs  and  subsidies  of  cokets  there,  with  all  accustomed  profits.     By  p.s. 

July  26.  Appointment  for  life  of  Geoffrey  Gate  as  the  king's  lieutenant  of  the  Isle 
Westminster,  of  Wyght  and  his  castle  and  lordship  of  Caresbroke  and  receiver  of  all  the 
issues  of  the  same  and  all  other  lordships,  manors,  lands  and  possessions  of 
the  king  within  the  island,  receiving  2s,  daily  as  lieutenant,  6#.  Sd.  daily  as 
wages  of  10  men  at  arms,  and  Ss,  Sd,  daily  as  wages  of  20  archers  for  the 
safe  custody  of  the  same  firom  the  said  issues  and  accounting  for  the  surplus 
at  the  Exchequer.  By  K. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelled^   because  the  king  granted  the 
offices  to  him  by  other  letters  patent^  13  March^  6  Edward  lY. 

July  27.  Grant  to  John  Paston,  esquire,  and  Thomas  Hows,  clerk,  of  700  marks, 
Westminster,  viz. : — 100  marks  from  the  first  moneys  from  the  fee  farm  and  issues  of  the 
city  of  Norwich  and  100  marks  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of 
Norfolk  and  Suffolk  until  the  whole  be  paid,  in  satisfaction  of  a  bill 
(English)  dated  12  July,  by  which  the  *  king  acknowledges  that  he  has 
received  of  thorn  by  the  assent  of  Thomas,  archbishop  of  Canterbury,  and 
Master  John  Stokys,  clerk,  *an  nowche  of  gold  with  a  gret  poynted 
dyamaunt  set  upon  a  rose  euamellid  white  and  a  nowche  of  gold  in  facion  of 
a  raggedstaff  with  2  yroages  of  man  and  woman  garnysshed  with  a  ruby  a 
dyamaunt  and  a  gret  porle  '  which  the  king's  father  pledged  to  Sir  John 
Fastx>lff,  knight,  fbr  437/.  and  an  obligation  of  the  same  to  the  said  knight's 
roan  in  100  marks,  and  promises  to  pay  the  said  700  marks  in  sums  of 
200, 200,  200  and  100  marks  at  the  four  next  feasts  of  All  Sainto. 

By  K.  by  word  of  mouth. 

July  26.         Grant  for  life  to  Richard  Neel  of  40/.  yearly  from  Easter  last  from  the 
WestmiDster.  farm  of  the  town  of  Derby.  By  p.s. 

July  25.         The  like  to  John  Rogger  of  the  office  of  the  custody  of  the  king's 
Westminster,  armoury  within  the  Tower  of  London,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  from 
the  issues  of  the  county  of  Kent. 

July  21.         Grant    to  Nicholas  Gaynesford,  king's  esquire,   usher    of    the  king's 

Westmioster.  chamber,  of  the  custody  of  the  lands  late  of  John  Michelgrove,  deceased, 

tenant  in  chief  by  knight-servioe,  during  the  minority  of  Elizabeth  his 

daughter  and  heiress,  with  the  marriage  of  the  latter.  By  p.s. 

July  15.  Grant  for  life  to  George  Myddylton  of  the  office  of  porter  of  the  kins's 

Westminster,  manor  of  Claryngdon,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  the 

first  of  Richard  II.  By  p.s. 

July  11.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Wijliam  Elyot  of  the  custody  of  the  king's 
Westminster,  park  of  Gylforth,  with  fees  as  above.  By  p.s. 

July  24.  Inspexitntts  and  confirmation  to  Stephen  Preston  of  letters  patent  of  the 
Westminster,  king's  father  Richard,  duke  of  York,  both  dated  at  London,  1  November, 
1460,  (I)  appointing  him  for  life  constable  and  keeper  of  his  castle  of 
Briggewater,  co.  Somerset,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues 
of  his  lordships  in  the  county,  and  (2)  appointing  him  for  life  his  lieutenant 
and  keeper  of  the  forest  or  park  of  Federton  by  Briggewater,  with  the 
accustomed  fees  ;  and  grant  to  him  of  full  power  and  authority  in  the  park 
as  the  rangers  and  foresters  have  always  had. 

By  K.  and  for  \  mark  paid  in  the  hanapcr. 

Aug.  14.         Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  Richard  Rokyngton  to  take  stone- 
Westminster,   cutters,  masons,  plumbers,  tilers,  smiths,  plasterers  and  other  workmen 
for  the  repairs  at  the  king's  palace  of  Westminster,  Tower  of  London  and 
manor  of  Eltham  and  elsewhere  within  the  realm  and  also  stones,  timber. 

1  EDWAED  IV.-.PART  III.  97 

l4i6l»  Membrane  2 — cont. 

iron,  leady  glass,  tiles,  laths,  shingles,  boards  and  other  necessaries  and 
carriage  for  the  same. 
The  like  of  the  following  :-<~ 
William  Smalwode. 
John  Hurlej. 

Membranh  1. 

Jnly  12.         General  pardon  to  Richard  Wjdevill,  knight,  of  Byvers  of  all  offences 
Westminster,  committed  by  him,  and  grant  that  he  may  hold  and  enjoy  his  possessions 

and  offices.  By  p.s. 

July  23.         The  like  to  Antony  Wydeville,  knight,  of  Scales.  By  p.8. 


July  26.         Grant  for  life  to  John  Moygno,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king  and  the 

Westminster,  king's  father  Richard,  duke  of  York,  of  the  office  of  forester  of  la  Westbailly 

within  the  forest  of  JPurbek,  co.  Dorset,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the 

issues  of  the  counties  of  Somerset  and  Dorset.  By  K. 

July  23.  Inspeanmus  and   coDflrmation   of  letters  patent  of    the    king's   father 

Westminster.  Richard,  duke  of  York,  dated  at  London,  25  April,  14  Henry  VI.,  being 

a  grant  for  life  to  his  sister  Isabel,  countess  of  Eu,  of  a  yearly  rent  of 

100/.  from  the  issues  of  his  manors  or  lordships  iu  the  counties  of  Norfolk, 

Suffolk  and  Essex.  By  K.  and  for  20^.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

June  20.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent  of  the  said  duke  date<l  al 

Westminster,  his  castle  of  Lodelowe,  18  April,  30  Henry  VI.,  being  a  grant  for  life  to 
Nicholas  Pemberton,  esquire,  of  a  yearly  rent  of  100*.  from  the  issues  of  his 
manor  and  lordship  of  Wakefield,  co.  York. 

For  \  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

July  10.  Confirmation  to  Elizabeth,  the  abbess,  and  the  convent  of  St.  Saviour  and 
Weetmiofter.  SS.  Mary  and  Bridget,  Syon,  of  their  foundation  by  Henry  V.  and  their 
endowmeats  by  Heniy  V.  and  Henry  VI.  and  all  their  estate  in  the  manor 
of  Istilworth,  co.  Middlesex,  a  fishery  called  ^Routewere*  by  the  same 
within  the  banks  of  the  Thames,  a  weir  by  Kyngeston  on  Thames  called 
*  Hammewere,'  co.  Surrey,  and  a  parcel  of  mearlow  adjacent  enclosed  by  tho 
river  Thames  and  a  ditch,  a  dove-cote  and  a  iiarcel  of  land  adjacent  in 
Petrisham,  co.  Surrey,  a  dove-cote  and  a  parcel  of  land  adjacent  in 
Hamme,  2  acres  of  land  in  Y'evele,  co.  Somerset,  with  the  advowson 
of  the  church  of  Yevele,  the  manur  of  Worton  and  all  lands,  rents  and 
services  which  Alice,  late  the  wife  of  Edmund  Fauconer,  deceased,  lately 
held  for  life  in  Istilworth  of  the  grant  of  Edward  III.,  the  priories  of 
Oterton  alias  Otryngton,  co.  Devon,  and  Lancastre  with  their  appurtenances, 
all  lands  and  possessions  late  of  the  alien  abbot  and  convent  of  Seez  within 
the  realm,  the  priory  of  Lodres,  co.  Dorset,  with  all  its  lands  and  possessions, 
a  portion  in  the  church  of  Martok,  co.  Somerset,  with  its  appurtenances, 
late  parcel  of  the  possessions  of  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Mont  St.  Michel, 
4  tuns  of  Gascon  wine  yearly  in  the  fK)rt  of  London,  all  lands  and  posses.sions 
^  late  of  the  alien  abbot  and  convent  of  Fecamp  in  Normandy  in  the  counties 

of  Sussex  and  Gloucester  and  elsewhere  within  the  realm  which  John 
Cornewaill,  knight,  and  Elizabeth  his  wife,  deceased,  Litely  held  for  life  of 
the  grant  of  Henry  V.,  the  manors,  rectories  or  churches  of  Chilham, 
Molessh  and  Treulegh  formerly  of  the  abbot  and  convent  of  St.  Bertin 
beyond  seas,  the  manor  of  Grauncortes,  co.  Essex,  a  messuage,  a  carucate 
and  2  virgates  of  land,  24  acres  of  meadow,  4  acres  of  wood,  20  acres  of 
pasture,  18«.  rent  and  pasture  for  100  sheep  in  Istilwoith,  Twykenham, 
Worton  and  Heston,  co.  Middlesex,  the  manor  of  Hynton  with  appurtenances 
called  '  Uphalle,'  co.  Cambridge,  and  all  lands,  rents  and  services  which 
Henry  Fitz  Hugh,  lord  of  Ravenswath,  deceased,  lately  had  in  the  towns  of 
«    %%^u,  Q 


1461.  Membrane  1— con^. 

HjntOD,  Great  Wilburgham  and  Little  Wilbarghaniy  co.  Cambridge,  and 
the  reversion  of  the  manor  of  Michelhampton  €Uias  Mjnchynhampton,  co. 
Gloucester,  lately  belonging  to  the  alien  abbey  of  Caen,  which  Alice,  duchess 
of  Suffolk,  holds  for  life  of  the  grant  of  Henry  Y.,  with  all  hundreds,  courts 
Jeet,  wapentakes,  views  of  frank-pledge,  manors,  lands,  possessions,  rents, 
services,  suits,  villeins,  churches,  knights'  fees,  wards,  reliefs,  escheats, 
advowsons,  woods,  warrens,  fairs,  markets,  liberties,  franchises  and  other 
profits,  that  they  may  pray  for  the  good  estate  of  the  king  and  Cicely  his 
mother  and  for  their  souls  after  death  and  the  souls  of  the  king's  father 
Bichard,  late  duke  of  York,  and  his  progenitors. 

By  pj9.  and  for  20/.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Sept.  5.         Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  Bichard  Chok  as  one  of  the  justices  of 
Bristol.       the  Bench,  receiving  the  accustomed  fee.  By  C. 

Ju]y  8.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Balph  Cliderowe  of  the  town  of  Calais 

WestmiuBter.  of  the  office  of  ranger  of  the  king's  forest  of  Whichewode,  co.  Oxford,  with 
fees  of  id,  daily  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Oxford  and  Berks. 

By  p.8. 
Vacated  because  otherwise  in  the  same  year  in  the  fifth  roll, 


Aug.  12.  Commission  to  the  king's  kinsman  Bichard,  earl  of  Warwick,  William, 
Westmiaster.  earl  of  Arundel,  John  Audeley  of  Audeley,  John  Sutton  of  Duddeley, 
knight,  William  Bourghchier  of  Fitz  Waren,  knight,  Bichard  Grey  of 
Fowes,  William  Ludlowe,  Boger  Kynaston,  Thomas  Hoorde,  Hugh 
Stepulton,  John  Lanley,  Nicholas  Eton,  Boger  Foxe,  Balph  Lee, 
Thomas  Corbet  of  Lye  and  the  sheriQT  to  urge  the  king's  subjects  of  the 
county  of  Salop  to  array  a  force  at  their  own  expense  for  defence  of 
the  county  and  the  adjoining  parts  of  Wales  against  the  rebels,  to  be  at 
Hereford  on  the  Nativity  of  the  Virgin. 

The  like  to  the  following  in  the  counties  named  : — 

Bichard,  earl  of  Warwick.  John  Beauchamp  of  Powyk,  knight,  John 

Sutton  of  Duddeley,  knight,  Walter  Skull,  knight,  Thomas  Lygen, 

Thomas  Holford  and  the  sheriff,  in  the  county  of  Worcester. 

Bichard,  eari  of  Warwick,  John  Audeley  of  Audeley,  John  Sturton  of 

Sturton,  knight,  Humphrey  Stafford  of  Suthewyke,  knight,  William 

Sturton,    knight,    William    Carraunt,    John    Neuburgh,    William 

Brownyng,  John  Stork,  William  Kailwaye,  Thomas  Husy  and  the 

sheriff^  in  the  county  of  Dorset. 

Bichard,  earl  of  Warwick,  William,  earl  of  Arundel,  William  Botreaux, 

knight,  John  Audeley  of  Audeley,  John  Sturton  of  Sturton,  knight, 

Humphrey  Stafford  of  Suthwike,  knight,  Edmund  Hongerford,knighti 

Boger  Tocotes,  knight,  John  Willughby,  knight,  Eteginald  Sturton, 

knight,  Henry  Long,  John  Whitokesmede,  Thomas  Bogers,  Philip 

Morgan  and  the  sheriff,  in  the  county  of  Wilts. 

Bichard,  earl  of  Warwick,  James  Berkeley,  knight,  Balph  de  Su^pley, 

knight,  John  Beauchamp  of  Powyk,  knight,  John  Grevile,^  William 

Notyngham,  John  Botiller  of  Badmyngton,  Giles  de  Brigge',  William 

Clyfford,  William  Walweyn  of  Bikerton  and  tlie  sheriff,  in  the  county 

of  Gloucester. 

Bichard,  earl  of  Warwick,  Walter  Devereux  of  Ferrers,  knight,  William 

Herbert  of  Herbert,  knight,  James  Baskervile,  Eustace  Whitteney, 

Thomas  Bromwiche,  John  Welford,  Thomas  Brigge  of  Bosse,  John 

Kene  and  the  sheriff,  in  the  county  of  Hereford. 

Bichard,  earl  of  V/arwick,  William  Bourgchier  of  Fitz  waren,  knight, 

Philip  Courtenay,  knight,  John   Dynham,   Boger  Champernoun, 

1  EDWABD  IV^Pabt  HI.  '  96 

1461«  Membrane  2*7d — cont, 

Walter  Halegh,  John  Gyfford,  John  More,  Thomas  Donrjsshe  the 
younger,  John  Orchard  and  the  sheriff,  in  the  county  of  Devon. 
Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  William  Botreaux,  knight,  John  Audeley  of 
Audeley,  John  Stouiton  of  Stourton,  knight,  Humphrey  Stafford  of 
Suthwike,  knight,  Theobald  Gorges,  knight,  William  Courtenayy 
John  Cheney  of  Penne,  Robert  Wan*e,  John  Sydenham  the  elder, 
John  Fitz  James,  Robert  Stowell,  John  Porter  and  the  sheriff,  in  the 
county  of  Somerset. 

Membrane  26d. 

Aag.  10.         Commission  to  William  Herbert,,  knight,  lord  Herbert,  Thomas  Herbert, 
Westminster,  esquire  of  the  body,  John  Herbert  and  Hugh  Huntley  to  take  into  the  king's 

hands  the  county  and  lordship  of  Pembroke  with  its  appurtenances  in 
England  and  Wales  and  the  marches  of  Wales  and  all  castles,  lordships, 
manors,  lands  and  possessions  late  of  Jaspar,  earl  of  Pembroke,  a  rebel,  the 
castle  of  Dunster,  co.  Somerset,  and  all  other  castles,  lordships,  manors,  lands 
and  possessions  late  of  James  Loterell,  knight,  a  rebel,  deceased,  and  the 
castles  and  lordships  of  Godricbe  and  Urchenfeld  in  the  county  of  Hereford 
and  the  marches  of  Wales  adjoining  that  county  and  the  county  of 
Gloucester,  and  the  advowsons  pertaining  to  the  same,  belonging  to  the 
king  by  the  forfeiture  of  John,  late  earl  of  Shrewsbury ;  with  power  to 
appoint  stewards,  constables,  receivers,  auditors  and  other  bailiffs.      By  p.8. 

Aug.  28.         Commission  to  the  bailiffs  of  Scardeburgh  to  arrest  John  Lambert  and 
Silbory.       bring  him  before  the  king  in  council. 

Aug.  30.        Appointment,  during  pleasui'e,  of  Richard  Frankton  to  make  provision 
Silbuiy.       of  fuel  for  the  equipment  and  defence  of  the  town  of  Calais. 

Ang.  28.         Commission  to  Richard  Frankton  to  inquire  into  the  wreck  of  a  hulk 
Silbvry.       (hulca)   of  Middelburgh  on  the  coast  of  Essex,  and  to  cause  the  gear 
of  the  hulk  and  divers  goods  and  merchandise  thrown  ashore  to  be  restored 
to  their  owners. 

Sept.  10.        Commission  to  William  Wadyn,  Richard  Wadyn,  and  John  Power,  to 
MalmcBbuiy.   provide  victuals   and  gear,   caniage   for  the   same  and  marimers  for   a 
ship  called  le  Cristofre  Dampne  of  Bristol,  one  of  a  fleet  which  the  king 
is  preparing  against  his  adversuries  and  rebels. 

Commission  to  Vincent  Pitelesden  to  inquire  into  the  carrying  off  of 
cables,  cords,  and  other  necessaries  from  a  ship  of  the  king's  kinsman, 
Richard  earl  of  Warwick,  called  le  Grace  Dieu^  intended  for  resistance 
against  the  king's  enemies,  and  to  arrest  and  imprison  the  offenders. 

Sept.  18.         The  like  to  Roger  Tocotes,  knight,  Henry  Longe,  John  Russell,  and 

Westminster.  John  Wytokesmede  to    inquire  what  land  Edmund  Stradlynge,   esquire, 

deceased,  held  in  the  county  of  Wilts  on  the  day  of  his  death,  who  is  his 

next  heir,  and  of  what  age,  and  who  has  occupied  the  lands  since  his  death. 

Membrane  25d. 

Sept.  5.  Commission  to  Thomas  Maunoell,  esquire,  and  John  Castell,  to  provide 

Bristol       mariners  for  a  ship  called  le  Trinite  of  Mynhede,  for  a  fleet  which  the 
king  is  preparing  against  his  adversaries  and  rebels. 

Fragment  of  an  entry  directed  to  the  king's  kinsmen  John,  duke  of 
Suffolk,  and  Henry,  earl  of  Essex,  and  John  Clynton  of  Clynton,  Richard 
Penys  of  Dacre,  William  Hastynges  of  Ha?tynges,  Humphrey  Stafford  of 
Suthwyke,  William  Herbert  of  Herbert,  John  Markham,  Robert  Danby, 
William  Yelverton,  and  Peter  Ardem,  knights,  Richard  Byngham,  Nicholas 
Ayssheton,  Robert  Danvers,  Walter  Moyle,  John  Nedeham  and  Richard 

O  2 




Sept.  7. 


Sept.  14. 

Sept.  16. 

Sept.  16. 

Sept.  20. 

Membrane  2M, — cont. 

Gloky  and  the  sheriffs  of  the  counties  of  Gloucester,  Hereford,  Somerseti 
Worcester,  and  Stafford,  and  the  town  of  Bristol. 

Commission  to  John  Power,  Edmund  Roo,  and  William  North  to  take 
masters  and  mariners  for  ships  called  le  Cristqfre  Dammey  le  Cristofer 
Howelly  and  la  Julian  of  Bristol,  for  the  kinji^'s  fleet. 

The  like  to  William  Gerveys,  William  Prewet  and  Richard  Dodym 
to  take  masters  and  mariners  as  above  for  ships  called  le  James^  la  Marie 
and  le  Kateryn  of  Brigi;ewater. 

Commission  to  Walter  Devereux  of  Ferrers,  and  William  Herbert  of 
Herbert,  knights,  Thomas  Herbert,  esquire  of  the  body,  and  Richard 
Herbert,  to  take  into  the  king's  hands  all  castles,  lordships,  manors,  lands 
and  possessions  late  of  Humphrey,  duke  of  Buckingham,  in  South  Wales, 
on  account  of  the  minority  of  Henry  son  and  heir  of  Humphrey  his  son 
and  heir.  By  K, 

Commission  to  the  mayor  and  bailiffs  of  Walyngford  to  arrest  John 
Button  of  Walyngford,  'hosteler,'  and  bring  him  before  the  king  in 

Tlie  like  to  John  Pollard,  mayor  of  Plymraouth,  Henry  Pomeray, 
esquire,  John  Penfon,  esquire,  Thomas  Dukmanton,  Thomas  Maynard, 
Walter  Warrewik  and  Thomas  Ryke  to  arrest  John  Mowns,  *  bastard,'  *  hus- 
bondman,'  John  Mowns,  *  husbondman,'  John  Morys, '  marchaunt,'  Stephen 
Chapman,  'marchaunt,'  John  Auger,  'husbondman,'  Richard  Barslyn, 
•  taillour,'  Robert  Barslyn,  *  taillour,'  and  Thomas  Marty n  of  Jepstowe,  clerk, 
and  bring  them  before  the  king  in  Chancery. 

The  like  to  the  justices  of  the  peace  in  the  county  of  Buckingluim,  the 
sheriff,  and  the  mayor  of  Clepyngwycombe  to  arrest  William  Spereman, 
'  sumnour,'  and  Roger  Bent,  <  corveser,'  and  bring  them  before  the  king  in 

Commission  to  Roger  Reynold,  John  Goland,  John  Braunche  and 
William  Brereton  to  take  lances,  lance-heads,  bows,  arrows,  cords  for  bows 
called  *  bowestrenges,'  cannons,  powder  and  other  habiliments  of  war  for  the 
king's  fleet. 

Dec.  5. 



Feb.  28. 

March  1. 


Mbmbranb  2\d. 

Commission  to  William  Chaworth,  knight,  Richard  Willughby  and  the 
sheriff  of  Derby  to  arrest  John  Cokayn  of  Aysshbourn,  esquire,  who  with 
others  wanders  about  various  parts  of  the  county  killing  and  spoiling  the 
king's  subjects,  and  bring  him  before  the  king  in  council. 

Commission  to  the  king's  constables  of  the  hundred  of  Plumesgate,  co. 
Suffolk,  to  set  wat^^hes  by  day  and  night  at  convenient  places  for  defence 
against  the  king's  enemies  at  sea  who  plunder  the  said  hundred  and 
especially  the  town  of  Alburgh  and  the  king's  subjects  Ihere. 

Commission  to  William  Herbert  of  Herbert,  knight,  and  Thomas 
Herbert,  one  of  the  esquires  of  the  body,  to  take  vessels  and  ships  within 
the  port  of  Bristol  and  other  ports  of  the  west  towards  Wales  and  ports  in 
Wales,  to  resist  the  king's  enemies. 

1461.  Membrane  \M. 

Dec.  4.  Commission  to  John  Trenowith,  Walter  Code  and  Thomas  Trefrye, 

Westminster,  esquires,  Thomas  Bere,  Richard  Joce,  John  Penfoun,  esquire,  and  the 

sheriff  of  Cornwall  to  arrest  John  Beauchamp  the  elder,  John  Beauchamp 

the    younger,  Thomas    Beauchamp,    James    Beauchamp    and    Pascasius 

Maunsell  and  bring  them  before  the  king  in  Chancery. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  III.  lOl 

1461.  Membrane  \%d. 

Nov.  80.         Commission  to  Humphrey  Bourgchier  of  Cromwell,  William  Sktpwith 
Westmiiuter.  and  Brian    Stapulton,  knights,   Thomas  Bargh,  Thomas  Blount,    John 

Whichecote,  Thomas  Kyme,  Robert  Sheffeld  the  younger,  William 
Newecombe,  John  Tailboys  and  Richard  Hauserd  the  elder  to  urge  the 
king's  able-bodied  subjects  of  the  parts  of  Lyndesey,  co.  Lincoln,  to  go 
with  the  king  against  Henry  VI.,  Margaret  his  wife  and  his  adherents. 

Dec.  3.  Commission  to  James,  abbot  of  St.  Augustine's  by  Canterbury,  Richard, 

We«tiiiiii8ter.  prior  of  Christ  Church,  Canterbury,  William  Bigge,  mayor  of  Canterbury, 
William  Haute,  esquire,  John  Isaak,  esquire,  John  Oxenden,  and  the 
sheriff  of  Kent,  to  inquire  into  divers  alleged  trespasses,  extortions, 
oppressions,  deceptions,  and  misprisions  by  Nicholas  Aleyn,  late  of  Sturrey, 
CO.  Kent,  *  yoman.' 

Dec.  9.  Commission  to  Thomas  Bere,  Walter  Code,  William  Antron  the  younger, 

Wescniiiiflter.   William    Rosmodres,  and    William    Trewynnard,  esquires,  and  Wilfiam 

Trebreff  to  arrest  William  Carnsuyewe,  esquire,  John  Beauchamp  the  elder, 

Richard  Raynold,  Richard  Nanskylly,  John  Nanskylly,  John  Tregellest, 

and  Thomas  Trenthgaus,  and  bring  them  before  the  king  in  Chanceiy. 

Dec.  14.         The  like  to   John  Kelly,  mayor  of  Exeter,  William  Grenvell,    John 
Westminster.   Hamelyn,  and  Thomas  Blower,  to  arrest  and  imprison  certain  seditious 
vagabonds  within  the  said  city  and  the  liberty  of  the  same. 

Membrane  \^d. 

Dec.  22.         The  like  to  William  Harecourt,  John  Harpur,  Roger  Baile,  William 

Westminster.   Dore  and    Nicholas  Flaxhale,  to    arrest  Humphrey  Swynarton,  late    of 

Hilton,  CO.  Stafford,  esquire,  and  bring  him  before  the  king  in  council, 

to  answer  for  certain  falsehoods    counterfeited  by  him  contrary  to    the 

statute  in  Parliament  at  Gloucester,  2  Richard  II. 

1462.  Membrane  Sd. 

Jan.  29.  Commission  to  John  Stourton  of  Stourton,  knight,  William  Stourton, 
Westminster,  knight,  John  Neuburgh,  esquire,  Thomas  Husee,  esquire,  John  Wikes, 
William  White,  mayor  of  Pole,  John  Ewelme,  John  Spedard  and  the 
justices  of  the  peace  in  the  county  of  Dorset,  to  set  the  accustomed  watches 
at  a  place  called  ^  Wyrebarowe '  by  Pole,  for  the  safety  of  the  town  and 
the  adjacent  country  and  defence  against  the  king's  enemies  of  France  and 
Brittany.  By  K. 

Membrane  5d. 

Jan.  H.  Commission  to  John  Stourton  of   Stourton,  knight,  John  Audeley  of 

Westminster.  Audeley,  Humphrey  Stafford  of  Suthewik,  knight,  George  Darell,  John 
Hall  of  Sarum,  John  Neubergh  and  John  Caraunt  the  younger,  to  arrest 
and  imprison  Master  Simon  Whatlok,  vicar  of  Mere,  John  Daunt,  John 
Lambart,  Robert  and  Edmund  his  sons,  Thomas  Southe  and  Robert 
Whatlok,  evil-dicposed  persons,  adherents  of  Henry  VI.,  Henry  late  duke 
of  Somerset,  James  late  earl  of  Wilts,  and  Robert,  late  lord,  and  (Margaret) 
the  elder  lady  of  Hungerford,  who  are  making  divers  suspicious  con- 
gregations in  divers  places  in  the  counties  of  Somerset,  Dorset,  and  Wilts. 


Jan.  8.  Commission  to  William  Overey,  James  Mauthorp,  serjeant  at  arms,  and 

Westminster,  the  sheriff  of  Kent,  to  inquire  into  the  complaint  of  John  Ry  ve,  staying 

in  the  town  of  Scluco  in  Flanders,  that  certain  pirates  stole  16  quarters  of 

wheat  and  other  goods  and  merchandise,  which  certain  subjects  of  the 

king's  kinsman,  the  duke  of  Burgundy,  were  sending  in  a  ship  to  Londoii| 

102  Calbndab  op  patent  rolls. 

1462.  Membrane  bd-^cont 

while  the  ship  was  at  anchor  in  the  Thames,  contrary  to  the  trace  betWe^tl 
the  king  and  the  duke,  and  to  arrest  the  offenders  and  cause  restitution  to 
be  made. 


Nov.  12.         Commission  to  Robert  Botell,  prior  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem  in  England, 

Westminster.  John  Wenlok  of  Wenlok,  knight,  chief  butler  of  England,  and  Peter  Ti^r, 

dean  of  St.  Severin,  to  determine  infractions  of  the  truce  with  the  king's 

kinsman  the  duke  of  Burgundy.  By  K. 



Feb.  4.  Commission  to  Humphrey  Bourghchier  of  Cromwell,  Walter  Blount  and 

Westminster.  John  Greseley,  knights,  John  Bothe,  Nicholas  Fitzherbert,  Nicholas 
Stathom,  John  Tunsted,  James  Hopwode  and  the  sheriff  of  Derby  to  arrest 
in  the  counties  of  Derby,  Nottingham  or  York  and  imprison  Richard 
Ghiitford  of  Retford,  co.  Nottingham,  and  his  abettors,  who  wander  about 
the  county  of  Derby  and  stir  up  the  king's  subjects  to  rebellion  and  have 
imprisoned  certain  of  the  king's  officers. 

The  like  to  Humphrey  Bourghchier  of  Cromwell,  Robert  Clyfton  and 
Robert  Strclley,  knights,  John  Stanhope,  Richard  Wilughby,  Thomas 
Nevill  of  Rolleston,  William  Merynges,  Thomas  Nevill  of  Southleverton 
and  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham. 

The  like  to  John  Neviie  of  Mountague,  Ralph  de  Graystok,  Thomas 
Lomley,  James  Strangweys,  Robert  Constable,  John  Conyers,  John  Melton 
and  John  Constable,  knights,  Thomas  Wytham,  John  Hastynges,  Brian 
Roclyff,  Henry  Sothehill,  Edmund  Fitzwiliiam,  William  Burgh,  Richard 
Pygot,  Nicholas  Girlyngton,  Ralph  Ayssheton,  Robert  Nevyle,  John 
Thwaytes,  Guy  Fairefax,  William  Scargill,  Percival  Grisaker,  William 
Eland,  John  Wenslagh,  John  Vavasour,  John  Haitfeld,  John  Grenefeld  and 
the  sheriff  of  York. 

1461.  Membrane  3d. 

July  20.         Commission  to  Thomas  Wake,  esquire,  Robert  Ingleton,  Walter  Mauntell^ 
Westminster,  esquire,  and  Richard  Fowler  to  enquire  into  divers  alleged  wastes,  destruc- 
tions and  trespasses  of  vert  and  sale  of  woods  within  the  king's  forest  of 
Whitylwode,  co.  Northampton. 

July  12.         Commission  to  Henry  Auger  and  Edmund  Ins  to  go  to  sea  with  a  certain 
Westminster,  number  of  men  at  arms  and  archers  for  the  safe-custody  of  the  sea  and  the 
defence  of  the  realm. 

July  8.  Commission  to  John  Gybbes,  esquire,  Oto  Gilbard,  egquire,  Henry  Norys, 

Westminster.  Thomas  Soper  and  John  Turpyn  to  arrest  John  Hore,  liate  household  servant 

of  William  Holand,  bastard,  of  Exeter,  and  certain  other  persons  who  are 

stirring  up  insurrection  and  committing  robberies,  murders  and  other  crimes 

in  the  counties  of  Cornwall  and  Devon. 

Aug.  6.  Commission  to  John  Fogge,  John  Scotte  and  William  Pecche,  knights, 

Westminster.  John  Gyldeford,  William  Haute  the  younger,  John  Dygges,  John  Oxenden 
Thomas  Seynt  Nicholas,  Robert  Martyn,  John  Daunne,  Richard  Culpeper^ 
John  Rowe  and  the  sheriff  of  Kent  to  cause  signs  called  '  bekenes '  to  be 
])laced  at  the  accustomed  places  in  the  said  county  to  warn  the  people  of  the 
approtich  of  the  king's  enemies,  and  to  set  the  accustomed  watches  and 
wards  on  the  sou  coast. 

Membrane  Id. 

July  26.         Commission  to  Nicholas  Assheton,  John    ColshuU,    knight,    Thomas 
Westminster.  Clemens  and  the  sheriff  to  enquire  into  all  treasons,  insurrections,  rebellions, 
felonies,  riots,  routs,  conventides  and  other  trespasses  within  the  county  of 


1  EDWAED  IV.— Paet  IV. 

1462.  MSUBRANBS  26  AND  25. 

Feb.  3.  Itupeanmus  and  confirmation  to  Richard  Scrop,  the  warden,  or  master, 

Westminster,  and  the  scholars  of  the  King's  Hall  in  the  nniversity  of  Cambridge,  of  the 
following : — 

1.  Letters  patent  dated  7  October,  11  Edward  III.,  being  the  foundation 

of  the  college  and  the  appointment  of  Master  Thomas  Powys  as 
warden  and  grant  of  the  advowson  of  the  church  of  St.  Peter, 

2.  Letters  patent  dated  12  March,  12  Edward  III.,  being  a  grant  to 

them  in  frank  almoin  of  the  advowson  of  the  church  of  Fakenham- 
dam,  in  the  diocese  of  Norwich,  in  lieu  of  the  above  advowson, 
which  had  been  previously  granted  to  the  master,  brethren  and 
sisters  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Katharine  by  the  Tower,  London. 

3.  Letters  patent  dated  15  February,  4  Richard  II.,  being  a  grant  to 

them  in  frank  almoin  of  20/.  yearly  from  the  farm  of  the  town  of 
Scardeburgh  instead  of  from  a  farm  which  the  prior  of  Bernewell 
used  to  pay  for  the  town  of  Chesterton,  and  also  of  other  sums  as 
granted  by  letters  patent  dated  9  September,  1  Richard  IL,  and 
28  June,  2  Richard  U.,  surrendered ; 
and  grant  to  them  of  40  marks  yearly  from  the  farm  of  the  manor  of 
Cesterton  at  the  hands  of  the  canons  of  BerneweU  in  furtherance  of  a  like 
grant  from  the  farm  and  issues  of  the  city  and  county  of  London  and  the 
county  of  Middlesex  by  letters  patent  dated  9  November,  27  Henry  YL, 
for  vesture  of  cloth  and  fur ;  licence  for  the  appropriation  in  mortmain  by 
them  of  the  parish  church  of  Cesterton,  in  the  diocese  of  Ely ;  grant  in 
mortmain  to  them  of  an  acre  of  land  in  Downefeld  of  Hynton,  co.  Cam- 
bridge, two  messuages  in  the  parish  of  All  Saints  in  the  Jewry,  Cambridge, 
a  plot  of  land  adjoining  their  hall  in  Cambridge  and  an  aqueduct  there, 
which  they  had  by  letters  patent  of  Henry  VI. ;  and  grant  to  the  said 
warden  and  his  successors  of  8  marks  yearly  for  two  robes,  one  with  skin 
and  the  other  with  lining,  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Cambridge ; 
that  they  may  pray  for  the  good  estate  of  the  king  and  for  his  soul  after 
death,  and  the  souls  of  his  father  and  progenitors. 

By  p.s.  and  for  2  marks  paid  in  the  hanaper« 

Mbmbrane  25---con^. 

I^eb*  17.  Grant  in  fee  simple  to  William  Hastynges,  king's  knight  and  chamber* 
Westminster,  bun,  whom  the  king  lias  lately  raised  to  the  rank  of  bu'on,  for  his  good 
service  against  Henry  YL  and  Jasper,  earl  of  Pembroke,  James,  earl  of 
Wilts,  and  other  rebels,  of  the  castle,  manor  and  lordship  of  Folkyngham^ 
the  manor  and  lordship  of  Lavyngton,  the  manors  of  Sapirton  and  Awethorp^ 
the  manor  and  lordship  of  Aslakby,  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Birthorp, 
the  manor  of  Repinghide,  a  moiety  of  the  manor  of  Biker  and  the  manoi' 
and  lordship  of  Welborn,  co.  Lincoln,  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Lough* 
burgh,  and  the  manor  or  lordship  of  Shepeshede,  co.  Leicester,  the  omce 
of  forester  of  Rotland,  the  manor  of  Leyfeld,  co.  Rutland,  an  inn  called 
'  Beaumondes  Inne '  in  the  parish  of  St.  Benedict  in  the  ward  of  Baynardes- 
castell,  London,  late  of  William  Beaumoml,  knight,  late  viscount  Beaumond, 
all  the  pourparty  of  the  latter  of  the  honor  called  *  Wynchestre  Fee,'  co. 
Leicester,  and  all  his  lands  and  possessions  in  Folkyngham,  Lavyngton, 
Sapirton,  Awethorp,  Aslakbv,  Birthorp,  Repynghale,  Byker,  Welborn, 
Loughtburgh  and  Shepishede  and  in  Edmynton,  co.  Middlesexi  and  th^ 


1462.  Membrane  25 — cont. 

manor  and  lordship  of  Asphebj  la  Zouehe,  co.  Leicester,  late  of  James, 
earl  of  Wilts,  and  all  his  lands  and  poissessions  in  that  county,  in  the  king's 
hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of  foifeiture  in  Parliament  at  Westminster, 
4  November,  with  knight's  fees,  advowsons,  wards,  marriages,  courts  leet, 
views  of  fic^k  pledge,  parks,  markets,  rivers  and  other  profits,  from 
4  [March  last ;  and  the  reversion  of  the  manors  and  lordships  of  Beaumaner, 
Whitewik,  Bochaston,  Neuton,  Hokelescote,  Donyngton  and  Markefeld 
and  the  manor  of  Ernesby,  co.  Leicester,  and  the  manor  and  lordship  of 
Hekyngton,  co.  Lincoln,  on  the  death  of  Katharine,  duchess  of  Norfolk, 
which  lately  belonged  to  the  said  William  Beaumond,  with  knights'  fees, 
advowsons,  etc. ;  and  grant  to  him  and  Katharine  his  wife,  daughter  of 
Richard,  late  earl  of  Salisbury,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  of  the  manor 
and  lordship  of  Bolton  Percy,  co.  York,  and  the  manors  and  lordships  of 
Plompton,  Bercombe  and  Birlyng,  co.  Sussex,  late  of  the  said  William 
Beaumond,  and  all  his  lands  and  possessions  in  those  places,  and  the 
honour,  castle,  manor  and  lordship  of  Bevour  alias  Beauvour,  Bealvour  or 
Bellover,  with  the  park  there,  and  its  members,  viz.  WoUesthoi-p,  co. 
Lincoln,  Barkeston,  Plumgarthe,  Redmyld  and  Hardeby,  co.  Leicester, 
with  the  advowson  of  the  priory  of  Bevour  and  the  churches  of  Hardeby, 
WoUesthorp  and  Redmyld,  and  with  a  rent  called  ^  castelward '  pertaining 
to  the  castle,  and  all  rights  and  appurtenances,  the  manor  of  Bottesford, 
alias  Botelesfonl,  with  the  hamlets  of  Normanton  and  Esthorp  and  the 
advowson  of  the  church  of  Bottesford,  co.  Leicester,  and  the  manor  and 
lordship  of  Stoke  Dawebeney  with  the  hamlets  of  Wilbaston,  Sutton  and 
Assheley,  co.  Northampton,  late  of  Thomas,  late  lord  of  Roos,  and  all  his 
lands,  rents  and  services  in  Bevour,  WoUesthorp,  Barkeston,  Plumgarth, 
Redmyld,  Hardeby,  Bottesford,  Normanton,  Esthorp,  Stoke  Dawebeney, 
Wilbaston,  Sutton  and  Assheley,  in  the  king's  hands  as  above,  with 
remainder  to  the  heirs  male  of  the  body  of  the  said  Katharine  and  final 
remainder  to  his  right  heirs.  By  K. 


Dec.  22.  Grant  to  the  king's  sister  Anne  and  the  heirs  of  her  body  by  Henry,  late 
Westminster,  duke  of  Exeter,  her  hus])and,  of  the  lordships  and  manors  of  Maynarbyere 
and  Pennaly,  co.  Pembroke,  and  the  land  and  lordship  of  Hope  and 
Hopedale  in  Wales  with  all  royal  rights,  franchises,  liberties,  cantreds, 
commotes,  mines  and  other  profits,  the  town  of  Norwich,  co.  Chester,  a 
yearly  rent  of  71.  6s.  8d.  from  the  issues  of  lands  of  Overmersshe,  co. 
Chester,  the  lordships  and  manors  of  Newton  and  Heydok,  co.  Lancaster, 
the  lordships  and  manors  of  Dalbere,  Dalbereleys  and  Wrixworth,  co. 
Derby,  the  castle,  lordships  and  manors  of  Thorpwatervile,  Achirche^ 
Alwynclc,  Ch^lveston  and  Caldecote,  co.  Northampton,  the  manors  of 
Ridlyngton,  co.  Rutland,  Stevyngton,  co.  Bedford,  Ardyngton,  co.  Berks, 
and  Great  Gaddesden,  co.  Hertford,  the  manor  of  Bereford  St.  Martin  and 
the  bailiwick  of  the  forester  in  the  forest  of  Grevele  called  *  Southbaillie/ 
CO.  Wilts,  the  manor  of  Ludford,  co.  Somerset,  the  manors  of  Bovy  Tracy, 
Northlien,  Holdesworthy,  Langacre,  the  castle,  lordship  and  manors  of 
Barnestaple,  Combemartyn,  Firmyngton,  Soutbmolton,  Dertyngton  and 
Blakcboumeboty,  the  hundreds  of  Fremyngton  and  Southmoulton,  and  the 
manor  of  Toryngton,  co.  Devon,  the  manors  of  Hasilbeare  and  Blakedon 
and  the  hundreds  of  Stone  and  Catessasche,  co.  Somerset,  the  manor  of 
Takebere,  co.  Cornwall,  the  manors  of  Flete  Damarle,  Holberton,  Thometon 
and  Wyncletracy,  co.  Devon,  and  a  hospice  called  Coldeherbui*gh  and 
Coldeherburghlane  in  the  city  of  London,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons, 
rents,  services,  fairs,  markets,  warrens,  chases,  fisheries  and  other  profits, 
with  remainder  to  the  heirs  of  her  body ;  and  grant  to  her  and  her  heirs 
of  the  manors  of  Roucheford,  Foulenesse,  Esthall,  Southall  and  Lough 
alias  Leigh,  co.  Essex,  all  lands,  rents  and  services  with  appurtenances 
called  ^Dogettis'  and  ^Morisis'  in  Rochford,  Canwedoni  Hakwell  and 

1  EDWAIU>  IV.— Pam  IV.  105 

1461.  Membrane  25—cont. 

*  ft 

LitUe  Stanbregge,  all  lands,  rents  and  services  called  *  Waker jngis '  in 
Great  Wakerynge  and  two  inner  marshes  called  'Euggewerd'  and 
*  Tylwerd '  in  Great  Stanbregge,  co.  Essex,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons, 
rents,  services,  fairs,  markets,  warrens,  chases,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank 
pledge,  hundreds  and  other  profits,  belonging  to  the  king  bj  the  forfeiture 
of  James,  late  earl  of  Wilts.  By  p.s. 

1462.  Mbmbrane  24. 

Feb.  16.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Douglas,  brother  of  James,  earl  of  Douglas,  of 

WestminBter.  100/.  yearly  from  Easter  last,  viz.  25/.  from  the  customs  and  subsidies  in 
the  port  of  Southampton,  30/.  from  the  farm  of  the  subsidy  and  ulnage  of 
cloth  in  the  county  of  Wilts  and  the  city  of  Salisbury  and  a  moiety  of  the 
forfeitures  of  the  cloth,  15/.  from  the  farm  of  the  town  of  Shrewsbury, 
and  30/.  from  William  Willecotes,  esquire,  and  his  heirs  from  the  40/. 
reserved  to  the  king  for  the  manor  of  Hedyngton  with  the  hundred  of 
Bolyndene  without  £e  north  gate  of  Oxford.  By  K. 


Dec.  20.         Appointment,  during  good  behaviour,  of  John  Hewyk  as  auditor  of  the 

Weatmiiuter.  accounts  of  all  bailifis  and  other  ministers  of  all  castles,  lordships,  manors, 

lands  and  rents  in  the  counties  of  York  and  Northumberland  and  all  other 

places  in  England  late  of  Henry  Percy,  late  earl  of  Northumberland, 

receiving  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 


Feb.  27.  Grant  for  life  to  George,  bishop  of  Exeter,  the  king's  kinsman,  from 
Westminster.  4  March  last,  of  the  manor  of  Wottesdon  alicu  Woddesdon,  co.  Bucking- 
ham, with  the  advowsons  and  portions  of  the  church  of  Woddesdon,  and 
all  other  lands  and  possessions  late  of  Thomas  Courteney,  late  earl  of 
Devon,  belonging  to  the  manor,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act 
of  forfeiture  in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  with  knight's 
fees,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank  pledge,  franchises,  liberties,  wan-ens, 
parks,  fiurs,  markets  and  other  profits,  and  also  the  manor  of  Pynley, 
CO.  Hertford,  late  of  Robert  Whityngham,  knight,  a  rebel,  in  the  king's 
hands  as  above.  By  K. 

March  1.        The  like  to  John  Snowdon  of  the  office  of  forester  or  parker  of  the  old 

Westminster,  park  of  Whynfell,  co.  Westmoreland,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the 

issues  of  the  king's  manor  or  lordship  of  Whynfell.  By  p.s. 

March  1.        The  like  to  Maurice  FitxAdam,  clerk,  o(  the  office  of  second  chamber- 
Westminster,  lain  of  the  exchequer  of  Ireland,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees,  robes  and 
other  commodities,  and  also  a  yearly  rent  of  10  marks  from  the  profits  of 
the  king's  manor  of  Tassagard,  co.  Dublin,  and  from  40  acres  of  land 
called  '  le  Wjndmylfeld'  by  Rathcridane,  co.  Dublin.  By  p.s. 


Nov.  15.  Appointment  of  John  Wenlok  of  Wenlok,  knight,  as  governor  of  the 
Westminster,  king's  kinsman  John,  duke  of  Norfolk,  during  the  minority  of  the  latter, 
with  the  government  of  all  his  castles,  manors  and  lands  and  authority  to 
appoint  and  remove  servants  and  officers.  The  said  duke  shall  stay  in  his 
own  person  and  domicile  in  such  place  as  shall  seem  expedient  to  the  said 
governor.  By  K. 

Nov.  18.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Matthew  Gregory  of  the  office  of  one 

Westminster,  of  the  yeomen  tailors  in  the  great  wardrobe,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees, 

with  a  livery  at  the  hands  of  the  keeper  of  the  wardrobe.  By  p.s. 


Feb.  26.  Grant  in  fee  simple  to  John  Scot,  knight,  controller  of  the  king's  house- 

hold, of  the  reversion  of  the  castle  and  manor  of  Chilham  and  the  manors 


1402,  Jfembrane  Zi-^eoni^ 

ot  Wilderton  und  Holesshe,  oo.  Kent,  on  the  death  of  Marjory  late  the  wife 
of  John  Boos,  knight,  lord  of  Boos,  deceased,  who  holds  the  same  in  dower, 
which  belongs  to  the  king  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of  Thomas  Boos, 
knight,  late  lord  of  Bo^  and  an  act  of  Parliament  at  Westminster, 
4  November,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank 
pledge,  warrens,  fairs,  marketa  and  other  commodities ;  and  also  all  lands, 
rents  and  services  in  Chilham,  Godmersham,  Trewlegh,  Chartham  and 
Molesshe,  co.  Kent,  in  the  king's  hands  as  above.  By  K. 


Nov.  25.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Christopher  Foumes  of  the  office  of 
WestmiiiBter.  ranger  of  the  king's. forest  of  Eyngesbere  by  Winchester  (dias  *  Westbere  * 
and  the  custody  of  his  woods  called  *  Papinholt '  and  <  Shrowenore  *  by 
the  forest,  with  wages  of  2^.  daily  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Southamp- 
ton, in  the  same  manner  as  John  Ejrton,  deceased.  By  pjs. 

1452.  Membrane  23. 

Feb.  20.         Pardon  to  the  provost  and  scholars  of  the  college  of  SS.  Maiy  and 

Westminster.  Nicholas,  Cambridge,  of  all   fines,  amercements,  forfeitures  and  debts  due 

from  them  to  the  king  before  1   October,  and  all  actions  before  the  same 

date.  By  K. 

Feb.  16.  Grant  for  life  to  William  Bromhill  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  forge 

WestmiiiBter.  within  his  castle  of  Wyndesore  from  the  first  day  of  the  reign,  receiving  the 

accustomed  fees  at  the  hands  of  the  constable  of  the  castle.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  25.  Grant  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Beauvale  of  24  marks  yearly  from  the 

Westminster,  great  and  petty  customs  in  the  port  of  Eyngeston  on  Hull,  in  recomponce 
of  3  tuns  of  wine  formerly  granted  to  them  ;  and  licence  for  the  acquisition 
in  mortmain  by  them  of  lands  and  tenements,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the  value 
of  20/.  yearly.  By  p.s.,  and  for  10  marks  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Vacated^  so  far  as  concerns  the  24  marks^  hecaiLse  the  king  granted 
other  letters  patent^  (zs  appears  in  the  fifth  year. 

Feb.  24.  Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  collectors  of  the  said  customs. 


Feb.  26.  Grant  to  Bichard  Salkeld,  esquire^  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  of  all 

Westminster,  lordships,  manors,  lands,  rents,  services,  meadows,  pastures  and  woods 
between  the  rivers  Derwent  and  Caldoo,  co.  Cumberland,  late  of  Henry, 
earl  of  Northumberland,  with  advowsons,  knights'  fees,  hundreds,  wapen« 
takes,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank  pledge,  warrens,  chaces  and  other  profits, 
in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  Act  of  Parliament  at  Westminster, 
4  November,  provided  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  for  any  surplus  over 
200/.  yearly.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  10.  Grant  in  frank  almoin,  fVom  4  March  last,  to  John,  the  abbot,  and  the 
Westnunster.  convent  of  St.  Mary's,  Teukesbury,  co.  Gloucester,  in  the  diocese  of  Wor- 
cester, at  the  request  of  the  king's  kinsman  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick, 
great  chamberlain  of  England,  and  Anne  his  consort,  patroness  of  the  said 
monastery,  of  the  alien  priory  and  the  advowson  of  the  priory  of  Goldclyff 
in  the  marches  of  Wales,  in  the  diocese  of  Llandaff,  with  all  manors, 
knights'  fees,  advowsons,  lands,  rents,  services,  mills,  woods,  meadows, 
villeins,  wards,  marriages,  courts,  views  of  frank  pledge,  liberties  and  other 
emoluments  in  England  and  Wales,  to  celebrate  divine  service  within  the 
monastery  for  the  good  estate  of  the  king  and  the  said  earl  and  his  wife  and 
for  their  souls  after  death  and  the  souls  of  the  king's  father  Bichard,  duke 
of  York,  his  brother  Edmund,  earl  of  Butland,  his  uncle  Bichard,  earl  of 
Salisbury,  Isabel^  late  countess  of  Warwick,  and  Bichard,  late  earl  of 
Warwick.  By  K, 

1  BDWAfeD  IV.— tABT  IV.  ifyt 

146S.  Membrane  23— con^. 

Jan.  28.         Grant  for  life  to  Richard  Jeny  of  all  lands  late  of  John  Pluknet  of  the 
Westminster,   county  of  Hertford  in  the  town  of  Little  Hadham  by  Stortford,  co.  Hertford, 

not  exceeding  the  value  of  10/.  yearly,  the  said  John  having  been  outlawed 
for  treasons  against  Henry  lY. ;  the  custody  of  which  lands  was  granted 
by  letters  patent,  20  February,  32  Henry  VI.,  to  John  Syriche  for  20  years 
at  a  rent  of  4/.  2«.  yearly.  By  K. 

Feb.  11.  Appointment  for  life  of  John  Shirwode,  for  his  good  service  and  love  to 
WestmiiiBter.  the  king,  the  king's  father  and  the  king's  uncle  Bichard,  late  earl  of  Salis- 
bury, and  for  his  losses  from  that  cause  and  because  John  Bolton,  William 
Goldesborgh  and  William  Wardrop,  who  married  his  three  daughters,  have 
suffered  cruel  deaths  without  process  of  law,  as  clerk  of  the  sheriff  of  the 
county  of  York,  receiving  such  fees  as  William  Housom,  late  clerk ;  and 
grant  to  him  of  5  marks  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  county  when  he 
shall  be  unable  to  exercise  the  office.  By  pA 

Feb.  26.  Grant  to  Thomas  Go]t,  to  whom  the  administration  of  the  goods  of  the 
Westminster,  king's  father  Bichard,  late  duke  of  York,  was  committed  by  Thomas,  arch- 
bishop of  Canterbury,  of  all  castles,  manors,  lordships,  lands,  rents  and 
services  late  of  the  said  duke  in  the  counties  of  York,  Essex  and  Dorset 
from  Easter  last,  and  700/.  yearly  from  the  customs  and  subsidies  of  wools 
and  wool-fells  in  the  following  ports  from  Michaelmas  last,  viz.  200/.  in  the 
port  of  London,  150/.  in  the  port  of  Kyngeston  on  Hull,  150/.  in  the  port 
of  Ipswich  and  200/.  in  the  port  of  Boston,  rendering  his  account  yearly 
at  the  Exchequer,  until  all  the  debts  of  the  said  duke  are  paid,  that  his  soul 
may  rise  to  Paradise.  By  .K. 

Jan.  3.  Licence,  for  20«.  paid  in  the  hanaper,  for  William  Stapilton,  knight,  to 

Westminster,  grant  the  manor  of  Kessynglond,   co.   Suffolk,  held  in  chief,   to  Brian 
StapOton,  his  brother,  and  the  heirs  of  his  body. 

Membrane  22. 

Feb.  5.  General  pardon  to  Thomas  Vaghan,  esquire.  By  K* 


Feb.  4.  Grant  to  Laurence,  bishop  of  Durham,  of  the  custody,  during  minority^ 

Westminster,  of  Henry  Ogai'd,  son  and  heir  of  Andrew  Ogard,  knight,  and  all  his  lands 

and  possessions  within  the  realm,  with  the  marriage  of  the  heir,  without 

rendering  anything  to  the  king  ;  in  lieu  of  a  similar  grant  by  letters  patent 

dated  22  June,  surrendered.  By  K. 

Feb.  23.  Mandate  to  the  escbeator  in  the  counties  of  Somerset  and  Dorset  for  the 
Westminster,  restitution  of  the  temporalities  of  the  priory  of  SS.  Peter  and  Paul^ 
Montacute,  of  the  order  of  Cluny^  in  the  diocese  of  Bath  and  Wells,  void  by 
the  resignation  of  Dan  Bobert  N'ewton,  to  Bobert  Cricbe,  monk  of  the 
house,  whom  William  Howse,  third  prior,  and  the  convent  have  elected 
as  prior,  and  whose  fealty  the  king  has  ordered  to  be  taken  by  the  abbot 
of  Mochelney. 

The  like  to  the  escheators  in  the  following  counties :— - 
Southampton  and  Wilts. 

Gloucester  and  the  marches  of  Wales  adjacent 
Writ  de  intendendo  in  pursuance  to  the  tenants. 

Feb.  20.         Presentation  of  Thomas  Peresbrigge,  parson  of  the  parish  church  of 
Westminster.  Creke,  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  to  the  parish  church  of  Great  Billyng,  in 
the  same  diocese,  on  an  exchange  of  benefices  with  Bichard  Bate. 

Feb.  23.  Grant  to  Henry  Pylkyngton,  esquire,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  of  all 

Westminster,  lands,  rents,  services,  meadows,  pastures,  courts,  views  of  frank  pledge, 

leets,  suits,  waifs  and  strays  with  their  appurtenances  in  the  counties  of 


1462.  Membrane  22 — cant. 

York  and  Lancaster,  not  exceeding  the  value  of  40  marks  yearly,  in  the 
king's  hands  hj  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of  John  Catarall  in  Parliament  at 
Westminster,  4  November,  rendering  to  the  king  yearly  at  Easter  a  good 
javelin  with  a  good  steel  head  {taiam  honam  lanceam  cussoriam  cum  bono 
capite  calabis),  "By  p.s. 

Feb.  24.  Grant  for  life  to  Nicholas  Girlyngton,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king 

Westminster,  and  the  king's  father  Richard,  late  duke  of  York,  of  a  yearly  rent  of  20/. 
from  the  issues  of  the  king's  manor  or  lordship  of  Spofford,  co.  York. 

By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  receivers,  farmers  or  other  occupiers  of  the 
said  manor  or  lordship. 

Jan.  2.  Grant  to  the  king's  servants  Richard  Croft  the  younger  and  Thomas 

WestmiDster.  Croft  and  the  heirs  of  their  bodies  of   all  lands  and  reversions  when  they 

fall  in  late  of  Edmund  Hampden,  knight,  in  the  counties  of  Oxford  and 

Buckingham,  to  the  value  of  50/.  yearly.  By  p.8. 

Feb.  2(K  Grant  for  life  to  Elizabeth,  late  the  wife  of  William  Bonevile,  knight,  in 

Westminster,  recompence  of  dower,  of  the  manor  of  Pokyngton,  a  messuage,  25  acres  of 
land  and  3  acres  of  meadow  in  Thornay,  6  messuages,  a  carucate  of  land,  20 
acres  of  meadow  and  40  acres  of  wood  in  Pixton,  a  messuage  in  Taunton,  4 
messuages  in  Langporp,  3  messuages  in  Glaston  and  a  messuage  and  30 
acres  of  land  in  Drayton,  cc.  Somerset,  the  manors  of  Maperton,  Stur- 
myn£tre  Marchall,  Alryngton,  Mourton  and  Berne  and  a  messuage,  50 
acres  of  land,  10  acres  of  meadow,  6  acres  of  wood  and  50^.  rent  in  Lyme, 
CO.  Dorset,  the  manors  of  Combepyne  Seton.,  Combepeyne,  Downo  Umfra- 
vile,  Chareleton,  Heade  and  Pole,  and  Northcote,  a  messuage,  100  acres  of 
land  and  10  acres  of  meadow  in  Birches,  6  messuages,  2  cottages,  2  gardens, 
100  acres  of  land,  12  acres  of  meadow  anil  40  acres  of  moor  in  Sideford,  a 
messuage  and  10  acres  of  meadow  called  *  Axmynstre  Umfravile '  in 
Axmynstre,  and  3  messuages,  140  acres  of  land,  10  a^res  of  meadow  and  20 
acres  of  wood  in  Toregge,  co.  Devon,  8  messuages,  300  acres  of  land,  12 
acres  of  meadow,  40  acres  of  moor,  40*.  rent  and  20  acres  of  wood  in 
Tregemelyn,  Penuarthe,  Noddon,  Trevasso,  Holiwode,  Milhay,  Ealquyte, 
Seynterne,  Polkevys  and  Boboletesdou  late  of  Richard  Welyngton  in  the 
county  of  Cornwall  and  the  manor  of  Great  Glen,  co.  Leicester,  late  of  her 
husband  and  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  his  kins- 
woman and  heiress  Cicely  daughter  of  William  son  of  his  son  William, 
with  all  issues  from  the  same  from  Michaelmas  last.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  20.         Grant  for  life  to  Richard  Bryan  of  the  office  of  the  bailiwick  and  custody 

Westminster,    of  the  king's  town  and  lordship  of  Bledelowe  and  the  woods  in  the  county 

of   Buckingham,  parcel  of  the    alien  priory    of  Okborne,  receiving  the 

accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  lordship.  .  By  p.s. 

Feb.  20.  Grant  to  William  Beaufitz  for  10  years  from  Michaelmas  last  of  the  alien 
Westminster,  priory  of  Brymesfeld,  co.  Gloucester,  the  manor  of  Blakenham,  co.  Suffolk^ 
parcel  of  the  alien  priory  of  Okeboume,  the  priory  of  St.  Helen  in  the  Isle 
of  Wight,  CO.  Southampton,  the  priory  or  manor  of  Charletou,  co.  Wilts,  all 
lands,  rents  and  services  in  Northmundam,  Compton  and  Welegh,  cos. 
Sussex  and  Southampton,  formerly  of  the  abbot  of  Lucerne  in  Normandy 
alias  Mundam  called  '  Lucern,'  the  manors  of  Povyngton,  co.  Dorset,  and 
Wedon  alias  Wedonbeke,  co.  Northampton,  parcel  of  the  alien  priory  of 
Okebourne,  the  manor  called  the  alien  priory  or  house  of  Welles  alias  the 
manor  of  Welhalle,  co.  Norfolk,  and  a  yearly  farm  of  12  marks  which  the 
priors  of  Montacute  are  bound  to  pay  to  the  king  for  an  ancient  impost 
lately  belonging  to  the  chief  house  of  the  priory  beyond  seas,  provided  that 
he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  for  any  surplus  over  1,000  marks.  By  K. 

Feb.  25.  Grant  to  John  Gerveys  of  Bury  St.  Edmunds,  co.  Suffolk,  and  the  heirs 

Westminster,  male  of  his  body  of  all  lands,  rents  and  services  in  Brendbradfeld,  Cokefeld, 

1  EDWARD  IV.~Pabt  IV.  109 

1462*  Membrane  22 — cont, 

Greftt  Whelwethnm,  Little  \Ylielweiham  and  Monkes  Bradfeld,  co.  Suffolk, 
late  of  Thomas  Roos,  knight,  lord  of  Roos,  not  exceeding  tjie  yearly  value 
of  10  marks,  in  the  king's  hands  by  his  forfeiture  and  an  act  of  Parliament 
at  Westminster,  4  November.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  20.  Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Draper,  minstrel,  of  an  annuity  of  10  marks  at 

Westminster,  the  receipt  of  the  Exchequer,  foimerly  wanted  to  him  by  Humphrey,  late 

duke  of  Gloucester,  from  certain  of  his  lands,  now  in  the  king's  hands  by 

right  of  the  crown,  By  p.s. 

Feb.  12.         The  liko  to  Thomas  Usbum,  brother  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Leonard,  York, 

Westminster,  of  the  custody  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Nicholas  in  the  suburbs  of  York,  and 

appointment  of  him  as  master  or  warden  of  the  hospital.  By  p.8. 

Membrane  21. 

Feb.  24.  Grant  to  the  good  and  free  men  practising  the  mystery  of  barber-surgeons 
Westminster,  in  the  city  of  London  that  they  shall  form  one  body  and  perpetual  community. 
They  shall  elect  every  yeAr  two  masters  or  governors  expert  in  the  mystery 
of  surgery  for  the  supervision,  rule  and  governance  of  the  said  mystery  and 
community ;  and  shall  have  perpetual  succession,  and  power  of  acquiring 
lands  and  possessions  to  the  value  of  5  marks  yearly  and  of  suing  and  being 
sued.  They  shall  make  statutes  and  ordinances  for  the  good  government, 
supervision  and  correction  of  the  said  mysteries,  and  shall  have  the  super- 
vision, correction  and  governance  of  all  surgeons  of  the  city  practising  the 
'  mystery  of  barbers  and  all  foreign  surgeons  practising  the  mystery 
of  surgery,  and  the  supervision  of  all  instruments,  plasters  and 
medicines ;  and  no  one  shall  be  admitted  to  practise  the  mystery  of  surgery 
in  the  city  until  he  be  approved  of  by  the  masters  as  capable.  And  the  said 
niHslers  or  governors  shall  be  exempt  from  being  put  on  assizes,  juries, 
inquests,  inquisitions,  attaints  or  recognisances  within  the  city  and  suburbs, 
and  shall  enjoy  the  liberties  of  the  city.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  20.         Inspeximus  and  confirmation,  until  Christmas  next,  to  the  merchants  of 
Westminster.   Almain  of  letters  patent  dated  6  November,  1  Richard   IL,  inspecting  and 
confirming  the  following  : — 

1.  A  charter  dated  at  Windsor,  1  February,   31  Edwanl  I.  [^Charter 

Roll,  31  Edward  L  No.  44.] 

2.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  14  March,  1  Edward  IIL  {^Charter 

Moll,  1  Edicard  III.  No,  75],  inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter 
dated  at  W^indsor,  7  December,  1 1  Edward  IL 

By  K.,  and  for  \  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

1461^  Membrane  20. 

Dec.  15.         Graiit  to  John  Skelton,  son  of  John  Skelton  of  the  county  of  Cumberland, 
Westminster,    deceased,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  of  a  parcel  of  land  containing  100 

acres  in  Armeth  way  than  k  within  the  forest  of  Ingilwode,  co.  Cumberland, 
the  king's  purpresture  called  '  Hermanthwaite  '  with  common  of  pasture  for 
his  leasts  within  the  forest  and  dead  wood  called  *  fyrewodo,'  and  the  close 
of  Touthwaite  with  common  of  pasture  within  the  forest,  rendering  yearly  to 
the  king  Ms.  Sd,  and  I6d.  increment,  with  wood  for  the  buildino^  and 
repair  of  his  houses  and  the  enclosure  of  the  land,  in  the  same  manner  as 
the  above  was  granted  to  him  for  40  years  by  letters  patent  of  Henry  VI., 
because  his  father  has  constructed  divers  houses,  buildings  and  enclosures 
thereon  at  great  expense.  By  p.8. 

Dec.  15.         Ratification  of  the  estate  which  Stephen  Morpath,  priest,  has  as  dean  or 
Wettmiofter.  warden  of  the  king*8  free  chapel  within  his  castle  of  Walyngford,  co.  Berks. 

By  p.8. 


14b  1  •  Membrane  20— con/. 

Dec.  9.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  George  Dale,  from  21  April  last,  of 

Westminster,  the  office  of  bailiff  of  the  king's  manor  of  Haveryng  atte  Boure,  co.  Essex, 

the  custody  of  his  warren  tSere,  and  the  custody  of  a  gate  of  his  park  of 

Haveryng  called  *  le  Suthgate/  with  the  accastomed  fees  from  the  issues  of 

the  manor  and  all  other  profits.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  17.  Grant  in  mortmain,  in  consideration  of  the  slender  endowment  of  their 
WestminBter.  church,  and  in  honour  of  the  gentle  confessor,  bishop  Richard,  whose  body 
and  relics  are  buried  there,  to  Master  John  Waynflet,  the  dean,  and  the 
chapter  of  Chichester  cathedral  of  the  alien  priory  of  Wylmyngton,  co. 
Sussex,  and  the  prebend  of  Wylmyngton  in  the  said  cathedrsJ,  lately 
belonging  to  the  abbot  of  Grestain  beyond  seas,  with  knights'  fees,  advow- 
sons,  liberties,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank  pledge,  warrens,  fisheries,  fairs, 
markets,  rents,  services,  wards,  marriages  and  otTier  appurtenances,  formerly 
granted  to  them  by  Henry  V.,  for  the  foundation  of  two  chantries  of  two 
priests  or  chaplains,  with  issues  and  profits  from  4  March  last ;  to  pray 
for  the  good  estate  of  the  king  and  Cicely  his  mother  and  for  their  souls 
after  death  and  the  souls  of  the  king's  father  Richard,  late  duke  of  York, 
and  his  progenitors,  and  his  kinsmen  Henry  Y.  and  Nicholas  Mortemer, 
whose  body  lies  in  the  cathedral.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  22.  Grant  for  life  to  Reginald  Neuton  of  the  office  of  the  bailiwick  and 

Westminster,  forestership  of  Prudhowe  alias  Proudehowe,   co.  Northumberland,  with 

the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  23.         Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  James  Acton  of  the  offices  of  chief  clerk 

Westminster,  of  the  king's  chief  place  in  Ireland,  clerk  of  the  crown  in  the  said  place,  and 

keeper  of  all  rolls,  writs,  records  and  other  memoranda  in  the  same,  with  the 

accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  11.  Grant  for  life  to  James  Pemberton,  groom  of  the  king's  chamber,  of  the 

Westminster,  offices  of  keeper  of  the  king's  park  and  garden  of  his  manor  of  Eltham,  co. 

Kent,  from  the  first  day  of  the  reign,  receiving  2d,  daily  for  the  custody  of 

the  park  and  the  same  for  the  custody  of  the  garden  from  the  issues  of  the 

manor.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  24.         The  like  to  John  Mody  and  Agnes  his  wife  of  an  annuity  of  6/.  from  the 
Westminster,  issues  of  the  king's  manor  of  Merston  Meysy,  co.  Wilts.  By  p.s. 

Mandat-e  in  pursuance  to  the  farmers  of  the  manor. 

Dec.  16.  Grant  to  the  king's  tenants  of  the  town  and  port  of  Weymouth,  co.  Dorset, 

Westminster,  of  100/.  at  the  hands  of  the  customers  of  the  ports  of  Pole  and  Weymouth, 

in  recompense  of  losses  sustained  by  them  for  the  king.  By  p.s. 


Feb.  12.  Grant  for  life  to  Walter  Skull,  king's  knight,  of  40/.  yearly  from  Michael- 

Westminster,  mas  last  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Caemarvan  and  Cardigan  in  South 
Wales  at  the  hands  of  the  king's  chamberlain  of  South  Wales.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelled^  because  the  king  made  a  like  grant 
to  him  by  letters  patent^  9  December y  8  Edward  IV. 

Feb.  23.  Grant  to  the  king's  mother  Cicely,  duchess  of  York,  of  all  sums  of  money, 

Westminster,  issues  and  rents  pertaining  to  the  king  from  all  castles,  lordships,  manors, 
lands  and  other  possessions  specified  in  the  letters  patent  of  her  jointure  and 
dower  from  Michaelmas,  39  Henry  Vl.,  until  30  December  then  following. 


Membrane  19. 

Feb.  26*         Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  John  Austyn  as  receiver  and  approver 

Westminster,   of  all  the  king's  castles,  lordships,  manors,  lands,  tenements,  fee-farms  and 

mills  in  the  counties  of  Wilts,  Oxford,  Berks,  Gloucester,  Bristol,  Worces- 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  IV.  Ill 

1462.  Membrane  lO-^con^ 

ter,  Salop  and  Hereford,  with  power  to  collect  rents  and  distrain  in  default 
and  to  eject  insolvent  tenants  and  admit  others,  receiving  the  accustomed 
fees  at  his  own  hands  from  the  issues  of  the  same.  Bj  bill  of  treasurer. 

The  like  of  the  foUowing  in  the  counties  named  : — 
John  Stourgeon  in  Bedford,  Buckingham,  Hertford,  Cambridge  and 

William  Whelpdale  in  Norfolk,  Suffolk,  the  city  of  Norwich  and 

Thomas  Palmer  in  Warwick,  Leicester,  Northampton  and  Rutland, 
Thomas  Mauncell  in  Somerset,  Dorset,  Devon  and  Cornwall. 
Thomas  Blount  in  Lincoln  and  the  city  of  Lincoln. 
Richard  Waller  in  Kent,  Surrey,  Sussex,  Southampton  and  the  town 

of  Southampton. 

Feb.  2Q,         Grant  for  life  to  Oliver  Yong  of  the  office  of  under-forester  of  the  king's 

Westminster,  forest  of  Malverstang,  co.  Westmoreland,  which  Robert  Shawe  and  John 

Dent  lately  had  of  the  grant  of  John,  late  lord  Clyffbrd,  in  the  king's  hands 

by  reason  of  an  act  oi  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  receiving 

wages  of  ^m  daily  from  the  issues  of  the  king's  lordship  of  Halverstang. 


Feb.  28.         The  like  to  Richard  Willy,  yeoman  of  the  king's  bed,  of  the  office  of 
Westminster,   keeper  of  the  palace  called  '  Princepalace  '  at  Westminster,  receiving  such 

fees  from  6  March  last  at  the  hands  of  the  receiver  general  of  the  duchy  of 
Cornwall  as  were  allowed  to  John  Brekenok,  late  receiver,  for  Thomas 
Carre  and  Thomas  Ryngston  in  that  office ;  in  lieu  of  another  grant  to  him 
of  the  office  by  letters  patent  dated  9  July,  surrendered.  By  K. 

Feb.  24«  Grant  to  John  Donne,  esquire,  one  of  the  ushers  of  the  king's  chamber, 
Westminster,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king's  father 
Richard,  late  duke  of  York,  in  England,  France  and  Ireland  and  against 
Henry  VI.  and  Jasper,  earl  of  Pembroke,  and  James,  earl  of  Wilts,  and 
other  rebels,  of  the  castle,  town,  manor  and  lordship  of  Telagham  in  South 
Wales  and  sdl  lands,  rents  and  possessions  in  Telogharn  with  appurtenances 
in  South  Wales  and  the  marches  late  of  the  said  earl  of  Wilts  and  in  the 
king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of  forfeiture  in  Parliament  at  West- 
minster, 4  November,  with  all  roynl  rights,  franchises,  liberties,  courts, 
views  of  frank  pledge,  cantreds,  commotes,  lumdreds,  fairs,  markets,  knights' 
fees,  advowsons,  wreck  of  sea  and  other  profits,  and  the  manors  of  Russheton, 
Stanewige,  Ryngstede,  Great  Brampton  and  Great  Houghton,  co.  Nor- 
thampton, and  all  lands  and  possessions  in  Russheton,  Stanewige,  RyngBtede, 
Great  Brampton,  Great  Houghton,  Knoston,  Aldwyncle,  Barton,  Hanging 
Houghton  and  Ecton,  co.  Northampton,  late  of  Thomas  Tresham,  knight, 
in  the  king's  hands  as  above,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  courts  leet, 
views  of  frank  pledge,  warrens,  fairs,  markets  and  other  profits,  with  all 
issues  from  4  March  last,  provided  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  for  any 
surplus  above  100/.  yearly.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  24.  Grant  to  John  Howard,  king's  knight,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  of 

Westminster,  the  manors  of  Ley  ham  and  Wherstede,  co.  Suffolk,  and  Smethton  Hall,  co. 
Essex,  late  of  James,  earl  of  Wilts,  the  manors  of  Dontissh  and  Deuelyssh, 
CO.  Dorset,  late  of  Nicholas  Latymer,  knight,  the  manor  of  Hereford,  co. 
Norfolk,  late  of  Thomas  Danyell,  late  of  Resyng,  co.  Norfolk,  esquire,  and 
the  manor  of  Meyton  Hall,  co.  Norfolit,  late  of  Giles  Seyntlowe,  late  of 
London,  esquire,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of  forfeiture  of 
Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons, 
views  of  frank  pledge,  liberties,  fairs,  markets,  warrens  and  other  profits, 
provided  that  he  answer  at  the  Exchequer  for  any  surplus  above  100/. 
yearly.  Byp.8. 


1461.  Membrane  19 — cont, 

Dec.  11.  Release  to  Bichard.  earl  of  Warwick,  John  Clay,  John  Whichcote, 
Westminster.  Bobert  Cajvell  and  John  Brereley  and  their  heirs  and  assigns  of  all  the 
right  which  the  king  has  in  4  messuages,  10  tofts,  224  acres  of  land,  40 
acres  of  meadow,  20  acres  of  pasture  and  9s.  rent  in  Welton,  Biland  bj 
Dunham,  Irby,  Burton  by  Lincoln,  Bothewell,  Worleby,  Kirnjngton,  Risnm 
and  Little  Barton,  co.  Lincoln,  of  which  Henry  Bedford,  knight,  enfeoffed 
the  above  and  the  king,  then  earl  of  March,  the  king's  father  Bichard,  dnke 
of  York,  and  Bichaid,  earl  of  Salisbury,  that  they  may  execute  his  last 
will.  ^j  p.8. 


Feb.  5.  Protection,  with  clause  nolumus^  for  three  years,  for  John  Yonge,  citizen 

Westmioster.  and  grocer  of  London,  and  his  men  and  possessions.  By  p.s, 

Meubranb  18. 

Feb.  26.  Grant  to  Thomas  Burgh,  one  of  the  esquires  of  the  body,  and  the  heirs 
Westminster,  male  of  his  body  of  the  manors  of  Crofte,  Thorppe,  Golthawe  and 
Skelynghoup,  co.  Lincoln,  and  all  lands  and  possessions  in  those  places  late 
of  William  Tailboys,  knight,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of 
forfeiture  in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  with  knights'  fees, 
advowsons,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank  pledge,  parks,  w^arrens,  chaoes,  fairs, 
markets  and  all  other  profits.  Bj  p.s. 

March  3.  Revocation  of  protection  lately  granted  for  one  year  to  John  Beauford 
Westminster,  alias  Bovford  alias  Beaford  alias  Beford,  *  stokfisshmonger '  of  London,  going 
on  the  king's  service  in  the  company  of  John  Wode,  king's  esquire,  victualler 
of  the  town,  castle  and  marches  of  Calais,  on  the  safe-custody,  defence  and 
victualling  of  the  same,  on  certificate  by  the  sheriffs  of  London  that  he  has 
not  gone. 

Feb.  27.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Geoffrey  Ferrour  of  the  passage  and 

Westminster,   ferry  called  '  Portaythoy '  alias  '  Portaythwy '  in  North  Wales  with  the 

accustomed  fees,  in  lieu  of  a  similar  grant  to  him  of  the  office  of  keeper  of 

the  same  by  letters  patent  dated  12  January,  surrendered.  By  p.s. 

March  3.         The  like  to  Henry  Maire  of  the  office  of  keeper  or  parker  of  the  park  of 

Westminster.  Colneparke,  co.  Essex,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the 

king's  lordship  there.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  20.  Grant  to  Fulk  Stafford,  esquire,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  of  the 

Westminster,  manors  of  Cradeley,  Oldswynford,  Hageley,  Gannowe  and  Snodisbury, 
00.  Worcester,  and  Clent,  Mere  and  Hondesworth,  co.  Stafford,  with 
the  advowsons  of  the  churches  of  Oldswynford  and  Hondesworth  and 
Forton,  co.  Stafford,  in  the  king's  hands  by  the  forfeiture  of  James,  late 
earl  of  Wilts,  to  the  value  of  200  marks  yearly,  by  fealty.  By  p.s. 


Nov.  10.  Appointment  of  John  Wenlok  of  Wenlok,  knight,  as  governor  of  the 
Westminster,  king's  kinsman  John,  duke  of  Norfolk,  son  and  heir  of  John,  late  duke  of 
Norfolk,  durins;  minority  ;  and  grant  to  him  for  that  time  of  all  castles, 
manors,  lordships,  lands  and  other  possessions  of  the  late  duke  for  the  sus- 
tenance of  the  heir,  with  authority  to  appoint  and  remove  servants  and 
officers.  And  the  said  heir  shall  stay  in  such  places  as  shall  seem  expedient 
to  the  governor. 

i4g2.  Membrane  17. 

Feb.  28.         Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Banon    of  the  lordship   of  Llanllogh,  co. 

Westminster,  Kermerdyn,  in  South  Wales,  as  of  the  yearly  value  of  10/.,  without  rendering 

any  account.  By  p.s. 

I  EDWARD  IV.~Pa»t  17.  U$ 

1462.  Membrane  17 — cont, 

r  '  Feb.  27;        General  pardon  to  John  Clopton  of  Long  Melford,  c6,  Suffolk,  esquire. 
Westminster.  By  K. 

Feb.  16.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  William  Whelpdale  of  the  offices  of 

Westminster,  provider  of  stone- cutters,  layers,  plumbers,  labourers  and  other  necessaries 

for  the  king's  works  within  his  palace  of  Westminster  and  Tower  of  London, 

receiving  the  accustomed  fees  at  the  receipt  of  the  Exchequer.  By  p.8. 

Feb.  2k).-  The  like  to   Edmund   Shaa,   citizen   and  goldsmith  of  Londori,  frcm 

Westminster.  4  March  last,  of  the  office  of  sculptor  of  the  king's  dies  (ferris)  for 
moneys  and  coinage  of  gold  and  silver  to  be  coined  within  the  Tower  of 
Loudon  and  England  and  the  town  of  Calais,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees 
at  the  hands  of  the  keeper  of  the  exchange  and  mint,  with  all  other  accus- 
tomed profits.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  24.  The  like  to  Laurence,  bishop  of  Durham,  from  4  March  last,  of  the  priory 

Westminster,  or  manor  of  Totyngbeke,  co.  Surrey,  parcel  of  the  priory  of  Okeburn,  with 

the  advowson  of  the  church  of  Stretham,  co.  Surrey.     [FcederaJ]       By  K. 

Jan.  5.  Grant  in  frank  almoin   to  the   prior  and  convent  of  Christ  Church, 

Westminster.  Canterbury,  of  a  plot  or  quantity  of  land  called  *  Hosand'  within  the  juris- 
diction of  the  port  of  Sandwich,  co.  Kent,  of  which  their  predecessors  were 
seised  in  their  demesne  as  of  fee,  with  all  liberties  and  franchises,  that  they 
may  pray  for  the  good  estate  of  the  king  und  for  his  soul  after  death  and 
the  souls  of  his  father  Bichard,  duke  of  York,  and  his  progenitors.  The 
said  plot  was  submerged  by  the  sea  in  the  time  of  Henry  III.  so  that  no 
profit  could  be  made  of  it  until  the  time  of  Edward  III.  when  the  sea 
receded  and  it  was  raised  and  grew  into  dry  land  and  became  a  pasture, 
and  wiis  taken  into  the  king's  hands,  where  it  still  remains.  By  K. 

Feb.  6.  Grant  to  John  Pylkyngton,  one  of  the  esquires  of  the  body,  and  the  heirs 

Westminster,  male  of  his  body  of  the  reversion  of  the  third  part  of  the  manor  of 
Thorneton  in  Craven,  co.  York,  and  the  manor  of  Lynton  on  Owse, 
CO.  York,  on  the  death  of  Marjory  late  the  wife  of  John  Eoos, 
knight,  lord  of  Boos,  belonging  to  the  king  by  reason  of  his  forfeiture 
and  by  authority  of  the  Parliament  held  at  Westminster,  4  November,  the 
reversion  of  the  remaining  two  parts  of  the  said  manor  of  Thorneton  on 
the  death  of  Eleanor,  duchess  of  Somerset,  belonging  to  the  king  as  above, 
and  the  reversion  of  the  manors  of  Grymesthorp,  Aylesthorp  and  Sevthorp, 
CO.  Lincoln,  on  the  death  of  Katharine,  duchess  of  Norfolk,  belonging  to 
the  king  by  the  forfeiture  of  William,  late  viscoimt  Beauniond,  and  all  lands, 
rents  and  services  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons  and  other  hereditaments  in 
those  places  belonging  to  the  king  as  above ;  and  also  of  the  manors  of 
Turnehamliall  and  Malteby,  co.  York,  and  Hole  alias  Hoell,  co.  Lincoln, 
with  knii^hts'  fees  and  other  hereditaments,  belonging  to  the  king  by 
reason  of  the  forfeitures  of  Thomas,  late  lord  of  Boos,  John,  late  lord  of 
Clyffbrd,  and  Thomas  Claymond,  esquire,  respectively.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  in  this  year  in  the  sixth  {fifth)  part. 

Membrane  16. 

Jan.  28.  Grant  to  Robert,  lord  Ogle,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  of  the  lord- 

Westmin&ter.  ship  of  Redisdale  and  the  castle  of  Herebotell,  co.  Northumberland,  with 
all  royal  franchises,  liberties,  lands,  rents.  ser\'ices,  escheats,  advowsons, 
courts,  views  of  frank-pledge  and  other  appurtenances,  not  exceeding  the 
value  of  66/.  13*.  4«/.  yearly,  late  of  William  Tailboys,  knight,  and  in  the 
king's  hands  by  reason  of  his  forfeiture  and  an  act  in  Parliament  at 
"Westminster,  4  November;  the  town  of  Elington  in  the  same  county, 
not  exceeding  the  yearly  value  of  20/.,  in  the  king's  hands  by  the  forfeituj*e 
of  Leo,  lord  of  Wellif ,  deceased ;  8/.  yearly  rent  from  the  town  of  Beueley, 

u    86914.  H 

114  "^  .         OALBNBAR  OP  PATENT  BOLLS, 

X462*  Membrane  16— cw*. 

and  the  towoB  of  Siulbotell,  Benyngton,  Gysyns  and  Middelton  in  thd 
pame  county,  not  exceeding  the  yearly  value  of  44/.,  late  of  Henry, 
earl  of  Northumberland,  great«'grandfatber  of  Henry,  late  earl,  deoeased, 
and  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  his  forfeiture ;  and  all  lands,  rents 
and  services  within  the  lordship  of  Tyudale  in  the  same  county  called 
<  Talbotes  Landes,'  late  of  the  said  late  earl  and  in  the  king's  hands  by 
reason  of  his  forfeiture,  not  exceeding  the  value  of  10/.  yearly  ]  with  all 
issues  from  4  November  last.  By  p.8« 

Jan.  23.  Grant  to  the  king's  servant  David  Gogh,  esquire,  and  the  heirs  male 
Westminster,  of  his  body  of  the  castle,  town,  lordship  and  manor  of  Stepnlton,  late  of 
Thomas  Comewaile,  esquire,  in  the  parts  called  'Lughameys'  in  the 
marches  of  Wales,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  his  forfeiture  and  an 
act  of  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  with  all  royal  rights  and 
franchises,  liberties,  courts,  views  of  frank-pledge,  hundreds,  fairs,  markets, 
parks,  stews,  warrens,  knights'  fees,  advowsons  and  other  emoluments,  with 
all  issues  from  4  March  last.  By  p.s. 

Peb.  3.  Grant  to  William  Herbert,  king's  knight,  lately  raised  to  the  estate  of 

Westminster,  baron,  and  the  heirs  of  his  body,  for  his  good  service  against  Henry  VI. 
Henry,  duke  of  Exeter,  Jaspar,  earl  of  Pembroke,  James,  earl  of  Wilts^ 
and  other  rebels,  of  the  castle,  town  and  lordship  of  Pembroke,  the 
hundred  and  lordship  of  Castelmartyn,  the  lordship  of  St.  Florence,  the 
lordship  and  forest  of  Coydrath,  the  castle,  lordship  and  town  of  Teneby, 
the  lordship  and  bailiwick  of  Westpembroke  and  Estpembroke,  the 
bailiwick  of  Dongledy,  Eons  and  Kemeys,  a  moiety  of  the  passage  of 
Burton,  the  castle,  town  and  lordship  of  GilgarraD,  the  lordships  and 
manors  of  Emlyn,  Meinordyve,  Diffymbriam,  the  forest  of  Kevendryn, 
the  castle,  lordship  and  town  of  Lanstephan,  the  lordship  and  manor  of 
Penryn  and  la  Verie  with  the  lordships  and  manors  of  Osterlowe,  Trayne 
Clynton  and  St.  Clear,  the  lordships  and  manors  of  Magoure  and  Redwyke, 
the  castle,  manor,  town  and  lordship  of  Caldecote  with  appurtenances  in 
South  Wales  and  the  marches,  the  castle  and  manor  of  Goderiche  and  the 
lordship  and  manor  of  Urchinfeld  with  appurtenances  in  the  march  of 
Wales  and  the  county  of  Hereford,  and  the  manor  and  lordship  of 
Walwencscastell  in  South  Wales,  late  of  James,  earl  of  Wilts,  and  in  the 
king's  hand  by  reason  of  an  act  of  forfeiture  in  Parliament  at  Westminster, 

4  November,  with  all  royal  rights,  franchises,  liberties,  courts,  counties, 
hamlets,  views  of  frank-pledge,  cantreds,  commotes,  hundreds,  fairs, 
markets,  parks,  wnrrens,  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  wreck  of  sea  and  other 
profits,  with  all  issues  from  4  March  last.  By  K. 

Feb.  10.  General  pardon  to  Nicholas  Rygby,  late  of  Kyngeston  on  Thames,  co. 

Westminster.  Surrey,  <  yomac,'  alias  Rigbe,  alias  Rigby,  late  of  London,  of  all  offences 

committed  by  him  before  4  November,  and  all  fines  due  from  him  before 

5  March  last.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  12.  Grant  to  William  Herbert,  king's  knight,  for  1,000/.  iu  hand  paid,  of 

Westminster,  the  custody  and  marriage  of  Henry  son  and  heir  of  Edmund,  earl  of 

Richemond,  tenant  in  chief  of  Henry  VI.,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason 

of  his  minority.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  15.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Cledon,  yeoman  of  the  king's  cellar  pro  ore  nostroj 

Westminster,  from  Michaelmas  last,  of  a  yearly  impost  of  lOO*.  which  the  prior  and  convent 

of  Weulok  used  to  pay  to  the  chapter  of  their  house  beyond  seas.       By  p.s. 

Membrane  16. 

Jan.  20.  Appointment  of  Philip  Herveys,  master  of  the  king's  ordnance,  John 

AVcstminster.   Gye  and  William  Tempy  11  to  take  carpenters  called  *  whelers  *  and  *cart.- 

wrightes'  and  others,  stonecutters,  smiths,  plumbers  and  other  workmen 

I  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  IV,  US 

I4i62«  Membrane  15 — cont. 

for  the  works  of  the  ordnance,  and  also  bombards,  cannons,  '  culverynes,' 
*  fowelers,'  '  serpentynes '  and  other  cannon  and  powder,  sulphur,  saltpetre, 
stones,  iron,  lead  and  other  equipment  for  them,  crossbows  and  bolts 
for  them,  bows,  arrows,  *  bowestrengis,'  *  langedebeves,'  lances,  *  gley ves ' 
and  hammers,  and  carriage  for  the  same  and  horses  called  '  hakeneis.' 

Jan.  17.  Belease  to  William  Femberton,  the  mayor,  and  the  citizens  of  Lincoln, 

Westmioster.  on  account  of  their  impoverishment  through  the  payment  of  180/.  for  the 
fee  farm  of  the  city  and  through  the  removal  of  the  staple  thence  to 
Boston  and  other  losses,  of  100/.  yearly  which  Thomas  de  Boos,  knight, 
and  his  ancestors  received  from  the  said  fee  farm  of  the  grant  of 
Edward  11.^  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  in  Parliament  at 
Westminster,  4  ITovember ;  and  grant  to  them  of  all  lands  and  possessions 
in  Ingham  and  Cotes  by  Ingham,  co.  Lincoln,  which  Edward  Burton,  late 
mayor,  and  the  citizens  acquired  from  John  Helwell,  late  of  Gunby,  co. 
Lincoln,  esquire,  and  which  William  Tailboys,  late  of  Kyme,  co.  Lincoln, 
esquire,  lately  entered  into  and  expelled  them  from,  now  in  the  king's 
hands  by  the  act  aforesaid.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  6.  Grant  to  Richard  Suthwell,  during  the  minority  of  the  son  and  heir  of 

Westminster,  the  king's  kinsman  John,  late  duke  of  Norfolk  and  marshal  of  England,  of 
the  office  of  marshal  in  the  Exchequer,  with  the  accustomed  fees. 

Feb.  8.  Appointment  of  Laurence,  bishop   of  Durham,  the  king's  kinsman  John, 

Westminster,   earl  of  Worcester,  Robert  Botell,  prior  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem  in  England, 

John  Wenlok  of  Wenlok,  knight,  and  Master  Robert  Stillington,  doctor  of 

laws,  keeper  of  the  privy  seal,  as  ambassadors  to  treat  with  the  king's 

kinsman  John  de  He,  earl  of  Rosse  and  lord  of  the  Isles,  [Foedera.^ 

Feb.  6.  Appointment  of  William  Helperby   to  the  custody  of  all  lands  late  of 

Westminster.  William  Pawlyn  in  the  county  of  York,  tenant  in  chief  of  Henry  VI., 

during  the  minority  of  Robert  Pawlyn  his  son  and  heir,  with  the  marriage 

of  the  latter,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir.  By  p.s. 


Dec.  15.         Grant  for  life  to  William  Kene,  esquire,  of  the  office  and  custody  of  the 

Westminster,   park  of  Cory  Malet,  co.  Somerset,  from  4  March  last,  with  the  accuistomed 

fees  from  the  issues  of  the  king's  lordship  of  Stoke  under  Hampden  in  the 

same  county.  By  p.s, 


Feb.  15.  The  like  to  Hugh  Amory  of  a  house  in  the  parish  of  All  Hallows, 

Westminster.  Watlyngstrete,  London,  lately  in  the  hands  of  John  Kexby. 

Feb.  15.  Exemption   for    life    of    Henry   Brounflet,   knight,  lord  Vessy,   from 

Westminster,  attendance  at  Parliaments  or  councils.  By  K. 

Feb.  16.  Grant  for  life  to   John  Dou«;las,  brother  of  James,  earl  of  Douglas,  of 

Westminster.  100/.  yearly  from  Easter  last,  viz.,  25/.  from  the  customs  and  subsidies  in 
the  port  of  Southampton,  30/.  from  the  farm  of  the  subsidy  and  ulnage  of 
cloths  in  the  county  of  Wilts  and  the  city  of  Salisbury  and  a  moiety  of  the 
forfeitures  of  the  cloth,  and  30/.  from  William  Willecotes,  esquire,  and  his 
heirs  from  the  40/.  reserved  to  the  king  for  the  manor  of  Hedyngton 
with  the  hundred  of  Bolyndene  without  the  north  gate  of  Oxford.  By  K. 
V<icated  because  otherwise  below* 

Feb.  6.  The  like  to  Joan  Bere,  late  the  wife  of  John  Bere,  of  an  annuity  of  10/. 

Westminster,  from  the  issues  oC  the  town  of  Lesbury,  co.  Northumberland.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  14. 

Feb.  1.  Grant  to  tlie  king's  servitor  William  Stanley,  knight,  and  the  heirs  male 

Westminster,   of  his  body  of  the  castle,  manor  and  lordship  of  Skypton  in  Craven,  co. 

York,  with  all  towns,  hamlets,  lands,  rents,  services,  reversions,  advowsons, 

u  2 



1462.  Membrane  14 — cont.  ' 

fees,  offices,  franchises,  mines  of  coal  and  lead,  and  other  possessions  latelr 
belonging  to  John,  late  lord  Clifford,  on  29  March  and  in  the  king's 
hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of  forfeiture  in  Parliament  at  Westminster, 
4  November.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  16.  Grant  to  Roger  Thorneton  of  Witton,  co.   Northumberland,  esquire,  of 

Westminator.   the  manor  of  Neweham  by  Bamburgh  in  the  said  county,  of  the  value  of 

20  marks  yearly,  on  proof  that  his  father  was  seised  thereof  until  Henry, 

earl  of  Northumberland,  unjustly  expelled  him,  which  the  son  of  the  latter, 

late  earl  of  Northumberland,  afterwards  held.  liy  p.s. 

Feb.  20.  Grant  to  Humphrey  Stafford,  king's  knight,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his 

Westminster,  body  of  the  manor  and  borough  of  Ty  verton,  the  hundred  of  Tyverton  with 
the  advowsons  of  three  portions  with  cure  in  the  church  of  Tyverton,  the 
castles,  lordships,  manors,  boroughs  and  hundreds  of  Plympton  and  Oke- 
hampton,  the  manor  and  borough  of  Chalvelegh,  the  manors  of  Colcombe, 
Coly ton,  Musbury,  Colyford,  Whytford  and  Sampford  Courtenay,  co,  Devon, 
and  all  lands  in  those  places,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  franchises, 
liberties,  hundreds,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank-pledge,  fairs,  markets,  wreck 
of  sea,  chattels  of  fugitives  and  felons  and  all  other  profits,  in  the  king's 
hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  and 
all  issues  of  the  same  from  15  December  last.  By  K. 

Jan.  21.  Qeneral  pardon  to  John  GrevOe,  esquire,  late  sheriff  of  Gloucester,  of  all 

Westminster,  offences  committed  by  him,  all  escapes  of  prisoners,  and  all  fines  due  jfrom 

him  before  1 8  February.  By  p.s, 

Feb.  17.  Grant  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Colt  and  the  heirs  male  of  his 

Westminster,  body,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king  and  the  king's  father  Eichard, 
duke  of  York,  of  the  manor  or  lordship  of  Chyngford,  co.  Essex,  and  the 
manor  of  Aketon,  co.  Suffolk,  occupied  by  Thomas  Boos,  knight,  and 
James,  late  earl  of  Wilts,  respectively,  as  their  right  and  inheritance,  and 
the  reversion  of  the  manoi's  or  lordships  of  Parkehalle,  Hemnales  and 
Madelez,  co.  Essex,  on  the  death  of  Margaret,  duchess  of  Somerset,  late  the 
wife  of  Leo,  lord  of  Wellys,  with  knights'  fees  and  advowsons,  in  the  king's 
band  by  virtue  of  an  act  in  Fai'liament,  4  November ;  and  grant  to  him  for 
the  life  of  the  duchess  of  a  yearly  rent  of  33/.  6s,  Sd,  from  the  manor 
or  lordship  of  Wellys,  co.  Lincoln.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  20.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Conyers,  knight,  of  the  offices  of  steward  and 

Westminster,  master  forester  of  the  lordships  and  manors  of  Topclif,  Cletop  with 
Biblcsdale,  and  Lettendale,  the '  manor  of  Bukden  with  Langstroth,  the 
lordship  with  the  court  of  Gisburn  in  Craven,  and  the  manor  of  Sterbotell 
with  the  court,  co.  York,  with  all  members,  sokes  and  appurtenances  late 
of  Henry,  earl  of  Northumberland,  deceased,  and  the  accustomed  fees  from 
the  issues  of  the  same.  .  By  K, 

The  like  to  John  Walleworth  of  the  office  of  bailiff  of  the  -manor  and 
lordship  of  Topcliff,  co.  Tork,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  from  the 
issues  of  the  same.  By  K, 

Membrane  13. 

Feb.  16.  Grant  in  frank  almoin  to  Master  John  Pereson,  the  warden,  and  the 

Westminster,  chaplains  and  brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Julian  called  the  *  House  of 
God,'  in  the  town  of  Southampton,  of  the  alien  priory  of  Shirburn,  co. 
Southampton,  with  all  its  appurtenances,  that  they  may  pray  for  the  good 
estate  of  the  king  and  his  successors  and  for  their  souls  after  death  and 
the  souls  of  his  father,  late  duke  of  York,  and  his  grandfather  Richard, 
late  earl  of  Cambridge,  who  is  buried  in  the  hospital.  By  K. 

Feb.  14.         Grant  for  life  to  James,  earl  of  Douglas,  of  500/.  yearly  from  Michaelmas 
Westminster,  last,  viz.  60/.  from  the  custom  and  subsidy  of  woob,  bides  and  wool-fells 

1  fiDWARD  IV.-PAttT  IV.  117' 

1462.  Membrane  13 — cont, 

in  the  port  of  London,  100/.  from  the  custom  and  subsidy  in  the  port 
of  Southampton,  60/.  from  the  like  in  the  port  of  Boston,  40/.  from  the 
like  in  the  port  of  Ipswich,  30/.  from  the  like  in  the  port  of  Lenne,  20/. 
from  -  the  like  in  the  port  of  Pole,  40/.  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of 
Nottingham  and  Derby,  40/.  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Lincoln, 
40/.  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  20/.  from  the 
issues  of  the  county  of  Stafford,  30/.  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  WarwicJc 
and  Leicester,  and  20/.  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Devon.  By  K. 

Feb.  10.  Grant  to  the  king's  servitor  James  Hyett  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body, 
Westmiiiflter.  of  the  manor  of  FritesweU,  co.  Oxford,  and  the  advowsons,  knight's  fees, 
liberties  and  privileges  belonging  to  it,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of 
the  forfeiture  of  Henry  Beauford,  late  duke  of  Somerset,  and  James  Ormond, 
late  earl  of  Wilts,  and  the  manor  or  lordship  of  Edyngworth  in  Le  Mersshe 
called  *  Brenlmerssh,'  co  Somerset,  with  a  messuage  in  Welles  and 
advowsons,  knights'  fees,  liberties  and  privileges  belonging  to  the  manor, 
with  the  members  and  parcels  of  the  manor,  and  a  messuage,  4  tofts,  20  acres 
of  land  and  5  acres  of  meadow  in  Bathernaston,  co.  Somerset,  in  the  king's 
hands  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of  John  Botillier,  'gentilman,'  and  Baldwin 
Fiilford,  knight,  not  exceeding  the  value  of  27/.  yearly.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  3.  Grant  for  life  to  James  Grene,  clerk  of  the  king's  kitchen,  for  his  good 

■  Westminster,   service  to  the  king  and  his  father  and  because  of  his  old  age  and  infirmity, 

of  a  pension  of  10  marks  yearly  and  a  coat  of  the  livery  of  the  household, 
or  money  to  the  same  value  at  the  hands  of  the  treasurer  of  the  household. 
And  his  name  shall  remain  on  the  roll  of  the  Exchequer  as  one  of  the 
household.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  25.  Grant  to  Boland  Fitz  Eustace,  knight,  William  Griffith  and  James 
Westminster.  Dokeray,  and  the  heirs  male  of  their  bodies,  for  their  good  service  to  the 
king's  father  and  the  king  in  England  and  Ireland,  of  the  manors  and 
lordships  of  Donboyng  and  Moyemet,  co.  Meath,  late  of  William  Boteler^ 
esquire,  with  all  messuages,  lands,  rents  and  services  in  Tyrrelleston, 
Jordaneston,  leez  Rothanes^  Nyver,  Thomon,  Hogeston,  Colcote,  Luske, 
Gailaghton  by  Ballibaghill,  Balsoun,  Kiddagheston,  Knok,  Baillibarrok, 
Lussianeston,  Oarrones,  Craneleston,  Cruyston,  and  3  acres  of  meadow  in 
Corragh  Mede,  cos.  Dublin,  Kildare,  Meath  and  Uriel,  in  Ireland,  late  of 
Richard  Bermyngham,  esquire,  forfeited  to  the  king  and  of  the  value  of 
94/.  7«.  Bd.  yearly.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  6.  Grant  for  life  to  Joan  late  the  wife  of  Bobeit  Maners,  esquire,  of  an 

.  Westminster,   annuity  of  13/.  6*.  8c/.  from  the  revenues  of  the  manors  of  Tuggell  and 

Tuggelhall,  co.  Northumberland,  in  the  king's  hands  by  the  forfeiture  of 
the  late  earl  of  Northumberland.  By  p^St 

Fob.  7.  Grant  to  John  Fowler,  one  of  the  clerks  of  the  chapel  within  the  king's 

Westminster,  household,  of  a  yearly  pension  of  10  marks,  lately  granted  by  Henry  VI. 
to  the  proctor  and  scholars  of  the  house  or  college  called  *  Goddishouse '  in 
the  university  of  Cambridge,  which  the  abbot  of  Sawtre  alias  Sautre 
used  to  pay  with  50  marks  Tor  the  churches  of  Fulborn  alia^  Foulbourne 
and  Honyngham  alias  Honyngton  to  the  alien  abbot  of  Bon.Bepos  {de 
Botia  liequie),  from  the  first  d^y  of  the  reign  until  he  shall  have  another 
recompense  to  the  same  value. 


March  10.       Grant  for  life  to  James  Hyet  of  the  office  of  constable  of  the  king's 

Westminster,  castle  of  St.   Briavel  in   the 'forest  of  Dene,  co.  Gloucester,  with  the 

accustomed  fees.  By  K» 

Membrane  12. 

Dec.  9.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  George  Dale,  from  21  April  last,  of 

Westminster,  the  office  of  the  custody  of  the  manor,  otherwiaa  called  the  office  of  bailiff 


14gl.  Membrane  12— co»^ 

of  the  king's  maDOr  of  Haveryng  atte  Boure,  co.  Essex,  the  custody  of  his 
warren  there,  and  the  custody  of  a  gate  of  his  park  of  Haveryng  called 
'  le  Suthgate,'  with  the  accustomed  foes  from  the  issues  of  the  manor  and 
all  other  profits.  By  p.8. 


Feb.  6.  The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  John  Langley,  esquire,  for  his  good 

Westminster,  service  to  the  king's  father  and  the  king,  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  park 
of  Chiltern  Langfey,  co.  Hertford,  and  the  houses  of  his  manor  of  Chiftern 
Langiey,  and  the  office  of  under-parker  of  his  park  of  Langley  called  *  Chiltern 
Langley,'  receiving  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Richard  II. 
from  the  issues  of  the  manor,  in  lieu  of  a  grant  of  the  same  to  William 
Staveley  by  letters  patent,  surrendered.  By  K. 

Feb.  4.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Richard  Fowler  of  the  office  of  steward 

Westminster,  of  the  manors  of  Alesbury  and  Neuporfc  Paynell,  co.  Buckingham,  and  of  all 
manors,  lands,  courts  and  views  of  frank-pledge  in  the  same  county,  late  of 
James,  earl  of  Wilts,  and  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of 
forfeiture  in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  receiving  the  accus- 
tomed fees  from  the  issues  of  the  same  from  Michaelmas  last.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  said  Richard  of  the  office  of  steward  of  the  manors  of 
Wottesdon  and  Hillesdon,  co.  Buckingham,  and  Sutton  Courteney,  co. 
Berks,  and  all  lands,  courts  and  views  of  frank-pledge  in  those  counties  late 
of  Thomas  Courteney,  late  earl,  and  in  the  king^s  hands  as  above,  receiving 
fees  as  above.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  6.  The  like  to  William  Helperby  of  an  annuity  of  41,  from  the  king's  tenants 

Westminster,   within  his  forest  of  Galtresse,  co.  York,  at  the  hands  of  the  *  bounders '  of  the 

forest  on  the  feast  of  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula  at  the  cross  in  the  horse  market 

within  the  city  of  York.  By  p.8. 

Jan.  20.         The  like  to  William  Fenys  of  Say,  knight,  of  the  custody  of  the  king's 
Westminster,   castle  and  town  of  Porchestre  and  his  forest  and  warren  there,  with  power 
of  appointing  under  him  a  porter,  an  artillery  and  a  watchman  within 
the  castle,  receiving  the  accustomed  wages  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of 
Southampton,  with  all  other  profits.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelled^  because  the  king  granted  the  sanie 
to  his  kinsman  John^  earl  of  Worcester^  by  other  letters  patent,  28  August^ 
2  Edward  IV. 

Jan.  7.  Grant  in  frank  almoin  to  Simon  Thomham,  the  warden,  and  the  fellows 

Westminster,  and  scholars  of  the  hall  of  Holy  Trinity,  Cambridge,  of  the  hospital  of  St. 

Margaret  by  Huntyngdon  with  all  lands,  rents,  services,  courts  and  other 

appurtenances.  By  K. 

Feb.  8.  Grant  for  life  to  Robert  Maners^  for  his  good  service  to  the  king  and  the 

Westminster,  king's  father,  of  an  annuity  of  20  marks  from  the  issues  of  the  manors  of 

Locre,  Newham,  Newstede,  Shenhow  and  Elyngeham,  co.  Northumberland, 

in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of  Henry,  late  earl  of 

Northumberland.  By  p.s» 

Jan.  31.  Grant  to  the  king's  kinswoman  Katharine  late  the  wife  of  William  lord 
Westminster,  of  Harryngton,  of  the  custody  of  all  castles,  lordships,  manors,  lands,  rents^ 
services,  knights' fees  and  other  hereditaments  and  advowsons  of  William 
Bonvile,  knight,  late  lord  Bonvile,  called  William,  lord  Harrington,  during 
the  minority  of  Cicely  daughter  and  heir  of  the  said  lord  of  Harryngton  and 
kinswoman  and  heir  of  the  said  William  lord  Bonvile,  with  the  marriage 
of  the  said  heir,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir.  By  p.8. 

Feb.  18.  Grant  for  life  to  William  Haryngton,  esquire,  of  the  herbage  of  all  the 

Westminster,  enclosures  of  Qwynfell  otherwise  called  the  parks  of  Qwynfell,  co.  West- 
moreland, of  the  yearly  value  of  12/.,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the 
rebellion  of  John,  late  lord  of  Clifford.  By  p.s^ 

I  EDVI^Aftb  IV.— tABT  IV,  119 

1462.  Membrane  12— con/. 

Feb.  20.         Grdnt  to  the  king's  kinsman  William,  earl  of  Kent,  that  he  may  buy  20 

Westminster,   lasts  of  hides  in  England  and  shijJ  them  for  foreign  parts  in  any  port  in  the 

realm  after  having  paid  the  customs  due  to  the  king,  quit  of  the  subsidies 

due  to  the  king.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  18.         Grant  for  life  to  Bartilot  de  Ryvere,  Gascon,  esquire,  of  an  annuity  of 
Westminster.   20/.  from  the  issues  of  the  duchy  of  Cornwall.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  23.         The  like  to  John  Howard,  king's  knight,  of  the  office  of  constable  and  of 
Westminster,   the  custody  of  the  king's  castle  of  N'orwich  from  4  March  last,  with  a  fee 

of  20/.  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk  and  all 
other  accustomed  profits.  By  p.8. 

\Aa\  MsUBtUNS  11. 

Dec.  12.  Licence  for  the  king's  kinsman  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  and  Anne 
Westminster,  bis  wife,  sister  and  heir  of  Henry,  late  duke  of  Warwick,  and  one  of  the 
beirs  of  Anne  his  daughter,  viz.  one  of  the  daughters  of  Isabel,  lat« 
countess  of  Warwick,  mother  of  the  said  duke,  to  enter  into  all  custl3s,  lord- 
ships, honours,  commotes,  cantreds,  alien  priories,  lands,  rents,  reversions, 
services,  milLs,  fisheries,  rights,  pensions,  portions,  forests,  offices,  courts 
leet,  views  of  frank-pledge,  returns  of  writs,  chaces,  advowsons,  knights' 
fees  and  other  possessions  in  England  and  Wales  and  the  marches  of  which 
the  said  Anne,  daughter  of  the  said  duke,  was  seised,  or  which  revolted  to 
her  on  the  death  of  the  said  countess  or  Richard,  late  earl  of  Warwick, 
deceased,  son  of  ,Thomas  late  lord  le  Despenser,  and  to  hold  them  with  all 
issues  from  the  time  of  their  deaths.  By  p.s. 

April  8.  Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  Peter  Ardern,  knight,  as  one  of  the 

Westminster,  justices  of  the  Bench,  receiving  the  accustomed  fee.  By  K. 


Feb.  12.  Appointment  of  William  Herbert,  lord  Herbert,  king's  knight,  to  the 
Westminster,  custody  of  t*he  lordships  of  Swaynesey,  Gower  and  Kelbey  in  South  Wales 
and  all  castles,  manors,  lands,  rents,  services  and  other  possessions,  parcel 
of  the  same,  late  of  John,  duke  of  Norfolk,  deceased,  during  the  minority 
of  John  his  son  and  heir,  with  all  royal  rights,  escheats,  franchises,  liberties, 
courts,  views  of  frank-pledge,  cantreds,  commotes,  hundreds,  fairs,  markets, 
knights'  fees,  advowsons  and  other  appurtenances,  rendering  to  the  king 
200  marks  yearly ;  and  grant  to  him  for  20  years  from  Michaelmas  last  of  the 
castle,  town  and  lordship  of  Haverford  West  and  all  lands  and  possessions 
in  Anablepill,  Steynton,  Ckippidbusshe,  Thiwode,  Lamburston,  Ohirchehill 
atid  in  the  parish  of  Steynton,  parcel  of  the  afime,  with  all  royal  rights, 
escheats  etc.,  rendering  to  the  king  100  marks  yearly.  By  p.s. 

I^eb.  21.  Grant  for  life  to  Robert  Leget  of  the  office  of  chief  mason  of  the  king's 

Westminster  castle  of  Wyndesore^  receiving  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and 

Richard  II.  from  the  issues  of  the  castle.  By  K. 

Feb.  20.         The  like  to  Henry  Lewe,  mariner,  of  an  annuity  of  10  marks  from  the 
Westimnsteri  first  day  of  the  reign  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Devon.  By  j).s. 

Feb.  23.  Grant  to  Heniy  Courtenay,  esquire,  his  heirs  and  assigns,  of  the  lordships 

Westminster,  and  manors  of  Brommoure  and  Old  Lymyngton  aud  the  borough  of  New 
Lymyngton,  co.  Southampton,  the  lordships  and  manors  of  Chilmelegh, 
Holdehamp,  Dowelton,  Coruewode  and  Baillcsford,  the  boroughs  of  Chilme- 
legh and  Neuton  Popelf  ord  and  all  lands  and  messuages  in  Thorne^  Northe-» 
pde,  Huntebeare,  Twhikkebeare,  Whitewell  and  Brokelond  Trille,  co. 
Devon,  and  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Hcmyngton,  co.  Somerset,  and  all 
Other  lands^  rents  and  services  in  those  places  with  advowsons,  knights' 


1162.  Afembratie  11 — cont, 


fees,  franchises,  liberties,  hundreds,  courts  leet,  viewA  of  frank-pledge,  fairs 
and  other  profits,  not  exceeding  the  value  of  200/.  yearly,  in  the  king's 
hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November. 


Feb.  24.  Grant  in  frank  almoin  to  the  prior  and  c<»nvent  of  Mountgra)ce<.  of  the 

Westminfiter.  Carthusian  order,  of  the  manor  of  Atherstou,  co.  Warwick,  late  pisurcel  of  the 

alien  priory  of  Great  Okebourn,  co,  Wilts,  with  knights'  fees  and  advow- 

sons,  for  the  relief  of  the  poor  estate  oF  the  house  and  the  expenses  of  persons 

gathering  there  weekly.  By  p.8. 

Feb.  23.  Grant  for  life  to  Florence,  wife  of  Eobert  Savage,  of  the  office  of  the 

WestminBter.  custody  of  the  king's  waidrobe  in  the  city  of  London  called  *  le  Prynce 

warderobe,'  with  the  accustomed  fees  at  the  hands  of  the  receiver  of  the 

duchy  of  Cornwall.  By  p.H. 

Feb.  26.         Pardon  to  John  Duddeley,  lord  of  Duddeley,  knight,  late  treasurer  of  the 

Westminster,   household  of  rfenry  VI.,  of  all  debts,  accounts,  fines,  forfeitui-es,  issues 

and  amercements  due  from  him  to  the  king.  By  p.s. 

2^g2  Membrane  10. 

Dec.  4.  Appointment  for  life  of  Thomas  Burgh,  esquire,  as  one  of  the  esquires 

Westminster,  of  the  body,  receiving  50  marks  yearly  from  2  April  last  from  the  issues  of 

the  lordship  of  Kirton  in  Lyudesey,  co.  Lincoln.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  11.  The  like  of  William  Gomme,  priest,  as  the  king's  chaplain  to  celebrate 
Westminster,  divine  service  in  the  chapel  of  Holy  Trinity  within  his  park  of  Bestormell, 
CO.  Cornwall,  receiving  4/.  yearly  for  his  seller  at  the  hands  of  the  receiver 
general  of  the  duchy  of  Cornwall  from  the  issues  of  his  office,  with  houses^ 
gardens  and  other  profits,  in  the  same  manner  as  tlohn  Jolyu,  chaplain  of 
the  same  chapel,  in  the  year  41  Edward  III.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelled^  because  the  king  granted  to  him 
the  4/.  yearly  for  life  in  the  said  chapel  by  other  letters  patent^  21  May^ 
^Edward  IV. 

Dec.  12.  Grant  for  life  to  Humphrey  Staffi>rd  of  Suthewik,  knight,  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,  steward  of  all  castles,  lordships,  manors,  lands  and  other  possessions  belong- 
ing to  the  duchy  of  Cornwall  in  the  county  of  Cornwall,  from  Easter  last, 
receiving  40  marks  yearly  at  the  hands  of  the  receivers  of  the  duchy,  with 
all  other  accustomed  profits.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  receivers  of  the  duchy» 

Dec.  22.  Grant  in  mortmain  to  John,  the  abbot,  and  the  convent  of  St.  Albans  of 

Westminster,  the  alien  priory  of  Pembroke  in  South  Wales,  with  all  lands,  rents,  services, 
issues,  tithes,  knights'  fees,  advowson^,  franchises,  oblations,  revenues, 
annuities,  pensions,  portions,  imposts,  homages,  fealties,  reliefs,  courts  leet, 
views  of  frank-pledge,  liberties,  reversions,  wills,  wards,  mai*riages,  escheats^ 
waifs,  strays,  woods,  warrens,  forfeitures,  moors,  marshes,  fisheries,  meadows, 
feedings,  pastures,  ^infangthief,  outefangthief,'  yeai*,  day  and  waste,  chattels 
of  felons  and  fugitives  and  outlaws  and  felons  of  themselves,  deodands  and 
other  profits.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  22,  General  pardon  to  William  Catesby,  knight,  upon  fine  nuide  by  him. 

Westminster.  By  J^^ 

Dec.  22.  Presentation  of  Hugh  Fraunces  to  the  parish  church  of  Burham,  in  the 

Westminster,  diocese  of  Carlisle,  void  by  the  death  of  the  last  parson. 

Dec.  17.  Grant  for  life  to  George  Medelton  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  king's 

Westminster,  manor  of  Claryngdon  from  4  March  last,  from  which  date  he  has  held  the 

office,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Wilts,  he 

having  surrendei^d  his  letters  patent,  dated  Id  July,  granting  him  the  office 

of  porter  of  the  said  manor.  Bv  K« 


1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  IV.  121 

1461.  Membrane  10 — cont, 

Nov.  30.         The  like  to  WiUiam  Staynburst  of  the  office  of  customer  of  the  king's 

Wcstmiaater.  ports  of  Dublin  and  Drogbda  in  Ireland,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the 

issues  of  the  office.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  21.  Grant  to  John  Fogge,  knight,  and  his  heirs  and  assigns,  of  the  manors 

Westminster,   of  Tonsford  and  Dane,  co.  Kent,  with  all  profits  and  emoluments,  in  the 

king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November 



Jan.  21.         Ghrant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  Bichord  Symson  of  the  office  o£  con« 

Westminster.   troUer  of  the  scrutiny  of  all  merchandise  brought  from  beyond  seas  to 

the  port  of  London  and  ports  and  places  adjacent,  with  the  accustomed  fees. 

By  p.8. 


Dec.  12.         Grant  for  life  to  Henry  Gray  the  younger,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  keeper 
WeetuinBter.  of  the.  king's  armoury  within  the  Tower  of  London,  receiving  the  aocus- 
tomed  feesi  from  the  farm  or  fee  farm  of  the  city  of  Norwich  by  the 
hands  of  the  sheriffs  of  the  same  county,  with  all  other  accustomed  profits. 



Feb.  7.  The  like  to  John  Bede  of  100s.  yearly  from  Michaelmas  last  from  the 

Westminster,  issues  of  the  counties  of  BedfoiVi  and  Buckingham,  in  lieu  of  a  like  granc 

to  him  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  city  or  town  of  Bochester,  co.  Kent,  by 

letters  patent  dated  22  July,  surrendered.  By  £• 


Nov.  15.  Inspeanmus  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent  of  the  king's  father 
Westminster.  Bichard,  late  duke  of  York,  dated  at  London,  14  November,  39  Henry  YL, 
being  a  grant  for  life  to  John  FitzwiUiam,  son  of  Nicholas  Fitzwilliam, 
esquire,  of  a  yearly  rent  of  10  marks  from  the  issues  of  his  lordships  in  the 
county  of  York  on  condition  of  his  service  for  life  to  the  duke  and  to 
Edward  earl  of  March,  the  duke's  son.        For  ^  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 


Membrane  9. 

Feb.  26.         Pardon  to  Robert  Sutton,  monk  of  the  monastery  of  St.  Saviour,  Fever- 
Westminster,  sham,  of  all  trespasses  committed  by  him  in  the  prosecution,  pei*qui8ition, 
acceptance  and  publication  of  bulls  or  other  apostolic  letters  of  the  pope 
touching  any  ecclesiastical  benefice  contrary  to  the  statute  of  provisors. 

By  p.s. 

Feb.  27.  Grant  for  life  without  fine  or  fee  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Mon- 
Westminster.  gomery,  knight,  of  two  parts  of  the  manor  and  town  of  Saldeyn  otherwise 
Salden  in  the  counties  of  Buckingham  and  Bedford,  and  of  the  members 
and  parcels  thereof,  and  all  manors,  lands,  rents,  services  and  other  posses- 
sions in  the  town  of  Muresley,  Weston  Turvile,  Hoggeston,  Bechompton, 
Great  Horewode,  Little  Horewode,  Great  Kymbell,  Little  Kymbell, 
Wendovere,  £well,  Luton  and  Fynelsgrove,  cos.  Buckingham,  Bedford  or 
Hertford,  which  Robert  Whytyngham  alone,  or  John  Whytingham  alone, 
or  either  of  them  jointly  with  others,  held,  with  all  members,  buildings, 
gardens,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank-pledge,  knight's  fees,  advowsoos,  wards, 
marriages,  heriots,  bondmen,  waifs,  strays  and  other  profits,  without  impeach- 
ment of  waste,  i*eudering  to  the  king  Id.  yearly;  and  grant  that  at  the 
town  of  Muresley,  co.  Buckingham,  which  is  parcel  of  the  said  manor  of 
Saldeyn,  he  may  have  a  market  weekly  on  Wednesday  and  two  fairs  of 
three  days  yearly  at  the  Assumption  and  the  Nativity  of  the  Virgin.  Grant 
to  him  also  for  life  of  the  manois  of  Donyngton  otherwise  Danton,  Stone 
Ford  and  Permere,  co.  Buckingham,  Penley  otherwise  Penly,  co.  Hertford, 
and  Maudeleyns  otherwise  Maudlyns  Boustrewys,  cos.  Buckingham  and 
Hertford,  and  a  messuage  or  lodging  with  houses  and  shops  annexed  in  the 


1462.  M^mbran^  9-w^o«^ 

pftrish  of  St.  Stephen  in  the  ward  of  Walbrok,  London^  lately  held*  by  the 
said  Robert  Whityngham,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  etc.,  withoat 
impeachment  of  waste,  by  fealty.  He  shall  have  free  warren  in  all  the 
demesnes  of  the  above,  provided  that  the  lands  are  not  within  the  bounds 
of  the  forest  and  that  no  one  enter  therein  to  hunt  without  his  licence 
under  forfeiture  to  the  king  of  10/.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  26.  Licence  for  John  Bamme  of  the  county  of  Kent,  esquire,  to  enter  into  the 
Westminster,  manor  of  Mulso,  co.  Buckingham,  and  hold  the  same  to  himself  and  the  heirs 
of  his  body.  Thomas  Wake,  esquire,  deceajsed,  was  seized  in  his  demesne  as 
of  fee  of  the  said  manor  and  granted  it  to  Richard  Bamme  and  Joan  his  wife, 
parents  of  the  said  John,  and  the  heirs  of  their  body,  with  remainder  to  the 
right  heirs  of  Richard ;  and  they  were  seised  of  it,  and  after  their  death  it 
descended  to  the  said  John,  their  son  and  heir,  until  it  was  taken  into  the 
king's  hands  by  the  forfeiture  of  Robert  Whityngham,  knight.  By  p.8« 

Feb.  23.         Ratification  of  the  estate  which  Thomas  Godebowre  has  as  parson  of  the 
Westminster,  parish  church  of  Dacre,  in  the  diocese  of  Carlisle.  By  K, 

Feb.  17.         Appointment  for  life  of  John  Clerc,  apothecary  of  the  city  of  London^  as 

Westminster,   the  king's  apothecary,  receiving  Sd.  daily  for  his  fee  from  the  issues  of  the 

county  of  Devon  and  a  robe  of  the  king's  vesture  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the 

great  wardiobei  By  p.8. 

Feb.  20.  Pardon  to  Humphrey  Nevill,  late  of  Brauncepath  in  the  bishopric  of 
Westminster.  Durham,  esquire,  who  was  attainted  by  authority  of  Parliament  at  West- 
minster, 4  November,  of  all  executions  against  him,  by  virtue  of  any  act 
made  in  that  parliament  and  grant  to  him  of  his  life,  provided  that  he 
remain  in  prison  during  the  king's  pleasure  and  that  this  pardon  do  not 
give  him  any  title  or  claim  to  any  forfeited  lands  or  possessions.         By  K« 

Feb.  20.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  kinsman  George,  bishop  of  Exeter,  by  the 
Westminster,  service  of  a  knight's  fee,  of  the  lordships  and  manors  of  Topsham  and 
Exilond,  the  liberty,  fishery  and  conservancy  of  the  river  Exe,  and  the 
hundreds  of  Woneford,  Estbudlegh,  Westbudlegh  and  Harygge,  co.  Devon, 
with  the  advowson  of  the  prebend  of.  Heighes  and  knights'  fees,  liberties, 
franchises,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank-pledge  and  other  profits  and  emolu- 
ments, in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of  Parliament  at  Westminster, 
4  November,  or  otherwise.  By  K, 


Mbmbranh  8. 

July  17.         Grrant  for  life  to  Salph  Seyntleger^  from  4  Mai^h  ksi,  of  the  offices  of 

Westminster,   constable  and  parker  of  the  king's  castle  and  park  of  Ledes,  co.  Kent, 

receiving  such  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  manor  or  lordship  of  Ledes  as 

Bobert  Corby,  late  constable,  and  John  Dangore,  late  parker,  had  in  the 

time  of  Edward  III»,  with  all  other  profits*  By  p.s. 

July  8.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  John  More,  esquire^  of  the  office  of  oiie  of 

Westminster,   the  king's  sergeants  at  arms,  receiving  12rf.  daily  from  4  March  last  front 

the  issues  of  the  county  of  Devon  and  a  livery  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the 

great  wardrobe.  By  p.s. 

June  10.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  William  Evyngton  of  the  office  of  the 

Westminster,   custody  of  the  king's  park  of  Wyndesore,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of 

Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Richard  II.  from  the  issues  of  the  castle  and 

lordship  of  Wyndesore.  By  p.s. 

June  10.         The  like  to  the  same  of  the  office  of  the  custody  of  the  manor  within  the 
Westminster,   said  park,  with  fees  as  above.  By  p.s. 

July  14.         The  like  to  Joan  Asteley,  widow,  of  an  annuity  of  40/.  from  the  issues 
Westminster,   of  the  counties  of  Warwick  and  Lelcesten  By  p*8« 

]  EDWARD  IV.— PAJfeT  IV.  123 

J  461  •  Memhrane  8--c(m#» 

April  22.         The  like  to  the  king^s  servant  Nicholas  Gaynesfotd,  one  of  the  ushers  of 

Westminster,   the  king's  chamber^  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  park  of  Odyham,  with 

wages  and  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Richard  II.  from  the 

issues  of  the  manor  or  lordship  of  Odyham.  By  K. 

July  12.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  John  Wykes,  usher  of  the  king's  chamber, 

Westminster,   of  the  office  of  ranger  of  the  king's  chase  of  Rysyng,  co.  Norfolk,  with 

wages,  fees  and  advantages  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  first 

of  Richard  II.  By  p.s. 

July  17»  Qrant  in  mortmain  to  William,  master  of  the  order  of  Burton  St.  Lazarus 
W««tminster,  of  Jerusalem  in  England,  warden  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Giles  without  London, 
and  the  brethren  of  his  order  of  the  hospital  of  the  Holy  Innocents  called 
'  Malardry '  without  the  suburbs  of  Lincoln  with  all  lands,  meadows^ 
feedings,  pastures,  woods,  rents  and  services  thereto  pertaining  together 
with  all  rights,  profits,  commodities,  liberties,  franchises  and  other  appur-* 
tenances,  and  appointment  of  the  said  master  and  his  successors  as  wai^dens 
of  the  said  hospital  of  the  Holy  Innocents ;  to  sustain  yearly  for  ever  three 
lepers  from  the  servants  of  the  household,  to  be  nominated  by  letters  patent 
under  the  great  seal,  or,  if  so  many  cannot  be  found  in  the  household,  three 
lepers  from  the  king's  tenants.  By  p.s. 

July  16.        '  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  William  Philip  of  the  office  of  one  of 

Westminster,  the  king's  Serjeants  at  arms,  with  wages  of  I2d.  daily  from  4  March  last 

from  the  f eefarm,  issues,  <&c.  of  the  counties  of  London  and  Middlesex,  and 

a  livery  of  the  suit  of  esquires  of  the  household  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the 

great  wardrobe.  By  K.  by  word  of  mouth. 

July  1.  The  like  to  John  Lawley  of  the  office  of  the  king's  general  attorney  in 

Westminster.  North  Wales,  receiving  yearly  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

July  24.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Rede  of  the  office  of  the  bailiwick 

Westminster,  of   Surrey  otherwise   called    ^Bagshotes  Bailly*  in   the   king's   forest  of 

Wyndesore,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of 

Oxford  and  Berk^>  with  all  other  profits.  By  p.s. 

July  21.  Grant  to   Nicholas   Gaynesford,  king's  esquire,   usher  of   the  king's 

Westminster,  chamber,  of  the  custody  of  all  lands  late  of  John  Michclgrove,  deceased^ 

tenant  in  chief  by  knight  service,  during  the  minority  of  Elizabeth  his 

daughter  and  heir,  with  her  marriage.  By  p.S4 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

July  20.         Grant  to  the  king's  servants  William  Hastynges^   knight,  and  John 

Westminster.  Huddelston,  esquire,  or  either  of  them,  of  the  next  advowson  and  patronage 

of  the  parish  church  of  Thornton,  in  the  diocese  of  York.  By  p»s. 

July  23.         (jeneral  pardon  to  John  Pury  of  Chamberhousy  co.  Berks,  esquil*e,  of  all 
Westminster.  oSeuces  committed  by  him  before  20  June  last*  By  p.8» 

July  Id.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  John  Arilndell  of  Lanhern,  esquire,  of 
Westminster,  the  office  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  parks  of  Hellysbury  and  Lanteglos^ 
CO.  Cornwall,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  duchy. 

By  p.s; 

July  20.         Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  the  king's  servant  Bichard  Sutton  of 

Westminster,  the  office  of  one  of.  the  yeomen  tailors  in  the  great  wardrobe,  receiving  ftea 

as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Richard  II.  and  a  livery 

at  the  hands  of  the  keeper  of  the  wardrobe.  By  p.8. 

July  7.  Grant  for  life  to  James  DamjKJrt  of  the  office  of  bne  of  the  king's  Serjeants 

Westminster,  at  arms  from  4  March  last,  receiving  12c^.  daily  frt>m  the  issues  of  the  king's 


IJjgl,  .    '  Membrane  7 — cont. 

lordship,  manor  and  hundred  of  Odjam,  co.  Southampton,  with 'a  robe  of 
the  king's  livery  of  the  suit  of  esquires  of  the  household  yearly  at  Christmas 
at  the  great  wardrobe.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelled  so  far  as  the  \2d,  daily  are  can- 
cemedy  because  on  26  July^  5  Edxcard  /F.,  the  king  granted  to  him  \2d. 
daily  for  lifefrotn  the  Michaelmas  preceding  from  the  issues  of  the  county 
of  WiUs, 

July  20.         The  like  to  John  Wykes,  esquire,  usher  of  the  king's  chamber,  of  the 

VTestminseer.  office  of  constable  of  the  king's  castle  and  lordship  of  Rysyng,  co.  Norfolk, 

from  Easter  last,  receiving  4/.  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  same ;  and  also 

a  yearly  rent  of  16/.  from  the  same.  By  K. 

June  15.         errant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  Thomas  Mongomery,  esquire,  of  the 

Westminstef.   custody  of  the  coinages  of  gold  and  silver  within  the  realm,  receiving  wages 

as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  IIL  and  the  first  of  Richard  II.  from  the 

issues  of  the  same  from  Easter  last.  By  p.s. 

July  20.  Grant  for  life  to  tJie  king's  servant  Edmund  Glase,  clerk  of  the  king's 
Westminster,  goods  (arerte),  of  the  custody  from  Easter  last  of  the  king's  park  called  *  le 
STewparc '  of  Shene,  co.  Surrey,  with  wages  of  2d.  dai^  from  the  issues 
of  the  king's  lordship  of  Hamme,  co.  SuiTey,  with  7  acres  of  meadow 
lying  by  the  bridge  of  Chartesey,  co.  Middlesex,  for  the  sustenance  of  the 
king's  does  within  the  park  in  winter  with  a  mansion,  to  wit  a  hall,  a  kitchen, 
chambers  and  other  houses  thereto  pertaining  and  a  garden  annexed,  which 
mannion  adjoins  the  mansion  of  the  clerk  of  the  works  on  one  side  and 
extends  to  the  new  park  on  the  other ;  2d,  daily  from  the  issues  of  the 
lordships  of  Hamme  and  Petresham,  co.  Surrey,  for  the  repair  of  the  palings 
and  hedges  of  the  park ;  the  ofHee  of  king's  gardener  of  Shene,  receiving 
the  ancient  accustomed  fees  from  Easter  last  from  the  issues  of  the  lordahipe 
of  Shene,  Fetresham  and  Hamme ;  and  the  custody  of  the  warren  of  the 
king's  lordship  of  Shene,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the 
same  lordbhips.  By  p.s. 

July  7.  Whereas  Humphrey  Staiford,  esquire,  son  and  heir  of  John  Stafford, 

Westminster,  knight,  was  seised  in  his  demesne  as  of  fee  tail  of  divers  manoyrs  and  lands 
80|netime  of  Humphrey  Stafford  of  Hoke,  knight,  with  remainder  to  William 
Staiford,  father  of  Humphrey  Stafford,  knight,  and  the  heirs  of  his  body, 
because  the  said  Humphrey,  esquire,  has  no  issue  of  his  body,  the  king 
grants  to  the  said  Humphrey,  knight,  and  his  heirs  all  the  said  manors  and 
kinds  and  all  other  lands  of  which  the  said  Humphrey,  esquire,  was  seised. 

By  p.s. 

June  14.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king*8  servant  Nicholas  Suthcote  of  the  office  of  one 

Wostminster.  of  the  king's  Serjeants  at  arms,  with  wages  of  \2d,  daily  from  4  March  last 

from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Somerset  and  Dorset,  and  a  livery  of  tlie 

suit  of  esquires  of  the  household  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  great  wardrobe. 

By  K.  by  word  of  mouth. 

July  6.  The  like  to  John  Haward,  knight,  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  castle  of 

Westminster.   Colcestre  and  hi^  lordships  there,  to  wit  180  acres  of  land,  27  acres  of  meadow 

and  30«.  rent,  of  the  hundred  of  Tenderyug  and  of  two  parts  of  a  water-mill, 

in  the  county  of  Essex.  By  p.s. 

July  15.         Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Longe,  one  of  the 

Westminster,  soldiers  of  the  town  of  Calais,  of  the  office  of  bailiff  of  the  town  of  Bye,  with 

fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and  the  first  of  Kichard  II.       By  K. 

Jidy  24.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  William  Welles,  knight,  of  the  office 
Westminster,  of  chief  butler  in  Ireland,  with  the  ancient  accustomed  fees ;  the  manors  of 
Turvy,  Balscadane  and  Russhe,  co.  Dublin,  with  advowsons  and  all  lands, 
rents,  services,  courts  and  profits  and  the  manors  of  Blakcastell  and  Duna- 
more,  co.  Meath,  with  the  Uke,  at  a  like  rent,  rendering  to  the  king  a  red 
rose  at  Christmas  luid  Midsummer,  By  p.s. 

1  EDWARD  IV.-J*ABT  IV.  126 

-tAf^-t  ,  Membrane  6. 

July  16.         The  like  to  the  king*s.Bervant  Jolin  Con  vers,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  one 

Westminster,  of  the  king's  Serjeants  at  arms,  with  wages  of  \2d,  dailj  from  4  March  last 

from  tiie  issues  of  the  counties  of  Bedford   and  Buckingham,  and  a  liyery 

of  the  suit  of  esquires  of  the  household  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  great 

wardrobe.  By  K.  by  word  of  mouth. 

July  14.         The  like  to  William  Fenys,  lord  Say  of  Scale,  knight,  from  Easter  last, 

Westminster,  of  the  office  of  keeper  and  warden  and  the  custody  of  the  New  Forest,  co. 

Southampton,  the  manor  and  park  of  Lyndeherst  and  a  rent  of  40«.  yearly 

which  the  abbot  of  Redyng  pays  to  the  king  for  a  tenement  in  the  forest, 

with  nil  liberties,  privileges,  rights,  fees  and  proGts,  deer  excepted.     By  p.s. 

July  22.  Appointment,  during  good  behaviour,  of  Thomas  Mowntgomery,  knight, 

Westminster,  as  one  of  the  king's  carvers,  receiving  40/.  yeai*ly  from  the  foe  farm  of 

the  city  of  Noi-wicli.  By  p.8. 

July  12.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  William  Haute  the  younger,  esquire, 

Westmmster.  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  king's  warren  by  Sandwich,  co.  Kent,  with 

foes  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  HI.  and  liichard  II.  By  p.s. 

July  18.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  John  Laurence  of  the  office  of  being  one 

Westminster,  of  the  four  messengers  of  the  Exchequer,  receiving  wages  of  A\d.  daily  at 

the  receipt  of  the  Exchequer  with  a  robe  of  the  king's  livery  such  as 

the  yeomen  of  the  king's  chamber  have  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  great 

wardrobe.  By  p.s. 

May  28.  The  like  to  Johu   Dowes  of  the    office  of  bailiff  of  Rysing  Castell, 

Westminster,  co.  ^^orfolk,  with  foes  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edwai-d  III.  and  tlie  first  of 

Richard  II.  By  p.8. 

June  18.        Appoiutmeut,  during  pleasure,  of  John  Dcconson  to  purvey  sea  and  fresh - 
Westminster,   water  ilsh  and  salt  fish  at  the  charges  of  George,  bishop  of  Exeter  and 
chancellor,  within  the  town  and  liberty  of  Hastynges. 

June  17.        ITie  like  of  the  said  John  within  the  town  of  Wynchelseo. 

July  23.         Grant  for  life  to  John  Fereby  of  the  office  of  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the 

Westmintter.   crown,  and  6 J.  daily  from  4  March  last  from  the  farm  of  the  town  of 

Notyngham  and  tlie  increment  of  the  same.  By  p«s. 

July  20.  Confirmation  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Withnm  in  Selwode,co.  Somerset, 
Westminster,  the  first  house  of  the  Cai'thusinn  order  in  England,  of  the  foundation  of 
Henry  II.,  of  the  manors  of  Warmyngton,  co.  Warwick,  Speetebury, 
CO.  Dorset,  and  Aston,  co.  Berks,  lately  belonging  to  the  alien  priory  of 
Toites,  granted  to  them  in  frank  almoin  by  letters  patent  dated  28  November, 
19  Henry  VI.,  with  fees,  advowsons,  pensions,  portions  and  other  emoluments, 
from  4  March  last.  By  p.s.,  and  for  20«.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

July  24.         Presentation  of  William  Estwykke,  chaplain,  to  the  church  of  Rounton, 
Westminster.   Hardwik  and  Segthe,  in  the  diocese  of  Norwich,  void  by  the  resignation  of 
John  Conynggysholme,  chaplain. 

July  18.  Grant  to  Johu  Bam,  csf^ulre,  of  the  office  of  steward  of  the  courts  of 

Westmmster.  the  king's  hundreds  of  Middelton  and  Merden,  co.  Keut,  and  bailiff  of 

those  hundreds,  with  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Richard  II. 

from  the  issues  of  the  same.  By  K. 

July  16.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  John  Bury  of  the  office  of  one  of  the 
Westminster,  king's  scrjennts  at  arms,  with  wages  of  12^^.  daily  from  the  farm  and  issues 
of  the  counties  of  London  and  Middlesex,  and  a  livery  of  the  suit  of  esquires 
of  the  household  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  great  wardrobe. 

By  K.  by  word  of  mouth. 

July  20.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Richard  Garnet  of  the  office  of  serjeant 
Wettmiufter.  of  the  king's  pavilions,  with  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and 
Richard  II. 


1461.  Membrane  6 — conu 

July  23.         The  like  to  Bichard  Walter,  *  plomer/  of  the  office  of  plumber  of  the 
Westminster,   kind's  castle  of  Wyndesore,  co.  Berks,  receiving  6d.  daily  from  the  issues 
of  the  castle,  with  all  other  profits  anciently  belonging  to  that  office. 

By  p.s. 

July  26.         The  like  to  Walter  Cotford,  knight,  that  he  be  one  of  the  poor  knights 

Westminster,  of  the  college  of  the  king's  free  chapel  of  St.  George  within  Wyndesore 

Castle,  receiving  the  usual  daily  wages  and  yesture  at  the  hands  of  the 

warden  of  the  collegei  with  a  habitation  within  the  castle.  By  p.s. 

Mbmbranb  5. 

July  22.  The  like  to  John  Dynham,  esquire,  one  of  the  houpehold,  of  the  office 
Westminster,  of  rider  {equestri),  or  master  forester,  of  the  king's  forest  or  chace  of 
Dertmore,  co.  Devon,  receiving  10  marks  yearly  for  his  fee  at  the  hands 
of  the  receiver-general  of  the  duchy  of  Cornwall  with  all  other  ancient 
accustomed  profits,  with  the  power  of  appointing  foresters  and  officers  under 
him.  By  K. 

July  14.  The  like  to  the  king's  sei*vant  Bichard  George  of  the  office  of  one  of 

Westminster,  the  king's  Serjeants  at  arms,  with  wagos  of  \2d.  daily  from  4  March  last 
from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Southampton,  and  a  livery  of  the  suit  of 
esquires  of  the  household  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  great  wardrobe. 

By  K.  by  word  of  mouth. 

July  1.  Grant  to  John  Dynham,  esquire,  of  600  marks  from^  the  first  issues  of 

Westminster,  the  duchy  of  Cornwall,  in  repayment  of  the  same  sum  lent  by  him  to  the 

king.  By  p.s. 

July  24.  General  pardon  to  John  Wylughby  of  Broke,  co.  Wilts,  knight,  otherwise 

Westminster.  John  Willughby  of  Brook  by  Westbury,  co.  Wilts,  knight,  otherwise  of 

Prampton,  co.  Lincoln,  of  all  offences  committed  by  him  and  all  forfeitures 

of  his  l^nds  and  goods.  By  p.s. 

July  2o.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Montgomery,  knight,  of  the 

Westminster,   office   of    the  link   armourership    {lince  armature)   otherwise*  called  the 

hauberkership   {hauberyerie)  within  the  Tower  of  London,  receiving  6rf. 

daily  from  the  fee  faim  of  the  town  of  Jernemouth.  By  p.s. 

July  16,  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  John  Hoghton  of  the  office  of  one  of 

Westminster,  the  king's  Serjeants  at  arms,  with  wages  of  \'2d,  daily  from  4  March  last 
from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Kent,  and  a  livery  of  the  suit  of  esquires 
of  the  household  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  great  wardi'obe. 

By  K.  by  word  of  mouth. 

July  28.         Appointment  for  life  of  Master  Thomas  Kent,  doctor  of  either  law,  as 

Westminster,  secondary   in   the   office   of    the   privy  seal,   receiving  40/.   yearly  from 

4  March  last  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  London  and  Middlesex ; 

and  grant  to  him  for  life  of  50  marks  yearly  from  4  March  last  from  the 

issues  of  the  counties  of  Oxford  and  Berks.  By  p.s. 

July  23.  Grant  for  life  to  Master  Thomas  Kent  and  liichard  Langport,  clerk,  of 

Westminster,  the  office  of  clerk  of  the  council,  receiving  40  marks  yearly  from  4  March 

last  from  the  issues  of  the  manor  of  Braddewell,  co.  Essex,  with  a  livery 

of  vesture  with  linings  and  furs  for  summer  and  winter  at  the  great 

■  wardrobe.  By  p.s. 

July  27.         The  like  to   the   king's  servitor  John  Hemyngburgh  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,   constable  of  the  king's  castle  of  Tremynton  within  the  duchy  of  Cornwall, 

with  the  ancient  accustomed  fees  from  15  April  last  from  the  issues  of  the 

duchy.  By  p.s. 

July  20.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Walter  Devereux  oi  Ferrers,  knight,  of 

Westminster,  the  king's  brewhouse  (pandoxatorinm)  called  '  le  Walsshman '  without 


1461,  Membrane  S^-^oont. 

Ludgate  in  the  ward  of  Faryndon  Without  in  the  parish  of  St.  Martin 
without  Ludgate,  London,  By  p.s.  [223]. 

July  24.        The  like  to  Rose  late  the  wife  of  Robert  Thorp,  esquire,  the  king's  dear 
Weatmiiwter.   widow,  of  10/.  yearly  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s. 

July  25.         The  like  to  William  Fault  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  park  of  Beflete 
;  Wefltminster.  and  the  warren  there,  oo.  Surrey,  with  the  ancient  accustomed  fees. 

By  p.s. 

July  20.         The  like  to  Ralph  Vestenden  of  10/.  yearly  from  Easter  last  from  the 

Westminster,   issues  of  the  counties  of  Surrey  and  Sussex  until  lie  shall  have  an  office 

for  life  of  the  king's  grant  of  the  yearly  value  of  20  marks.  By  p.8, 


June  16.         The  like  to  Hugh  Adams  of  the  office  of  porter  of  the  king's  castle  of 

WcBtmiMter.  Wallyngford,  co.  Berks,  with  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and 

Richard  II.  By  p.s. 

July  16.         Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Nicholas  ap  Elys  as  rector  of  the  pariah 
Weatminster.  church  of  Llannelyan,  in  the  diocese  of  Bangor. 

July  1 8.  Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Hardegrove  of  the  office  called  *  Oterhunt*  and 
Westminster.  2c/.  daily  for  himself,  \\d.  daily  fov  a  groom  under  him  and  |e/.  for  the 
puture  of  each  of  two  greyhounds  and  ten  running  dogs  from  5  March  last 
from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Essex  and  Hei*tford,  as  allowed  in  the 
great  roll  of  48  Edward  III.  in  the  account  of  John  Filol,  late  sheriff  of 
those  counties,  with  all  other  profits.  By  p.8, 

July  12.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  George  Dale  of  the  office  of  the  custody  of 

Westminster,  the  king's  manor  and  warren  of  Haveryng  with  the  custody  of  the  south 

gate  of  the  park  there,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the 

manor.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below, 

July  6.  Grant  to  Margaret,  countess  of  Shrewsbury,  of  the  custody,  during 

Westminster,  minority,  with  the  mai'riage  of  Thomas,  son  and  heir  of  John,  viscount 

Lysle,  and  of  all  his  lands,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir ;  and  also  the  20  marks 

yearly  which  Henry  VI.  granted  to  the  said  viscount  and  the  heirs  male  of 

his  body  on  his  creation  as  viscount  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Salop. 

By  p.8, 

July  20.  Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Bodyn   of  the  office  of  the  custody  of  the 

Westminster,  king's  castle  of  Sandwich  with  the  meadows  called  *  Castelmedeus '  adjacent 

and  the  office  of  verger  of  the  town,  with  wages  of  U.  daily  from  the  issues 

of  the  said  meadows.  By  p.s. 

July  24.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  John  Sidborough  of  the  office  of  keeper  of 
Westminster,  the  king's  privy  wardrobe  within  the  Tower  of  Ix)ndon,  receiving  wages 
from  the  first  day  of  the  reign  as  in   the   times  of  Edward  UI.  and 
Richard  II.  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Essex  and  Hertford. 

By  p.s. 

July  24.         The  like  to  Roland  Johnson,  'yoman,'of  the  office  of  parker  of  the  king's 

Westminster,  park  called  ^  Calgarth,'  co.  Westmoreland,  and  the  custody  of  the  park,  with 

fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Richard  II.  By  p.s. 

July  20.  By  letters  patent  Henry  II.  granted  in  frank  almoin  to  the  prior  and. 

Westminster,  convent  of  La  Grande  Chartreuse  in  Savoy  60  marks  yearly  at  the  Exchequer 
in  England,  and  Richard  I.,  Edward  III.,  Henry  IV.  and  Henry  V.,  by 
several  letters  patent  confirmed  the  grant,  which  continued  until  in  the 
time  of  Henry  VI.,  the  prior  and  convent,  in  consideration  of  the  poverty  of 
the  prior  and  convent  of  the  house  of  their  order  called  the  Place  of  God, 
Henton,  co.  Somerset,  and  for  a  sum  of  700  marks  lent  to  them  and  paid  in 

128  ^    .  CALENDAR  OF  PATENT  ROLLS. 

1461.  Membrane  i.^^-cont, 

Savoj  under  the  common  seal  of  the  house  of  Henton,  surrendered  the  said 
letters  patent  and  confirmation b  thereof.  In  consideration  of  this  surrender, 
Henry  VI.,  by  letters  patent  dated  19  July  in  his  24th  year,  granted  in  frank 
almoin  to  William  Marchall,  then  prior,  and  the  convent  of  Lfenton,  60  marks 
yearly,  to  wit,  14/.  from  the  subsidy  &nd  ulnage  of  cloths  in  the  county  of 
Wilts  and  town  of  Salisbury,  4/.  6*.  Sd.  from  the  issues  of  that  county  and 
]  5/.  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  hundred  of  Calne,  co.  Wilts,  and  a  water  mill 
in  Calne,  during  the  life  of  Walter  Hungerford,  knight,  and  after  his  death 
from  the  said  subsidy  and  ulnage.  The  present  king,  in  consideration  that 
the  prior  and  convent  of  Hcnton  borrowed  the  said  700  marks  to  pay  the 
house  in  Savoy  and  that  the  persons  from  whom  they  Ijorrowed  are  not  yet 
repaid  in  full,  and  that  the  said  50  marks  are  notv  the  substance  of  their 
possessions  and  that  without  them  divine  service  cannot  there  be  maintained, 
and  that  their  house  has  fallen  into  decay,  hereby  grants  to  William 
Hatherlee,  now  prior,  and  the  convent  the  said  50  marks  yearly  from' 
4  March  last  from  the  said  subsidy  and  ulnage. 

By  p.s.  and  for  13;.  ^d.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

July  26.         Grant  for  life  to  Henry  Fenne,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king  and  his 

Westminster,  father  Richard,  late  duke  of  York,  of  the  office  of  warrener  of  Purbek, 

CO.  Dorset,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of 

Somerset  and  Dorset.  By  p.s. 

July  5.  Mandate  to  all  sheriffs,  mayors,  bailiffs  and  others  to  permit  the  men  and 

Westmioster.  tenants  of  the  town  of  Southwold,  co.  Suffolk,  which  Gilbert  de  Clare,  late 
earl  of  Gloucester  and  Hertford,  held  as  parcel  of  the  earldom  of  Gloucester, 
to  be  quit  of  payment  of  toll,  pontage,  passage,  pickage,  pavage  and 
murage  throughout  the  realm  as  fi'om  time  immemorial,  as  appears  by  an 
inquisition  before  Eobert  de  Brewes  and  Nicholas  de  Hanlee  by  com* 
mission  of  Henry  III.,  exemplified  by  letters  patent  of  Henry  IV. 

Membrane  3. 

]^ay  20.         Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  William  Eburton  of  the  office  of  usher  and 

Westminster,  crier  of  the  King's  Bench,  with  fees  as  in  the  last  year  of  Edward  III.  and 

the  first  of  Bichard  II.  and  a  livery  of  the  suit  of  yeomen  of  the  household 

at  the  great  wardrobe  yearly  and  at  every  coronation.  By  p.s. 

May  13.  Grant  to  John  Markham,  chief  justice  of  the  King's  Bench,  for  the 
Westminster,  maintenance  of  his  estate  in  his  office,  of  180  marks  yearly  at  the  hands  of 
the  keeper  of  the  hanaper  or  the  customers  in  the  ports  of  London,  Bristol 
and  the  town  of  Kyngeston  on  Hull,  according  to  the  form  of  an  act  in 
Parliament  at  Westminster,  18  Henry  VI.,  and  106s.  \\\d.  and  the  sixth 
part  of  \d.  at  Christmas  for  a  robe  with  fur  for  the  same  (furrura) 
and  66^.  6d,  at  Whitsuntide  for  a  robe  with  lining  for  the  same. 

April  8.  The  like  to  Peter  Ardern,  knight,  chief  baron  of  the  Exchequer,  of  110 

Westminster,   marks  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  and  a  robe  with  fur  (jpelura)  at  Christmas 
and  one  with  lining  at  Whitsuntide. 

May  1 1 .  The  like  to  Robert  Dauby,  chief  justice  of  the  Bench,  of  93/.  6*.  bd.  yearly 
York.  at  the  hands  of  the  keeper  of  the  hanaper  or  the  customers  in  the  ports  of 
London,  Bristol  and  the  town  of  Kyngeston  on  Hull,  according  to  the  form 
of  an  act  in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  18  Henry  VI.,  and  668,  6d.  at 
Whitsuntide  for  a  robe  with  lining,  and  106«.  \\\d.  and  the  sixth  part  of 
\d,  at  Christmas  for  a  robe  with  fur  (furrura), 

Jnly  10.  Appointment,  during  pleasure  of  ifohn  Wenlok,  lord  of  Wenlok,  knight, 

Westminster,  chief  bntler  of  England,  of  John  Clement  as  his  deputy  in  the  port  of 
Brigge water  and  ports  and  places  adjacent,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees. 

By  bill  of  the  chief  butler. 

J  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  IV.  129 

1461.  Membrane  3 — cont. 

The  like  of  the  foUowiug  in  the  ports  named  :— 
Thomas  Thundre  in  the  port  of  Chichester. 
John  Scot,  knight,  in  the  port  of  Sandwich. 
John  Whiehecote,  esquire,  in  the  port  of  Ejngeston  on  Hnll. 

July  24.  Thomas  Gille  the  younger  in  the  port  of  'Exeiew 


Nov.  16.  Richard  Perpont  in  the  port  of  Boston. 



Jan.  20.  AJan  Birde  in  the  port  of  Newcastle  on  Tyne. 



July  15.         Appointment  of  Vincent  Pitelesden  as  receiver  of  all  manors  and  lands 
Westminster,  late  of  James,  earl  of  Wilts,  in  the  counties  of  Wilts,  Dorset,  Somerset  and 
Devon,  so  long  as  they  remain  in  the  king's  bands,  with  the  accustomed  fees, 
accounting  yearly  before  the  auditors  of  the  manors. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

June  26.         Presentation  of  Master  Roger  Malmesbury,  king's  clerk,  to  the  first 

Westminster,   portion  in  the  church  of  Bisle,  in  the  diocese  of  Worcester,  void  by  the  death 

of  Master  Thomas  Duncan.  By  K. 

July  26.  Grant  for  life  to  Humphrey  Stafford  of  Suthwyk,  knight,  from  Easter 

Westminster,  last,  of  the  offices  of  constable  of  the  castle  of  Bristol  and  the  custody  of  the 
king's  forests  of  Kyngeswode,  co.  Gloucester,  Fylwode,  co.  Somerset,  and 
Gjllynghara,  co.  Dorset,  and  his  park  within  the  latter,  with  the  power  of 
appointing  a  porter  and  two  watchmen  to  wat<;h  by  night  and  day  in  the 
castle  and  all  foresters  and  officers,  with  all  profits  and  emulments^  receiving 
20/.  yearly  for  the  office  of  constable,  2d.  daily  for  the  wages  of  the  porter, 
Sd.  daily  and  ^d,  nightly  for  the  wages  of  two  watchmen,  and  7^d.  daily 
for  the  wages  of  the  foresters  of  Kyngeswode  with  all  others  wages  of 
foresters  from  the  farm  and  issues  of  the  town  of  Bristol,  in  the  pame 
manner  as  Richard  de  Bello  Campo,  late  earl  of  Warwick.  By  p.s. 

July  18.         Licence  for  Hermann  Quadebek,  a  scholar  of  the  university  of  Cambridge 
Westminster,   and  a  native  of  Almain,  to  hold  benefices  in  England.     [Foedera'],     By  p.s. 

July  16.         Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Thomas  Beaugraunt  as  rector  of  the  parish 
Westminster,  church  of  Bury,  in  the  diocese  of  Chichester.  By  p.s. 

July  24.         Appointment  of  Nicholas  Harpisfeld  to  approve  and  demise  at  farm  to  the 

Westminster,  king's  use  all  lands  and  possessions  which  John  Joskyn  had  in  the  county 

of  Hertford,  and  to  receive  all  profits  from  them  irom  Easter  last  and 

account  for  the  same  at  the  Exchequer.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

July  24.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent  of  the  king's  &ther,  Richard, 
Westminster,  late  duke  of  York,  dated  at  Chester,  13  September,  1460,  being  a  grant  for 
life  to  John  Sotheworth,  mayor  of  Chester,  of  a  yearly  rent  of  10/.  from 
the  issues  of  his  lordship  of  Dynbiegh,  for  past  service  and  service  to  be 
rendered,  according  to  tlie  form  of  indentures  made  between  the  duke  and 
the  said  John,  to  him  and  his  son  Edward,  earl  of  March. 

For  10«.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Mbmbranb  2. 

July  23.  Appointment,  during  good  behaviour,  of  the  king*s  servant  Thomas  Aleyn, 

Westminster,    for  his  good  service  to  the  king's  father  Richard,  duke  of  York,  as  one  of 

the  auditors  of  all  castles,  lordships,  manors  and  lands  belonging  to  the 

duchy  of  Cornwall,  receiving  such  fees  as  Richard  Bedford,  late  one  of  the 

auditors,  had  from  the  issues  of  the  duchy.  By  p.s. 

«    «e»l4,  I 


14gl^  Membrane  2—cont. 

July  25.         G^rant  for  life  to  John  Peesmershe,  esquire,  for  his  good  service  to  thd 

Wevtmioster.   king  and  the  king's  father  and  on  account  of  his  great  age,  of  22 J.  daily 

from  Easter  last  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Northumberland,  until  the 

king  grant  him  an  office  or  offices  of  equal  value.  By  p.s. 

July  25.         Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  John  Argent  of  the  office  of  packer  of  woollen 

Westminster,  cloths  in  the  ports  of  Southampton  and  Sandwich,  with  fees  as  in  the 

times  of  Edward  III.  and  Bichard  IL  By  p.8. 

July  16.         Grant  to  the  king's  servant  Richard  Felde  and  his  heirs  of  a  mill  called 

Westminster,  <  Haryottys  Mille '  in  the  parish  of  West  Harpetre  with  all  accastomed 

profits,  rendering  to  the  king  I2d.  yearly.  By  p.8» 

July  9.  Grant  to  the  king's  servant,  Thomas  Burgh,  one  of  the  esquires  of  the 

Westminster,  body,  of  the  office  of  steward  of  all  lordships,  manors,  towns,  sokes,  hundreds 

and  lands  which  Edmund,  late  earl  of  Biehemond,  had  in  the  county  of 

Lincoln,  during  the  minority  of  Henry,  son  and  heir  of  the  latter,  receiving 

the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.8. 

May  23.         Grant  for  12  years  to  William  Hastynges,  knight,  of  the  office  of  master 

York.         and  worker  of  the  king's  mints  within  the  Tower  of  London,  the  realm  of 

England  and  the  town  of  Calais,  according  to  the  form  of  indentures  to  be 

made  between  him  and  the  king,  rendering  nothing  and  receiving  the 

accustomed  profits.  By  p.8. 

July  9.  Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Burgh,  one  of  the  esquires  of  the  body,  of  the 

Westminster,  office  of  steward  of  the  king's  soke  and  lordships  of  Kirketon  in  Lyndesey, 

CO.  Lincoln,  receiving  6/.  I3s,  4d,  yearly  at  the  hands  of  the  receivers 

bailifi*8,  reeves  or  other  holders.  By  p.s. 

July  18.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  kinsman  John  Nevill,  lord  Mountague,  of  the 
Westminster,  subsidy  and  ulnage  of  cloths  for  sale  in  the  counties  of  York  and  Kyngeston 
on  Hull  and  the  city  and  suburbs  of  York  with  the  whole  forfeiture  of  the 
same  and  all  profits  and  emoluments,  and  appointment  of  him  to  measure 
and  seal  the  cloth  before  it  is  exposed  for  sale,  to  search  houses,  shops  and 
other  places  where  cloth  may  be  found  exposed  for  sale  unsealed,  to  seize 
such  cloth  as  forfeited  and  to  execute  the  office,  in  accordance  with  the 
provisions  of  the  grant  to  Edward  [III.]  in  the  great  council  at  Westminster 
and  divers  statutes  and  ordinances  in  Parliament,  17  Bichard  II.,  1  March, 
7  Henry  IV.,  and  11  Henry  VI.  By  K. 

July  12.  Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  Henry  Cawode,  king's  servant,  for  his 

Westminster,  good  service  to  the  king  and  his  father,  of  the  office  of  pai'ker  of  Connes* 
burgh,  with  the  accustomed  fees,  in  the  same  manner  as  Thomas  Wesby. 

By  p.s. 

July  4.  General  pardon  to  Peter  de  Viner,  late  of  London  '  taiUoure,'  otherwise 

Westminster.   Peter  Viner,  late  of  London,  Norman.  By  p.8. 

July  8.  Grant,  during  good  behaviour,  to  Master  Henry  Sharp,  doctor  of  laws, 

Westminster,  of  the  office  of  notary  or  prothonotary  of  the  Chancery,  receiving  60  marks 

yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  banaper,  with  all  other  ancient  accustomed 

profits.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  1. 

July  17.         Grant  for  life  to  William  Pecche,  knight,  of  the  office  called  *  sandgill ' 

Westminster,  within  the  king's  lordships  of  Marke  and  Oye,  which  is  to  have  7d.  from 

every  cart  of  merchandise  coming  to  or  going  from  the  town  of  Calais,  with 

such  fees  as  Antony  Delatour,  Lombard,  lately  had  in  the  same  office. 

Vacated  because  elsewhere  on  the  French  Boll,  By  p.s. 

July  24.         Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  John  Eltonhede  as  auditor  of  all  manors, 

Wc^tmiuster.  lordships  and  lands  within  the  realm  late  of  Edmund,  earl  of  Biehemond, 

receiving  the  accustomed  fees.  By  bill  of  treasurer. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  IV,  131 

1461.  •■     '  Membrane  l^-H:ont. 

June  1.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  mother  Cicely,  dachess  of  York,  in  full 

'Westminster,  recorapence  of  her  jointure,  to  the  value   of  5,000  marks  yearly,  of  the 

manors    of  Letchelade,    Berdesley,   Brymmesfeld,    Musardere,   Wynston, 
Chorlton,   Doughton   and  Byslegh   with    the    hundred    of    Byslegh,   co. 
Gloucester,  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Sevenhampton,  the  hundred  of  Hieworth 
with  the  horough  of  Hieworth,  the  town  or  borough  of  Cricklade,  the  manor 
of  Chelworth,  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Old  Wotton  with  the  borough  of 
Wotton,  and  the  manors  of  Fastem,  Tokenham,  Compton,  Wynterbourne 
and  Somerford  Caynes,  co,  Wilts,  25/.  12*.  8d,  yearly  from  the  fee  farm 
of  the  town  of  Andever,  and  the  manors  of  Hokemortymer  and  Worthy- 
mortymer,  co.  Southampton,  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Neubury  with  the 
borough  of  Neubury,  the  manor  of  Wokefeld,  and  the  manor  and  lordship 
of  Stratfeld  Mortymer,  co.  Berks,  the  manor  and  hundred  of  Pymperne,  the 
manor  of  Tarent  Goundevile,  the  town  or  township  of  Waymouth,  a  tenement 
called  •  Helwell,*  the  manors  of  Stuple  and  Criche,  the  hundreds  of  Rough- 
burgh,  Russhemore  and  Hasellore  with  courts  and  perquisites  of  courts, 
the  manor  and  town  of  Wike,  the  manor  and  island  of  Portelond,  the  manors 
of  Mershewode  and  Gussecho  Bowne,  and  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Ware- 
ham  with  the  town  of  Wareham,  co.  Dorset,  the  maaor  of  Odecombe,  the 
manor  of  Milverton  with  the  borough  of  Milverton,  and  the  castle  of  Bruge- 
water  and  the  manor  of  Ileygrove  with  the  borough  of  Brugewater,  co. 
Somerset,  the  manor  of  Whaddon  Nasshe  with  the  chase  of  Whaddon,  the 
manor  of  Steple   Claydon,  the   manor  of  Wendover   called  *Wendover 
Foreyn '  with  the  borough  of  Wendover,  and  the  manors  of    Salden  and 
Boerton,  co.  Buckingham,  the  manor  of  Fynner,  co.  Oxford,  the  manor  and 
lordship  of  Huchen  and  the  manors  of  Ansty,  Staundon,  and  Popsale,  co. 
Hertford,  the  castle  and  manor  of  Fodrynghay  and  the  manors  of  Nassyng- 
ton,  Yerwell  and  Upton,  co.  Northampton,  the  castle,  town  and  manor  of 
Staumford,  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Depyng,  11/.  6*.  9Jr/.  yearly  from  the 
fee  farm  of  West  Depyng,  the  manors  and  lordships  of  Kelby  and  Grantham, 
and  an  inn  called   *le   George'   in   Grantham,   co.   Lincoln,   the  manors 
and  lordships  of  Great  Wakyngham,  Little  Walsyngham  and  Bircham,  co. 
Norfolk,  the  castle,  manor,  lordship  and  honour  of  Clare  with  the  borough 
of  Clare  with  appurtenances   in  the  counties  of  Suffolk,  Essex,  Norfolk, 
Hertford  and    Cambridge    and   other  counties,   the    manors   of   Erbury 
and  Honden,  co.  Suffolk,  the  manors  and  lordships  of  Latcheley,  Clarethall, 
Berdesfeld  and  Thaxsted,  with  the  borouglis  of  Berdesfeld  and  Thaxsted, 
CO.  Essex,  the  town  of  Sudbury,  co.  Suffolk,  the  manor  of  Wodhall  and  a 
third  part  of  the  manor  of  Leyham,  co.  Essex,  the  manor  of   South- 
frith    with    the    wood  and    park    there   and    the    manors    of  Depford, 
Stroude,  Erith,  Tonge,  Swannescombe,  Kyngeadown  and  ShiUyngeld,  co. 
Kent,  the  manors  of  Purbryght,  Shii^e  and  Drayton ;  4/.  17 s,  4d.  yearly  from 
the  fee  farm  of  the  city  of  Chichester,  co.  Sussex,  13/.  rent  in  Bottesham, 
CO.  Cambridge,  and  the'courts  and  leets  of  the  honour  of  Gloucester  with 
their  perquisites  in  Bottesham,  Royston,  Litlyngton,   Moredon,   Malrede, 
Thadlowe,  Abyndon,  Arnyngton,  Harleton  and  Tof^  co.  Cambridge,  with 
the  fees  and  parts  of  fees  late  of  the  king's  father,  Richard,  duke  of  York, 
there  and  elsewhere  in  that  county,  the  leets  and  courts  of  Wolley  and 
Grandysdon,  co.  Huntingdon,  with  their  perquisites,  the  manors  of  Brym- 
mesgrove,  Kyngesnorton  and  Clyfton,  70/.  lis.  lOd.  yearly  from  the  fee  farm 
of  the  town  of  Wyche,  and  the  manor  of  Odyngley,  co.  Worcester,  an 
inn  or  tenement  called  ^  Baynardescastell  *  in  London,  400/.  yearly  from 
the  customs  of  wools,  hides  and  wool-fells  in  the  port  of  Eyngeston  on  Hull, 
28d/.  6*.  Sd,  from  the  like  customs  in  the  port  of  London,  100/.  yearly  from 
the  issues  of  the  county  of  York,  the  manors  and  lordships  of  Mawardyn 
and  Marcle,  co.  Hereford,  and  50  marks  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  forests 
of  Exmore,  Rachiche  and  Mynedepp,  cos.  Somerset  and  Devon,  from  80 
December  last,  on  which  da^  the  said  duke  died,  with  knights'  feeS| 



1461*  Membrane  1— con^« 

advowflonB,  wards,  marriages,  eBcheats,  views  of  frank-pledge,  courts,  woods, 
parks,  warreoB,  chaces,  fairs,  marketSf  fisheries,  liberties,  wreck  of  sea 
and  other  appurtenances.  By  K. 

Julj  22.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Rede  of  lOOff.  yearly  from  Michaelmas  last  from 

Westminster,  the  fee  farm  of  the  city  or  town  of  Rochester,  co.  Kent.  By  p.s, 

-i^o  Mbmbranb  22d, 

Feb.  28.         Commission  to  John  Hudylston,  knight,  Richard  Musgrave,  knight, 

Westminster.  Richard  Salkelt,  Roland  Vaux,  William  Par  and  John  Par  to  arrest  and 

imprison  persons  going  about  inciting  to  insurrection  and  uttering  seditious 

speeches  in  the  counties  of  Northumberland,  Camberlandand  Westmoreland. 

Feb.  28.      .  Commission  to  the  sheriff  and  others  to  array  all  able-bodied  men  in  the 
Wcetminster.  county  of  Kent  against  Heory  VI,  and  the  king's  enemies,    [Appendix^ 
No.  3.] 

Mbmbranb  I8d. 

March  3.         Commission  to  John  Bemers  of  Berners,  knight,  to  take  into  the  king's 
Westminster,  hands  the  manors  of  Belynges,  Newton  in  Swyllond  and  Westterfeld  and 

a  close  called  Chasfeld  in  Cbasfeld,  co.  Suffolk,  late  of  Thomas  Tudenham, 

knight,  a  rebel. 

March  1.         Commission  to  Walter  Devereux  of  Ferrers  and  William  Herbert  of 
Westmhister.  Herbert,  knights,  to  array  all  able-bodied  men  in  South  Wales  and  the 
marches  against  Henry  YI.  and  the  king's  enemies. 

Mbmbranb  I7d. 

March  1.  Commission  to  Th.,  archbishop  of  Canterbury,  J.,  bishop  of  Rochester, 
Westminster.  John  Fogge,  knight,  John  Scot,  knight,  John  Clerk,  John  Gildeford, 
John  Bamme,  John  Rowe  and  the  sheriff  of  Kent  to  enquire  into  all 
trespasses  and  extortions  committed  against  Thomas  Ussher  of  Cleve 
and  other  subjects  of  the  king  of  that  county  by  Edward  Broke  of 
Cobham,  knight)  and  his  servants. 

Mbmbranb  I5d. 

Feb.  10.         Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  Stourton  of  Stourton,  knight, 
Westminster*   John  Stafford  of  Suthwyk,  knight,  Nicholas  Aysshton,  Walter  Moile,  John 
Whitokesmede,  George  Darell,  John  Hall  and  Richard  Freman  touching 
certein  treasons  and  felonies  in  the  county  of  Wilts. 

Mbmbranb  lid. 

Feb.  12.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John,  duke  of  Norfolk,  John,  duke 
Westminster,  of  Suffolk,  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  William,  earl  of  Arundel,  Henry, 
earl  of  Essex,  and  William,  earl  of  Kent,  king's  kinsmen,  and  Ralph 
Greystok  of  Greystok,  Edmund  Grey  of  Ruthyn,  John  Clynton  of  Clynton, 
knights,  John  Audeley  of  Audeley,  and  Edwurd  Nevill  of  Bergevenny, 
Jolm  Lescrop  of  Bolton,  Richard  West  de  la  Warre,  Edward  Broke  of 
Cobham,  John  Stourton  of  Stonrton,  John  Neyyll  of  Montague,  William 
Hastynges  of  Hastynges,  John  Wenlok  of  Wenlok,  Humphrey  Stafford  of 
Suthewyk,  Walter  Devereux  of  Ferrers,  William  Herbert  of  Herbert,  John 
Markham,  Robert  Danby,  Peter  Ardem  and  William  Telverton,  knights, 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  IV,  133 

1462.  Metnbrane  14c?— «on^. 

Richard  Byngbam,  Nicholas  Ayssheton,  Robert  Danvers,  Walter  Moile^ 
John  Nedeham  and  Richard  Cbok  touching  all  trespasses  and  treasons 
as  well  at  the  suit  of  the  king  as  of  others  in  the  counties  of  Essex,  Hertford, 
Cambridge,  Huntingdon,  Norfolk,  Suffolk,  Lincoln,  York,  Northumberland, 
Westmoreland,  Cumberland,  Nottingham,  Derby,  Northampton,  Warwick, 
Leicester^  Oxford,  Berks,  Bedford,  Buckingham,  Stafford,  Worcester, 
Gloucester,  Hereford  and  Salop,  the  cities  of  York,  Lincoln,  Coventiy 
and  Norwich,  and  the  towns  of  Newcastle  on  Tyne,  Kyngeston  on  Hull, 
Notyngham  and  Bristol  and  their  liberties.  By  K. 

The  like,  at  the  suit  of  the  king  only. 

Mbmbxlass  13i. 

Feb.  16.         Commission  to  iThomas  Osbern,  one  of  the  king's  serjeanta  at  armSf 
Wettmiuster.  Ralph  Tykell  and  Christopher  Ambrose  to  arrest  Edward  Cateyn  and 
bring  him  before  the  king  in' Chancery. 


June  18.  Commission  to  Richard  Skropp,  chancellor  of  the  university  of  Cam- 
Westminster,  bridge,  William  Seyntgeorge,  knight,  John  Cheyne,  esquire,  William 
HasUdeo,  Richard  Hatfeld,  John  Ansty,  William  Alyngton  and  Thomas 
Hayrman  to  enquire  into  the  narrowing  and  obstruction  of  the  river 
running  under  the  great  bridge  of  the  town  of  Cambridge,  whereby 
the  bridge  has  been  broken  down,  and  to  cause  the  bridge  to  be  repaired 
bj  the  proper  persons. 


Dec.  15.  Commission  to  Edward  Nevill  of  Bergevenny,  William  Fenya  of  Say 
Wefiminster  of  Seell,  Edward  Broke  of  Cobham  and  John  Scotte,  knights,  William 
Laken,  Nicholas  Sibill,  Thomas  Balard,  John  Roo  and  the  sheriff  of  Kent 
to  enquire  into  certain  eictortions  and  oppressions  committed  in  that 
county  by  William  Isle  of  Sundrisse,  co.  Kent,  esquire,  Robert  Drilond 
of  Sellyng,  co.  Kent,  'gentilman,'  John  Stokton  of  Sundrissh,  oo.  Kent, 
*  yoman,'  lliomas  ChiUescombe  of  Sundrissh, '  gentilman,'  William  Amewe 
of  Sundrissh,  clerk,  and  Richard  William  of  Chevenyng,  co.  Kent,  derk. 

Dec.  19.  The  like  to  the  king's  kinsman  John,  earl  of  Worcester,  James,  abbot 
Westminster,  of  St.  Augustine  by  Canterbuiy,  Thomas,  prior  of  Christ  Church,  Canter- 
bury, William  Bygge,  mayor  of  Canterbury,  William  Haute  the  elder, 
esquire,  John  Oxenden,  Thomas  Marescall  and  the  sheriff  of  Kent  to 
enquire  into  divers  alleged  trespasses,  extortions  and  oppressions  by 
Nicholas  Aleyn,  late  of  Sturrey,  co.  Kent,  *  yoman.* 


Feb.  11.  Commission  to  William  Cayleway,  John  More  and  John  Battescombe 
Westminster,  to  enquire  into  the  tenure  of  a  moiety  of  the  manor  of  Whitwell  in 
Kyngeston  Wynterborn,  co.  Dorset.  It  was  found  by  an  inquisition  taken 
at  Brode  Wyndesore,  co.  Dorset,  on  Monday,  26  October,  before  Thomas 
Gylle,  esquire,  then  escheator,  that  Thomas  Sterne  held  the  said  moiety 
on  3  July,  the  day  of  his  death,  in  his  demesne  as  of  fee  in  socage, 
rendering  to  the  king  40«.  yearly,  and  that  his  brother  Henry  Sterne,  then 
of  the  age  of  12  years,  was  iiis  heir ;  but  the  king  is  now  given  to  understand 
tliat  he  held  it  in  chief  by  knight  service  and  not  in  socage. 

Fragment  of  a  commission  to  Robert  Danby,  knight,  Peter  Ardem, 
knight,  Robert  Danvers,  John  Cheyne,  knight,  William  Lacon,  Thomaa 
Gyfford*  John  Breback,  esquire^  and  Thomas  Sokes,  eequire. 



Feb.  19.         Commission  to  Henry  Brook  to  enquire  touching  the  use  of  false  Weights 

Westminster,  and  measures  throughout  the  realm  and  to    arrest   and   imprison    any 

offenders,  and  to  certify  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  fi*om 

time  to  time  of  the  names  of  the  persons  found  guilty  and  of  the  fines  imposed 

upon  them. 

Feb.  15.  Commission  to  John  Lescrop  of  Bolton,  knight,  Roger  Chamberleyn, 
Westminster,  knight,  Ralph  Cressener,  Thomas  Stutevyle,  William  Geddyng  and  John 
Smyth  to  enquire  into  the  complaint  of  Henry  earl  of  Essex,  John 
Doreward,  esquire,  William  Mulsoo,  esquire,  and  Thomas  Barnard,  esquire, 
that,  whereas  they  were  lately  seised  of  the  manor  of  Greys  in  Caundysshe, 
CO.  Suffolk,  in  Uieir  demesne  as  of  fee  in  time  of  peace  in  the  time  of 
Henry  VI.  and  received  the  esplees  thereof,  they  were  unjustly  disseised 
by  the  king's  father  Richard,  late  duke  of  York,  after  the  first  transfretation 
into  Gascony  of  Kiug  Henry  son  of  King  John.  By  K. 

Feb.  27.  Commission  to  Richard  Byngham  the  elder,  Walter  Blount,  knight, 
Westminster.  Henry  Pierpount,  Richard  Wyloughby,  Richard  Byngham  the  younger, 
and  the  sheriff  of  Nottingham  and  Derby  to  arrest  Ranulph  Rye,  *  gentilman,' 
Robert  Johnson,  *  yoman,'  Robert  Clerk,  *  flecker,*  Henry  Clerk, '  flecher,' 
and  William  Cole,  *flecher,'  all  late  of  Maunsfeld  in  Shirwode,  co.  Nottingham, 
John  Plummer  late  of  Worsop,  co.  Nottingham,  *  plummer,*  William  Barley 
otherwise  Barlowe  otherwise  Strotte,  *  sithesmyth,'  John  Thorp,  *  husbond- 
man,'  and  William  Wyrall,  *  sithesmyth,'  all  late  of  Horsley,  co.  Derby,  and 
Richard  Heloughby  late  of  Maunsfeld,  ^  husbondman,'  who  have  conmiitted 
divers  depredations  in  those  counties,  and  bring  them  before  the  king  and 

\AQ\  MnMBRAlfB  Set* 

July  20.  Commission  to  William  Hastynges  of  HdStynged,  knight^  Ralph 
Westminster.  Hastynges,  esquire,  John  Don,  esquire,  Thomas  Wake,  esquire,  Walter 
Mauntell,  esquire,  William  Stephyns  and  John  Gefferon  to  take  into  the 
king's  haads  all  lands  and  other  possessions  late  of  Thomas  Thorp,  knight, 
in  Bernewell,  co.  Northampton,  and  of  Thomas  Tresham,  knight,  in  the 
counties  of  Northampton  and  Buckingham,  so  that  the  king  may  be 
answered  for  the  issues  of  the  same  at  the  hands  of  the  said  John  Don. 


July  20.  Commission  of  the  peace  at  the  request  of  W.  archbishop  of  York, 
Westminster,  who  has  the  peace  there,  to  William  Eland,  John  Holme  and  Alexander 
Crake  within  the  franchises  and  liberties  of  Beverley  and  Ripon,  pursuant 
to  the  statutes  and  ordinances  of  Winchester,  Northampton,  and  Westminster, 
ihe  statutes  and  ordinances  there  and  at  Cambridge  touching  ^  travelyngmen,' 
the  statutes  and  ordinances  at  Westminster,  1  and  2  Henry  IV.,  another 
statute  at  Leicester  against  Lollards,  Henry  Y.,  another  statute  in  the  time 
of  the  same  king  at  Westminster  of  counterfeiting  money,  and  all  other 
statutes  and  ordinances  touching  the  peace. 

MsdiBAAN^  Id. 

July  24.  Commissioti  to  John  Audeley  of  Audeley,  William  iBotrcttUi,  knight^ 
Westminster.  John  Stourton  of  Stourton,  knight,  Humphrey  Stafford  of  Suthwyk,  knight, 
Thomas  Seymour,  knight,  Richard  Chokke,  John  Cheyny  of  Pynne,  Robert 
Warre,  John  Sydenham  the  elder^  Robert  Stowdl,  John  Fitz  James,  John 
Sydenham  the  younger  and  the  sheriff  of  Somerset  and  Dorset  to  enquire 
into  all  riots,  offences  and  trespasses  against  Thomas  Gille  the  younger, 
escheator  in  those  countiesi  and  all  other  felonies  and  insurrections  com- 

t  £:t)WAttD  iVw— PiBT  IV.  ii& 

l46l.  Membrane  Td^^'Cont* 

mitted  bj  John  Ajsshe  otherwise  Boleyn  of  Mertok,  co.  Somerset, 
'fisshiouter/  John.Aysshe  otherwise  Boleyn  otherwise  Cokkes  Jak  the 
elder,  *bocher,'  John  Aysshe  otherwise  Boleyn  the  younger,  *bocher,' 
and  John  Aysshe  otherwise  Boleyn  otherwise  Courte,  ^  frankelyn/  late 
of  Melton  Faucomberge,  co.  Somerset,  Thomas  Gryffyn  otherwise  Griffith 
late  of  [Stoke  under  Hamden,  co.  Somerset,  ^  yoman,'  John  Sherlok,  late  of 
Bourhenton,  co.  Somerset,  *  husbondman,'  Thomas  Sherlok,  late  of  the  same, 
'yoman,'  and  John  Taillour,  late  of  the  same,  ' husbondman,'  Thomas 
Tylard,  late  of  Stapulton,  co.  Somerset,  *  fisshiouter,'  John  Petewyn,  late 
of  Mertok«  co.  Somerset,  drover,  and  John  Wydecombe  the  younger,  late 
of  the  same,  ^  yoman,'  Thomas  Greke  late  of  Crukern,  co.  Somerset, 
'  husbondman,'  and  others,  and  to  arrest  and  imprison  all  whom  they  may 
find  guilty. 

Mbmbhanb  6d» 

July  20.        Commission  to  Walter  Blount,  knight,  John  Gresley,  knight,  Williani 
,We8tmiD8ter.  Blount,  William  Basset,  John  Pole,  Nicholas  Fitz  Herbert,  John  Curson, 

Nicholas  Eneveton  and  the  sheriff  of  Derby  to  arrest  John  Vernon,  esquire, 
and  bring  him  before  the  king  and  council. 

July  18.  The  like  to  Simon  Hareby  and  Leonard  Thornburgh,  esquires,  and  the 
Westimnster.  sheriff  of  Lincoln  to  arrest  William  Tolus,  clerk,  Henry  Shipton,  *  yoman,' 
John  Marley, '  yoman,*  John  Gye,  '  yoman,'  Ralph  Madyson,  Bichard  Gylle, 
Thomas  Lednam,  Robert  Hawdale,  Robert  Palmer,  Robert  Heryng,  Robert 
Tye,  Henry  Wodman,  Robert  Beke,  Walter  Bardney,  William  Cowper, 
John  Drayton,  Thomas  Pyge,  '  gentilman,'  and  Henry  Launde,  clerk,  and 
bring  them  before  the  king  in  Chancery. 

July  13.  Commission  to  William  Chamberleyn,  knight,  Gilbert  Debenham,  John 
Westminster.  Tymperley,  Richard  Suthwell  and  William  Harleston,  esquires,  John 
Fyncheham,  George  Wiseman,  esquire,  John  Twyer,  esqilkire,  Richard 
Rokwod,  esquire,  and  the  escheator  in  the  county  of  Norfolk  to  take  into 
the  king's  hands  the  castle  of  Bokenham,  the  manors  of  Old  Bokenham, 
New  Bokenham,  Tybenham,  Bokenham  Lathys  and  two  parts  of  the  manor 
of  Gtyshaght  in  the  town  of  Wymondham,  co.  Norfolk,  and  to  remove  John 
Xny vet  and  William  Kny vet,  esquires,  and  their  adherents,  from  the  posses* 
sion  of  the  same.  It  was  found  by  an  inquisition  taken  at  Bedyngham, 
CO.  Norfolk,  on  Thursday  before  All  Saints,  39  Henry  VI,  before  Richard 
Southwell,  late  escheator,  that  Richard,  earl  of  Salisbury,  John  Fray, 
knight,  and  Richard  Ryche  were  seised  in  their  demesne  as  of  fee  of  the 
above  and  granted  them  to  Alice,  late  the  wife  of  Andrew  Ogard,  knight, 
for  her  life  without  impeachment  of  waste,  and  she  was  seised  of  them  on 
the  day  of  her  death,  and  that  they  were  held  in  chief  by  the  service  of 
being  butler  of  the  king  at  his  coronation ;  but  although  they  were  taken 
into  the  king's  hands  by  virtue  of  the  said  inquisition,  the  said  John  and 
William  Sjiyvet  entered  into  and  occupied  them  on  17  November  last. 

June  24.        Commission  to  John^  duke  of  Norfolk,  and  William,  6arl  o{  Afundel,  the 
Westminster,  king's  kinsmen,  and  John   Audeley  of  Audeley  to  arrest  and  imprison 
certain  evildoers  wandering  about  in  the  county  of  Sussex  committing 
depredations,  entering  parks  and  warrens  and  hunting  doer. 


1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  V. 

]^4g2.  Mbubrasb  25< 

Feb.  6.  Ifupejcimus  and  confirmation  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Tycbefeld  of 

Westminster,    the  following  :— 

1.  A  cEarter  dated  31  August,  16  Henry  III.  ICharter  Roll^  15 
Hetvry  IT  I.  m,  2],  being  a  confirmation  of  a  grant  in  frank  almoin  by 
Master  Humphrey  de  Millers  to  Peter,  bishop  of  Winchester,  of  land 
and  rent  in  Swanewik  and  Porecestre. 

2.  A  charter  dated  20  September,  16  Henry  III.  [^Monastic(m\  being 
a  grant  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  divers  lands  and  liberties. 

For  13«.  4c?.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Feb.  8.  Inspexivius  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent  of  the  king's  kinsman 

Westminster.  Humphrey,  late  duke  of  Gloucester,  earl  of  Pembroke  and  great  chamberlain 
of  England,  dated  at  his  manor  of  Plaisance,  7  January,  23  Henry  VI., 
being  a  grant  for  life  to  his  servitor  Henry  Habyndon  of  a  rent  of  8/.  yearly 
from  the  issues  and  profits  of  Hadley  Bee  and  Legh  Bee,  co.  Essex, 
provided  that  in  the  duke's  lifetime  he  did  not  enter  the  service  of  any 
other.  By  p.s.  and  for  \  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 


Nov.  23.  tiispeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  church  of  St.  Nicholas,  Spaldioges, 
Westminster,  the  abbot  of  St.  Nicholas,  Angers,  and  the  prior  of  Spaldinges  of  letters 
patent  dated  3  December,  4  Bichard  II.,  inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter 
dated  at  Cha^gny  (Chaangn*)^  24  January,  10  Bichard  L,  renewing  one  of 
14  November  in  his  first  year,  restoring  to  them  the  towns  of  Spaldinges 
and  Pincebec  which  Henry  I.  had  afforested. 

For  ^  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Mbmmrass  24  ANI>  23. 

Bee.  10.         Inspeximm  and  confirmation  to  William  Sutton,  knight,  master  of  Burton 
Westminster.  St.  Lazarus  of  Jerusalem  in  England  and  proctor  of  the  order  in  England 
and  warden  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Giles  without  London,  and  the  lepers  and 
brethren  of  the  following : — 

1.  Letters  patent  dated  15  February,  2  [Henry  IV.],  inspecting  and 

confirming  to  Walter  do  Lynton,  then  master,  and  the  lepers  and 
•  brethren  letters  patent  dated  1  December,  2  Bichard  TL,  inspecting 
and  confirming  to  Nicholas  de  Dovourre,  then  master,  and  the  lepers 
and  brethren  the  following : — 

(1.)  A  charter  dated  22  February,  2  Edward  III.,  inspecting  and 
confirming  the  following  :— 

a.  A  charter  of  Henry  II.  dated  at  Clippeston.   \^M(ma8ticonJ\ 
&.  A  charter  of  Henry  II.  dated  at  Norhampton. 

c.  A  charter  dated  26  March,  1 3  Henry  III.  [  Charter  Rollf 

13  Henri/  ///.,  m.  8]. 

d.  A  quit  claim  by  Edmund  son  of  king  Henry  to  the  lepers 

and  biiethren  and  Bobert  de  Daleby,  then  master  of  the 
advowson  of  the  church  of  Spondon,  co.  Derby. 
(2.)  Letters  patent  dated  10  March,  18  Edward  III.  [Monasiicon.^ 

2.  A   charter    dated    30  November,   4  Edward   III.    [Charter  R0II9 

4  Edward  III,,  No.  26],  inspecting  and  confirming  the  following  :— 
(1.)  A  charter  of  Henry  II.  to  the  said  hospital  of  SI.  Giles, 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Pakt  V.  13^ 

X461.  Membrane  24  and  23— ><;o»^ 

(2.)  Letters  patent  of  protection  of  Henry  II.  to  the  same,  dated 

at  Windsor. 

3.  Letters  patent  dated  4  April,  27  Edward  I.,  being  a  grant  to  the 

master  of  Burton  St  Lazams  of  the  custody  of  the  said  hospital 

of  St.  Giles.    [Monoitican,]  For  26;.  8J.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 


MsMBRANS  23— con^. 

March  1.        Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  burgesses  of  the  town  of  Malmesbury 

Westmlnstep.  (Medulfuensis)  o£  a  charter  dated  2  July,  12  Henry  IV.  [Charier  Roll^ 

12   Henry  /F.,  No.  I]  inspecting  and  confirming  letters  patent  dated 

28  November,  5  Richara  II.,  inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter  of  king 

Athelstan,  being  a  grant  to  them  of  divers  liberties. 

For  5  marks  paid  in  the  hanapef. 

Feb.  1.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servants  Alvred  Combourgh  and  John  Fereby, 

Westminster,  yeoman  of  the  crown,  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  stank  or  water  of  Fosse 

near  York  from  4  March  last  with  all  profits  as  in  the  time  of  Edward  HI. 

and  Richard  H.  and  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  county 

of  York.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  12.         The  like  to  Oeofirey  Ferrour  of  the  ofiice  of  the  custody  of  the  *  ferie '  of 
Westminster.  Portaythoye  in  North  Wales  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 


Dec.  3.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Colte,  for  his  good  service  to  the 

Westminster,  king  and  his  father  Richard,  late  duke  of  York,  in  England  and  Irehind,  of 

the  custody  or  the  ofiGice  of  keeper  of  the  hanaper  of  the  Chancery^  with  the 

accustomed  fees.  By  K. 


Feb.  8.  Letters  of  licence  for  the  snb-prior  and  convent  of  Montacute,  in  the 

Westminster,  diocese  of  Bath  and  Wells,  to  elect  a  prior  in  the  pkce  of  Dan  Robert 
Neweton,  resigned. 

Feb.  10.         Grant  for  life  to  Robert  Wenyngton  of  Dertmouth  of  10/.  yearly  from 

Westminster.  Michaelmas  last  from  the  customs  and  subsidies  in  the  ports  of  Exeter  and 

Dertmouth.  By  p.s« 

^  Feb.  10.         The  like  to  Peter  Ardern,  knight,  chief  baron  of  the  Exchequer,  of  a 

Westmintter.  tun  of  Gascon  wine  yearly  at  Easter  from  the  king's  prises  in  the  port  of 

London.  By  K. 


Sept.  27.        The  like  to  John  Herlewyn,  esquire,  of  the  ofBce  of  keeper  of  the  king's 
Westminster,  forest  of  Whitelwode,  00.  Northampton,  with  the  accustomed  fees^    By  p.s. 

July  10.         Grant  and  confirmation  in  frank  almoin  to  William,  tlie  abbot,  and  the 

Westminster,   convent  of  Notteley,  co.  Buckingham,  of  the  priory  of  Chetwode,  and  the 

site  thereof,  co.  Buckingham,  and  all  manors,  lordships  and  lands  belonging 

to  it,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons  and  other  appurtenances.   [MoneutUxm^ 

By  p.8.  and  for  40s,  paid  in  the  hanaper. 


Jan.  27.         Grant  in  mortmain  to  the  abbot  and  convent  ox  Croylande,  co.  Lincoln, 

Westmhister.  of  all  fines  for  trespasses  and  amercements  from  tenants  and  residents  in 

the  town  6t  Croylande,  and  of  the  return  of  writs  within  the  town.     \cf. 

Afonasticonf  tt.,  123.]  By  p.s. 

At SM BRASS  22  AND  21. 

Feb.  6.  Edward  IlL  by  letters  patent  at  Westminster  dated  6  March,  2o  Edirard 

Westminster.  III.,  created  John  de  Qandavo  earl  of  Richmond,  and  invested  him  with  the 

eai'ldom  of  Bychemond  and,  with  the  assent  of  the  Parliament  atWestminsteri 



J4Q2.  Membrane  22  and  21'^^cont. 

granted  to  him  the  earldom  and  thehonour)  castles,  manors  and  lands  belong- 
ing thereto  in  tail  with  all  liberties  and  prerogatives  which  John  duke  of 
Brittany  and  earl  of  Bichmond  had  in  these,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  &c 
and  he  was  seised  of  the  same  in  fee  tail  and  especially  amongst  other  things 
of  the  lordship,  honor  and  rape  of  Hastjnges,  eo.  Sussex,  as  parcel  of  the 
earldom,  the  reversion  in  this  case  being  reserved  to  the  king.  Atter  his 
death,  the  earldom,  honour,  castles,  manors  and  lands  descended  to  his  son 
Henry  IV.,  who  by  letters  patent  dated  20  October,  1  Henry  IV.,  granted 
the  same  to  his  brother  Balph  de  Nevill,  earl  of  Westmoreland,  for  life* 
Afterwards  Henry  IV.  granted  the  manors  of  Crowehurst,  Burwasshe 
and  Bevylham  with  the  rape  of  Hastynges,  co.  Sussex,  which  then  were 
parcel  of  the  said  castle,  earldom,  honor  and  lordship,  to  John  Felham, 
knight,  in  fee  simple  by  letters  patent  dated  21  November,  14  Henry  IV. ; 
and  the  latter  entered  into  them  on  the  death  of  the  said  earl  and  granted 
them  to  John  Pelham,  knight,  his  son,  and  his  heirs  and  assigns,  who 
granted  them  to  Thomas  Hoo,  esquire,  Nicholas  Husee,  ;esquire,  Thomas 
Hanwell,  clerk,  John  Gaynesford,  esquire,  William  Gaynesford,  John 
Michelgrove,  esquire,  William  Thwaytes,  Henry  Pole,  citizen  and  goldsmith 
of  London,  Thomas  Hertley,  clerk,  and  John  Wodye  to  the  use  of  the  said 
Thomas  Hoo  hy  the  names  of  the  lordship,  barony,  honour  and  rape  of 
Hastynges,  co.  Sussex,  with  hundreds,  wapentakes,  views  of  frank  pledge, 
leets  and  courts,  suits  of  court,  knights'  fees,  offices,  advowsoDS,  the  rents  or 
services  called  'castleward,  blaunch  ferme,  hundi*edsilver,  justiceyeld, 
comen  fyne,'  and  other  rents  and  services,  wards,  marriages,  reliefe,  escheats, 
parks,  warrens,  wreck  of  sea,  wayf,  strayfT,  deodands,  tolls,  chattels  of  felons 
and  of  felons  of  themselves,  fairs,  markets,  and  other  liberties,  sheriff's 
toum  yearly  at  Derfold,  return  of  writs,  fines,  issues  and  amercements,  as 
fully  as  John  duke  of  Brittany  held  the  same  (except  the  manors  of  Crowe- 
hurst, Bun^'asshe,  and  Bevillam,  and  parks  of  Crowehurst  and  Dudeweil  with 
the  advowson  and  knights'  fees  pertaining  to  these  manors  as  being  sometime 
knighf  s  fees  of  Balph  Scoteney),  with  forest  or  chaoe  of  Dalyngton,  the 
hundreds  of  Baldeslowe,  Haukesbergh  and  Shoesewell,  a  rent  of  14^.  Sd, 
called  '  comen  fyne '  within  these  manors,  and  all  other  liberties.  The  said 
John  Gaynesford,  John  Michel^owe  and  William  Thwaytes  died,  and  the 
survivors  granted  the  same  to  William  Hastynges,  king's  knight  and  cham- 
berlain, by  the  name  of  William  Haslynges,  lord  of  Hastynges,  king's  knight 
and  chamberlain,  in  fee  simple. 

The  king  confirms  in  fee  simple  to  the  said  William  Hastynges  the  castle^ 
lordship,  barony  and  honour  of  Hastynges,  the  manors  of  Crowehurst, 
Burwayssh  and  Bevylham,  the  hundreds  of  Balslowe,  Haukesbergh  and 
Shosewell,  and  further  grants  to  him  the  advowsons  of  the  deanery  and 
prebends  of  the  college  or  free  chapel  within  the  said  castle  and  the  churches 
of  St.  Clement  and  All  Saints,  Hastynges,  and  St.  George,  Brede,  and  of 
the  churches  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr,  St.  Giles  and  St.  Leonard  at  and  within 
the  town  of  Wynchelsee,  sheriffs'  turns  held  yearly  at  Derfold,  return 
of  writs,  wreck  of  sea  and  numerous  other  specified  rights.  By  p.s« 


{ Aug.  9. 
!  Windsor^ 

Aug.  10. 

MsMBnAHB  21-^on^. 

Appointment  for  life  of  the  king's  servant  John  Skelton,  esquire,  to  the 
custody  of  the  king's  castle,  manor  or  lordship  of  Hadieigh  otherwise 
Hadley  from  Michaelmas  last,  rendering  to  the  king  14/.  yearly,  as  Henrys 
duke  of  Exeter,  did  to  Henry  VI.,  and  in  addition  40*.  yearly  of  increment. 


Grant  for  life  to  the  said  John  of  the  office  of  constable  of  the  castle  or 
lordship  of  Hadieigh,  co.  Essex,  with  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III« 
and  Richard  IL  from  the  issues  of  the  same.  By  Ki 

i  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  V.  130 

1462.  Membrane  21 — coni, 

Jan.  20.         The  like  to  Nicholas  Baker  of  the  manor  of  Belyngton,  co.  Somerset, 

Westminster,   late  of  James,  earl  of  Wilts,  and  in  the  king's  hands  hj  reason  of  his 

forfeiture,  with  views  of  frank-pledge  and  other  appurtenances,  to  the 

Talue  of  20  marks  yearly  without  rendering  anything.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  26.         The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  John  Thomson  of  8/.  yearly  from  Michael- 
Westminster,  mas  last  from  the  yearly  rent  of  38/.  from  the  priory  of  Monkenferley,  co, 
Wilts,  lately  assigned  by  Henry  VI.  to  the  college  of  Eton.  By  K. 


Dec  21.  Grant  to  Boger  Bee,  esquire,  usher  of  the  king's  chamber,  and  his  heirs 
Westminster,  and  assigns,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king's  father  Bichard,  late  duke  of 
York,  and  the  king,  of  all  lands  and  possessions  called  *  Mykyll  Holand,' 
late  of  James,  earl  of  Wilts,  in  the  county  of  Essex,  all  lands  and  posses- 
sions late  of  Henry  Lewes,  knight,  in  the  town  and  parish  of  Nevyndon, 
CO.  Essex,  and  all  lands  and  possessions  late  of  John  Nayler,  esquire,  in 
the  county  of  Middlesex,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  their  forfeitures, 
to  hold  by  fealty  as  of  the  value  of  40/.  yearly.  By  p.s. 


Mardi  1.        Grant  for  life  to  John  Grene  and  William  Grene  his  brother  of  the 

Westminster,  office  of  the  stewardship  of  all  castles,  manors  and  lands  which  John,  late 

earl  of  Oxford,  or  anyone  to  his  use,  held  in  the  counties  of  Essex,  Suffolk 

and  Cambridge,  on  3  June  last  or  afterwards,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees. 


MSMBRA^SS  20  A^D  19. 

Feb.  9.  Inspexitnus  and  confirmation  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Rughford  and 

Westminster,  their  successors  of  the  following  : — 

1.  Letters  patent  dated  8  June,  2  Bichard  II.,  inspecting  and  confirming  a 
charter  dated  28  October,  21  Edward  III.  [Charter  RoUj  21  Edward 
III.  No*  12],  inspecting  and  confirming  the  followiog  :  — 

(1.)  A  charter  dated  12  February,  9  Edward  II.  {Charter  RoUj 

9  Edward  //.,  No.  34],  inspecting  and  confirming  the  following  :— 

a»  A  charter  of  Henry  II.  dated  at  Westminster  confirming 

grants  by  Gilbert,  earl  of  Lincoln. 
&.  A  charter  of  the  same  dated  at  Westminster  exonerating  them 

from  toll,  passage,  and  pontage, 
c.  A  charter  of  Stephen  dated  at  York  confirming  a  grant  by 

Gilbert  de  Gant. 
(/.  A  charter  of  the  same  dated  at  Lincoln  exonerating  them 

from  customs  in  Nottingham. 
e.  A  charter  of  Bichard  I.  dated  J  4  September  exonerating 

'    them  from  toll. 
/.  Letters  patent  of  John  dated  at  Winchester,  8  October^  of 
licence  to  erect  a  dyke  between  their  wood  of  Beskhall  and 
the  town  of  Welhagh  and  to  build  keeper's  lodges. 
g*  A  charter  dated  at  Oxford,  12  April,  17  Henry  HI.,  qotl* 

firming  a  grant  of  land  by  Balph  son  of  Nicholas. 
A.  A  charter  £ited  at  Wodestoke,  4  February,  36  Henry  Illi 

i.  A  charter  dated  9  February,  11  Edward  I.,  inspecting  and 
confirming  a  charter  of  John  de  Yescy  to  Thomas  de  Steyne- 
greve,  then  abbot,  and  the  convent.'  [Monastican,'] 
J.  A  charter  dated  7  June,  13  Edward  I.,  inspecting  and  con-« 
firming  a  charter  of  John  de  Vescy,  son  of  William  de 
Vcscy,  confirming  grants  of  lands  in  Bod&rham,  with  th^ 
lordship  of  the  market  and  fair  there* 


1462,  Metnbranes  20  and  19 — coni. 

(2.)  A  demise  dated  the  day  of  St.  Mary  Magdalen,  1278,  by  Bonoy 
the  abbot,  and  the  convent  of  Glairvaux  to  them  of  a  moiety  of  the 
church  of  Roderham  of  the  gift  of  John  de  Lexintona,  at  a  rent  of 
20/.  of  sterlings  worth  at  least  four  of  Tours. 

(3.)  Letters  patent  dated  18  November,  16  Edward  III.  concerning 
the  said  moiety  of  the  church. 

(4.)  The  teuour  of  a  record  and  process  of  an  inqnistion  before  the 
JQStices  in  eyre  of  the  forest  of  Shirewod,  Hilary,  Jo  Edward  I., 
whereby  it  was  found  that  the  men  of  Clippestone  and  Edenestowe 
ought  to  take  nothing  in  the  wood  of  the  abbot  and  convent  within 
the  said  forest. 

(5.)  Qrant  by  Robert  de  Waddesley  and  another  by  Edmund  de 
Dacre  to  Elias,  then  abbot,  and  the  convent. 

2.  A  charter  dated  7  June.  13  Edward  I.  [Charter  Boil,  13  Edtoard  I., 
No,  78],  being  a  grant  to  them  of  free  warren  in  divers  lands  named. 

3.  Letters  patent  dated  7  June,  28  Edward  L,  being  a  licence  for  them 
to  sell  wood  blown  down  by  the  wind  within  their  woods  within  the 
forest  of  Shirewode. 

4.  Letters  patent  dated  8  September,  37  Edward  [IIL]  being  a  licence 
for  them  to  root  up  heath  and  dead  stumps  within  the  said  woods. 

6.  Letters  pat-ent  dated  11  October,  28  Edward  JIL,  being  a  licence  for 
the  acquisition  in  mortmain  by  them,  after  inquisition,  of  10/.  yearly 
of  land  and  rent,  not  held  in  chief.       For  5  marks  pud  in  the  hanaper. 

Mbubrans  19 — cont. 

Jan.  20.  Grant  to  Richard  Fenys,  knight,  and  Joan  his  wife,  kinswoman  and 

Westminster,  heir  of  Thomas  Dacre,  knight,  deceased,  viz.,  daughter  of  Thomas  his 
son,  and  the  heirs  of  her  body  of  the  manors  of  Irthington,  Dacre,  Kirkeos- 
walde.  Blackball,  Farlam,  Brakanwajte,  Lasingby,  Brampton,  Burgh  on 
Sands,  Ayketon,  Rouclife  and  Glossenby  and  300  acres  of  land,  2,000 
acres  of  pasture,  40  acres  of  wood,  40s,  of  rent  in  Newbigging,  Mosdale, 
Staffull  and  Olassonby  and  from  a  moiety  of  the  manor  of  Castell  Kariot, 
CO.  Cumberland,  the  manors  of  Barton  and  Hoff,  co.  Westmoreland,  Hol- 
beche,  co.  Lincoln,  and  Halton,  Fisshwyke,  Kelette  and  Eccleston,  co. 
Lancaster,  and  all  other  lordships,  manors,  lands,  advowsons,  knights* 
fees,  corrodies  and  other  possessions  late  of  the  said  Thomas  Dacre,  knight, 
in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  Act  of  Parliament  at  Westminster, 
4  November.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  24.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  John  Bosewell,  from  4  March  last,  of 

Westminster,  the  office  called  He  ryding  forster'  of  the  king's  forest  of  Windesore, 

receiving  wages  of  3d,  daily  from  the  issues  of  the  castle  and  lordship  of 

Windesore  with  all  other  profits  such  as  John  Corbet  had  in  the  same  office 

in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Richard  IT. 

Mbmbranb  18. 

Feb.  5.  Grant  in  frank  almoin  to  Henry  Trevilian,  the  master,  and  the  brethren 

Westminster,  and  sisters  of  the  house  or  hospital  of  St.  Katharine  by  the  Tower,  London, 
of  the  manors  of  Chesingbury,  co.  Wilts,  and  Qwarley,  co.  Southampton, 
parcel  of  the  alien  priory  of  Okebum,  with  all  rights,  profits,  lands,  rents, 
fees,  advowsons,  courts  and  other  appurtenances,  for  the  sustenance  of  them 
and  ten  poor  women  of  the  hospital.  By  E« 

Feb.  25.         Grant  to  the  king's  sister  Anne  of  the  60  marks  which  Thomas,  late 

Westminster,  abbot,  and  the  convent  of  Ohartesay  owe  to  the  king  for  the  last  Voidance  of 

the  abbey.  By  K, 

1  BDWAED  IV.~Pabt  V.  Ul 

1462.  Membrane  18 — eont. 

March  1.  Licence,  for  lOOs,  paid  in  the  hanaper,  for  Thomas  Hoc  and  Richard 

Westniotter.  Brajn,  esquires,  to  enfeoff  Greorge  Neville,  bishop  of  Exeter,  the  chancellor, 
John  Wenlok,  knight,  lord  Wenlok,  Ealph  Verney,  Thomas  Urswyk, 
Thomas  Burgojn,  Thomas  Bryan,  Hugh  Fenne,  Henry  Spilman,  Bobert 
Brampton  and  Thomas  Randolf ,  clerk,  of  the  manors  of  Eilby,  Fossewik, 
West  Lexham  and  Earbroke,  co.  Norfolk,  and  the  advowsons  of  the 
churches  of  Filby  and  Possewyk,  .except  an  acre  of  land  in  the  manor  of 
West  Lexham,  held  in  chief,  to  fulfil  the  will  of  Greoffrey  Boleyo,  citizen 
and  alderman  of  London. 

Feb.  6.  Grant  to  John  Pylkyngton,  one  of  the  esquires  of  the  body,  and  the  heirs 

WMtminster*  male  of  his  body  of  the  reversion  of  the  third  part  of  the  manor  of  Thometon 
in  Graven,  co.  York,  and  the  manor  of  Lynton  on  Owse,  co.  York,  on  the 
death  of  Margaret  late  the  wife  of  John  Boos,  knight,  lord  of  Boos, 
deceased,  belonging  to  the  king  by  reason  of  the  foifeiture  of  Thomas  late 
lord  of  Boos  and  by  authority  of  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November, 
the  reversion  of  the  remaining  two  parts  of  the  said  manor  of  Thometon  on 
the  death  of  Eleanor,  duchess  of  Somerset,  belonging  to  the  king  as  above, 
and  the  reversion  of  the  manors  of  Grymesthorp,  Edenham,  Aylesthorp,  and 
Seuthorp,  CO.  Lincoln,  on  the  death  of  Katharine,  duchess  of  Noifolk, 
belonging  to  the  king  by  the  forfeiture  of  William,  late  viscount  Beaumond, 
and  idl  lands,  rents  and  sendees  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons  and  other 
hei^Mlitaments  in  those  places  belonging  to  the  king  as  above;  and  also 
cf  the  manors  of  Tumehamhall,  co.  York,  Malteby  and  Hotou,  co.  York, 
and  Hole  alias  Hoell,  co.  Lincoln,  with  knight's  fees  and  other  heredita- 
ments, belonging  to  the  king  bv  reason  of  the  forfeitures  of  Thomas^  late 
Jmd  of  Boos,  John,  late  lord  of  Clyfford,  and  Thomas  Claymond,  esquire, 
respectively.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  2tf.         Grant  for  life  to  William  Broun,  clerk,  of  the  hospital  or  house  of  St. 
Weitminster.  John  Baptist,  Dorchestre,  co.  Dorset.  By  K* 

Feb.  23.  Grant  in  frank  almoin  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  the  Charterhouse  by 
Westminster.  London  of  the  alien  priory  of  Okebourne  and  the  manor  of  Okeborne  alias 
Okeboume  Seynt  George  in  Great  Okebourne  and  Little  Okebourne,  co. 
Wilts,  and  all  lands,  rents,  services,  chantries,  advowsons,  liberties,  views  of 
frank  pledge,  waifs,  strays,  leets,  courts  baron,  wards^  marriages  and  other 
profits  and  appurtenances  within  Great  Okebourne  and  Little  Okebourne. 


-  -^-  Mbmbrane  17. 


Dec.  13.         Grant  to  Thomas  Heywode,  the  dean,  and  the  chapter  of  the  cathedral  of 

Westminster.   St.  Chad,  Lichefeld,  that  no  sheriff,  escheator^  constable,  bailiff  or  other 

minister  of  the  king  shall  enter  the  said  church  or  its  close,  cemetery  and 

precinct  or  the  houses  of  the  dean,  canons,    vicars,   chaplains  or  other 

ministers,  and  that  they  shall  have  within  the  same  return  of  writs  and  also 

the  chattels  of  felons,  fugitives  and  outlaws,  for  the  fabric  of  the  church. 

By  p.s. 

Dec.  16.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  William  Cause,  alderman,  and  William 

Westminster.  Smyth,  William  Danyell,  William  Blower  and  Thomas  Wright,  wardens, 
of  trie  gild  of  St.  George  of  Bishop's  Lynn,  of  letters  patent  dated  4  October, 
8  Henry  IV.,  being  a  licence  for  John  Brandon,  Bartholomew  Cisterne, 
and  John  Snaiwell  of  Bishop's  Lynn  to  found  the  said  gild  with  power  to 
acquire  and  hold  lands,  and  licence  for  them  to  acquire  a  tenement  late  of 
Bobert  Baily  in  the  town  of  Lenn  in  the  street  called  * le  Checker'  for  the 
sustenance  of  one  or  two  chaplains  to  celebrate  divine  service  in  the  church 
of  St.  Margaret  for  the  good  estate  of  the  king  and  queen,  and  the  gild, 
and  of  their  souls  after  death ;  and  licence  for  the  acquisition  in  mortmain 
by  them  of  lands,  tenements  imd  rents  to  (he  value  of  10/.  yearly  for  (he 


1461,  Membrane  17 — cent. 

sustenance  of  one  or  two  chaplains  to  celebrate  divine  service  in  the  church 
of  St.  Margaret,  Lenn,  for  the  good  estate  of  the  king,  his  brothers  George, 
duke  of  Clarence,  and  Eichard,  duke  of  Gloucester,  George,  bishop  of  Exeter, 
Kichard,  earl  of  Warwick,  and  the  brethren  and  sisters  of  the  gUd,  and  for 
their  souls  after  death  and  the  souls  of  the  king's  father  Kichard,  late  duke 
of  York,  Edmund,  late  earl  of  Rutland,  his  brother,  and  Richard,  late  earl 
of  Sallsburj,  his  kinsman. '  Bj  p.s. 

Dec,  14.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Bukfast  of 

Westminster.  letters  patent  dated  10  December,  7  Richard  II.,  confirming  a  concord 
made  bj  them  with  James  Daudelegh  and  Thomas  Daudelegh,  knights, 
to  end  a  dispute  touching  six  weirs  made  by  the  latter  to  the  damage  of  the 
abbot  and  convent's  weir  at  Bukfast  and  Asshperton  whei'ebjithese  agree  to 
throw  down  the  six  weirs  and  the  abbot  and  convent  are  to  have  an  opening 
of  6  feet  in  the  middle  of  the  river  Derte  in  the  manor  of  Dertyngton 
between  Bukfast  and  the  sea  for  the  ascent  of  salmon  and  other  fish  to 
their  weir  at  Bukfast  and  Asshperton,  in  return  for  which  they  are  to  receive 
the  said  knights  to  the  benefits  of  their  prayers,  to  celebrate  the  obit  of  the 
said  knights,  and  maintain  their  shields  of  arms  in  the  glass  of  the  west 
gable  of  their  church.  For  1  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membrane  16. 

Feb.  28.  Appointment  of  the  king's  brother  George,  duke   of  Clarence,  as  his 

VYestminster.  lieutenant  in  Ireland  until  7  years  from  6  March  next,  with  power  to  appoint 
under  the  great  seal  of  England  or  the  great  seal  used  in  Ireland  a 
deputy  under  him  in  his  absence,  to  keep  the  king's  peace  and  laws  and 
punish  offenders,  to  receive  rebels  into  the  king's  peace,  to  pardon  for 
treasons  and  other  offences,  to  take  into  the  king's  hands  all  lands  of  rebels 
and  to  grant  the  same  to  suitable  persons,  to  grant  licences  for  alienation  in 
mortmain,  to  present  to  benefices  in  the  king's  gift,  to  take  fealties  and 
renunciations  of  archbishops  and  bishops  and  to  receive  homages  of  tenants, 
to  appoint  and  remove  officers  of  the  chancery  and  treasury,  justices,  barons 
of  the  exchequer,  the  keeper  of  the  rolls  of  chancery  and  other  officers  and 
ministers,  to  make  purveyances  for  his  household  and  for  the  soldiers,  and 
do  all  else  pertaining  to  his  office.  By  K. 

Feb.  27.  Appointment  for  life  of  John  Wenlok,  knight,  lord  Wenlok,  as  steward 

WestminBter.  of  the  king's  manors  and  lordships  of  Longley  Mai^eys,  Wyrerdesbury  and 
Bledlowe,  co.  Buckingham,  and  the  manor  of  Risclepp,  co.  Middlesex,  from 
Easter  last,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  same. 

By  p.s. 

Feb.  2.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  John  Grene  and  William  Grene  his 

Westminster,  brother  of  the  office  of  the  stewardship  of  all  castles,  manors.and  lands  which 

John^  late  earl  of  Oxford,  held  in  the  counties  of  Essex,  Suffolk  and 

Cambridge  on  3  June  last,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees.  By  K. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below, 


Feb.  28.  Appointment  of  John  Senycle  to  take  into  the  king's  hands  the  manor  of 

Westminater.  Wangford  by  Brandon  with  the  advowson  of  the  church  of  Wangford,  co. 
Suffolk,  late  of  Thomas  Tudenham,  knight,  a  rebel,  and  to  receive  the  issues 
and  account  for  them  at  the  Exchequer. 

Membrane  15. 

Jan.  28.         Grant  for  life  to  Casyn  Danyell  of  the  town  of  Calais  of  a  fee  of  4rf. 
Westminster,  daily  at  the  hands  of  the  treasurer  of  the  town.  By  p.8. 

1  EDWABD  I7,~Pabt  V.  U» 

1462«  Membrane  15— ccm^. 

Feb.  4.  The  like  to  William  Staveley  of  10/.  yearly  from  Michaelmas  last  from 

Westminster,  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Essex  and  Hertford.  By  K. 

Feb.  1.  The  like  to  Richard  Musgrave,  esquire,  son   of  Bichard  Musgrave, 

Westminster,  knight,  of  the  office  of  constable  of  Pendragon,  and  chief  forester  of  the 
forest  of  Kirkeby  Stephan,  co.  Westmoreland ;  and  appointment  of  him  for 
life  as  keeper  and  surveyor  of  all  parks  and  foreign  woods  there  and  bailiff 
of  the  lordships  of  Bourgh  and  Kirkeby  Stephan,  receiving  the  accustomed 
fees  from  the  issues  of  the  lordships.  By  p.s. 

Grant  for  life  to  the  said  Bichard  of  the  ofilce  of  constable  of  Burgh 
under  Staynesmore  and  chief  forester  of  the  forest  of  Burgh  and  Kirkeby 

Feb.  4.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  William  Langley,  groom  of  *  le  picherhous ' 

Westminster,  of  the  household,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king's  father  and  the  king  at 
Northampton,  Wakefeld  and  Wygmore  and  in  the  king's  last  journey  in 
the  north,  of  the  office  of  porter  and  keeper  of  the  gaol  of  the  king's  castle 
of  Northampton  from  4  March  last,  with  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward 
III,  and  Bichard  II.  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Northampton. 

By  p.8, 

Feb.  4.  The  like  to  William  Lonesdale  of  the  office  of  parker  of  Shilbotel,  co. 

Westminster.  Northumberland,  with  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward  III.  and  Bichard  II. 

By  p.s. 

Feb.  9.         The  like  to  Bobert  AUerton  of  10/.  yearly  from  the  20/.  yearly  due  to  the 

Westminster,  king  from  the  parish  church  of  Botheram,  co.  York,  at  the  hands  of  the 

abbot  and  convent  of  Boughf  ord.  By  p.8. 

Feb.  10.         The  like  to  William  Borogh  of  the  office  of  constable  of  the  king's  castle 

Westminster,  of  Prowdehowe,  co.  Northumberland,  with  the  disposition  of  all  offices 

belonging  to  the  castle  or  lordship,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  to.  The  like  to  John  Doon,  esquire,  one  of  the  ushers  of  the  king's  chamber, 
Westminster,  of  the  office  of  Serjeant  or  master  of  the  king's  armoury  within  the  Tower 
of  London,  with  wages  of  I2d»  daily  for  himself,  6d,  daily  for  a  yeoman  and 
Sd,  daily  for  a  groom  from  11  March  last  from  the  issues  of  the  city  of 
London  and  the  county  of  Middlesex  and  all  other  profits,  in  lieu  of  a  like 
grant  to  him  of  the  same  office  by  letters  patent  dated  3  November, 
surrendered  on  account  of  an  ambiguity.  By  K. 

March  2.        The  like  to  Thomas  Oxeney  of  the  office  of  controller  of  ^  coket '  and  wreck 

Westminster,  of  sea  within  the  counties  of  Cornwall  and  Devon,  with  wages  as  in  the 

years  36  and  37  Edward  III.  at  the  hands  of  the  receiver  general  of  the 

duchy  of  Cornwall.  By  p.8. 

Feb.  25.  Grant  to  Bichard  Middelton,  esquire,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  of  the 

Westminster,  manor  of  Great  Lyneford,  co.  Buckingham,  with  the  advowson  of  the  church 

there,  to  the  value  of  18/.  yearly,  with  all  appurtenances,  in  the  king's 

hands  by  the  forfeiture  of  James,  late  earl  of  Wilts,  and  by  authority  of 

the  Parliament  held  at  Westminster,  4  November.  By  p.s. 

March  2.        Grant  for  life  to  William  Shirbom,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  searcher  in 

Westminster,  the  port  and  town  of  Calais,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the 

customs  at  the  port.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  16.        Grant  to  Henry  Waner  of  London,  *  draper,'  of  200/.  from  the  customs  and 

Westminster,  subsidies  of  wool?,  hides  and  wool-fells  in  the  ports  of  London  and  Ipowich 

in  satisfaction  of  350/.  lent  by  him  to  the  king,  160/.  having  been  granted 

to  him  at  the  Exchequer.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  9.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Berwyke,  esquire,  of  all  lands  in  Lokyngton  and 

i^  Westminster,  elsewhere  in  the  county  of  York  lately  belonging  to  Henry  Clyfford,  a  rebel, 

of  the  yearly  value  of  10/.,  in  the  king's  bands  by  reason  of  his  forfeiture. 

By  p.g. 


X4g2.  Membrane  15«-co»^. 

Feb.  27.  Grant  to  John  Denhain,  esquire,  Thomas  Djmmok,  knight,  and  Thomas 
Westminster.  Burgh,  esquire,  of  the  manor  of  Cbixbj  with  its  members  and  appurtenances 
in  STothebv  and  Ingoldmeles,  co.  Lincoln,  the  manor  of  Metheryngham,  co. 
Lincoln,  and  the  manor  of  Hurworth  on  Tese  in  the  bishopric  of  Durham 
for  the  life  of  Elizabeth,  wife  of  William  Tajlboys,  knight,  a  rebel,  and 
daughter  of  William  late  lord  of  Sonvjle,  and  for  her  use  from  4  March 
last*  B7  p.s, 

\AQ\  Membrane  14. 

Dec.  16.  Confirmation  to  Elizabeth,  the  abbess,  and  the  convent  of  St.  Saviour, 
Weitmiaster.  St.  Mary  the  Virgin  and  St.  Bridget,  Sjon  of  their  foundation  within  the 
manor  of  Istilworth,  co.  Middlesex,  as  a  monastery  of  60  nuns  and  25 
religious  men,  of  whom  18  are  priests,  4  are  deacons  and  8  are  la3rmen,  and 
of  all  ordinances  and  decrees  concerning  the  Fame  in  apostolic  letters,  letters 
patent  and  acts  of  Parliament,  and  grant  to  them  in  frank  almoin  of  the 
said  manor,  a  fishery  called  ^  Boutewere '  by  the  same  within  the  banks 
of  the  Thames^  a  weir  by  Kyngeston  on  Thames  called  ^Hammewero,' 
CO.  Surrey,  and  a  parcel  of  meadow  adjacent  enclosed  by  the  river  Thames 
and  a  dyke,  a  dove-cote  and  a  parcel  of  land  adjacent  in  Petrisham,  co. 
Surrey,  a  dove-cote  and  a  parcel  of  land  adjacent  in  Hamme,  the  manor 
of  Worton  and  all  lands,  rents  and  services  called  ^Worton'  which 
Alice,  late  the  wife  of  Edmund  Fauconer,  held  for  life  in  Istilworth 
of  the  grant  of  Edward  III.,  the  manor  of  Grauncortes,  co.  Essex,  a 
messuage,  a  carucate  and  two  virgates  of  land,  24  acres  of  meadow,  4 
acres  of  wood,  20  acres  of  pasture,  18^.  of  rent  and  pasture  for  100 
sheep  in  Istilworth,  Twykenham,  Worton  and  Heston,  co.  Middlesex,  the 
manor  of  Hyuton  with  appurtenances  called  *  Uphalle,'  co.  Cambridge,  and 
all  lands,  rents  and  services  which  Henry  FitzHugh,  late  lord  of  Havens- 
wath,  deceased,  had  in  the  towns  of  Hynton,  Great  Wilburgham  and  Little 
Wilburgbam,  co.  Cambridge,  the  priory  of  Mount  St.  Michael  in  Cornwall, 
sometime  parcel  of  the  possessions  of  tho  alien  abbey  of  Mont  St.  Michel, 
and  all  manors,  lands  and  possessions  pertaining  to  the  same  in  that  county, 
the  priory  of  Oterton  alias  Oteryngton,  co.  Devon,  with  its  appurtenances, 
sometime  parcel  of  the  possessions  of  the  said  alien  abbey,  a  portion  in  the 
churcli  of  Martok,  co.  Somerset,  and  ail  manors,  lands  and  possessions  in 
the  counties  of  Somerset  and  Devon  sometime  pertaining  to  the  said  priory 
of  Oterton  or  the  said  alien  abbey,  the  priory  of  St.  Mary's,  Lancastre, 
sometime  parcel  of  the  possessions  of  the  alien  abbey  of  S6ez,  and  all  manors, 
lands  and  possessions  in  the  counties  of  Lancaster,  Sussex  and  Lincoln  and 
el8ewheri3  within  the  realm  sometime  pertaining  to  the  said  priory  or  abbey, 
the  priory  of  Lodros  with  its  appurtenances  in  the  county  of  Dorset, 
sometime  parcel  of  the  possessions  of  the  alien  abbey  of  Montebourg,  and 
all  manors,  lands  and  possessions  in  the  counties  of  Devon  and  Dorset 
sometime  pertaining  to  the  said  priory  or  abbey,  the  manors  of  Cheltenham 
and  Sloughtre  and  the  hundreds  of  Cheltenham,  Sloughtre  and  Salmondes- 
bury,  CO.  Gloucester,  and  the  manors  of  Stenynges,  Brede  and  Wormyng- 
hurst,  CO.  Sussex,  sometime  parcel  of  the  possessions  of  the  alien  abbey  of 
Fecamp,  and  all  manors,  lands  and  possessions  in  those  counties  and  the 
city  of  London  and  elsewhere  within  the  realm  sometime  belonging  to  the 
said  abbey,  the  manors,  rectories  or  churches  of  Chilham,  Molessn  alias 
Molassh,  and  Trewlegh  alias  Treveley  alias  Treuley,  co.  Kent,  sometime 
parcel  of  the  possessions  of  the  alien  abbey  of  St.  Bertin,  St.  Omer, 
and  all  manors,  lands  and  possessions  in  those  towns  formerly  belonging  to 
the  said  abbey,  the  manor  and  rectory  or  church  of  Felstede,  co.  Essex, 
sometime  parcel  of  the  possessions  of  the  alien  abbey  of  Caen,  and  all  lands 
and  possessions  in  Felstede  sometime  belonging  to  the  said  abbey,  the  manor 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Paht  V,  143 

J.461,  Membrane  14 — cont. 

of  Tyleshide,  co.  'Wilts,  sometime  parcel  of  the  possessions  of  the  said  abbej* 
all  lands  and  possessions  in  Spaldjng  and  Pynchebek,  co.  Lincoln,  parcel  of 
the  alien  priory  of  Cosham,  the  manor,  lands  and  possessions  of  the  alien 
abbej  of  St.  Nicholas  of  Angers  in  Spaldyng  and  Pynchebek,  all  fruits 
from  the  church  of  Cosham,  co.  Wilts,  sometime  belonging  to  the  alien 
abbey  of  Marmoutiers  les  Tours,  the  manor  of  Mychelhampton  alias 
Mychynhampton,  co.  Gloucester,  sometime  parcel  of  the  possessions  of  the 
alien  abbey  of  Caen,  on  the  death  of  Alice,  duchess  of  Suffolk,  tenant  for 
life,  a  messuage  in  Hyneford,  co.  Somerset,  2  aci-es  of  land  in  Yevele  with 
the  advowson  gf  the  church  of  Yevele,  co.  Somerset,  the  advowsons  of  the 
churches  of  St.  Clement  and  All  Saints,  Kastynges,  the  church  of  Brede, 
the  church  of  St.  Leonard  in  Yham  and  the  hospital  of  Playdon,  co.  Sussex, 
sometime  belonging  to  the  abbey  of  Fecamp,  the  churches  of  Gates  and 
Fysshbiu'ne,  co.  Sussex,  and  Navenby  and  Botheby,  co.  Lincoln,  sometime 
belonging  to  the  abbey  of  Seez,  and  the  churches  of  Crofton,  Ecclesdon  and 
Hyesham,  co.  Lancaster,  sometime  belonging  to  the  priory  of  Lancastre,  i&nd 
4  tuns  of  Gascon  wine  yearly  in  the  port  of  London,  with  all  hundreds, 
courts  leet,  wapentakes,  views  of  frank  pledge,  manors,  lands,  possessions, 
rents,  services,  suits,  villeins,  churches,  knights'  fees,  wards,  relicts,  escheats, 
.advowsons  and  other  appurtenances,  that  they  may  pray  to  the  Saviour  for 
the  good  estate  of  the  king  and  Cicely  his  mother  during  their  lives,  and 
for  their  souls  after  death,  and  for  the  souls  of  the  king's  father  Richard, 
late  duke  of  York,  and  his  progenitors.  By  K. 


March  1.  Grant  to  the  king's  kinsman  Henry,  eai*l  of  Essex,  and  the  king's  aunt 
Westminster.  Isabel,  countess  of  Essex,  his  consort,  and  her  heirs  of  the  lordships  or 
manors  of  Bolweton  alias  Belweton  and  Pensford,  and  the  lordships  or 
manors  of  Breene  and  Oxton,  co.  Somerset,  Foulnesse  alias  Fullenesse, 
Pakelesham  alias  Pakesham,  Dogettes,  Lieghe  and  Wakeryng,  co.  Essex, 
and  Colvilles,  Sowches  and  Sherdelowes  in  Fulburn  and  elsewhere,  co. 
Cambridge,  a  piece  of  land  called  Me  chirche  glebe'  in  Fulburn,  with 
the  advowson  of  the  church  of  St.  Vigor,  Fulburn,  pertaining  to  the  said 
piece  of  land,  the  lordships  and  manors  of  Moreves,  co.  Suffolk,  Foxherde, 
Brokehall  and  Holaud,  co.  Essex,  and  Heybernes,  co.  Warwick,  and  the 
manor  of  Gosyes  alias  Goseies,  co.  Essex,  and  the  reversion  of  the  manor 
of  Newehall  on  the  death  of  Agnes,  late  the  wife  of  Richard  Aired, 
esquire,  deceased,  with  advowsons,  rents,  services,  knight's  fees,  wards, 
marriages,  views  of  frank  pledge,  courts,  liberties  and  other  promts,  in  part 
satisfaction  of  the  will  of  Edmund,  late  earl  of  March,  the  king's  progenitor, 
who  directed  that  in  case  he  died  without  issue  his  feoffees  after  the  pay- 
ment of  his  debts  should  deliver  seisin  to  Thomas  Gray,  deceased  without 
issue,  and  the  said  Isabel,  then  his  wife,  niece  of  the  said  earl,  of  lauds  to 
the  yearly  value  of  300  marks,  to  hold  in  tail  with  remainder  to  the  right 
heirs  of  Isabel,  and,  afler  the  death  of  Anne  his  consort  and  the  payment 
of  her  debts,  of  lands  to  the  yearly  value  of  500  marks,  to  hold  to  them  and 
the  heirs  ef  Isabel,  which  has  not  yet  been  done.  By  K. 


Dec.  21.  Inspeximns  arid  confirmation  to  the  burgesses  of  Portesmuth  of  letters 

Westminster,  patent   dated  12    October,    8  Richard  II.  inspecting  and  confirming  the 
following : — 

1.  A  charter  dated  4  July,  40  Henry  III.  being  a  grant  of  licence  for  the 

foundation  of  a  merchant  gild  in  the  town  and  that  they  be  quit 
of  chominago  throughout  tge  kinh's  forest. 

2.  A  charter  (called  letters  patent)  dated  13  October,  32  Edward  III. 

{Charter  Roll,  32  Edward  IIL  No,  4,]  inspecting:  and  confirming 

M     86914.  K 


X461,  Membrane  13 — cont, 

A  charter  dated   12  February,   6    Edward    II.    [Charter     Roll^ 
6  Edward  IT.  No.  28],  inspecting  and' confirming  the  following :  — 
(I.)  A  charter  dated  2  May,  5  Bichard  I. 
(2.^  A  charter  dated  25  October,  2  John. 
(3.)  A  charter  dated  18  November,  14  Henry  III.  [Charter  Boll, 

14  Henry  IIL  p,  2,  m.  4.] 
(4.)  Letters  patent  dated  6  April,  39  Henry  III. 

For  20s,  paid  in  the  hanaper. 


Jan.  16.  Inspeximus  and  coniirmation  of  letters  pateq^ of  the  king's  father  Richard, 
Westminster,  late  duke  of  York,  dated  at  his  castle  of  Fodryngey,  8  March,  27  Henry  VI., 
being  a  gi*ant  for  life  to  his  servants  John  Langley,  esquire,  and  Margaret 
his  wife  of  a  yearly  rent  of  20/.  from  the  issues  of  his  manor  and  lordship 
of  Holmefryth,  co.  York,  in  lieu  of  a  like  grant  to  them  from  the  issues  of 
his  manor  and  lordship  of  Mersshewod  Vale,  co.  Dorset,  by  his  letters  patent 
dated  ]  8  January,  surrendered.        By  K.  and  for  205.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 


March  20.        Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  kinsman  George,  bishop  of  Exeter,  of  the 

Westminster,   custody  of  the  king's  park  of  Princes  Rysburgh,  co.  Buckingham,  with 

herbage  and  pannage,  receiving  the  accustomed  f(»es  from  the*  issues  of  the 

manor  or  lordship  of  Rysburgh.  By  K. 


Dec.  6.  Inspexiinns  and  confirmation  to  the  dean  and  chapter  of  the  cathedral 

Westminster,   of  St.  Peter,  Exeter,  and  the  mavor,  bailiffs  and  commonalty  of  the  city 
of  Exeter  of  the  following  :— 

1.  A  petition  (English)  in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  15  Henry  VI., 
that,  whereas  the  said  mayor,  bailiffs  and  commonalty  claimed  that 
all  the  soil  and  ground  without  the  east  gate  of  the  city  '  withinne 
the  boundes  that  folowen,  begynnyng  fro  the  myddell  of  the  hieway 
lyeng  betwene  the  tenement  of  John  Symond  sette  in  the  soille  and 
ground  and  fee  icalled  *'  Seynt  Sidewill  fee '  on  the  est  partie  and  the 
tenement  of  Mawede  that  was  the  wife  of  Thomas  Joliblode  sette 
in  the  maner  of  Durieurd  on  the  west  partie  of  the  same  way  where 
and  in  which  way  is  nowe  growyng  a  grete  tree  and  so  fro  that 
begynnyng  and  myddell  of  the  same  way  downe  by  the  myddell  of 
the  same  way  into  a  litell  water  icalled  ^Langbroke '  and  fro  the  same 
watre  up  by  the  myddell  of  the  same  way  into  a  place  icalled  ^Marepoll' 
and  so  fro  Marepoll  doun  by  the  myddell  of  the  way  and  lane  Hying 
betwene  the  londes  of  the  soill  ground  and  fee  forsaid  on  that  one 
partye  and  the  londes  of  the  priorasse  of  Polslo  on  that  other  partie 
into  the  hie  way  com}'ng  fro  Excetre  to  Mynchynlake  and  so  in  and 
over  that  hie  way  into  a  lane  and  way  called  '  Euggeway '  lying  be- 
twene the  londes  of  the  soil!  ground  and  fee  foresaid  icalled  'Octoburgh' 
on  that  oon  partie  and  the  londes  of  the  said  priorasse  of  Polslo  on 
that  other  partie,  and  so  furth  be  the  myddell  of  the  same  way  and 
lane  into  the  hie  way  comyng  fre  Excetre  to  Whippeton  and  Brode- 
elist  and  so  in  and  over  that  hie  ^vay  into  another  way  and  lane 
called  '  Kuggeway  '  lieng  between  the  londes  of  the  soill,  ground  and 
fee  forsaid  icalled '  Suthdon  '  on  that  oon  partie  and  the  londes  of  the 
said  priorasse  of  Polslo  on  that  other  partye  and  so  furth  by  the 
myddell  of  the  same  way  and  lane  into  a  place  called  ^  Lynerdole  *  and 
j  so  into  an  hie  way  lyeng  toward  the  said  estyate  of  Excetre  betwene 

the  londes  of  the  soill,  ground  and  fee  forsaid  icalled  ^  Southdon '  on 
that  oon  partie  and  the  londes  of  Richard  Kelly  and  the  prlour  of  the 

I  BDWARD  IVt-PAW  V.  147 

J461.  Membrane  12— conr, 

hospitall  of  Sejnt  John  in  Excetre  on  that  other  partie  and  so 
fourth  bj  the  myddell  of  the  same  waj  into  a  litell  water  called 
'  Shitebroke '  and  adoun  so  by  the  myddell  of  the  same  broke  nnto  the 
southende  and  corner  of  a  gardyn  of  the  said  priour  of  Seynt  John 
aioynant  to  the  same  broke,  which  gardyn  lyeth  in  the  west  partye  of 
the  said  broke  and  withyn  the  soil!  ground  and  fee  forsaid,  and  fro 
the  same  suthende  and  comer  up  by  a  dyche  of  the  same  gardyn  into 
a  path  westward  lying  beiwene  the  londes  icalled '  Seynt  John  is  feldes ' 
on  that  oon  partie  and  the  soill  ground  and  fee  forsaid  on  that  other 
partie  and  so  furth  on  the  same  path  westward  onto  a  close  of 
William  Wynard  and  so  by  the  myddell  of  the  same  close  orer  the 
close  sumtyme  of  Roger  Golde  and  the  garden  of  oon  Thomas  Berwe 
alias  Beynall  directly  onto  a  thrange  lying  betwene  the  bame  sum- 
tyme of  the  said  Roger  Golde  in  the  southpartie  and  the  barne  of  the 
said  Thomas  Reynall  alias  Berwe  in  the  north  partie  and  so  oute 
into  the  high  way  called '  Cruldiche  way '  and  so  furth  by  the  middell 
,         of  the  same  way  northward  betwene  the  gardyn  and  tenement  of 
John  atte  Forde  in  the  west  partye  lyeng  withinne  the  suburbyes  of 
Excetre  and  the  soill,  ground  and  fee  forsaid  in  the  estpartiq  into 
the  high  way  comyng  fro  Excetre  to  Seint  Anne  Chapell  and  so 
furth  by  the  myddell  of  the  same  way  westward  evyn  ayenst  the 
begynuyng  of  the  forsaid  first  bound  and  so  directly  to  the  same 
bound '  are  parcel  of  the  suburb  of  the  city  and  within  their  juris- 
diction, and  the  said  dean  and  chapter  claimed  that  they  are  their 
fee  and  manor  caUed  ^  the  fee  and  manor  of  Seynt  Sydwill,'  the  king 
should  declare  the  same  to  be  separate  and  distinct  from  the  city 
and  suburbs  and  that  the  mayor,  bailiffs  and  commonalty  should 
exercise  no  jurisdiction  or  liberty  within  the  same  except  to  enjoy  a 
conduit  of  water  there,  ^  whos  heed  is  sette  in  Kakelane  sumtyme 
called '  Kake  lane  wille,'  and  to  break  ground  to  repair  it,  and  except 
that  the  inhabitants  within  the  same  maner  and  all  other  ^  mainering 
and  occupyeng  any  parcell  thereof  with  their  godes  or  catalls  shull 
alway  be  contributori  and  pay  with  the  citesyns  in  and  to  all  dymes, 
imposicons  and  charges  granted  by  Parliament,'  and  that  the  dean 
and  chapter  shall  have  view  of  frank  pledge  and  court  of  the  same 
and  court  baron  and  pleas  called  de  vetito  namioy  and  that  the  mayor, 
bailiffs  and  commonidty  shall  have  certain  customs  and  profits  called 
^  baggavell,'  '  ehepgavell '  and  '  brithyn  gavell '  within  the  soil  and 
freehold  of  the  dean  and  chapter  within  the  city  and  licence  to 
purchase  lands,  tenements,  rents  and  services  within  the  city  and 
suburbs  to  the  value  of  20  marks  yearly. 

2.  The  superscription  of  the  same : — Soit  bailie  as  seigneuris, 

3.  The  answer  of  the  king  inserted  on  the  dorse : — le  Ren  lad  attroie 

piirveu  toutz  foitz  que  n  ascuns  des  terres  et  tenementz  dedeinz 
iceste  petician  emeciHez  issint  a  purchacers  soient  tenuz  dautre  que 
de  Roi  que  sujjiciant  licence  soit  ent  primerement  eu  de  ceux  dez 
queux  ils  sont  tenuz  et  que  null  autre  persane  forsque  les  avanditez 
deanj  ckapitre,  mair^  baillifsy  cominalte  et  lour  successours  soit  en 
ascun  manere  en  damages  ne  prejndicez  par  force  de  icestes  presentez 
act  et  graunte.  By  iC.  and  for  20s,  paid  in  the  hauaper. 

July  9.  Appointment,  daring  good  behaviour,  of  Thomas  Kirkeby,  king's  clerk, 

Westminster,  as  keeper  of  the  rolls  and  books  of  Chancery,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees ; 

and  grant  to  him  daring  ofiice  of  the  custody  of  the  House  of  the  Converts, 

set  apart  of  old  by  kin^  of  England  and  annexed  to  the  said  o£5ce  for  the 

habitation  of  the  keeper.  By  K. 

K  2 


1462*  Membrane  12 — cont, 

Feb.  25.         Grant  for  life  to  Richard  Gwjnetb,  one  of  the  yeomen  porters  of  the 

Westminster,  king's  househnld.  of  the  custody  of  the  passage  of  le  Hawo  in  the  hundred 

of  Drust,  CO.  Gloucester,  with  the  accustomed  emoluments.  By  p.8. 


Dec.  12.         The  like  to  John  Norwode,  esquire,  of  the  ofhce  of  constable  of  the 

Westminster,   king's  castle  of  Quenesburgh,  co.  Kent,  and  the  mill  adjacent  from  4  March 

last,  receiving  fees  as  in  the  time  of  Richard  IL  or  Edward  III.  from  the 

issues  of  the  lordship  or  hundred  of  Middelton,  co.  Kent.  By  p.s. 

MbMBRANSS  11  AND  10. 

Dec.  4.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Christ  Church 

Westminster.  Twynham,  of  letters  patent  dated  23  June,  4  Richard  II.,  inspecting  and 

confirming  a  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  27  November,  7  Edward  II. 

{Charter   Boll,  7  Edward  IL  Xo,  17]»  inspecting  and  confirming  the 
bllowing : — 

1.  A  charter  of  William  II.  dated  at  Winchester. 

2.  A  charter  of  Stephen,  dated  Winchester,  1160. 

3.  A  charter  of  Henry  II.  dated  at  Salisbury. 

4.  A  charter  of  Richard  I.  dated  at  Westminster,  8  October. 

•5.  A  charter  dated  at  Christchurch,  31  January,  16  John  [^Rotuli  Carta* 
runij  p.  205]. 

6.  A  charter  dated  at  Winchester,  7  October,  13  Edward  1.  [CharterBoll, 

13  Edward  I.  No.  5]. 

7.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  23  July,  25  Edward  I.,  inspecting  and 

confirming  a  writing  of  Isabel  de  Fortibus,  countess  of  Albemarle 
and  Devon  and  lady  of  the  Isle,  dated  London,  the  quinzaine  of 
Michaelmas,  1274.  For  5  marks  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membrane  10 — cont. 

Dec.  26.  Grant  in  mortmain  to  the  warden  and  scholars  of  the  college  of  All  Souls, 

Westminster.  Oxford,  from  4  March  last,  of  the  priory  of  Romeney  and  the  rectory  of 
Upchirch,  co.  Kent,  the  manor  of  Wedon  and  Weston  cUias  W^ou 
Pynkeney,  co.  Northampton,  the  priory  called  the  New,  Abbey  by  Alburbury, 
and  the  priories  of  St.  Clare  and  Langenyth  in  South  Wales,  with  manors, 
lands,  knights'  fees,  advowsous  and  other  appurtenances,  which  they  had 
of  the  grant  of  Henry  YI.  by  his  letters  patent  of  foundation  at  the  suppli- 
cation of  Henry  Chichele,  Utte  archbishop  of  Canterbury,  that  they  may 
pray  for  the  good  estate  of  the  king  and  his  mother  Cicely^  duchess  of 
York,  and  for  their  souls  after  death  and  the  souls  of  the  king's  progenitors. 

By  p.s. 

Dec.  12.         Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Gray,  esquire,  of  a  yearly  rent  of  40/.  from  the 
Westminster,  issues  of  the  town  of  Cambridge.  By  K. 

Dec.  22.  Grant  to  John  Courteney,  esquire,  and  his  heirs  and  assigns  of  the 

Westminster,  manors  of  Exmynstre,  Kenforth  alias  Kenford  and  Kenne  and  the  hundred 
of  Exmynstre,  co.  Devon,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  warrens,  regards 
and  other  appurtenances,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  their  forfeiture 
by  Thomas  Courtenay,  knight,  late  earl  of  Devon,  to  hold  by  fealty  and  the 
rent  of  Id,  yearly  at  Michaelmas.  Bj  p.s. 

Dec.  20.  Grant  for  life  to  Peter  Beaupie  and  Richard  Foster,  for  their  good  service 

Westminster,  to  the  king's  father  and  the  king,  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  manors  and 

lordships  of  Cokeham  and  Bray,  co.  Berks,  with  their  appurtenances  with 

all  meadows,  pastures,  woods,  fairs,  markets,  fisheries,  courts,  views  of  frank 

pledge,  hundreds,  wapentakes,  chattels,  liberties  and  other  profits,  with  all 

1  EDWARD  IV,— Part  V.  149 

1461,  Membrane  10 — cont, 

lands,  rents,  pastures  and  purprestaren  in  the  parish  of  Bray  in  the  forest  of 
Wjndesore  and  assarts,  wastes  and  purprestures  within  the  said  forest, 
manors  and  lordships,  late  of  Humphrey,  duke  of  Gloucester,  deceased,  from 
Michaelmas  last,  rendering  to  the  king  133/.  6s.  Sd.  yearly. 

Dec.  20.  Appointment  for  life  of  the  said  Peter  and  Richard  as  stewards  of  the 

WestmiDster.  said  manors  and  lordships,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  at  the  hands  of  the 

Dec.  21.         Grant  for  life  to  Henry  Swynhoume  of  the  office  of  bailiff  of  Alerdale  of 

Westminster,  the  honour  of  Cokermouth,  co.  Cumberland,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason 

of  the  rebellion  of  Henry,  late  earl  of  Northumberland,  with  the  accustomed 

fees  from  the  said  honour  and  lordship.  By  p.c. 

Dec.  14.  Tbe  like  to  John  Eychard  of  the  county  of  Essex  of  the  hermitage  of 

Westminster.  Henold  in  that  count}'  with  all  alms  and  profits  pertaining  thereto,  provided 
that  be  does  what  pertains  to  the  profession  of  a  hermit. 

By  p.s.  for  Gkxl,  because  he  is  poor. 

Nov.  28.         The  like  to  John  Peyntour  of  the  office  of  porter  of  the  king's  castle  of 
Westminster.  Notyngham,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.8. 

Dec.  7.  The  like  to  Phitip  Laton  of  the  office  of  the  bailiwick  of  the  king's  lord- 

Westminster,  ship  and  manor  of  Whatlyngton,  co.  Oxford,  parcel  of  the  honour  of 
Walyngford,  pertaining  to  the  duchy  of  Cornwall,  receiving  2d.  daily  at  his 
own  hands  from  the  issues  of  the  same,  with  all  profits  of  the  office,  and 
answering  for  all  rents  before  the  auditors  of  the  duchy.  By  K. 


Feb.  20.  The  like  to  John   Ottur  of  all  lands,  rents,  reversions  and  services 

Westminster,  in  Padyngthorp  and  flornyngton,  co.  York,  of  which  William  Taylboys, 

esquire,  rebel,  was  seised,  to  the  value  of  20  marks  yearly.  By  p.s. 

I4gl^  MrMBRANBS  9  AND  8. 

Nov.  6.  Inspexinms  and  confirmation  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Boclond  of 

Westminster,  letters  patent  dated  13  January,  17  Edward  III.  inspecting  and  confirming 
letters  patent  dated  6  April,  7  Edward  II.  inspecting  and  confirming  the 
following : — 

1.  A  writing  of  Isabel  de  Fortibus,  countess  of  Albemarle  and  Devon 

and  lady  of  the  Isle,  dated  St.  Edmund's  day,  1291,  being  a  grant 
to  them  of  the  manors  of  Boclond,  Bykelie,  Walkampton  and  Cul- 
umpton  and  divers  specified  lands  and  advowsons.     [Manasticon,'] 

2.  Another  writing  of  the  said  Isabel,  dated  Wednesday,  the  feast  of  St. 

Benedict,  1273,  being  a  grant  of  the  same  to  her  mother  Amice, 
countess  of  Devon  and  lady  of  the  Isle. 

3.  A  «3harter  of  the  said  Amice,  being  a  grant  of  the  same  to  the  convent 

of  Quarr  for  the  foundation  of  the  said  abbey  of  Boclond.  [Monas' 

4.  Letters  patent  dated  8  August,  4  Edward  I.  being  a  grant  to  the  said 

Amice  of  the  manor  of  Boclond,  with  the  hamlets  of  Columpton, 
Walkampton,  and  Bikelye.     {^Monasticon.'] 

For  60^.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

MsMBRANS  8— ron^ 

Nov.  19.         Grant,  during  office,  to  Robert  Stillyngton,  king's  clerk,  keeper  of  the 

Westminster,  privy  seal,  an  office  for  which  he  ought  to  have  20*.  a  day,  of  365/.  yearly 

from   1  November,  viz.  40/.  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Somerset  and 

Dorset,  40/.  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  33/. 

from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Oxford  and  Berks,  100/.  from  the  customs 


1461.  Jfembrane  8 — cant, 

and  gabfiidies  of  wools,  hides  and  wool-fells  in  the  port  of  London,  100/. 
from  the  like  in  the  port  of  Southampton,  32/.  from  the  issues  of  the  county 
of  Wilts,  and  20/.  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Cambridge  and  Hun- 
tingdon. If  the  said  assignmentK  are  or  shall  be  insufficient  to  pay  the 
said  20ff.  a  day,  the  chancellor  shall  have  power  to  make  other  assignments 
without  warrant  or  suit  to  the  king  or  counciL  By  K. 

Nov.  29.         Letters  of  naturalisation  for  the  king*s  servitor,  Geffrey  Whltford,  one 
Westminster,  of  the  yeomen  of  the  chamber,  a  native  of  Wales,  and  his  heirs.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  8.  Grant  in  mortmain  to  the  prioress  and  convent  of  the  white  nuns  of  the 

Wsetrainster.  order  of  St.  Bernard  by  the  city  of  Worcester  of  10/.  yearly  from  the  issues 
of  the  county  of  Worcester  for  the  relief  of  their  poverty.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  sheriff. 

1462.  Mbmbranes  7  and  6. 

Feb.  20.  iMpeximtu  and  confirmation  to  the  mayor,  bailiffs  and  burgesses  of  Hedon 

Weftmtnster.  in  Holdemesse  of  letters  patent  dated  21  October,  2  Henry  VI.  inspecting 

and  confirming  a  charter  dated  8  February,  2  Henry  V.  \Charter  Roily  2 

Henry  V,  p.  2,  Ao,  5,]  inspecting  and  confirming  with  additions  letters  patent 

dated  20  Joly,  1  Henry  IV.  inspecting  and  confirming  the  following  :-^ 

1.  A  charter  of  Henry  IL 

2.  A  charter  dated  13  December,  2  John, 

3.  A  charter  dated  7  June,  9  Edward  III.  inspecting  and  confirming 

the  preceding. 

4.  Letters  patent  dated  22  November,  1  Eichard  II.,  inspecting  and 

confirming  a  charter  dated  16th  April,  22  Edward  UI.  ^Charter 
Roll,  22  Edteard  III.  No.  24.]  For  40*.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membrane  6 — cont. 

Feb.  21.  Whereas  Henry  VI.  by  letters  patent  dated  10  October,  37  Henry  VI. 
Westminster,  released  to  Leo  Wellys,  knight,  and  Margaret,  duchess  of  Somerset,  then 
his  wife,  tenants  of  the  manor  of  Bloxam,  co.  Oxford,  the  15/.  yearly 
exacted  from  them  from  the  farm  of  the  said  manor  beyond  the  accustomed 
farm  of  20/,  yearly ;  and  Henry  IV.  by  letters  patent  dated  8  November, 
2  Henry  IV.  granted  to  John,  late  earl  of  Somerset,  his  brother,  all  the 
manors  and  lands  late  of  Owen  de  Glyndordy  in  South  and  North  Wales, 
forfeited  by  reason  of  his  treason,  and  the  same  after  the  death  of  the  said 
earl  descended  to  John,  late  duke  of  Somerset,  his  son,  husband  of  the  said 
duchess,  and  were  by  him  granted  to  John  Stourton,  knight,  William 
Caraunt,  esquire,  and  Gilbert  Kymere,  clerk,  and  others  now  deceased  on 
20  July,  21  Henry  VL  to  execute  his  will;  inasmuch  as  the  said  letters 
are  void  by  reason  of  an  act  in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November, 
the  king  now  grants  to  the  said  John,  William  and  Gilbert  the  said  15/. 
yearly  and  the  said  manors  and  lands  with  royal  rights,  knights'  fees, 
ndvowsons,  franchises,  liberties,  customs,  wards,  marriages,  reliefs,  escheats, 
forfeiturcH,  chases,  parks,  warrens,  wreck  of  sea  and  other  profits  from 
Michaelmas,  39  Henry  VI.  for  the  life  of  the  duchess  for  her  use.      By  K. 

Feb.  26.  Ghrant  to  William  Beaufitz  and  his  executors  and  assigns  for  20  years 

Wcstmiiirtcr.  from  Michaelmas  last  of  the  alien  priory  of  Brymesfeld,  co.  Gloucester,  the 
manor  of  Blakenham,  co.  Suffolk,  pared  of  the  alien  priory  of  Okeboume, 
the  priory  of  St.  Helen  in  the  Isle  of  Wight,  co.  Southampton,  the  priory 
or  manor  of  Charleton,  co.  Wilts,  all  lands,  rents  and  services  in  North- 
mundham,  Compton  and  Welegh,  in  the  counties  of  Sussex  and  Southampton, 
formerly  of  the  abbot  of  Lucerne  in  Normandy  alias  Mundam  called  'Lucerne,' 
\he  manors  of  Povyngtou,  co.  Dorset,  and  Wedon  alias  Wedoqbeke,  co, 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  V.  151 

1461.  Membrane  6 — cont, 

Northampton,  parcels  of  the  said  alien  priory  of  Okebourne,  the  manor 
called  the  alien  priory  or  house  of  Welles  alias  the  manor  of  WellehaUe^ 
CO.  Norfolk,  and  a  yearly  farm  of  12  marks  which  the  prior  of  Montacnte 
renders  from  an  imp<^t  lately  belonging  to  the  chief  bouse  of  the  priory 
beyond  seas,  provided  that  he  account  at  the  Exchequer  for  any  surplus 
from  the  above  beyond  1,000/.  By  K. 

Dec.  23.  Grant  to  John  Hodelston,  knight,  and  his  heirs  and  assigns  of  all  lands, 

Wwtminster.  rents  and  services  lately  belonging  to  Thomas,  lord  of  Clifford,  in  Skelton 

and  Lamunby,  co.  Cumberland,  to  the  value  of  20/.  yearly,  in  the  king's 

bands  by  reason  of  the  rebellion  and    forfeiture  of  John,  late  lord  of 

Clifford,  son  of  the  preceding.  By  p.s. 

March  20.        Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Dixson,  servant  of  the  king's  cellar,  of  the 

Westminster,  office  of  bailiff  of  the  town  of  Sandwich,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  from 

the  issues  of  the  office.  By  p.s. 


Feb.  20.  The  like  to  John  Chapman,  yeoman  of  the  king's  chamber,  of  the  offices 

Westminster,  of  keeper  of  the  king's  manor  of  Plesaunco  in  Estgrenewiche,  co.  Kent,  the 

little  garden  of  the  manor  with  the  orchard,  the  great  garden,  and  the  park 

with  the  tower  there,  receiving  2d.  3</.,  6d,  and  2d.  daily  from  the  respective 

offices  from  the  issues  of  the  county,  with  all  other  profits.  By  p.s. 


July  27.  The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  Thomas  Gower  sou  of  Thomas  Gower 

Westminster,  late  of  Sydenham   of  the  office  of  riding  forester  of  the  king's  forest  of 

Galtras  with  such  fees  as  his  father  had.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  5, 

Feb.  26.  Grant  to  Thomas  Burgh,  one  of  the  esquires  of  the  body,  and  the  heirs 

Westminster,  male  of  his  body  of  the  manors  of  Crofte,  Thorpe,  Grolthawe,  Skelyng- 
hoape,  Faldyngworth  and  Sotby,  co.  Lincoln,  and  all  lands  and  possessions 
in  those  places  late  of  William  Tail  boys,  knight,  in  the  king's  hands  by 
reason  of  an  act  of  forfeiture  in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November, 
with  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank  pledge,  parks, 
warrens,  lairB,  markets  and  all  other  profits.  By  p.s. 


Dec.  13.  Grant  to  Thomas  Herbert,  one  of  the  esquires  of  the  body,  and  his  heirs 

Westminster,  and  assigns  of  a  messuage  called  *  Garlik '  with  a  garden  annexed  in  Breke- 

strete  in  the  parish  of  btebbnbuth,   co.  Middlesex,  rendering  to  the  king 

3*.  6cf.  yearly.  By  p.s. 

Dec  3.  Licence  for  William  Stourton,  clerk,  to  found  a  chantry,  to  be  called 

Westminster.  <  William  Stoarton's  Chaunterie,'  of  one  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service 
daily  at  the  altar  of  Holy  Trinity,  St.  Mary  the  Virgin  and  St  Anne  in  the 
church  of  Lngwardyn  for  the  good  estate  of  the  king,  the  said  William, 
Walter  Devereux,  knight,  lord  of  Ferrers,  and  Anne  his  wife,  Thomas 
Brugge,  esquire,  and  John  Welforde  and  Isabel  his  wife  and  for  their  souls 
after  death  and  for  the  souls  of  Richard,  late  duke  of  York,  Edmund,  late 
)ord  qf  Butland,  and  the  relations  and  benefactors  of  the  said  Witiiam ;  and 
for  th^  said  chaplain  to  acquire  in  mortmain,  after  inquisition,  lands  and 
other  possessions,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the  value  of  8  marks  yearly. 

By  p.s. 

May  6.  Grant    for  life  to  the  king's  kinsman  George,  bishop  of  Exeter,   from 

fVestminster.  4  March  last  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  manors  of  Wodestoke,  Hanburgb, 

Wotton  and  JStonefeld,  co.  Oxford,  with  their  members,  hamlets  and  other 

profits,  and  of  the  hundred  of  Wotton,  in  the  same  ooimty,  in  like  mannef 


1461.  Membrane  5 — cont, 

as  John,  late  earl  of  Shi*ew8bury,  and  Ralph  de  Sudeley,  knig^ht,  had  it, 
rendering  to  the  king  127/.  16«.  6d.  yearly  and  supporting  all  charges,  except 
100*.  yearly  to  be  paid  from  the  issues  of  the  manors  and  hundred  to  the 
lieutenant  or  steward  of  the  courts,  certain  other  fees  and  annuities  granted 
to  divers  persons,  and  the  repairs  of  the  houses  and  mills  of  the  manors 
and  the  enclosure  of  the  park  of  Wodestoke,  with  allowance  for  any  such 
charges  to  be  made  by  him.  By  K. 

Dec.  4.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Harryce,  yeoman  of  the  king's  larder,  of  the  oiRce 

WMtminster.  of  groom  of  the  king's  beds  within  his  castle  of  Wyndesore,  lately  held  by 
William  Austyn,  son  of  John  Austyn,  yeoman  of  the  beds  within  the  castle, 
with  wages  of  3r/.  daily  at  the  hands  of  the  constable  of  the  castle. 

By  p.s. 

Nov.  28.         Mandate  to  all  bailiffs  and  others  to  permit  John  Lesours,  a  native  of 
Westminster.  Edynburgh  in  Scotland,  ttaying  at  the  city  of  Norwich,  who  has  taken 
the  oath  of  fealty,  to  inhabit  the  realm  peaceably  and  enjoy  his  goods. 

MbMBRANB  4  AND  3. 

Dec.  10.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  BusUesham  of 

Westminster,  a  charter  dated  3  February,  13  Edward  III.  ^Charter  Roll,  13  Edward  II L 
JVb.  11],  inspecting  and  confirming  with  additions  a  charter  dated  22  April, 
11  Edward  111.  [Charter  Boll,  11  Edward  111  No,  15.] 

For  2Qs,  paid  in  tho  hanaper. 

1462.  Membrane  8 — cont. 

Feb.  10.  Grant  for  life  to  Adam  Goodale,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  the 

Westminster,  office  and  custody  of  the  king's  vineyard  by  his  castle  of  Wyndesore,  other- 
wise called  the  office  of  master  vintner  of  his  vineyard,  and  the  office  of 
porter  of  the  outer  gate  of  the  castle,  with  fees  as  in  the  times  of  Edward 
ill.  and  Richard  11.  from  24  April  last  at  the  hands  of  the  constable 
of  the  casUe,  in  lieu  of  grants  to  him  of  the  office  and  custody  of  the  great 
garden  of  Wyndesore  by  letters  patent  dated  24  April  and  the  office  of 
porter  of  Wyndesore  by  other  letters  patent,  surrendered.  By  p.8. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelled,  so  far  as  the  office  of  porter  of  the 
outer  gate  is  concerned,  because  the  king  granted  the  same  to  Christopher 
Fumeys  by  other  letters,  26  November,  7  Edward  IV. 


Oct.  11.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  John  Wild  of  the  office  of  the  king's 

Westminster,   tapestry,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  and  vesture  at  Christmas  at  the 

Lands  of  the  keeper  of  the  great  wardrobe.  By  p^. 

Nov.  5.  The  like  to  Edward  Gk>wer,  from  1 3  May  last,  of  the  office  of  clerk  of 

Westminster,   the  king's  works  within  his  manor  and  park  of  Clary ngdon,  co.  Wilts, 

receiving  \2d.  daily  with  all  other  profits  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of 

Wilts.  By  K. 

Vacated  because  below. 

Dec.  20.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  William  Philpotte  of  the  custody  of  the 

Westminster,   park,  warren  and  manor  of  Bremmore  with  the  bailiwick  {balliagio)  of  the 

towns  of  Oldelymyngton  and  Newelymyngton,  co.  Southampton,  receiving 

the  accustomed  fees  with  all  other  profits  at  the  hands  of  the  receivers  and 

farmers  there.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  4.  The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  John  Luthyngton  that  he  be  auditor  of  all 

Westminster,   castles,  lordships,  manors  and  tenements  of  the   honour  and  earldom  of 

Richemond,  with  the  accustomed  fees  irom  the  issues  of  the  same.      By  p.8. 


Feb.  24.         Grant  to  Creorge,  bishop  of  Exeter,  of  the  custody  of  all  lands,  rents  and  ser- 
Westtminstcr.  Tices  late  of  John  Kylygrewe,  *  gentilman,'  deceased,  tenant  in  chief,  during 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  V.  153 

1462.  Membrane  S^ont. 

the  minority  of  Thomas  hie  son  and  heir,  with  the  marriage  of  the  latter, 
and  eo  from  heir  to  heir  if  the  heir  die  during  minority.  By  K. 


May  13.         Grant  for  life  to  Edward  Gower  of  the  office  of  clerk  of  the  king's  works 
Westminster,   within  his  manor  and  park  of  Claryngdou,  co.  Wilts,  receiving  I2d,  daily 
with  all  other  accustomed  profits  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Wilts. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  sheriff  of  Wilts. 

1462.  MSMBRANSS  2   AND   1. 

Feb.  12.         Tnspeximus  and  confirmation  to  Bobert  Botill,  the  prior,  and  the  brethren 
Westminster,   of  the  Hospital  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem  in  England  of  the  following  :  — 

1.  Letters  patent  dated  12  May,    1   Bichard  II.  inspecting  and    con- 

firming to  Bobert  Hales,  then  prior,  and  the  brethren  a  charter 
dated  1  July,  34  Edward  III.  being  an  exemplification  of  a  charter 
dated  10  February,  2  Edward  III.  itself  an  exemplification  of  a 
charter  dated  York,  30  June,  1  Edward  III.  inspecting  and  con- 
firming a  charter  dated  at  Chertsey,  22  September,  2  Edward  II. 
[  Charier  Bollj  2  Edward  II,  No,  45,]  inspecting  and  confirming 
a  charter  dated  8  June,  8  Edward  L  {^Charter  Roll,  8  Edward  I. 
Nos.  43  and  44,]  inspecting  and  confirming  charters  dated  at 
Winchester,  20  and  23  June,  37  Henry  III. 

2.  A  charter  dated  10  April,  4  Bichard  II.  [Charter  Roily  4  Richard  II. 

No,  8.]  For  20  marks  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membrane  1 — cont. 

Feb.  20.  Grant  to  Walter  Devereuz,  knight,  lord  Ferrers,  whom  the  king  has 

Westminster,  raised  to  the  estate  of  a  baron,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body,  for  his  good 
service  against  Henry  VI.  and  his  accomplices,  and  Henry,  duke  of  Exeter, 
Jasper,  earl  of  Pembroke,  James,  earl  of  Wilts,  and  other  rebels,  of  the 
manor  and  lordship  of  Sutton  Courteney,  and  theadvowson  of  the  church  of 
Sutton  Courtenay,  co.  Berks,  the  manor  of  Hillesdou  alias  Hildesdon,  co. 
Buckingham,  and  all  other  lands  and  possessions  in  those  counties  late  of 
Thomas  Courteney,  late  earl  of  Devon,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  courts 
leet,  views  of  frank  pledge,  liberties,  warrens,  fairs,  markets  and  all  other 
profits  from  Michaelmas  last,  to  the  yearly  value  of  132/.,  a  moiety  of  the 
castle  called  '  Bichardis  Castell,'  in  the  counties  of  Hereford  and  Salop,  of 
the  yearly  value  of  40  marks,  lately  belonging  to  William  Yaux,  knight, 
the  manors  of  Oxenhale,  Graunsomysocle  and  Coldaston,  co.  Gloucester,  with 
the  advowsons  of  their  churches  and  chapels,  of  the  yearly  value  of  28/.,  and 
the  manor  of  Long  Compton,  co.  Warwick,  with  the  advowson  of  the 
church  there,  of  the  yearly  value  of  20/.,  late  of  James,  late  earl  of  Wilts, 
and  the  manor  of  Tiltou,  co.  Leicester,  with  the  advowson  of  the  church 
there,  of  the  yearly  value  of  20/.,  lat«  of  Everard  Dygby,  esquire,  in  the 
king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of  forfeiture  in  Parliament  at  Westminster, 
4  November,  the  manors  of  Broughton,  co.  Buckingham,  and  Sywell,  co. 
Northampton,  to  the  yearly  values  of  20/.  and  6/.  6«.  8</.  respectively, 
and  the  reversion  of  the  manor  of  Lyvedon,  co.  Northampton,  on  the  death 
of  William  Aldewyncle,  esquire,  which  should  remain  to  Thomas  Tresham, 
knight,  rebel,  of  the  yearly  value  of  100  marks.  By  p.8. 


Nov.  19.        Inspeximu9  and  confirmation  to  the  warden  and  college  of  the  king's  free 

Westminiter.  chapel  of  St.  George,  Wyndesore,  of  letters  patent  26  October,  25  Edward 

III.  being  a  grant  to  them  of  100  marks  yearly  from  the  farm  of  the  town 


1461.  Membrane  1 — cont. 

of  Norhampton,  formerly  granted  to  Roger  de  Bello  Campo  and  Sybil  his 

Dec.  3.  Grant  in  fee  simple  to  John  Hodilston,  knight,  of  all  lands  and  posses- 

Westminster,   sions  belonging  to  Richard  Kyrkeby,  esquire,  within  the  realm,  to  the  Talne 

of  40  marks  yearly.  By  p.6. 


Feb.  19.         Grant  for  life  to  Ralph  Clyderowe  of  the  town  of  Calais  of  the  office  of 
WestminBter.  ranger  of  the  king's  forest  of  Whichewode,  co.  Oxford,  from  8  July  last, 
with  fees  of  4c?.  daily  from  the  issues  of  the  countieB  of  Oxford  and  Berks. 

By  p.s. 

Membrane  15cf« 

Feb.  5.  Commission  to  John  Stourton  of  Stourton,  knight,  John  Ne^eburgh  the 

Westmin'ster.   elder,  Thomas  Husee  the  elder  and  Walter  Othe  to  deliver  the  gaol  of 

Dorcestre  of  John  Davy  alias  Barrey  late  of  Chirchelambhithe,  co.  Surrey, 

'  yoman,'  and  Richard  Castell  alias  Steyner  late  of  Hoddesdon,  co.  Hertford, 

*  yoman,'  prisoners  there. 

Feb.  5.  Commission  to  John  Markham,  knight,  William  Yelverton,  knight,  and 

Westminster.  Richard  Byngham  to  examine  the  judgment  of  a  record  and  process  of  a  plea 
before  Henry  Frowyk,  late  mayor  of  London,  and  Robert  Clopton  and  Thomas 
Catworth,  sheriff,  in  the  late  reign  between  Simon  Sely  and  Walter  Cotton 
concerning  a  messuage  in  the  parish  of  St.  Giles  without  Crepulgate  in  the 
suburbs  of  London,  and  to  correct  any  error  there  may  be,  as  is  alleged  by 
Thomas  Cotton,  kinsman  and  heir  of  the  said  Walter,  at  the  church  of  St. 
Martin  le  Grand,  London. 


1  EDWARD  IV.—Paet  VL 

MEUBRAlfSS  39  AND  38. 

Dec.  3.  Inspeanmus  and  confirmfttion  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  the  house  of  the 

Westminster.  Visitation  of  St.  Mary  of  the  Carthnsian  order,  Eppeworth,  in  the  Isle  of 
Axihohn,  co.  Lincoln,  of  the  following : — 

1.  Letters  patent  dated  7  July,  19  Richard  II.  being  a  licence  for  the 

foundation  of  the  house. 

2.  Letters  patent  dated  26  June,  20  Richard  IL  [Moftasticon,'} 

3.  A  charter  dated  21  May,  22  Richard  II.  [Charter  Roily  21-28  Richard 

IL  No,  2],  granting  to  them  divers  liberties. 

4.  Letters  patent  dated  23  May,  23  Richard  II.  being  a  licence  for  the 

acquisition  in  mortmain  by  them  from  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Sulby 
of  certain  lands. 

5.  Letters  patent  of  the  same  date,  being  a  licence  for  the  appropriation 

in  mortmain  by  them  of  the  church  of  Wythebrok,  co,  Warwick. 
And  grant  to  them  of  a  tun  or  two  pipes  of  Gascon  wine  yearly  in  the  port 
of  Kyngeston  on  Hull,  and  licence  for  the  acquisition  by  them  in  frank 
almoin,  after  inquisition,  of  lands,  tenements,  rents  and  service,  not  held  in 
cliief,  to  the  value  of  .50/.  yearly,  to  pray  for  the  good  estate  of  the  king 
and  for  his  soul  after  death.  For  20s.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membrane  37. 

Dec.  17.  Tnspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  bailiffs  and  burgesses  of  Derby  of  a 

Westminster,  charter  dated  at  Coventry,  8  September,  38  Henry  VI.  \^Charter  Roll,  27-39 

Henry  VI.  No.  8,]  being  a  licence  for  them  to  choose  a  recorder  and  a  grant 

to  them  of  divers  liberties.  By  K.  and  for  26«.  8</.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membrane  36. 

Dec.  3.  Inspextmus  and  confirmation  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Beauvale,  co. 

Westminster.  Nottingham,  of  the  Carthusian  order,  of  a  charter  dated  22  June,  2  Richard 
II.  [Charter  Roll,  2  Richard  IL  No.  8],  inspecting  and  confirming  the 
following : — 

1.  A  charter  dated  at  Windsor,  20  March,  19  Edward  III.  [Charter  Boll, 

19  Edward  IIL  No.  21.] 

2.  Letters  patent  dated  6  September  37  Edward  III. 

And  grant  to  them  of  two  tuns  of  the  better  red  wine  of  Gascony  yearly  at 
All  Saints  in  the  port  of  Kyngeston  on  Hull ;  and  grant  to  them  in  frank 
almoin  from  Michaelmas,  3  Edward  IV.,  of  the  rectory  and  parish  church  of 
Bondeby,  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  10*.  of  rent  from  a  bovate  of  land  in 
Saxby  formerly  held  by  Henry  Martyn,  5^d.  of  rent  from  a  bovate  of  land  in 
Bondeby  formerly  held  by  John  son  of  Benedict  atte  Bekke,  with  a  pension 
of  13*.  4d,  which  the  parson  of  the  church  of  Saxby  used  to  pay  to  the  alien 
prior  of  St.  Fremont  in  Normandy  and  a  pension  of  13*.  4d.  from  the  church 
of  St.  John,  Staunford,  theadvowsons  of  the  churches  of  St.  Peter,  St.  John, 
St.  Paul  and  St.  George,  Staunford,  and  Saxby  and  Grafton,  in  the  said 
diocese  of  Lincoln,  and  all  tithes,  lands  and  profits  of  the  said  rectory  and 
parish  church,  not  exceeding  the  value  of  18  marks  yearly.  Andrew,  then 
prior  of  St.  Fremont,  granted  the  above  to  John  Luscote,  the  prior,  and  the 
convent  of  the  Carthusian  order  near  London  in  the  year  13  Richard  II. 
fvjtbout  licence,  in  the  time  ^ehen  the  said  church  was  ta^en  into  tfte  king'^ 


1461.  Membrane  36 — cont. 

hands  on  account  of  the  war  with  France,  and  the  king  granted  the  rectory 
to  Walter  Malet,  clerk,  and  Robert  Hastynges  hj  letters  patent  from 
21  June,  5  Richard  II,  and  Michaelmas,  23  Richard  II.  respectively  at 
a  rent  of  12  marks,  which  has  been  answered  for  up  till  Michaelmas, 
3  Edward  lY.  For  1  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

1462.  Mem  BRANS  35. 

Feb.  12.         Intpeximus  and  confirmation  to  Ivo,  the  prior,  and  the  convent  of 
WestmiDster.   Huntyngdon,  of  letters  patent  dated  26  November,  7  Richard  II.  inspecting 
and  confirming  to  Henry,  then  prior,  and  the  convent  the  following : — 

1.  A  charter  dated  at  Ramesey,  7  April,  1  Edward  III.  [Charter  Roll^  1 

Edward  IIL  No.  64,]  inspecting  and  confirming  the  following : — 
(I .)  A  charter  dated  at  Winchester,  28  December,  35  Henry  III. 
(2.)  A  charter  dated  30  May,  37  Henry  III.  IMonasticon.'] 

2.  Letters  patent  dated  ^4  August,  33  Henry  III.  being  a  release  to  them 

of  a  quarter  of  oats  paid  yearly  by  their  men  of  Hereford  for 

3.  Letters  patent  dated  II  February,  51  Edward  III.  being  a  licence  for 

the  appropriation  in  mortmain  by  them  of  the  church  of  Suthoo  with 
the  chapel  of  Haileweston.  For  2  marks  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Feb.  16.         Inspeanmus  and  confirmation  to  the  mayor,  bailiffs  and  conmionalty  of  the 

Westminster,  city  of  Winchester  of  letters  patent  dated  1  February,  30  Henry  VI.  being 

a  grant  to  them  for  50  years  of  40  marks  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  nlnage 

and  subsidy  of  cloths  within  the  said  city  and  suburb  and  the  soke  there  and 

elsewhere  within  the  county  of  Southampton. 

For  4  marks  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Feb.  20.         InspeximuB  and   confirmation   to  the  prior    and  Friars  Preachers  of 
Westminster.  Childerlangele    of   letters    patent    dated   20  November,    4  Richard   II. 
inspecting  and  confirming  letters  patent  dated  12  April,  32  Edward  III. 
being  a  grant  to  them  of  four  tuns  of  wine  yearly  in  the  port  of  London. 

For  \  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

14gl^  Membranes  34-32. 

Dec.  3.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Henton,  co. 

Westminster.  Somerset,  of  the  Carthusian  order,  of  the  following  : — 

1.  A  charter    dated    18  January,    1    Richard   II.    [Charier    Roll^    1 
Richard  IL  No,  20],  inspecting  and  confirming  the  following  : — 
(I.)  A  charter  dated  26  October,  19  Edward  III.,  inspecting  and 
confirming  with  additions  a  charter  dated  8  June,  21  Henry  III. 
[ChaHer  Rally  21  Henry  IIL  ni  5.] 
(2.)  A  charter  dated  24  November,  22  Edward  I.  [Charter  Roily 
22  Edward  I.  No.  47,]  inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter 
dated  7  September,  24  Henry  III.  [Monasticon.'] 
(3.)  A    charter  dated  at  Berwick  on  Tweed,  25   August,  24 

Edward  I. 
(4.)  Letters  patent  dated  8  February,  3  Edward  II. 
(5.)  Letters  patent  dated  20  July,  12  Edward  II. 
(6.)  Letters  patent  dated  14  April,  32  Edward  III. 
^7.)  Letters  patent  dated  5  October,  29  Edward  IIL 
•  (8.)  Letters  patent  dated  1  November,  37  Edward  III. 
(9.)  A  charter  dated  at  Clarendon,  22  August^  13   Edward   I. 

[Charter  Roll,  13  Edward  L  No.  24.] 
(10.)  A  charter  dated  18  May,  17  Edward  III.  [Charter  Roll,  17 
Edward  IIL  No.  22.] 

1  EDWARD  IV.^Pabt  VI.  157 

14(}1^  Membranes  34-32— cw*^. 

(]  1.)  A  charter  dated  1  May,  27  Edward  III. 
(12.)  A  charter  dated  23  October,  19  Edward  III. 
2.  A  charter  dated  27  October,  43  Henry  III.    [Charter  Boll,  43 

Henry  III.  m.  1]. 
And  ^ant  to  them  of  a  tun  of  wine  yearly  in  the  port  of  Bristol  and  also 
a  tun  of  sweet  wine,  *  bastard '  or  *  oseie  *  as  they  may  choose,  yearly  in  the 
said  port  for  the  sustenance  of  their  bodies  weakened  by  their  vigils  and 
fasts,  that  they  may  pray  for  the  good  estate  of  the  king  and  for  his  soul 
afler  death  and  for  the  souls  of  his  progenitors. 

By  K.  and  for  1  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

JfEMBRASBS  32-29. 

Dec.  3.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Witham,  co. 

WestminBter.  Somerset,  of  the  Carthusian  order,  of  a  charter  dated  12  January,  1  Richard 
II.  [Charter  Roll^  1  Richard  11.,  No.  19],  inspecting  and  confirming  the 
following : — 

1.  A  charter  dated  5  May,  17  Edward  III.  [Charter  Roll,  17  Edward 

III,  No.  23,]  inspecting  and  confirming  the  following : — 

(1.)  A  charter  of  Henry  II.  [Moruuticon.'] 

(2.)  A  charter  dated  26  February,  14  Edward  I.  ICharter  Roll, 
14  Edward  I.  No.  31],  inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter  of 
Edmund,  earl  of  GornwaU,  dated  at  Bercamstede,  Thursday 
after  the  translation  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr,  13  Edward  I. 

(3.)  A  charter  dated  at  Berwick  on  Tweed,  25  August,  24  Edward 
I.     [Charter  Roll,  24  Edward  I.  No.  2.] 

(4.)  Letters  patent  dated  8  February,  3  Edward  II. 

(5.)  Letters  patent  dated  20  July;  12  Edward  II. 

2.  Letters  patent  dated  14  April,  32  Edward  III. 

3.  Letters  patent  dated  12  March,  49  Henry  III. 

4.  Letters  patent  dated  28  August,  1 1  Edward  I. 

5.  Letters  patent  dated  20  May,  11  Edward  II. 

0.  A  charter  dated  26  October,  19  Edward  III.  [Charter  Roll,  19 
Edward  III.  No.  4,]  inspecting  and  confirming  with  additions  the  said 
charter  of  Henry  II. 

7.  Letters  patent  dated  20  October,  36  Edward  III. 

8.  Letters  patent  dated  2  November,  37  Edward  III. 

And  confirmation,  in  addition,  of  divers  specified  liberties  granted  to  them 
by  Henry  III.  By  E.  and  for  1  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

MsMBRANS  29 — cont. 


Feb.  12.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  men  and  tenants  of  the  hundred  of 

Westminster.  Rocheford,  co.   Essex,  of  letters  patent  dated  20  May,   16  Edward  III. 

pardoning  them  for  certain  trespasses.  For  ^  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membranes  29-27. 

Dec.  3.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  St.  Anne's  by 

Westminster.  Coventry,  of  the  Carthusian  order,  of  the  following : — 

1.  A  charter   dated  21    May,  22   Richard  11.   [Charter  Roll,  21-23 

Richard  II.  No.  2,]  granting  to  them  divers  liberties. 

2.  Letters  patent  dated  8  March,  10  Richard  II.  being  a  licence  for  the 

acquisition  in  mortmain  by  them  of  possessions  Of  aliens  in  England 
to  the  value  of  601.  yearly. 


1461  #  Membranes  29^27 — €ont, 

3.  Letters  patent  dated  14  December,  14  Eichard  II.  beiog  a  release  to 

them  of  24  marks  yearly  to  be  paid  for  the  manor  or  priory  of 
Edi  weston,  co.  Rutland,  granted  to  tbem  by  the  abbot  and  convent  of 
St.  George,  Bauquierville,  in  Normandy,  in  the  diocese  of  Rouen. 

4.  Letters  patent  dated  19  November,  17  Richard  IL,  being  a  licence  for 

the  abbot  and  convent  of  St.  Sergius  and  St.  Bacchus  [Angers] 
to  grant  to  them  the  manors  of  Swavesey  and  Drie  Drayton  and 
the  advowson  of  the  church  of  Swavesey,  saving  a  certain  rent. 

5.  Letters  patent  dated  21  May,  22  Richard  IL  releasing  to  them  the 

said  rent.  [Manasticon.'} 
And  grant  to  them  in  frank  almoin  of  the  said  manors  of  Swavesey  and  Drie 
Drayton  ;  grant  to  them  of  the  little  wood  of  Graveuhowe  called  *  le  Over- 
wode  and  le  Netherwode,'  and  the  little  wood  called  '  Bilhagwode,'  extended 
at  2s.  and  ISd.  yearly  respectively,  which  were  taken  into  the  king's  hands 
on  18  February,  36  Edward  III.  because  Thomas  Furnyvall,  tenant  in 
chief  of  the  c^astle  and  manor  of  Sheffield,  of  which  they  were  parcel, 
alienated  them  without  licence  to  the  prior  of  Ecdesfeld  in  exchange  for 
the  tithes  of  his  mills  in  Halumshire  in  the  time  of  Edward  I.  as 
appears  by  an  inquisition  made  before  William  Neffeld,  escheator  in  the 
county  of  York,  in  the  time  of  Henry  IV.  quit  of  the  rent  of  4*.  for  which 
they  were  granted  to  Robert,  late  prior  of  the  said  house,  for  30  years  by 
letters  patent  of  21  October,  14  Richard  II. ;  grant  to  them  of  two  tuns 
of  wine  yeaiiy  at  Michaelmas  in  the  port  of  London  and  one  tun  yearly  at 
Martinmas  in  the  port  of  Bristol ;  licence  for  the  acquisition  in  mortmain 
by  them,  after  inquisition,  of  lands,  tenements  and  rents  to  the  value  of 
40/.  yearly  ;  and  grant  to  them  of  a  tun  of  wine  yearly  at  Martinmas  in 
the  port  of  Bristqji. 

By  K.  and  for  1  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membranes  26  and  25. 

Dec.  7.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  the  place  of 

Westminster.  St.  Edward  called  *  Lettele  '  of  the  following: — 

1.  A  charter  dated  at  Norwich,  20  March,  35  Henry  III.  [Charter  Roll^ 

35  Henry  III.  m.  10.] 

2.  A  charter  dated  at  Portsmouth,  4  July,  37  Henry  III.,  being  a  grant  to 

them  in  frank  almoin  of  3  carucates  of  land  of  100  acres  each  in  the 
New  Forest  within  specified  bounds,  with  licence  to  enclose  and 
cultivate  the  same. 

3.  A  charter  dated  at  Westmmster,  12  April,  40  Henry  III.  being  a 

licence  for  them  to  enclose  the  same  against  the  king's  deer. 

4.  Letters  patent  dated  20  February,  1  Richard  II.  inspecting  and  con- 

firming a  charter  dated  at  Winchester,  20  March,  4  Edwanl  III. 
inspecting  and  confirming  the  following : — 

(I.)  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  28  February,  24  Henry  III. 
(2.)  A  charter  dated  at  Lyndhurst,  1  September,  13  Edward  I. 
[Charter  Roily  13  Edward  I.  No.  18,]  inspecting  and  con- 
firming a  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  7  March,  35  Henry  III. 
(3.)  Grants  by  John  de  Warenna,  earl  of  Surrey,  Robert  de  Veer, 
earl  of  Oxford,  and  Edmund,  earl  of  Cornwall. 

For  20^.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membrane  25 — cant, 

Dec.  10.         Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  cloth  workers  fVom  foreign  parts  of 
Westminster,  letters  patent  dated  4  March,  3  Richard  II.  inspecting  and    confirming 


J461.  Mefnhrane  25-^eont. 

letters  patent  dated  8  February,  26  Edward  III.  taking  them  under  the 
king's  protection  and  permitting  them  to  exercise  their  mistery  without 
being  compelled  to  join  the  gild  of  weavers  of  London. 

For  40s,  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membrane  24. 

Nov.  20.        InspeximuB  and  confirmation  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  St.  Martin's, 
Wefftminster.  Dover,  of  the  following : — 

1.  Letters  patent  dated  29  May,  3  Eichard  IL  being  an  exemplification, 

at  the  request  of  John  Newenham,  then  prior,  of  a  certificate  into 
Chancery  by  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  of  pleas  of 
assize  before  Hervey  de  Stanton,  William  de  Ormesby,  Henry 
Spigumell,  John  de  Mutford  and  William  de  Goldyugton,  justices 
in  eyre,  at  Canterbury,  c6.  Kent,  in  the  octave  of  Midsummer, 
6  Edward  II.,  when  the  prior  claimed  view  of  frank  pledge,  amends 
of  breaches  of  the  assize  of  bread  and  ale,  and  wreck  of  sea  in  his 
manor  of  Dale,  and  the  same  and  pillory  and  tumbrel  and  toll  in  the 
town  of  St.  Margaret,  which  were  allowed. 

2.  Letters  patent  dated  30  May,  3  Richard  II.  inspecting  and  confirming 

the  following: — 

(1.)  Letters  patent  dated  4  May,  8  Edward  II.  inspecting  and 
confirming  the  following : — 

a.  A  charter  of  Henry  II.  dated  at  Dover.    [^Motuisticon.'] 

h,  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  20  May,  21  Henry  III. 

[^Charter  Molly  21  Henri/  III.  m.  3,]  inspecting  and 

confirming  a  charter  of  Henry  II.  dated  at  Dover. 

(2.)  Letters  patent  dated  20  February,  12  Edward  III.  inspecting 

and  testifying  the  tenor  of  a  record  and  process  before  the 

barons    of   the  Exchequer  in  Trinity    term,    34  Edward  I. 

concerning  a  moiety  of  the  issues  of  the  port  of  Dover  and 

a  third  part  of  the  toll  from  the  Saturday  market,  adjudged 

to  the  prior  and  convent.  For  20s.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membranes  23  and  22. 

Nov.  20.        Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Worcester  of 
Westminster,  the  following : — 

I.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  10  March,  17  Richard  II.  [Charter 
Roily  15-17  Richard  II,  No.  2],  inspecting  and  confirming  the 
following : — 

1.  A  charter  dated  at  York,  7  June,  9  Edward  III.  [Charter  Roily 
9  Edward  IIL  No.  49],  inspecting  and  confirming  the 
following : — 

(1.)  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  1 9  February,  6  Edward 
II.  [Charier  Roily  6  Edward  II.  No.  26,]  inspecting 
and  confirming  a  charter  of  Edgar.  [Motmsticon.'] 
(2.)  A  charter  dated  Westminster,  3  February,  6  Edward 
II.  [Charter  Roily  6  Edward  IL  No.  27,]  inspecting 
and  confirming  the  following : — 

a.  A  charter  (Saxon)  of  Edward  the  Confessor. 

b.  A  charter  of  WilUam  [I.]. 

c.  -Another  charter  of  the  same. 

d.  A  charter  of  Henry  II.  dated  at  Feccaham. 

e*  A  charter  dated  at  Marlborough,  27  August,  9  John. 
/.  A  charter  dated  at  Woodstock,  16  August,  40  Henry 


X^Ql,  Membranes  23  and  22— cont. 

2.  Letters  patent  dated  8  July,  29  Edward  III.  inspecting  and  con- 

firming a  charter  dated  at  Framlingham,  2  April,40  Henry  III. 

3.  Letters  patent  dated  20  February,  43  Edward  III. 

4.  Letters  patent  of  Henry  II.  dated  at  Westminster,  beinc: 

mandate  to  the  sherifTs  of  Worcestershire,  Shropshire  and 

Warwickshire  to  allow  the  church  of  Worcester  to  hold  its 

pastures  freely  as  in  the  time  of  Henry  I. 

IL  A  charter  dated  at  Woodstock,  28  June,  52  Henry  HI.,  being  a  grant 

to  them  of  a  market  weekly  on  Saturday  at  their  manor  of  Schpesion. 

CO.  Worcester,  and  a  fair  there  yearly  for  three  days  at  St.  Barnabas, 

Witnesses  : — Roger,  bishop  of  Coventry  and  Lichfield.  Roger  de 

Leyburn,  Robert  Walerand,  Robert  Augnyllun,  Walter  de  Merton,' 

Master  John  de   Chyshull,  William   de  Aettc,   Peter   de  Nevill, 

Geoffrey  de  Percy,  William  de  Fakenham,  Stephen  de  Eddewurth, 

Bartholomew  de  Bigod  and  others.         For  40«.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

MSMBRANSS  21   AND   20. 

Dec.  4.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  John,  the  abbot,  and  the  prior  and  oon- 

Westminster.   vent  of  Glastonbury  of  the  following : — 

J  •  A  charter  dated  at  Woodstock,  31  March,  4  Edward  HI.  {^Charter  Roily 
4  Edward  III,  No.  88],  being  a  grant  to'  them  of  free  warren  in 
certain  demesne  lands  in  the  counties  of  Berks,  Dorset,  Devon  and 

2.  Letters  patent  dated  12  February,  4  Richard  II.,  inspecting  and  con- 

firming a  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  25  March,  1  Edward  III. 
[^Charter  Holly  1  Edward  III,  No.  67],  inspecting  and  confirming 
a  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  3  April,  6  Edward  II.  [Charter  Molly 
6  Edward  11.  No,  13,]  inspecting  and  confirming  the  following : — 
(K)  A  charter  of  Henry  II.  dated  at  Westminster.  \_Monasticon,'] 
(2.)  A  charter   dated  at  Westminster,  26  May,  11  Henry  III. 

[Charter  Roily  11  Henry  IIL  m.  3.] 
(3.)  A  charter  dated  at  Odyham,  26  June,  8  Edward  I.  [Charter 
Roily  8  Edward  L  No.  39.] 

3.  Letters  patent  dated  5  March,  1  Richard  II.  inspecting  and  confirm- 

ing to  John  Chynnok,  then  abbot,  and  the  prior  and  convent  letters 
X>atent  dated  27  February,  3  Edward  III.  notifying  that  the  king 
had  granted  to  Adam  de  Sobbury,  then  abbot,  that  the  prior  and 
convent  shall  havb  the  custody  of  the  abbey  during  voidance  at  a 
certain  rate.  For  6  marks  6;.  %d.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Mbmbranb  19. 

Dec.  20.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  citizens  of  Worcester  of  a  charter 

WestminBter.  dated  at  York,  29  March,  19  Richaid  II.  [ Charter  Roily  1 8-19  Richard  IL 
No,  4],  inspecting  and  confirming  with  additions  letters  patent  dated  1 
April,  1  Richard  II.  inspecting  and  confirming  letters  patent  dated  2  April, 
51  Edward  III.  inspecting  and  confirming  with  additions  a  charter  dated 
at  Oseney,  12  July,  4  Edward  III.  [Charter  Roll,  4  Edward  III  No.  61,] 
inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter  dated  at  Oxford,  30  March,  48  Henry 
III.  [Charter  Roll,  48  Henry  III,  m.  2.]      For  40*.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membranbs  18-15. 

July  19.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  John  Ives,  the  prior,  and  the  convent 

Westminster,  of  the  house  of  Jesus  of  Bethlehem,  Shene,  of  the  Carthusian  order,  of  the 
following: — 

1.  A  charier  dated  at  Westminster,  1  April,  3  Henry  V.  [Charter  Roily 
3-4  Henry  V,  No,  8  and  Monasticon ;] 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  VI.  161 

1461.  Membranes  18-15 — cont. 

2.  Letters  patent  dated  20  March,  20  Heniy  VI.,  being  a  grant  to  them 

in  frank  almoin  of  64  acres  of  land  in  Shene,  parcel  of  the  manor  of 

Shene  ; 

that  thej  may  pray  for  the  good  estate  of  the  king  and  Cicely  his  mother 

and  for  their  souls  after  death  and  the  seals  of  the  king's  father  Bichard, 

late  duke  of  York,  and  his  progenitors. 

By  p.s.  and  for  12  marks  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Mbmbranbs  14  AND  13. 


Feb.  22.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  Robert,  the  prior,  and  the  convent  of 

WMtmioster.  Mountgrace,  of  the  Carthusian  order,  of  a  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  20 
March,  22  Richard  II.  [Charter  Roll,  21-23  Richard  11.  No.  2] ;  and 
grant  to  them  in  addition  that  they  may  have  free  warren  in  their  demesne 
lands  and  all  waifs  and  strays,  and  may  hold  their  possessions  quit  of  tenths 
and  fifteenths ;  grant  in  frank  almoin  to  them  of  the  alien  priory  of 
Longebenyngton,  co.  Lincoln,  and  Fildallyng,  co.  Norfolk,  parcel  of  the 
same,  lately  belonging  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Savigny  (Seveniac)  in 
Normandy,  the  aUen  priory  of  Hagh,  co.  Lincoln,  lately  belonging  to  the 
abbot  and  convent  of  Cherbourg  {Burgh  Cesaris)  in  Normandy,  the  alien 
priory  of  Myntyng,  co.  Lincoln,  lately  belonging  to  the  monastery  or  house 
of  St.  Benedict  on  the  Leyre  in  France,  and  the  alien  priory  of  Hynkeley^ 
CO.  Leicester,  late  parcel  of  the  possessions  of  the  abbey  of  St.  Mary, 
Lire  in  Normandy,  with  all  manors,  hamlets,  lands,  churches,  courts, 
knights'  fees,  advowsons  and  other  possessions  and  appurtenances  thereto 
pertaining,  with  a  provision  of  100/.  yearly  at  the  Exchequer,  should  they 
be  ousted  from  the  same,  until  provision  be  made  to  them  of  lands  to  the 
same  value  ;  licence  for  them  to  incorporate  the  said  priory  of  Hynkeley ; 
grant  to  them  of  two  tunn  of  the  better  red  wine  of  Gascony  yearly  at  Mar- 
tinmas in  the  port  of  K3mgeston  on  Hull ;  and  licence  for  the  acquisition  in 
mortmi^  by  them,  after  inquisition,  of  lands  and  tenements,  not  held  in 
chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  40/.     By  K.  and  for  1  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

MSMBRANBS   12-9. 

Jan.  12.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  Richard^  the  bishop,  and  the  dean  and 

W efltmiBiter.  chapter  of  Salisbury  of  a  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  13  March,  17  Richard 
II.  \  Charter  Boll,  15-17  Richard  IL,  No.  o,]  inspecting  and  confirming  with 
additions  to  John,  then  bishop,  and  the  dean  and  chapter  the  following : — 

1.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  22  March,  11  Henry  III.,  inspecting 

and  confii'ming  a  charter  dated  at  Falaise,  4  June,  2  John  [Mon^ 

2.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  12  June,  13  Edward  I.  [Charter  Roll, 

13  Edward  /.,  No,  74,]  inspecting  and  confirming  to  Walter,  then 
bishop,  and  the  canons  and  citizens  of  Salisbury,  a  charter  dated 
at  Westminster,  30  January,  11  Henry  III.  [Monasticon,^ 

3.  A  charter  dated  at  Stamford,  12  April,  2  Edward  III.  [Charter  Roll, 

2  Edtoard  IILf  No.  71,]  inspecting  and  confirming  with  additions 
a  charter  dated  at  Doncaster,  15  December,  9  Edward  II.,  inspecting 
and  confirming  with  additions  a  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  28 
May,  34  Edward  I.  [Charter  Roll,  34  Edward  /.,  No.  27.] 

4.  A  charter  dated,  13  July,  2  Richard  II.  [Charter  Roll,  2  Richard  II., 

No,  10,]  inspecting  and  confirming  to  Ralph,  then  bishop,  and  the 

dean  and  chapter  the  following  : — 

(I.)  A.  charter  of  Henry  II.  dated  at  Salisbury.     [Monasticon."] 
(2.)  A  charter  dated  at  Windsor,  28  July,  3  Edward  III.  [Charter 
Rollf  3  Edward  IIL  No.   31,]  inspecting    and  confirming 

n    86914.  I. 


14g2,  Membranes  12-9 — cont. 

to    Boger,    then    bishop,    and    the    dean    and  chapter   the 
following : — , 

a.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  23  March,  11  Henry  III. 

6.  Letters  patent  dated  at  Windsor,  19  December,  11  Edward 

II.  For  20/.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

14gl^  Membranes  8-6. 

June  4.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  St.  Mary  Graces 

Wefltminster.   by  the  Tower  of  London  of  the  following  :  — 

1.  [Letters  patent]  dated  4  Novemb^,  1  [Henry  lY.,]  inspecting. i and 

confirming  the  following : — 

(1.)  Letters    patent  dated  7   July,  21  Richard  IL    being    an 

exemplification  of  letters  patent  dated  5  October,  50  Edward 

(2.)  Letters  patent  dated    9  March,  20  Bichard  IL  beiog  an 

exemplification  of  the  enrolment  of  an    indenture   (French) 

dated  the  feast  of  St.  George  the  Mart^,  5  Bichard  11. 
(8.)  Letters  patent  dated  8  March,  20  Bichard  II. 
(4.)  Letters  patent  dated  12  April,  21  Bichard  II.,  inspecting  and 

confirming  an  indenture,  dated  May,  20  Bichard  II.    made 

between  William,  then  abbot,  and  the  convent  of   St.  Mary 

Graces  and  John,  then  prior,  and  the  convent  of  St.  Saviour, 

Bermondeseye  by  London. 
.(5.)  Letters  patent  dated  3  July,  22  Bichard  II.  [Moncuticon.l 
(6.)  Letters  patent  (French)  of  John,  duke  or  Lancaster,  and 

others,  dated  London,  Michaelmas,  10  Bichard  IL 
(7.)  Letters  patent  of  John  de  Bokyngham,  late  bisliop  of  Lincoln, 

dated  Canterbury,  1  March,  22  Bichard  II. 
(8.)  Letters  patent  dated  24  May,  21  Bichard  U. 

2.  Letters  patent  dated  10  November,  AO  Edward  III.  of  England  and 

37  of  France  (m),  being  a  grant  to  them  in  frank  almoin  of  the 
reversions  of  the  manors  of  Westmelne,  Little  Hormade  and  Mesden, 
CO.  Hertford. 

3.  Letters  patent  dated  28  March,  46  Edward  III.  being  a  licence  for  the 

alienation  in  mortmain  to  them  by  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Clerevaux 
in  France  of  a  yearly  rent  of  20/.  which  they  receive  from  the  abbot 
of  Bufford  in  Shirewode  for  the  farm  of  the  church  of  Boderhanii 
CO.  York.  For  5  marks  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membranes  6-3. 

July  12.         Intpeximu*  and  confirmation  to  the  dean   and  canons  of   the  king's 
IfestmiMter.   free  chapel  of  St.   Stephen  within  his  palace  of  Westminster  of    the 
following  : — 

1.  A  charter  dated  at  WestminBler,  1  June,  1  Bichard  IL  [Charter  JRoU, 

1  Richard  IL  No,  4,]  inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter  dated 
at  the  Tower  of  London,  1  January,  27  Edward  III.  IMonastkon.} 

2.  A  chuler  dated  at  Westminster,  1  June,  1  Bichard  IL  [Charter  BoU^ 

1  Richard  II,  No,  3,]  inspecting  and  confirming  letters  patent  dated 
as  follows : — 

6  August,  22  Edward  III.  [Moncuticon.'} 

22  August,  22  Edward  III. 

1  March,  26  Edward  IH. 

12  December,  25  Edward  III.  IMonasticon,] 

3  May,  30  Edward  III. 

20  July,  30  Edward  III.  [Monagtican.} 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  VL  163 

1461*  Membranes  5-3— coiif. 

24  May,  82  Edward  IIL  [Monasticon.'\ 
20  May,  34  Edwatd  IH. 
20  September,  36  Edward  III.  IMaruuticon.'] 
10  November,  35  Edward  III. 
10  October,  43  Edward  IIL  [Manasiicon.'} 
3.  Letters  patent  dated  6  Febmarj,  21  Bichard  IL  IMonasticon.} 

For  40#.  paid  in  the  hanaper, 

MbMBRANBS  2  AND  1. 

July  16i.         Whereas  Henry  VL  by  letters  patent  dated  26  November,  16  Henry  VI., 

Wefltoiistter,  ^granted  to  the  dean  and  canons  of  the  free  chapel  of  St.  Stephen  within  the 

palace  of  Westminster,  founded  and  endowed  by  Edward  III.  as  a  college 

of  a  dean,  12  canons,   13  vicars,  4  clerks,  6  choristers  and  a  verger,  the 

.  J    V  manor  or  alien  priory  of  Frampton  or  Frompton,  co.  Dorset,  with  all  its 

members,  and  appurtenances,  formerly  granted  to  the  abbey  of  St.  Stephen, 

i  •  Qaen,.  then  extended  at  the  value  of  166/.  13#.  4d.,  in  frank  almoin ;  and  by 

.  testers  patent  dated  16  November,  21  Henry  VI.,  at  the  request  of  John 
^  Siopyndon^.then  keeper  of  the  rolls  of  Chancery,  one  of  the  executors  of 
the  will  of  William  Prestewyk,  late  one  of  the  masters  of  Chancery  and 
clerk  of  Parliament,  and  his  co-executors,  granted  to  them  six  houses  called 
wool  houses  within  his  stepie  of  Weetminster,  in  frank  almoin;  and  by 
letters  patent  dated  23  June,  31  Henry  VI.,  granted  to  William  Walesby, 
then  dean,  and  the  canons  the  office  of  keeper  of  his  dock  within  his 
palace  of  Westminster  and  of  the  custody  of  the  tower  called  '  le  Clokhons ' 
with  wages  of  6^.  daily,  and  also  the  houses  which  William  Sleford,  some- 
time dean,  occupied  within  the  palace,  in  frank  almoin ;  which  said  wages 
were  taken  back  into  the  king's  hands  by  authority  of  Budiitanent  at  West- 

I   .   ;  minster,  9  July,  33  Henry  VI. ;  the  king  now  confirms  the  above  to  them, 

1 : .  and  also  the  grant  to  them  by  letters  patent  of  Henry  IV^  of  35^  14«.  *JdL 
yeKtlj  from  the  farm  of  the  city  of  York,  that  they  may  pray  for  the  good 
estltte  of  the  king  and  Cicely  his  mother  and  for  their  souls  after  death 
and  the  soul  of  Ms  father  Bichard,  late  duke  of  York,  and  keep  the  obito 
of  the  king  and  his  father,  and  grante  that  they  shall  be  quit  of  tenths  granted 
by  the  clergy  of  the  provinces  of  Canterbury  or  York.  By  K. 


Mmmbbanb  18J.  •  • ' 

Oct.  22.         Commission  to  the  mayor  of  Bristol  to  arrest  William  Long  and  bring 
Wcttmintter.  him  before  the  king  in  Chancery. 

L  2 


1  EDWARD  IV.— Paet  VII. 

MMMBRANMa  35-82. 


Not.  4.  Inspeximus  of  letters  patent  dated  14  October,  1  Henry  lY.  reciting  the 

Wwtnuiiftir.  following :-» 

1.  Letters  patent  dated  28  February,  51  Edward  IIL 

2.  A  cbarter  dated  at  Westminster,  16  Febmar j,  18  Bichard  IL  [Ckart^r 

Bollf  18  Richard  IL  No.  4],  to  John,  duke  of  Lancaster. 

3.  A  cbarter  dated  at  Westminster,  29  June,  20  Bichard  II.  [Charier 

Eollf  20  Richard  IL  No.  7,]  inspecting  and  confirming  with  additions 
the  following :— > 

(1.)  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  12  Maj,  36  Edward  III. 

[Charter  Roily  36  Edward  IIL  No,  9.] 
(2!)  Letters  patent  dated  14  September,  1  Bichard  11.,  inspecting 
and  confirmiDg  a  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  14  J1U7,  38 
Edwaid  in.  [Charter  Roll,  88  Edward  IIL  No.  2.] 
(8.)  Letters  patent  dated  15  September,  1  Bichard  II.  inspecting 
and  confirming  the  following : — 

a,  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  25  June,  46  Edward  III. 


b.  A  charter  dated  at  Shene,  4  June,  51  Edward  IIL 

And  declaration  that  all  the  castles,  manors,  lordships,' towns,  knights'  fees^ 
advowsons  and  other  possessions  specified  in  the  above  shall  form  the  duchy 
of  Lancaster,  separate  from  the  other  hereditaments  of  the  crown,  firom 
4  March  last,  and  that  the  county  of  Lancaster  shall  be  a  county  palatine 
and  the  king  and  his  heirs  shall  hold  it  as  parcel  of  the  duchy  with  a 
separate  seal,  chancellor,  justices  and  officers,  and  another  seal  called  the 
seal  of  the  duchy  of  Lancaster,  a  chancellor  for  the  custody  thereof,  and 
officers  and  councillors  for  the  duchy,  with  liberties  and  privileges  as  in 
the  time  of  Henry  Y. 

MSMBRANE  82 — cont. 

Oet.  22.         Mandate  to  all  persons  to  permit  John  Gray,  son  of  Patrick  Oray,  a 

Wettanintter.  native  of  Bokysburgh  in  Scotland,  dwelling  at  London,  who  has  taken  the 

oath  of  fealty,  to  inhabit  the  realm  peaceably  and  enjoy  his  goods.     By  p.8. 

Membrane  31. 

July  26.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  warden  and  scholars  of  the  college 
Westminster,  founded  by  William  of  Wykeham,  late  bishop  of  Winchester,  in  the  soke 
of  Winchester,  commonly  called  *  Saynt  Mary  Collegge  of  Wynchestre  by 
Winchester,'  of  a  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  28  ^ptember,  19  Bichard 
II.  [Chartm-  Roll,  18  and  19  Richard  IL  No,  8,]  and  grant  to  them  in 
frank  almoin  of  the  idien  priory  of  Andever,  in  the  diocese  of  Winchester, 
and  divers  liberties.     [Monasticon,]  By  p.s.  [301.] 

Membranes  30  and  29. 

Dec.  17.'        Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  men  and  burgesses  of  the  town  of 
Weitminfter.  Beverley  of  the  following : — 

1.  Letters  patent  dated    30  January,  2  Bichard  II.    inspecting  and 
confirming  the  following  :-— 
(I.)  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  14  February,  51  Edward  III. 
inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter  dated  at  York,  14  December, 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  VIL  166 

1461.  Membranes  80  and  29 — cont. 

6  Edward  III.  [Charter  BolL  6  Edward  III.  No.  9,] 
inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter  dated  at  Knaresburgh, 
4  March,  16  Edward  IL  inspecting  and  confirming  the 
following : — 

a.  A  charter  dated  at  Porchealer,  28  April,  1  John.   {^Charter 

Moll,  I  John,  Fart  2,  No.  36.] 

b,  A  charter  dated  at  Carlisle,   11  April,  35  Edward  I« 

[Charter  Roily    35    Edward  L    No.  13,]    inspecting 
and  confirming  the  following : — 

(a.)  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  13  Febroarj, 

21  Henry  III. 
(6.)  A  charter  dated  at   Westminster,  2  June^  66 
Henry  HI. 
(2.)  Letters  patent  dated  14  Febmary,  51  Edward  III. 

2.  Letters  patent  dated  18  February,  2  Henry  Y.,  being  a  grant  that 
none  of  the  governors,  burgesses  and  commonalty  of  the  town  shall 
be  compelled  to  be  collector  of  tenths,  fifteenths,  or  other  subsidies 
without  the  liberty  and  precinct  of  the  town. 

For  1  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Mbmbbanb  28-17. 

Oct.  14*         Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  abbot,  prior  and  convent  of  St. 
WestmiDfter.  PetePs,  Westminster,  of  the  following : — 

1 .  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  29  N'ovember,  3  Bichard  U.  [Charter 

Roily  3  Richard  II.  No  18,]  inspecting  and  confirming  to  Nicholas, 
then  abbot,  and  the  convent  a  charter  dated  at  York,  26  May,  9 
Edward  III.  [Charter  Roll,  9  Edward  III.  No.  51,]  inspecting 
and  confirming  to  Thomas,  then  abbot,  and  the  convent  the  fol- 
lowing : — 

(1.)  A  charter  of  Edward  the  Confessor  dated  at  Westminster,  v. 
Kal.  Jan.  1066.     [Monasticon,  No,  4.] 

J2.)  A  charter  of  William  I.,  dated  1067. 

[d.)  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  10  November,  50  Henry  III. 

2.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  29  November,  3  Richard  II.  [Charter 
Roily  3  Richard  ILNo.  15,]  inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter 
dated  at  York,  28  May,  9  Edward  III.  [Charter  Roily  9  Edward 
III.  No,  52,]  inspecting  and  confirming  the  following : — 

(1.)  A  charter  dated  at  Woodstock,  15  August,  32  Henry  IIL 
(charter  Roll,  32  Henry  Illy  m.  2.] 

(2.)  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  24  November,  9  Edward  I. 
[Charter  Roily  9  Edward  /.,  No.  97,]  inspecting  and  confirm- 
ing the  following : — 

a.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  16  July,  19  Henry  III. 

b.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  22  May,  25  Henry  III. 

c.  A  charter  dated  at  Bordeaux,  18  tJune,  27  Henry  III. 
[  Charter  Roily  27  Henry  III  m,  9.] 

d.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  16  October,  32  Henry 

6.  A  charter  dated  at  Evesham,  5  September,  34  Henry 

/.  A  charter  dated  at  Windsor,  25  September,  36  Henry 

III.  [ChaHer  Roll  36  Henry  III.  m.  4.] 
g.  Letters  patent  dated  4  February,  39  Henry  III. 
h.  Letters  patent  dated  30  January,  50  Henry  III. 



1461*  Membranes  28-17— con/. 

(3.)  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  26  November,  9  Edward  I., 
inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter  dated  at  Woodstock,  1  July, 
19  Henry  III.  [Charter  Roll,  19  Henry  III,  m.  6.] 

(4.)  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  29  November,  9  Edward  I. 
Charter  Roll,  9  Edward  /.,  No,  98,]  inspecting  and  con- 
firming a  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  18  March,  39  Henry 


(5.)  A  charter  dated  at  Berwick-on-Tweed,  30  October,  20  Edward 

(t>.)  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  22  October,  27  Edward  I. 

3.  Letters  patent  dated  29  November,  3  Richard  II.,  inspecting  and  con- 
firming the  following : — 

(1.)  A  charter  dated  at  York,  26  Maj,  9  Edward  III.  [Charter 
Roily  9  Edward  IIL^  No.  50,]  inspecting  and  confirming 
the  following : — 

a.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  20  June,  23  Henrj  lU. 

[Charter  Roily  23  Henry  III.,  m.  2.] 

b.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  20  April,  26  Henrj  IH. 

c.  A  charter  dated  at  Culford,   11   Maj,  26  Edward  I. 

[Charter  Roll,  26  Edward  I.  No.  7.] 

d.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  10  January,  20  Edward 

I.  [Charter  Roll,  20  Edward  I.  No.  63.] 

e.  A  charter  dated  at  Berwick  on  Tweed,  25  October,  20 

Edward  I.  [Ibid.,  No.  4.] 
/.  Lettera    patent    dated    18   February,     14    Edward    I. 

g.  Letters  patent  dated  27  October,  27  Edward  I. 
h.  Letters  patent  dated  1 1  December,  46  Henry  HI. 
(2.)  Letters  patent  dated  80  March,  39  Henry  IH. 

(3.)  A  charter  of  Stephen  in  these  words ;  Stephanvts  dei  gratia 
rex  Anglorum  archiepiscopis  episcopis  abbatibus  justidarOs 
comitibus  vicecomitibus  baronibus  ministris  et  omnibus fidelibus 
8tus  Francis  et  Anglis  totius  Anglic  salutem.  Sciatis  m^ 
imperpetuum  concessisse  et  dedisse  ecclesie  sancti  Petri  West' 
monasteriensi  et  fnonachis  ibidem  deo  servientibus  quod 
manerium  suum  de  Patriceseie  cum  pertinentiis  eius  sit 
quietum  de  omnibus  geldis  et  danegeldis  et  murdris  et  assisiset 
auxiliis  justiciariorum,  vicecomitum  et  ab  omni  exercituum 
expeditione  et  castellorum  operatione  et  pontium  refeetione  et 
ex  omnibus  aliis  exactionibus  et  consuetudinibus  et  servieiis 
michi  et  ministris  meis  pertinentibus  per  quietandam  xxviii 
hidarum  et  de  xliiii  hidis  que  inde  requirebantur  ad 
geldandum  clamo  quietam  ecclesiam  predictam  sancti  Petri  et 
monachos  et  fnanerium  prescriptum  imperpetuum.  Et  similiter 
imperpetuum  clamo  eidem  ecclesie  beati  Petri  et  monachis 
ibidem  deo  servientibus  vi  hidas  et  dimidiam  hidam  in  manerio 
Westmonasterii  in  quo  ecclesia  predicta  sita  est  quietas  ab 
omnibus  exactionibus  suprascriptis  et  consuetudinibus  michi  et 
ministris  meis  pertinentibus  quum  curia  et  domus  regie  in 
fundo  illo  consistunt  et  infirmaria  sancti  Egidii  fundata  est,  et 
in  manerio  de  Hanewella  unam  virgatam  terre  ad  ecclesiam 
eiusdam  manerii  pertinentem  quietam  ab  omnibus  secularibus 
excLctionibus  et  servieiis,  Quare  volo  etfirmiter  predpio  quod 
predicta  ecclesia  et  monachi  et  manerium  de  Patriceseia  cum 
pertinentiis  suis  sit  quietum  imperpetuum  per  suprascriptam 
quietandam  videlicet  xxviii  hidarum  et  quod  ecclesia  pre* 
dicta  et  monachi  in  manerio  fVestmonasterii  quietandam  sex 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  VIT.  167 

1461.  Membranes  28-17 — cotU, 

Jddarum  et  dimidie  hide  et  in  manerio  de  Hanewella  quietatt' 
dam  uttius  virgate  terre  finabiliter  possideant  in  perpetuam 
elemosinam  pro  salute  anime  mee  et  Matildis  regine  uxoris 
mee  et  liberorum  meorum  et  pro  anima  regis  Henrid  avunculi 
met  et  pro  animabus  cdiorum  predecessorum  meorum  regum 
Anglie  omniumque  fidelium,  Insuper  per  tremendum  dei 
judicium  contestor  omnes  successores  meos  reges  necnon  et  opti- 
mates  ne  banc  concessionis  mee  et  donationis  libertatem  ullo 
tempore  in  aliquo  infringere  presumant,  immo  augeant  et 
custodiant  et  manuteneant  sicut  predicte  ecdesie  et  monaehis 
iilam  concedo  et  presenti  carta  conjirmo  et  sicut  voluerint  in 
die  judicii  animas  suas  salvari.  Testibus  Theohaido  archi- 
ejnscopo  Cantuariensi  Anglic  primate  et  apostolice  sedis  legato , 
Roberto  abbate  Sancti  Albania  Daniele  abbate  de  Holmo^ 
Ricardo  de  Lucy^  Baldrico  de  Sigillo^  Roberto  de  Valderiy 
Osbemo  Martelly  Rogero  Burnard^  Widone  filio  Testir^ 
Gervasio  (Bern')  de  Comhell,  Johanne  Jilio  Radulphiy  apud 
Sanctum  Albanum, 

4.  Letters  patent  dated  10  Julj^  4  Bichard  II.  inspecting  and  confirming 

the  following : — 

(1.)  Letters  patent  dated  12  June,  25  Edward  III.  being  an 
exemplification  of  letters  patent  dated  23  April,  1 1  Edward 
(2.)  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  1  March,  36  Edward  III. 
[Charter  Roll,  36  Edward  IIL  No.  19.] 

5.  Letters  patent  dated  8  March,  20  Richard  II. 

6.  Letters  patent  dated  8  November,  21  Richard  11. 

7.  Letters  patent  dated  6  July,  17  Richard  11. 

8.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  18  December,  17  Richard  II.  [Charter 

Roll,  15-17  Richard  11.  No.  8.] 

9.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  29  November,  3  Richard^II.  [Charter 

Roll,  3  Richard  II,  No.  21,]  inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter 
dated  at  Westminster,  1  December,  34  Edward  UI.  [Charter  Roll^ 
34-35  Edward  III  No.  15,]  inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter 
dated  at  Westminster,  16  July,  32  Henry  III.  [Charter  Roll,  32 
Henry  III.  m.  3.] 

10.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  17  October,  21  Richard  II.  being  a 
grant  to  them  of  return  of  writs  and  certain  other  liberties  within 
the  county  of  Worcester. 

11.  A  charter  dated  at  Windsor,  23  April,  22  Richard  U.  [Charter  Roll, 
21-23  Richard  II  No.  7.] 

12.  Another  charter  of  the  same  date  [Ibid,  No.  9]. 

13.  Letters  patent  dated  28  April,  22  Richard  11. 

14.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  1  May,  22  Richard  II.  [  Ibid, 
No,  6.]  For  10/.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membranes  16-14. 

Nov.  20.        Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  prioress  and  convent  of  SS.  Mary 
Westmiiuter.  and  Margaret,  Dertford,  of  the  following  : — 

1.  Letters  patent  dated  15  July,  4  Richard  II.,  inspecting  and  confirming 
letters  patent  of  the  following  dates : 

20  July,  46  Edward  III.     [Monasticon.'] 
16  July,  31  Edward  III.     [Monasticon.j 
18  April,  47  Edward  in. 
1  September,  31  Edward  III. 

27  January,  40  Edward  III. 

28  June,  49  Edward  III. 


1461.  Membranes  16-14— con/. 

2.  Letters  patent  dated  3  September,  8  Richard  XL     [^MoruuHam,^ 

3.  Letters  patent  dated  17  July,  16  Richard  II. 

4.  Letters  patent  dated  29  June,  23  Edward  III. 

5.  Letters  patent  dated  5  February,  31  Edward  III. 

6.  Letters  patent  dated  26  December,  32  Eldward  III. 

7.  Letters  patent  dated  11  July,  47  Edward  III. 

8.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  12  Augu^  46  Edward  III.  [Charter 
Roily  46  Edward  III,  No,  2.]  For  5  marks  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

1462.  Membrane  13. 

Feb.  22.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  John,  the  prior,  and  the  convent  of  the 
Wefltmineter.  Charterhouse  by  London  of  (I)  letters  patent  dated  8  April,  51  Edward 
III.,  granting  to  them  a  tun  of  wine  yearly  in  the  port  of  London,  and  (2) 
.  a  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  20  March,  22  Richard  11.  [  Charter  JRoll, 
21-23  Richard  IL  No.  2] ;  licence  for  the  acquisition  in  mortmain  by 
them,  after  inquisition,  of  lands,  tenements  and  rents  to  the  value  of  40/. 
yearly ;  grant  to  them  bf  18  marks  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of 
Essex  and  Hertford  in  lieu  of  grants  of  wine  by  the  said  letters  patent  and 
letters  patent  dated  15  February,  37  Henry  YL;  and  grant  to  them  in 
frank  almoin  of  the  alien  priory  of  Okebume  and  its  appurtenances,  pro- 
vided that  they  account  at  the  Exchequer  for  any  surplus  in  value  above 
501  yearly.  By  K.,  and  for  208,  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelled,  so  far  as  the  said  priory  is  concerned^ 
because  the  hing  granted  it  to  them  by  letters  patent  dated  23  February. 

1461.  Membranes  12-9. 

Dec.  20.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  mayor,  bailiffs  and  commonalty  of 

Wertmingter.  the  town  of  Coventry  of  the  following  : — 

1.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  24  March,  1  Richard  II.  [Charter Roll, 
,  1  Richard  II.  No,   14,]  inspecting  and  confirming  with  additions 

the  following : — 

(1 .)  A  charter  da^ed  at  York,  2  March,  8  Edward  III. 
(2.)  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  10  May,    15  Edward  IH. 
[Charter  Roll,  15     Edward  III,    No.   15,]  inspecting  and 
confirming  the  following  : — 

a.  A  charter  dated  at  Faxfieet,  10  July,  17  Edward  IL, 
inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter  dated  at  Westminster, 
30  January,  52  Henry  III.  [Charter  Roll,  52  Henry 
111.,  m.  11,]  inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter  of 
Henry  [II.]  dated  at  Marlborough. 

b.  A  charter  dated  at  York,  2  March,  8  Edward  III. 

(3.)  A  charter  dated  at  the  Tower  of  London,  11  April,  20  Edward 
III.  [Charter  Roll,  20  Edward  II L  No.  16,]  inspecting  and 
confirming  letters  patent  of  Edward,  prince  of  Wales,  dated  at 
Berkeweye,  3  April,  20  Edward  III.,  inspecting  and  confirming 
letters  patent  of  queen  Isabella  dated  at  the  castle  of  Rysyng, 

1  February,  19  Edward  III. 

(4.)  Letters  patent  of  the  said  prince  dated  at  Berkhamsted  Castle, 

2  February,  1374,  49  Edward  III. 

(5.)  Letters  patent  (French")  of  the  said  prince  dated  at  Berkham- 
sted Castle,  8  February,  1374,  49  Edward  III. 

2.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  6  April,  22  Richard  II.  [Charter 

Roll,  21-23  Richard  II. ,  No.  4.] 

3.  Letters  patent  dated  4  May,  8  Richard  II. 

4.  Letters  patent  dated  7  July,  11  Richard  II. 

5.  Letters  patent  dated  7  July,  11  Richard  II. 

For  AOs.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Part  VIL  169 

1461.  MSMBRANS  8. 

Dec.  10.  Grant  and  confirmation  to  Bicbard  Wydewyll,  lord  Ryvers,  and  Jaquetta, 

WestmixiBter.  duchess  of  Bedford,  his  wife,  for  the  life  of  the  latter  of  the  dower  assigned 
to  her  on  the  death  of  John,  late  duke  of  Bedford,  her  husband,  to  wit,  the 
advowsons  of  the  church  of  Wilberton  and  the  free  chapel  of  Wykes,  200 
acres  of  turbary  in  the  marsh  of  Holand,  a  third  part  of  a  moiety  in  Holand 
Fennes,  divers  lands  and  possessions  and  a  third  part  of  certain  profits  in 
Boston,  Hytyngton,  Grymelby,  Borewell,  Ludford,  Burton,  Frampton, 
Wykes,  Fulbek,  Ledenham,  Wassyngbourgh,  Donyngton,  Multon,  Su^ete, 
Gosberkirk,  Quadryng,  Byker,  Swyneshed,  Wygtoft,  Stourton,  Algarkirk, 
Fosse  Dyke,  Fowlestou,  Aylesby,  Swalowe,  Halton,  Kyllyngholme, 
Cadney,  Kernyngton,  Kelsey,  Sprydlyngton,  Swynehope,  Walton,  Cadeby, 
Granesby,  Wath,  Houton,  Newton,  Toft,  Benyngton,  Hyptoft,  Yarbourgh, 
Gametborp,  Mandeby,  Alvingham,  Salt  Fleteby,  Keyermounde,  Leggesby, 
Wyllyngham,  the  sokes  of  Gayton  and  Mondeby,  amd  the  sokes  or  wapentakes 
of  Skyrkebek  and  Kirketon,  co.  Lincoln,  the  advowsons  of  a  moiety  of  the 
churdi  in  Danby  and  the  hospital  of  St.  Nicholas  and  divers  lands  and 
possessions  with  a  third  part  of  certain  profits  in  Richemond,  Gillyng, 
Gyllyngest,  Gyllyngwest,  Aldebourgh,  Thornton,  Kneton,  Middulton, 
Kateryke,  Multon,  Forset,  Arkirgarth  Dale,  Nova  Foresta,  Esthope, 
Bowes,  Danby,  Bollerun,  Dysseford,  Smeton,  Lemyng,  Langthawayte, 
Halgatc,  Whawe,  and  Fagyrgyll,  Wbiteclyff,  Newton  Morell,  Stapilton, 
Eriome,  Kirkelyngton,  North  Couton  and  Southcouton,  Fennecotes, 
Fletham,  Ravenswath,  Sutton,  Colborn,  Eilwardby,  Brianaskam  by  York, 
Epulby,  Sadberugh  and  Hekelyng,  co.  York,  belonging  to  the  castle, 
earldom,  honour  or  lordship  of  Richemond,  the  advowson  of  the 
church  in  Gresmere  and  divers  lands  and  possessions  with  a  third 
part  of  certain  profits  in  Helsyngton,  Forsthwayte,  Gresmere, 
Logh  Rygge,  Largden,  Hamelset  Troutebek,  Appulthwayte  Troutebek, 
Milbek,  Cirossetwhaite,  Hoton,  Casturton,  Strikelond  EetuU,  Kirkeby 
Kendale,  Littehous,  Farlton,  Berburn,  Kirslak,  Hotonrofe,  Strike- 
lande,  Moyserth,  Bolteston,  Berdesaland,  Annothetb,  Thornes,  Bredeholm, 
Calerigge,  Whittewell,  Hiltonland,  Warcopland,  Strikelaud  Ketill,  Grosse- 
whayte,  Sleddale,  Wetherslake,  Aldesteynton,  Steynton,  Likebarugh, 
Forsterfeld,  Wynster,  Ryggmayden,  Banuandesdale,  Eneton,  Teuleshed, 
Middulton  and  elsewhere  in  the  county  of  Westmoreland,  a  third  part  of 
the  castle  of  St.  Briavel  and  the  bouses  within  its  site  and  the  prison  of  the 
great  tower  there  called  '  Ledungen,'  the  park  or  pasture  of  St.  Briavel 
with  all  lands  formerly  of  John  Pai*pyn  with  all  profit  for  coals  and  pasture 
called  ^  Walmore,'  all  pannage  of  pigs  and  agistment,  with  the  third  part  of 
certain  profits  and  divers  lands  in  Staunton,  Brikenore,  Little  Dene, 
Neweland,  Whomson,  Alvyngton,  Aywarton,  Lyeney,  Newarme,  Peryngton, 
Ettelowe,  Haggelowe,  Blydeslowe,  Auerey,  Blethedon,  Longhope  and  else- 
where in  the  county  of  Gloucester,  a  third  part  of  the  manor  of  Swale- 
wefeld,  a  third  part  of  the  manor  of  Salden,  co.  Buckingham,  20/.  yearly 
from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of  Bedford  and  Buckingham,  divers  lands 
and  possessions  in  Bassyngbourne,  Molland,  Chirchestell,  Melreth,  Wym- 
pole,  Lytlyngton,  Oldburyland,  Newberyland,  Pyperton,  Reade,  the  third 
part  of  a  water-mill  and  certain  profits,  three  bailiwicks  within  the  baili- 
wick of  Badburgham  called  Papworth,  Ernjmgfeld  and  Fynchyngfeld 
respectively,  with  all  other  profits  belonging  to  the  castle,  earldom,  honour 
or  lordship  of  Richmond  in  the  county  of  Cambridge,  the  manor  of  Dange- 
halle,  a  dairy  {daiariam)  alias  *  a  wyke  '  called  *  Dangebrygge,'  with  lands 
called  *  Estlondes '  and  divers  rents  of  assize  in  Dansey,  and  30  acres  of  land 
called  '  Bnnges  '  with  two  marshes  in  Bradwell,  co.  Essex,  lands  in  the 
manor  of  Yonsfeld,  fields  called  *  Gourey,'  *  Esthey,'  *Strangrondes'  and 
« Lityll  Mylfeld,'  two  pieces  of  land  called  *  Grakketales,'  a  croft  called 
*  HorscrofV  a  croft  called  '  Lityll  Park,'  a  field  called  <  Nattonfild,'  two 
pieces  of  land  called  *  Rowemedes,*  a  third  part  of  the  site  of  the  said 


J4(J1^  Membrane  8— con/. 

manor  and  8^.  of  rent  in  the  said  manor,  co.  Kent,  a  fishery  in  le  Mid- 
weje,  a  third  part  of  18/.  of  rent  from  the  manor  of  Pourestoke,  co. 
Dorset,  a  crane  with  a  messuage  and  wharf  adjacent  in  the  parish  of  St. 
Martin  in  the  Yintry,  London,  a  yearly  rent  of  333  marks  4s.  6|cf.  and  a 
third  part  of  \d.  at  the  receipt  of  the  Exchequer  within  the  town  of  West- 
minster, CO.  Middlesex,  a  yearly  sum  of  444/.  8«.  \0\(L  at  the  receipt  of  the 
duchy  of  Cornwall,  and  a  third  part  of  the  manor  of  Swafham,  co.  Norfolk, 
and  all  lands  and  possessions  belonging  to  it  or  to  the  said  castle,  earldom, 
honour  or  lordship  of  Bicbemond  in  the  county  of  Norfolk  ;  and  also  of  a 
yearly  rent  of  61/.  \*7d.  granted  to  them  by  letters  patent  dated  18  June, 
18  Henry  VI.  viz.  20/.  from  the  lands  of  Eustace  Burneby  in  Watford  in 
the  county  of  Northampton,  25/.  from  the  manor  of  Gretton  in  that  county, 
and  16/.  VJd,  from  the  issues  of  all  assarts,  wastes  and  purprestures 
between  the  bridges  of  Staunford  and  Oxford,  and  a  yearly  rent  granted  to 
them  by  letters  patent  dated  13  November,  19  Henry  VI.,  viz.  43/.  18*.  7d. 
from  the  said  assarts,  wastes  and  purprestures,  20/.  from  the  issues  of  the 
manor  and  town  of  Briggestoke,  co.  Northampton,  and  S6s.  id,  from  the 
issues  of  the  manor  of  Corby,  co.  Northampton,  in  recompense  of  a  third 
part  of  two  parts  of  the  manors  of  Canford,  co.  Dorset,  and  Wynturburn 
Erles,  the  borough  or  town  of  Wilton,  co.  Wilts,  and  the  manor  of  Charleton 
Camvile,  co.  Somerset,  which  the  present  king  lately  took  into  his  hands ; 
and  grant  to  the  said  Bichard  of  divers  messuages  and  lands  within  the 
town  of  Calais,  in  the  parish  of  St.  Mary  between  the  lane  of  John 
Stret  atte  lane  towards  the  east  and  le  Frerestret  towards  the  west  and 
the  tenements  of  John  Muiso  and  John  Fryket  towards  the  north  and 
a  little  lane  on  the  side  of  the  prince's  lodgmg  towards  the  south,  which 
were  granted  to  Bichard  his  father  and  Joan,  wife  of  the  latter,  both 
deceased,  by  letters  patent  dated  22  April,  9  Henry  VI.,  for  a  term  of  90 
years  from  that  date,  rendering  yearly  a  lance  with  a  head  at  the  Exchequer 
of  Calais,  to  hold  until  the  end  of  the  said  90  years.  By  p.s.  [648.] 

•lAao  Membrane  7. 

Feb.  12.  Grant  to  the  mayor,  burgesses  and  commonalty  of  Bristol  from  Michaelmas 
Westminster,  last,  in  lieu  of  a  similar  grant  made  to  them  by  letters  patent  dated  15  March, 
24  Henry  VI.,  surrendered,  of  the  town  of  Bristol  with  its  suburbs,  gates, 
ditches  and  walls,  and  all  lands,  rents  and  services  and  '  les  flesshehameles  * 
belonging  to  the  king  within  the  town  and  its  suburbs,  liberty  and  precinct, 
except  the  castle  and  its  moat,  with  houses,  shops,  cottages,  tcfts,  gardens, 
mills,  Btanks,  mill  streams,  rents,  tolls,  fairs  and  markets,  all  fines,  issues, 
ramsoms,  amercements,  jurisdictions  and  customs,  reversions,  chattels  of 
felons,  fiigitives  and  outlaws,  fisheries,  courts,  views  of  frank  pledge,  hun- 
dreds, wreck  of  sea  and  royal  wreck,  waifs,  strays,  royal  fishes  and  other 
appurtenences,  escheats,  forfeitures  and  deodands,  and  iJl  other  profits  from 
forests,  parks,  woods,  warrens,  stanks,  stews,  marshes,  moors  and  mines,  from 
Michaelmas  last  for  ever,  rendering  yearly  102/.  ibs.  6d,  at  the  Exchequer, 
14/.  lOs.  to  the  abbot  of  Tewkesbury  for  the  tithes  of  the  town,  60«.  to  the 
prior  of  St.  James's,  Bristol,  for  the  yearly  rent  of  the  mill  of  the  town,  and 
39/.  14«.  6</.  to  the  constable  of  the  castle  and  his  ministers,  viz.  the  porter 
and  watchman  of  the  castle  and  the  forester  of  Kyngeswode.  By  K. 

•tAn-t  Membrane  6. 

May  14.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  burgesses  of  Melecumbe  of  a  charter 
Westminster,  dated  at  Salisbury,  3  November,  2  Edward  III.  [^Charter  Roll,  2  Edward 
IILj  No,  11,]  inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter  dated  at  Windsor,  22 
January,  11  Edward  II.,  inspecting  and  confirming  with  additions  a  charter 
dated>  at  Westminster,  27  May,  8  Edward  I.  [  Charter  Boll,  8  Edward  /., 
No,  52.]  For  ^  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

1  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  VII.  171 

-[AQo  Membranes  6-1. 

Feb.  10.         Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  mayor,  cltisens  and  commonalty  of 
Westminster,   the  city  of  Norwich  of  the  following : — 

1.  A  charter  of  Henry  II.  as  follows : — 

H,  rex  Anglic  et  dux  Normannie  et  Aquitanie  et  comes  Andegavie 
omnibus  archiepiscopis  episcopis  abbatilms  comitibus  baronibus 
justiciariis  rncecomitibus  ministris  et  omnibus  Jidelibus  suis 
Francis  et  Anglis  salutem.  Sciatis  me  concessisse  et  presenti 
carta  confirm^sse  burgensibus  meis  de  Norwico  omnes  eon' 
suetudines  et  libertates  et  quietancias  quas  habebant  tempore 
Henrici  regis  avi  mei  ita  plena  et  honorifice  et  quiete  sicut  ipsi 
eas  plenius  et  honorabilius  et  quietius  hahueruwt  tempore  regis 
Henrici  avi  mei.  Quare  volo  et  Jirmiier  precipio  quod  omnes 
illas  habeant  plene  et  honorifice  sicut  eas  tunc  haouerunt  tarn 
consuetudines  suas  quam  etia?n  responsa  sua  tempore  meo  et 
temporibus  heredum  meorum,  Et  si  aliquis  post  mortem  regis 
Henrici  avi  met  in  tempore  regis  Stephani  a  consuetudinibus 
eorum  et  scottis  seforas  misit  precipio  quod  ad  eorum  socie^^ 
totem  et  constietudinem  revertatur  et  scottum  ipsorum  sequatur 
quia  nullum  ex  eis  inde  quietum  clamo.  T.  Willelmo  fratre 
Regis,  Henrico  de  Essex,  constctbulario,  Ricardo  de  Hum[ez], 
constabulario,  Manasserio  Biset,  dapifero,  Warino  filio 
Geraldi,  camerario,  apud  FFestmonasterium.' 

2.  A  charter  dated'at.Westminstery  15  February,  3  Bichardll.  [Charter 

Roll,  3  Richard  IL,  No,  5,]  inspecting  and  confirming  with 
additions  a  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  26  February,  1  Biclmrd  II. 
[Charter  Roll,  I  Richard  TL,  No.  21,]  inspecting  and  confirming 
the  following : — 

(1.)  A  charter  dated  at  Portsmouth,  5  May,  5  Richard  I. 

(2.)  A  charter  dated  at  le  Mans,  22  September,  1  John.     [Rotuli 

Cartarum,  p,  20.] 
(3.)  A  charter  dated  at  Woodstock,   3  June,  39  Henry  III. 

[Charter  Roll,  39  Henry  IIL,  m,  4.] 
(4.)  Letters  patent  dated  2  February,  19  Edward  II. 
(6.)  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  4  October,  11  Edward  III., 
inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter   dated  at  Walsyngham, 
3  February,  19  Edward  II.,  inspecting  and  confirming  the 
following : — 

a.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  27  May,  13  Edward  I. 
[Charter  Roll,  13  Edward  /.,  No.  101,]  inspecting 
and  confirming  the  following : — 

(a.)   A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  13  February,  13 
Henry  III.  [Charter  Roll,  13  Henry  IIL,  m.  10.] 
{b.)  A  charter  dated  at  Norwich,  25  March,  40  HenryllL 

b,  A  charter  dated  at  Canterbury,  8  July,  33  Edward  I. 
[Charter  Roll,  33  Edward  L,  No.  22.] 

(6.)  A  charter   dated  at  Hertford,  9  August,  19  Edward  m. 
[Charter  Roll,  19  Edward  IIL,  No.  10.] 

3.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  28  January,  5  Henry  IV.  [Charter 

Roll,  5  Henry  IV,,  No.  6.] 

4.  A  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  17  March,  30  Henry  VI.  [Charter 

Roll,  27-39  Henry  VL,  No.  31.] 

For  10  marks  [paid  in  the  hanaper]. 


2  EDWARD  IV.— Part  I. 


May  9. 


May  7. 

Maj  13. 




May  9. 


May  21. 


June  28. 

May  31. 


July  5. 

Oct.  19. 

Oct.  20. 

Membrane  27. 

Pardons  of  outlawry  to  the  following : — 
Robert  Boteler  late  of  Bekle  or  Bokley,  co.  Saaaex,  '  taillour, '  for  not 
appearing  before  John  Prysot  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  the  Bench 
of  the  late  king,  to  answer  Richard  Kyrkeby,  citizen  and  *  grocer'  of 
London,  touching  a  tmspass,  he  having  surrendered  to  the  Flete 
prison,  as  Robert  Danby,  chief  justice,  has  certified.  London. 

David  Penynton  of  Hawghton,  co.  Lancaster,  *  yoman,'  for  not  appearing 
to  answer  Ralph  Buteler,  knight,  lord  of  Sudeley,  and  William 
Wodcok,  prior  of  St.  Mary,  Erdebury,  oo.  Warwick,  touching  a  debt 
of  20/.  London. 

John  Stedman  of  Benyngton  by  Boston,  co.  Lincoln,  ^formour,'  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  George  Langham  touching  a  debt  of  30/. 


William  Taylour  late  of  Sloughter,  co.  Gloucester,  'grome,*  alioi 
William  Baker  of  Thermerton,  co.  Gloucester, '  husbondman,'  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  William  Browenyng  touching  a  debt  of  24/.  lOr. 


John  Horsby  of  Wy veton,  co.  Norfolk,  *  husbondman,'  for  not  spearing 
before  Richard  Neuton  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  the  Bench  of 
the  late  king,  to  answer  John  Birde  touching  a  debt  of  6  marks  6«.  84f. 


John  Dorlet  of  Alby  by  Becclys,  co.  Norfolk,  *  laborer,'  for  not  ap- 
pearing before  John  Prysot  and  his  fellows,  when  sued  with  Edmund 
Somer  of  Hevyngham,  co.  Noifolk,  and  WiUiam  Feld,  of  Felthorp^ 
CO.  Norfolk,  '  laborers,'  to  answer  Henry  Inglose,  knight,  touching 
a  trespass.  Norfolk. 

William  Devenysh  of  Weston  by  Baldok,  co.  Hertford, '  husbondman,* 
for  not  appearing  to  answer  Robert  Armeburg,  esquire,  touching  a 
debt  of  6  marks.  Hertford. 

Thomas  Groos  late  of  Sheynton,  co.  Leicester,  *  husbondman,'  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  William  Everard,  touching  a  debt  of  40«. 


Richard  Touker  of  Totneys,  co.  Devon, '  marchaunt,'  for  not  appearing 
to  answer  Thomas  Hedlam  of  London,  *  draper,'  touching  a  debt  of 
20/.  Middlesex. 

William  Gamelle,  late  of  Crudworth,  clerk,  alias  vicar  of  the  parish 
church  of  Crudworth,  co.  Warwick,  for  not  appearing  to  answer  John 
Brasyer  of  Walshale,  '  belleter,'  and  Thomas  Baly  of  Walshale,  co. 
Stafford,  touching  a  debt  of  20  marks.  Coventry. 

William  Herman  of  Westmerton,  co.  Wilts,  *  husbondman,'  for  not  ap- 
pearing to  answer  Richard  Levermore  and  Thomas  BonvOe,  esquire, 
touching  debts  of  66*.  and  40/.  respectively.  Middlesex. 

John  Mayson  late  of  Spaldyng,  co.  Lincoln,  *  gentilman,'  for  not  appear- 
ing to  ansAver  touching  a  plea  of  Agatha  late  the  wife  of  William 
Grene,  citizen  and  goldsmith  of  London,  John  Jowederell  and 
William  Broun,  citizen  and  goldsmith  of  London,  that  he  render  40». 
to  the  said  executors  {sic). 

2  EDWARD  IV.— Part  I. 



Oct.  22. 


Oet.  24. 


Oct  24. 


Oct.  12. 


Oct.  27. 


Oct.  14. 

Oct.  28. 


Oct.  29. 



Jon.  26. 

Membrane  27— «oft/. 

Eichaitl  Hajward  late  of  Lyllebam,  co.  Northampton,  clerk,  for  not 
appearing  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench  of  the  present  king  to 
answer  William  Harpur  touching  a  trespass.  Northampton. 

John  Kjrk  late  of  Welbum,  co.  Lincoln,  *  joman/  for  not  appearing 
before  John  Prysot  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  the  Bench  of  the  late 
king,  to  answer  Robert  Bempston,  esquire,  touching  a  debt  of  10/. 


John  Cook,  parson  of  the  church  of  Brouneswell,  co.  Suffolk,  a/tor 
late  of  Bromcswell,  clerk,  for  not  appearing  to  answer  Walter  Ljhert^ 
bishop  of  Norwich,  touching  a  debt  of  61,  13*.  4d,  Norwich. 

Robert  Tuplyn  alias  Turpjn  alias  Turpljn  alias  Somerootes,  rector 
of  the  parish  church  of  Fartenaj,  co.  Lincoln,  for  not  appearing  to 
answer  William  Walker  touching  a  debt  of  40s,  and  Robert  Crabden 
and  John  Tailour  of  Lincoln,  touching  a  debt  of  6  marks. 

Lincoln  and  citj. 

John  Bowej  of  LodeswjU,  co.  DeTon,  *  bajlj,*  for  not  appearing  before 
Richard  Neuton  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  the  Bench  of  the  late 
king,  to  answer  a  plea  of  John  Blewet  that  he  render  an  account  for 
the  time  when  he  was  his  receiver.  Devon. 

John  Hovell  late  of  Wesjnham,  co.  Norfolk, '  corser,*  for  not  appearing 
before  John  Prysot  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  the  Bench  of  the  late 
king,  to  answer  William  Weryche  of  Stowebardolf,  co.  Norfolk, 
touching  a  debt  of  6L  lOs,  Norfolk. 

William  London  of  Algerkyrk,  co.  Lincoln,  *  laborer,'  son  of  Thomas 
London,  for  not  appearing  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench  of  the  late 
king,  to  answer  John  Rogger,  esquire,  touching  a  debt  of  10/. 


William  Jose,  burgess  of  Bristol,  *  marchaunt,'  for  not  appearing  before 
John  Prysot  and  his  fellows,  to  answer  John  Bysshop  of  Taunton, 
touching  a  debt  of  34/.  I7s.  lid.  London. 

Edmund  Codenham  of  Bury  St.  Edmunds,  co.  Suffolk,  *  laborer,'  for  not 
appearing  before  Ricluml  Neuton  and  his  feUows,  justices  of  the 
Bench  of  the  late  king,  to  answer  a  plea  of  John  Mors  that  he  render 
chattels  to  the  value  of  10  marks.  Suffolk. 

Gilbert  Haydok  late  of  York,  clerk,  for  not  appearing  before  Robert 
Danby  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  the  Bench  of  the  present  king, 
to  answer  William  Moreton,  clerk,  touching  a  trespass.  City  of  York. 


Oct.  22. 


Oct.  28. 


Oct.  28. 


Oct.  28. 


Membrane  26. 

John  Carter  of  Walden,  co.  Essex,  '  husbondman,'  for  not  appearing^ 
before  John  Prysot  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  the  Bench  of  the  late 
king,  to  answer  William  Warles  touching  a  debt  of  6/.  I2s.  6d. 


John  Wykys  of  Rokelound,  co.  Norfolk,  *  husbondman,'  for  not  appear- 
ing to  answer  John  Bole  of  Aslakton,  John  Crowe  of  Tybenham  the 
younger  and  Adam  Taylour  of  Tybenham  touching  a  debt  of 
8  marks.  Norfolk. 

Richard  Underbill  of  Kelmestowe,  co.  Salop, '  yoman,'  for  not  appearing 
to  answer  Thomas  Barbour  touching  a  debt  of  40s.  Worcester. 

Thomas  Boughton  late  of  Norton  Davy,  co.  Northampton,  clerk,  for 
not  appearing  to  answer  Thomas  Throkmorton  and  Ralph  Ligoldesby 




Oct.  29. 


Oct.  19.    . 


Oct.  29. 


Nov.  6. 

Nov.  14. 


May  28. 



Jan.  26. 

Westminster.  ; 

Jan.  24. 


Jan.  24. 

Jan.  25.' 


Jan.  28. 


Membrane  26''~co7U, 

teaching  a  debt  of  100  marks,  and  toncliing  a  plea  of  Elizabeth 
late  the  wife  of  James  Swetenham,  esquire,  John  Dyne  and  John 
Greyve,  vicar  of  Blakevesley,  executors  of  the  will  of  the  said  James, 
laid  against  him  by  the  name  of  Thomas  Boughton,  late  parson  of 
the  church  of  Norton  Davy,  that  he  render  to  them  35^  8^.  Id.    , 

London  and  Worcester. 

ThoiDas  Wylet,  late  of  Lanteglis  by  Camelforde,  co.  Cornwall,  *  husbond- 
man,'  executor  of  the  will  of  John  Wylet,  late  parson  of  the  church 
of  Lanteglis  and  executor  of  the  will  of  William  Trobellt  clerk,  for 
not  appearing  with  Robert  Symon  late  of  Lanteglis,  chaplain,  his 
co-executor,  to  answer  a  plea  that  he  render  a  book,  price  10  marks, 
to  John  Howell,  clerk,  executor  of  the  will  of  Thomas  Dawekyn, 
clerk.  Devon. 

William  Garbot  of  Sprouston,  co.  Norfolk,  '  husbondman,'  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  John  Jenney  touching  a  debt  of  40^.      Norfolk. 

John  Milleward  of  Warfurreshopton  by  Clebury,  co.  Salop,  *  miller,'  for 
not  appearing  to  answer  touching  a  plea  of  Thomas  Wybbe,  esquire, 
that  he  render  his  account  for  the  time  when  he  was  his  receiver. 


Peter  Martyne  lale  of  Tatirsale,  co.  Lincoln,  ^rughmason'  alias 
*  laborer,'  for  not  appearing  before  the  justices  of  the  present  king 
to  answer  Leonard  Toure  touching  a  debt  of  lOOf.  Lincoln. 

John  Kayll  of  Whygtlakyngton^  co.  Somerset,  the  younger,  ^  gentilman,' 
for  not  appearing  before  John  Frysot  and  14s  fellows  to  answer 
Richard  Castelman  touching  a  debt  of  40/.  Somerset. 

Reginald  Andrewe  late  of  the  parish  of  St.  Mary's,  Stronde,  co.  Middle- 
sex, alias  of  the  parish  of  Melkysham,  co.  Wilts,  ^gentilman,'  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  Thomas  Brent  and  Ridiard  Sperman,  citizen 
and  skinner  of  London,  touching  debt^  of  40^.  and  60s.  respectively. 

London  and  Wilts. 

William  Bonour  late  of  Wypsenade,  co.  Bedford,  ^  husbondman,'  for  not 
ai^earing  to  answer  WiUiam  Cantelowe  touching  a  trespass. 


Thomas  Symson  of  Hawenton,  co.  Stafford,  husbandman,  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  touchiitg  a  plea  of  Master  John  .Fakenbam, 
confrere  of  William  Dufleld,  canon  residentiary  in  the  cathedral  diuroh 
of  St.  Peter,  York,  and  canon  of  the  collegiate  churches  of  St.  Mary, 
Suthwell,  and  St.  John,  Beverley,  and  Master  Thomas  Menskip, 
executors  of  the  will  of  the  said  canon,  that  he  render  to  them  12/. 


Henry  Haye  late  of  Draghton,  co.  Norfolk^  'husbondman,'  for  not 
af^waring  to  answer  John  Bertelet  touching  a  debt  of  100». 

John  Bampton  late  of  Plexbury,  co.  Cornwall,  alias  of  Stratton,  co. 
Cornwall,  ^  gentilman,'  for  not  appearing  before  Richard  Neuton  and 
bis  fellows,  justices  of  the  Bench  of  the  late  king,  to  answer  a  plea  of 
Thomas  Tregodek,  touching  a  debt  of  20/.,  and  a  plea  of  Roger 
Holbech,  'taillour,'  William  Alard,  'skynner,'  and  John  StunnouUi 
late  of  London,  *  grocer,'  executors  d  the  will  of  Roger  White, 
esquire,  that  he  render  to  them  30/.  London. 

William  Traas,  citizen  and  meroer  of  London,  late  of  London,  for  not 
appearing  before  the  justices  of  the  late  king,  to  answer  John 
Whekr,  late  citizen  and  girdler  of  London,  touching  a  debt  of 
10/.  Ss.  4d.  Middlesex. 

2  EDWARD  IV.— Pabt  I. 



Feb.  8. 

Jan.  24. 


Feb.  10. 

Feb.  12. 

Jan.  4. 

Jan.  24. 


Membrane  26 — coni, 

John  Eoger  late  of  Bristol, '  chapman/  nlias  John  Boggers,  *  mercer/ 
for  not  appearing  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench  of  the  present 
king,  to  answer  a  plea  of  John  Senjcle  of  London,  *  haburdassher/ 
touching  a  debt  of  62s,  5d,  and  a  plea  that  he  render  chattels  to  the 
Talue  of  40  marks  to  Eobert  Fraunces.  Middlesex. 

Simon  Markaunt  of  Little  Stoughton,  co.  Bedford, '  husbondman,*  for 
not  appearing  before  John  Prjsot  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  the 
Bench  of  the  late  king,  to  answer  Thomas  Mjljs  touching  a  trespass. 


Robert  Bradwaj  of  Little  Stoneham,  co.  Suffolk,  ^joman,'  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  a  plea  of  Thomas  Danyell,  esquire,  late  sheriff 
of  Suffolk,  that  he  render  his  account  for  the  time  when  he  was 
his  receiver.  Norwich. 

John  Bakere  of  Bynham,  co.  Norfolk,  ^  joman,'  for  not  appearmg  to 
answer  the  prior  of  St.  Faith^s,  Horsham,  touching  a  debt  of  12 
marks  6^.  Sd.  Norfolk. 

Bichard  Wenslawe  late  of  Metryngham,  co.  Lincoln,  esquire,  executor 
of  the  will  of  James  Kjghley  late  of  York,  *'  mardbaunt,'  for  not 
appearing  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench  of  the  present  king  with 
Bichard  Kjghlej,  late  of  Mitforth,  chaplain,  aUcts  vicar  of  the  parish 
church  of  Mitforth,  co.  Northumberland,  executor  of  the  sud  will, 
to  answer  a  plea  that  he  render  19/.  to  the  abbot  of  St.  Mary's, 
York.  City  of  York. 

Thomas  Pylsshe  of  Asshewell,  co.  Hertford,  ^  yoman,'  William  Heynes 
of  Shepereth,  co.  Cambridge,  ^  yoman,'  and  John  Seman  of  Boy^tpn, 
CO.  Cambridge,  'husbondman,'  executors  of  the  will  of  Thomas 
Heynes  late  of  Wyllyngham,  co.  Cambridge,  '  drover,'  for  not 
appearing  to  answer  a  plea  that  they  render  21/.  to  William  Alde- 
wynde,  esquire.  Northampton. 


Oct.  30. 



Feb,  6. 

Feb.  6. 

Jan*  24. 


Feb.  7. 

Feb.  9. 


Jan.  24. 


Membrane  25. 

William  Toleslo  of  Toleslo  in  the  parish  of  Yirstawe,  co.  Devon, 
'  husbondman,'  for  not  appearing  before  John  Frysot  and  his  fellows, 
justices  of  the  Bench  of  the  late  king,  to  answer  touching  pleas  of 
Bichard  Levermore  the  elder  and  John  Drake,  ^bocher,*  of  debts 
of  40s.  and  6  marks  6^.  Sd.  respectively.  Devon. 

Bobert  Cnrteys  of  Marham,  co.  Norfolk,  ^  husbondmaa,'  for  not  appear* 
ing  when  sued  with  John  Louthe  of  Bartonbendyche,  co.  Nonolk, 
*  husbondman,'  and  Bichard  Louthe  of  Bartonbendyche,  *  laborer,^  to 
answer  William  Stoneham  touching  a  trespass. 

William  Mathyn  late  of  Coventre, '  marchaunt,'  for  not  appearing  to 
answer  Bobert  Whytehete  touching  a  debt  of  10/.  •    Wiyrwick. 

John  Mobbys  of  Ely,  co.  Cambridge,  *  husbondman,'  for  not  appearing 
to  answer  John  Auntell  touching  a  debt  of  10  marks.  Norfolk. 

Bernard  Bemyng  late  of  Bristol, '  marchaunt,'  for  not  appearing  to 
answer  Bichard  Pery  touching  a  trespass.  Essex. 

William  London  of  Shelley  by  Hadlegh,  co.  Suffolk,  *  husbondman,'  for 
not  appearing  to  answer  John  Aylewyn  of  Great  Stanbregge 
touching  a  debt  of  40; .  Essex. 

John  Seman,  Thomas  Pylsshe  and  William  Heynes  for  not  appearing 
before  the  justices  of  the  Bench  as  stated  above.  See  last  mem-' 
brane.  Northampton, 


1468.  Membrane  25 — cont. 

Jan.  24.  The  said  William  Hejnjs,  late  of  Rojgton,  co.  Hertford,  ^drover/ 

Wettminiter.  for  the  same;   and  for  not  appearing  to  answer  a  plea  of  Hugh 

Ljnallys  alias  Ljnalsse  of  Slaweston,  ^gentilman/  touching  a  debt  of 
20/.  Northampton. 

Feb.  12.  Nicholas  Riggebj  late  of  Kjngeston  on  Thames,  co.  Surrej,  ^  joman/ 

WestminBter.  for  not  appearing  to  answer  Richard  Tumour  touching  a  trespass. 

Town  of  Nottingham. 



March  20.       Authority  for  the  king's  kinsman  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  whom  the 
Westminster,  king  appointed  on  13  February  to  the  safe-custodj  of  the  sea,  to  levy  con- 
tributions from  any  places  of  the  king's  enemies,  provided  tliat  it  be  not 
prejudicial  to  the  captain  of  Calais  or  his  lieutenant.     [^Fcedera.']       By  K. 

Feb.  23.  Grant  in  frank  almoiu  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  the  house  of  the 

Westminster.  Salutation  of  the  Mother  of  God  of  the  Carthusian  order  by  London  of  the 
alien  priory  of  Okebourne  and  the  manor  of  Okeborne  alias  Okebourne 
Seynt  G^rge  in  Great  Okebourne  and  Little  Okebourne,  co.  Wilts,  and  all 
lands,  rents,  services,  chantries,  advowsons,  liberties,  views  of  frank  pledge, 
waifs,  strays,  leets,  courts  baron,  wards,  marriages  and  other  profits  and 
appurtenances  in  the  same.  By  K. 

Vacated  because  elsewhere  in  the  first  year. 

Aug.  16.  Pardon,  for  46«.  8cf.  paid  in  the  hanaper,  of  the  trespass  in  the 
Westminster,  acquisition  without  licence  by  Joan  Gedeney  alicu  Large,  widow,  deceased, 
from  Thomas  Staunton,  citizen  and  mercer  of  London,  of  an  acre  of  land  in 
the  manor  of  Pembrokes  alicu  Penbrokis,  an  acre  of  land  in  the  manor  of 
Bruses  a/ta«  Brewses,  an  acre  of  land  in  the  manor  of  Daubeneys  alias 
Dawbeneys,  and  an  acre  of  land  in  the  manor  of  Mokkynges  with  its 
appurtenances  in  Totenham  and  Edelmeton,  co.  Middlesex,  and  a  messuage, 
48^  acres  of  land,  7^  acres  of  meadow  and  10  acres  of  wood  called 
^  Twyford '  and  8  acres  of  land  in  Galowfeld  in  Totenham,  held  in  chief, 
to  herself  for  life  with  remainders  to  Richard  Tumaunt  and  Joan  Stokton 
his  wife,  daughter  of  John  Stokton,  and  the  heirs  of  the  body  of  the  said 
Richard,  and  to  William,  bishop  of  Winchester,  Thomas  Westhagh,  clerk, 
John  Stokton,  John  Godyn,  Thomas  Tymyot,  Stephen  Stychemerssh^ 
Henry  Pachet,  Robert-  Snell  and  Robert  W'yllyngham  to  fulfil  the  will 
of  Richard  and  his  heirs,  and  for  the  entry  thereon  by  the  said  Richard 
after  the  death  of  Joan. 

Aug.  29«        Presentation  of  William   Savage,  chaplain,  to  the    parish  church  of 
Westmioster.  Pepillyng,  in  the  county  of  Guysnes,  in    the   parts  of  Picardy,  in  the 
diocese  of  Canterbury,  void  by  the  death  of  Richard  Davell. 

May  27.  Grant  in  fee  simple  to  the  king's  servant  Richard  Felde,  from  4  March 
Leioester.  last,  of  a  tenement  called  *  Haryottes  Place'  and  a  cottage  called  'Shephous ' 
with  all  woods,  lands  and  meadows  in  the  king's  demesne  of  Westharptre, 
CO.  Somerset,  lately  held  for  life  by  John  Heryot  of  the  demise  of  Matthew 
Goumey,  knight,  10  acres  of  pasture  called  '  Wyllyngesclose '  and  a  cottage 
with  8  acres  of  pasture  called  ^  Multonclose '  alias  ^  Wodelond,'  in  the  same, 
lately  held  by  Richard  Heryot  at  the  will  of  Henry  YI.,  a  water-mill  called 
'  Heryottes  Mille '  and  a  wood  called  ^  Old  wood '  in  the  same,  and  atonement 
called  ^  Wydecombeplace '  in  the  king's  demesne  of  Wydecombe,  co.  Somerset, 
with  other  lands  lately  held  by  Thomas  Wydecombe  and  Elena  his  wife  and 
Thomas  his  son  at  the  will  of  Henry  YI.,  and  a  tenement  in  the  latter 
demesne  lately  held  by  John  Wylde  and  Agnes  his  wife  and  William 
his  son  at  the  will  of  Henry  YI.,  to  hold  in  the  same  manner  as  John 
Daundesey  lately  held  these  of  the  grant  of  Henry  YI.,  rendering  to  the 

2  EDWARD  IV.— Part  I.  177 

1462.  Membrane  24 — cont 

king  I2d.  yearly  for  all  servicer,  fealties  excepted;  and  ^rant  that  the 
tenants  of  the  king's  lordships  of  Westharptre  and  Wydecombe  shall  always 
grind  at  the  said  mill.  By  K. 

Aug.  28.        Release  to  George  Darell  of  »Sesseyy  co.  York,  knight,  of  all  actions  of  the 

^'estminster.  crown  against  him  by  reason  of  a  recognisance  which  he  made  before  E.obert 

Danby,  chief  justice  of  the  Bench,  at  York  on  13  May,  1  Edward  IV.,  in 

2000/.  to  be  paid  at  Whitsuntide  then  following.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  28.         Grant  for  life  to  Alice  Russell,  for  her  true  heart  to  the  king  and  his 
Westminster,  father,  of  all  manors  and  lands   late  of  Everard  Dygby  in  the  towns  of 
Donyngton   upon  the   heath,  Raunston   and  Whitwik  and  the  parish  of 
Whitwik,  in  the  counties  of  Leicester  and  Derby,  to  the  yearly  value  of  10/. 

By  p.8.  [1028.] 

Sept.  10.         Release  to   William  Plumpton   of  Plumpton,  co.  York,  knight,  of  all 

Westminster,  actions  of  the  crown  against  him  by  reason  of  a  recognisance  which  he  made 

before  Robeii;  Danby,  chief  justice  of  the  Bench,  at  York  on   15  May,  1 

Edward  IV.,  in  2000/.  to  be  paid  at  Whitsuntide  then  following.      By  p.s. 

Membrane  23. 

Mai'ch  6.  Revocation  of  protection  with  clause  volumus.  for  one  year,  granted 
^estmineter.  19  February  by  letters  patent  to  Thomas  Playne  alias  Plane,  citizen 
and  grocer  of  London,  going  in  the  company  of  the  king's  kinsman 
Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  captain  of  the  king's  town  and  castle  of  Calais 
and  the  mai*ches  there,  for  the  defence  and  victualling  of  the  same,  on 
certificate  by  the  sheriffs  of  London  that  he  has  not  gone. 

March  5.         Licence  for  Reginald  Grey,  lord  of  Wilton,  to  enter  into  all  manors  and 

Westminster,  lands  of  which  Thomas,  late  lord  Rigemoud,  was  seised,  late  of  Richard 

Grey,  knight,  father  of  the  said  Reginald ;  saving  the  homage,  fealty,  relief 

and  other  services  due  to  the  king.  ^j  p.s. 

March  12.  Exemplification,  at  the  request  of  Elizabeth,  the  abbess,  and  the  convent 
Westminster,  of  St.  Saviour  and  St.  Mary  and  St.  Bridget,  Syon,  of  the  order  of  St. 
Augustine,  of  the  enrolments  on  the  rolls  of  Chancery  of  (1)  a  writing  of 
Robert,  the  provost,  and  the  scholars  of  the  college  of  Sf.  Mary  and  St. 
Nichola!>,  Cambridge,  dated  in  their  chapter  house,  26  February,  being  a 
release  by  them  to  the  said  abbess  aud  convent  of  all  their  title  in  the  priory 
of  St.  Michael's  Mount,  co.  Cornwall,  the  manor  of  Tileshyde,  co.  V/ilts, 
some  time  parcel  of  the  alien  abbey  of  Caen,  the  manor  and  rectory  of  Fel- 
stede,  CO.  Essex,  some  time  parcel  of  the  same,  all  lands  and  possessions 
some  time  of  the  abbey  of  St.  Nicholas,  Augers,  in  Spaldyng,  co.  Lincoln,  and 
all  fruits  from  the  church  of  Cosham,  co.  Wilts,  with  hundreds,  courts  leet, 
wapentakes,  views  of  frank-pledge,  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  liberties  and  all 
other  commodities  and  profits;  and  (2)  a  memorandum  that  the  said  provost 
and  scholars  appeared  before  William  Hastynges  of  Hastynges,  knight. 
Master  Richard  Scrop,  chancellor  of  the  University  of  Cambridge,  Jolm 
Scot,  knight.  Master  Thomas  Turneye,  doctor  of  laws,  and  William 
Alyngton  at  the  University  on  5  March  and  acknowledged  the  above. 

March  12.  Exemplification,  at  the  request  of  Robert  Calcot,  of  the  enrolments  on  the 
Westminster,  rolls  of  Chancery  of  (1)  a  writing  of  John  Wynter  of  Almain,  merchant, 
dated  10  November  last,  being  a  grant  by  him  to  John  Metheley,  Robert  Foster 
and  John  Alderley,  *  gentilmen,'  of  18  bode  of  wine  called  *  Reynyshwyne,' 
2  barrels  of  other  wine  and  5  barrels  of  oil  in  a  ship  or  *  pleight '  called 
Maryy  500  bairels  containing  20,000  pounds  of  litmose  and  7  bode  of 
*  Reynyshwyne '  in  a  ship  csdled  Cogshipy  all  his  goods  in  London  and 
elsewhere  within  the  realm  and  all  debts  due  to  him,  by  livery  of  2d, ;  mid 
(2)  a  memorandum  that  he  appeared  in  Chancery  at  Westminster  oa  19 
^November  and  acknowledged  the  above. 

M     86914.  K 


\462.  Membrane  23^-cont, 

March  16.        General  pardon  to  John  Boon,  the  abbot,  and  the  (Convent  of  Burj  SU 
Westminster.  Edmunds,  co.  Suffolk,  for  treasoo^i  &c.,  and  of  any  consequent  outlawry. 


March  12,       Grant  to  John,  lord  Wenlok,  knight,  from  4  March  last,  of  the  custody 

Westminster,  of  all   lands  late  of  Katharine,    late    the    wife   of  Robert  Dan  vers,  in 

Abliefeld,  held  of  Edward,  late  prince  of  Wales  and  duke  of  Cornwall,  a» 

of  the  honor  of  Wallingford,  during  the  minority  of  Anne,  Isabel  and 

Sybil  her  daughters  and  heiresses,  with  their  marriages.  l^y  bill  of  p.s. 

March  15.       Appointment  of  John  Wenlok  of  Wenlok,  knight,  as  governor  of  Eleanor 
Westminster,  late  the  wife  of  James,  earl  of  Wiltshire,  attainted  of  hieh  treason  by  autho- 
rity of  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  and  of  her  jointure,  with 
the  sole  power  of  appointing  and  removing  servants  and  officers. 

Mbmbranb  22. 

March  6.  Grant  for  life  to  lliomas  Sharpe,  clerk,  of  the  office  of  chief  engrosser  of 

Westminster,  the  Exchequer  of  Ireland,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees ;  and  grant  to  him 

also  during  office  of  10  marks  yearly  from  the  king's  manor  of  Cliapelizod 

(Capelle  Isolde)  and  Salmon  Leap  {Salttu  Salmanum)^  in  part  payment  of 

the  same.  By  K« 

March  5.  Grant  to  Roland  FitzEustas,  knight,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body,  for 

Westminster,  bis  good  service  to  the  king's  &ther  in  his  last  journey  in  Ireland  and  to  the 
king,  that  he  shall  be  one  of  the  lords  and  barons  of  Parliament  in  Ireland 
by  tlie  name  of  lord  and  baron  of  Portlester,  co.  Meath  ;  and  grant  to  him 
and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  of  the  manor  of  Portlester,  co.  Meath, 
rendering  to  the  king  I2d.  yearly.  By  p.s. 

March  4.         Grant  for  life  to  Maurice  Fitz  Adam,  clerk,  of  the  office- of  second  cham- 

Westmineter.  berlain  of  the  Exchequer  of  Ireland,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees ;  and 

also  a  yearly  rent  of  10  marks  in  part  payment  of  the  same  from  the  issues 

of  the  king's  manor  of  Tassagard,  co.  Dublin,  and  from  40  acres  of  land 

called  *  le  Wyndmylfeld'  by  Rathcridane,  co.  Dublin.  By  p.8. 

March  10.        Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  Thomas  Mauncell  as  receiver  of  all 

Westminster,  castles,  lordships,  manors  and  lands  in  the  counties  of  Somerset  and  Dorset, 

in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of  resumption  in  the  late  Parliament 

at  Westminster,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

March  6.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Edward  Grey,  esquire,  of  the  manor 

Westminster,   of  Loxton,  co.  Somerset,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  against 

Nicholas  Latymer,  esquire,  in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  to 

the  yearly  value  of  10/.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  26.  Grant  in  fee  simple  to  John  Scot,  knight,  controller  of  the  king's  house- 
Westminster,  hold,  of  the  reversion  of  the  castle  and  manor  of  Chilham  and  the  manors 
of  Wilderton  and  Molesshe,  co.  Kent,  on  the  death  of  Maijory,  late  the 
wife  cf  John  Roos,  knight,  lord  of  Boos,  who  holds  the  same  in 
dower,  which  belongs  to  the  king  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of  Thomas 
Boos,  knight,  late  lord  of  Roos,  and  an  act  of  Parliament  at  Westminster, 
4  November,  with  knight's  fees,  advowsons,  comls  leet,  views  of  frank 
pledge,  wan  ens,  fairs,  markets  and  other  commodities;  and  also  all  lands, 
rents  and  services  in  Chilham,  Godmersham,  Trewlegh,  Chartham  and 
Molesshe,  co.  Kent,  in  the  king's  hands  as  above.  By  K. 

Vacated  because  elsewhere  in  the  first  year. 

March  5.         Grant  to   the  king's    kinswoman  Joan    sister  of  John,   late  duke  of 

Westminster.  Norfolk,  and  wife  of  William  Wilughby,  knight,  and  Cicely  her  daughter 

and  the  heirs  male  of  the  body  of  the  latter  of  the  reversion  on  the  death  of 

Katharine,  duchess  of  Norfolk,  of  all  lands,  rents  and  services  within  the 

city  of  Lincoln  called  'Beaumont  Rent'   with  knights'  fees,  advowsons. 


2  EDWARD  iV.— Pabt  L  1»9. 

1462.  Membrane  22^^coHi, 

franchises  and  liberties,  which  she  hold&  in  dower  of  the  endowment  of  John, 
/late  visGoant  Beaumont,  her  husband,. rendering  to.  the  king  a  red  rose  at 
Midsummer.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

I  March  5.  .      Grant  for  life  to  the.king^s  kinswoman  Katharine^  duchess  of  Norfolk,  of 

I  Westmiiister.  the  manors  of  Bei'ton  and  SteVeton^  co.  Lincoln,  with  liberties,  franchises, 

I  advowsons  and  knight's  fees,  in  the  king's  hands  by  authority  of  j^arliament 

at  Westminster,  4  NoTember,  rendering  the  accustomed  services  at  Mid^ 
summer.  By  p.s. 

Ghnant  to  the  king's  kinswoman  Joan  sister  of  John,  late  duke  of  Norfolk, 
and  wife  of  Wilh'am  Wilughby,  knight,  and  Cicely  her  daughter  and  the 
heirs  ihale  of  the  body  of  the  latter  of  the  reversion  on  the  death  of  Elatha- 
rine,  duchess  of  Norfolk,  of  the  manors  or  lordships  of  Edenham,  Billing- 
burgh,  Lynwod  Beaumont  and  Thoresway  Beaumont,  co.  Lincoln,  and  all 
lands,  rents  and  services  within  the  city  of  Lincoln  called  'Beaumont  Rent ' 
with  knights'  fees,  advowson^,  franchises  and  liberties,  which  she  holds  in 
dower  of  the  endowment  of  John,  late  viscount  Beaumont,  her  husband, 
rendering  to  the  king  a  red  rose  at  Midsummer.  By  p.s. 

July  3.  Presentation  of  Master  Richard  Boseworth,  parson  of  the  parish  diurdi 

^Mtmiaster.  of  Brougbton  Asteley,  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  to  the  church  of 
Great  Billyng,  in  the  same  diocese,  on  an  exchange  of  benefices  with  Thomas 

July  16.  Grant  to  the  king's  servant  Richard  Langport,  derk,  of  the  manor  of 

WestmiDster.  Somersbury  in  the  parish  of  Ewhurst,  co.  Surrey,  from  Michaelmas  last  so 

long  as  it  remains  in  the  Icing's  hands,  without  rendering  anything  for 

^  the  same.     The  manor  was  taken  into  the  hands  of  the  late  king  by  virtue 

of  an  inquisition  taken  before  William  Brigges,  escheator  of  the  county, 
on  3  November,  36  Henry  VI.  by  which  it  was  found  that  John  Busse- 
brigge  was  seised  in  his  demesne  as  of  fee  of  it,  that  it  is  held  in  chief  by 
knight  sei*vice  and  by  a  rent  of  I4s,  yearly  payable  at  Gumhulst,  co.  Surrey, 
at  the  return  of  the  sheriff  at  Michaelmas,  that  the  said  John  died  without 
heir  of  his  body  on  1  April,  22  Henry  VI.  that  the  manor  is  worth  40^. 
yearly,  and  that  Robert  Bussebrigge  his  brother  and  next  heir  who  was  of 
the  age  of  18  years  had  granted  it  to  Thomas  Playstowe  and  his  heirs 
and  assigns.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  21. 

March  6.         Appointment  during  pleasure,  to  John  Wykes,  esquire,  one  of  the  ushers 

Westminster,  of  the  king's  chamber,  as  receiver  and  approver  of  the  lordship  and  manor 

of  Dolyngham,  co.  Cambridge,  and  the  manor  and  park  of  Lanam,  co.  Suffolk, 

late  of  John,  late  earl  of  Oxford,  and  forfeited  to  the  crown  by  his  rebellion, 

receiving  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  manors. 

March  5.  Grant  to  Thomas,  archbishop  of  Canterbury,  and  George,  bishop  of 
Westminster.  Exeter,  the  king's  kinsmen,  and  Joan  wife  of  William  Beaumont,  knight, 
late  lord  Beaumont,  daughter  of  Humphrey,  late  duke  of  Buckingham,  and 
the  heirs  of  her  body,  for  the  use  of  herself  and  her  said  heirs,  with 
remainder  to  the  said  William  Beaumont  and  the  heirs  of  his  body,  of  the 
manors  and  lordships  of  Stowe  Bardolf,  Roughton,  FaresweU,  Whymbergh, 
Matesball,  Erpyngham,  Wjkmere,  Canteleye,  Strompeshawe,  Castre  Bardolf, 
and  Ilketsale,  co.  Norfolk,  Donyngton,  Bromdyssb,  Cretyngham  and  Clopton, 
CO.  Suffolk,  Whatton  att  Stone,  co.  Hertford,  Halton,  co.  Oxford,  Wilbram, 
CO.  Cambridge,  Ryskyngton,  Dygby,  Westburgh  and  Cathorp,  co.  Lincoln, 
and  all  lands,  rents,  services,  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  courts  leet,  hundreds, 
wapentakes,  views  of  frank -pledge,  parks,  wairens,  fairs,  markets,  liberties 
and  franchises  belonging  to  them,  late  of  Thomas,  late  lord  Bfu*dolf,  or 
William  Phelipp,  late  lonl  Bardolf,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act 

M  2 


1402.  Membrane  21'^cotU. 

of  forf^ture  in  Parliamrat  at  Westminstery  4  November,  against  the  said 
William  Beaumont,  \nth  the  exception  of  the  manors  and  lordships  of 
Plumpton,  BirljDg  and  Bercombe,  co.  Sassex,  and  an  inn  in  London  near 
*  Pawleswarff '  reserved  to  the  croirn,  with  issues  from  4  November.  By  K. 

Grant  for  life  to  William  Josljn  of  the  office  of  parker  of  the  king's  park 
of  Canipesy^co.  Cambridge,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  Bj  p.s. 

March  16.        Presentation  of  William  Hamond,  chaplain,  to  the  parish  church  of  St. 
Westminster.   Laurence,  Bjsyng  Castell,  in  the  diocese  of  Norwich,  void  by  the  death  of 
Bobert  Feribj,  chaplain. 

March  18.        Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  John  Bourghchier  of  Bamars,  knight, 

Westminster,  to  the  custody  of  the  manors  of  Braunston>  Chasfeld,  Fenhalle  in  Sutton, 

Groundesburgh,  Belynges,  Todenham,  Newton  and  Westerfeld,  co.  Suffolk, 

late  of  Thomas  Tudenham,  knight,  and  in  the  king's  hands  by  his  forfeiture, 

answering  at  the  Exchequer  for  the  issues  of  the  same. 

March  12.        Appointment  of  Dan  William  Walweyn,  monk  of  Worcester,  as  prior  of 
Westminster.  Wenlok,  in  the  diocese  of  Hereford.  By  p.s.  [885.] 

March  2d.        Grant  to  William  Greneham  of  the  county  of  Rutland,  esquire,  for  his 

Westminster,   good  service  lo  the  king's  father  and  the  king,  of  the  custody  during  minority 

and  Ihe  marriage  of  John,  son  and  heir  of  John  Drewe  late  of  Peterborough, 

CO.  Northampton,  'gentilman.'  Bj  p.s. 

March  14.  Commission  to  John  Lescrop  of  Bolton,  knight,  Thomas  Cobham,  knight, 
Westminster.  John  Say,  Nicholas  Sharp,  Thomas  Stute\ile,  Ralph  Cressener  and  Thomas 
Bray  to  enquire  into  the  complaint  of  John  Doreward  and  William  Mulso 
that,  whereas  Edmund  Mulso,  knight,  was  seised  in  his  demesne  as  of  fee 
of  a  messuage,  160  acres  of  land,  19  acres  of  meadow,  668,  of  rent  and  a  rent 
of  6  capons,  in  Thaxstedc  and  Lyndesele,  and  other  lands,  rents  and  services  in 
Thaxstedc,  Lindesele,  Little  Berdefelde,  Stebbyng  and  Dunmowe,  co.  Essex, 
with  the  office  of  keeping  three  parks  in  Thaxstede  and  granted  ihe  same 
to  John  Bernard  of  Thaxstede  and  his  heirs  and  assigns,  and  the  latter 
granted  the  same  to  Humphrey,  late  duke  of  Buckingham,  William,  late 
marquis  of  Suffolk,  William  Oldehalle,  knight,  Edmund  Mulso,  knight, 
John  Harleston,  John  Stodehawe,  Thomas  Dounton  and  the  said  John  ond 
William  and  their  heirs  and  assigns  and  they  were  seised  of  the  same  in  time 
of  peace  in  the  lime  of  Henry  VI.  and  the  said  duke,  William  Oldehalle, 
John  Doreward  and  William  Mulso  survived  the  others,  they  were  unjustly 
disseised  of  the  same  by  the  king's  father  Richard,  late  duke  of  York,  and 
the  duke  of  Buckingham  and  William  Oldehalle  have  since  died  and  the 
possessions  passed  on  the  death  of  the  duke  of  York  to  the  king.         By  K. 

March  20.  Licence  for  Alice  late  the  wife  of  .Benedict  Harlewyn,  late  citizen  nnd 
Westminster,  clothier  of  London,  or  her  executors  to  found  a  chantry  of  one  chaplain 
to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  at  the  altar  of  the  Holy  Trinity  in 
the  church  of  St.  Christopher  in  the  ward  of  Brndstrete,  London,  for  the 
good  estate  of  the  king  and  John  Wenlok,  knight,  lord  of  Wenlok,  and 
nerself  and  for  their  souls  after  death  and  the  souls  of  the  king's  father 
Richard,  late  duke  of  York,  and  the  said  Benedict,  to  be  called  Alson 
Harlewyn  'Ghaunterie;'jand  for  the  acquisition  in  mortmain,  after  inquisition, 
by  ihe  said  chaplain  oi  lands,  rents,  services  and  other  possessions,  not 
held  in  chief,  to  the  value  of  12/.  yearly  for  his  sustenance. 

By  p.s.  and  for  8/.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

March  28*        Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Mongomery,  king's  knight,  one  of  the  king's 

Westminster.  *  kervers '  {trenchiatorum)j  of  a  yearly  rent  of  20/.  from  the  issues  of  the 

counties  of  Noifolk  and  Suffolk.  By  p.s.  [896.] 

March  20.        Signification  to  W.   bishop  of  Winchester  of    the  royal  assent  to  the 

WestmiDstcr.   election  by  him  of  William  Wroughton,  professor  of  theology,  monk  of  the 

cathedral  of  Winchester,  as  abbot  of  St.  Peter's,  Chertesey,  in  the  diocese  of 

2  EDWARD  IV.— Part  I.  181 

1462.  Membrane  21 — cont. 

Winchester,  in  the  place  of  Thomas  Angowjn,  late  abbot,  resigned,^  in 
accordance  with  the  power  granted  to  him  by  the  prior  and  convent.       ■> 

Membrane  20. 

March  4.         Grant  for  life  to  Robert  Fitz  Harry  of  the  office  of  clerk  of  the  common 

We«minster.  pleas  of  the  Exchequer  of  Ireland,  with  the  accustomed  fees  at  the  hands  of 

the  treasurer  of  Ireland.  By  p.s. 

March  4.  The  like  to  James  Wellesley,  esquire,  of  an  annuity  of  10  marks  yearly 
Westminster,  at  the  hands  of  the  receivers,  farmers  and  occupiers  of  the  king's  manors  of 
Belskeagh  and  Rathconre^  co.  Meath,  in  Ireland,  standing  on  the  frontiers 
of  tlie  marches  adjoining  the  Connors,  the  king's  Irish  enemies,  by  whom 
they  have  been  greatly  wasted,  in  consideration  of  a  like  grant  to  him  of  an 
annuity  of  lOOf.  from  the  same  granted  by  the  king  in  consideration  of  his 
good  service  to  his  father.  By  p.s.  [866i] 

March  13.        Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  Thomas  Herbert,  one  of  the  esquires  of 

Westminster,  the  body,  to  the  custody  of  the  manor  of  Bekford,  co.  Gloucester,  and  all 

lands  and  tenements  in  that  county  formerly  of  the  alien  abbot  of  Baylbek, 

in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of  Parliament  at  Westminster, 

4  November,  answering  for  the  issues  of  the  same  at  the  Exchequer. 

Feb.  20.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Ottnr  of  all  lands,  rents  and  services  in  Padyng* 

Westminster,  thorp  and  Hornyngton,  co.  York,  of  which  William  Taylboys,  esquire, 
rebel,  was  seised,  in  the  king's  hands  by  his  forfeiture.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  because  in  the  first  year. 

March  15.  Appointment,  for. such  time  as  her  husband  is  alive,  of  John  Wenlok  of 
Wenlok,  knight,  as  keeper  and  governor  of  Eleanor  wife  of  Robert  Hunger- 
ford,  late  lord  of  Hungerford  and  Moleyns,  knight,  attainted  of  high  treason 
by  authority  of  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  and  her  two  younger 
sons  and  her  only  daughter  and  all  the  lordships,  manors,  lands  and  possessions 
which  her  husband  held  in  her  right,  from  Michaelmas  last  so  long  as  they 
remain  in  the  king's  hands.  lie  is  to  appoint  and  remove  all  servants,  and 
to  levy  all  rents  and  issues  and  expend  them  on  the  sustenance  of  the  said 
Eleanor  and  her  children  and  six  servants  in  her  company  and  two  servants 
in  the  company  of  her  children  and  other  reasonable  expenses  and  to 
account  to  the  king  for  the  surplus. 

The  like  of  the  said  John  Wenlok  as  keeper  and  governor  of  Anne,  wife 
of  Edmund  Hampden,  knight,  attainted  as  above,  and  the  castles, 
lordships,  manors,  lands  and  possessions,  which  they  held  in  her  right. 

May  7.  Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  William  Hill  to  take  stone-cutters, 

Westminster,  masons,  carpenters,  plumbers,  tilers,  smiths,  plasterers  and  other  workmen 
at  the  king's  wages  for  the  repairs  of  the  palace  of  Westminster,  the  Tower 
of  London  and  the  manor  of  Kenyngton  and  elsewhere  within  the  realm, 
and  also  stone,  timber,  iron,  lead,  glass,  tiles,  laths,  shingles,  boards,  nails^ 
and  other  necessaries,  and  carriage  for  the  same. 

May  13.  Presentation  of  Robert  Segeforth,   chnplain,  to   the   parish  church  of 

Westminster.  Graynesby,  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  void  by  the  resignation  of  John 


May  23.  Pardon  to  John  Fyssher  of  Pedeltowne,  co.  Dorset,  '  husbondman,'  of  his 

Westminster,  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Devon  for  not  appearing  before  John  Prysot  and 
his  fellows,  justices  of  the  Bench  of  the  late  king,  to  satisfy  John  Gierke  of 
40s.  which  the  latter  recovered  against  him  before  the  said  justices  and 
13^.  4d.  damages;  he  having  surrendered  to  the  Flete  prison  as  Rol^ert 
Danby,  chief  justice,  has  certified. 


1462.  Membrane  19. 

Iforch  81.  OfmiI  ta  tlie  king's  BCfrritor  ^Richard  Croft  the  elder,  esquire,  and  the 
Wettmiotter.  heirs  male  ol  his  bodj  of  the  manor  of  Barf ord  with  its  appurtenances  in 
the  countj  of  Salop  and  the  advowson  of  the  church  of  Burford,  to  the 
value  of  20/.  jearlj,  all  lands,  rents  and  services  in  Karkedon,  co.  Worcester, 
to  the  value  of  60#.  yearly,  and  all  lands,  rents  and  services  in  Levntwardyn 
wiihin  the  honour  or  lordship  of  Wyggemore,  to  the  value  ox  5  marks 
yearly,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of  Thomas  Comewaile, 
esquire,  attainted  in  the  Parliament  held  at  Westminster,  4  November  last, 
at  a  rent  of  \d^  yearly  at  Michaelmas.  By  p.s. 

March  15.        Mandate  to  all  bailiffs  and  others  to  permit  Richard  Henrys,  a  native  of 

Wettminster.  Edynburgh  in  Scotland,  staying  at  London,  who  has  taken  an  oath  of 

fealty,  to  inhabit  the  realm  peaceably  and  enjoy  his  goods.  By  K. 

April  2.         Grant  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Palmer  of  the  county  of  Leicester, 

Westminster.  Tgentilman,'  iot  his  good  aervioe  to  the  king's  father  and  the  king  and  his 

losses  to  the  amount  of  340/.,  of  the  manor  of  Fretheby,  co.  Leicester, 

lately  belonging  to  Thomas,  late  lord  of  Boos,  and  in  the  king's  hands  by 

.  reason  of  an  act  in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  not  exceeding 

the  yearly  value  of  16/.,  for  10  years  from  Michaelmas  last.  Bj  p.s. 

April  1.  Appointment,  during  pleasure,  from  Michaelmas  last,  of  John  Stourton 

Weftminster.  of  Stourton,  knight,  to  the  custody  of  all  castles,  lordships,  manors,  lands 
and  possessions  late  of  Robert,  lord  Hungerford,  deceased,  of  which 
John  Say,  John  Mervyn,  G-regory  Westby  and  others  were  seised  by  him 
for  the  payment  of  his  debts  and  dbe  finance  of  Robert  his  son  and  heir,  with 
some  merchant  or  merchants,  and  which  are  now  in  the  king's  hands. 

April  2.  Grant  to  Richard  Sapcote,  in  repayment  of  40/.  lent  to  the  king  when  he 

Westminster,  was  last  in  the  town  of  Calais,  that  he  may  retain  6t.  8 J.  from  &e  custom 

on  each  sack  of  wool  and  the  same  from  the  custom  of  every  240  wool*fells 

of  Lis  own  shipping  {eskippaiione)  coming  into  the  port  of  Ipswich,  until 

he  be  fully  satisiied.  By  p.s.  [895.] 

March  30.        Grant  to  William  Huse  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  of  the  manor  of 
Westeunster.  Burton  Pedwardyn,  co.  Lincoln,  late  of  Thomas  BanyelL  By  p.s. 

April  10.         Presentation  of  John  Rysshton,  chaplain  of  the  chantrv  of  Holy  Cross  in 
Westminster,  the  church  of  Stanlak,  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  to  the  church  of  St.  Giles, 
Wynchelsey,  in  the  diocese  of  Chichester,  on  au  exchange  of  benefices  with 
Philip  AppliowelL 

April  10.        Presentation  of  Robert  ap  Ever,  chaplain,  to  the  church  of  Llanyckill  in 
Westminster.  Penlyn  in  North  Wales,  in  the  diocese  of  St.  Asaph,  void  bv  the  death  of 
David  Lloit,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  temporalities  of  the  bishopric 
being  in  his  hands. 

April  15.         Presentation  of  Roger  Gery,  rector  of  the  parish  church  of  Dommer,  in 

Westminster,   the  diocese  of  Winchester,  to  the  parish  church  of  Whitchirch,  in  the 

diocese  of  Lincoln,  on  an  exchange  of  benefices  with  brother  John  Argenteyn. 

April  14.         Appointment,  during  pleasure,   of  the   king's  kinsman  John,  earl  of 
\\restminBter.   Worcester,  as  treasurer  of  the  Exchequer,  with  the  accustomed  fees. 


April  23.        General  pardon  to  John  Heydon  alias  Haydon  of  the  county  of  Norfolk, 
Westmioster.  <  gentilman.'  By  K. 

April  26.        Licence  for  the  prioress  and  convent  of  Romsey  to  elect  an  abbess  in  the 
Westminster,  place  of  Matilda  Lovell,  deceased. 

April  28.        Presentation  of  Master  John  Segden  to  the  parish  church  of  Llancather 
Westaninster.  Moghtenet,  in  the  diocese  of  St.  Asaph,  void  by  the  death  of  David  Keffyn. 

April  26.         Grant  for  life  to  Master  William  Hobbys,  the  king's  surgeon,  of  two 

Westminster,  parts  of  a  place,  a  wharf,  a  crane  and  divers  houses  in  the  parish  of  St. 

Martin  in  the  Vintry,  London,  late  of  John,  late  duke  of  B^ford,  in  the 

2  EDWARD  XV.— Pabt  I.  IBS 

.   ,-5. 

1462*  Membrane  19^-con/» 

king's  hands  by  virtue  of  an  act  of  resamption  in  Parliam^t^  28  H^^orjiYI., 

.  '-  h    to.  the  value.of  .14/.  yearly,  Baving  the  right  of  Jaqiietta^-^uf^esspf  Bedford, 

in  the  samei  By  p.8. 

'Mar  IG.         Presentation  of  Master  William  Broun  to  the  parish  church  of  St.  Mary, 
, Wefttminster.  Kelleseye,  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln.         .  . 

May  12.         Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  William  Baldre  of  the  office  of  tronage  and 

Westminster,  pesage  in  the  port  of  Ipswich  and  ports  and  places  adjacent,  reoetving  the 

accustomed  fees.  By  bill  of  treasurer. 

April  19.  *     Orant  for  life  to  William  Phelipp,  servant  of  the  king's  kinsman  John, 

Westminster,  earl  of  Worcester,  of  the  office  of  the  bailiwick  of  Ha¥Fe  and  Trylley,  co. 

Gloucester,  receiving  40*.  yearly  for  the  same  in  the  same  manner  as  other 

occupants  of  the  office.  By  p.8; 

Mbmbranb  18. 

March  6.  Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  William  Tempyll  and  Gregory  Griffith 
Westminster,  to  take  caipenters  called  ^  whelers '  and  *  cartwrightes '  and  others,  stone- 
cntterst  smiths,  plumbers  and  other  workmen  for  the  works  of  the  king's 
ordnance,  and  idso  bombards,  cannons, '  culveryn&«,'  *  fowlei-s,'  '  serpentynes,* 
and  other  cannons,  powders,  sulphur,  saltpetre,  stones,  iron,  lead  and  other 
equipment,  crossbows  and  bolts  for  them,  bows,  arrows,  ^  bowestrengis,* 
^  langedebeves,'  lances, '  gleyves,'  hammers  and  other  necessaries  and  carriage 
for  the  same  and  horses  called  *  hakeneys.' 

The  like  of  John  Gye,  clerk  of  the  king's  ordnnnce,  Itnd  Edmund 

March  14.        Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  William  Weldon  as  auditor  of  the 
Westminster,  accounts  of  all  ministers  of  the  king's  possessions  in  South  Wales,  receiving 
the  same  wages  as  Richard  Bedeford,  late  one  of  the  auditors. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

March  12.       Grant  for  life  to  Bobert  Ketilwell  of  the  office  of  purveyor  of  divers  stones 

Westminster,  in  the  countv  of  Kent  for  the  king's  works  at  the  palace  of  Westminster, 

the  Tower  of  London  and  the  manors  of  Shene,  Eltham  iuid  Kenyngton, 

with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  king's  lordship  of  Middelton 

and  his  hundreds  of  Midelton  and  Merden.  By  p.s. 

March  5.         Pardon  to  the  king's  uncle  William,  earl  of  Kent,  and  Robert  Ingilton, 
Westminster,  of  London, '  gentilman,'  late  escheator  in  the  county  of  Northampton,  of  all 
fines  and  accounts  due  from  them,  and  of  any  consequent  outlawry. 


March  16.        Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  William  Pault  of  the  custody  of  the 

Westminster,   king's  park  of  Byfleto,  co.  Surrey,  and  his  warren  there  from  25  July  last, 

with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  king's  manor  or  lordship  of 

Byflete,  in  lieu  of  another  grant  to  him  of  the  same  by  letters  patent  dated 

25  July,  surrendered  as  being  insufficient.  By  K. 

March  4.        The  like  to  Richard  Brenan  and  John  Godyng  of  the  office  of  second 
Westminster,   engrosser  of  the  Exchequer  of  Ireland,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees ;  and 
grant  to  them  also  during  office   of  10   marks  yearly  from  the   king's 
fee  farm  of  Chapelizod  and  Salmon  Leap  in  part  payment  of  the  same. 

By  p.8. 

March  12.  Grant  to  the  king's  servant  John  Wenlok,  knight,  lord  of  Wenlok,  and 
Westminster,  the  heirs  of  his  body,  of  all  lordships,  manors  and  knds  with  knights'fees 
and  advowsons  late  of  John  Fortescue,  knight,  in  the  counties  of  Middlesex 
and  Hertford  and  the  reversion  of  the  manor  of  Eburton,  co.  Gloucester,  on 
the  death  of  Jocosa  Guewell  alicts  Beauchampte,  widow,  belonging  to  the 
king  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of  the  said  John  Fortescue.  Qj  p,8. 

Vacated  becatue  otherwise  below* 


1462.  Metnbrane  18— con/. 

March  14.        Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  the  said  John  Wcnlok  to  the  cufitodT- 
Westminster,   of  the  manors  of  Oxcburgh  and  Calcote,  the  hundreds  of  Laundjssh  and 

Suthegrenehowe,  and  other  lands,  rents  and  services  in  Oxeburgh,  Calcote, 

Foulden,   Clej  and  Shjngham,  co.  Norfolk,  late  of  Thomas  Tadenham,. 

knight,  and  in  the  king's  hands  through  his  forfeiture,  answering  for  the- 

issues  of  the  same  nt  the  Exchequer. 


Jan.  20.  Grant  in  fee  simple  to  the  king's  kinsman  John,  earl  of  Worcester,  of  an 

Westminster,   annuity  of  20/.  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  town  of  Cambridge  in  lien  of  a  like- 

annuitj  from  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Worcester,  annulled  by  authority 

of  Parliament  at  Westminster.  By  p.s» 


May  6.  Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  William  Malpnce,  groom  of  the  king's 

Westminster,   chjimber,  as  keeper  of  the  park  of  Dodyngherst,  eo.  Essex,  lately  belonging. 

to  John  Veer,  late  earl  of  Oxford,  a  rebel,  and  in  the  king's  hands  through 

his  forfeiture,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

May  7.  Grant  to  Robert  Cousyn,  clerk  of  the  king's  great  wardrobe,  of  all  goods- 

Westminster,   belonging  to  the  king  by  the  forfeiture  of  Oliver  Kyng  late  of  Cambridge, 
clerk.  By  p.s^ 

Membrane  17. 

March  4.         Appointment  for  life  of  Thomas  Dowdull  as  the  king's  serjeant  at  law  in 
Westminster.    Ireland,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s, 

March  15.  Appointment  of  John  Wenlok  of  Wenlok,  knight,  as  keeper  and  governor 
Westminster,  of  Anne,  wife  of  Edmund  Hampden,  knight,  attainted  of  high  treason  by 
authority  of  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  and  all  castles, 
lordships*  manors,  lands  and  possessions  which  they  held  in  her  right, 
from  Michaelmas  last  so  long  as  they  remain  in  the  king's  hands,  lie  is 
to  appoint  and  remove  all  servants,  and  to  levy  all  rents  and  issues  and 
expend  them  on  the  sustenance  of  the  said  Anne  and  four  servants  in  her 
company  and  other  reasonable  expenses  and  to  account  to  the  king  for  the 

March  26.  Grant  for  life  in  dower  to  the  king's  kinswoman  Margaret,  duchess  of 
Westmmster.  Somerset,  fiom  Easter,  1  Edward  IV.,  of  the  lordships  and  manors  of 
Alforth,  Bumthorpe,  Wytliym,  Strnbbe  and  Connyngesholme  and  all  lands 
and  tenements  in  those  places,  late  of  Leo,  lord  Welles,  her  late  husband, 
not  exceeding  tho  yearly  value  of  120/.,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons  and 
other  appurtenances  in  the  county  of  Lincoln.  The  said  Leo  was  seised  of 
the  above  and  of  the  lordships  and  manors  of  Ellowe,  Aby,  Welles, 
Parteney,  Graynesby,  Litell  Grymesby,  Bradley  and  a  third  part  of  the 
lordsiiip  of  Skendilby,  sometime  called  Welles  part,  and  lauds  in  those 
places  and  in  Gouxill,  co.  Lincoln,  but  they  were  taken  into  the  king's  hands 
by  reason  of  an  act  of  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November.         By  p.s. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelledy  so  far  as  the  tnanors  ofBume- 
thorp  and  Strubbe  are  concerned,  because  the  king  granted  to  her  the 
manors  of  Wellezy  Graynesby^  Bradley^  Aby  and  JSkendelby  as  above 
by  letters  patent y  27  July. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelled  at  the  command  of  the  king  by 
signet  letter,  1^8  May,  8  Edu:ard  IV. 

March  28.        Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  John  Gilliet  of  the  office  of  keeper 

Westminster,   of  the  palace  and  clerk  of  the  woiks  within  the  king's  castle  of  Dublin  in 

Ireland,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

May  10.         Grant  to  George  Pilkyngton,  chaplain,  of  the  prebend  of  Arthyngton  in 
Westminster,  the  king's  chapel  of  St.  Mary  Magdalene,  Briggenoth.  By  p.s.  [918.] 

Mandate  in  pursu:mce  to  the  dean  and  chapter. 

2  EDWARD  IV.— Part  L  185 

1462.  Membrane  17 — conU 

"SivLj  5,  Grant  to  Henry  Pierpoimt,  esquire,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  bodj  of  the 

Westminster,  manor  or  lordship  of  Stavelev,  co.  Derby,  late  of  John  Clyffordy  knight, 

late  lord  of  Clyiford,  worth  12:.  yearly,  to  hold  by  fealty  and  the  accustomed 

service.  By  p.8. 

May  12.         Mandate  to  the  escheator  m  the  county  of  Surrey  for  the  restitution  of 
Westminster,  the  temporalities  of  the  monastery  of  St.  Peter,  Chertesey,   to   William 
Wroughton,  monk  of  the  cathedral  of  Winchester,  whom   W.,  bishop  of 
Winchester,  has  elected  abbot  on  the  resignation- of  Thomas  Angewyn. 
The  like  to  the  following  : — 
Hugh  Wyche,  mayor  and  escheator  of  London. 
The  escheator  in  the  county  of  Berks. 
Writ  de  intendendo  in  pursuance  to  the  tenants. 

May  16.         Grant  to  Edmund  Grosetter  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  of  all  lands, 

Westminster,  woods,   moors,   rents  and   seiTices    in    the    lordship    of    Charleton,    co. 

Northumberland,  of  which  John  Beaumniint,  rebel,  was  seised  on  30  March, 

1  Edward  IV.,  not  exceeding  the  value  of  10/.  yearly.  By  p.s. 

May  4.  General  pardon  to  Richard  Knotte  alias  Sherman  of  Exeter,  co.  Devon, 

Westminster.  *yoinan.'  By  p.8. 

MEM9RANB   16. 

May  18.         Inspeximus  and   confirmation  of  letters   patent  of  the  king's  brother 

Westminster.  George,  duke  of  Clarence,  the  king's  lieutenant  in  Ireland,  dated  16  May, 

appointing  Roland  FitzEustace,  knight,  lord  of  Portelestre,  as  his  deputy 

in  Ireland  during  his  absence.  For  \  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

May  15.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Gilys  of  the  office  of  packer  of  woollen  cloths, 
Westminster,  vessels  of  pewter,  rabbit  skins,  wool-fells,  '  thromes,'  and  other  mer- 
chandise within  the  port  of  Pole  and  in  '  crikes '  and  places  pertaining  to  it 
in  the  counties  of  Dorset  and  Wilts  and  the  port  of  Ipswich  and  *  crikes  * 
and  places  pertaining  to  it  in  the  counties  of  Suffolk  and  Essex,  with  all 
due  profits.  By  p.8. 

May  20.  Signification  to  W.,  bishop  of  Winchester,  of  the  royal  assent  to  the 

Westminster,  election  of  Dame  Joan  Brygges,  prioress  of  Romsey,  as  abbess  of  that 

May  27.         Presentation  of  John  Laceby,  chaplain,  to  the  paiish  church  of  Kelsey 
Leicester.      Marie,  in   the  diocese   of   Lincoln,  void   by   the  resignation   of  Thomas 

Pardon  to  John  Daye  of  Kyngeston  on  Hull, '  merchaunt,'  for  his  good 

irvice  to  the  king  and  the  king's  father,  and  to  Richai'd  Calton  and  Thomas 

Stanley  of  Hull,  his  sureties,  of  sums  of  20/.  and  43/.  5^.  in  which  he  was 

indebted  to   Henry   VI.   by   writings  of  obligation    dated    31    October, 

39  ileniy  VI.,  for  subsidies  of  wool  and  fells  taken  from  Hull  to  Calais. 

By  p.s.  [944.] 

May  25.         General  pardon  to  Thomas  Horn,  chaplain,  alias  clerk.  By  p.B. 

The  like  to  John   Catour  alias  Baxter  of  Ramsey,  co.  Huntingdon, 

.  *  yoman '  alias  *  wodward.'  By  p.8. 

The  like  to  Walter  Boston  alias  Botiller  alias  Baxter  alias  Baker  aliens 
Wesenham  of  Ramsey,  co.  Huntingdcn,  *  yoman.'  By  p,s. 

May  26.         The  like  to  Roger  Bigg  of  Nusted,  co.  Lircoln,  *  yoman.'  By  p.8. 


Grant  for  life,  with  the  assent  of  the  king*s  brother  George,  duke  of 
Claience^  the  king's  lieutenant  iu  Ii-eland,  to  Thomas  Baryngton  of  Trym, 
esquire,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king's  father  the  duke  of  York  and  the 
king,  of  the  office  of  second  baron  of  the  Exchequer  of  Ireland,  receiving 

May  25. 

Leicester,      service 




Maj  16. 

May  27. 

Maj  20. 


May  27. 


MeMbrane  16 — cant. 

the  accustomed  feet  from  the  issQes,  fines  and  forfeitures  of  the  county  of 
!Meath  and  the  issues  of  the  king's  manor  of  Oustelricaid  in  Irefamd.       ^' 

By  pji. 

Grant  to  John  Kyngescot,  doctor,  in  recompence  of  600/.  due  to  him 
fVom  the  king's  father  and  the  king,  of  the  temporalities  of  the  bishopric  of 
CaAitle  during  its  present  TOtdance  by  the  death  d  the  hite  bishop. 

By  p.8. 

Grant  for  life  to  William  Norbourgh  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  king's 
manor  of  Shene,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  from  11  May  last  from  me 
issues  of  the  king's  manors  of  Shene,  Petrisham  and  Hammes,  in  lieu  of  a 
grant  of  the  custody  by  letters  patent  dated  11  May,  surrendered.     By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  king's  servant  John  Wharff,  from  24  June  last,  of  the 
office  of  keeper  of  the.  king's  beds  and  other  harness  within  the  Tower  of 
London  alias  keeper  of .  the  king's  small  wardrobe  there,  receiving  the 
accustomed  fees  with  wages  of  two  grooms  under  him  from  the  issues  of 
the  counties  of  Bedford  and  Buckinghaiu,  in  the  same  manner  as  Adam 
atte  Wode.  By  p.s. 

Pardon  to  the  mayor,  sheriffs,  burgesses  and  men  of  the  town  of 
Nottingham,  for  20  years,  of  20/.  yearly  out  of  the  54/.  12«.  due  to  the 
king  from  the  farm  of  the  town.  By  pjs. 

May  27. 

May  30. 


May  29. 


Membrane  15. 

Inspeximus  of  letters  patent  dated  27  April  (see  m.  13),  being  a  grant  to 
the  king*s  kinsman  Hicliard  Neville,  earl  of  Warwick,  of  divers  castles, 
lord»bips,  manors,  and  lands ;  and  grant  to  the  said  earl  in  fee  simple  in 
lieu  of  the  above,  surrendered  and  cancelled,  of  the  manors,  lordships,  and 
towns  of  Topcliffe,  Stcrboten,  Cletop,  Bukden,  Preston,  Setill  and  Gegles- 
wike,  CO.  York,  and  all  other  lands,  rents  and  services  late  of  Henry,  earl 
of  Northumberland,  deceased,  son  of  Henry,  earl  of  Northumberland, 
deceased,  within  the  above,  and  in  Astenby  and  Cristhwaytt,  and  places 
called  Langstruath,  Langstruathdale,  Ribblesdale,  Litton  and  Littondale, 
CO.  York,  the  castles,  manors  and  lordshipn  of  Pendragon,  Burgh,  Burgham 
and  Appilby,  th^  manor  and  lordship  of  Mallerstang,  the  manor  and  lord- 
ship of  Whynfell,  co.  Westmoreland,  and  all  other  castles,  manors,  lordships, 
lands  and  possessions  late  of  John  Clyfford,  knight,  late  lord  of  Qyfford, 
in  that  county,  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Newportpanell,  co.  Buckingham, 
late  of  James,-late  earl  of  Wiltshire,  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Streynesham, 
CO.  Worcester,  late  of  John  Russell,  esquire,  and  the  king's  manors  and 
lordships  of  Morend,  co.  Northampton,  and  Atherston  and  Fulbroke,  co. 
Warwick,  with  knights'  lees,  ad  vow  sons,  return  of  writs,  courts  leet,  views 
of  frank  pledge,  parks,  warrens,  chases,  fairs,  markets,  hundreds  and  all 
other  profits  and  liberties.  By  p.s. 

Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Erdyngton,  king's  knight,  and  Jocosa  his  wife 
of  the  manor  or  lordship  of  Bordesley  by  Aston,  co.  Warwick,  late  of 
James,  late  earl  of  Wiltshire,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of 
forfeiture  in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  with  knights'  fees, 
wards,  marriages,  reliefs,  escheats,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank-pledge, 
warrens,  fisheries  and  other  profits  and  liberties,  with  all  issues  from 
4  March,  1  Edward  IV.  By  p.s. 

Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  Thomais  Grey,  one  of  the  esquires  of  the  body, 
of  the  custody  of  the  manors  or  lordships  of  Weston,  Aldenam,  Cuntyes 
and  Sparamhall  in  Necton,  co.  Norfolk,  Eriswell  and  Kydyngton,  co. 
Suffolk,  and  Habyngton,  co.  Cambridge,  late  oC  Thomas  Tudenham,  knight, 
from  the  death  of  the  latter,  with  wards,  marriages,  reliefs,  escheats,  courts 

2  EDWARD  lY.— Pabt  I. 



» .* 

May  30. 

May  29. 

Maj  28. 


Maj  11. 


Membrane  15 — cont» 

leet,  franchiaefl,  lands,  wxM>d8»  mil(B,  rea^d^.i^efvioes,  .teuea  and  profiU 
iriibont.  rendering  aaythihg  to  the  king.  Bj  K. 

Pardon  to  the  major,  bailiffs,  borgesses,  men  and  commonalty  of  the 
town  of  Northampton,  for  20  years,  of  20/.  yearly  out  of  the  180  marks  of 
the  farm  of  the  town.  By  p.s. 

Pardon  to  William  Walweyn,  monk  of  Worcester,  eUias  William,  prior 
of  Wenlok,  in  the  diocese  of  Hereford,  of  all  offences  committed  by  him 
against  the  statute  of  provisors  ;  and  grant  that  he  may  receive  and  publish 
apostolic  letters' concerning  the  priory  of  Wenlok.  By  p.s. 

Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  the  king's  knight  John  Scot,  controller  of  the 
king's  household,  of  the  custody  of  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Higham  in 
the  town  and  parish  of  Cheshun,  co.  Buckingham,  late  of  John  Veer,  earl 
of  Oxford,  from  the  death  of  the  latter,  with  courts  leet,  franchises,  lands, 
woods,  mills,  rents,  services  and  issues,  without  -  rendering  aiiything  to  the 
king.  By  p.s. 

Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  John  Haward,  knight,  of  two  tene- 
ments which  John  Merston  lately  had  of  the  grant  of  Henry  YI.  in  London, 
one  in  the  parishes  and  lanes  of  St.  Martin  Orgar  and  St.  Michael  in 
€roked  Lane,  and  the  other  in  Croked  Lane  in  the  parish  of  St.  Margaret, 
Bruggestrete,  which  tenements  the  lord  of  Bafdolf  likewise  had  of  the  grant 
of  Henry  VI.  By  p.s. 

May  16. 


May  28. 

June  3. 

May  28. 

May  30. 

Mbmbkanb  14. 

Grant  to  the  king's  servitor  Bichard  Hastynges,  esquire,  and  the  heirs 
male  of  his  body  of  the  manors  and  lordships  of  Overton  Quatermars, 
Godeby  and  Cunston,  co.  Leicester,  with  the  advowsons  of  the  churches 
there,  and  all  lands  and  possessions  Late  of  John  Beaumont,  esquire,  in  those 
places  and  in  Overton  Saucy,  Osgathorp,  Thringeston,  Worthington  and 
the  parish  of  Whitewyk,  co.  Leicester,  a  messuage  and  a  yard  of  land 
in  Hatheme,  co.  Leicester,  and  a  messuage  and  a  virgate  of  land  in  Iseley 
Walton,  CO.  Leicester,  late  of  the  same,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of 
an  act  of  forfeiture  in  Parliament  at  Wegtminster,  4  November,  with  all 
issues  from  4  March,  1  Edward  IV.,  and  the  reversion  on  the  death  of 
Elizabeth,  late  the  wife  of  the  said  John,  of  the  manors  and  lordships  of 
Little  Boudon,  co.  Northampton,  and  Winterbume  Maureward,  co.  Dorset^ 
with  the  advowson  of  the  church  of  the  latter,  and  all  lands  and  possessions 
which  she  holds  in  those  places,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  wards, 
marriages,  reliefs,  escheats,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank-pledge,  parks,  warrens, 
chuces,  fail's,  markets,  fisheries  and  other  rights.  By  p.s. 

Licence  for  the  merchants  of  the  realm  dwelling  in  the  parts  of  Holand, 
Seland,  Brabant  and  Flanders  and  other  friendly  parts  beyond  the  seas  to 
congregate  together  and  choose  certain  persons  as  their  governors,  for  the 
better  settling  of  disputes,  and  to  make  reasonable  ordinances  for  their 
governance.  By  p3. 

Grant  to  the  king's  servants  John  Fogge,  knight,  treasurer  of  the  house- 
hold, and  John  Scotte,  knight,  controller  of  the  same,  of  the  appointment 
of  the  master  of  the  house  or  hospital  of  St.  Anthony  within  the  city  of 
London  at  the  next  voidance*  By  p.s. 

Appointment  for  life  of  John  Par,  esquire,  as  sheriff  of  the  county  of 
Westmoreland.  By  K. 

Mandate  to  the  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Southampton  and  Wilts  for 
the  restitution  of  the  temporalities  of  the  monastery  of  St.  Mary,  Romsey, 
of  the  Benedictine  order,  to  Joan  Brygges,  whose  election  as  Mien  W., 




May  28. 


May  25. 

May  27. 

March  4. 

May  27. 


Membrane  14 — cofit. 

bishop  of  Winchester,  has  confirmed,  and  whose  fealty  the  king  has  ordered 
to  be  taken  by  Thomas  Forest,  clerk,  and  Maurice  Berkeley  of  Bettesthorn^ 

The  like  to  the  following  : — 

The  escheator  in  the  county  of  Gloucester. 
The  escheator  in  the  county  of  Dorset. 
Writ  de  intendendo  in  pursuance  to  the  tenants. 

Grant  for  life  to  Master  James  Fryse  of  a  messuage  called  '  le  grete  belle' 
by  le  Barbican  in  the  parish  of  St.  Botolph  in  Aldrisshegatestrete  in  the 
suburbs  of  London  with  14  other  messuages  annexed,  late  of  John  GK>umey, 
esquire,  and  Nicholas  Browne  of  the  grant  of  Henry  YI.,  to  hold  by 
homage  and  fealty  only.  By  p.s. 

Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  John  Pilkyngton,  one  of  the  esquires 
of  the  body,  of  the  herbage  and  pannage  of  the  king's  park  of  Berkhamp- 
stede,  CO.  Hertford,  and  the  mbbits  in  the  park  and  within  the  warren  of 
the  lordship  or  honour  of  Berkhampstede,  from  Michaelmas  last,  rendering 
1005.  yearly  at  the  hands  of  the  receiver  of  the  lordship.  By  p.s. 

Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  Anthony  WoddevlUe,  lord  Scales,  and  Elizabeth 
his  wife,  daughter  and  heiress  of  Thomas,  late  lord  Scales,  of  the  custody  of 
the  manor  caJled  '  le  Syche'  and  other  lands,  rents,  services,  knights*  fees 
and  advowsons  in  South  Lynne,  late  of  Thomas  Tudenham,  knight,  deceased, 
in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  his  forfeiture,  not  exceeding  the  yearly 
value  of  20/.,  without  rendering  anything  to  the  king.  By  p.s. 

Appointment  of  Robert  Berne  wall,  knight,  for  his  good  service  to  the 
king's  father  in  his  last  journey  in  Ireland,  as  one  of  the  barons  of  Parlia- 
ment in  Ireland,  to  hold  in  tail  male,  by  the  name  of  lord  and  baron  of 
Trymletiston  and  one  of  the  king's  council  there,  with  fees  of  10/.  yearly 
for  life  from  the  fee  farm  of  Chapel izod  and  Salmon  Leap  at  the  hands  of 
the  prior  and  brethren  of  the  Hospital  of  St.  John  of  Jeru»ilem  in  Ireland. 

By  p.8. 

Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  John  Trebon,  one  of  the  clerks  of  the 
king's  chapel,  to  the  custody  of  a  place  by  Bysshoppesgate  in  the  parish  of 
All  Hallows  in  the  Wall  in  the  city  of  London,  lately  belonging  to  the  earl 
of  Oxford,  a  rebel,  with  the  fees  and  profits.  By  p.s.  [939.] 

May  14. 


June  16. 

May  14. 


May  18. 


May  18. 

May  16. 


Mbmbranb  13. 

Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  John  Gcrvays  as  controller  of  the  great 
and  petty  custom,  the  subsidy  of  wools,  hides  and  wool-fells,  and  the  subsidy 
of  the  Zs.  in  the  tun  and  12^.  in  the  pound  in  the  port  of  Jarncmouth  and 
poi-ts  and  places  adjacent,  provided  that  he  execute  the  office  in  person. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer* 

The  like  of  the  following  in  the  ports  named  : — 
John  Wykes  in  the    port  of   Bishops  Lynn  and  ports  and   places 
adjacent.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Giles  Dacre  in  the  port  of  Poole  and  ports  and  places  adjacent. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Daniel   Sheldon   in  the   port  of  Briggewater  and  ports  and  places 
adjacent.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

John  Showte  in  the  ports  of  Plimmouth  and  Fowey  and  ports  and 
place.'}  adjacent.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

John  Dunne  in  the  port  of  Bristol  and  ports  and  places  adjacent. 

By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

2  EDWAKD  IV— Pakt  L  189 

1462.  Membrane  13— con^ 

Maj  15.  William  Hattecljrff  in  the  port  of  Ipswich  and  ports  and  places  adjacent. 

Wettminstcr.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Maj  13.         Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  John  Beaufitz  as  receiver  of  the  king's 

Westminster,   lordship  and  forest  of  Fekenham,  co.  Worcester,  from  the  fir&t  daj  of  the 

reign,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

May  10.  Grant  to  the  king's  servant  John  Feryby,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown 
Westminster,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king's  father  and 
the  king,  of  a  house  in  Kyngeston  on  Hull  in  the  parish  of  St.  Mary,  lately 
l)elonging  to  the  earl  of  Northumberland,  not  exceeding  the  value  of  40;. 
yearly,  in  the  king's  hands  by  authority  of  an  act  in  Parliament  at  West- 
minster, 4  November.  By  p.s. 

May  16.  Exemplification,  at  the  request  of  John  Johnson,  of  (1)  the  enrolment  of 
Westminster,  a  writing  of  John  Kirkeby,  citizen  and  clothier  of  London,  dated  10  Sep- 
tember, 38  Henry  VI.,  being  a  grant  to  Thomas  Croxton, '  gentilmao,' 
William  Panell  the  elder  of  Glemmesford,  co.  Suffolk,  ^  yoman,'  and  John 
Johnson,  citizen  and  butcher  of  London,  their  executors  and  assigns,  of  all 
his  goods ;  and  (2)  the  enrolment  of  a  memorandum  that  he  appeared  in 
Choncery  at  Westminster  on  that  day  and  acknowledged  the  above. 

April  27.  Grant  in  fee  simple  to  the  king's  kinsman  Bichard  Neville,  earl  of  War- 

Westminster,  wick,  of  the  manors  or  lordships  of  Topclyffe,  Ryddysdale,  Rybblesddale  and 
Langstrothe  Dale,  co.  York,  late  of  Henry,  late  earl  of  Northumberland,  the 
castle,  manor  and  lordship  of  Pendragon,  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Mailer- 
stang,  the  castles,  manors  and  lordships  of  Burgh  and  Appulby,  the  manor, 
lordship  and  park  of  Wyngfeld,  the  castle,  manor  and  lordship  of  Burgham, 
CO.  Westmoreland,  and  all  other  castles^  lordships,  manors,  lands,  rents  and, 
services  in  that  county  late  of  John  Clifford,  knisht,  late  lord  of  Clifford, 
the  manor  or  lordship  of  Newport  Panell,  co.  Buckingham,  late  of  James, 
enrl  of  Wiltshire,  and  the  manor  or  lordship  of  Streyuesham,  co.  Worcester, 
late  of  John  Bossell,  esquire,  in  the  king's  hmids  by  reason  of  an  act  of 
forfeiture  in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  and  the  king's  manor, 
or  lordships  of  Morend,  co.  Northampton,  and  Atheeston  and  Fulbrokc,  co. 
Warwick,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank  pledge, 
parks,  warrens,  fairs,  markets,  hundreds  and  all  other  profits.  By  p.s. 

June  4.  General    pardon    to    Alice    Passelewe    alias    Passhelewe   of  London, 

Westminster.    *  wedowe.'  By  p.s. 

March  11.        Grant  to  Robert  Dauncy  of  the  office  of  feodary  of  all  castles,  manors, 
Westmintitcr.   lands,  knights'  fees  and  services  late  of  John,  late  earl  of  Oxford,  in  the 
counties  of  £ssex,  Suffolk,  Norfolk,  Cambridge,  Hertford  and  Middlesex,  so 
long  as  they  remain  in  the  king's  hands,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees. 

By  p.s. 

May  18.  Pardon  to  Roger  Garnet,   late  of   Wybbunbury,  co.  Chester,  *yoman,' 

Westminster,  for  all  treasons,  felonies,  trespasses  and  contempts  committed  by  him,  and  of 

any  consequent  outlawry.  By  p.s. 

June  8.  Licence  for  Katharine  Micliell,   nun  of  St.  Gary's,  Higham,  and   the 

Westminster,  convent  of  that  place  to  elect  a  prioress  in  the  place  of  Isabel  Wade, 

Membranes  \2andl\. 

May  8.  InsptximuM  and  confirmation  to  the  mayor,  bailiffs  imd  commonalty  of  the 

Westminster,   city  of  Winchester  of  the  following  : — 

1.  Letters  patent  dated  10  March,  17  Henry  VL,  inspecting  and  con- 
confirming  a  charter  dated  Westminster,  25  November,  3  Henry  IV. 
[^Charter  Roily  3  aa</4  Henry  IV.  No.  S^]  inspecting  and  con- 
firm-ng  a  charter  dated  Westminster,   6   May,    10  Edward    II L 


1462.  Membranes  12  and  ll-^^canL 

l[Ckarter  Roll^  iO  Edward  II I^  No.  37,]  inspecting  and  confinnip^ 
a  cEarter  dated  Nottiugham,  5  Maj,  1  Edward  III.  inspecting  and 
confirming  the  following  : — 

(1.)  A  charter  of  Henry  If.  dated  at  Salisburj. 
-     (2.)  Another  charter  of  Kenrj  II.  dated  at  Salisbury. 

^3.)  A    charter  dated    Westminster,  20    Jane,    18  Edward  I. 
inspecting  and  confirming  a   charter  dated  Westminster,  4 
May,  11  Henry  III.  {Charter  RoUy  11  Henry  III,  p.  1,  m.  5,] 
2.  Letters  patent  dated  7  June,  20  Henry  YI.  being  a  grant  to  them  oi 
chattels  of  felons,  fugitives  and  outlaws,  waifs,  fines  and  amerce- 
ments, and  execution  of  writs  within  the  city  and  liberty,  and  licence 
for  them  to  choose  four  aldeimen  who  with  the  mayor  shall  be 
justices  of  the  peace,  and  of  oyer  and  terminer,  within  those  limits; 
provided  that  this  shall  not  be  to  the  prejudice  of  the  king's  uncle, 
Henry,  cardinal  of  England,  bishop  of  Winchester,  and  the  convent 
of  the  cathedral.  By  5  marks  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Membrane  \\-^-<ont. 

May  18.  Pardon  to  John  Fletcher  of  Nottingham,  'fietcher,'  of  the  trespasses  and 

WeBtmioBter.  felony  of  which  he  was  convicted  before  Robert  Clifton,  knight,  Robert 
Strelley,  knight,  Richard  Willughby  and  Thomas  Nevill  of  Southleverton, 
justices  of  the  peace  in  the  county  of  Nottingham,  and  for  which  he  was 
condemned  to  be  hanged,  viz.,  that  on  Monday  after  the  Epiphany,  1^ 
Edward  IV.  he  lay  in  ambush  with  others  ^at  Arnall,  co.  Nottingham, 
to  kill  Richard  Webster  and  Agnes  his  wife  and  assaulted  and  robbed  them 
of  83^.  4c/. ;  on  information  that  he  was  in  no  way  guilty.  By  p.s. 

June  4.       .    Grant  for  life  to   Hugh  Amory    of   the  ofiice  of  usher   of  the  king's 
Westminster,   excliange  within  the  Tower  of  London,  receiving  fees  as  in  the  time  of 
Edtvard  III.  at  the  hands  of  the  keeper  of  the  exchange,  with  all  other 
accustomed  profits.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelled^  because  the  king  granted  the  office 
to  Hugh  Brice  and  James  Bricefor  lifeby  otJier  letters  patenty  \b  February^ 
11  Edward  IV. 

June  23.         Grant  to  William  Hasty nges  of  Hasty nges,   knight,  of    full  power  to 
"VVestminster.   receive  persons  into  the  king's  grace  at  his  discretion.  By  K. 

June  15.         Appointment  for  life  of  the  king's  servant  John  Burghchier,  knight,  as 

Westminster,  steward  of  all  lordships,  manors  and  lands  of  the  king's  honour  and  lordship 

of  Richemound  in  the  county  of  Norfolk,  receiving  10/.  yearly  for  his  fee 

from  the  issues  of  the  same,^  with  all  accustomed  profits.  By  p,8. 

July  3.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  knight  John  Asteley,  in  recompense  of  his 

Westminster,  great  losses  sustained  in  the  king's  service  and  for  the  sustentation  of  the 
order  of  the  Garter,  of  an  annuity  of  40/.  from  the  issues  of  the  manor  of 
Heightisberj.  co.  Wilts,  lately  belonging  to  Robert  Molyns,  late  lord 
Hungerford,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of  attaint  in  Parliament 
at  Westminster,  4  November,  1  Edward  IV.  ^vith  power  of  distraint  if 
payment  be  deferred  twenty  days.  By  p.s.  f 986.] 

Sept.  11.  Grant  to  Peter  Ardern,  knight,  one  of  the  justices  of  the  Bench,  for  the 
Westminster,  better  maintenance  of  his  estate,  of  110  marks  yearly  at  the  hands  of  the 
keeper  of  the  hanaper  or  the  customers  in  the  ports  of  London,  Bristol 
and  Kyngeston  on  Hull,  according  to  the  form  of  an  act  in  Parliament  at 
Westminster,  18  Henry  VI.  and  IO65.  11;^^.  and  the  sixth  part  of  ^c?. 
yearly  at  Christmas  for  a  furred  robe  and  66*.  6rf.  yearly  at  Whitsuntide 
for  a  lined  robe,  at  the  hands  of  the  same. 

2  EDWARD  lY.— Part  L  14H 

1462.  Membrane  10. 

June  11.        Grant  for  life  to  the  \dng*h  servitor  John  Browne,  rider  6£  the  forest  of 
WestmioBier.  Morff,  co.  Salop,  of  4d.  daily  from  the  issues  of  tlte  king's  mills  of  Pendle* 
ston,  CO.  Salop,  at  the  hands  of  the  bailiffs  of  Bruggenorth.     By  p.s.  [977.] 
. ,         Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  said  bailiffs. 

Ju3)e  11,     •    Grant  for  life  to  Henry  Torkyngton  of  two  messaageeon  the  hitbe-ealled 

Wettminster.   <  le  Tourewharf '  by  the  city  uf  London,  whereof  one  end  abuts  on  the  river 

Thames  to  the  south,  a  parcel  of  land  on  the  said  '  Tourewhflrf,'  40  feet 

>  t     long  by  20  feet  broad,  on  which  Robert  Cony, '  joynor,'  deceased,  built  a  now 

^mimsion,  a  ehsap  opposite  the  said  parcel  of  land  between  the  ditch  of  the 

Tower  and  the  highway  on  the  wharf  with   a  newly   built  mansion,   a 

messuage  on  the  said  wharf  in  which  John  Elyngham,  deceased,  lately 

dwelt,  with  a  garden  adjacent,  LOO  feet  broad  from  the  great  west  entranqe 

and  the  office  of  the  keeper  of  the  king's  tents  (tentariarum)  to  the  eastern 

end  of  the  garden  and  3  standard  paces  {pas»us  (usise)  long,  and  all  other 

messuages  in  the  king's  hands  on  the  said  wharf  with  gardens  and  vacant 

plaoes  from  the  door  of  the  Tower  by  the  hospital  of  §t.  Katharine  to  the 

door  of  the  Tower  on  the  south  called  *  le  postern,'  to  the  value  of  10  marks 

yearly,  answering  at  the  Exchequer  ibr  any  surplus.  By  p.8» 

June  IS.  Declaration  to  all  admirals  and  others  that  Robert  de  Lynton,  bachelor 
Westminster,  of  either  law,  who  was  born  at  the  town  of  Jedworth  on  the  marches  of 
Scotland  which  at  that  time  was  part  of  the  realm  of  England,  and  who 
has  since  his  youth  remained  in  England  and  beyond  seas  at  his  studies,  is 
a  true-bom  subject  of  the  king,  notwithstanding  that  the  said  town  has  since 
been  occupied  by  the  Scots. 

May  30.  Grant  for  life  to  Ralph,  lord  of  Sudeley,  of  4  bucks  in  summer  and  6  doea 

NoithamptoD.  iu  winter  within  the  king's  park  of  Wodestoke.  By  K. 

Jane  20.         Mandate  to  all  bailiffs  and  others  to  permit  David  Lyndesaye,  a  native  of 

Westminster.  Dunde  in  Scotland,  staying  at  Redyng  within  the  realm  of  England,  wha 

has  taken  an  oath  of  fealty,  to  inhabit  the  realm  peaceably  for  his  life  and 

enjoy  his  goods.  By  p.s.. 

May  30.         General  pardon  to  William  Okyngden  of  the  parish  of  Slaugham,  co. 
Leicester.      Sussex,  *  yoman.*  By  K* 

May  6.  Gi  ant  in  fee  simple  to  John  Fogge,  knight,  treasurer  of  the  king's  house- 

Westminster,  hold,  of  the  manor  of  Hothfeld,  co.  Kent,  late  of  Thomas,  late  lord  of  Roos, 
in  the  king's  hands  by  his  forfeiture,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsone,  wards, 
marriages,  reliefs,  escheats,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank  pledge,  parks,  fairs, 
markets,  fisheries  and  all  other  profits.  By  p.s. 

^larch  20.  Grant  to  Richard  the  abbot,  and  the  convent  of  Peterborough,  of  goods 
Westminster,  of  felons,  fugitives  and  outlaws  within  their  hundreds  of  Nassoburgh,  Poke- 
broke,  Hokeslowe  and  Navesford,  co.  ISforthampton,  and  all  other  their 
hundreds,  manors,  and  possessions  in  the  counties  of  Northampton, 
Huntingdon,  Lincoln,  Leicester,  Nottingham  and  Rutland,  deodands,  wreck 
of  sea,  treasuie  trove,  evasions  and  escapes,  fines,  forfeitures  and  amerce- 
ments, and  all  other  liberties  granted  to  them  by  former  kings.  They  shall 
also  have  the  delivery  of  the  king's  gaol  of  Peterborough,  provided  that 
one  of  the  justices  of  the  peace  in  the  county  of  Northampton  or  a  person 
skilled  iu  law  be  one  of  the  commissioners  appointed  by  them. 

By  p.s.  [889.] 

July  28.  John  Chadworth,    clerk,  staying   beyond  seas,  has  letters  nominating 

Westminster.  Richard  Ewen,  clerk,  and  William  Chadworth  his  attorneys  for  one  year. 

Membrane  9. 

July  4.  Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  John  Harper  ond  William  Weldon  as 

Westminster,  auditors  of  the  accounts  of  all  chamberlain?,  sheriffs,  escheators,  bailiffs  and 


1462.  Membrane  9 — cont, 

other  ministers  of  the  kiag  in  South  and  North  Wales  and  the  counties  of 
Chester  and  Fijntes,  receiving  sach  fees  as  John  Gerjn  and  John  Somer 
lately  had.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

July  5.  Licence,  for  40«.  paid  in  the  hanapcr,  for  Henry  de  la  Pomeray,  esquire, 

Westminster,  to  grant  to  Seyntdere  de  la  Pomeray  and  Katharine  his  wife,  and  his 
heirs  in  fee  simple  his  manor  of  "Stokelegh  Pomeray,  co.  Devon,  held 
in  chief. 

July  7.  General  pardon  to  Matilda  Eton  of  Hafves,  co.  (Houcester,  ^  gentilwomau,* 

Westminster,  of  all  offences  committed  by  her  before  29  June,  and  of  her  waiver  for  the 

June  24.         Jnspeximui  and  confirmation  to  the  prior  and  provincial  chapter  of  the 

Westminster,  order  of  Friars  Preachers  in  the  realm  of  letters  patent  dated  22  February, 

8  Eichard  II.  inspecting  and  confirming  letters  patent  dated  3  April,  51 

Edward  III.  being  a  grant  to  them  of  20/.  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  that  they 

may  celebrate  the  anniversary  of  queen  Philippa. 

For  20«.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

•  March  16.  Grant  in  frank  almoin  to  Thomas  Buxale,  the  master,  and  the  fellows  of 
Westminster,  the  king's  college  of  Fodrynghey  of  a  tun  of  red  wine  of  Gascony  yearly  in 
the  port  of  London  about  Christmas  for  the  celebration  of  daily  mass,  for 
ministering  the  holy  sncrtvment  at  any  time  and  for  their  sustenance,  and  of 
4  acres  of  arable  land,  a  lime  kiln  ('  kelle')  and  a  house  adjacent  within  the 
town  of  Wodeneweton.  By  p.s.  [887.] 

June  28.         Grant  to  l^obert  Constable,  knight,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body,  of  all 

Weiktminster.  lands,  rents  and  services  late  of  Thomas,  late  lord  Roos,  in  the  parish  of 

Goxhill,  CO.  Lincoln,  not  exceeding  the  value  of  10/.  yearly,  forfeited  because 

of  the  appearance  of  the  latter  in  the  battles  against  the  king  near  Shirbourne, 

CO.  York.  By  p.s. 

July  10.         Pardon  to  the  king's  servitor  Nicholas  Gaynesford,  esquire,  late  sheriff  of 

l^orthampton.  Surrey  and  Sussex,  of  all  offences,  trespasses,  forfeitures,  fines,  reliefs,  debts 

and  accounts.  By  p.s. 

July  11.  Grant  to  Roger  Vaghan,  esquire,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  of  the 
^Northampton,  manor  of  Bosennef  Hele  alias  Bosenneshele  in  the  parish  of  Dedishome  and 
the  manor  of  Parehame,  co.  Devon,  and  all  lands,  rents  and  services  in  those 
places  late  of  Baldwin  Fulford,  knight,  aud  the  manor  of  Godney  in  the  parish 
of  Canynton,  the  manor  of  Otertowne  and  the  manor  of  Wendowne  in  the 
parish  of  Durley,  co.  Somerset,  the  manor  of  Kyngestowne,  co  Dorset,  and 
all  lands,  rents  and  services  in  those  places  late  of  Alexander  Hody,  knight, 
in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  their  forfeitures  and  an  act  in  Parliament 
at  Westminster,  4  November,  with  knight's  fees,  advowsons,  courts  leet, 
views  of  frank  pledge,  warrens,  fairs,  markets  and  all  other  profits,  with  all 
issues  from  4  November,  to  the  value  of  119/.  13*.  4d,  yearly,  answering  at 
the  Exchequer  for  the  surplus.  By  p.s. 

July  12.  Grant  in  fee  simple  to  the  king's  servant  John  Wenlok,  knight,  lord  of 

Northampton.  Wenlok,  of  all  lordships,  manors,  lands,  rents  and  services  with  knight's  fees 
and  advowsons  late  of  John  Fortescue,  knight,  in  the  counties  of  Middlesex 
and  Hertford  and  elsewhere  within  Ihe  realm  and  the  reversion  of  the  manor 
of  Eburton,  co.  Gloucester,  on  the  death  of  Joeosa  Grevill  alias  Beauchampe, 
widow,  belonging  to  the  king  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of  the  said  John 
Fortescue.  By  K. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelled ^  because  on  3  February,  8 
Edward  IV,  the  king  by  writ  of  privy  seal  ordered  Robert y  bishop  of 
Bath  and  Wells,  chancellor,  and  Robert  Kirkeham,  keeper  of  the  rolls  of 
Chancery,  to  receive  the  same  from  the  said  John,  by  John  Holme, 

July  1 1 .  Restitution  of  the  temporalities  of  the  priory  of  Wenlok,  in  the  diocese  of 

l^orthamptoD.  Hereford,  to  Dan  Roger  Wenlok,  whom  John  Chambellain,  prior  of  Ste. 

2  EDWARD  IV.— Part  L  193 

1462*  Menibratie  9— con^. 

Marie,  Charity  sar  Loire,  of  the  Claniac  order,  in  the  diocese  of  Anxerre 
{Autisnodoren')f  has  appointed  prior  in  the  place  of  Roger  Barrej,  deceased, 
and  whose  fealty  John,  abbot  of  Lilleshill,  has  taken.  By  p.s. 

July  13.         Pardon  to  Thomas  Darell  late  of  London,  alias  Thomas  Dorell  late  of 

Noithompton.  Plecy,  gentleman,  of  all  felonies  and  trespasses  committed  by  him  before 

6  July,  and  of  any  consequent  outlawry.  By  p.s. 

Mbmbranr  8. 

July  5.  Revocation  of  protection    with  clause  volumus^  for  one  year,  granted 

Westminster.  18  December  by  letters  patent  to  Henry  Silver  of  London,  '  merbhaunt,' 
going  on  the  king's  service  in  the  company  of  the  king's  kinsman  Richard, 
earl  of  Warwick,  great  chamberlain  of  England,  captain  of  the  town  and 
castle  of  Calais,  on  the  safe  custody  and  victualling  of  the  same  and  the 
marches  there ;  because  he  delays  in  London,  as  George  Ireland  and  John 
Lok,  sheriffs,  have  certified. 

July  15.         Grant  for  life  to  John  Maners,  esquire,  of  the  office  of  MaSwanherd' 

Westminster,  within  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  with  fees  as  in  the  times  of 

Edward  III.  and  Richard  II,  By  p.s. 

July  12.         The  like  to  John  Broune  of  Bristol,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king  and 

Westminster,  his  father,  of  the  office  of   customer  in  the  ports  of  Corke,  Yoghle  and 

Kensale  in  Ireland  and  all  ports,  creeks  and  places  belonging  to  them,  with 

the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

June  1.  Appointment  of  the  king's  kinsman  Henry,  earl  of  Essex,  and  the  king's 

Westminster,  aunt  Isabel,  countess  of  Essex,  his  consort,  and  the  heirs  of  the  body  of  the 
latter,  to  the  custody  of  the  lordships  -or  |manors  of  vHongham  Castle, 
Hengham  Sibille,  Greyes,  Gelham  cUia$  Yeldeham,  Colne,  Croppyng,  Canfeld 
Magna,  Staiistede  Mountefichette,  Bentley,  Bemond  alias  Beaumont, 
Duddynghurst,  Fyngrith  and  Blakmore,  co.  Essex,  and  Hengston,  co. 
Cambridge,  late  of  John,  late  earl  of  Oxford,  in  the  king's  hands  by  his 
forfeiture,  with  advowsons,  knights'  fees,  wards,  marriages,  courts  leet, 
liberties,  escheats,  parks,  warrens,  chaces,  fairs,  markets,  hundreds  and  all 
other  profits,  so  long  as  they  remain  in  the  king's  hands.  By  p.B. 

July  18.         Presentation  of  John  Walter  to  the  parish  church  of  Laneham,  in  the 
Westminster,  diocese  of  Norwich,  void  by  the  resignation  of  George  Vene.  By  K. 

July  22.  Grant  to  the  king's  kinsmen  George,  bishop  of  Exeter,  and  John,  earl  of 

Westminster.  Worcester,  of  all  goods  and  debts  lately  belonging  to  Henry,  late  duke  of 
Exeter,  husband  of  the  king's  sister  Anne,  for  her  use.      {^Fcedera.] 


July  12.  Grant  to  John  Fogge,  knight,  treasurer  of  the  king's  household,  and  his 
Northampton,  heirs  and  assigns  ot  the  custody  of  the  manors  of  Flete  alias  Ratburgh, 
CO.  Kent,  Cawmpes,  co.  Cambridge,  and  Laugdon  and  Crustwich,  co.  Essex, 
late  of  John  de  Voer,  late  t»arl  of  Oxford,  in  the  king's  hands  by  his 
forfeiture,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  wards,  marriages,  reliefe,  escheats, 
courts  leet,  views  of  frank  pledge,  parks,  fairs,  markets,  fisheries  and  all 
other  profits,  from  the  death  of  the  said  earl  so  long  as  they  remain  in  the 
king's  hands.  By  K« 

July  12.  Grant  for  life  to  Edmund  Molyneux,  esquire,  of  the  16/.  16*.  lOW. 

Northampton,  yearly  which  the  abbot  and  monks  of  Hayles  rendet  at  the  Exchequer  for 
the  fee  farm  of  Pynnokshire.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  said  abbot  and  monks. 

Sept.  6.  Appointment,  until  B  March,  of  Richard  Jeny,  serrant  of  the  ofilce  of 

Wettminftcr.   the  buyer  of  the  king's  household,  to  buy  oxen,  sheep,  calves  and  sea  and 

fresh  water  fish  and  other  necessaries  for  that  office,  and  to  find  carriage  for 

the  same^  By  bill  of  the  treaaurer  of  the  houseiiold. 

»    86914,  31 


1462.  Membrane  S^^co7it, 

The  like  of  Bobert  Goode,  yeoman  buyer  of  the  household. 

Bj  bill  of  the  treasurer  of  the  household. 

Sept.  11.  General  pardon  to  Richard  Palmer,  *gentilman,*  Thomas  Grace,  *habijr- 

Westminster.  dassher,'  Simon  Williamson,  *  boucher,'  Robert  Alove,  *  mason,'  Thomas 
Voyche,*husboiidman,*  John  BaiUy,*hostiler,'  Thomas  Wright,* husbondman,' 
Stephen  Axstode,  *  husbundeman,'  John  Joye,  *  husbondman,' Thorn  as  Fynne, 
*  husbundeman,'  James  Grubbe,  ^  husbondman/  William  Kensale,  *  husbunde- 
man,'  John  Donet,  '  ehipman,'  Richard  Barowe,  '  husbundeman,'  William 
Hemes, '  dier,'  and  William  Couper  alias  Euston, '  husbundeman,'  all  of 
Dover.  By  p.s. 

May  1.  Commission  to  Thomas,  archbishop  of  Canterbury,  to  be  in  the  king's 

WestminBter.  place  at  Westminster  on  6  May  and  to  dissolve  the  Parliament  begun  on 
4  November,  as  the  king  will  be  unable  to  be  present  in  person. 

Byp.s.  [919.] 

Membrane  7. 

June  28.        Grant  for  life  to  John  Parker  of  Nethwode,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the 

Westminster,  crown,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king's  father  and  the  king,  of  6d.  daily 

for  his  wages  fi*om  the  farm  and  issues  of  the  town  of  Hereford  from 

Michaelmas  last.  By  p.s. 

June  30.         Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  mayor,  ^customers,  receivers,  bailifFs  or  other 

Westminster,  occupiers  of  the  town. 

July  2.  Signification  to  J.  bishop  of  Rochester  of  the  royal  absent  to  the  election 

Westminster,  of  Margaret  Boteler,  nun  of  St.  Mary's,  Higham,  of  the  Benedictine  order,  as 
prioress  of  that  place. 

July  2.  Revocation   of  protection  with  clause  volumus^  for    one  year,   lately 

Westminster,  granted  by  letters  patent  to  Philip  Neele  late  of  London,  *  gentilman,'  alias 
*pulter'  alias  *yoman,*  going  on  the  king's  service  in  the  company  of 
John  Wode,  esquire,  victualler  of  the  town  and  castle  of  Calais,  for  the 
safe-custody  and  victualling  of  the  same  and  the  marches  there  in  the  parts 
of  Picardy ;  because  he  delays  at  Rumford  and  elsewhere  in  the  county  of 
Essex,  as  appears  by  certificate  of  the  sheriff. 

July  12.  Exemption  for  life  of  John  Chiksand  of  Huntyngdon, '  yoman/  on  account 

Westminster,  of  his  age  and  infirmity,  from  being  put  on  assizes,  juries,  attaints,  recog- 
nieances  or  inquisitions,  and  from  being  made  trier  of  the  same,  mayor, 
escheator,  sheriff*,  coroner,  bailiff,  constable,  controller,  collector,  assessor, 
taxer  or  surveyor  of  tenths,  fifteenths  or  other  subsidy,  arrayer  or  trier  of 
men  at  arms,  hobelers  or  archers,  or  other  officer  or  minister  of  the  king 
against  his  will.  By  K. 

June  20.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Amy  as,  chaplain,  that  he  shall  be  the  priest  or 
Westminster,  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  within  the  king's  manor  of  Eltham,  co. 
Kent,  and  to  pray  for  the  king  and  his  progenitors,  receiving  10  marks 
yearly  from  4  March  last  for  his  stipend  from  the  issues  of  the  manor  in 
the  same  manner  as  John  Sweteman  of  Pencriche,  chaplain  in  the  time  of 
Edward  IIL  with  a  house  and  garden  in  the  manor  where  John  Hanxton, 
late  priest,  dwelt.  By  p.s. 

May  18.  Exemplification,  at  the  request  of  John  Aleyn  late  of  London,  mercer, 

Westminster,  of  letters  patent,  which  have  been  lost,  dated  24  October,  39  Henry  VI., 
being  a  panlon  to  him  of  outlawry. 

July  28.  Ratification  of  the  estate  which  Richard  ap  Tudur  ap  Jerum  has  as 

Westminster,  parson  of  the  parish  church  of  Llanrayudur  in  Kynmerch,  in  the  diocese  of 

July  30.  Licence,  for  &ve  years,  for  Galias  de  Lune,  William  Marynere  and  Simon 

Westminster.  Spert  to  mine  within  the  counties  of  Somerset  and  Gloucester  for  lead,  tin 

2  EDWARD  IV.— Part  I.  195 

1462.  Membrane  7 — cont. 

or  copper  ore  in  which  silver  or  gold  may  be  had,  yielding  to  the  king 
every  eighth  *  boUe '  of  ore,  and  to  make  mills  and  take  workmen  as  they 
require.     English.  Bj  p.s.  [1015.J 

July  30.  Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  the  king's  kinsman  William,  earl  of 

Westminster.   Kent,  as  admiral  of  England.     [Iwdera.] 

Aug.  18.         Grant,  during   pleasure,  to  John  Weulok  of  Wenlok,   knight,  of  the 

Wdstminster.   custody  of  all  manors,  lands  and  possessions  within  the  counties  of  Norfolk 

and  Suffolk  and  elsewhere  within  the  realm  late  of  Thomas  Tudenham, 

knight,  and  in  the  king's  hands  by  his  forfeiture,  excepting  the  manors  of 

Eriswell  and  Elvedeu,  co.  Suffolk,  with  advowsons  and  all  other  profits. 

Membrane  6. 

May  3.  Grant  to  the  king's  servant,  Thomas  Blount,  esquire,  and  the  heirs  male 

Westminster,  of  his  body,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king  and  his  father  Richard,  duke 
of  York,  of  the  manor  of  Melton  Roos  and  all  lands,  rents  and  services  in 
Melton,  Elsham,  Wrawby,  Glaunford  Brigg,  Wotton  and  Burneham,  co, 
Lincoln,  late  of  Thomas  Boos,  lord  of  Roos,  knight,  and  all  lands,  rents 
and  services  in  Lyndewode,  co.  Lincoln,  called '  Bayhous  Fee '  late  of  William, 
late  viscount  Beaumont,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  their  forfeitures, 
with  warrens,  franchises,  views  of  frank  pledge  and  other  libeities,  to  the 
value  of  40  marks  yearly.  By  p.s. 

May  1.  Grant  in  fee  simple  to  the  king's  servitor  Ralph  Hast^nges,  esquire  of 

Westminster,  the  body,  of  the  manor  or  lordship  of  Great  Herowdon  with  the  hamlets  of 
Little  Herowdon,  Orlynbere  and  Isham,  the  manor  of  Wilby,  the  manor 
and  lordship  of  Horpoll  and  all  lands  and  possessions  in  Barton,  Dodyngton, 
Wenlyngburgh  and  Norhampton,  co.  Northampton,  the  manors  and  lord- 
ships of  Lathebury  and  Stontonbarry  and  all  lands  and  possessions  in 
Stukeley,  Chelmescote  and  Cublyngton,  co.  Buckingham,  with  the  advowson 
of  the  church  of  Cublyngton,  the  manors  and  lordships  of  Chevyngton  and 
Carletdn,  co.  Bedford,  and  all  lands  and  possessions  in  Clopham  and  Ocley, 
CO.  Bedford,  Shelford,  Lode,  Bottesham,  Swhapham,  Stokequy  and  New- 
market, CO.  Cambridge,  and  Marcham,  co.  Berks,  and  the  manors  and 
lordships  of  Napton,  co.  Warwick,  and  Shankton,  co.  Leicester,  late  of 
William  Yaux,  knight,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of  forfeiture 
in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons, 
wards,  marriages,  reliefs,  escheats,  courts  leet,  views  of  ftank -pledge,  parks, 
woods,  warrens,  chaces,  fairs,  markets,  fisheries  aad  all  other  profits,  with  all 
issues  from  4  March,  1  Edward  IV.  By  p.s. 

May  6.  Grant  to  the  king's  kinsman  John  Neville,  knight,  lord  Montague,  and 

Westminster,  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  of  the  manors  of  Wyrmyngey  and  Matsall,  co. 
Norfolk,  Holoughton,  co  Leicester,  and  Shelford,  Stokebardolf  and  Beddyng, 
CO.  Nottingham,  the  manor  or  lordship  of  Hellowe,  co.  Lincoln,  and  the 
manors  of  Wylbay  and  Stroweteby,  with  advowsons,  knight's  fees,  courts, 
markets,  fairs,  leets,  views  of  frank  pledge  and  other  commodities,  in  the 
king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  March 
{sic)y  1  Edward  IV.,  and  all  issues  of  the  same  from  4  March,  1  Edward  IV. 

By  p.s. 

May  12.  Whereas  Henry  IV.  in  the  6th  year  of  his  reign  by  mainprise  of  Ralph 
Westminster.  Barton  and  Thomas  Counstable  granted  to  Thomas  Sy  the  custody  of  ^a 
messuage  in  Leicester  late  of  John  Hodynges  of  Leicester,  in  his  hands  for 
964/.  8^.  O^d,  required  from  Thomas  Botiller  and  the  said  John  from  the 
issues  of  the  customs  in  the  port  of  Kyngeston  on  Hull,  so  long  as  it 
remained  in  his  hands,  rendering  6s.  Sd.  yearly  at  the  Exchequer,  and  the 
said  Thomas  Sy  has  died,  the  king  now  grants  the  same  as  above  to  Richard 

N  2 


1462.  Membrane  6 — conU 

Chambre  from  Christmas  last  by  mainprise  of  Richard  Preston  of  Querndony 
CO.  Leicester,  gentleman,  and  Bartholomew  Kendale  of  London,  gentleman, 
provided  that  he  supports  all  charges  and  repairs.  By  p.s. 

July  1.  •  Whereas  Henry  Percy  by  letters  patent,  which  Edward  I.  confirmed  in 
Westminster,  the  31st  year  of  his  reign,  granted  to  John  de  Henton,  the  prior,  and  the 
convent  of  Sixhill  all  lands,  rents  and  services  of  his  fee  in  Ludford,  co« 
Lincoln,  quit  of  all  secular  exaction  and  demand,  saving  .8  marks  yearly 
from  the  above  called  '  Percyfee,*  and  it  appeared  by  an  inquisition  taken 
at  Horneca*<tre,  co.  Lincoln,  29  November,  10  Henry  IV.  before  Henry 
Morley,  escheator  in  the  county,  that  Henry  Percy,  then  earl  of  Northum- 
berland, was  seised  in  his  demesne  as  of  fee  of  the  said  rent,  and  it  was 
taken  into  the  kind's  hands  by  reason  of  his  forfeiture,  the  king  now  releases 
the  said  rent  to  Richard  Wakefeld,  the  prior,  and  the  convent,  as  all  tlie 
lands  and  possessions  of  the  priory  for  the  sustenance  of  28  persons  and  the 
support  of  other  burdens  do  not  exceed  the  value  of  40/.  yearly.         By  p.s. 

July  13.  Grant  for  life  to  William  Hattcclyf,  the  king's  physician,  from  Michael- 

Westminster,  mas  last  of  26Z.   13*.  4<f.  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the  king's  exchange 
within  the  town  of  Calais  and  his  exchange  within  the  realm.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  5. 

Aug.  4.  The  like  to  John  Nyghtingale  of  the  herbage  and  pannage  in  the  king's 

Westminster,  park  of  Cliff  within  his  forest  of  Rokyngham  from  1  October,  1  Edward 

IV.,  with  all  profits  of  the  same.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  9.  The  like  to  Anne,  ducbess  of  Buckingham,  of  an  inn  or  tenement  without 

Canterbury.    Temple  Bar,  London,  co.  Middlesex,  called  *  le  lord  Moleyns  In,'  with  all 

houses,  buildings,  gardens  and  other  appurtenances.  By  K. 

Aug.  2.  The  like  to  the  king's  kinsman  Thomas,  earl  Desmond,  for  his  good 

Westminster,  service  to  the  king  and  the  king's  father,  of  the  office  of  steward  of  Connagh 
and  all  other  lordships  belonging  to  the  king's  earldom  of  March  in  Ireland, 
with  wages  of  100  marks  yearly  from  the  revenues  of  the  liberty  of  Meatii. 

By  p.s. 
Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  treasurer  of  the  liberty  of  Meath. 

Aug.  2.  Grant  for  life  to  the  said  earl  Desmond  of  the  ofiice  of  the  constableship 

Westminster,  of  the  king's  castle  of  Lymryk  in  Ireland,  with  such   fees  as  Nicholas 

Arthure  of  that  city  lately  had  in  the  same  office,  from  the  fee  farm  of  the 

city.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  mayor  and  bailiffs  of  the  city. 

July  12.         Grant  to  Henry  Wrottesley  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  of  all  manors, 

Northampton,  lands,  rents,  services,  advowsons  and  knight's  fees  late  of  Thomas  Lytley, 

in  the  king's  hands  by  his  forfeiture  by  reason  of  an  act  in  Parliament  at 

Westminster,  4  November,  not  exceeding  the  yearly  value  of  10/.      By  p.s. 

Aug.  3.  Revocation,  with  the  assent  of  the  council  in  Parliament  at  Westminster, 

Westminster.  4  November,  1  Edward  IV.  of  the  endowments  granted  by  Henry  VI.  to 
Eton  College  in  Parliament  at  Bury  St.  Edmunds,  25  Henry  VI. ;  and 
grant  of  the  alien  priory  of  Derhurst,  in  the  diocese  of  Worcester,  to  William 
Bukland,  monk  of  St.  Peter's,  Westminster,  from  the  Annunciation  last, 
with  all  cells,  manors,  lands,  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  tithes,  liberties, 
franchises,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank  pledge  and  other  appurtenances,  so 
that  it  be  fully  restored  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  St.  Denis  in  France,  of 
the  Benedictine  order,  according  to  the  original  foundation  and  intention 
of  Edward  the  Confessor  and  WiDiam  the  Conqueror ;  provided  that  they 
support  monks,  secular  chaplains  and  other  ministers,  Englishmen,  to  the 
number  of  such  foundation  and  pay  no  ancient  pension  or  impost  to  the 

2  EDWARt)  iV.— Pakt  t.  19? 

1462.  Membrane  5--^cont, 

chief  house  be^'ond  seas  during  any  war  with  France,  Grant  also  that 
the  prior  and  convent  shall  be  discharged  of  all  matters  relating  to  the  first 
foundation.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  15.         Grant  for  life  to  William  Deane  of  the  county  of  Northumberland  of  the 

Wt-tmiu»iter.  office  of  a  forester  of  the  park  of  Hull  by  Alnewyk,  co.  Northumberland, 

lately  held  by  Robert  Maxon,  a  rebel,  receiving  wages  of  2d.  daily  at  the 

hands  of  the  receiver  of  the  lordship  of  Alnewyk.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  12.  Grant  to  the  king's  brother  Richard,  duke  of  Gloucester,  admiral  of  the 
VVc.^iuiinster.  sea,  and  the  heirs  of  his  body,  of  the  castle  of  Gloucester,  the  fee  farm 
of  the  town  of  Gloucester,  the  ol&ce  of  constable  of  the  castle  of  Corff,  co. 
Dorset,  the  manor  or  lordship  of  Kyngeston  Lacy,  co.  Dorset,  parcel  of  the 
duchy  of  Lancaster^  the  castle,  county,  honour  and  lordship  of  Richemoud 
which  Edmund,  late  earl  of  Richemond,  held  of  the  grant  of  Henry  VI.,  a 
moiety  of  the^town  of  Chepyng  Norton,  co.  Oxford,  the  manors  of  Saxton, 
Great  Campes,  Great  Abiton  and  8waf ham,  co.  Cambridge,  Poldu,  Ethorn, 
Penhall,  Tremodret,  Trevelyn,  Argalles,  Trewynyan  and  Droungolou,  co. 
Cornwall,  Overhall  and  Netherhall  in  Lavenham,  Aldham,  Preston,  Mend- 
ham  and  Cokefeld  called  '  Erleshall,'  co.  Suffolk,  the  castles  and  manors  of 
Hengham  and  Little  Gelham,  the  manors  of  Vaux,  Bumstede  called 
^  Countesmedwe '  in  Bumstede  Helion,  Great  Canfeld,  Stanstede  Monfichet, 
Steeple  Bumstede  called  *  Gcbons,'  Earl's  Colne,  Creppyng,  Great  Bent- 
legh,  Cruatwiche,  Fyngryth,  Dodynghurst,  Preyers,  Boureliall  in  Hjpngham, 
Creyes,  Estonhall,  Tileby,  Beamound  and  Dounham  aud  the  ofilce  of  the 
king's  forest,  co.  Essex,  the  manors  of  Kensyngton  and  Wateshurst,  co. 
Middlesex,  Calverton,  co.  Bedford,  Milton  and  Paston^  co.  Northampton, 
Marketoverton,  co.  Rutland,  and  Elete  and  Batelesmere,  co.  Kent,  late  of 
John  de  Veer,  late  earl  of  Oxford,  in  the  king's  hands  by  his  treason,  and 
the  county,  honour  and  lordship  of  Pembroke,  with  numerous  specified 
rights  and  appurtenances.  By  K. 

Aug.  23.         Grant,  daring  pleasure,  to  John  Stretton  of  the  Cluniac  order  of  the 
WV'stuiinscer.  administration  of  the  temporalities  of  the  priory  of  Monkton  Farlegh,  co. 
Wilts,  now  void,  without  rendering  any  account  to  the  king. 

Membrane  4. 

Aug.  10.         Grant  for  life  to  Master  William  Hatteclyff,  doctor  of  medicine,  of  40/, 

\Yc»nniii8ter.  yearly  from  the  first  day  of  the  reign  from  the  issues  of  the  king's  lordship 

of  Eyrketon  in  Lyndeseye,  co.  Lincoln,  in  lieu  of  a  like  grant  from  the 

issues  of  the  king's  mines  of  gold  and  silver  in  the  counties  of  Devon  and 

Cornwall  by  letters  patent  dated  14  May,  surrendered.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  receivers  of  the  lordship. 

Sept.  16.         Grant  in  fee  simple  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Burgh,  one  of  the 

WesttoiDHter.  esquires  of  the  body,  of  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Drayton  and  all  lands 

and  possessions  in  the  parishes  of  Drayton,  Coleham  and  Woxebrige,  co. 

Middlesex,  late  of  William  Waynesford,  one  of  the  servants  of  Margaret, 

late  queen  of  England,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  his  rebellion. 


July  12.  Grant  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Herbert  (he  elder,  one  of  the 
Northttinpton.  esquires  of  the  body,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body,  of  the  manors  of 
Hariscombe  and  Dontisburn,  co.  Gloucester,  and  all  lands  there  and  the 
manor  of  Treget  within  the  lordship  of  Urchynfeld,  in  the  county  of  Here- 
ford,  and  the  marches  of  Wales,  with  the  advowsons  of  the  churches  of 
Jrurise^jiiibe,  Dontisburn  and  Trogot,  and  the  reversion  of  the  lands  which 
Frances  Mull  holds  for  life  within  iliu  manor  of  Treget,  and  all  ollMir  lauds 
in  England  and  the  marches  of  Wales  late  of  William  Mull,  knight,  in  the 


1462.  Membrane  Ai^^ont, 

king's  hands  bj  reason  of  his  rebellion  and  forfeiture,  witli  all  woods,  mills, 
fisheries,  knights'  fees,  wards,  marriages,  reliefs,  escheats,  courts,  yiews  of 
frank  pledge  and  other  appurtenances,  to  hold  bj  fealty  only.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  16.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Richard  Byndewyn  of  the  office  of 

Westminiter.  auditor  of  all  receivers  of  tlie  king's  lands,  lordships  and  manors  of  Visez, 

Merleburgh,  Corsham,  Gyllyngham  and   Odiham,  in  the  counties  of  Wilts, 

Southampton  and  Dorset,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  16.         Grant  in  fee  simple  to  William  Stanley,  king's  knight,  one  of  the  king's 
Westminster.   *kervers'  {treficheatonim)  of  all  lands  called  '  Cobbeshole,'  co.  Kent,  late  of 
Robert  Myrefyn,  a  rebel,  extended  at  the  yearly  value  of  lOOs. 

By  p.8.  [1046] 

Sept.  6.         Letters   of   denization   as  Englishmen   for   the   king's   servitor    David 

Westmiflster.  Middelton,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  born  a  Welshman,  and  the  heirs 

male  of  his  body.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  16.         Grant  to  Richard  Harecourt,  esquire,  and  'Edith  his  wife  and  the  heirs 

Westminster,   male  of  their  bodies,  for  his  good  service  to  the  king  and  his  father  Richard, 

late  duke  of  York,  of  the  manor  of  Shottyswell,  co.  Warwick,  not  exceeding 

the  yearly  value  of  18/.  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of 

James,  late  earl  of  Wiltshire.  By  K. 

Sept.  10.         Grant,  during  office,  to  Richard  Illyngworth,  chief  baron  of  the  Exche- 

Westminster.   quer,  of  110  marks  yearly  at  the  Exche(|uer  and  two  robes  yearly,  one  with 

skin  at  Christmas  and  one  with  lining  at  Whitsuntide,  beyond  his  accustomed 

fee.  By  K.  by  word  of  month. 

Sept.  16.         Pardon  to  Thomas  Gille  the  younger,  late  escheator  in  the  counties  of 
Westminster.   Somerset  and  Dorset,  of  32/.  due  from  him  to  the  king,  viz.,  26/.  from  the 
farm  of  Fordyngton,  and  6/.  from  the  farm  of  the  king's  manor  or  lordship 
of  Coremalet,  of  which,  with  10/.  of  his  own  money,  he  was  robbed. 


Sept  17-         Grant  for  life  to  Mary  de  Bedford,  lady  de  la  Sparre,  of  40/.  yearly  from 
Westminster,  the  petty  custom  in  the  port  of  London.     [Foedera.']  "By  K. 

Aug.  15.  Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Walterot  of  the  office  of  being  one  of  the  king's 
Westminster.  Serjeants  at  arms,  with  wages  of  I2d.  daily  from  Michaelmas  last  from  a 
moiety  of  two  water  mills  below  the  castle  of  Oxford,  the  meadow  by  Osney 
called  '  Kyngesmede '  (and  a  moiety  of  a  fishery  in  the  river  Temse  trom 
the  bridge  called  *  Hidebiugge  '  to  the  said  mills,  which  Richard  Forest  held 
for  life  of  the  grant  of  Richard  II.,  at  a  rent  of  20/.  yearly,  with  a  coat  of  the 
king's  livery  yearly  at  Christmas  at  the  groiit  wardrobe  of  the  same  suit  and 
cloth  as  other  Serjeants  at  arms  and  all  other  fees  and  profits,  in  lieu  of 
another  grant  to  him  of  the  same  office  with  wages  from  the  farm  of  the 
city  of  Winchester  by  letters  patent  surrendered.  By  p.s. 

July  1.  The  like  to  William  Stephens  of  tdl  lands  and  possessions  late  of  William, 

Westminster,  viscount  Beaumont,  knight,  in  Alton,  co.  Southampton,  in  the  king's  hands 

by  reason  of  an  act  of  forfeiture  in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November, 

not  exceeding  the  yearly  value  of  10  marks.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  17.         The  like  to  Thomas  Seyntlaurence,  son  of  Christopher  Seyntlaurence, 

Westmioster.   knight,  lord  (domini)  of  Houthe,  of  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Ratouthe  in 

Ireland  to  the  value  of  20  marks  yearly.  By  K. 

Membrane  3. 

Aug.  10.        Grant  to  the  king's  brother  George,  duke  of  Clarence,  and  the  heirs  of 

Westminster,  his  body  of  the  manors  and  lordships  of  Lynton,  Letheley,  Kirkeleventon, 

Tadcastre,  Poklyngton,  Scorburgh,    Nafferton,  Wandesford,   Hundmanby, 

Semarr  and  Thnistauby   and   an   inn  or  messuage   within   the   town  of 

Kyngcston  on  HuUe,  co.  York,  the  manor  and  lortlship  of  Helagh  in  the 

2  EDWA&D  tV.— Part  I,  199 

1462.  Membrane  3 — cont. 

county  of  the  citj  of  York,  and  all  lauds  late  of  Henry,  late  earl  of  Northum- 
berland, in  the  said  city,  the  castle,  manor,  and  lordship  of  Alnewyk,  the 
manors  and  lordships  of  Beuwyk,  Ruglee,  Hoghton,  Lessebury,  Aylmouth, 
Tughall,  Bilton,  Swynhowe,  Newham,  Chatton,  Elyngeham,  Newstede, 
Lukre,  Southecharleton,  Thristerton,  Birlycg,  Fowdon,  Lan^eley  and 
Biker  by  Newcastle-upou-Tyne,  the  castle,  manor  and  lordship  of  Suyngham 
and  all  lands  late  of  the  said  earl  called  '  Talbotes  Lan4le9 '  in  Tyndale,  eo. 
Northumberland,  the  manors  and  lordships  of  Calceby,  Malberthorp,  The- 
dilthorp  and  Thurthorp,  co.  Lincoln,  Foston,  co.  Leicester,  Iselhlam,  co. 
Cambridge,  and  Cratfeld,  co.  Suffolk,  two  inns  or  messuages  in  the  parishes 
of  St.  Katharine  Colman  and  St.  Anne  by  Aldrichegate,  London,  and  all 
other  lands  and  possessions  late  of  the  said  earl  in  those  places,  wiih 
knights'  fees,  advowsons,  wards,  marriages,  reliefs,  escheats,  parks,  warrens, 
forests,  chaces,  fisheries,  fairs,  markets,  views  of  frank-pledge,  courts  leet, 
bondmen,  liberties,  franchises  and  other  appurtenances,  in  the  king's  hands 
by  reason  of  an  act  of  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  and  also 
the  lordship  and  manor  of  Kyme  and  all  lands  and  possessions  in  the 
county  of  Lincoln  late  of  William  Tailboys,  knight,  in  the  king's  hands  as 
above.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  the  said  duke  as  above  of  the  reversion  of  the  castle,  manor  and 
lord&hip  of  Warke worth  and  the  manors  and  lordships  of  Corbrigge,  Bouthe- 
bury,  Newburn  and  Aclyngton,  co.  Northumberland,  Lekyngfeld,  Amin, 
Arruners  and  Catton,  co.  York,  and  Petteworth,  co.  Sussex,  on  the  death 
of  Eleanor  late  the  wife  of  Henry,  earl  of  Northumberland,  with  knights' 
fees,  advowsons  etc.,  belonging  to  the  king  rs  above.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  18.         General  pardon  to  Richard  Kirkeby,  '  gentilman,'  of  all  offences  committed 
Fothcringhay.  by  him  before  11  August.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  20.  Protection  for  the  priory  of  Nuneton,  co.  Warwick,  and  its  possessions, 
Westminster,  which  the  king  has  taken  into  his  hands  on  account  of  the  bad  and  wasteful 
governance  of  Matilda,  the  prioress,  and  ap[K)intment  of  the  abbot  of 
Leicester,  the  abbot  of  Meryvalle,  the  prior  of  Coventre,  William  Hastyhges 
of  Hastynges,  knight,  Richard  J^yngham,  one  of  the  justices  of  the  Bench, 
William  Witham,  clerk,  John  Boteler,  clerk,  William  Faux,  clerk,  and 
Richard  Nele,  to  the  <:ustody  of  the  same.  They  are  to  apply  all  issues 
beyond  the  necessary  sustenance  of  the  prioress  and  convent  and  their 
servants  to  the  relief  of  the  priory  and  to  enquire  into  all  the  excesses  and 
alienations  committed. 

July  10.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor,  Robert  Palmer,  esquire,  for  his  good 

Nurtbampton.  service  to  the  king's  father  and  the  king,  and  because  he  has  no  landis  or 
offices  of  the  king's  grant,  of  all  lands  and  possessions  which  William,  late 
viscount  Beaumont,  had  in  Kirklangton,  Thorplangton,  Westlangton  and 
Tirlyngton,  co.  Leicester,  in  the  king's  hands  by  his  forfeiture,  not  exceeding 
the  sum  of  16/.  By  p.s. 

Sept  10.        General  pardon  to  Thomas  Markham  of  Hastyng,  co.  Sussex,  *  marchaunt.' 
VVestuiiuster.  By  p.s. 

J  uly  26.         Grant  to  the  king's  servant  John  Toures  and  the  heirs  of  his  body  of  the 

We&tmiiiBter.  manor  of  Whitecok  and  a  piece  of  vacant  land  called  *  Savaye,'  co.  Leicester, 

not  exceeding  the  yearly  value  of  6/.,  at  a  rent  of  3«.  4td*  to  be  paid  yearly 

at  the  Exchequer  by  the  hands  of  the  sheriff*  By  p.s. 

Sept.  30.         Grant  for  life  to  William  Berton  of  an  annuity  of  lOOi.  from  the  farm  of 
Westminster.  Eyugeslowey  Dunhampford  and  Blengate,  co.  Kent.  By  p.8. 


May  29.  Grunt  for  life  to  William  Bcnsclyn,  monk  and  priest,  of  the  alien  priory 

Leicester,      of  Modbury,  co.  DcvoU|  with  the  advowsou  of  the  viairago  oi'  Modbury, 


1462.  Membrane  3 — cont. 

knights*  fees  and  oth^r  appurtenances,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an 
act  of  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  24.  Grant  to  John  Howard,  king's  knight,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body,  of 
Westmioster.  the  manors  of  Leyham  alias  Overburyhall  in  Leyham  and  Wherstede,  co. 
Suffolk,  and  Smethton  Hall,  co.  Essex,  late  of  James,  late  earl  of  Wiltshire, 
the  manors  of  Dontissh  and  Deuelyssh,  co.  Dorset,  late  of  Nicholas  Latymer, 
knight,  the  manor  of  Hereford,  co.  Norfolk,  late  of  Thomas  Danyell  late  of 
Resyng,  co.  Norfolk,  esquire,  and  the  manor  of  Meyton  Hall,  co.  Norfolk, 
late  of  Giles  Seyntlowe  late  of  London,  esquire,  in  the  king's  hands  by 
xeason  of  an  act  of  forfeiture  of  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November, 
with  knight's  fees,  advowsons  and  other  profits,  provided  that  he  answer  at 
the  Exchequer  for  any  surplus  above  110/.  yearly.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  19.         Pardon  to  Richard  Page  and  Beatrice  late  the  wife  of  Richard  Stirkeland, 

Westminster,   esquire,  tenant  in  chief  of  Henry  VI.,  for  their  trespass  in  intermarrying 

without  licence. .  By  p.s. 

Aug.  20.         Inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent  dated   19  November,  1 

Westminster.  Richard  II.,  inspecting  and  confirming  letters  patent  [French]  dated  10 

March,  1  Edward  III.,  being  a  grant  to  the  girdlers  of  London  of  certain 

liberties.  For  5  marks  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Oct.  22.  Revocation  of  protection  with  clause  volumus,ioT  one  year,  lately  granted 
Westminster,  by  letters  patent  to  Richard  Poort  alias  Port  alias  Richard  Kobert  of 
Brystowe,  *  merchaunt,'  going  on  the  king's  service  in  the  company  of  John 
Wode,  king's  esquire,  victualler  of  the  town  of  Calais,  for  the  safe-custody 
and  victualling  of  the  same,  on  certificate  by  the  sheriffs  of  London  that  he 
has  not  gone. 

Oct.  20.  Grant  to  the  bailiffs  and  burgesses  of  Great  Jememuth  of  murage  for  10 

Westminster,  years  for  the  enclosing  of  the  town  under  the  supervision  of  Walter,  bishop 
of  Norwich. 

Membrane  1. 

Sept.  21.  Licence  for  John,  lord  le  Straunge,  son  and  heir  of  Elizabeth  le  Straunge, 

Westminster,   deceased,  late  the  wife  of  Richard,  lord  le  Straunge,  knight,  deceased,  who 

is  nearly  of  full  age,  to  enter  into  all  his  possessions  in  England  and  Wales 

and  the  marches  of  Wales.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  17.         Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  Christopher  Worseley,  esquire,  one  of 

Westminster,  the  marshals  of  the  hall  of  the  king's  household,  of  the  offices  of  constable 

of  the  king's  castle  of  Dunstar,  co.  Somerset,  and  keeper  of  the  king's  parks 

in  his  lordship  of  Dunstar,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of 

the  said  lordship  with  all  other  profits.  By  K. 

Membrane  27d. 

Commissions  of  the  peace  in  various  counties  pursuant  to  the  statutes  and 
ordinances  at  Winchester,  Northampton,  Westminster  and  Cambridge 
(see  Appendix), , 

May  16.  The  like  to  William  Jenney,  John  Damme,  Hamo  Pulham,  Edmund 

Westminster.   Wydewell,  John  Alman  and  Thomas  Chapman  in  the  town  of  Great  Jerne- 
mouth|  CO.  Norfolk. 

Membrane  2Gd^ 
Commissions  of  the  peace  in  various  counties  (see  Appendiii) . 

Membrane  25J. 
Commissions  of  the  peace  in  various  counties  {see  Appendix). 

i  ilDWARI)  IV.— i?ART  i.  20t 

1462.  MSMBRANE  24<f. 

July  1.  Commission  to  John  Twyer,  esquire,  Thomas  Edmond  and  John  Sorell 

WestmiuHter.  to  take  «hips,  vessels,  masters,  mariners  and  victuals  within  the  counties  of 
Norfolk  and  Suffolk  for  the  king's  fleet  against  his  enemies. 

July  4.  Commission  to  Robert  Wyntiyj^Hill,  John  Wode  and  William  Utworth  to 

Westminster,  enquire  what  lands  John  Busbrygge  held  of  the  late  king  and  others  in  the 
county  of  Surrey  on  the  day  of  his  death,  who  is  his  heir,  and  who  has 
occupied  the  lands  since  his  death. 

July  8.  Commission  to  William   Hastynges  of  Hastynges,   knight,   Humphrey 

Wistiniustcr.    Staftbrd  of  Sovth>vyk,  knight,  Thomas  Clemens,  John  Broke,  Thomas 

Aleyn,  Geoffrey  Kydwelly  and  William  Menwennek   to  demise  at  farm  for 

20  years  or  less  all  lands  in  the  counties  of  Devon  and  Cornwall  belongin*if 

to  toe  duchv  of  Cornwall.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

Si'pt.  6.  Commission  to  Henry  Pomerey,  esquire,  and  Nicholas  Southcotes,  one  of 

\Vestiuin!>ter.  the  king's  serjeants-at-arms,  to  arrest  Bartholomew  the  parish  chaplain  of 
Littelhempston  and  bring  him  before  the  king  in  Chancery. 

Membrane  2\d. 

Mrtr<'l«  24.  Commission  to  Henry  Bodrugan,  Philip  Beaumont,  Maurice  Dcnys, 
Wistiiiinsier.  John  Awesthill,  James  Heyate,  Thomas  Wodeward,  Philip  Samvill,  Robert 
Heyate,  John  Banwelle,  John  Walshe,  Walter  Holder,  William  Pryn2e, 
Thomas  Bawedyn,  Edward  Beterley,  Robert  Huett  and  Richard  Halle  to 
arrest  Peter  Trevuwith,  John  Harry  Barowe,  William  Jakhik,  John  Petyte, 
maryner,  John  a  Nicer,  Hugh  Harry  Barowe,  Graund  John,  John  William 
Treskawe,  Peter  Jakhnrry,  Henry  Fevyn,  John  Calmady,  Joceus  Amyll, 
John  Andrewe,  Geoifrey  Harry  Barowe,  pirate^,  William  Goldsmyth  aiias 
Iris'^h  of  Glastonbury,  co.  Somerset,  *  goldsmyth,'  and  John  Bevile  late  of  the 
county  of  Gloucester,  ^yoman,'  and  bring  them  before  the  king  in  Chancery ; 
as  it  appears  by  an  inquisition  made  before  Thomas  Clemens  and  Walter  Code 
that  William  de  Suharra,  master  of  a  barge  called  le  Kateryn  of  Bayonue, 
loaded  the  same  at  Bordeaux  with  10  tuns  of  iron,  47  tuns  of  wine,  80 
pounds  of  saffron,  60  pounds  of  ivory  and  other  goods  and  merchandise  of 
Richard  Burton  and  William  Joce  under  a  safe  conduct  under  the  great 
seal  dated  8  October,  30  Henry  VI.,  and  brought  them  to  England  near  the 
coast  of  Seyntyes,  co.  Cornwall,  and  that  when  the  barge  was  at  anchor 
thereon  24  December,  30  Henry  VI.,  the  above  named  offenders,  except  the 
said  William  and  John,  seized  the  barge  and  took  the  goods  to  their  own 
U8C  and  that  of  the  latter. 

March  24.  Commission  to  Robert  Legh  of  Adlyngton,  esquire,  William  Stanley  of 
Wcstmioster.  Hoton,  esquire,  and  John  Savage  the  elder,  esi^uire,  to  take  muster  of 
Roland  FitzEustace,  knight,  lord  of  Portlestre,  and  300  archers  at  some 
convenient  place  near  Chester  on  19  April,  from  which  date  until 
Michaelmas  he  has  been  retained  with  the  said  archers  for  the  safe-custody 
of  Ireland,  and  to  rej)ort  upon  their  number  and  equipment.  By  C. 

The  like  to  William  Wclly^*,  knight,  chancellor  of  Ireland,  Robert 
Burnell,  knight,  mayor  of  Dublin,  and  Nicholas  Barnewell  on  the  landing 
of  the  said  Roland  in  Ireland  and  at  other  times.  By  C. 

March  29,        Appointment,  until  1  September,  of  Richard  More  to  provide  oxen  and 
VVeittminster.    muttons  for  the  expenses  of  the  king's  household. 

Bv  bill  of  the  treasurer  of  the  household. 


March  28.        Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  the  king's  kinsman,  William,  earl  of 

Westminster.    Arundel,  Richard  West  de  la  Warre,  knight,  John  Bourghchier  of  Barners, 

knight,  Humphrey  S:aiford  of  Suthwyk,  knight,  John   M^rkham,  knight^ 

Robert  Danby,  knight,  Peter  Ardern,  knight,  William  Yeiverton,  knight^ 

Richard  Byngham,  Nicholas  Ayssheton^  Robert  Danvers^  Walter  MoylQ| 


1462.  Membrane  2\d — cont. 

John  Nedeham,  Richard  Ohok,  John  Ljsle,  knight,  Maurice  Berkeley  of 
Bevei-stony  Thomas  Uvedale,  John  Wallop,  Reginald  Uvedale  and  WUliam 
Sandes  touching  certain  treasons  committed  within  the  county  of  South- 
ampton bj  Thomas  Morice,  late  of  Portesmuth,  '  yoman,'  and  Edmund 
Ordgrave,  late  of  Bishop's  Waltham,  *  yoman.'  By  C. 

March  30.        Appointment,  until  1  October,  of  Richard  Sutton,  fishmonger  of  London, 
Wcstmiiuter.  to  provide  all  kinds  of  saltwater  fish  for  the  expenses  of  the  king's  house- 
hold. By  bill  of  the  treasurer  of  the  household. 

April  3.  Commission  to  William  Hoorde,  bailiif  of  the  liberty  of  the  honour  of 

Westminster.  Walyngford,  and  William  Dyer  and  James  Annesley,  bailifis  of  the  town  of 
Woxbrigge,  to  arrest  John  Symond,  'yoman,'  and  Nicholas  Stretche, 
'  taillour/  and  bring  them  before  the  king  in  Chancery. 

April  8.  The  like  to  William  Harecourt,  John  Grevyll,  Thomas  Hoggeford  and 

Westminster.  John  Hoggeford  to  arrest  Richard  Verney,  knight,  Edmund  Veraey  his 
son  and  Roger  Lie,  chaplain,  and  bring  them  before  the  king  and  council. 


April  8.  Commission  to  the  mayor  of  Sandwich  and  William  Over  ay  to  enquire 

Westminster,  into  the  complaint  of  Gerard  Newport  of  Midelbourgh  in  Seland,  merchant, 
that  whereas  he  lately  freighted  a  ship  called  le  Pynkc  of  Midelbourgh,  of 
which  Hugh  Johnson  was  master,  with  salt  fish,  linen  cloth,  and  white  salt 
beyond  seas,  and  brought  it  to  a  place  called  Estnasse  without  Colnewater, 
Richard  Kyng  of  Sandwich,  master  of  a  vessel  called  Gaundhale^  alias 
Crakebote  of  which  James  Funieys  of  Sandwich  was  owner,  and  John 
Williamson  and  William  Costryne  with  other  pirates,  asserting  themselves 
to  be  servants  of  the  king's  kinsman  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  seized  the 
said  ship  on  Midsummer  Eve  last  and  despoiled  it  of  the  merchandise  and 
rigging,  contrary  to  the  ancient  iriendship  between  the  king  and  the  men 
of  Seland  ;  and  to  cause  restitution  to  be  made. 

May  3.  Commission   to   William  Bourghchier  of    FitzWareyn,    knight,   Henry 

Westminster.   Bodrugan,  esquire,  Thomas  Clemens,  William  Monke  and  Thomas  Davy  to 

arrest  John  Michel  of  Bodenuek,  co.  Cornwall,  '  maryner,'  John  Gravel!  of 

Golenante,  co.   Cornwall,   ^maryner,'  and   Maurice   Cruse    of  Bodennek, 

'  maryner,'  and  bring  them  before  the  king  in  Chancery. 


April  IL         Commission  to  George   Darell,  keeper   of  the  great  wardrobe,  to  take 
Westminster,  broderers  {hrauderarios)^  tailora,  skinners,  painters,  armourers,  upholsterers 
(tapiteras),  cloth  cutters  and  other  workmen  for  the  wardrobe   and  all 
necessaries  for  the  same. 

April  6.  Commission   to  the   mayor  and  aldermen  of  the  city  of  London  and 

Westminster.  Raugecrois,  one  of  the  king's  pursuivants  (jfrosecutarum)^  to  arrest  James 

Fourneys,  master  and  owner  of  a  ship  called  le ,  and  his  accomplices, 

who  rob  the  king's  subjects  and  alien  merchants  coming  under  safe-conducts 
at  sea  and  in  the  river  Thames,  and  bring  them  belore  the  king  in  council, 
and  to  seize  the  said  ship  with  its  rigging  and  any  goods  that  may  be 
in  it. 

Mbmbranb  IM. 

IAbj  11.         Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  Stourton  of  Stourton,  knight, 

Westminster.   Humphrey  Stafford  of  Suthewyke,   knight,   Nicholas  Ayssbetou,  Walter 

Moyle,  Richard  Chok,  William  Stourton,  knight,  Reginald  Stourton,  knight, 

Theobald  Gorges,  knight^  John  Wiiloughby,  knight,  William  Courtenay, 

2  EDWABD  IV.— Part  I.  203 

1462.  Membrane  I8d — cont. 

Henry  Longe,  Thomas  Roggers,  John  FitzJames^  John  Whittokesmede, 
John  Sydenham  the  elder,  John  Sydenham  the  younger,  William  Brounyng, 
John  Neweburgh  and  John  Porter  touching  certain  treasons,  rebellions, 
felonies  and  otlier  offences  in  the  counties  of  Wilts,  Somerset,  and  Dorset. 


Membranb  nd. 

March  14.  Commission  to  John,  abbot  of  Quarre,  Geoffrey  Gate,  lieutenant,  keeper 
\\'cstm;nster.  and  governor  of  the  king's  castle  of  Caresbroke  and  lordship  and  island  of 
Wight,  John  Haket,  John  Bussell,  Thomas  Haynowe  and  Thomas  Boure- 
man  to  take  men  of  the  said  island  and  the  counties  of  Southampton, 
Surrey  and  Sussex  for  defence  of  the  castle  and  ii>land  against  the  king's 
adversaries  of  France  and  other  foreign  parts  whensoever  they  may 
attempt  an  invasion  and  to  cause  all  who  have  lands  and  other  possessions 
within  the  island  to  supply  men  for  defence  and  watches. 

^fjirch  14.        Commission  to  John  Sewer,  John  Enderby  and  Thomas  Beryngton  to 
Westminster,  arrest  Simon  Catane  of  Genoa,  merchant,  and  bring  him  before  the  king  in 

May  12.         The  like  to  John  Howard,  knight,  Richard  Welden,  esquire,  and  Richard 

'.VestmiDster.   George,  one  of  the  king's  Serjeants  at  arms,  and  the  bailiffs  of  Bury  St. 

Edmunds  to  arrest  Hugh  Babyngton,  Edmund  Lorymer,  John  Wratton, 

Robert  Aylewyn,  John  Gye,  William  Butte,  John  White,  John  Porter  and 

William  Aweiyn  and  bring  them  before  the  king  and  council. 

Membrane  16c/. 

^fay  20.  Commission  to  the  mayor  of  Sandwich  to  enquire  into  the  complaint  of 

Wcstmiuster.  Arnald  dc  Tursy  and  John  de  Pruyle,  merchants  of  Bayonne,  that  when 
they  were  lately  at  anchor  near  the  coast  of  Sandwich  in  lez  Downes  under 
letters  of  safe-conduct  of  the  king  in  a  ship  called  te  Clement  of  Bayonne  of 
which  James  de  Mouutsegur,  Martin  de  Ratso,  Bartelon  de  le  Hiage  or 
Permanton  de  Saint  Joini  is  master,  laden  with  divers  goods  and  mer- 
chandise, certain  men  in  two  ships  of  Portugal  came  up  to  seize  them  and 
their  goods,  and  they  fled  for  fear  to  the  port  of  Sandwich  and  there 
unloaded  the  ship  and  loaded  it  again  with  other  goods,  and  the  others 
caused  them  and  their  ship  to  be  arrested  under  colour  of  a  warrant  from 
the  court  of  the  constable  of  Dover  Castle  or  the  Admiralty. 

May  28.  Commission  to  William  Yelverton,  knight,  John  Damme,  John  Twyer, 

Leicester.      John  Barney  and  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk  to  inquire  into  the  report  that 

Thomas    Brigge   and    William  Willy  are   stirring   up  insurrections  and 

circulating  false  rumours  within  the  city  of  Norwich  and  elsewhere  in  that 

county  and  to  arrest  and  imprison  the  offenders  and  their  abettoi's. 

Membrane  14c/. 

June  4.  Commission  to  John  de  Audeley,  John  Stourton  of  Stourton,  knight, 

We«tmiD8ter.  Humphrey  Stafford  of  Suthewyk,  knight,  Theobald  Gorge,  knight,  John 
Sydynham  the  elder,  John  Sydynham  the  younger,  William  Brounyng, 
John  Neubourgh,  John  Hert,  William  Scot  and  the  sheriffs  of  Somerset, 
Dorset,  Wilts,  Cornwall,  Southampton,  Middlesex,  Buckingham,  Oxford, 
Berks  and  Gloucester  to  enquire  into  the  tenure  and  value  of  the  lands 
and  p  ossessions  which  Robert  Elungerford,  knight,  late  lord  of  Hungerford 
and  Moleyns,  attainted  of  high  treason  by  authority  of  Parliament  at  West- 
minster, 4  November,  held  in  those  counties. 

May  2U.         Commission  to  John  Howard,  knight,  and  Thomas  Walgrave,  knight,  to 
Wcstmitifrter.  take  the  ships  called  la  Marie  Talbot  of  Lenn  and  la  Marie  Thomson 

204  cAlMdar  of  PATENt  iaoLLs. 

1462.  Membrane  lid^^cont 

Lenn  and  any  other  vessels  and  ships  within  tlie  ports  of  the  counties  of 
Norfolk,  Suffolk  and  Essex  and  masters  and  mariners  for  the  same  for  the 
king's  fleet  against  his  enemies. 

.fiine  6.  The  like  to  William  Bourghchier  of  Fitz  Wareyn,  knight,  Humphrey 

Wi  stiiiiiwter.  Stafford  of  Suthwyk,  knight,  Philip  Courteoay,  knight,  Philip  Beaumont, 
Otto  Gilbert,  Nicholas  Kirkeham,  John  G-ybbes,  William  Champeraon,  St. 
Clare  Pomeray,  Humphrey  Courtenay,  Thomas  Voyse  and  John  Crokker  to 
take  vessels  and  ships  for  the  said  fleet  within  the  ports  of  the  counties  of 
Devon  and  Cornwall  and  masters  and  mariners  for  the  same,  soldiers, 
smiths,  carpenters  and  other  workmen,  and  bows,  bowstrings,  arrows, 
lances,  cannons  and  powder,  cables,  cords,  wheat,  beans,  peas,  cheese,  ale, 
meat  and  other  victuals. 

May  11.  The  like  to  John  Colshull,  knight,  Thomas  Butside,  esquire,  Thomas 
Wcstmiuster.  Clemens,  A  lured  Corneburgh,  David  Selly  the  elder  and  Richard  Bonde  to 
take  vessels  and  ships  for  the  said  fleet  within  the  port  of  Ayssh  and  the 
river  Tamer,  co.  Cornwall,  and  masters  and  mariners  for  the  same,  and  to 
induce  the  king's  subjects  of  the  hundreds  of  Trigge,  Este,  Weste,  Stratton 
and  Lesnewith,  co.  Cornwall,  to  provide  victuals  and  array  men  at  their  own 

The  like  to  Thomas,  prior  of  the  church  of  St.  Petroc,  Bodmyn,  Hugh 
Courtoney,  knight,  I'homas  Bone  vile,  esquire,  Richard  Penpons,  Thomas 
Trefry,  John  Salter,  William  Horde,  Otto  Trevuwjth,  William  Clemowe  and 
Thomas  Shiref  to  take  vessels  and  ships  as  above  within  the  port  of  Fowy  and 
masters  and  mariners  for  the  same,  and  to  induce  the  king's  subjects  of  the 
hundreds  of  Poudre,  Pydre,  Pen  with  and  Kerrier,  co.  Cornwall,  to  provide 
victuals  and  array  men  as  above. 

June  9.  Commission  to  John  Brekenok,  esquire,  Peter  Howse,  David  Brekenok, 

\\  iiitniintter.  Thomas  Hampden  and  Richard  Cary  to  arrest  William  Treug,  canon,  John 
Tofte,  canon,  Henry  Mussenden,  canon,  Nicholas  Richeman,  John  Riche- 
roan,  John  Coke,  Thomas  Joones,  John  Cokke  the  younger,  Thomas  Lord, 
Simon  Pranke,  Henry  Gery,  Thomas  Betley,  John  Hariewyn,  William 
Hackar,  John  Spryng,  Thomas  Forde,  Henry  Wylot,  Robert  Leggegnme, 
Thomas  Godeman,  lloger  Hulle  and  Edmund  Orchard  and  bring  them 
before  the  king  in  Chancery  to  find  security  that  they  will  not  injure  Robert 
Rysborwe,  abbot  of  Mussenden,  or  his  houses  by  fire. 

Juno  16.         Commission  to  John  Burdeaux  and  Robert  Skegnes,  masters  of  two  ships 
Wustminster.   called   la  Katerine   Dureux  and   la  Marie  Kent,  to   take   masters  and 
mariners  for  the  same  for  the  king's  fleet.  By  C. 

The  like  to  the  following,  masters  of  the  ships  named ; 
John  Porter,  master  of  le  Trlnite  IVarrewyh. 
John  Hertylpole,  master  of  le  Cristofer  Warrewyk, 
Thomas  William  and  Richard  Barre,  masters  of  le  George  and  le 

Richard  Straunge,  master  of /€  Katerine  Warr\ewyli\ 
Thomas  Phelipp,  master  of  le  Marie  Clyffy  and  Oto  Colyn. 
William  Thomas,  master  of  Marie  Wdrwik, 

William  Fetherston,  master  of  le  Marie   Grace,  Ralph  Dowenet  and 
John  Mewes. 

June  14.         Commission  to  John,  earl  of  Worcester,  William,  earl  of  Kent,  Hugh 

Weatminrter.   Whiche,  mayor  of  London,  Robert  Danby,  knight,  and  Thomas  Urswyk  to 

deliver  the  gaol  of  Newgate  of  Robert  vVheler  of  London,  *  yoman,'  John 

Mille  of  London,  *  yoman,'  Roger  Courteys  of  London,  *gentilman,'  and 

Patrick  Wolff  alias  Noreys  of  London,  *  yoman,'  prisoners  there. 

June  20.         Commission  to  John  Brekenok,  David  Breknok,  Richard  Bedford  and 

W'estniitiHter.  Thomas  Hampden   to    arrest   William    Hacker,   Thomas    Foorde,   John 

Sprynge,  Thomas  Gkx>deman,  Roger  Hulle,  John  Shoram,  Thomas  Dagnale| 

2  EDWARD  IV,— Pabt  1.  205 

1462*  Membrane  14c? — coni,' 

John  Veerne,  Thomas  Bitheley,  John  Rycheman,  John  Cooke,  John  Cokke 
the  younger  and  Robert  Legham  and  bring  them  before  the  king  and  council 
to  answer  for  certain  riots. 

Membrane  \M. 

March  14.  Commission  to  John  Lescrop  of  Bolton,  knight,  Thomas  Cobham,  knight, 
Westminster.  John  Say,  Nicholas  Sharp,  Thomas  Stutevile,  Ralph  Cressener  and  Thonms 
Bray  to  enquii*e  into  the  Complaint  of  John  Dorward  and  William  Mulso 
that,  whereas  Humphrey,  late  duke  of  Buckingham,  William,  late  marquis 
of  Suffolk,  William  Oldiialle,  knight,  Edmund  Mulso,  knight,  John  Harles- 
ton,  John  Stodehaugh  and  they  themselves  were  seised  in  their  demesne  as 
of  fee  of  a  messuage,  150  acres  of  land,  19  acres  of  meadow,  46*.  rent  and  a 
rent  of  6  capons,  in  Thaxstede,  Lyndesele,  Little  Berdefeld,  Stebbyng  and 
Dunmowe,  co.  Essex,  with  the  office  of  keeping  three  parks  in  Thaxstede, 
in  time  of  peace  in  the  time  of  Henry  VI.  and  received  the  esplees  thereof, 
and  the  said  marquis,  Edmund,  John,  John  and  Thomas  Dounton  died  and 
the  others  survived  them,  the  survivors  were  unjustly  disseised  of  the  same 
by  the  king's  father  Richard,  late  duke  of  York,  and  the  said  duke  and 
William  Oldehalle  since  died  and  the  possessions  passed  afterwards  on  the 
death  of  the  duke  of  York  to  the  king.  By  K. 

May  14.  Commission  to  William  Yelverton,  knight,  Robert  Conyers,  knight, 
Westminster.  William  (/althorp,  John  Paston,  John  Knyvet,  Ralph  Sheltcm.  John 
Barney  of  Wychyngham,  William  Rokewode,  Thomas  Lovell,  John  Tuyer, 
John  Jenney,  John  Dam  and  Thomas  Grice  to  place  watchmen  and  watch&s 
and  signals  called  *bekyns*  within  the  county  of  Norfolk  according  to  the 
old  custom  for  defence  against  the  king's  enemies. 

Membrane  \0d. 

July  1*  Commission  de  icalliis  et  /Qssatis  to  Humphrey  Bourghchier  of  Crom- 

WestmiiiBter.   well,  knight,  William  Skipwith,  knight,  Thomas  Burgh,  Thomas  Blount, 

John  Whichecote,  Thomas  Eyme,  William  Neucome,  Thomas  Fitzwilliam 

the  younger,  Robert  Shefeld  the  younger,  John  Tailboys  and   Richard 

Haunscrt  the  elder  in  the  parts  of  Lyndesey,  co.  Lincoln. 

July  30.  Commission  to  Th.,  archbishop  of  Canterbury,  J.,  bishop  of  Chichester, 
Westminster.  William,  earl  of  Arundel,  Richard,  abbot  of  Battle,  the  prior  <if  Lewys, 
Richard  West  do  la  Warre,  knight,  Richard  Fenys  of  Dacre,  kni£;ht,  Roger 
Leukcnore,  knight,  John  Pelham,  knight,  Thomas  Echyngham,  Thomas 
Hoo,  Richard  JJalyngrige,  John  Devenysshe,  Bartholomew  Bolney,  John 
Goryng,  John  Ernele,  William  Chayne,  Robert  Oxebrigge  and  Henry  Halle 
to  levy  sums  of  money  from  all  cities,  boroughs,  towns  and  hamlets  of  the 
county  of  Sussex  who  have  hitherto  not  kept  watches,  excepting  cities 
and  boroughs  where  watches  are  kept  according  to  the  statute  of 
Winchester  from  the  Ascension  until  Michaelmas,  and  to  find  able  watch- 
men at  the  accustomed  places  on  the  coast  for  the  defence  of  the  county ; 
as  the  inhabitants  of  the  parts  near  the  sea  have  complained  that  they 
alone  have  been  charged  with  the  watches  and  the  burden  has  become 
intolerable,  so  that  the  watches  have  sometimes  been  kept  by  old  men  and 
youths  and  the  king's  enemies  have  descended  and  taken  prisoners  and 
committed  depredations.  By  C. 

Membrane  9d. 

July  12.         Commission  to  John  Grevile,  Thomas  Yong,  William  Notyngham  and 
Northampton.  Roger  Kemys  to  enquire  of  what  lands  and  tenements  Thomas  Mulle,  (*s(iuire 
and  William  Mulle,  knight, both  deceas^nl,  woix?  seised  within  the  counties  of 
Hereford  and  Gloucester  and  the  marches  of  Wales. 


1462.  Membrane  Sd. 

July  24.  Commission  to  all  keepers  of  the  peace,  sheriffs,  mayors,  bailiffs,  con- 

Westminster.  Rtables  and  other  officers  and  ministers  of  the  king  to  arrest  and  imprison 
Williani  Gilbert,  chaplain,  William  Creswell,  chaplain,  George  Orell, 
Richard  Creswell,  John  Thorneton,  John  More,  John  Browene,  John 
Gyles,  John  Mores,*  John  Trowte,  John  Lokyngton,  friar,  alias  Robert 
Midelton,  Robert  Chapeleyn  and  John  Hamelton. 


Feb.  27.  Commission   to  William  Eland^  John  Grene,  Nicholas  Stubbes,   John 

Westminster.  Redsain  and  the  sheriffs  of  York  and  the  town  of  K}  ngeston  on  Hull  to 
enquire  for  and  seize  the  goods  late  of  John  Routhe,  esquire,  deceased, 

Membrane  Id. 

June  27.         Commission  to  Gilbert  Debenham  the  younger,  esquire,  Walter  Alderiche, 
Westminster,  master  of  a  ship  called  le  George  of  Yeruemuth,  and  John  Childe  to  take  a 
ship  called  le  Barge  of  Yeraemuth,  otherwise  le   George    with  rigging, 
habiliments,  victuals^  masters  and  mariners  for  service  in  the  king's  fleet. 

June  26.  Appointment  of  W.  archbishop  of  York,  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick,  John 
Westminster.  Neville  of  Muntague,  knight,  Robert  Danby,  knight,  Robert  Constable, 
knight,  the  mayor  of  York,  Thomas  Wytham,  Brian  Rouclyff,  Henry 
Sotehill,  Guy  Fairefax,  John  Grenef eld,  Richard  Pygote,  Henry  Thwaites, 
Nicholas  Girlyiigton,  John  Wencelagh,  John  Thirske,  Nicholas  Holgate, 
John  Marton,  William  Bradford  and  John  Shirwode  as  justices  of  the 
survey  and  custody  of  the  rivers  in  the  county  of  York  pursuant  to  the 
statutes  of  24  Edward  III.,  4o  Edward  III.,  and  1  Henry  IV.,  concerning 
the  erection  of  weirs,  mills,  stanks,  pales  and  kiddles. 

Membrane  6d. 

May  6.  Commii*sion   to   the   mayor  and  bailiffs   of  the  town  of  Southampton, 

Westminster.  Thomas  Banaster  and  Robert  Fitzherbert  to  arrest  Edward  Cateyn  of 
Genoa,  merchant,  and  bring  liim  before  the  king  in  Chancery. 

Membrane  bd. 

Aug.  25.         The    like  to    John    Wynkefeld,    knight,    Richard     Welden,     Arthur 

Westminster.   Gre^rsou,   Thomas  Achambre  and  the  bailiffs   of  the  town  of  Bury  St. 

Edmunds  to  arrest  John  Gye,  William  Awfyn,  John  Dyer  and  Thomas 

Fleccher  son   of  Edmund  Bowyer  and  bring  them   before  the  king  in 

Chancery  to  answer  for  certain  riots. 

Aug.  28.  The  like  to  William  Mulso,  esquire,  John  Brekenok,  esquire,  William 

Westminster.  Bokeland,  William  Turney,  William  Manery,  John  Ebmed,  John  Clerk, 
William  Parker,  Thomas  Russell,  John  London,  Andrew  Fynamour,  John 
Adam,  William  atte  Wyke  and  the  constables  of  the  iowns  of  Stanes, 
Egham  and  Thorp  to  airest  and  bring  before  the  king  and  council  certain 
persons  who  wander  about  by  those  towns,  and  the  adjacent  country 
stirring  up  insurrection  and  circulating  rumours  in  support  of  the  king's 
enemies,  and  have  gone  away  without  paying  their  proportion  for  the 
bridge  of  Stanes. 

Sept  15.        The  like  to  Thomas  Clemens,  Richard  Penpons,  Thomas  Bere,  Nicholas 

Westminster.  Suthcotes,  Richard  Joce,  Nicholas  Roche,  Richard  Lanar,  Robei't  Cowelyng, 

John   Raynward,  John  Penpons,    John    Treake,   John  Michell,  Robert 

Cobert,  Robert  Creef  and  the  sheriff  of  Cornwall  to  ftrrest  Oliver  Tregasowe, 

2  EDWARD  IV.— Part  I.  207 

1462.  Membrane  3d — cont, 

Stephen  Tregasowe,  George  TreahaD,  John  Treahan,  John  Gyon,  John 
Meweden,  Oto  Josep  and  Nicholas  Cioweter  and  bring  them  before  the  king 
in  Chancery, 

Sept.  16.        The  like  to  Richard  West  de  la  Ware,  knight,  John  Lewekenore,  Robert 

Westminster.  Langton,  John  Radclyff  and  Hugh  Awestyn  to  arrest  and  bring  before  the 

king  and  council  certain  persons  who  wander  about  the  countieit  of  Surrey 

and  Sussex  with  masked  and  painted  faces,  breaking  and  entering  parks, 

waiTcns  and  closes  and  wounding  and  killing  tlie  keepers. 

Membrane  2d. 

Oct.  30.         Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  William  Lee  to  take  carpenters  and 
Westminttir.  other  workmen  and  timber  for  lances,  chests,  tables,  ^panys'  and  other 
things  for  the  works  of  his  office  and  carriage  for  the  same. 


2  EDWARD  IV.— Part  II. 

1463.  Mbmbranb  26. 

Jan.  29.  Licence  for  William  Zouche,  son  and  heir  of  William  Zoache,  late  lord 

VV^estminuter.  Zouche  and  Seymour,  tenant  in  chief,  who  is  of  the  age  of  thirtv  years 

and  more,  to  enter  fi*eelj  into  all  the  lands  and  possessions  of  his  father  in 

England  and  Wales  and  the  marches  of  Wales.  By  p.s. 


Oct.  16.  Confirmation  to  the  king's  kinsman  John  Moubray,  duke  of  Norfolk,  sou 

Westminster,  and  heir  of  John,  late  duke  of  Norfolk,  in  consideration  of  his  father's 
services  in  divers  conflicts  against  the  king's  adversaries,  of  his  creation  as 
earl  of  Warenne  and  Surrey  by  a  charter  dated  at  Westminster,  24  March, 
29  Henry  VF.  [Charter  Boll,  27-39  Henrij  VL  No,  33,]  with  remainder 
to  the  heirs  male  of  his  body ;  and  grant  to  him  and  the  said  heirs  of  20/. 
yearly  from  4  March,  1  Edward  IV.  from  the  issues  of  the  counties  of 
SuiTcy  and  Sussex,  in  consideration  of  a  like  grant  in  the  said  charter, 
annulled  by  an  act  in  Parliament  at  Westminster. 

By  p.s.  and  for  40^.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

1463.  Membrane  25. 

Feb.  19.         Signification  to  J.  bishop  of  Lincoln,  of  the  royal  assent  to  the  election  of 

Westminster.   Elizabeth  Hasylden,  nun  of  the  monastery  of  St.  Mary  and  St.  Helen, 

Einestowe,  of  the  Benedictine  order,  as  abbess  of  that  place.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  18.  Pardon  to  Thomas  Burgh  of  Gaynesburgh,  knight,  alias  king's  esquire, 

Hertford,      constable  of  the  king's  castle  of  Lincoln,  late  sheriff  of  Lincoln,  of  all 
offences,  trespasses,  escapes  of  felons,  forfeitures,  fiues  and  amercements. 


Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  John  Fereby,  yeoman  of  the  crown, 
of  all  lands  and  possessions  in  Beverley,  Molstoft  and  elsewhere  in  the 
county  of  York  lately  belonging  to  Richard  Cokerell,  *gentilman,' in  the 
king's  hands  by  an  act  of  attaint  in  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November, 
1  Edward  IV.  to  the  value  of  10/.  yearly.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  21.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servitor  John  Wode,  esquire,  of  the  office  of 

AVestminster.   master  of  the  king's  ordnance,  receiving  wages  of  2*.  daily  for  himself, 
^  6d.  daily  for  his  clerk  and  6d,  daily  for  a  yeoman  under  him  from  the 

prefers  and  all  other  debts  due  to  the  king  at  the  receipt  of  the  Exchequer, 
as  granted  for  life  to  Philip  Herveys  by  letters  patent  dated  1  December, 
1  Edward  IV.  surrendered ;  and  grant  to  him  in  addition  of  4s.  daily  for 
his  regard,  with  a  livery  of  the  suit  of  the  king's  esquires  yearly  at  Christmas 
at  the  great  wardrobe  and  all  other  accustomed  profits.  By  K. 

Feb.  20.  Grant  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Sentleger,  esquire  of  the  body,  of 

\^'estlllinste^.  the  custody  of  the  manor  of  Oldebury  with  the  advowson  of  the  church  of 
Oldebury,  co.  Gloucester,  and  all  lordships,  manors,  lands,  rents  and 
services  with  knights'  fees  and  advowsons  which  John  Thorp,  son  of  Ralph 
Thorp,  deceased,  who  is  an  idiot  (fatuus  naturalts),  holds  within  the 
counties  of  Gloucester,  Wilts,  Somerset  and  Cornwall  and  elsewhere  within 
the  realm,  to  hold  during  the  life  of  the  said  John  without  rendering 
anything  to  the  king,  but  finding  a  competent  sustenance  for  the  said 
John.  By  p.8. 

March  2.         Grant  for  life  to  Henry  Abyndon,  one  of  the  clerks  of  the  king's  chapel, 
Westminster,  of  8/.  yearly  from  the  first  day  of  the  reign  from  the  issues  of  the  castle^ 

/  2  EDWARD  IV.— Paut  IL  *0 

1463.  .'  '  Membraiie  25 — cow/.  /    . 

[  manor  or  lordship  of  Hadlegh  alias  Hadlej,  co.  Essex,  in  lien  x)f  a  like 

I  grant  to  him  from  the  issues  of  Hadley  Bee  and  Legh  Bee,  co.  Essex,  by  letters 

patent  of  the  king's  kinsman  Humphrey,  late  duke  of  Gloucester,  confirmed 
by  letters  patent  dated  9  November,  1  Edward  IV.  surrendered.        By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  farmers,  roceivors  or  other  occupiers  of  the 
said  castle,  manor  or  lordship. 

March  1.         Grant  to  Nicholas  Gaynesford  that  he  may  repair  the  castle  of  Odyham, 

Westminster,   the  houses,  mansions  and  bams  of  tlie  manor,  the  lodges  and  enclosures  of 

the  parks  and  a  water-mill  belonging  to  the  manor,  to  the  custody  of  which 

he  was  appointed  to  him  by  letters  patent  dated  3  February,  1  Edward  IV.  for 

i  7  years  from  the  Easter  preceding,  with  the  money  belonging  to -the  king 

f  from  the  farm  of  the  tame,  on  account  of  their  ruinous  condition,  and  to 

cut  down  timber  in  the  woods  of  the  manor  for  that  purpose.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  8.  Grant  to  John  Botiller,  knight,  and  Margaret  his  wife  of  the  custody  of 

Westmioster.  William,  son  and  heir  of  William  Troutbck,  knight,  and  all  his  manors, 
lands  and  possessions  within  the  county  of  Chester  and  elsewhere  within 
the  realm,  from  the  death  of  his  father  during  his  minority,  with  his 
marriage,  and  the  like  during  the  minority  of  the  next  heir,  should  be  die 
a  minor,  and  so  from  heir  to  heir. 

Feb.  23.  Grant  to  Thomas  Ive,  whom  the  king  by  letters  patent  appointed  to  the 

.Westminster,   scrutiny  of   wools  exported  to  foreign  parts,  cf  a  moiety  of   the  wools 

forfeited  for*  being  forced,  clacked,  bearded,  or  cleaned  contrary  to  the 

statutes  and  ordinances,  or  for  any  other  reason.  By  K. 

Aug.  13.         Grant  for  lif^  to  William  Saint  Laurence  of  the  office  of  admiral  of 
Westminster.  Ireland,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.8# 

Membrane  24. 

Oct.  24.         The  like  to  Francis  de  Mounteferant,  knight,  lord  Duza,  hotp.  in  the 

Westminster,   duchy  of  Aquitaine  (Guienne),  of  40/.  yearly  from  Michaelmas,  1  Edward 

IV.  at  the  receipt  of  the  Exchequer.     [Foedera.']  By  p.s.  [1061.] 

Oct.  24.  Revocation  of  the  protection  with  clause  volumusy  for  one  year,  lately 

Westminster,  granted  by  letters  patent  to  William  Acland  of  Bedyngton,  co.  Surrey, 
'  <  yoman,'  alias  Agelond,  *  husbondman,'  alias  Acgeland,  'jantilman,*  going 

on  tlie  king's  service  in  the  company  of  John  Wood,  esquire,  victualler  of  the 
town  and  castle  of  Calais  and  the  marches  there  in  the  parts  of  Picardy, 
on  the  safe-custo<ly  and  victualling  of  the  same,  because  he  delays  at 
Westminster,  as  William  Hampton  and  Bartholomew  James,  sherifib  of 
Middlesex,  have  certified. 

Sept.  30.        Grant  for  life  to  John  Cobbes  of  an  annuity  of  10/.  from  the  issues  of 

Westminster,  the  subsidy  and  ulnage  of  cloths,  and  half  of  the  forfeitures  of  the  same,  in 

the  county  of  Kent.  By  pjs. 

Sept.  30.         The  like  to  William  Harlakynden  of  a  like  annuity  from  the  same. 
[Westminster.]  By  p.s. 

Sept.  30.        The  like  to  John  Hert  of  an  annuity  of  10  marks  from  the  issues  of  the 
Westminster,  manor  of  Cottesmore,  co.  Rutland.  By  pjs. 

Sept.  30.         The  like  to  William  Haute  of  an  annuity  of  20  marks  from  the  issues  of 
Westminster,  the  hundreds  and  lordships  of  Middelton  and  Merdem,  co.  Kent.       By  p.s. 

Oct.  15.  Licence  for  Elizabeth,   late  the  wife  of  Nicholas  Iwardby,   tenant  in 

'  WestDiinster.  chief,  to  marry  Thomas  Salandyne,  esquire.  By  K. 

^  U    96914.  '  O 


1462»  Itemih^ne  24— eonf. 

May  1.  tmpeximui  and  confirmation  to  the  prior  and  conT«nt  of  the  house  of 

Wcftmmrter.  gt,  Miohael»  by  Kyngeston  on  Hull,  of  t*e  Carthiisian  order,  of  the 
following  :— 

1.  Letters  patent  dated  18  April,  5  Richard  IL  being  a  grant  to  them 

of  a  tun  of  Gbacou  wine    yearly  at  All  Saints,  in  the   port   of 
Kyngeston  on  Hull. 

2.  A  charter  dated  at  Esthampstede,  1  May,  8  Richard  IL  being  a  grant 

\fO  them,  of  certain    lit^erties  which  the    prior  and    brethren    ef 
Beauvale,  of  the  same  order,  have.    \_Man<i8ttc(m,'\ 

.   For  5  marks  paid  in  the  hanaper.. 

Nov.  I.  Grant  for  life  to  John  ByUey,  chaplain,  of  the  custody  of  the  hospital 

Westminster,  of  St,  John  the  Baptist,  Shrewsbury,  with  all  rights,  formerly  granted  to 

William  Shelve,  chaplain,  by  letters  patent  surrendered.  By  p.s. 

June  5.  Grant  to  Thomas  Gray,  one  of  the  esquires  of  the  body,  and  the  heirs 

W^etInin8ter.   male  of  his  body  of  the  manor  of  Crawden,  co.  Cambridge,  late  of  William 

Tallboys,  knight,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of  forfeiture  in 

Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November.  By  p.s» 

Oct.  12.         Mandate  to  all  bailiffis  and  others  to  permit  William  Thomson,  chaplain, 

Weftmhwter.   a  native  of  Edynburgh  in  Scotland,  dwelling  at  Herbaldowne  in  England, 

who  has  taken  an  oath  of  fealty,  to  inhabit  the  realm  peaceably  and  enjoy 

his  goods.  '        By  p.s. 

Oct.  20*         Like  mandate  in  favour  of  John  Hill,  ^yoman,*  a  native  of  Aburdene  in 
Westminster.  Scotland,  dwelling  at  London.  By  p.s* 

Membrane  23. 

Sept.  24.  Grant  to  Thomas  Seyntleger,  one  of  the  esquires  of  the  body,  of  the 
IWestmiiiBter.  custody  of  all  lands  late  of  George  Langham,  esquire,  tenant  in  chief, 
during  the  minority  of  Thomas  Langham,  son  and  heir  of  Richard  Langham, 
son  and  heir  of  the  said  George,  during  the  minority  of  the  said  heir^  with 
his  marriage,  subject  to  his  finding  a  competent  sustenance  for  him  and 
supporting  all  charges.  By  K. 

Oct.  1*  Grant  to  John  Spence,  clerk,  of  the  chapel  or  chantry  of  Holy  Cross 

WeBtminster.   within  the  king's  castle  of  Old  Sarum,  co.  Wilts. 

Oct.  2.  Licence  for  the  prior  and  convent  of  Malmesbury  to  elect  an  abbot  in 

We«tmiiuter.   the  place  of  John  Andever,  deceased. 

Oct.  12.         Presentation  of  Richard  Plommer,  chaplain,  to  the  parish  church  of 
Westminster.  St.  Peter,  Berkhamstede,  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  void  by  the  resignation 
of  John  Goddeslond. 

Sept.  30.         Appointment  of  William  Pecche,  knight,  as  sheriff  of  Kent,  with  the 

Westminster.  cuf«tody  of  the  king's  castle  of  Canterbury,  and  grant  to  him  of  40/.  yearly 

from  the  revenues  of  the  county  from  All  Saints  last,  until  he  shall  be 

provided  with  lands  to  that  value  in  tail  male.  By  p.s.  [1053.] 

Oct.  11.  Grant  for  life  to  William  Milford  of  the  manor  of  Sevenhampton  Denys, 

Westminster,  co.  Somerset,  with  courts  leet  and  all  other  appurtenances,  not  exceeding 
the  value  of  6/.  yearly,  rendering  to  the  king  20^.  yearly,  in  lieu  of  the 
appointment  of  him  and  William  Brownyng  to  the  custody  of  the  said 
manor  and  of  all  lands  late  of  Nicholas  Wodegrave  in  ChiUesworthy  and 
lands  in  le  Forde  in  the  parish  of  Ippilpen,  co.  Devon,  for  7  years  from  the 
Easter  preceding,  by  letters  patent  dated  2  July,  1  Edward  IV.  surrendered. 

By  p.s. 

Sept.  25.         Grant  to  the  king's  servitor  Philip  Morgan,  for  his  gcod  service  to  the 

Westminster,  king's  father  and  the  king,  of  the  custody  of  all  lands,  late  of  William 

Walsale  of  the  county  of  Leicester^  tenant-in-chiefy  during  the  minority  of 

$  EDWARD  IV.— Part  It  fill 

1462.  Membrane  2S'-eottt. 

Bobert  his  son  and  heir,  ivith  the  marriage  of  the  latter,  with  the  like 
(luring  the  minority  of  the  next  heir,  should  he  die  a  minor,  and  so  from 
heir  to  heir.  Byp.8. 

Jul  J  18.  Bevocation  of  the  protection  with  dAUBevolumus,  for  one  year,  granted  12 

Westmintter.  July  last  by  letters  patent  to  Roger  Motley  of  Bikall,  co  York,  *yoman,* 
going  on  the  king's  service  in  the  company  of  the  king's  kinsman  Richard, 
earl  of  Warwick,  chamberlain  of  England  and  capt4dn  of  the  town  and 
castle  of  Gahus  and  the  marches  there,  on  the  defence  of  the  same,  because 
he  delajH  at  Westminster  and  elsewhere  in  the  county  of  Middlesex,  as 
John  Lokke  and  George  Ireland,  sheriffs  of  Middlesex,  have  certified. 

•Tune  20.         iGrraut  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Lane  of  the  office  of  warrener 

Wefftminster.  or  the  custody  of  the  wan^en  within  the  king's  lordship  of  Swafham,  co. 

Noiiolk,  with  wages  of  2d.  daily  from  the  issues  of  the  lordship.       By  p^s. 

Oct.  16.  The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Richard  Patyne,  for  his  good  service  to 

Wettminster.  the  king's  father,  and  the  king,  of  the  office  of  porter  and  gaoler  of  the 

king's  castle  of  Gilford,  co.  Surrey,  with  the  accustomed  fees  and  profits 

at  the  hands  of  the  sheriff.  By  p.8. 

Oct.  24.  Grant  to  Richard  Lee,  grocer  and  alderman  and  late  mayor  of  London, 

WestmiiiBter.  and  his  heirs  and  assigns  of  the  advowson  of  the  parish  church  of  St. 

Stephen  in  the  ward  of  Walbroke,  Loudon,  late  of  Robert  Whityngham,  in 

the  king's  hands  by  his  forfeiture  by  reason  of  an  act  in  the  last  Parliament. 


Oct*  20.  Pardon  to  Richard  Beleryng  of  Folsbam,  co.  Norfolk, '  husbondman,'  of 
Westminster,  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Middlesex  for  not  appearing  before  the 
justioea  of-  the  Bench  to  satiny  the  king  of  his  ransom  for  not  bringing 
William  Fraunceys  late  of  Coston,  co.  Norfolk, '  yoman,'  before  John  Prysot 
and  his  fellows,  justices  of  the  Bench  of  the  late  king,  to  answer  William 
BusseU,  citizen  «nd  draper  of  London,  touching  a  plea  of  debt,  as  he  made 
mainprise  to  do ;  he  having  surrendered  1o  the  Flete  prison,  as  Robert 
Danby,  chief  justice  of  the  Bench,  has  certified. 

.  Sept.  10.        Grant  for  life  to  Richard  Lannargh  of  the  office  of  bailiff  of  the  king's 

Westmintter.  manor  -^  Helston  in  Kyrier,  co.    Cornwall,  belonging  to   the  dachy  of 

Cornwall,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the  issues  of  the  manor.      By  p.s. 

Membrane  22. 

Sept.  6.  Commission  to  John  Yong,  master  of  a  ship  called  le  Marie  of  London, 

Westminster,  and  John  Samwell,  QQaster  of  a  ship  called  le  Trinite  of  London,  to  take 
mariners  for  those  ships  and  a  mast  for  le  Marie  for  service  against  the 
king's  enemies. 

Aug.  26.         Grant  to  William  Herbert,  king's  knight,  of  the  custody  of  all  manorsp 

W«ftmfaister.  lands  and  possessions,  late  of  Nicholas  Iwardby,  tenant  in  chief,  ddring  the 

minority  of  John  his  son  and  heir,  to  hold  with  all  issues  from  the  same, 

with  the  marriage  of  the  heir,  finding  reasonable  sustenance  for  him  and 

sustaining  the  houses,  enclosures  and  buildings.  By  p.g« 

Sept.  15.         Grant,  during  pleasure,  to  John  Huet  and  John  Chambre,  of  the  office 

Wettmtnster.  of  tronage  and  peeage  in  the  port  of  Bishop's  Lynne  and  ports  and  places 

adjacent,  receiving  the  accustomed  fees.  By  bill  of  treasurer. 

Oct.  17.  Revocation  of  the  protection  with  clause  volumuHy  for  one  year,  granted  16 
Wettminster.  July  by  letters  patent  to  John  Tryvet,late  of  Honyton,  co.  Devon,  ^yonuui/ 
alias  Treret,  merehant^  alias  Trevette,  ^  chapman,'  to  stay  on  the  king's 
service  in  the  company  of  Walter  Blount,  knight,  treasurer  of  the  town  of 
Calais,  for  the  safe  custody,  defence  and  victualling  of  the  town  and  marches, 
because  he  delays  at  Yevelchestre  and  elsewhere  in  the  county  of  Somerset, 
as  llioiBai  Herbert,  esquire,  sheriff,  has  certified. 



14.62.  Membrane  22 — cont. 

.    Oct.  19.  Grant  for  life  to  Richard  Brown  of  the  office  of  the  parkership  of 

Westminster.  Hungcrford  Fareley,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  Bj  p.8. 

Oct.  20.  Grant  to  Eh'zabeth  the  wife  of  the  king's  kinsman  John,  duke  of 

Westminster.  Norfolk,  a  minor  and  in  the  kin^s  custody,  that  during  his  minority  she 
may  have  and  enjoy  all  the  rents,  revenues  and  profits  of  the  lordships  and 
manors  wherein  certain  lawful  grants  and  estates  were  made  to  them  in 
tail  for  her  jointure  at  the  time  of  the  solemnisation  of  their  espousals,  vis., 
the  manora  or  lordships  of  Bosam,  Mechyng  and  Waschynton,  co.  Sussex, 
to  the  yearly  value  of  100/.,  Segrave,  co.  Leicester,  to  the  yearly  value  of 
20  marks,  Stodes.lon  and  Kyngeswode,  co.  Salop,  to  the  yearly  value  of 
20  markp,  Fenystanton  and  Hylton,  co.  Huntingdon,  to  the  yearly  value 
of  10/.,  Hynton,  co.  Cambridge,  to  tlie  yearly  value  of  20/.,  and  Weston,  co. 
Hertford,  to  the  yearly  value  of  40  marks.  By  p.8. 

Oct.  23.  General  pardon  to  John  Laurence  alias  Bady.  By  p.8. 


Aug.  1.  Grant   for  life,  in  consideration  of  their  charges  and  perils  incurred  in 

Westminster,  ihe  king's  conflicts  and  battles,  to  the  king's  servants  John  Fortescu  and 
William  Chichcly,  esquires,  of  the  manors  of  Parkham  and  Cokiswall,  co. 
Devon,  and  all  lands  and  possessions  in  Parkham,  Cokyswall,  Wydefeld, 
Made  ford,  Yoland,  Folle  with  Melden,  Yoldiche,  Estbeweley,  Boryngton, 
Bishop's  Nymet  and  Little  Thoryngton,  co.  Devon,  late  of  Baldwin  Fufford, 
knight,  the  manor  and  lordship  of  Brene,  co.  Wilts,  and  all  lands  and 
possessions  in  Brene  late  of  James,  late  earl  of  Wiltshire,  and  all  lands,  and 
possessions  in  Trobrigge,  co.  Wilts,  late  of  John  Fortescu,  knight,  in  the 
king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of  forfeiture  in  Parliament  at  Westminster, 
4  November,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  wards,  marriages,  reliefs,  courts 
leet,  views  of  frank  pledge,  parks,  warrens,  fisheries  and  all  other  profits,  to 
the  yearly  value  of  46/.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  26.  Release  to  the  king's  tenants  of  the  town  of  Eyngesclyf,  co.  Northampton, 

Westminster,  for  two  years  from  Michaelmas  last  of  the  farm  of  40/.  yearly  due  to  the 

king,  on  account  of  the  losses  they  have  sustained'of  divers  goods  and  houses 

to  the  number  of  100  and  more  by  fire.  By  p.s. 

Sei)t.  12.  Mandate  to  all  bailiffs  and  others  to  permit  Simon  Thomson,  'tailcur,'  a 

Westminster,  native  of  Aburdene  in  Scotland,  dwelling  at  Shordyche  in  England,  who  has 
taken  an  oath  of  fealty,  to  inhabit  the  realm  peaceably  and  enjoy  his  good<i. 

By  p.8. 


Sept.  10.        Protection,  for  three  years,  for  Mary  de  Bedford,  lady  de  la  Sparre,  and 
Westminster,   her  servants,  lands  and  possessions.  By  K. 

July  12.         General  pardon  to  John  Tylney  of  the  parish  of  Grantham,  co.  Lincolnv 
Westminster,  By  K. 

Sept.  15.     '    The  like  to  Oliver  Xyng,  late  of  Cambridge,  clerk,  of  all  offences  com- 
Westminster.  mitted  by  him  before  3  May  last.  By  K. 

Aug.  21.         Grant  for  life  to  John  Sambroke  of  the  office  of  one  of  the  king's  ser- 

Westminster.  jeants  at  arms,  with  wag^es  of   I2d,  daily  from  the  fee  farm  of  the'  city  of 

Hereford,  and  a  livery  of  the  suit  of  the  esquires  of  the  household  yearly  at 

Christmas  at  the  great  wardrobe.  By  p.8. 

Sept.  20.  Grant  to  the  king's  brother  George,  duke  of  Clarence,  and  the  heirs  of 
Westminster,  his  body,  of  the  county,  honour  and  lordship  of  Richemond,  which  Edmund 
Hadham,  late  carl  of  Richemond,  lately  had  of  the  grant  of  Henry  Y.I.,  with 
all  castles,  towns,  lordships,  manors,  lands,  courts,  knights'  fees,  advowsons, 
liberties,  reliefs  and  other  profits  belonging  to  the  same  in  the  counties  of 
Lincoln,  York,  Westmoreland,  Gloucester,  Buckingham,  Cambridge,  Essex, 
Kent,  Dorset,  Norfolk,   London   and  elsewhere,  and   the  reversion  of  all 

2  EDWARD  IV.- Part  II.  2li 

1462.  Membrane  21 — cont. 

castles,  lordships,  lands  and  possessions,  parcel  of  the  same,  which  Richard 
Wydevill,  knight,  and  Jaquetta  his  wife,  duchess  of  Bedford,  hold  for  her 
life,  on  her  death,  and  the  reversions  in  like  manner  of  all  other  parcels  of 
the  same,  an^  all  issues  from  Easter  last ;  and  also  the  manors  and  lordships 
of  Spofford  and  Aylneham,  co.  York,  and  the  castle,  manor  and  lordship  of 
Prudhowe,  co.  Northumberland,  and  all  lands  and  tenements  in  the  parishes 
of  St.  Katharine  Colman  and  St.  Anne's  by  Aldrichegate,  London,  late  of 
Henry  Percy,  late  earl  of  Northumberland,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons, 
wards,  marriages,  relieis,  escheats,  parks,  warrens,  forests,  chaces,  fisheries, 
fairs,  markets,  views  of  frank  pledge,  courts  leet,  bondmen,  liberties  and  all 
other  appurtenances,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  of  forfeiture 
by  authority  of  Parliament  at  Westminster,  4  November,  and  all  issues 
from  the  same  from  Michaelmas,  1  £()ward  IV.  By  £• 

Membrane  20. 

Sept.  16.        Licence  for  life  for  Robert  Peete  to  ship  '  thrumes,'  stone  thrumes,  *  pooks  * 

Westminster,  and  *  vagen  thrumes '  in  the  ports  of  London,  Ipswich,  Yermouth,  Kyngeston 

on  Hull,  Boston  and  Lynne  and  places  and  creeks  adjacent  and  .take  them 

without  the  realm  to  foreign  piirts  of  the  king's  friendship.  By  K. 

Sept.  15.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  servant  William  Sterlyng  of  the  subsidy  and 
Westminster,  ulnage  of  cloths  within  the  counties  of  Surrey  and  Sussex,  pursuant  to  the 
ordinances  in  the  Great  Council  of  Edward  III.  at  Westminster  and  in 
Parliament  in  17  Richard  II.  and  7  Henry  lY.  and  the  statute  in  Par- 
liament, 11  Henry  IV.  with  a  moiety  of  the  forfeitures  and  all  other 
profits,  rendering  to  the  king  20  marks  yearly. 

Sept.  15.         Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Mongomery,  king's  knight,  one  of  the  king's 
.  Westminster,  sewers  (dapiscidorum)  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  exchange  and  mint 

within  the  Tower  of  London  and  the  custody  of  the  coinages  of  gold  and 
silver  within  the  realm,  receiving  the  accustomed  wages  as  in  the  last  year 
of  Edward  lU.  and  the  first  of  Richard  II.  from  the  issues  of  the  same,  as 
granted  during  good  behaviour  to  Thomas  Mongomery,  esquire,  by  lettei's 
patent  dated  15  June,  1  Edward  I  ST.  surrendered.  By  K. 

Oct.  24.  Exemption  for  life  of  John  Beauchamp,  knight,  lord  of  Beauchamp,  on 
Westminster,  account  of  his  old  age  and  debility,  from  attendance  in  council  or  Parlia- 
ment, and  from  being  made  collector,  assessor  or  taxer  of  tenths,  fiftecutns 
or  other  subsidy,  commissioner,  justice  of  the  peace,  constable,  bailiff  or 
minister  of  the  king,  or  trier,  arrayer,  musterer  or  leader  of  men  at  arms, 
archers  or  hobelers.  By  p.s, 

Dec  10.         Grant  for  life  to  John  IngoUlcsby  of  a  place  with  two  tenements  apper- 

Westminster,  taining  in  the  parish  of  St.  Michael's  in  Wodestrete  in  the  wai'd  of  Crepul- 

gate,  London,  of  the  yearly  value  of  5  marks,  late  of  William,  late  lord 

Beaumond,  and  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  in  Parliament  at 

Westminster,  4  November,  1  Edward  IV.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  15.        The  like  to  William  Store  of  a  place  called  <  Comen  Bakchous '  in  the 
Westminster,  to^rn  of  Alnenyk,  with  all  fees  imd  profits.  By  K.  by  word  of  moullu 

Sept.  15.        The  like  to  William  Ilelperby  of  a  yearly  rent  of  7/.  I5s.  from  the  fee 

Westminster,   f urm  of  the  town  of  Scardeburgh,  the  manor  of  Waldegrave  and  60  acres  of 

land.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  12.         The  like  to  the  king's  servant  Thomas  Seyntleger  of  the  office  of  keeper 
Westminster,  of  Ghestonwode  within  the  county  of  Kent,  with  the  accustomed  fees. 

By  p.s. 

Membrane  19. 


Aug.  K  The  like  to  the  king's  servitor  Edmund  Tankard,  yeoman  in  the  kind's 

« We^iainster.  privy  kitcheoi  of  the  custody  of  the  laud  lying  between  the  chapel  of  Si« 


1462«  '^         Membrane  19 — conU 

^  "Miary  Konsivale  near  Chnryng  Crosae  aad  the  place  iof  the  archbishop  of 
York  of  old  time  called  '  kyng  of  Soottis  ground '  with  the  hermitage  of  St. 
Katharine  upon  it,  with  all  profits.  By  p.8.  [1006.] 

Sept.  26^        Grant  to  the  king's  brother  George,  doke  of  Clarence^  in  enlart^ement  of 

Westminster,  a  grant  to  him  by  letters  patent  dated  10  August  ^p.  i'98),  of  the  issues  of 

all  the  manors,  lordships  and   other  possessions  tlierdn  specified  from 

Michaelmas  last  to  that  date.  By  R. 

June  20.        Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Laiie  and  Thomas  Jolyf,  for  their  good  service 

Westminster,  to  the  klng*s  father  and  other  kinsmen  of  the  king,  of  the  office  of  bailiff  of 

the  liberty  and  franchises  of  the  honour  of  Richmond  in  the  counties  of 

Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  K. 

July  12.  The  like  to  John  Dode  of  the  ofiice  of  bailiif  of  Stoke  under  Hampden, 

iTorthampton.  co.  Somerset,  with  the  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  20.  The  like  to  Richard  Broun  of  the  office  of  bailiff  of  the  king's  lordship 

Westminster,  of  Hungerford  Farley,  co.  Somerset,  with  wages  of  2d,  daily  and  all.profits 

in  the  king's  hands  by  forfeiture.  '      .By  p.s. 

Oct.  26.  The  like  to  Henry  Muchegode,  clerk  of  the  king's  stable,  from  Michael- 

Westminster,  mas  last  of  an  annuity  of  6  marks  due  to  the  king  from  the  abbot  and 
.    ^^        couTenC  of  Missenden,  ir\  the  same  manner  as  John.  Hampden  had  Ihesame. 

"^  .      ;       .        By)p,8.  [1062.] 

Oct  12.  The  like  to  the  king's  brother  Bi(diard,'dBke  of  Gloucester,  of  the  office 

Wtstvunster.  of  admiral  of  England,  Ireland,  and  Aquitaine,  with  %[\  accustomed  profits 

and  powers,  provided  that  he  have  no  cognisance  of  affairs  within  the  counties 

or  of  wreck  of  sea.   He  is  to  have  cognisance  of  death  and  maiming  however 

^^  committed  in  great  ships  in  the  middle  of  the  great  rivers,  but  only  in  the 

ports  of  those  near  the  sea,  '  By  K. 

Mbmbranb  18. 

Oct.  29. 


Grant  to  John  Laweley  of  the  office  of  the  marshalship  of  the  Exchequer 
.   during  the  minoi*ity  of  John,  duke  of  Norfolk,  with  the  accustomed  fees. 

By  p.s. 

Nov.  3.  Pardon  to  Vincent  Hall,  late  of  St.  John's  street  without  the  bars  of 

Westminster.   Westsmy  thefeld,  London,  co.  Middlesex,  *  baker'  and  *  brewer,'  of  all  felonies, 

'  trespasses  and  crimes  of  which  he  was  attainted  or  convicted,  and  the 

abjuration  which  he  made  by  reason  of  the  same  and  his  subsequent  entry 

into  slay  within  the  realm.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  29.  Signification  to  W.  bishop  of  Winchester,  of  the  royal  assent  to  the 

Westminster,  election  of  Thomas  Robis,  a  brother  of  the  church  of  St,  Denis  by 
Suthampton,  of  the  order  of  St.  Augustine,  as  prior  df  that  place. 

Dec.  1*  Pardon  to  the  mayor  and  commonalty  of  the  city  of  Corke  in  Ireland, 

Bisham.  of  the  fee  farm  of  80  marks  which  they  used  to  pay  for  the  1 1  parish 
churches  belou«;ing  to  the  city  with  the  suburbs  within  a  space  of  a 
mile,  which  have  been  wasted  and  destroyed  by  the  rebels  for  the  past 
50  years,  as  they  obtained  a  like  pardon  from  the  king's  fother  when  he 
was  last  in  those  parts,  and  grant  to  them  of  the  coeket  of  the  city  with  the 
fee  of  the  same  in  augment^^tion  of  the  construction  of  the  walls  until  they 
/  may  be  able  to  go  freely  for  a  mile  outside  the  walls.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  4.  Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  John  Ingoldesby  as  a  baron  of  the 

Westminster.  Exchequer  in  the  place  of  ^^ohn  Holmcj  receiving  the  aeoustomed  fees. 

By  p.s, 

Dec.  18.  Mandate  to  all  bailiffs  and  others  to  permit  John  Beverley,  '  bocher, 

Westminster,  a  native  of  Arbrothc  in  Scotland,  dwelling  at  Feversham,  co.  Kent,  who 
has  taken  an  oath  of  fealty,  to  inhabit  the  realm  peaceably  and  enjoy  hia 
goods.  .   ,      .  /....,  '^7.P*^ 

2  fibWABD  iV^tABT  IL  6l8 

1462*  Membrane  18 — cont. 

Dec.  L'O.         Grant  for  life  to  the  kind's  servitor  Thomas  Prout,  esquire,  of   the 

MTestminater.  offices  of  steward  of  the  king's  lordship  of  Meer,  co.  Wilts,  and  parker 

there,  with  herbage  and  pannage  and  all  accustomed  fees.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  30.        The  like  to  John  Alday  of  an  annuity  of  10/.  which  Mary,  sometime  the 

Westiuiuster.  wife  of  John  Moulton,  used  to  render  to  the  alien  abbot  of  Langennyth  for 

a  tenement  in  Somercotes  and  Saltfletby,  co.  Lincoln.  By  p.8. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  fiirmers,  bailiffs,  and  other  occupiers  of  the 

Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Diggis  of  an  annuity  of  20  marks  from  the 
issues  of  the  manors  of  Tuderley  and  Lockerley,  co.  Soudiampton.    By  p.s« 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  farmers,  bailiffs  and  other  occupiers  of  the 

Sept.  30.        Grant  for  life  to  John  Dyggys  of  an  annuity  of  20  marks  from  the  issues 
Westminster,  of  the  hundreds  and  lordships  of  Middelton  and  Merden,  co,  Kent. 

By  p.8« 
Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  farmers,  bailiffs  and  other  occupiers  of  the 

Sept.  30.        Grant  for  life  to  John  Isaak  of  an  annuity  of  10/.  from  the  issues  of  the 
Westmicster.  same.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  farmers,  bailiffs,  and  other  occupiers  of  the 

Dec.  28.         General  pardon  to  Philip  Bermyngham  of  Dublin, '  gentilman,'  of  all 
Westminster,  offences  committed  by  him  in  England  and  Ireland  before  this  date.   By  p.s. 

Dec.  28.  Grant  to  John  f^ogge,  knight,  treasurer  of  the  king's  household,  John 
Westminster.  Scott,  knight,  controller  of  the  same,  and  Thomas  Colt  of  the  custody  of 
the  temporalities  of  the  bishopric  of  Durham,  so  long  as  they  remain  in 
the  king's  hands,  rendering  a  due  account  at  the  exchequer  of  the  bishopric 
before  the  king's  auditors,  with  power  to  appoint  justices,  chancellor, 
sheriff,  escheator,  and  other  officers.  By  p.8. 


Jan.  16.         Grant  to  the  king's  kinsman  Bichard,  earl  of  Warwick,  and  Walter 

Westminster.   Scoll,  knight,  of  the  presentation  to  the  deanery  of  Walyngford  at  its  next 

voidance.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  26.  Grant  to  Walter  Wrottesley,  king's  knight,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his 

Westminster,  body  of  the  manors  of  Bamsham  and  Penpole,  co.  Dorset,  in  the  king's 
hands  by  the  death  of  his  kinsman  William  Neville,  earl  of  Kent,  not 
exceeding  the  value  of  50/.  yearly,  with  knight's  fees,  advowsons,  parks, 
warrens,  woods,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank  pledge,  liberties,  franchises  and 
all  other  appurtenances,  from  the  death  of  the  said  earl.  By  p.s. 


Dec.  9.  Licence  for  the  king's  kinsman  Richard,  earl  of  Warwick  and  Salisbury, 

Westminster,  to  enter  freely  into  all  castles,  lordships,  manors,  lands,  and  other  possessions 

descending  to  him  on  the  death  of  the  king's  kinswoman  Alesia,  countess  of 

Salisbury.  By  p.s. 


Jan«  31.  Grant  for  life  to  the  king's  sei'vant  John  Ifongej  yeoman  of  the  crown^ 

Westminster,  of  the  manors  or  lordships  of  Landehilpe  and  Le  Durant,  co.  Cornwall,  and 
all  lands,  rents^  services,  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  courts  leet,  views  of 
frank  pledge,  warrens  and  other  liberties  belonging  to  the  same,  late  of 
Thomas,  eail  of  Devon,  attainted  by  authority  of  Parliament,  and  in  the 
king's  hands  by  his  forfeiture,  to  hold  by  fealty  only.  By  p.s« 

Feb.  4.  Pardon  to  Thomas  Surteys,  esquire,  of  all  treasons,  murders  and  feloniea 

Westniiuter.  committed  by  him  before  1  December  last.  By  p.B« 


1462.  MSUBRANS   17.  ' 

•  Aug.  IL  Grant  in  frank  almoin  to  Thomas  Buxhale,  king's  chaplain^  tnastet*  of 
Westminster,  the  king's  college  of  Fodrynghey  of  a  master,  12  chaplains,  8  clerks,  and 
13  choristers,  lately  founded  for  the  good  estate  of  the  king  and  Cecily  his 
mother,  and  for  their  souls  after  death,  and  the  soul  of  the  king's  father 
Richaj*d,  late  duke  of  York,  heir  of  the  kingdoms  of  England  and  France, 
and  his  fellows  and  successors,  of  the  alien  priory  and  manor  of  Bekford 
with  its  appurtenances  in  the  counties  of  Gloucester  and  Lincoln,  the  limds 
of  Asshton  on  Caraunt,  co.  Gloucester,  some  time  parcel  of  the  alien  priory  of 
Baylbek,  and  the  alien  manors  of  Bryston  alias  Bryxston  knd  Charleton, 
CO.  Wilts,  and  Willesford,  cos.  Lincoln  and  Northampton,  with  all  lands  > 
rents,  services,  knights'  fees,  advowsons  and  memhers  and  appurtenances, 
from  the  Annunciation,  2  Edward  IV.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  26.  Protection,  during  the  life  of  the  king,  for  the  ahbess  and  convent  of  the 

Westminster,  monastery  of  St.  Saviour  and  St.  Mary  and  St.  Bridget,  Syon,  co.  Middle- 
sex, of  the  order  oi  St.  Augustine,  and  their  lands  and  possessions.  They 
shall  not  be  distrained  upon  by  purveyoi*s  or  clerks  of  works,  and  their 
stone-cutters,  masons,  carpenters,  smiths,  sawyers,  plumbers,  tilers,  glaziers, 
plasterers,  joiners  and  other  workmen  and  timber,  stone,  lead,  tiles  and 
other  necessaries  for  the  construction  of  the  monastery  shall  not  be  taken  ; 
and  they  shall  have  free  power  of  carriage  by  all  highways  in  the  king's 
warren  called  '  le  Couyngyerd '  within  his  manor  of  Shene  to  and  from  the 
wharf  of  le  *  Bricke  Coste  '  and  the  river  Thames.  By  K. 

Nov.  2.  Pardon  to  Elizabeth,  the  abbess  of  the  said  monastery,  called  abbess  of 

Westminster.  Syon,  occupier  (pccupatrici)  of  the  alien  abbey  of  ,Seez  and  itg  lands  and 
possessions  in  England,  and  of  the  abbey  of  Fecamp  in  Normandy  with  all 
its  manors,  lands  and  other  possessions,  and  the  convent  of  that  place  of  all 
fines,  issues,  amercements,  reliefs,  scutages,  debts,  accounts  and  forfeitures 
due  to  the  king  and  all  offences,  trespasses  and  contempts  and  all  actions. 


Oct.  28.  Pardon  to  Thomas  Hege  of  Colchestre,  co.  Essex,  ^  gentilman,'  and  Ellen 
Westminster,  his  wife  of  their  outlawry  and  waiver  in  the  county  of  Norfolk  for  not 
appearing  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench  to  satisfy  John  Jenn^y  of  40*. 
which  he  recovered  against  thorn  before  the  justices  of  the  late  king  at 
Westminster,  aud  IS*-.  4(/.  damages  ;  they  having  surrendered  to  the  Flete 
prison  and  satisfied  him,  as  Robert  Danby,  chief  justice,  has  certified. 

Sept.  30.         Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Cotes  of  an  annuity  of  10/.  from  the  issues  of 
Westminster,   the  manors  of  Tuderley  and  Lokerley,  co.  Southumptou.  By  p:8. 

Sept.  27.         Revocation  of  the  protection  with  clause  volumus^  for  one  year,  lately  granted 

Westminster,  by  letters  patent  to  William  Cogan,  citizen  and  mercer  of  London,  to  go  on 

the  king's  service  in  the  company  of  the  king's  kinsman  Bichard,  earl  of 

Warwick,  captain  of  the  town  and  castle  of  Calais,  for  the  safe  custody  of 

the  same,  on  ceitiHcate  by  the  sheriff  that  he  delays  in  London.     '      -  * 

Oct.  31.  Grant  for   life  to  Thomas  Wath,  esquire,  of  the  manor  of  Sutton  on 

Westminster.  Trent,  co.  Nottingham,  and  all  lauds  in  Sutton,  late  of  Thomas  Roos, 
knight,  late  lord  of  lloos,  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  in 
Parliament  at  AVcst minster,  4  November,  1  Edward  IV.  extended  at  the 
value  of  20  marks  yeai'ly,  with  all  fees,  wards,  reliefs,  escheats,  homages, 
iients,  suits  of  courts  and  sei-vices,  and  all  issues  of  the  same  from  the  said 
4  November,  to  hold  by  fealty  only.  •       By  p.s. 


Oct.  27.        Appointment,  during  pleasure,  of  William  Herbcrd  as  supervisor  of  the 

Westminster,   scrutiny  in  the  port  of  liiistol  and  ports  aud  places  adjticent,  receiving  the 

accustomed  fees.    .  By  bill  of  the  treasurer^ 

2  EDWARD  IV.— r^^RTlL  21.7 

l4,g3.  Membrane  16 — ami* 

Jan«  26.  Grant  to  Walter  Wrottesley,  king's  knight,  aud  the  heirs  male  of  his  body, 

Westminster,  of  two  pai'ts  of  the  manors  or  lordships  of  Glynte,  Hondesworth  and  Mere, 
CO.  Stafford,  lately  granted  in  tail  to  Fulk  Stafford,  esquire,  now  deceased, 
by  letters  patent,  aud  tho  reversion  of  the  third  part  of  the  same  on  the 
death  of  Margaret,  late  the  wife  of  the  said  Fulk,  with  advowsons,  knights' 
fees,  parks,  warrens,  courts  leet,  views  of  frank  pledge,  liberties  and  ull 
other  appurtenances.  By  p.s. 


Nov.  3.  Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Ililles  of  100*.  yearly  from  the  issues  of  tlio 

Westminster,  subsidy  and  uluage  of  cloths,  and  a  moiety  of  the  forfeitures  of  the  same  in 

the  city  of  London.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  farmers,  receivers  aud  other  occupiers  of 
the  same. 


Feb.  5.  Revocation  of  the  protection  with  clause  volumusy  for  one  year,  granted  20 

Westraiustcr.  October  by  letters  patent  to  John  Frankelyn  of  Haunos,  co.  Bedford, 
'  gentilman'  alius  'yoman,-  to  stay  in  the  parts  of  Picardy  on  the  king's 
service  in  the  company  of  John  Woode,  esquire,  victualler  of  the  town  and 
marches  of  Calais,  on  the  safe  custody,  defence  and  victutUling  of  the  castle, 
town  and  marches,  because  he  delays  in  Westminster  on  his  own  business, 
as  William  Hampton  and  Bartholomew  JameF,  sheriffs  of  Middlesex,  have 


Nov.  3.  Grant  for  life  to  William  Brent  of  an  annuity  of  10  marks  from  the  fee 

Westminster,  farm  of  the  town  of  Kyngeston  on  Thames,  co.  Surrey.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  men  or  bailiffs  of  the  towu. 

Sept  30.        Grant  for  life  to  Edward  Mille  of  an  annuity  of  10/.  from  the  issues  of 
Wcstmmster.  the  hundreds  and  lordships  of  Middelton  and  Merden,  co.  Kent.-       By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  farmers,  bailiffs  and  other  occupiers  of  the 


Feb.  6.  Pardon  to  John  Grevile,  esquire,  sheriff  of  Warwick  and  Leicester,  for 

Westminster,  the  escapes  of  Nicholas  Basset  and  Roger  Bygge  from  Warwick  gaol  out  of 

his  custody.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  the  king's  kinsman  John,  earl  of  Worcester,  William  Hastynges, 
knight,  king's  chamberlain,  John  Fogge,  knight,  treasurer,  and  John  Scot, 
knight,  controller  of  the  household,  and  Thomas  Colt  of  the  custody  of  all 
castles,  manors,  lordships,  lands,  tenements  and  advowsons  in  the  king's 
hands  by  reason  of  the  minority  of  any  tenants  in  fee,  with  their  marriage, 
and  of  the  temporalities  of  all  archbii^opricsy  bishoprics  and  abbeys  during 
voidance,  for  three  years  from  Christmas  last.  They  are  to  apply  tho 
issues  to  the  expenses  of  the  king's  household,  rendering  an  account  yearly 
at  the  Exchequer  and  sustaining  all  charges.  By  p.s. 

March  3.  Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Oxney  of  the  office  of  controller  of  tho 
Westminster,  havenr}'  (haoenarie)  and  collector  of  the  new  custom  within  the  county  of 
Cornwall  from  2  March,  1  Edward  IV.  receiving  such  fees  as  were 
allowed  to  John  Fortes  in  the  year  20  Edward  111.  from  the  issues  of  the 
duchy  of  Cornwall ;  in  lieu  of  a  grant  to  him  of  the  office  of  controller  of 
coket  and  wreck  of  sea  within  the  counties  of  Cornwall  and  Devon  by 
letters  patent  dated  2  March,  1  Edward  IV.  surrendered.  By  p.8« 


Nov.  4.  Grant  in  frauk  almoin  to  William  Fallam,  the  proctor,  and  the  schoULrs 

Westminster,  of  the  college  called  •  Goddishoas'  in  the  university  of  Cambridge,  founded 

by  Henry  VI.  on  16  April,  2(5  Henry  VI.  at  the  request  of  William  Bingham, 

late  parson  of  tho  church  of  St.  John  Zakarie^  Li^doD,  deceaied,  of  a  rent  or 


1462.  Membrane  IQ-^otU. 

ancient  impost  of  10  marks  jearlj,  whioh  the  prior  of  the  alien  priory  of  Monne- 
mouthe  in  the  marches  of  Wales  used  to  paj  to  the  chief  lord  of  the  priory 
beyond  seas,  a  yeai*ly  rent  of  409.  which  the  prior  and  convent  of  the  alien 
priory  of  Tottcneys,  co.  Devon,  used  to  pay  to  the  chief  lord  of  the  priory 
beyond  seas,  a  yearly  rent  of  100«.  which  the  prior  of  Newstede  on  Ancolm 
CO.  Lincoln,  used  to  pay  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Longvillers  in  France, 
a  yearly  rent  of  10  marks  which  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Sawtre  used  to 
pay  to  the  alien  abbot  of  Bon  Kepos  {de  Bona  Requie)  with  50  marks  for 
the  churches  of  Foulbourne  and  Uon^giiam  alia$  Honyngton,  the  alien 
priory  of  Cars  well  alias  Carsewell  in  the  lordship  of  Ewi*as  Lacy  in  North 
Wales,  not  exceeding  the  value  of  40;.  yearly,  the  alien  priory  of  Chepstowe 
in  Wales  and  the  marches  of  Wales,  the  alien  priory,  manor  or  lordship  of 
Ikham,  in  the  counties  of  Lincoln  and  Oxford,  not  exceeding  100«.  yearly,  the 
hospital  or  free  chapel  of  St.  James,  Great  Therlowe,  co.  Suffolk,  not  ex- 
.  ceeding  60#.  yearly,  and  the  advowsons  of  the  churches  of  Nauby  alias 
Naanby,  co.  Lincoln,  and  Fyndrayton  alias  F3'nnedraytou  or  Fennech^yton, 
CO.  Cambridge,  with  all  liberties,  franchises,  knights'  fees,  manors,  lordships, 
lands,  views  of  frank-pledge,  courts  leet,  advowsons  and  other  appurte- 
nances, that  they  may  pay  for  the  good  estate  of  the  king  and  for  his  soul 
after  death,  and  the  souls  of  his  father  Richard,  late  duke  of  York,  and  liis 
brother  Edmund,  late  earl  of  Rutland,  and  the  said  William  Bingham.  By  p.s. 

Mbmbrans  15. 

July  5.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Waverle,  of 

Westmiaster.  the  Cistercian  order,  of  a  charter  dated  at  Clarendon,  30  November, 
5  Edward  III.  [^Charter  Roily  b  Edward  III,  No,  A^"]  being  a  grant  to 
them  of  a  tun  of  red  Avine  yearly  in  the  port  of  Suthampton. 

For  \  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Nov.  17.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Bamme,  esquire,  of  the  ofRee  of  steward  of  the 
Weitmiiuter.  king's  courts  of  his  hundreds  of  Middelton  and  Merden,  co.  Kent,  witli 
wages  of  10  marks  yearly  from  18  July,  1  Edward  IV.  from  the  issues  of 
the  same,  and  all  other  accustomed  profit<t ;  in  lien  of  another  grant  to  him 
of  the  said  office  and  of  the  office  of  bailiff  of  the  said  hundreds,  by  letters 
patent  dated  18  July  1  Edward  IV.  surrendered  as  insufficient  as  to  the 
wages,  fees  or  regards  to  be  received.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  tathe  receivers,  farmers^  or  other  occupiers  or 
ministers  of  the  same. 

Sept.  30..,      Grant  for  life  to  William  Petyte  of  a  yearly  rent  of  *Ih  from  the  town  of 
Westminster.  Bi;lweU,  co.  Nottingham,  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  tli^  farmuTi^  bailiffs,  ^and  otlier  occupiers  of  the 

Nov.  3.         Grant  for  Kfe  tt3  Gebrgb'Busshet  of  100^.  yearly  from  the  issues  of  the 

Westminster,  subsidy  and  ulnage  of  cloths  and  half  the  forfeiture  of  the  same  in  the  city 

of  London.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  farmers,  I'eceivcrs.  and  other  occupiers  of 

the  same. 


Feb,  5.  Pardon,  for  .30^.  paid  in  the  hanaper,   to  Henry  Sotehill,  Hugh  Noone, 

Westminster,  clerk^  William  Parchet,  derk,  and  Henry  Bell,  vicar  of  the  parish  c!hurch 
of  Est  Basyn,  for  acquiring  in  fee  from  Gerard  Sotehill  the  manor  of  Red- 
bourn,  co.  Lincoln,  held  in  chief,  and  entering  thereon  without  licence. 

Peb.  10.  Grant  for  life  to  John  Mylsam,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  chamber,  of  all 

Westminster*  lands  and  tenements  within  the  hamlet  of  Berkhampsted,  co.  Hertford, 

of  the  yearly  value  of  5  marks,  which  Koger  Martyn  lately  occupied,  in 

the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  an  act  in  Parliament  at  Westminster, 

4  Kovemberi  1  ]EIdward  IV«  By  p.s« 

#         %  *  «■  > 

2  BbWAKD  IV.— Pabt  It  2lfl 

1463.  '     "  Metnbrane  15 — cont. 

Feb.  8.  Mandate  to  the  major  and  sheriff's  of  London  and  the  collectors  of  the 

Westminster,  tax  imposed  in  tlie  late  Parliament  at  Redyng  upon*  strangers  staying 
within  the  realm  not  to  compel  Gervase  le  Vulre,  one  of  tlie  king's  notaries 
and  secretaries  in  his  Chancery  of  France,  who  may  be  counted  as  a 
stranger  because  lie  took  not  his  origin  in  the  realm  of  England,  and  his 
wife  and  servants  to  contribute  to  the  same,  because  he  was  born  a 
subject  of  the  king  in  his  realm  of  France  and  was  summoned  to  England 
twenty-six  years  ago  and  more  to  serve  tlie  king,  and  has  ever  since  con- 
tinued in  some  office  in  his  household ;  and  to  restore  anything  that  ouiy 
have  been  levied  from  him  on  that  account.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  15.  Revocation  of  the  protection  with  clause  vo/tii/iut,  for  one  year,  lately 
Westminster,  granted  by  letters  patent  to  Hugh  Johns  of  the  town  of  Gloucester,  *  chap- 
man '  alias  '  yoman,'  in  the  belief  that  he  Was  to  stay  on  the  king's  service 
in  the  company  of  John  Wode,  king's  esquire,  victualler  of  the  town  and 
castle  of  Calais  and  the  marches  of  the  same  in  the  parts  of  Picardy,  on 
the  safe-custody,  defence,  and  victualling  of  the  same,  because  he  at  Glou- 
ster  makes  codtiaual  stay,  as  appears  by  certificate  of  the  sheriff  of  the 

Feb.  28.  General  pardon  to  David  ap  Howell,  late  of  Ovyng,  co.  Buckingham, 

Westminster.  <  gentilman,'  for  all  offences  committed  by  him  before  21  February.    By  K. 

Feb.  28.         Grant  for  life  to  John  Clerk,  chaplain,  warden  of  the  king's  chantry  in 
Westminster,  le  Charnell  within  the  town  of  Scardeburgh,  co.  York,  founded  by  Richard 
'"  II.  of  6  marks  yearly  from  Michaelmas  last  for  his  sustenance,  from  the 

fee  farm  of  the  said  town  and  the  farm  of  the  manor  of  Wallesgrave. 

By  p.8. 

J462.  Mbmbranb  14. 

Sept.  16*  The  like  to  Joan  late  the  wife  of  Edmund  Ingaldesthorp,  knight,  of 
Westminster.  HI/.  Of.  2}</.  yearly  from  the  subsidy  and  ulnage  of  cloths  in  the  counties 
of  Norfolk,  Suffolk,  and  Essex,  in  recompense  of  the  same  sum  assigned 
to  her  in  dower  out  of  au  annuity  of  500  marks  yearly  at  the  Exchequer, 
of  which  her  husband  was  seised  m  his  demesne  as  of  tee,  by  John  Thorn- 
bury,  late  escheator  in  the  county  of  Middlesex,  on  6  December,  35  Henry 
VI.  Bj  p.s. 

Nov.  2.  Ratification  of  letters  patent  dated  8  July,  1  Edward  lY.  being  a  grant 

Westminster,  during  good  behaviour  to  Master  Henry  Sharp,  doctor  of  laws,  of  the 

office  of  prothonotary  of  the  Chancery,  receiving  50  marks  yearly  from  the 

ibsucs  of  the  hanaper,  which  he  Tears  might  be  invalid  by  reason  of  an  act 

in  the  last  Pariiament  at  Westminster. 

By  K.  and  for  ^  mark  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Oct.  20.  Signiiication  to  TV.    bitshop  of  Winchester,  of  the  royal  assent  to  the 

Westminster,  election  of  Thomas  Eohys,  a  brother  of  the  conventual  church  of  St.  Denis 
by  Suthampton,  of  the  order  of  St.  Augustine,  as  prior  of  that  place. 

May  14.  Grant  to  the  king's  tenants  of  the  town  of  Nassiugton  and  Yarwell  that 
I  Westminster,  they  shall  be  quit  of  the  imposition  of  1  mark  yearly  called  ^  Wodeshalfmarc,' 
newly  exacted  from  them  by  the  officers  of  the  king's  forest  of  Bokyngham 
contrary  to  ancient  custom,  and  all  other  exactions  contrary  to  custom,  and 
that  they  shall  have  free  common  for  their  cattle  and  beasts  in  Seweley 
and  elsewhere  within  the  forest,  as  do  the  king's  tenants  of  Clyff  and 
Stanyam.  By  K. 

Nov.  9.  Mandate  to  the  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Southampton  and  Wilts  for 

Westminster,  the  restitution  of  the  temporalities  of  the  priory  of  St.  Denis  by 
Soutlianipton,  of  the  order  of  St.  Augustine,  to  Thomas  Robis,  canon 
of  the  same,  whose  election  as  prior  W.  bishop  of  Winchester,  has  con* 
firmed,  and  whose  fealty  the  king  has  ordered  to  be  taken  by  the  abbot  o| 
Syde  by  Wincbobter. 

?20  CAtEN'DAR  Of  PATElfT  ROLLS. 

1462.  Membrane  U — cont. 

'  t 

The  like  to  John  Pajne,  mayor  of  Southampton  and  escheator  in  that 

Writ  de  itUendendo  in  pursuance  to  the  tenants. 


Jan.  24.         Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  Saintlegier,  one  of  the  esquires  of  the  body, 

Westmiiitter.   of  the  office  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  park  of  Guldeford,  co.  SuTey, 

receiving  the  herbage  and  pannage  of  the  park  for  wages.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  2S*         Grant  \o  Henry  Purpoint,  king's  esquire,  oi  the  office  of  steward  of  the 

Westminster,  lorc'ship  of  Mawnsfeld,  co.  ^Nottingham,  with  the  accustomed  fees  from  the 

issues  of  the  lordship  and  all  other  profits.  By  p.s.  [1115.] 

Grant  to  him  of  the  office  of  steward  of  the  lordship  of  Bolesore  and 
Horsley,  oo.  Derby,  with  fees  as  above. 

Grant  to  him  of  the  office  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  park  and  launde  of 
Clypston  and  '  palyser '  of  the  park,  with  fees  as  above. 

Jan.  30.         Grant  to  the  king's  servitor  Sanfrid  Arundell  and  the  heirs  male  of  his 

Westminster,  body  of  the  manor  of  Shevyoke  and  Antony  with  the  advowson  of  the 

church  there,  late  of  Thomas,  late  earl  of  Devon,  not  exceeding  the  yearly 

value  of  40/.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  31.         Grant  for  life  to  John  Rede,  one  of  the  yeomen  of  the  crown,  of  the 

Westminster,  manor  of  Quenecourt  in  the  parish  of  Est  Tederley,  co.  Southampton,  late 

of  Henry  Court,  servant  of  Henry,  late  duke  of  Somerset,  of  the  grant  of 

Henry  IV.  not  exceeding  the  value  of  22/.  yearly.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  28.  The  like  to  Alvred  Corneburgh,  king's  esquire,  usher  of  the  king's 
Westminster,  chamber,  of  the  manors  of  Penpolle,  Denai'dake  and  Lanyheyron,  co. 
Cornwall,  and  all  lands,  rents,  services,  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  courts 
leet,  views  of  frank-pledge,  warrens  and  all  other  liberties  late  of 
William  Vaux  alias  Faux,  attainted  of  high  treason  by  authority  of 
Parliament,  to  hold  by  fealty  only.  By  p.8. 

][4g2.  Mbmbrans  13. 

I  Oct.  20.         Mandate  to  the  escheator  in  the  counties  of  Cumberland  and  Westmore- 

Westminster,  land  for  the  restitution  of  the  temporalities  of  the  bishopric  of  Carlisle  to 
John  Eyngescotes,  ^vhom  the  Pope  has  appointed  bishop  in  the  place  of 
William,  deceased.     [^Fcedera.']  By  p,s. 

The  like  to  the  escheators  in  the  following  counties : — 




Writ  de  tntendendo  in  pursuance  to  the  tenants. 

Oct.  18.         Licence  for  the  president  of  the  chapter  of  the  priory  of  St.  Denis  by 
Westminster.   Suthanipton,  of  the  order  of  St.  Augustine,  in  the  diocese  of  Winchester, 
and  the  convent  of  that  place  to  elect  u  prior  in  the  place  of  William 
Norman,  deceased. 


Jan.  29.  Grant  to  the  mayor  and  society  of  the  merchants  of  the  staple  of  the 
Westminster,  town  of  Calais,  in  recompense  of  4,322/.  7^.  lent  by  them  to  the  king  for 
payment  of  the  wages  of  the  captain  and  soldiers  of  the  town  and  the  castle 
and  marches  there,  as  appears  by  an  entry  in  the  pell  at  the  receipt  of  the 
Exchequer,  that  they  may  ship  sacks  or  cloves  of  wool  and  wool-fells  from 
any  ports  in  the  realm  to  the  said  town  of  Calais  quit  of  the  subsidy  and 
custom  granted  by  authority  of  Parliament,  viz.  40s.  for  each  sack  of  wool 
or  every  240  wool-fells  shipped  by  natives  and  4  marks  for  the  same  shipped 
by  aliens,  until  these  acquittance:)  shall  reach  the  said  sum  of  4,322/.  7^. 


2  EDWARD  IV,— Part  II,  321 

14g2,  /  '  Membrane  13 — cont. 

f.    Nov.  5,  Grant  for  life  to  John  CJiffe,  one  o£  the  king's  minstrels^  of  10  marks 

Westmioster.  yearly  from  Easter  last  from  the  fee  farm  of  the  hundreds  of  Keftesgatc, 
Holford  and  Greston  with  the  fairs  and  markets  held  in  the  town  of 
Wyncheeombe,  by  the  hands  of  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Wyncheoombe. 

By  PA  [1076.] 

The  like  to  William  Wykes,  one  of  the  king's  minstrels,  of  10  marks 
yearly  from  Easter  last  from  the  same,     i  By  the  same  writ  [1077.] 


March  2.        General  pardon  to  Thomas  Elwyk,  late  of  Calais,  esquire.  By  K. 


I4Q2.  Membranb  12. 

Aug.  1.  Impeximus  and  confirmation  to  the  burgesses  of  Lostwithyel  and  Penk- 

Westminster,   nek  in  Cornwall  of  letters  patent  dated  20  February,  3  Richard  II.  inspecting 

and  confirming  a  charter  dated  at  Cippenham,  30  October,  19  Edward  II. 

inspecting  and  confirming  a  charter  of  Richard,  earl  of  Cornwall,  kiog  of 

the  Romans,  dated  at  Watlinton,  13  July,  in  the  twelfth  year  of  his  reign. 

For  20^.  paid  in  the  hanaper. 

Not.  20.         Mandate  to  all  persons  to  pennit  William  Buteler,  chaplain,  a  native  of 

Westminster,  the  city  of  St.  Andrews  in  Scotland,  dwelling  at  Charryug,  co.  Kent,  who  hos 

taken  an  oath  of  fealty,  to  inhabit  the  realm  peacefully  and  enjoy  his  goods. 

By  p,s. 

Dec.  4.  Like  mandate  in  favour  of  William  Aiayn,  *  smyth,'  a  native  of  Anehand 

Westminster,   in  Scotland,  dwelling  at  Challoke,  co.  Kent.  By^)  s. 


Feb.  4.  Like  mandate  in  favour  of  Robert  Hikkesson,  ^yoman,'  a  native  of  Dund^ 

Westminster,   in  Scotland,  dwelling  at  Estmallyng,  co.  Kent.  By  p.8. 

March  1.        Like  mandate  in  favour  of  David  Smyth,  chaplaiti,  a  native  of  Aburdenp 
Westminster,  in  Scotland,  dwelling  at  Peterborough.  By  p.s. 


Oct.  20.  Confirmation  to  James  Goldewell,  clerk,  doctor  of  laws,  archdeacon  of 
Westminster.  Essex,  and  his  successors  of  all  his  estate  in  a  messuage  with  a  cnrtilsge 
and  garden  adjacent  and  4^  acres  of  land  with  wards,  marriages,  reliefs, 
escheats,  heriots,  suits,  courts  and  all  appurtenances,  in  Stratford  Laogthorii 
in  the  parish  of  Westham,  co.  Essex,  and  the  fealty  and  service  of  12*.  l\d. 
and  a  rose  yearly  rent  from  divers  tenements  in  the  said  parish,  which 
Robert  Orpy,  James  Alveley,  clerks,  John,  bishop  of  Worcester,  Thomas^ 
bishop  of  Bath,  and  Richard  Andrewe,  clerk,  demised  to  him  in  mortmain 
without  licence.  By  E. 


Jan.  22.  Grant  to  John  Scotte,  king's  knight,  controller  of  the  king's  household, 
Westminster,  and  his  heirs  and  assigns  of  two  parts  of  the  manors  or  lor^hips  of  Old- 
swynford,  Gannowe  and  Snowdesbury,  uo.  Worcester,  late  of  James  Botiller 
alias  Ormond,  late  earl  of  Wiltshire,  lately  granted  by  letters  patent  to  Fulk 
Stafford,  esquire,  now  deceased  without  heir,  and  the  reversion  of  the  third 
part  on  the  death  of  Margaret,  late  the  wife  of  the  said  Fulk,  with  all 
privileges,  rights,  advowsons  and  profits.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  26.  Grant  for  life  to  William  Hastings,  knight,  lord  of  Hastynges,  of  the 

Westminster,  office  of  receiver  general  of  tho  duchy  of  Cornwall  and  the  portage  of  the 
king's  money  from  the  issues  of  the  duchy,  with  a  fee  of  41/.  yearlj'  from  the 
issues  of  the  dnchy  and  al^o  the  portage  in  the  same  manner  as  John 
Brekuok,  Thomas  Glouceslre,  Robert  Whilynghum  and  Louis  John,  late 
severally  receivers  general,  had  with  all  oth